Country Acres South - March 1, 2025

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A ‘Rosie Riveter

KASSON — In 1941, Helen Leqve picked potatoes to earn her bus pass to California to join the World War II civilian war effort.

The 103-year-old, like “Rosie the Riveter,” worked on B-17 bombers during WWII. Leqve lives on her own to this day, assisted by her daughter, Karen Tracy, who lives close by.

“There aren’t very many of us (female WWII riveters) left,” Leqve said.

Now, 80 years after the war, Leqve continues to tell her tale, visiting schools, Lions Clubs and historical societies alongside

“Rosie the Rive on B-17 bombe WWII. Leqve own to this d daugh who liv “ very (fe ete sai afte contin Clubs and historical soc Tracy.

“I enjoy doing it because I think people should know what went on,” Leqve said.

Leqve’s first role as a riveter came at the Lockheed-Vega aircraft plant in Burbank, California. There, she was in charge of pounding rivets into the inner wing of Boeing B-17 bombers. She was given one week of training before being put out on the


PHOTO BY AMY KYLLO Helen Leqve stands Feb. 13 at her home in Kasson. Leqve served as a riveter on Boeing
Helen Leqve stands around the time of her high school graduation. Leqve picked potatoes to earn her bus pass to go to California to work as an airplane riveter.


Published by Star Publications

Copyright 2025

522 Sinclair Lewis Ave. Sauk Centre, MN 56378

Phone: 320-352-6577 | Fax: 320-352-5647


Mark Klaphake, General Manager,

Amy Kyllo, Editor,

Tiffany Klaphake, Writer,

Ben Sonnek, Writer,

Emily Breth, Writer,

Raeanna Lanzrath, Writer,

Sara Hoppe, Copy Editor


Joyce Frericks, 320-352-6577,

Story ideas send to:


Laura Seljan, 507-350-2217,

Julia Merten, 507-438-7739,

Bob Leukam, 320-260-1248,


Amanda Thooft,

Cheyenne Middendorf,

Nadiia Griepentrog,

ISSN Print: 2834-6491 | Online: 2834-6505


Country Acres South will be published the first Saturday of every month. Deadline for news and advertising is the Friday a week before publication.


Leqve from front

Leqve was born on Christmas Day 1921 in Ogden, Utah, on her parents’ fruit farm. As a child, her parents moved to Minnesota. They packed the family in a truck, and Leqve rode in the back with a cord leading up to the cab, which she pulled if she needed something.

She graduated in 1940 from Aitkin. She planned on being a nurse, but an aunt in California convinced her to come join the war effort.

“I decided … I could do more good helping in the service,” Leqve said.


“(He said) ‘Who does that suitcase belong to?’” she said. “Nobody said a word, and I said, ‘I guess it belongs to me.’”

She arrived in California in late 1941 and moved in with her aunt and uncle. In early 1942, she started at the plant.

“You automatically were hired because they were so short (on workers),” Leqve said.

Leqve worked alongside a partner on the B-17s. She put in the rivets, and her partner would use a bucker — which was a blunt tool — to smooth the rivets.


Publications bli ti

“The newspaper of today is the history of tomorrow.”

The only problem was getting there. Leqve was not familiar with changing busses, but luckily, some neighbor girls were also planning to go. Using her potato money, she packed her belongings in a tin suitcase and boarded a Greyhound bus. During travel, her suitcase moved in the luggage area of the bus in such a way it shorted out the bus batteries. Leqve said the driver was

There were no uniforms. Women wore jeans, long shirts and a scarf or hat on their head. Armbands identified their group. They showed a badge to enter the facility, which was camouflaged from above as a suburban neighborhood to protect it from bombing. On their way home, they opened their lunch boxes to show they had nothing extra in them.

Leqve page 3

Helen Leqve’s family stands next to the truck which carried
from Ogden, Utah, to Minnesota when she was a child. Leqve rode in the back with a cord leading to the cab, which she could pull if she needed something.

That little local spot

One of the big joys of working as a reporter is getting to see the beautiful countryside and go through the awesome small-town communities in southeast Minnesota.

I have always loved to eat out, so when I’m traveling for interviews, I try local places for lunch. It is one of the delights of my role. If the place I stop is a coffee shop with Wi-Fi, that’s an extra bonus. I’ll pull out my laptop and enjoy a change of scenery from my usual bedroom desk.

A goal of mine has been to become the person who “knows a place,” whether it’s the interesting coffee shop, a restaurant with great food, ice cream parlors or hole-in-the-wall gems.

For this column, I decided to create a list, in alphabetical order by city name of some of the fun places I’ve tried at least one or more times on lunch break or with family and friends. I’ve been at this job for over two years now, and to look at this list, it looks like all I’ve done is eat out.

— Caledonia: The Wired Rooster Coffee Shop. I’ve done an interview here as well as grabbed breakfast. It’s cute, and everything I’ve had was good.

— Cannon Falls: CannonBelles Coffee & Ice Cream. There’s good food, ice cream and Wi-Fi. I really can’t ask for anything more.

— Chatfield: Carly Mae’s Bakery & Cafe. I haven’t eaten here as many times as I would have liked, but when I have, it was good.

Also, a note about Chatfield: I stop at many local libraries for a quiet place to work for a few hours when I’m on the road, and Chatfield’s library is my favorite guest library to visit outside my hometown library that I practically live at. The stained glass, plants, nice work area and art make it a unique experience.

— Houston: Barista’s Coffee House. I usually get a panini and a specialty drink. Silly fact — I actually don’t like coffee but love coffee shops, so my favorite thing to order is an iced chai latte, which contains tea, not coffee.

— Kellogg: The Front Porch Bar and Grill. I was here for Father’s Day in the evening and ordered the deep-fried shrimp. It was easily the largest shrimp I’ve ever had and so good. We also got appetizers, and everything was amazing.

— La Crescent: Kaddy’s Kafe. I ate here at the recommendation of a dairy farmer I was doing a story with in the area. My breakfast was great, and I got to sit at the counter, which was a fun expe-

rience. If you’re a breakfast person, this place is ideal.

— Lake City: Chickadee Cottage Cafe. I got a seasonal strawberry cilantro green tea there in July 2023, and I still think about it. I got a sandwich, too, but that tea was unmatched.

— Lake City: Heidi’s Huggamug Cafe. I ate a tasty lunch outside here in May last year under a flowering tree. I felt like a main character in a novel or Hallmark movie.

— Lanesboro: Clara’s Eatery. They serve pizza, sandwiches and ice cream in a cute, pink-themed decor shop. I get a hot sandwich and ice cream every time I’m in town.

— Nelson, Wisconsin: Nelson Creamery. This place is a cheese lover’s paradise with a huge variety of off-sale cheese. They also have delicious hot sandwiches, ice cream and a bunch more menu items, too. I always order the “Hot Hero” sandwich. The aesthetics of this place are unmatched whether dining inside or outside. I’ve taken friends here more than once.

— Red Wing: Caribou Coffee. OK, so I know this is not about chains, but the location in the big brick building is probably one of the largest and coolest Caribou Coffee stores I have ever visited — and I am a Caribou Coffee connoisseur.

— Rushford: The Creamery Pizza & Ice Cream. I came here at lunch and got a grilled cheese,tomato soup and, of course, ice cream. As the column continues, you may notice that ice cream is a theme.

— Wabasha: Big Jo Pizza, Chocolate Escape. The two establishments share a seating area with views of the Mississippi River. On one side, you can get your hot, delicious pizza, and on the other, you can choose a decadent chocolate confection from the case or get a dish of ice cream. The two businesses form a really handy combination of two of my favorite things.

— Wanamingo: Area 57 CoffeeCafe. My grandparents lived in Wanamingo, so I’ve gone to this place at various times throughout my life. It’s truly a smalltown eatery, and I will stoutly maintain that I see know someone I know every time I stop.

I know there are so many more awesome places that I haven’t tried yet, so if you have a local favorite that you’d recommend, shoot me an email: amy.k@

Sunshine & Flowers by Amy Kyllo

L ifetime goal Lifetime goal of

Harvest Hill Acres raise sheep for fi ber, breeding


— For Diana Weinhardt-Treangen, counting sheep in her childhood dreams has turned into counting them in real life for the past decade.

She and her husband, Dean Treangen, raise California Variegated Mutant Romeldale sheep for fiber and breeding at Harvest Hill Acres near Dennison.

Every skein of their yarn comes with the name of the sheep it came from.

“We started with two sheep, and now we have 100 in 10 years,” Diana said.

Diana has always had a fondness for sheep, but growing up in Chicago did not present many opportunities to pursue that dream.

Harvest Hill Acres page 9

A guard llama watches over a group of sheep in January at Harvest Hill Acres near Dennison.
Harvest Hill Acres currently raises about 100 Romeldale sheep.
Diana Weinhardt-Treangen and Dean Treangen relax on their porch in 2021 at Harvest Hill Acres near Dennison. Diana had always wanted to raise sheep since growing up in Chicago.


