Sacred Heart Parish’s 14-member handbell choir can trace its genesis to one bell and one memory.
In November 2009, a choir member at the Sauk Rapids Catholic church died, and the single bell was offered as a gift.
A generous parish couple then donated two octaves of bells and related music supplies to further honor the deceased member’s memory.
“That particular couple also donated three octaves of tone chimes,” said Sarah Woeste, Sacred Heart’s director of music and liturgy.
Last year, the parish did not have enough bells for its childrens handbell choir.
“The same family donated a duplicate set of the middle two octaves,” she said. “Now, we have double ringers, and each child has a bell to ring.”
The Sacred Heart Ringers was the second bell choir started within the Sauk Rapids parish, Woeste said.
The smaller group included teens and played for about four years before taking a break.
After re-starting during the coronavirus pandemic,
the Sacred Heart Ringers merged into Bells of the Heart to make one choir.
“We are definitely back,” Woeste said. “We’ve rang three times this year. Normally, we would have rung once. We’re gearing up for Christmas Eve and New Year’s Day.”
The additional bells have benefited Bells of the Heart by allowing the group to double ring. Each ringer has two pitches including the sharps or flats for those pitches, Woeste said.
Ringer are responsible for four bronze bells each. Bells are laid out in keyboard order with the deepest-toned G3 bell farthest to the left and the highest C7 on the right.
Ringers wear special gloves to protect the bronze bells from the oils on their hands.
Gloves for the bass bell ringers have extra padding to help provide cushion from the repetitive weight of the bells, which are percussion instruments, Woeste said.
“Each fall we advertise for new members,” she said. “Music reading skills and a good sense of rhythm are very helpful. New members meet with me one on one to try the bells. The bell choir is a wonderful way to bring people together to make music.”
During a late November practice session, the group’s love of festival bell music and compassion for each other came through as clearly as a beautifully sounded note.
Every once in a while, there was a little ribbing about page turning skills or other technical aspects, but all comments were good natured and in the spirit of fun.
“Sarah is amazing,” said Marcia Riedel, a Bells of the Heart choir member. “She challenges us, and everybody helps each other.”
Riedel and her husband, Lee, joined the choir as the
Bells of the Heart member Rose Fritz rings a bells during a Nov. 28 practice session at Sacred Heart Parish in Sauk Rapids. Bells of the Heart performances include Sacred Heart’s 10 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass and the New Year’s Day Mass at 9 a.m.
pandemic subsided.
“When COVID-19 hit, I had been a Eucharistic minister and lector, and my husband was involved in the choir and ushering,” she said. “When we were allowed to physically return to church, the choir wasn’t singing yet, but bell choir was playing.”
The Riedels joined the choir as a team.
“We just wanted to return to Mass and be a part of it and have fun,” she said.
Jeff and JoAnn Mo, Alvin and Ruth Beniek, Woeste and her son, Jacob, and Dave Backes and Autumn Hedstrom, a grandfather and granddaughter duo, represent other family combinations within the Bells of the
handbell choir family.
“Sarah directs us, but the person next to you is important because you listen to them,” Backes said. “That helps if you get lost. We highlight the parts we play.”
Backes said one of his biggest challenges was learning how handle the bells.
A bell ringer holds two bells, but rings one at a time. It took him a long time to get the feel and the position that is needed to perform correctly, he said.
“You can always see the group’s improvement,” Backes said. “Once we do a piece three or four times, you can tell when someone has perfected their timing.”
During Mass, Bells of the Heart helps the assembly to worship through the beauty of sound, Woeste said, adding it is fun to play at Christmas Eve Mass.
“We have a lot of fun,” Riedel said. “Sarah makes it relaxing and doable.”
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(Left) Handbells at Sacred Heart Parish are kept in special cases when they are not being used. The bells are polished after every practice to keep them clean.
Coco’s Kiddie Care- Rice
Dear Santa,
My name is Amelia. I am 3 years old. I live in Rice. For Christmas this year I would like a baby doll that talks. Thank you, Amelia
Dear Santa, My name is Autumn. I am 4 years old. I love in Little Falls. For Christmas this year I would like a toy dinosaur.
Thank you, Autumn
Dear Santa, My name is Jackson. I am 4 years old. I live in Rice. For Christmas this year I would like lots of monster trucks and a new sleigh. Thank you, Jackson
Dear Santa, My name is Amelia. I am 4 years old. I live in Little Falls. For Christmas this year I would like a new baby doll that’s big. Thank you, Amelia
Dear Santa,
My name is Autumn. I am 10 years old. I live in Rice. For Christmas this year I would like a kittin and a magic mixies. Thank you, Autumn
Dear Santa,
My name is RaeLynn. I am 3 years old. I live in Rice. For Christmas this year I would like a playhouse. Thank you, RaeLynn
Brenda’s Country Side Daycare
Dear Santa, My name is Vera. I am 3 years old. I live in Rice. For Christmas this year I would like a new teddy bear, a unicorn, a blue tractor, baby dolls, a new floor in my room for my dolls, a new little dog for my sisters, homework for my color pencils when I grow up and some pretty flowers for my room!
Thank you, Vera
Dear Santa, My name is Layla. I am 3 years old. I live in Rice. I think Santa wants to bring me a rocketship. I also want a monkey and a doll and new shoes and a lovely pink dress. If you have Dora toys, I would like those too.
Thank you, Layla
Dear Santa, My name is Bradley. I am 10 years old. I live in Little Falls. For Christmas this year I would like a big remote-control car a J.D. 8430 toy tractor (big size) and a 22 rifle for hunting. Thank you, Bradley
Dear Santa, My name is Julie. I am 8 years old. I live in Little Falls. For Christmas this year I would like Polly pockets and Rainbow High dolls. I would like to have some Champion sweat pants and more sweatshirts and a purse pet.
Thank you, Julie
Dear Santa, My name is Wesley. I am 5 years old. I live in Little Falls. For Christmas this year I would like my own B.B gun, a bulldozer toy and mommy new earrings. For daddy-new Tom & Jerry movies. For Julie a Rainbow High doll and Bradley a new dirt bike. Oh and a police remote control car!
Thank you, Wesley
Dear Santa, My name is Landon. I am 3 years old. I live in Royalton. For Christmas this year I would like bulldozer toys…lots! A new excavator and any toys to play in the dirt with. Dump truck would be good too! James would like an airplane toy. A dozen eggs for mommy too.
