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Saturday, May 22, 2021
2 Second Ave. S., Suite 135, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379
Vol. 167, No. 7
Memorial Day events return Community invited to honor fallen military members BY NATASHA BARBER STAFF WRITER
SAUK RAPIDS – After a year of limited events as the coronavirus took hold, American Legions and Veterans of Foreign Affairs posts will again gather with the community to take pause and remember our nation’s fallen military members. Memorial Day honors those who have lost their lives while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Originating following the Civil War, Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday of each May, and became a federally-recognized holiday in 1971. This year, Memorial Day is observed Monday, May 31. The following events are those known by the Sauk Rapids Herald staff at press time: Mayhew Lake Annunciation Church – 9965 Mayhew Lake Road N.E., Sauk Rapids – will host a Memorial Day Mass at 10:30 a.m. Monday, May 31. The Mass will take place in the cemetery, and Sauk Rapids VFW Post 6992 color guard will join the service at 11 a.m. If raining, the Mass will be moved to the church.
Memorial Day page 3
Night under the
Prom dates Ashley Konietzko and Tucker Hendrickson liven up grand march with silly string. Sauk Rapids-Rice High School hosted prom May 15.
page 11 & 14
Summer looks promising for Workers get busy with grounds preparation
county fair
SAUK RAPIDS – Let the countdown begin. With 78 days left before opening day of the county fair, Benton County Agricultural Society and Benton County 4-H members gathered at the fairgrounds in Sauk Rapids May 16 for physical preparation. Youth and adults alike took advantage of the “fair” weather and got to work, cleaning flower beds, raking leaves, dispersing mulch and more. “We didn’t have a fair last year, and I don’t think any of this got done
Brian Pozorski, of Foley, shovels mulch into the flower bed that welcomes people to the Benton County Fairgrounds May 16 in Sauk Rapids. Pozorski participated in a fourhour event that called on Benton County Agricultural Society and Benton County 4-H members to assist in cleaning up the grounds.
Prom is in his first tural Society, the civic last year,” Ted Prom said. “The grounds was pretty year as president of the group which has orgamuch 100% shut down.” Benton County Agricul- nized the Benton County
OBITUARIES • Deborah Ludwig • Beulah M. Zierden
• Mortgage Foreclosure - pg. 17 • Summons - pg. 17 • Probate Notice - Brown - pg. 17 • Probate Notice - Pflipsen - pg. 16
PUBLIC NOTICES • Assumed Name - New Season 150155 Treatment Center - pg. 17 • Benton County Ditch No. 3 Public Hearing - pg. 17 • Benton County Ord. No. 481 - pg. 17
Fair since 1913. He participated in 4-H and as a volunteer before joining the board over 15 years ago. Sunday afternoon’s event was a precursor of the return of summer activity on the fairgrounds after the coronavirus pandemic shuttered the area in summer 2020. With some COVID-19 restrictions lifting, Prom said the season looks promising to host a fair. “We’re cautiously optimistic that we go back to normal,” he said. “Before the latest announcements, we were planning from 50% (capacity) to wide open. We’re hoping we’re going to be back to as normal as possible barring a new outbreak, barring that something happens out of our control.”
• Benton County Board of Commissioners Reg. Minutes, May 4 - pg. 16 • Notice of Sheriff ’s Sale - pg. 16
Fairgrounds page 3
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