8:00 am Overnight market cows/bulls 10:00 am Fed cattle, followed by day-delivered market cows & bulls

1:00 pm Dairy cattle, stock cows & breeding bulls followed by feeder cattle

4:00 pm Baby calves, arena 2


8:00 amSheep and goats

11:00 am Feeder pigs


10:00 am Hog/Sow/Boar Auction 2:00 pm Fed cattle, followed by market cows and bulls


10:00 am Special feeder cattle auctions, September - April


Closed Office open 8:00 am – Noon


Sunday Noon – 9 pm

Monday 6am – 9 pm

Tuesday 6 am – 9 pm

Wednesday 6 am – 4 pm

(Wednesday before Special Sales, open until 8:00 pm)

Thursday 6 am – 4 pm

Friday 6 am – Noon

Saturday By Appointment

Harvest Hill Acres

After working in multiple states, Diana moved to Minnesota in 2007. She met Dean on the first day of her job, and when they married they lived in Farmington. They also owned a home in southern Minnesota which did not have enough land to raise sheep. During this time, Diana grew more involved in fiber groups and projects and started looking up available sheep breeds.

At the time, Romeldale sheep were hard to obtain, but a friend of Diana’s sold her two CVM Romeldales wethers in 2015.

“I couldn’t put them in my backyard in Farmington, (but) another friend, who lived in Northfield, had room,” Diana said. “Then, the woman involved in the breeding of that breed of sheep had someone cancel on her waiting list; she had five available — a ram and four females — and asked if I wanted them, … (and) my friends were fine with adding a few more sheep to the flock, and I took care of them.”

Diana’s commute involved driving from her home in Farmington to her sheep in Northfield and then to her job in Apple Valley, taking the same route in reverse at the end of the day. Dean, who worked on opposite days, would also take care of the sheep, but it was a long commute for both to deal with.

“One day, I came home and said, ‘Hey, what if we sell this house and the house in southern Minnesota?’” Diana said. “(Dean) is actually the farm kid of the two of us; he grew up on a dairy farm in Spring Grove, so he was all for it.”

Diana and Dean looked at 31 properties before deciding on a farm in Dennison. The previous owner had a shop on the property, so Diana set it up

as her onsite farm store.

“The joke with some of the neighbors is the sheep were here before I unpacked my boxes,” Diana said.

Dean and Diana continued to grow their flock even through 2020 when Dean retired and Diana was laid off. Their goal has been to have Harvest Hill Acres support itself.

“I started finding places that could make other things out of our wool,” Diana said. “In 2020, there weren’t a lot of in-person fiber shows, but in ‘21, they started again.”

Diana likes that the mid-size Romeldale breed is easy to handle and comes in natural colors, so she does not need to dye her yarn. The wool can also vary slightly in color and consistency based on the season, whether the sheep is pregnant and other factors. The sheep can also be bred for meat, but Diana and Dean have not explored that.

“They’ve become more popular in the last 10 years,” Diana said. “(The wool) is springy and has a bounce to it.”

Their sheep are usually docile and respond when called, especially when the person is shaking a bucket of feed.

“Their love language is grain,” Diana said. “Some (sheep) are standoffish, but I can rattle off 10 sheep who truly have a great personality.”

At Harvest Hill Acres they shear their pregnant ewes and yearlings at the end of March, and, two weeks later, the rest of the females are sheared as well. Then, provided the weather is decent, the rams and wethers are sheared in May, along with the two llamas who guard the flock from coyotes.

Harvest Hill Acres page 11

The farm store is filled with yarn at Harvest Hill Acres in 2018 near Dennison. The baskets of yarn are labeled by the sheep from which the yarn came.
The flock gathers in the snow in 2023 at Harvest Hill Acres near Dennison. Diana Weinhardt-Treangen and Dean Treangen bought their first two sheep in 2015.
A sheep stands in the snow in 2024 at Harvest Hill Acres near Dennison. Harvest Hill Acres does not dye the sheep’s wool, which naturally comes in a variety of colors.



• 2021 JD 9620R, 1400/30R46” LSW Tires, 1,197 Hours, 5 Hyds., Full Rear Weight Pkg, (36) Front Weights, Deluxe Cab, Leather, Fridge, PS Trans, 4640 Monitor

• JD 7810 Tractor, MFD, 540/1000 PTO, 3pt., 3,800 Hours, 3 Hyds., Power Quad Trans., La Forge Front Quick Hitch 3pt & PTO, 480/80R42” Tires & Duals

• JD 4400 Tractor, MFD, 3pt, 540 PTO, 1,147 Hours, w/JD 430 Loader & Bucket, Quad Trans & Reverser

• JD 4010 Tractor, Standard, Diesel, Synchro Trans

• 1959 JD 530 Tractor, PS, NF, Gas

• JD 620 Tractor, Gas, PS, 3pt, PTO PLANTERS & APPLICATORS

• 2019 JD 1775 Max Emerge 5E Planter, 24 Row 30”, Pneumatic Down Pressure, Electric Drive, Floating Trash Whippers, Liquid Fert. system w/750-gal Tank, 3 Section Row Control, Corn & Bean Discs

• JD 450 15ft Grain Drill w/Grass Seed, 6” Spacings

• 2013 Blue Jet AT6020 NH3 Bar, (2) Raven Coolers, Sealers, 62.5ft, Max-Pac AR7000 Spring Shanks, Hiniker Electric Flow Meters

• Friesen 375 Seed Cart, Tri-Axle, Roll Tarp, 2 Compartments, Honda Gas Power Unit, Extra Lights

• Unverferth 400 Seed Tender, 4 Seed Totes, Honda Motor, Extra Lights

• Case IH 920 Nutri-Placer, 23 Colters, 1,600-gal Tank, Hyd. Pump, JD Rate Controller

• Case IH Nutri-Placer, NH3 Bar, 3pt Mount, 13 Knife, Colters, Shank Closers, Raven Super Cooler & Controls, HD Spring Shank

• Riteway 60ft Roller, 5 Drums TILLAGE

• 2022 JD 2230FH Field Cultivator, 60’6”, 3 Bar Harrow w/Rolling Harrow, Tru-set w/Single Point Depth Control, 7” Knock-On Sweeps

• 2012 Krause 4850 21ft Dominator, 11 Shank, Rear Leveler w/Rolling Baskets

• (2) JD 400 40ft Rotary Hoe, 3pt

• JD 10ft Disc, Pull-Type, Notch Front Blades

• JD 845 12 Row 30” Row Crop Cultivator, Hyd. Flat Fold, Danish Tines

• JD 3710 10 Bottom Plow; JD 3710 7 Bottom Plow

• JD 960 Field Cultivator, 26ft

• JD BWA Disc, Manual Fold Wings, 19ft


• 2023 Mac Don 45ft 245 Draper Head, 3 Section Reel

• Horst All Wheel Steer Head Cart, Fits 45ft Head

• Custom Built Pneumatics Grain Vac w/Pipe FARM EQUIPMENT

• Chem Farm SS Tanks for Large Frame Tractor

• Schuler 125BF Feed Wagon

• JD #38 Forage Harvester w/JD 1 Row Head

• Schultz FX1800 Batwing Mower, 15ft, Small 1000 PTO

• (2) Parker 2600 Gravity Wagon, Roll Tarp, Hyd. Seed Auger on Wagon

• (2) Rock Wagons on JD Gear

• (2) Westfield 10”x34ft Swing Hopper Augers

• Westfield 13”x111ft Swing Hopper Auger

• Westfield 10”x63ft Swing Hopper Auger SEMIS – TRUCKS - TRAILERS

• 2009 Kenworth T660 Day Cab Semi, Cummins ISX Motor, 10sp, 255,000 Miles, 295/75/22.5 Alum Tires & Rims, Dual Fuel Tanks, 185” Wheelbase, Air Ride, Deleted

• 2009 Peterbilt 388 Day Cab Semi, 316,000 Miles, 13sp Trans., CAT C-13 Engine, A-Cert, 275/80R22.5 Alum Tires & Rims, Dual Exhaust, Dual Fuel Tanks, 195”Wheelbase, Deleted

• 2006 Kenworth T-800 Day Cab Semi, ISX Cummins, Super 10sp Trans., 616,087 Miles, 275/80R22.5 Alum Tires & Rims, 3.70 Axle Ratio, 170” Wheelbase, Deleted

• 1976 Chevy C-70 Straight Truck, Single Axle, 16ft Grain Box, V8 Gas, 5W2 Trans.

• 1990 Chevy Kodiak Twin Screw, Flat Bed, w/2,000-gal Water Tank, CAT 3116 Motor w/8LL Trans.