Thank you, Landon
Dear Santa, My name is Sawyer. I am 4 years old. I live in Rice. For Christmas I would like a watch, toy tractors, another skid loader for my sister, a toy road, newspaper for Mom and a wrench for Dad and the big nerf gun.
Thank you, Sawyer
My name is Emmeline. I am in the 5th grade. Christmas to me means the birth of Jesus and celebration.
Dear Santa, My name is Lucas. I am 3 years old. I live in Rice. For Christmas this year I would like Paw Patrol cars and talking Paw Patrols. Ben would like new tractors! Nora would like more Barbies.
Thank you, Lucas
Dear Santa,
My name is Wyatt. I am 8 years old. I live in Royalton. For Christmas this year I would like a nerf gelfire mythic. My family, a sky viper Journey GPS drone and a Nike Vikings jersey.
Thank you, Wyatt
Dear Santa, My name is Quinn. I am 6 years old. I live in Royalton. For Christmas this year I would Lols, Rainbow high dolls, an American girl doll, a Barbie airplane, a Vikings jersey, my generation ballet doll and a Lol camper.
Thank you, Quinn
Dear Santa,
My name is Piper. I am 2 years old. I live in Royalton. For Christmas this year I would like a fish and a dolly! I would like treats and toy slippers (princess ones) high heels I want books and toy food, and all the daycare toys.
Thank you, Piper
Dear Santa,
My name is Kinslee. I am 8 years old. I live in Royalton. For Christmas this year I would like Friends Legos, stuffed animal with Barbies inside, putty, makeup, crystal lab kit (glow in the dark), fidgets, boy Rainbow High Doll, diary, phone.
Thank you, Kinslee
Dear Santa,
My name is Kallan. I am 6 years old. I live in Royalton. For Christmas this year I would like a huge dinosaur and a pocket knife. I also would like a B.B gun and a snowboard. A new pillow case and nerf gun if you have room.
Thank you, Kallan
Dear Santa, My name is Roriana. I am 11 years old. I live in Royalton. For Christmas this year I would like a new books. I want lego Friend toys. I would also like an ipad, and a paint set (not water color paint) Thank you, Roriana
Nicole Morris Daycare
Dear Santa, My name is Delainey. I am 9 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas I would like some Barbies and littlest pet shops also a Lexieboot robot and a little toy car or like a tent toy and more elfs, also I would to have Otto back pleeeaaassseee. Merry Christmas Santa. Thank you, Delainey
Dear Santa, My name is Renly. I am 2 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like a monster truck, cars, Bluey toys, and hot wheels. Thank you, Renly
Dear Santa, My name is Ryker. I am 4 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like big monster truck, Paw Patrol, coloring books, learning books, Bluey toys, and hot wheels, also a space ship. Thank you, Ryker
Dear Santa, My name is Jackson. I am 2 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like a bulldozer, a dump truck, and a crane truck.
Dear Santa, My name is Paisley. I am 7 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like OMG dools, LOL, Barbie, Lexibook Robot, slime, bike, coloring book, and Otto back. Marry Christmas. Thank you, Paisley
Dear Santa, My name is Bennett. I have 3 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like John Deere tractors, toy farm animals, big monster truck, cars for my race track, new socks, new shovel.
Thank you, Bennett
Sara Dietman Daycare Dear Santa, My name is Sawyer. I am 4 years old. I live in Brainerd. For Christmas this year I would like the green dinosaur, a big truck, a dump truck, toy animals and a sled for snow.
Thank you, Sawyer
Dear Santa, My name is Ava. I am 2 years old. I live in Rice. For Christmas this year I would like some books, baby dolls, play-doh, painting supplies, coloring books and crayons. Thank you, Ava
Dear Santa, My name is Chester. I am 2 years old. I live in Rice. For Christmas this year I would like some dinosaurs, cars & trucks, cookies, warm jammies, trains, coloring books and crayons.
Thank you, Chester
Dear Santa, My name is Jakin. I am 4 years old. I live in Rice. For Christmas this year I would like a coloring book, toy trains, a monster truck, some warm jammies, some markers and a bike.
Thank you, Jakin
Dear Santa, My name is Mason. I am 3 years old. I live in Rice. For Christmas this year I would like a truck, books, a monster truck, dinosaurs, sand box toys, a tool box set and a blanket.
Thank you, Mason
Amanda’s Little Angels
Dear Santa, My name is Case. I am 3 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like a tractor, car, dirt, crocs.
Thank you, Case
Dear Santa, My name is Brielle. I am 2 years old. I live in Sartell. For Christmas this year I would like an airplane, Minnie Mouse kitchen with food.
Thank you, Brielle
Dear Santa, My name is McKenna. I am 2 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like baby dolls, play food.
Thank you, McKenna
Dear Santa, My name is Mylah. I am 4 years old. I live in Sartell. For Christmas this year I would like an ambulance, Barbie camper, Barbie playground.
Thank you, Mylah
Dear Santa, My name is Milo. I am 4 years old. I live in Rice. For Christmas this year I would like Spiderman stuff
Thank you, Milo
Dear Santa, My name is Liam. I am 4 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like dinosaurs, Pikachu, big big big dinosaur. Thank you, Liam
Dear Santa, My name is Ryker. I am 9 months old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like books, cars and trucks, lots of snuggles. Thank you, Ryker
Dear Santa, My name is Flynn. I am 1 year old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like lots of snuggles, books, tractors. Thank you, Flynn
Bonnie Daycare Dear Santa, My name is Avery. I am 5 years old. I live in Foley. For Christmas this year I would like horse, bouncey, pink snow boots. Thank you, Avery
Dear Santa, My name is Walter. I am 1 years old. I live in Foley, MN. Santa, how is Commit? I would like anything Paw Patrol Rubble and some cars.
Thank you, Walter
Dear Santa, My name is Dominic. I am 8 years old. I live in Foley. For Christmas I would like a four ten or a blind or I would like a 100$ shotgun. Please. Thank you, Dominic
Dear Santa, My name is Alyson. I am 4 years old. I live in Foley, MN. Santa, how are you? How are the reindeer? I would like the Paw Patrol Look out tower, trucks and tracker. And Elsa and Anna please. And Olaf. Thank you, Alyson
Dear Santa, My name is Tucker. I am 8 years old. I live in Foley. For Christmas this year I would like I like a laptop. I like littile tratrs. I like big tratrs. I wont atoy boat. Toy lego set. I like a PS4. I like a toy snowbeles.
