Dairy princess programs provide a way to get young women involved in the dairy community and also creates dairy advocates. Dairy princesses represent dairy farmers in their respective counties and attend numerous events with the goal of connecting with consumers.
The crown and sash worn by a dairy princess make it easy for the public to identify who she is and what she represents.
Learn more about the princess programs supported by Midwest Dairy Association in Iowa and Minnesota.
Information provided by: https://www.midwestdairy. com/young-dairy-leaders/dairy-princesses/
Dairy Princess
Tell us about yourself, the farm you live and/or work on, and your future plans. I live on our family farm, but upon selling our milking cows last summer, my dad and I have been staying busy at Scherping Farms, which is owned by close family friends. I plan to attend Central Lakes College-Brainerd for general studies this fall and will be competing for Princess Kay of the Milk Way in May.
Paige Paige
17 | Swanville Swanville High School
Parents: Kennard and Laura Fellbaum
What qualities do you possess that make you a good dairy princess? My passion and respect for the dairy industry makes me a successful dairy princess.
As a dairy princess, what role do you play in encouraging dairy consumption as part of a healthy lifestyle? My role in promoting dairy consumption to contribute to a healthy lifestyle would be to promote the sheer goodness of dairy and all it provides: from 13 essential nutrients in every glass of milk to the sweet taste of chocolate ice cream.
Parents: Jamie and Becky Gerads
Tell us about yourself, the farm you live and/or work on, and your future plans. I grew up on a dairy farm just outside of Upsala. This January, we sold our cows, and it was one of the hardest experiences in my life thus far. I wanted to run for dairy princess again to advocate and promote the community that raised me and gave so much to me throughout my childhood. Prior to selling our cows, my job was daily milking and helping my youngest brother, Lucas, with the youngstock. Without our cows, my duties are pulling hay and rock wagons along with raking hay. My future plans consist of finishing my bachelor’s degree in social work degree at Minnesota State University-Mankato and then moving home to work within one of our local counties in Child Protection Services.
19 | Upsala Minnesota State University-Mankato
What qualities do you possess that make you a good dairy princess? I have many qualities that make me a good dairy princess, and the biggest ones are my love for the dairy community and my outspokenness. I am always willing to share my dairy experience and listen to someone else’s. This is very important in being a dairy princess, because we need to advocate for dairy regardless of if we are wearing our crown and sash.
As a dairy princess, what role do you play in encouraging dairy consumption as part of a healthy lifestyle? As a dairy princess, my role in encouraging dairy consumption as part of a healthy lifestyle is to simply share the wonders of dairy and what they can do for the consumer. I share facts about dairy’s nutrition and health benefits to anyone I speak with. I cannot wait to see what this year holds for me, my fellow princesses and our dairy community.
The young woman who serves as Minnesota’s dairy princess wears the title of Princess Kay of the Milky Way, a name selected in a Minnesota Department of Agriculture contest almost 60 years ago. Princess Kay serves as the goodwill ambassador for Minnesota’s dairy farmers. She is selected through a three-phase process. Information provided by: https://www.midwestdairy.com/young-dairy-leaders/dairy-princesses/
Parents: Mike Wielenberg and
Tell us about yourself, the farm you live and/or work on, and your future plans. I am a senior and am involved in 4-H and the Minnesota Honor Society. I am also the president of the LPGE FFA Chapter and the secretary for the Todd County 4-H Leaders Council. I will be attending the University of Minnesota-Crookston where I will major in animal science and complete the pre-veterinary program. After that, I am hoping to transfer to the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities to go to veterinary school. My family and I own show heifers, which we raise from calves and sell as replacement springer heifers to other farms.
What qualities do you possess that make you a good dairy princess? Qualities that I
Haylie Alexis
possess that would make me a good dairy princess are my dairy farming background, my willingness to learn, my public speaking skills and my passion for teaching the younger generation about the dairy industry.
As a dairy princess, what role do you play in encouraging dairy consumption as part of a healthy lifestyle? As a dairy princess, one of our most important roles is teaching the younger generation about how adding dairy to their lifestyle benefits them. Teaching them about the dairy industry as a whole could really help promote us, because they are influenced by a lot of the negative things they may see online. Teaching them that the things they might see are wrong and showing them what the dairy industry really is can help neutralize all the bad things they may see.
Parents: Tim and Ammy Woeste
Tell us about yourself, the farm you live and/or work on, and your future plans. I am involved in the dairy industry by raising dairy heifers on my family’s hobby farm for showing. We raise from when they are born until they are about ready to calve. They then go to a farm to be milked. I enjoy showing dairy cattle and am a member of the Todd County 4-H program where I am my club secretary and the county Leaders Council president. I am in the Minnesota Holstein Association, Minnesota Junior Holstein Association, and Minnesota Red and White Association. I enjoy playing basketball and softball, spending time with friends, and reading a book here and there. My future plans are to go to the University of Wisconsin-River Falls to major in agriculture business. After college, I hope to work for an agriculture-based Fortune 500
business and have a hobby farm of my own.
What qualities do you possess that make you a good dairy princess? I come into the princess program with a bit of a different perspective than most people considering I didn’t grow up on a dairy farm. I am passionate about the dairy industry and am willing to talk to anyone who has questions. I love to talk about my experiences and share my love for cows with everyone around me.