• 2012 Adams Fertilizer Trailer, 24-Ton w/Power Unit, Kohler Diesel Unit, 3 Compartments w/Vibrators

• 2021 Timpte Trailer, 40ftx72” Sides, Electric Tarp, Air Ride, 11R22.5 Alum Rims & Tires

• 2022 Timpte Trailer, 40ftx72” Sides, Belt Openers, Air Ride, 11R22.5 Alum Rims & Tires

• 500-gal Tandem Fuel Trailer, 20hp Honda Generator, Large Electric Pump, HID Lights

• 1985 Dorsey 40ft Step Deck Water Trailer, (2) 3,200-gal Tanks, 3” Pump, River Bend Industries Hose Reel, 11hp 3” Honda Transfer Pump, Mixing Tank w/2” Honda Gas Transfer Pump HAY EQUIPMENT

• JD 535 Disc Conditioner, 11ft, Small 1000 PTO, w/Impeller Conditioner;; JD 336 Small Square Baler; Frontier RR2109 Power Rake; (2) Hay Racks on JD Gear SKID LOADER

• JD 8875 Skid Loader, Manual Quick Tach, Aux. Hyd., 2sp VEHICLES

• 2019 GMC Sierra X31 OffRd 1500 4x4, Crew Short Bx, 58,595 Mi, 6.2 V8 Gas, Leather

• 2013 Chevy 2500 Crew Cab Long Box, 4x4, 64,000 Mi, Vortec 6.0 Gas, Leather RECREATIONAL

• 835R XUV Gator, Full Cab, AC/Heat, 4x4, Electric Dump, Gas, Jensen Speakers & Radio, Front & Rear Bumper, Cab Lights, 7,022 Miles, 1,367 Hours


• 2012 JD 7215R MFWD Tractor 3,459 Hours, Command Center, Active Seat, 480/80R50 Tires, Wheel Weights, 12 Suitcase Weights, 3pt w/QH, 4 Hyd., 3PTO Set, AutoQuad Plus 31MPH, Front Suspension, Loader Ready

• Case IH 125 Maxxum MFWD Tractor, 1,571 Hours, CIH L755 Hyd. Loader, 96” Bucket, Joystick, 460/85R38 Tires, Weights, 3pt., 540PTO, 3 Hydraulics, 16 Sp. AutoShift Partial Power Shift, Beacon, 2nd Owner

Mike Kasper Farm Machinery Realignment

• 1995 Cat Challenger 55, Hrs, Power Shift Transmission, Belly Weights, Front Weights, 120” Stance, 1000 PTO, 4 Remotes, Case Drain, 3pt Quick Hitch, Hammer Strap, 18”Tracks, Trimble E2 Steer, SN: 55K00734

• 1988 Cat 65 Challenger, 25”Tracks, 15,748 Hrs, Engine Overhaul, 10 Speed Power Shift, 4 Remotes, Trimble 500 EZ Steer, SN: 7Y00786

• 1999 AG Chem Terra Gator, 8104, ? Hrs, AG Leader EZ Steer, Scale, 17’ Channeler, Lime/Litter Box Steel Spreader, Dual Drive, Dual Spreader, Variable Rate Ready, SN: 84006299

• Landoll Model 9800 31.5’ Field Cultivator, Walking Tandems,4 Bar Harrow,9” Sweeps, Depth Control

• Kinze 2600, 16x30”, Corn/Bean Plates, Precision Plant U-set Meters, Box Extensions, Insecticide, New Drive Wheels, Liquid Fert, Monitor

• Red Ball 680, 90’ Booms, 20” Spacings, Triple Nozzle, 1400 Gallon Tank, 120” Stance, Raven 660 Monitor

• Kovar 50’, Hyd Lift, Drag On Cart Farm Equipment Selling Off Site for Wade Lotton (Janesville, MN)

• Ford New Holland, 8970, MFD, AG Leader/Auto Steer, 1000 PTO, 4 Remotes, 6,772 Hrs, 3pt Hitch, Super Steer, Front Weights, Rock Box, 18.4-46 Tires 40%, 16 Speed Power Shift, 4 Speed Reverser, SN: D408853

• White 8200, 12 Row 30” Planter, Corn/Bean Plates, Front Fold, SM 4000 Monitor, Row Cleaners, Seed Firmers, Hyd Markers

• Parker 450 Grain Cart, 1000 PTO, 18.4-26 Tires

• Westfield MKX 10”x73” Swing Hopper, Hyd Lift, Double Auger, 1 Season on Grain Run Through, 540 PTO, SN: 274158

• Case / DMI Blue 527B Ripper, New Shovels 1 Season Ago, 5 Shank, Adjustable Leveler, Double Disc Front, SN: JFH0011598

From The Jason Smith Estate

• Case 2294 2WD Tractor, 5216 Hours, 3pt., Power Shift, 3 Hydraulics, 1000PTO, 480/80R42 Tires At 90%

• Case 1270 2WD Tractor, 9618 Hours, 1000PTO, 3pt., 4 Hydraulics,

BLVD North, Kenyon, MN 55946

18.4x38 Duals, Powershift Trans. Needs Work

• 2015 New Holland H7230 Discbine, 9’, SN: YFN258196

• New Holland BR740 Round Baler, Net/Twine, Preserve Tank, Monitor

• New Holland HT-154 V-Rake, 12 Wheel, Hyd. Fold

• 2019 Enrossi G4V-570PTH Hay Tedder, 19’, Hyd. Fold, 540PTO

• New Holland 316 Small Square Baler, Kicker, 540PTO

• New Holland 144 Hay Inverter, 540PTO

• WilRich 2500 Field Cultivator, 20’, 3 Bar Harrow

• White 271 Rock Flex Disc, 20’

• Brillion Cultimulcher 14’

• (2) Meyers 9’x18’ Bale Throw Wagon, MN 12 Ton & 8 Ton Running Gears

• (2) Knotch 9’x20’ Bale Throw Wagon, 8 Ton Running Gears

• H&S 9’x16’ Bale Throw Wagon, 8 Ton Running Gear

• MN 9’x18’ Bale Throw Wagon, 10 Ton Running Gear

• 10’x18’ Bale Throw Wagon, 9 Ton Tandem Gear

Excavators, Skid Loaders, Attachments

• 2016 JD 318G Skid Loader, Aux. Hydraulics, 3,117 Hours, Quick-Tach, Enclosed Cab, Heat/Air, Radio, 2 Speed, Rear Weight Package, 2nd Owner, Runs Good, SN: 1T0318GBEHJ310132

• 2013 Kubota KX040-4 Compact Excavator, 1,250 Hours, 14” Rubber Tracks, 29” Bucket with Hydraulic Thumb, 9,000lb Machine, Push Blade, Enclosed Cab, Heat, A/C, One Owner, Runs Good, SN: 20696

• JD 120 Excavator, 24” Steel Tracks, 34” Bucket with Hydraulic Thumb, 7,999 Hours, 26,000lb Machine, Runs Good

• Virnig 48” Pallet Forks, 70” Material Bucket, Hyd. Tree Puller

• (2) 78” Root Grapples

• Pallet Fork Extensions & Jibs

Forage & Harvesting Equipment, Haying & Livestock Machinery

• 2001 4-Star Aluminum Gooseneck Livestock Wheel Trailer, Tandem Axle, 30’x84” Front Side Door, Center Gate, Adjustable Shutters

• JD 569 Round Baler, Silage Special, Net/Twine Wrap, 1000 PTO, 21.5L-16 Tires, Monitor, 12,269 Bales

• Gehl 1285 Forage Harvester, Chopper Auto Max, Kernel Processor, Electric Controls, Hyd. Tongue, Metal Stop, Tandem Axle, Applicator Tank, Auto Oiler, 1000 PTO

• Gehl TR330 Corn Head, 3 Row 30”, One Row of Belts are New, SN: 6213

• Gehl 1240 9’ Hay Head, SN: 5334

• Miller Pro 7916 Hyd. Driven Merger, 8’ Pickup, Newer Belt, SN: 4000348

• (2) Miller Pro 5300 & 5200 16’ Forage Wagons, Tandem Axle, 12 Ton Running Gear, 30” Extension, One Owner, Good Roof, SN: 1604687

• Arts Way 1250 16’ Forage Wagon, Tandem Axle, 12 Ton Running Gear, 30” Extension, One Owner, Good Roof, SN: AWB1250001563

• Gehl 170 Mixer Mill, All Hydraulic, Scale, 2 Screens, Long Unload Auger, 540PTO, 135 Bushel, Clean, Good Condition

• New Holland 310 Small Square Baler, 540PTO

• (28) Interlocking Coral Pannels/Gates

• (60) Free Standing Steel Livestock Gates, 24’ (new)

• (54) 10’ Coral Pannels, (2) Gates, (new) Planting, Tillage & Spraying Equipment

• 2001 Kinze 3500 Planter, 12/23 Row 15” Planter, Kinze Brush Meters, 12 Finger Corn Meters, KPM II Monitor, 23 No-Till Coulters & Box Extensions, 12 Rear Units w/Ag Leader Electric Clutches, Many New Parts, Field Ready