Thank you, Tucker
Dear Santa, My name is Leo. I am 1 1/2 years old. I live in Foley. Dear Santa, I have been pretty good, I kept most adults busy. I am perfecting my terrific two skills. I would like some crayons, which I will only color on plain paper. I would also like some Hotwheel cars or tractors.
Thank you, Leo
Dear Santa, My name is Paisley. I am 7 years old. I live in St. Cloud. Thank you Santa’s me and Kinley wouled my sistr she woled my daby doll. Her sister will like a doll.
Thank you, Paisley
Dear Santa, My name is Meara. I am 4 years old. I live in Foley. Dear Santa, I have been a good girl. I play well with my sister. I do like frozen things, but also Santa could you please bring me some crayons, coloring books, and maybe some markers. Santa I also like candy. Santa also could you bring my Dad and Mom some coffee.
Thank you, Meara
Dear Santa, My name is Cleo. I am 1 1/2 years old. I live in Foley. Dear Santa, I have been pretty good. Santa could you please bring me some crayons, a baby doll , and some blocks.
Thank you, Cleo
Dear Santa, My name is Haddie. I am 2 years old. I live in Foley MN. For Christmas this year I would like please can you get me a pink toy dumptruck. Thank you!
Thank you, Haddie
Foley Elementary Dear Santa, My name is Penny. I am 6 years old. I live in Foley, MN. For Christmas this year I would like a unicorn set up. A real puppy. Thank you, Penny
Dear Santa, My name is Charlotte. I am 5 years old. I live in Rice, MN. For Christmas this year I would like pink ipad, pink slime, pink dresses, unicorns, mermoid fairy books. Thank you, Charlotte
Dear Santa, My name is Mazie. I am 5 years old. I live in the woods. For Christmas this year I would like a barbie jeep, a dollhouse and a tablet. We have chocolate chip cookies and milk for you. Thank you, Mazie
Dear Santa, My name is Mallory. I am 5 years old. I live in St. Cloud, MN. For Christmas this year I would like mini brands, hatchimals, slime, squish mellow.
Thank you, Mallory
Dear Santa, My name is Remington. I am years 6 old. I live in Foley, MN. For Christmas this year I would like a watch with video games, more pokemon cards and a ninjgo lego set. Thank you Santa.
Thank you, Remington
Dear Santa, My name is Victor. I am 6 years old. I live in Foley, MN. For Christmas this year I would like adiss nerk gyn. Thank you, Victor
Dear Santa, My name is Aorielle. I am 6 years old. I live in Milaca, MN. For Christmas this year I would like money and a phone and a pop it unicorn.
Thank you, Aorielle
Dear Santa, My name is Walter. I am 5 years old. I live in Foley, MN. For Christmas this year I would like a hotwheels racetrack and some race cars to zoom on it and a tiger-shark hotwheels monster truck. Thank you Santa! You’re the best!
Thank you, Walter
Dear Santa, My name is Jameson. I am 5 years old. I live in Rice, MN. For Christmas this year I would like Magnatiles, a play grill with play food, a “cat boy” robot and PJ Mask’s car, legos for ages 6+.
Thank you, Jameson
Dear Santa, My name is Leo. I am 5 years old. I live in Foley, MN. For Christmas this year I would like a komodo dragon lovey, a zebra lovey and 5 veleciraptor loveys, 5 unicorns too. A deer lovey and 5 duck loveys then 6 rainbow loveys, squishmellow.
Thank you, Leo
Dear Santa, My name is Owen. I am 6 years old. I live in Clear Lake, MN. For Christmas this year I would like a red and blue guitar and a power wheel, shorelax, eevee.
Thank you, Owen
Dear Santa, My name is Willow. I am 5 years old. I live in St. Cloud, MN. For Christmas this year I would like Gabby toys, books, stuffed animal.
Thank you, Willow
Dear Santa, My name is Joseph. I am 5 years old. I live in Oak Park, MN. For Christmas this year I would like a hotshot toy with a trailer and a chase truck and trailer and lots of farm toys. I have been a good boy this year.
Thank you, Joseph
Dear Santa, My name is Harper. I am 6 years old. I live in Foley, MN. Sorry for keeping a messy room! Please bring me a radio and new water bottle.
Thank you, Harper
Dear Santa, My name is Katherine. I am 6 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids, MN. For Christmas this year I would like barbie.
Thank you, Katherine
Dear Santa, My name is Zac. I am 5 years old. I live in Foley, MN. For Christmas this year I would like little wolverine, a toy dog. and a lego book, and a hoverboard. and a toy shark.
Thank you, Zac
Dear Santa, My name is Joshua. I am 6 years old. I live in Oak Park, MN. For Christmas this year I would like Starburst.
Thank you, Joshua
Dear Santa, My name is Layla. I am 5 1/2 years old. I live in Foley, MN. For Christmas this year I would like barbie rainbow sparkle hair doll. I think it would be so much fun to play with her beautiful hair.
Thank you, Layla
Dear Santa, My name is Jake. I am 6 years old. I live in Oak Park, MN. For Christmas this year I would like rare pokemon cards, three tickets to a Vikings game, a Kirk Cousins jersey and everyone to be kind and not naughty.
Thank you, Jake
Dear Santa, My name is Betty. I am 5 years old. I live in Foley, MN. For Christmas this year I would like famie to be toesether, airplune.
Thank you, Betty
Dear Santa, My name is Cash. I am 6 years old. I live in St. Cloud, MN. For Christmas this year I would like pokemon caras, pokemon head phones.
Thank you, Cash
Dear Santa, My name is Bristen. I am 5 years old. I live in Foley, MN. For Christmas this year I would like blue tractor, magnets, candy, TV, American flag wallet, work truck, fake money, golden pokemon cards, skid steer with forks and bucket, real money, WD40 for squeaky tractor wheels, lunch box John Deere, haylage chopper, silo, impact wrench, TMR mixer and a lawn mower.
Thank you, Bristen
Dear Santa, My name is Miah. I am 6 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids, MN. For Christmas this year I would like a little live pets bird and a Disney Maximus horse. I would also like a Kira American Girl Doll.
Thank you, Miah
Dear Santa, My name is Vivian. I am 5 years old. I live in St. Cloud, MN. For Christmas this year I would like Gabby’s dollhouse and princss kitcn set Gabbys game.