As a dairy princess, what role do you play in encouraging dairy consumption as part of a healthy lifestyle? As a dairy princess, I can encourage the public to consume dairy products by sharing my love for dairy products and how it has personally helped me. By encouraging the youth in our communities to consume dairy and explaining the benefits and versatility of dairy, they will be able to incorporate dairy into the rest of their lives.
18 | Alexandria Alexandria Area High School
Parents: Brian Krohnfeldt and Elizabeth Paul
Tell us about yourself, the farm you live and/or work on, and your future plans.
My family owns a 70-cow dairy north of Alexandria. My favorite part about the farm is taking care of the calves and youngstock. The farm has greatly impacted the activities I have participated in. One of these activities includes 4-H, where I’m involved in projects such as crafts/fine arts, dairy, goat, sheep, rabbit and dog. I also involve myself in county leadership such as secretary and treasurer. I also am a Minnesota 4-H state ambassador. I am involved in FFA, AAHS ambassadors, National Honor Society and band. My future plans include attend-
ing South Dakota State University and majoring in agriculture education with a minor in animal science and agricultural business. I hope to find a job in a high school as an agriculture teacher.
What qualities do you possess that make you a good dairy princess? Leadership, public speaking skills, general knowledge of the dairy industry and a passion for the dairy industry.
As a dairy princess, what role do you play in encouraging dairy consumption as part of a healthy lifestyle? As a dairy princess, you are a spokesmodel for the dairy industry, which in turn encourages people to choose dairy products for their healthy lifestyle.
County County Emma Douglas Meeker Krohnfeldt
17 | Manannah Paynesville High School
Parents: Josh Frenchick and Melissa Tessmer
Tell us about yourself, the farm you live and/or work on, and your future plans. I am a senior and am involved in cross-country, track, National Honor Society, FFA, dairy judging and 4-H. I live on a registered Jersey farm near Manannah, where we milk 28 head in a tiestall barn and care for 30-35 head of youngstock. My plans include attending the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities where I will be majoring in life biology/genetics as well as getting my teaching license.
What qualities do you possess that make you a good dairy princess? I love talking and
connecting with people. I am able to hold a conversation with anyone, whether it is a first grader, a fair-goer who does not know about cattle or a first-generation farmer. I have worked hard to learn all about dairy and everything that comes with it, so I am able to answer any questions someone may have for me.
As a dairy princess, what role do you play in encouraging dairy consumption as part of a healthy lifestyle? The role I play in encouraging consumers to buy dairy products is being a voice for farmers and those involved in the dairy industry who may not have the time or ability to be their own advocate.
18 | Kerkhoven Bethel University
Parents: Matt and Brenda Thompson
Tell us about yourself, the farm you live and/ or work on, and your future plans. I am finishing my freshman year at Bethel University as a chemistry major with minors in biology and political science. When home, I worked on Rod and Naomi Lindquist’s dairy farm. I am considering a career in optometry.
What qualities do you possess that make you a good dairy princess? I have a passion for promoting both the dairy industry and the knowledge of where our food comes from. I love to meet new people and grew up spending lots of time at my grandparents’ dairy farm. I love the dairy in-
dustry and strongly desire to share the benefits of consuming and promoting dairy with others.
As a dairy princess, what role do you play in encouraging dairy consumption as part of a healthy lifestyle? I first must start my role of encouraging dairy consumption with myself and will make sure to model a lifestyle in which I practice what I preach. I remind others of how many servings of dairy are part of a healthy diet. I attend dairy events that are put on throughout the summer where I inform people about the dairy industry, which is super fun. This summer, I’m hoping to serve chocolate milk at races with the American Dairy Association of Kandiyohi County, which will be another way to promote the benefits of dairy.
County County Kandiyohi Pope Thompson
Parents: Nate and Angie Walter
Tell us about yourself, the farm you live and/or work on, and your future plans. I am the fourth generation on my family’s 100 crossbred-cow dairy farm. The farm was started in 1935 by my great-grandpa Kenneth, taken over by my grandpa Fred and is now farmed by my parents. In 2013, we transitioned to organic and sell our milk to Organic Valley. I help by milking the cows, while my brother does more of the jobs that require equipment. Growing up on a dairy farm led to my involvement in 4-H and FFA. I graduated from Osakis High School in 2022. I decided to further my education at South Dakota State University. I have been involved in Sigma Alpha and dairy club. I will be graduating in May with a degree in agricultural business and a minor in economics. I will move home to complete my internship and help on the farm. My internship is with Hurley & Associates, and I am excited for what the future will bring. What qualities do you possess that make you a good dairy princess? I have many leader-
19 | Westport South Dakota State University
ship skills that will help me in my role as a dairy princess. Growing up on a dairy farm definitely gave me a strong work ethic. It also gave me a passion for the dairy industry and all of agriculture, which drives me to be an advocate for agriculture. I am a strong communicator and can share about all of the good in the dairy industry. I am a problem-solver and am determined, and I have a positive outlook.
As a dairy princess, what role do you play in encouraging dairy consumption as part of a healthy lifestyle? As a dairy princess, I encourage dairy consumption by being a role model. I consume a lot of dairy, and in college, I have two specific products that are my favorites. For a snack, I reach for a cheese stick, and for a latenight treat, you will definitely find me eating ice cream. Dairy products are a great way to get your protein in, which is important for a healthy lifestyle. Dairy also contains many vitamins and minerals that you cannot find in most other products. Dairy is great because it is nutritious and delicious.