• Meridan Seed Titan 4SE Seed Tender, 4 Box Unit, Scale, Conveyor, Tandem Axle, Honda Motor, Talc Box

• Case IH 330 Tru-tandem Rock Flex High Speed Disc, 25’, Depth Control, Rolling Basket, SN: JFH0047806

• Red Ball 680 Pull Type Crop Sprayer, 1000 Gallon, 80’ Booms, 12.4x42 Tires, Raven SCS450 Monitor, 3 Way Nozzle Bodies, Rinse Tank

• Summers 700 Rock Picker, Hyd. Tongue, Dump & Reel, Like New, SN: L2080

• JD 450, Grain Drill, 13’, Grass Seeder, 7” Spacings, Press Wheels

• Case Grain Drill, 10’ with 6” Spacings, Mechanical Lift,

• Kewanee No. 86, 12’ Cultimulcher, Hyd. Lift

• Rite Way RR250 Rock Picker

• JD 8300 Grain Drill, Grass Seeder, 13’ with 6” Spacing

• JD 6x18’s Plow, In-Furrow

• JD 210, Disc 15’

• JD 960, 24.5 Digger, Hyd Fold, Depth Control, 3 Bar Mulcher, SN: N00960X006254

• Rite Way RR1100, Rock Picker, Hyd Reel, Hyd Dump Semi’s, Trucks, Trailers

• 2016 Volvo VNL630 Semi Tractor, 13L Detroit Engine, Auto, 775,000 Miles, Air Ride

• 2014 IH DuraStar 4300 Service Truck, 127,273 Miles, Maxxforce Diesel, Auto, Aluminum Rims, Stellar 6000 Crane, Outriggers, Compressor

• 2014 Freightliner Day Cab Semi, Air Ride, 678,393 Miles, 19,605 Hours, 10 Speed Transmission, Quarter Fenders, Detroit Diesel

• 2013 Freightliner Day Cab Semi, 612,975 Miles, 23,438 Hours,

Air Ride, PTO, Detroit Diesel, Aluminum Rims

• 2006 Corn Husker Grain Trailer, 40’x66”x96” Electric Roll Tarp,22.5 Tires, Aluminum Rims, Tandem Axle, Air Ride

• 2012 Timpte Grain Trailer 42’x66”x96”Tandem Axle, Power Tarp, Air Ride, Aluminum Wheels,22.5. Tires

• 1996 International 9200, Tandem Axle Chassis, Air Ride,10 Speed, M11 Cummins Diesel, 403,620 Miles, PTO, Wilmer 16 Ton Dry Tender Box, Side Shooter, Roll Tarp Farm Fans Dryer & Grain Leg, Selling Off-Site

• 1992 Farm Fans Model CF/AB190 LP Grain Dryer, Single Phase, 4600 Hrs, SN: L-1931, 5 Collum

• York Grain Leg, 70’Trunking, Metal Cups, 7.5 HP Single Phase, 3000 Bushel Per Hour, Caged Ladder, Platform

• 8”x27’ Grain Auger

• All Items selling off-site near Randolph, MN Tenders & Fertilizer Equipment

• Convey-All Model WT 290 Seed Tender, Roll Tarp, Weigh Tronix 615XL Scale, Honda GX390 Motor

• Ag Systems Stainless Steele Dry Fertilizer Spreader, Tandem Axle, Dual Spread, Roll Tarp,540 PTO

• 2012 B&B Tri Axle Trailer, Ridewell Suspension, Willmar 24 Ton 3 Compartment Dry Tender, Roll Tarp, PTO Pump, Side Shooter

• 2004 Doyle 24 Ton 3 Compartment Stainless Dry Tender Trailer, Diesel Power Unit, Roll Tarp, Side Controls, Tandem Axle, Spring Ride,22.5 Tires, Electric Start

• Ag Systems, 1000 gallon, Tandem Axle, Liquid Tender, Honda Pump 2013 Alumacraft 175 Trophy Boat & Dodge Pickup

• 2013 Alumacraft 175 Trophy Series Fishing Boat, 17’8”, Evinrude E-Tec 115HP Outboard Motor, Shorland’r Easy Load Trailer, Minnkota I-Pilot Trolling Motor, Lowrance Elite-7 Deep Locator, Livewell & Storage, Flip-Up Awning, Cover, Full Windshield, Folding Trailer Hitch, Anchor

2009 Dodge 3500 Pickup, Crew Cab, Cummins Diesel, Dually, Flatbed, Auto, 4x4 Container,

Harvest Hill Acres

from page 9

Around 2021, Harvest Hill Acres started a fiber festival. About 25 fiber producers are invited to the farm, and Diana brings in attractions from the local community, including food trucks to engage non-knitters.

Harvest Hill Acres also holds Knit Night at the Farm once a month, inviting people to bring their knitting or other handcrafts to the farm. Snacks are provided, and, if the weather permits, people can visit the animals.

“We have a different crowd every month,” Diana said. “We have some regulars, but we have people who come from Rochester, Wisconsin (and) Minnetonka. … For some of this group, we created a knitting cruise we went on in ‘23.”

Through their events, Diana likes to show people where the wool for their yarn comes from. The yarn in the farm store is arranged by different baskets for each sheep the

product came from.

“Sometimes, when the knitters are here they want to meet their sheep buddy,” Diana said. “The original ram, Norris, has very popular yarn. Usually, it goes so quickly because he has quite a following of knitting ladies. Sometimes, I don’t even get the label on it.”

Harvest Hill Acres sells yarn across the nation, the farthest points including Alaska, California, Oregon and the East Coast. Most customers are from Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin. Diana is also involved with the Wool and Fiber Arts organization, which helps promote fiber artists, and she goes to sales in and out of state.

“We do (a show) in Montana that’s like a vacation,” Diana said. “I do sell a lot, but we combine it with a Yellowstone vacation … so that kind of negates any profit I make on that trip.”

Diana is working full time again, but she is counting down the minutes to her retirement in a couple years so she can spend more time with the sheep business.

“There are a lot of heartwarming moments,” Diana said. “I really enjoy meeting people and sharing stories about the animals.”


Live Date: Tuesday, March 25th,


• 2006 JD 7520, 2003 JD 8320, 2012 JD 6210R, 1998 JD 7810, 2014 JD 6150R, 2015 JD 6125M, 2004 JD 8520T, 1978 JD 4440, JD 4320, 1997 JD 8400, IH 986, Case IH 5230


• Case 621F Payloader, NH L170 Skid Loader, NH L320 Skid Loader, 2016 Elgin Pelican NP Street Sweeper, CAT Forklift, Clark Forklift, 2018 Gehl R105 Skid Loader, 2017 CAT 259D Skid Loader, Bobcat 825 Skid Loader


• 2014 JD 1750 6 Row 30”, JD 520 Soybean Drill TILLAGE

• 2022 Garford 3pt 16 Row 30” Row Crop Cult, JD 2210L Field Cult, JD 845 3pt 40ft Toolbar w/Flamer Units, Kewanee 8 Shank Chisel Plow, 2015 Case IH 200 Field Cult, JD 210 Disc, 2002 JD 714 Disc Chisel HARVEST

• 2013 JD S680 Combine, 2015 JD 612C Stalkmaster Corn Head, 2018 JD 640FD Flip Over Reel, JD 643 Corn Head


• 2012 NH H8060 Swather, SI Feeder Wagon, Vermeer Catapult CPX9000, Jamesway Manure Stands & Pumps, JD 450 Hydra Push Manure Spreader, JD 336 Small Square Baler, (2) Kuhn Knight Slinger 8132, 1998 Balzer 3350 Vacuum Manure Tank, Notch 24ft Bale Feeder, (2) Meyer 4220 Forage Boxes, Kuhn Knight Slinger SLC141T, 1998 JD 676 Forage Chopping Corn Head, Kuhn MM300 Merge Max, Jay-Lor Feeder/Mixer 5400, 2001 JD 6750 Forage Chopper, 2007 JD 630B Forage Chopper, NH F62B Silage Blower, Krone 42T Power Rake, JD 568 Round Baler, (2) MRF Hyd. Bale Squeezer’s, H&S 430 Manure Spreader, NH 515 Manure Spreader, Odgen 10 Wheel V Rake w/Cart, Livestock Gates


• 1977 Fruehauf Tanker Trailer, 2023 Haul About Cougar Enclosed Trailer, 2005 Wilson Livestock Trailer


• 2011 JD 855D UTV, Kubota RTV900XT Diesel UTV

Snow blankets Harvest Hill Acres in 2022 near Dennison. Diana Weinhardt-Treangen and Dean Treangen bought the property in 2017, two years after buying their first sheep.
An ewe and her lamb share a moment in 2021 at Harvest Hill Acres near Dennison. The sheep are raised for fiber and breeding.