Thank you, Vivian
Dear Santa, My name is Allison. I am 6 years old. I live in Foley, MN. For Christmas this year I would like a new puzzle and a OMG doll. Thank you, Allison
Dear Santa, My name is Tucker. I am 8 years old. I live in Foley, MN. For Christmas this year I would like a ipad, a laptop, a pcys4, acid snowbell and potitoutsid, toy tratrs, a toy elf on the shelf, and a heded blankit, a little cawch.
Thank you, Tucker
Dear Santa, My name is Annabel. I am 8 years old. I live in Foley, MN. For Christmas this year I would like a ckpeetr. A sleecke towe. slime. Rwbeer and coorn strch. I want a pupy. 100 dolr. Thank you, Annabel
Dear Santa, My name is Jacob. I am 7 years old. I live in Foley, MN. For Christmas this year I would like a eiechret bikel and a liettle dog. Thank you, Jacob
Dear Santa, My name is Quinn. I am 7 years old. I live in Rice, MN. For Christmas this year I would like a american girl doll school & a american girl doll sulon & a folweeler $ a big big beedset & a big big coloring set & a dog & a iphone & a 100 dolars. Thank you. Love, Quinn
Dear Santa, My name is Levi. I am 7 years old. I live in the countrie. For Christmas this year I would like toy dineosor and dermtoy. Thank you, Levi
Dear Santa, My name is Ayana. I am 8 years old. I live in Foreston, MN. For Christmas this year I would like happyniss, baby alive, a toy vanady, evry buty to be happy, baby stuff. Thank you, Ayana
Dear Santa, My name is Angel. I am 8 years old. I live in between Foley and Mlacka so country. For Christmas this year I would like a new iPhone12pm and cunedicsand pls and a pitball pls. Thank you, Angel
Dear Santa, My name is Everett. I am 7 years old. I live in Foley, MN. For Christmas this year I would like all pokemon things, all akedo warriors, video games, computer, phone, Mario Kart stuff (but not the video game), electric stuff, Eevee pillow, Eevee blanket, everything Eevee and Eevee’s ecolutions, worl’s best pokemon stuff.
Thank you, Everett
Dear Santa, My name is Madalynne. I am 7 years old. I live in Foley, MN. For Christmas this year I would like a rambew high house and the drum rambew high doll and makupe.
Thank you, Madalynne
Dear Santa, My name is Ava. I am 8 years old. I live in Foleey, MN. For Christmas this year I would like dog aind a dlle aind sningo ana lot no good copini quine nquh.
Thank you, Ava
Dear Santa, My name is Landon. I am 7 years old. I live in Foley, MN. For Christmas this year I would like a new big joy, I want a new nekless, I want a new heewjtety dare.
Thank you, Landon
Dear Santa, My name is Braden. I am 7 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids, MN. For Christmas this year I would like a catchalinger, a semi. Thank you, Braden
Dear Santa, My name is Lindsey. I am 7 years old. I live in Palmer, MN. For Christmas this year I would like a rado hidol and I wont a litl thapleen.
Thank you, Lindsey
Dear Santa, My name is Gabbi. I am 7 years old. I live in Palmer, MN. For Christmas this year I would like a kidy buzz and barbes.
Thank you, Gabbi
Dear Santa, My name is Tyler. I am 8 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids, MN. For Christmas this year I would like a tratr with ten wheels on each side.
Thank you, Tyler
Dear Santa, My name is Lillian. I am 9 years old. I live in St. Cloud. For Christmas this year I would like claw clips, nike socks, Tree Hut body scurbs. A mirror so I can see how pretty I look. Thank you, Lillian
Dear Santa, My name is Abby. I am 9 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like a three dog name card and all lot of unicorn stuff an animal. Thank you, Abby
Dear Santa, My name is Devin. I am 9 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I want an iPhone SE. I want a dog named Gus. I love you Santa, and a elf on the shelf.
Thank you, Devin
Dear Santa, My name is Addalyn. I am 10 years old. I live in Rice. For Christmas this year I would like scarey books more suffed animals and lots of slime and a soft blanket and last a puppy named Rocko and for it to be a boy. I love you. Thank you, Addalyn
Dear Santa, My name is Sawyer. I am 10 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like a hoverboard, some new football gloves, a baby golden retever, and some dog food. I believe in you Santa.
Thank you, Sawyer
Dear Santa, My name is Alyssa. I am 9 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like a new comfy socks, another puppy, and harry Potter Lego set. I’v been as good as I can be.
Thank you, Alyssa
Dear Santa, My name is Sofia. I am 9 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like a new telloscop, some Harry Potter stuff, a kitty, a little fox stufey and a new friend. You are the best Santa! Thank you, Sofia
Dear Santa, My name is Trinity. I am 10 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like nintendo, towladorgine cars gold dark blue. Puppy small. and a plushy. I love you Santa! and a new hoverboard. Thank you, Trinity Dear Santa, My name is Parker. I am 9 years old. I live in Sartell. For Christmas this year I would like 450 robox, new headphones, Bayblades, and a Minecraft book. I love you Santa! Thank you, Parker
Dear Santa, My name is Peyton. I am 9 years old. I live in Rice. For Christmas this year I would like a ripstick a rotweiler puppy. A new desk. New legos and a go kart. Thank you, Peyton
Dear Santa, My name is Taylor. I am 9 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like a Mrs. Summerville for 14 days.
Thank you, Taylor
Dear Santa, My name is Loralei. I am 9 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like a puppy named Lille. Can I have 50 $ loge friends. A kitten named Kille a girle. I want some new hats.
Thank you, Loralei
Dear Santa, My name is Colten. I am 10 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like a new dog, a huverboad. and a applewatch, amd phone. A new baseball bat and glove and a hamster.
Thank you, Colten
Dear Santa,
My name is Holland. I am 10 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like a new puppy named snow flake. New loition. I want a new cute swim suit. New markers. I promise I’ve been good! and lastly world peice.
Thank you, Holland
Dear Santa, My name is Jamel. I am 10 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like a puppy named J Rock, a new basketball hoop, a 13,500 v bucks, a gecko named Levi, and I wanna win 2 lottery tickets. Thats all I want Santa! I’ve been super good. Bye Santa!
Thank you, Jamel
Dear Santa, My name is Landon. I am 9 years old. I live in Rice. For Christmas this year I would like a long bord, a boston terrier named Gus. I also want a miceroscope and a new pare uv funny soxs and a lago set. Thank you Santa, Landon
Dear Santa, My name is Mason. I am 9 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like a new hockey stick, lego sets, new elbow bads, hockey bag, rollerblades, basketball hoop, iPhone 13 pass master, sports cards. Love you Santa. Thank you, Mason
Dear Santa, My name is Hudson. I am 9 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like a axolotl with the tank with some food for it. Have a good Christmas. Thank you, Hudson
Dear Santa, My name is Kayden. I am 10 years old. I live in Sartell. For Christmas this year I would like new videp games. There are not many things I want. Thank you, Kayden
Dear Santa, My name is Thomas. I am 10 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like a monitor and a desk and teck deck and Tyreek Hill Miami Dolphins signed jersey. Thank you, Thomas
Dear Santa, My name is Levi. I am 11 years old. I live in St. Cloud. For Christmas this year I would like a Patrick Mohomes jersey and a Josh Allen jersey. I want a gel blasster and a black deck of cards. Thank you, Levi
Dear Santa, My name is Emma. I am 11 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would really like a laptop. I would also really want slime! I would be very happy with these. Also maybe a skateboard or snow board and money. Thank you, Emma
Dear Santa, My name is Lismery. I am 11 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I will like a puppy and a slime and I will like a iPad for my little brother. Thank you, Lismery
Dear Santa, My name is Chloe. I am 11 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like Pennywise myseery memouws. A comeperter and rubux fighets fluffy slime. Art stuff harry potter. Thank you, Chloe
Dear Santa, My name is Dylan. I am 10 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like a new chess board. I new skateboard. I would like some pokemon cards. Thank you, Dylan
Dear Santa, My name is Diaraye. I am 10 years old. I live in Sartell/Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like slime toy’s a lot of them also a pack of... candy christmas candy and a slime kit and figet’s! and that’s all I want Santa please bring extra extra slime. I believe you can do it Santa. Wait and also tell the eleves I said hello byee.
Thank you, Diaraye
Dear Santa, My name is Kendra. I am 10 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like Nike air max 270’s, Lululemon pant’s, Smily face slipper’s, Puppy, Fluffy slime, New desk, Nike air jordan 1’s (neon pink)
Thank you, Kendra
Dear Santa, My name is James. I am 10 years old. I live in Minnesota. For Christmas this year I would like for my mom and dad to get back togeter. I also want Wii games.
Thank you, James
Dear Santa, My name is Sylus. I am 8 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like a phone that flips open and a sled dog that is a pup.
Thank you, Sylus
Dear Santa, My name is Ariya. I am 7 years old. I live in Sartell. For Christmas this year I would like a pupy so me and my dod can play with. Some puty. So umasean stuf. Ges wut I wont a bff braslite.
Thank you, Ariya
Dear Santa, My name in Isaac. I am 8 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like a teluscope. Art supplies. More stuf anmals. A lizard. A bike.
Thank you, Isaac
Dear Santa,
My name is Zayn. I am 7 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like PS5 iPhone 14 huvr bord dog man molcchrulcar xbox nerfgun pokemon. Thank you, Zayn
Dear Santa, My name is Maro. I am 8 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like a phone and an iPad. I want to watsh TV wif my family aprs spaso. Thank you, Maro
Dear Santa, My name is Christine. I am 8 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like cat toys and a axalotl squshmelow and a cat sushmelow to and a big fox squshmelow and a husce squshmelow and a soft blacit and a ruber duck and a sled and a snow bowd and a new amarca flag and a buttrfly rug and a big ceeta squshmelow and glow in the dark stikrs and a fish toy.
Thank you, Christine
Dear Santa, My name is Jackson. I am 7 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like a VR a gaming chaire a pensel sharpener a blanket. Thank you, Jackson
Dear Santa, My name is Myah. I am 7 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like I Phone 12. Robux. Husskey pupy. Dog man books. gloob. enting Thank you, Myah
Dear Santa, My name is Nia. I am 8 years old. I live in Minnesota. For Christmas this year I would like sime and phon. Thank you, Nia
Dear Santa, My name is Carson. I am 8 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like I Phone 14, huvr bord, ps5, VR head sat, pokemon, Xbox, Dog man, nerf gun, I pad, baby huky. Thank you, Carson
Dear Santa, My name is Carson. I am 7 years old. I live in Minnesota. For Christmas this year I would like a PS4, a playstashain, Ginnis jeresey, toys, games, plushies, jererys, wallet buddy. Thank you, Carson
Dear Santa, My name is Ruby. I am 7 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like a wolit and a pokemon stuffe and lot of candy and a phone and a cakquladr. Thank you, Ruby
Dear Santa, My name is Micciah. I am 8 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like cat toys for my cats and Miincraft legos and 2 pokemon packs, huske scwush melos and nurotoe toys and dragon ball Z toys, nurf guns and EX and a IPhone, figes and toys. Thank you, Micciah
Dear Santa, My name is Shay. I am 8 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like make up, Marnieett doll, Adrin doll, and a hawk moth doll, a cute puppy please and other cute stuff. Thank you, Shay
Dear Santa, My name is Emma. I am 7 years old. I live in St. Cloud. For Christmas this year I would like a new iPad and a watch and a phone a cat a welle cat and cuiwing a camgbre. I love you!
Thank you Emma
Dear Santa, My name is Claire. I am 7 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like a Claireanet, Blakit, Snow toy, paw putrol toy, 1,000 bucks, pokemon cards, scinskit, Ipad, phone, blue sparcly cuvr, spacly cuvr.
Thank you, Claire
Dear Santa, My name is Connor. I am 7 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids. For Christmas this year I would like Pokemon cards. And a VR headset. And some candy. And 20$. And I want phone. Thank you, Connor
Dear Santa, My name is Brayden. I am 7 years old. I live in St. Cloud. For Christmas this year I would like a Xbox and a PS5 and a I phones and a huvr bord and ume dogmen and a TV and sume Pokemon.
Thank you, Brayden
Dear Santa, My name is Elizabeth. I am 7 years old. i live in Minnesota. For Christmas this year I would like a phone, hivrboard, glob, stufft animals, pupy, wodin toys, dog man books, and clothes.
Thank you, Love Elizabeth
Dear Santa, My name is Zander. I am 9 years old. I live in Foley.
For Christmas this year I would like Big star wars lego sets. Star wars toys. Oculus quest 4. Thank you, Zander
Dear Santa, My name is Keaton. I am 2 years old. I live in Foley. For Christmas this year I would like a dump truck, an excavator and a kitty :)
Thank you, Keaton
Dear Santa, My name is Crew. I am 4 years old. I live in Foley. For Christmas this year I would like a little new horse, a stuffed animal shark, and that’s it!