LOCATION 11091 Fenske Drive, St. Charles, MN 55972


JD 4255 Tractor, Quad Trans, 18.4x 38’’ Tires & Duals, 2 Hyds., 3pt., PTO, 6,998hrs

• JD 4050 Tractor, Quad Trans, 3pt PTO, 18.4x38’’ Tires, 2 Hyds., Shows 1250hrs, Aprox. 11,250 hrs.

• Butler 595 Loader w/Quick Tach Bucket

• JD 4230 Tractor, Powershift, 18.4x38’’ Tires, 3pt. PTO, 4,895 original hours

• JD 4630 Tractor, Powershift, 20.8x38’ Tires & Duals, 3pt., Quick Hitch, 2 Hyds., Shows 1,297hrs, Replaced Tach, Recent OH

• JD 720 Tractor, Gas, NF, Power Steering, 3pt., PTO, Flattop Fenders, 1 Hyd., 16.9x38’’ Tires

• Case IH JX95 Tractor, MFD, 2 Hyds., 3,685 Hours

• Farmall Super M Tractor, WF, Flattop Fenders

• International 686 Tractor, Diesel, w/Allied 590M Loader, 3pt., PTO, Cab, 15.5x38 Tires, 8,975 hrs


• IH McCormick Elevator, Hyd. Lift

• Rotary Mower, 6ft, 3pt

• 3 pt. Blade

Gehl 360 Skid Loader, Honda Gas, Manure Bucket

• Minneapolis Moline 1210 Corn Sheller w/Conveyor

• 4-section drag with Evener Grain Elevator, with 2hp electric motor

• Kewanee Grain Elevator

• 400-gal Poly Water Tank

• Grain Conveyor w/Electric motor

• Grain Conveyor w/1 hp electric motor

• Metal Corn Crib, 14ft diameter, 20ft Tall

• Fuel Tank & Stand 250-gal

• Diesel Tank w/Gas Boy Pump

Fuel Tank w/Pump

• A&L 12’ Auger w/1/2 HP Electric Motor

• Lindsay Fanning Mill w/1/3 HP Electric Motor

• Westfield 6”x30ft Electric Drive Auger, No Motor


Bidding Starts Closing: Tuesday, April 1st @ 9

• 1997 JD 9500 Combine, Hopper Extension, Chopper, Spreader, Ag Leader, 4494 Eng, 3082 Sep

• JD 6620 Sidehill Combine, Choppr, Sprdr, 2090 Hrs

• JD 444 Corn Head

• JD 915F, 3” Cut, Rock Guard, PTO Drives

• JD 212 Pickup Head, 5 Belts, Hyd. Drive, PTO’s

• JD 444 Corn Head, Oil Bath, PTO Drives New Idea 324 Corn Picker, 2 Row Head Wide

• IH Stalk Chopper, Pull Type, #50, 12ft

• New Idea 2 Row Pull-Type Corn Picker


• JD 7200 Max Emerge 2, 4 Row Wide, Dry Fert., No-Till Trash Whippers Combos, w/Monitor, DH Down Pressure Springs

• JD 450 Grain Drill Grass Seed, 6” sp, Hyd. Lift,

• AG-Chem 502 500gal PullType Sprayer, 45ft Bm

• Farmhand 40 Cultipacker, Hyd. Lift 13ft,PullType WAGONS

Hyd. Dump Wagon w/JD Gear

• J&M 350-SE Gravity Wagon & Gear

• J&M 350-20 Gravity Wagon & Gear

• MN Running Gear

• (2) Meyer 3116 Forage Boxes w/ MN Gear

• J&M Gravity Wagon 250-7 w/MN 8-ton Gear

• J&M 250-7 Wagon w/Mn 8-ton Gear

• Hyd Dump Wagon & Gear

• J&M Wagon & Gear w/Seed Auger


• Hiniker 30ft Field Cultivator w/3 Bar Harrow

• JD 4 Row Front Mount Cultivator

• JD 725 Front Mount Cultivator, 4 Row Wide

• IH 4 Row Cultivator

• JD 3 Bottom Plow

• JD 400 Rotary Hoe, 15ft

• JD 1710 A Disc Chisel, 9 Shank Kewanee 1100 20ft Disc, Rem-

linger Rolling Bskt

• JD 1350-1450 4 Bottom Plow

• International 720 5 Bottom Plow

• International 45 Vibra Shank

Field Cultivator, Hyd. Wings, 4 Bar Harrow,18ft


• 2015 Case IH DC 92 Discbine; JD 336 Small Square Baler; Vermeer Rancher 6650 Round

Baler; New Holland 256 Hay Rake; H&S X-10/13 Hay Rake; Anderson Hybrid 33 Bale Wrapper; JD 800 Swather; Notch 8

Bale Mover; Bale Fork; 2 Prong

Bale Fork; (4) Hay Wagons with Gears; (2) Hay Wagons with JDGears and more!


• Gehl 1200 Forage Chopper; New Holland 790 Forage Chopper

2 Row Corn Hd; Gehl Mix-All 125 Grinder/ Mixer; New Idea 3726 Manure Spreader; New Idea manure Spreader, Trailer only; 16ft Bale Feeder Wagon; (2) Smidley Steer Stuffer; Bulk Feed Bin; Cattle Head Gate & Chute; H&S Livestock Trailer; Hitcrop Poly Cattle Water; (8) Poly Round Bale Feeders; Metal Round Bale Feeder; (2) Highcroft Cattle water; Manure Bucket; 8 Cattle gates; 9- Misc Cattle Gates


• 1979 International S2125 Tandem Axle Grain Truck; 2006 Buick Lucerne CX, 4 Door, V6; 2008 Dodge Ram 1500, 4x4, V8, Crew Cab; 2007 Chevrolet 1500 Pickup, 4x4; 1999 Chevrolet 1500 Pickup, 4x4; 1976 GMC 6500 Grain Truck w/Box & Hoist


Polaris 570 Ranger, EFI, 4x4, 3,067 Miles; JD 625i Gator, 4x4, Gas, 217 hrs., 878 Miles, Electric Dump; Black Diamond LSP 35 Log Splitter; Gravely ZT 52 HD Lawn Mower, 570 hrs., 52’’ Deck; JD Snowblower 7ft, 540 PTO; Toro Wheelhorse 417 XT Lawn Mower, 459 hrs; Earthquake 6.5 hp Garden tiller; Small Utility Trailer, No title

SELLERS: Personal Representative’s of the Estate Dan Shea & Catherine KurthContact Dan Shea: 507-951-8292 CZMar1-1B-JM

Agribusiness Replacement Cost on Irrigators




Tuesday, March 11th (online only) Spring Area Farmers Consignment Auction in Kenyon; Bidding starts opening Saturday, March 1st at 8 am and bidding starts closing Tuesday, March 11th at 10 am.

Thursday, March 20th (live and online) Farm Retirement Auction for Wayne and Nancy Peterson at Northfield; Live auction begins Thursday, March 20th at 10 am.

Monday, March 24th (live and online) Doug Carpenter Farm Estate Auction at Dexter; Bidding starts opening Friday, March 14th at 10 am and live auction begins Monday, March 24th at 9 am.

Tuesday, March 25th (online only) Spring Area Farmers Consignment Auction in Dexter; Call now to consign your clean farm and construction equipment. Advertising deadline Monday, March 3rd. Accepting items until Monday, March 17th. Bidding starts opening Friday, March 14th at 10 am and bidding starts closing Tuesday, March 25th at 10 am.

Thursday, March 27th (live and online) Farm Retirement Auction for Richard (Rick) and Dawn VanZuilen at West Concord; Live auction begins Thursday, March 27th at 9 am.

Saturday, March 29th (live and online) Clean Farm Estate Auction for the James Halik Estate at Black River Falls, WI; Live auction begins Saturday, March 29th at 9:30 am. Tuesday, April 1st (online only) Farm Equipment Auction for Maurice W Shea Estate; Bidding starts opening Friday, March 21st at 10 am and bidding starts closing Tuesday, April 1st at 9 am.

Thursday, April 3rd (live and online) Farm Estate Auction for Barnett Bros Inc. & Loss Lake Farms Inc. at Kilkenny; Live auction begins Thursday, April 3rd at 9:30 am.

Sunday, April 13th (online only) Estate Auction for the Harold and Patricia Schweisthal Estates; Bidding starts opening Saturday, April 5th at 8 am and bidding starts closing Sunday, April 13th at 4 pm.

Tuesday, April 22nd (online only) Firearms, Knives and Coins Auction; Bidding starts opening Saturday, April 12th at 8 am and bidding starts closing Tuesday, April 22nd at 4 pm.

Tuesday, April 29th (online only) Farm Equipment Estate Auction for The Doug Pirkl Estate; Bidding starts opening Saturday, April 19th at 8 am and bidding starts closing Tuesday, April 29th at 4 pm.