Thank you, Crew
Dear Santa, My name is Remington. I am 4 years old. I live in Foley. For Christmas this year I would like a remote control car and race track.
Thank you, Remington
Dear Santa, My name is Milly. I am 4 years old. I live in Foley. For Christmas this year I would like Owl number game, a barbie kitchen, sensory bin, horse thing with Chealse.
Thank you, Milly
Dear Santa, My name is Reed. I am 4 years old. I live in Foley. For Christmas this year I would like a remote control car, bulldozer, dump truck and an excavator.
Thank you, Reed
Dear Santa, My name is Brody S. I am 4 years old. I live in Foley. For Christmas this year I would like a remote control car, nerf gun and a barn.
Thank you, Brody
According to our recent Christmas tally, these were the favorite Christmas cookies in the Sauk Rapids Herald and Benton County News coverage areas.
Peanut Butter Blossoms
Frosted Molasses Cut Outs
Frosted Sugar Cookies
Chocolate Chip Snowball/Mexican Wedding Cakes/ Russian Teacakes Candy Cane looking Sugar Cookie Gingerbread Brownies
1 cup shortening (1/2 butter and 1/2 margarine)
1 cup sugar
3 eggs
3 1/2 cups sifted flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla
Frosting: 3 Tbsp. butter
2 1/2-3 cups powdered sugar
2 1/2-3 Tbsp. milk 1 tsp. vanilla
Cream butter and shortening. Gradually add sugar. Add eggs and beat well after each. Blend in dry ingredients and vanilla. Chill 3-4 hours. Roll rather thickly and cut with cookie cutters. Bake at 350 to 375 degrees for 8 minutes.
Frosting: Mix well and spread onto cooled cookies (can add food coloring)
1 1/2 cup Crisco
1/2 cup margarine or butter
1 cup white sugar
2 cup brown sugar
4 eggs
2 tsp. vanilla
2 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
5 cup flour (add more if needed) 12 oz. pkg. chocolate chips
Cream Crisco and sugars together. Add eggs and vanilla. Mix flour, baking soda and salt in a separate bowl. Slowly add flour mixture to sugar and Crisco mixture. Bake at 350 until lightly golden.
1/2 cup shortening
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/ cup brown sugar
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg
1 tsp. vanilla
1 3/4 cup all purpose flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
chocolate candy kisses or chocolate stars
Cream shortening and peanut butter. Add white sugar and brown sugar. Beat in egg and vanilla. Add dry ingredients and beat well. Shape teaspoonfuls of dough into a ball and roll in sugar. Bake on a greased cookie sheet in a preheated 375 degree oven for 10 minutes. Then removed from oven and place a chocolate candy piece on each cookie. Press down firmly so cookie cracks around the edge. Return to oven and bake 2-5 minutes more until golden brown. Yields about 4 dozen cookies.
1 cup lard
1/2 cup molasses
1/2 cup corn syrup
1/2 cup sugar
3-4 cup flour
1 large tsp. soda dissolved into 1/2 cup hot water
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. ginger
Mix all together in bowl. Stir in as much flour as needed. Roll out. Cut to desired shape. Bake 375-400 degrees in oven. Frost as desired.
Dear Santa, My name is Theo. I am 3 years old. I live in Foley. For Christmas this year I would like a remote control dinosaur, paw patrol tower and a red toy car. Thank you, Theo
Dear Santa, My name is Charlie. I am 2 years old. I live in Ramey. For Christmas this year I would like books, cash register and babies. Thank you, Charlie
Dear Santa, My name is Colt. I am 8 years old. I live in Foley. For Christmas this year I would like low boy, quodtractor, dirtbike, silege cuter, tool boxes / tools, tractors. Thank you, Colt
Dear Santa, My name is Draysen. I am 4 years old. I live in Rice, MN. For Christmas this year I would like a red motocycle, green shoes, new coat, playground Simba. Thank you, Draysen
Dear Santa, My name is Wyatt. I am 3 years old. I live in St. Cloud, MN. For Christmas this year I would like shiny train, toys, airplane, monster trucks. Thank you, Wyatt
Dear Santa, My name is Mya. I am 4 years old. I live in Rice, MN. For Christmas this year I would like baby dolls, Barbie camper, princess headbands, princess mirror and clothes, make up, little desk for playing school, princess shoes and wig.
Thank you, Mya
Dear Santa, My name is Lettie. I am 2 years old. I live in Sauk Rapids, MN. For Christmas this year I would like make up, dolly’s, unicorn toy, phone, purse, princess necklace, princess house.
Thank you, Lettie
Rice Elementary Dear Santa, My name is Xander. I am 7 years old. I live in Rice, MN. For Christmas this year I would like RC boat, Marvel funko pop, Nike shoes size 1, and clothes size 8 or medium. Thank you, Santa
Dear Santa, My name is Raayn. I am 7 years old. I live in Rice. For Christmas this year I would like candy, claw machine, watch, tablet, dolls, jewelry, Bubble machine, slime kit.
Thank you, Raayn
Dear Santa, My name is Sylvie. I am 7 years old. I live in Rice. For Christmas this year I would like a play school set that I can have white board and lik stuff that teacher’s have.
Thank you, Sylvie
Dear Santa, My name is Zoey. I am 7 years old. I live in Rice. For Christmas this year I would like lilttl reles I reel want a mack up. I want adarb a loot. I want a new house. a new dog. and a wach.
Thank you, Zoey
Dear Santa, My name is Hailey. I am 7 years old. I live in Rice. For Christmas this year I would like crayons, markears, color paper, white paper, stickers, cat stickers, dog stickers.
Thank you, Hailey
Dear Santa, My name is Nova. I am 8 years old. I live in Rice. For Christmas this year I would like jewlary like rings necklaces and bracelets. Also I would like it if I could have a stroler for my stufted animals. Thank you Santa Nova
Dear Santa, My name is Breanna. I am 7 years old. I live in Rice. For Christmas this year I would like dragen masters series. Thank you, Breanna
Dear Santa, My name is Rhys. I am 7 years old. I live in Rice MN. For Christmas this year I would like swishmelos, a new comfy and a tent. Thank you, Rhys
Dear Santa, My name is Janaea. I am 8 years old. I live in Rice Elementary. For Christmas this year I would like a omg dolls and a lol doll and a omg lol doll house and a Barbie dream house and two cry baby doll and another baby lol doll. Thank you, Janaea
Dear Santa, My name is Joseph. I am 7 years old. I live in Rice. For Christmas this year I would like a iphon 14, a rile fast Rc car. I want a fishigh rod. Thank you, Joseph
Dear Santa, My name is Emmett D. I am 7 years old. I live in Rice MN. For Christmas this year I would like a 100,000 mph R.C. car. A new ice fishing rod, ice fishing hooks. Thank you, Emmett
Dear Santa, My name is Dylan F. I am 7 years old. I live in Rice. For Christmas this year I would like Pomon cards. Thank you, Dylan
Dear Santa, My name is Rylan. I am 8 years old. I live in Rice MN. For Christmas this year I would like 5 iphone and 1000000$ and 2x mon loegs.