Tuesday, May 6th (online only) 18.4 Acre Building Site with Older Home, Newer Outbuilding for the Harold and Patricia Schweisthal Estates; Bidding starts opening Saturday, April 26th at 8 am and bidding starts closing Tuesday, May 6th at 10 am.

Sunday, May 11th (online only) Collector Car, Parts and Tool Auction for the Doug Pedersen Estate; Bidding starts opening Saturday, May 3rd at 8 am and bidding starts closing Sunday, May 11th at 3 pm.

Sunday, May 18th (online only) Complete Inventory Liquidation for Mapleton Farm and Home Store; Bidding starts opening Saturday, May 10th at 8 am and bidding starts closing Sunday, May 18th at 3 pm.

Tuesday, May 20th (online only) Construction Auction for the Jim Gramse Plaster and Stucco Company; Bidding starts opening Monday, May 12th at 8 am and bidding starts closing Tuesday, May 20th at 4 pm.

Wednesday, May 28th (online only) Care Facility Architectural Salvage and Reclaimed Materials Auction; Bidding starts opening Saturday, May 17th at 8 am and bidding starts closing Wednesday, May 28th at 4 pm.

Monday, June 9th (online only) Early Summer Area Farmers Consignment Auction in Kenyon; Call now to consign your clean farm and construction equipment. Accepting consignments at lot Monday, May 19th through Thursday, May 29th. Bidding starts opening Saturday, May 31st at 8 am and bidding starts closing Monday, June 9th at 10 am. Tuesday, June 10th (online only) Early Summer Area Farmers Consignment Auction in Dexter; Call now to consign your clean farm and construction equipment. Bidding starts opening Friday, May 30th at 10 am and bidding starts closing Tuesday, June 10th at 10 am.

Sunday, June 22nd (online only) Moving Auction for Joe and Monica Boehmer; Bidding starts opening Saturday, June 14th at 8 am and bidding starts closing Sunday, June 22nd at 3 pm.

Tuesday, July 15th (online only) Clean Farm Retirement Auction for Michael and Dana Timmers; Bidding starts opening Saturday, July 5th at 8 am and bidding starts closing Tuesday, July 15th at 10am.

Friday, August 1st (live and online) Exceptionally Clean Farm Retirement Auction for Terry and Cindy Vaith and Bob and Karen Vaith of Ellendale; Live auction begins Friday, August 1st at 10 am.

Saturday, August 9th (live and online) Pre-Harvest Area Farmers Consignment Auction in Kenyon; Call now to consign your clean farm and construction equipment.; Accepting consignments at lot Wednesday, July 30th through Wednesday, August 6th. Live auction begins Saturday, August 9th at 8:30 am.

Friday, August 22nd (live and online) Clean Farm Retirement Auction for Ted and Shirley Hinrichs at Albert Lea; Bidding starts opening Wednesday, August 13th at 10 am and live auction begins Friday, August 22nd at 9 am. Saturday, August 23rd (live and online) Clean Farm Retirement Auction for Michael Wojahn at Windom; Live auction begins Saturday, August 23rd at 9:30 am.

Sunday, August 31st (online only) Annual Labor Day Consignment Auction Day 1; Advertising deadline Tuesday, August 5th. Bidding starts opening Friday, August 22nd at 10 am and bidding starts closing Sunday, August 31st at 9 am. Monday, September 1st (live and online) Annual Labor Day Consignment Auction Day 2 at Dexter; Advertising deadline Tuesday, August 5th. Live auction begins Monday, September 1st at 9 am.


to the community

Loy Show Barn creates novel concert venue for national bands

ORONOCO — On the outside, Loy Show Barn looks like a normal, beautiful, old red barn; but on the inside, it has been transformed into a portal for bluegrass music.

Heath and Becky Loy are the owners of Loy Show Barn located on their property near Oronoco. From June through September, they bring in one to two bluegrass events a month. The venue, which accommodates about 150 people, hosts both local talent and nationally touring bands.

“A driving force for me, personally, is to have a bluegrass presence in our commu-

nity,” Heath said. “The goal is always that maybe some young kid will come out to the barn with their parents and get that bug.”

Becky agreed.

“This style of music does not come through this town very often,” she said. “This is allowing that style of music to be introduced. … I feel like that is pretty important.”

The Loys purchased the property in 2014, and in 2015, they hosted their first jam session with friends and family. There was a potluck meal, and

everyone brought lawn chairs. Since then, the space and the bands it hosts have evolved.

“With word of mouth, it started to get around,” Heath said.

“Now, it’s open to the public. Over the years, we have started bringing in national acts. … It’s such a unique space to catch a show.”

Becky agreed.

Heath and Becky Loy dance August 2024 at Loy Show Barn near Oronoco.
old-time music.
Lonesome River Band performs August 2024 at Loy Show Barn near Oronoco. In 2019, a Minnesota Star Tribune article highlighting live music venues featured Loy Show Barn and helped put them on the map.
Loy Show Barn page 15

Loy Show

Barn from page 13

“It’s such a cool vibe,” she said. “A lot of people are searching for more of a simple, old-timey experience. This gives them that — literal fresh air and sunshine and to gaze out at a completely empty field (and) hear music in a 100-year-old barn.”

In 2018, the Loy Show Barn hosted their first show featuring a nationally touring band, the Po’ Ramblin’ Boys. The band, which was nominated for a Grammy Award for an album produced in 2019, were named by the International Bluegrass Music Association as New Artist of the Year in 2018, the same year they toured at the Loys’ venue.

The Loys said the show was a turning point for their venue, proving the type of talent they could draw.

“Once we realized that that was possible, I think that’s when both he and I felt like, ‘This feels right,’” Becky said. “This space was meant for bringing our favorite style of music to this community.”

The show also had personal significance for the Loys. Heath’s father, Bob, had always been a bluegrass enthusiast and promoter, even starting

his own music festival. Bob sat in the front row the entire performance. He would pass away later that year.

“He was on cloud nine,” Heath said. “He just could not believe that a band of that caliber was playing in this barn in his son’s backyard.”

The music the Loys enjoy is an acoustic, old-time style. Since hosting the Po’ Ramblin’ Boys, the Loys have brought in other big names in bluegrass, including Larry Sparks in 2023.

In 2019, a Minnesota Star Tribune article highlighting live music venues featured Loy Show Barn. Heath said the article helped put them on the map.

Both Heath and Becky have musical backgrounds. They met playing in a bluegrass band together. Heath is a banjo player and Becky is a singer and songwriter. The couple moved to greater Nashville, Tennessee, for three years in 2009, and during that time, they both recorded albums.

Through their barn, the Loys have experienced a new aspect of the music business as show promoters.

Sunlight brightens Loy Show Barn at the Loy’s farm near Oronoco. The barn can accommodate about 150 people.
Heath Loy stands by the bar at Loy Show Barn near Oronoco. Loy decorated the bar area with taxidermy for an outdoorsy feel.
Loy Show Barn page 16

suit to overalls From

ZUMBRO FALLS — When Jim Newcome and his wife, Marci, moved to the wooded hills of rural Zumbro Falls in 2020, they did not know how much their lives would change in the following years.

“I went from wearing a suit and tie every day and flying in an airplane to wearing overalls and a sweatshirt,” Jim said.

The Newcomes own Zumbro Ridge Maple Syrup. Each year, they tap about 50 trees on their small, wooded acreage. They offer regular maple syrup and habanero-infused maple syrup for sale as well as vanilla- and cinnamon-infused syrup for their own use.


Newcomes adapt to country life, start maple syrup enterprise

“I hope it brings to (others) the passion that I put into it,” Jim said. “I hope that they feel like it’s handcrafted. … There’s something special about being a small operation. … I like to buy stuff when I know somebody stood in their kitchen and baked it … (or) somebody walked out to that tree and got that sap and cooked it down.”

When the Newcomes moved to the country after spending 25 years in Stewartville, they were forced to jump into an active, rural life because their new home was heated with a wood boiler.

Newcomes page 18

Jim Newcome works on tapping a maple tree Feb. 12 on his property near Zumbro Falls. Newcome started tapping maple trees five years ago.
(Right) Syrup rests on the counter Feb. 12 at the Newcomes’ home near Zumbro Falls. The syrup is enjoyed by the Newcomes, given as gifts, and sold at a local coffee truck and a holiday market in the Twin Cities.



“The wood boiler convinced me that I’m now going to be an outdoors guy; … I spend half my day in work boots now,” Jim said. “Then, getting a few chickens and starting some maple syrup — this all just came naturally.”

When the Newcomes initially moved to the country, Jim was working full time for the American Heart Association and traveling for business 130 days a year. The coronavirus pandemic sent his job online. Then, as Marci’s dad, Bill Paulson, was on hospice, the Newcomes decided to move Paulson in with them, and Jim quit his job to care for him full time.

“It was just such a blessing,” Jim said. “It was life-changing for me in the aspect of caring for somebody that’s dying. It was life-changing, the fact that I quit my professional career on the spot.”

ock of chickens, own a sawmill and brush removal business, have

a loader business and manage several rental properties.

After Paulson’s passing, Jim decided to work for himself. In addition to their syrup enterprise, the Newcomes sell firewood, have a fl

It was Marci who initially had the idea to tap trees. The first year, they bought a kit with taps and syrup bags.

“I knew nothing about tree sap,” Jim said. “I was like, ‘You just live around trees, and they’re trees.’”

They tapped 10 trees the first year. Jim spent syrup season bringing in sap in the chilly winter mud once or twice a day.

“It’s the worst time of year,” he said. “When nobody wants to be outside, that’s when the syrup’s running. So, here I am now, walking around with a bucket, dumping these things. … It was horrible.”

They processed the syrup in their propane turkey fryer, ending up with a couple pints for their endeavors.

“Of course, we thought it was the greatest thing we ever had,” Jim said. “Then, I did the math on it, and when I had paid for propane to cook it down, not to mention the work, I could just buy it in the store cheaper.”

Jim began thinking about finding an easier and less expensive way to do it for the next season.

“This is where my brain kicked in,” he said. “Now, it’s no longer my wife’s project, it’s my mission.”

Jim visited a commercial maple syrup operation in Wisconsin and decided to try creating a smaller version of their sap line system for his trees. That next year, he used a gravity-fed sap line system.

Syrup finishes boiling in the turkey fryer at the Newcomes’ property near Zumbro Falls. Sap starts in a reverse osmosis machine before moving to a wood-fired boiler and finally the turkey fryer for finishing.
Supplies for syrup season sit Feb. 12 in the Newcomes’ basement near Zumbro Falls. Jim Newcome’s goal is for his own syrup to be free and to break even on costs.


from page 18

Then, the next year, after deciding his slope was not steep enough for good flow with gravity alone, he created a vacuum pump for the system, which resulted in 11 gallons of sap per hour delivered via four sap lines to his boiling area.

Jim uses a reverse osmosis sap reducer and a wood-fired evaporator. The final stage of finishing the syrup still happens in the turkey fryer. This year, he hopes to better refine his bottling process.

“Every year, it just keeps morphing into something bigger, even though we never really wanted it to be bigger,” Jim said.

His boiling setup is on his patio next to his hot tub, making it easy for him to watch the syrup, sometimes even supervising from the hot tub.

“You’re supposed to be out there tromping around in the mud, (but) I don’t even have to put my shoes on to make syrup,” he said.

In spite of the luxurious surroundings, boiling days are busy for Jim. The boiling process needs tending about every 15 minutes for a 12-hour span.

“You’re either adding sap or adding wood,” he said. “Sometimes, this goes on for days at a time when the sap is running. It’s a grind.”

Jim does the work of tapping and boiling, while Marci is an integral part of the bottling process in the evenings.

The Newcomes’ maple syrup is enjoyed in their own home and given as gifts to friends, neighbors

and even local repair people.

“Somehow, organically, we became the syrup people,” Jim said.

They also sell it through a local coffee truck and a holiday market in the Twin Cities.

The Newcomes enjoy their syrup in a variety of ways, including on pancakes and French toast featuring their own sourdough bread and eggs from their chickens.

“When you can do your own farm-to-table, that is living,” Jim said. “That is the best life gets.”

Looking to the future, Jim is unconcerned with growing his business as a major money-maker since he gives away as much as he sells.

“I just want to cover my expenses and keep making friends with syrup,” he said.

“Every year, we do

make more, and every year, we say, ‘We have to look at more ways to sell it,’ but every year, we keep getting rid of it.”

Sunshine gleams through a sap line at the Newcomes’ property near Zumbro Falls. Jim Newcome installed sap lines his second year of making maple syrup to eliminate trips in the mud to collect sap.
A sap line stretches across a maple tree at the Newcomes’ property near Zumbro Falls. There are 50 trees tapped on the property.
PHOTO BY AMY KYLLO Chickens roost Feb. 12 at the Newcomes’ property near Zumbro Falls. In addition to maple syrup, the Newcomes also have a flock of laying hens.


Solar Panels for the Passive House: John & Nancy

After years of searching for the perfect home that fits their needs or would be excited to renovate, John and Nancy decided to build! Around that same time, they attended the Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center’s presentation about the Passive House movement – an exceptionally rigorous building standard that results in a home which, using the latest technologies, has the smallest carbon footprint currently possible.

The concept hit home. John says he doesn’t consider himself an “environmentalist” per se; he just believes in living within his means.

“We believe in energy conservation. We believe in protecting our valuable non-renewable resources. But we’re also big believers in electricity and living the lifestyle we’ve come to know within reason, but just to do it more efficiently and more economically.”

To see more testimonials visit us at




A weekend of vendors

old, new


Attendees walk through the North American Farm & Power Show Mar. 19, 2022, held in Owatonna. The show averages 10,000-13,000 attendees a year.

Farm, ag trade show gets ready to kick off

OWATONNA — With the arrival of March, many people have been preparing for the North American Farm & Power Show taking place March 20-22 at the Four Seasons Centre in Owatonna. The show will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday and Friday and from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday.

Among the people preparing is Dan Slowinski, a show director with Tradexpos since 2020. As director, it is his job to ensure everything is lined up — space, vendors, food trucks, drawings and the logistics — so the show goes as smooth as possible.

“When they walk in, the first thing they’re probably going to see is the grand prize drawing,” Slowinski said. “Every day, we have an item we will be doing a drawing for. The prizes consist of a weedwhacker, leaf blower and a chainsaw.”

People look at a tractor displayed Mar. 18, 2023, at the North American Farm & Power Show in Owatonna. A wide range of products and services will be available to see at NAFPS, including chicken coops, drones, saw blades, seed companies, toolboxes, welding tables, fertilizer and cattle chutes.

For this year’s attendees, food trucks will be located right outside the main door.

Throughout the show, there will be a series of seminars in the upper part of the building. The seminars are being put on by the University of Minnesota and the Linder Farm Network. The list of seminars is on the North American Farm & Power Show page along with a brief summary of what will be discussed. Visitors can plan their visit around the seminar schedule so they get the most out of their trip to the show.

“We understand that some of our attendees are coming from 50-80 miles away, and that they can’t always attend the show back-to-back days,” Slowinski said.

The vendors will be set up in 16 areas, each area containing a variety of agricultural businesses, including equipment dealers displaying anything from tankers, balers, sprayers and skid loader attachments to tractors and combines.

A wide range of products and services will also be available to suit the needs of all farmers. This includes chicken coops, drones, saw blades, seed companies, toolboxes, welding tables, fertilizer and cattle chutes. This year, the show has 162 vendors.

“As of (Feb. 18), I actually had 34 companies on the waitlist trying to get into the show,” Slowinski said. “I probably have another 20 that asked about it but have not filled out an application to be on the waitlist.”


Educational seminars will be located in the Four Seasons Centre second level meeting room


10 a.m. — 11:30 a.m.: “Farm & Business Succession Planning” Leah R. GilbertEsq., Pluto Legal, PLLC.

1 p.m. — 4 p.m.: “Cover Crops”

— Andy Linder — How to start using cover crops

— Tom Cotter — How to integrate livestock with cover crops

— Anna Teeter — Oilseed crops

— Brad Hagen — Adding oats to your operation

4:30 p.m.: Husqvarna leaf blower drawing (need not be present to win).


10 a.m. — 11:30 a.m.: “Customized Conservation for Your Farm” Brad Jordahl Redlin, manager, Agricultural Conservation Services Section Minnesota Department of Agriculture

12:30 p.m. — 5 p.m.: “Organic Row Crops” Certified, transitioning or curious about organic farming? All are welcome to attend.

— Farmer panel discussion with experienced growers

— Organic insurance coverage

— Soils and biologicals

— Forever Green Initiative

— Market Opportunities

4:30 pm: Husqvarna string trimmer drawing (need not be present to win).


12:30 p.m. — 2:30 p.m.: “Beef Quality Assurance” BQA with Melissa Runck, Extension Beef Specialist

3:30 p.m.: Husqvarna chainsaw drawing (need not be present to win).

Trade Show from


Many vendors have been attending the show for a number of years. There are 30 who have been with the show since it was moved to Owatonna in 2003 as well as 31 vendors who are making their first-time appearance at the show this year.

“Selling out every year, it’s tough to get turnover, but we do every year,” Slowinski said. “If there’s a will, there’s a way … and what’s cool about that is this you have these farmers and ranchers that come to the show every year, and even they get to find something new this year.”

Some vendors have been with the show since it was held in Minneapolis. The show was moved to provide a more practical area for hauling in exhibits and better

parking for vendors and attendees alike.

To match the variety of things to see, the show

attracts many attendees. The average attendance is 10,000-13,000.

“We are very blessed to have had a great attendance at the show last year,” Slowinski said. “We had 12,720 attendees coming

Attendees visit with exhibitors Mar. 18, 2022, at the North American Farm & Power Show in Owatonna. Throughout the show, there will be a series of seminars in the upper part of the building.

throughout the area constantly to support the show, and it keeps exhibitors coming back over and over.”