Thanks, Rylan
Bonnie’s Daycare
My name is Skylar. I am in 5th grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas is a time when everyone gets together and you have a good time and you eat some food for either lunch or supper.
My name is Sawyer. I am in 6th grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. What does Christmas mean to me it is the night that our Saviour was born Jesus Christ. So it means it’s a holy night and for me and me family.
My name is Dominic. I am in 3rd grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas means to me you have fun with your family never pout never cry never be mean allways have fun with your new gift.
My name is Jacob. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Love.
My name is Quinn. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Geting presents.
My name is Levi. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. luy santy.
My name is Ayana. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas means to me that Jesues was born.
My name is Angel. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. About spending time together and caring for one another. And we pray for God cuz it’s his BDay.
My name is Everett. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me.
My name is Madalynne. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas means I have it a lot. I like the snowe.
My name is Landon. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas means to me is my Grampa.
My name is Braden. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas means we get together.
My name is Lindsey. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas means to me speshl to me.
My name is Gabbi. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas means to me love, joy and fun.
My name is Tyler. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas means my famle and rideen.
My name is Grant. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Evreything.
My name is Conner. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas means love.
My name is Easton. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Spending time with my family and cusend, sleding.
My name is Gavin. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas means to me because I get to see my family.
My name is Evy. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas means to me to spend time whith my famly.
My name is Colter. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Jeses brthay.
My name is Gannon. I am in first grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas means to me i al hotjoclt.
My name is Brendan. I am in first grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas means presins and love and hugs.
My name is Alayna. I am in first grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas means love, Christmas means Jesis, Christmas means family, Christmas means joyfoll.
My name is Sam. I am in first grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas means presis and fun and love.
My name is Stella. I am in first grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas means Christmas is the best year evr.
My name is Barrett. I am in first grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. What Christnas stome prets and fandee sowig and play in the sow.
My name is Brilee. I am in first grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas means to me I get to open press and backing and playing and family I love.
My name is Remi. I am in first grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christrismis means to me I love fur you loves you mom.
My name is Coltan. I am in first grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Chriistmas means to me is the best and it fun.
My name is Daisy. I am in first grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas means to opin presins I to dacrasrasin crex jegbel.
My name is Everly. I am in first grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas means to me presis and santa and my favrit prs is flamlee.
Petra Lutheran School
My name is Jackson. I am in kindergarten. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas means candy canes and family.
My name is Hunter. I am in third grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas means thankfulness. Christmas means happiness.
My name is Tucker. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas means love and joy to me.
My name is Mya. I am in first grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas means love and joy. On Christmas it is Jesus birthday.
My name is Ada. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas means sharing the great joy of Jesus birth and that he is the one savior.
My name is Levi. I am in kindergarten. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas means family time and joy.
My name is Levi. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas is about having fun and joy. Christmas is about Christs birth.
My name is Abigail. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas is when Jesus was born. It is Jesus.
My name is Oleg. I am in kindergarten. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas means time with family.
My name is Elizabeth. I am in third grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Jesus is born. We get presents. We have joy.
My name is Emma. I am in fifth grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas means to be kind and caring and to think of others before your self.
My name is Lismery. I am in fifth grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. For me Christmas means sharing with your family and being nice to your frinds.
My name is Dylan. I am in fifth grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. It means to spend time with loved ones to be happy with freands.
My name is Diaraye. I am in fifth grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas mean’s love it not about presnt’s it’s about spending time with your family and friends and spending time with your eleves.
My name is Kendra. I am in fifth grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. To hang out with family and friends and celabrate jesus.
My name is Charles. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. It means a lot it means to get together with famoly.
My name is Bailey D. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. I love Christmas because I like snow!
My name is Raayn. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Spending time with my family and getting cool presents.
My name is Landon. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. family and frends. Celebrating Christmas by opening presents. Decorating my Christmas tree and visiting each other.
My name is Selan. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. I think Christmas is a fun because I go to my church in the morning.
My name is Kate. I am 7 years old. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Speding with family. Thank you fouy.
My name is Elijah. I am in kindergarten. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Having a sleepover at my Grandma’s house.
My name is Paxton. I am in kindergarten. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. My whole family goes to get a Christmas tree.
My name is Rosalie. I am in kindergarten. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Opening up presents and having hot chocolate.
My name is Jacob. I am in kindergarten. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Going to get a Christmas tree.
My name is Deglan. I am in kindergarten. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Getting together with my family.
My name is Bowen. I am in kindergarten. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Having fun with my family.
My name is Evan. I am in kindergarten. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Going to get Christmas tree.
My name is Leighton. I am in kindergarten. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Cooking with my family for Santa.
My name is Vera. I am in kindergarten. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. I get to feed the reindeer at nighttime.
My name is Lydia. I am in kindergarten. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Me and my family build snowmen.
My name is Dominic. I am in first grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. It is fun to be with your family.
My name is Noah. I am in first grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. When I celebrate Christmas we give gifts to each other.
My name is Jacob. I am in first grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas means celebrating Jesus.
My name is Emmett. I am in first grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas means Santa coming to my house, riding snowmobile at Grandview Lodge and Jesus;s birthday. It is ffun to be with Grandma, Grandpa and cousins.
My name is Lillee. I am in first grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. We celebrate Jesus’s birthday. We go outside and the first star is the Jesus star.
My name is Kenzie. I am in first grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas means that I celebrate with Grandma and Grandpa.
My name is Peter. I am in first grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Santa comes around the earth at Christmas.
My name is Isaiah. I am in first grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas means spending time with my family.
My name is Vivian. I am in first grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas means opening gifts with your family and friends.
My name is Christopher. I am in first grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas animals are around. I like the red tail squirrels and the pine martin.
My name is Jace. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. To be with my family. To have fun with my friends. Jesus came to the earth.
My name is Bella. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. To me Christmas means, love because family is together. Joy because people sing. Jesus loves you.
My name is Emma. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. To me Christmas means God sent Jesus.
My name is Gabriel. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. To me Christmas means Jesus birthday. I visit my grandparents. It is happines, joy, friends and family.
My name is Francis. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. To me Christmas means Jesus is born.
My name is Matthew. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. To me Christmas means happiess because our family gets together. To me Christmas, it also means hope because Jesus is born.
My name is Lucy. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. To me Christmas means having fun and playing with my cousins.
My name is Elaina. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. To me Christmas means Jesus’s birthday. We see our cousins and we celebrate Jesus’s birth.
My name is Elliana. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. To me Christmas means Jesus birthday. Family goes to get togethers. I have so match fun in the snow.
My name is Declan. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. To me Christmas means the savior has come.
My name is Luke. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. To me Christmas means to go to Grandma’s and Grandpas.
My name is Allen. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. Christmas to me means being cheerful, helpful, hopeful and joyful.
My name is Emily. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. To me Christmas means love, my family gets together and we celebrate.
My name is Ellery. I am in second grade. Here is a summary of what Christmas means to me. To me Christmas means Jesus’s birthday! We go to my aunts house, we give each other gifts.
Tina Helmin Daycare
Dear Santa,
My name is Kinslee. I am 3 years old. I live in Milaca. I have been pretty good this year, but I had one bad day. Let me explain, I was trying to get another toy down by the tv so, I threw the toy in my hand at the other toy and it accidently broke the t.v. So my mom an dad said for Christmas I get a new TV, but what I really want is barbie pets, marshall skateboard, candy sensory bin and a white board to draw on. I have been good since then. Also, Santa don’t forget my sister Kiera loves Paw Patrol. And she has been really good! Merry Christmas Santa. Thank you, Kinslee & Kiera
Dear Santa, My name is Bo. I am 3 years old. I live in Foley. For Christmas this year I would like Rubble Skateboard. Big Paw Patrol truck, a toy cheeseburger and a motorcycle. I have been good this year. I got a new baby brother named Briggs. I love him so! Can’t wait for Christmas and making lots of snowmen. Merry Christmas Santa.
Thank you, Bo
Dear Santa, My name is George. I am 5 years old. I live in Foley. I am very excited to see you! I have been working really hard on being a good listener. I really like playing with my dog Max and football with my mom. This year for Christmas I would like a teddy bear, a toy ice cream truck, robot and a Spider-man blanket. I am so excited for Christmas!
Thank you, George
Dear Santa, My name is Clarke. I am 4 years old. I live in Gilman. I have been good this year! I started preschool and got a dog name Koda. Be careful when you bring my presents, he likes to jump on people. I would like a Mermaid Costume, barbie with the rainbow hair and a Mermaid coloring book. I really love shopping at Target and Costco so, a gift card is good too, but I need a cake pop from Starbucks too. Well Santa have a great Christmas and I will do my best to keep listening. Please don’t forget my two brothers, Noah & Oliver.
Thank you, Clarke
Dear Santa, My name is Oliver. I am 2 years old. I live in Gilman. I have been good this weekend! I like to play with my friends at daycare and my dog Koda. I really like super hero’s they are awesome. I would like Sonic toys, Simba toys and a bike. Have a great Christmas Santa and leave some cookies for me.
Thank you, Oliver
Dear Santa, My name is Ella. I am 3 years old I live in Foley. I have been trying really hard this year to stay on your nice list. I help out my mom and dad. This year for Christmas I want a baby 4-wheeler, big doll house, a make-up stand, and grocery cart. Please don’t forget my brother George. Have a good Christmas Santa.
Thank you, Ella
Dear Santa, My name is Brody. I am 3 years old. I live in Foley. I have been a really good listener this year. I like helping my mom and dad on the land. I got a new dog Ruby he likes to chew on toys so, watch your bag of toys! This year I would like a Chase skateboard, Chase and Marshall toys, Christmas sensory bin, markers, white board to draw on and a grocery cart. Can’t wait for Christmas!
Thank you, Brody
Dear Santa, My name is Wyatt. I am 2 years old. I live in Foley. My daycare (Tina) tells me all the time how good I am and so handsome, so I believe I am on the nice list. I really like riding on the 4-wheeler and playing outside. I don’t really like the falling snow, but I like playing in it. I would like a truck, tractor and trailer and Minion eyes. Please bring toys for my brother Lane and sister Shelby, they have been good too. Thank you, Wyatt
Dear Santa, My name is Griffin. I am 2 months old. I live in Rice. I am new to Christmas this year, but by the looks at my grandmas house I am really going to love it! I don’t cry much, only when I’m hungry so, I guess that puts me on the nice list. Everyone is always telling me I am such a good boy! I don’t want much this year, but watch out for next years Christmas list. Merry Christmas Santa and safe travels.
Thank you, Griffin
Dear Santa, My name is Kathryn. I am 2 years old. I live in Gilman. My mommy told me if I start going potty Santa might bring me a bike. I have been doing good so, I am really hoping for a bike. I also want cocomelon doll, books, markers and crayons. Tell the elves I said hi.
Thank you, Kathryn
Sandy’s Daycare
Dear Santa, My name is Emmett. I am 3 ½ years old. I live in Pierz. For Christmas this year I would like a toy grill with all the accessories.
Thank you, Emmett
Dear Santa, My name is Lincoln. I am 2 years old. I live on a farm by Gilman. For Christmas this year I would like a tractor.
Thank you, Lincoln
Dear Santa, My name is Stetson. I am 2 ½ years old. I live in the country by Gilman. For Christmas this year I would like a tractor and toys.
Thank you, Stetson
Dear Santa, My name is Skarlet. I am 4 ½ years old. I live in MN, in the country by Gilman. For Christmas this year I would like a play cookie and pizza cutter. A play stove with all the items.
Thank you, Skarlet
Dear Santa, My name is Mya. I am 3 years old. I live in Foley. For Christmas this year I would like a dress and toys.
Thank you, Mya
Favorite Christmas Songs by Popularity
“O Holy Night”
“Rocking Around the Christmas Tree” “Little Drummer Boy” “Mary, Did You Know” Dean Martins version of “Let It Snow”
“Silver Bells”
“Dashing Through The Snow (Jingle Bells)”
“All I Want for Christmas is You” “Let it be Christmas”
by Alan Jackson