Slowinski said attendees should expect to take time to see everything at the show. The show is not something they can see entirely in 15 minutes. In order to see as much as possible and get the best experience, attendees should plan on spending a couple hours.

“It is kind of a onestop shop for everybody,” Slowinski said. “It is a place where you get to compare apples to apples, compare the products side-byside, talk face-to-face with your reps versus looking at everything online and waiting for somebody to give you a call back.”

Visitors look at equipment Mar. 18, 2023, at the North American Farm & Power Show in Owatonna. The show has been held in Owatonna since 2003.


SOLUTIONS .............................................805

GROWING HOPE GLOBALLY...........................................................17 HM AUCTIONS .........................................................................................613

HODGMAN DRAINAGE CO., INC. ....................................................21 HOTSY MINNESOTA ...........................................................................826

INTELLIFARMS NORTHERN DIVISION, INC.............................715 INTERNATIONAL STEEL ERECTORS, INC. .............................902

JANESVILLE TIRE SERVICE INC...................................................802 JK ROUTH CONTRACTING LLC ...................................................810

JOE’S ATTACHMENT ..........................................................................820

JUNG ENTERPRISE INC. ....................................................................411 K & S MILLWRIGHTS, INC..................................................................828

KAHN TILE ................................................................................................726

KAMPERT AG LLC ..................................................................................57

KIBBLE EQUIPMENT...........................................................................126

LANDPROZ REAL ESTATE .............................................................631

LEAFFILTER NORTH, LLC. ..............................................................725

LEE J. SACKETT, INC. .........................................................................304

LEGACY SEEDS .....................................................................................807

LEGACY STEEL BUILDINGS ...........................................................734 LEWIS CATTLE OILERS

We are a Leader in Electric Installations, Liner Welding & Tarp Repair, Custom Installations

We operate a full size three stall shop, large enough to fit a 45 ft. trailer and semi-truck in two separate bays. With an overhead crane and mobile skyjack you can rest assured your tarp or liner system is installed at a professional level.

Mon-Fri 7:30am – 5pm Saturday 7:30am-12pm (by Appointment)

Starting from the highest point

Top Down Silo provides safe removal for farmers

Carson Forsberg, owner of Top Down Silo LLC, has been removing unwanted silos from farms for close to 20 years.

Around five years ago, Carson saw the increasing need for a precise way to remove unwanted silos in a way that was safe for the crew as well as the surrounding buildings and animals. That is when he officially started Top Down Silo.

Carson learned that investing in specialized equipment allows for the safe removal of silos in congested areas and the option of on-site recycling of the concrete through crushing.

Top Down Silo covers all of the upper Midwest. They have successfully taken down silos for clients in western North Dakota, all of Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa while also working into Nebraska, South Dakota and Illinois.

The company notes

that silos can be a logistical problem when building a new building or adding onto an existing one. As silos age, they may become liabilities and a danger to people, surrounding buildings and livestock.

“I know there are a few counties in Minnesota that won’t insure (silos) anymore, so, if it does fall over on a building, it is not a covered expense anymore,” said Katy Forsberg, Carson’s wife.

Throughout the process of taking down the silos, the Forsbergs ensure that safety is their No. 1 priority.

“Anyone can go on YouTube and see so many fails of people trying to knock their silo over,” Katy said. “We’ve taken hundreds of silos down from the top and proved it is the safest and surest way to remove one.”

This process does take longer and is more costly than tipping a silo, but it is

less expensive than the risk of having to repair a building or replace livestock. Top Down Silo also offers emergency take downs and typically can be onsite within 24 hours of getting a call.

When Top Down Silo is hired for a removal, the business will take care of everything from the complexity of a concrete roof to removing the silo and a complete cleanup of the job site. They offer to remove the staves, or they have a mobile concrete crusher that allows them to grind them up to be used as aggregate.

“Normally, people just tip (the silos) over, and that takes quite a bit of space, and they’re not exactly guaranteed of where they are going to fall,” Carson said. “We figured out how to take these things down from the top, stave by stave, just like they are built.”

Silos in the process of being removed by Top Down Silo LLC April 23, 2024, on a farm near Bernard, Iowa. Top Down Silo was started about five years ago by owner Carson Forsberg.





Our unique Skid steer and Utility tractor snow plows feature a Floating faceplate and an innovative “cross draw” design, with a dual direction hydraulic cylinder, which allows this plow to sit much closer to the machine and faceplate than a traditional A-frame style plow with a dual ram set-up. Because of our proven design, these plows have substantial amount of free movement, or “walk” when going over uneven terrain like a dirt road, side hills, around a pond, a loading dock or handicap ramp. These plows INCLUDE a cross over relief valve to help protect the hydraulics from damage.

Q&A’S from your

Number of years attended: Forever.

Why is attending the North American Farm & Power Show important to you? I like to go see what’s out there for new equipment and technologies and also visit with people. I know people that either have a booth there or visit there as well.

Scott Balzer

What are two must-dos when attending NAFPS? Get a malt at the malt stand. Visit the Northland Farm Systems booth.

What booths are you interested in visiting this year and/ or booths you regularly visit?Northland Farm Systems and Byron Seeds. What goods or services have you incorporated into your farm or home from a previous NAFPS? None that I can think of.

What is your most memorable experience at NAFPS?

Taking my son, Brantley, to go see Granny and Papa at the Northland Farm Systems

Number of years attended: Six years.

Why is attending the North American Farm & Power Show important to you? I go to the farm show to see new innovations. I also go to visit with knowledgeable vendors that can discuss these innovations. That way, I can gain knowledge of the product to help make an informed decision on future purchases.

What are two must-dos when attending NAFPS? Really, there is only one must-do, and that is to be sure to have am-

Warren Remold


Do you usually attend solo, or do you go with friends or family? I usually go with my wife. What would you say to encourage other people to attend? It’s a great show and just something to do before busy season of fieldwork begins.

Tell us about yourself and your farm or other occupation/business. I farm with my parents. We milk 120 cows with two Lely robots and farm about 500 acres of land. We also raise all our own replacement heifers and finish most of our steers.

CROP AND CATTLE FARMER | Byron | Olmsted County

ple time set aside to see all the vendors and have time to listen and ask questions to gain the most knowledge you can.

What booths are you interested in visiting this year and/ or booths you regularly visit? I am always interested in any innovations that improve livestock handling. I also keep an eye out for any new vendors that I have not spoken to in the past.

What goods or services have you incorporated into your farm or home from a previous NAFPS? I have been able to make our farm more efficient by buying a variety of skid loader attachments that have really benefitted the farm. I made these choices after visiting with vendors. This is just one example of things we have purchased over the years.

What is your most memorable experience at NAFPS? Buying a model tractor of my father’s first tractor that I drove on our farm. It stills brings back wonderful memories looking at it on my shelf every day.

Do you usually attend solo, or do you go with friends or family? Generally, I go solo, leaving family members to run the farm.

What would you say to encourage other people to attend? This show is a great way to expand knowledge on new and diverse vendors involving all aspects of farming all in one convenient location. Tell us about yourself and your farm or other occupation/ business. I am a local farmer that raises row crops, forage and cattle. This show allows me to see vendors across all areas of farming.

Number of years attended: Every year that it’s been going. Why is attending the North American Farm & Power Show important to you? It is just something that kind of breaks the winter doldrums and a place to go where its warm when its usually not the best weather outside. I usually meet fellow farmers and catch up with people I haven’t seen in a while and check out what is novel or new at the various booths.

What are two must-dos when attending NAFPS? I don’t know if there are two things — the malt stand usually gets a visit. That counts for two, probably.

What booths are you interested in visiting this year and/or booths you regularly visit? No one thing necessarily comes to mind. Usually, I come across something while I’m there that is interesting or piques my interest.

What goods or services have you incorporated into your farm or home from a previous NAFPS? A few years ago, I bought a “real” flashlight from a vendor. I paid pretty for that thing, but it’s a light for sure. Not one of those things that you have to shake to get it to work.

What is your most memorable experience at NAFPS? One year, I attended with non-farming friends from out of state. That was an interesting for all of us.

Do you usually attend solo, or do you go with friends or family? Almost always with my children.

What would you say to encourage other people to attend? It’s a good place to see new things and dream a bit and enjoy the atmosphere of all things ag.

Tell us about yourself and your farm or other occupation/business. My family and I operate a 60-cow dairy. My wife, Darla; my twin sons, Matthew and Micah; my two youngest daughters, Meredith and Angie; and I are involved. My four older children have moved onto other things. We run about 200 acres of crop land, which is primarily feed for the cattle.

(pictured with his son, Brantley) DAIRY FARMER | Owatonna | Steele County
Dwight Burkholder DAIRY FARMER
Claremont | Dodge County

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