Providers offer new home energy incentives Yard OME2022 Fall


Electric thermal storage, or room storage heaters, deliver savings by using electricity to store heat during the night when the timeof-day power rate is cheapest. They can be easily requirementsdischargedstoredwhenroomthermostatbricks.designedheatsystemsconstruction.duringinstallednewhomeETSstoreinspeciallyceramicAroommonitorstemperatureandheatisneeded,theheatinthebricksistomeetheatingthroughoutthe
ECE also offers rebate programs for water heating. If you are building a new home, Leibel suggests pricing an air source heat pump instead of a regular air conditioner.

East Central Energy has an energy services team that is dedicated to helping home owners who are considering new home construction.
“These ETS or whole house heating systems sit in the basement or garage,” Leibel said. “We offer a $100 per kilowatt rebate for (homeowners who incorporate them into their homes).”
“Those are very efficient and are getting more and more efficient year after year,” said Leibel, adding it is important to have units put in by a qualified installer. “They are capable of heating at lower and lower temperatures.”

Co-op, utility programs help homeowners save money

Some units provide 38 kilowatts of energy; that translates into an ECE rebate of $3,800 on a $7,000 or $8,000 piece of equipment, Leibel said.
Leibel said, ECE offers installation rebates of up to $1,250 for air source heat pumps.

Energy incentives pagePHOTO2BCOURTESY
“We like to think of ourselves as trusted advisers,” said Pete Leibel, the member-owned electric cooperative’s energy services supervisor. “Our team continuously works with reduced rate programs, and explains options for the homeowner.”Forexample, ECE’s forestry department can help determine the right trees to plant to create windbreaks. Dense evergreen trees or shrubs strategically placed on the north side of a property can reduce annual home heating costs by 10% to 15%.
Strategic spending early in the new home building process can lead to larger savings later, especially if energy efficiency rebates or improvements enter the picture.

The High Efficiency New Homes Program is a joint offering between CenterPoint Energy and Xcel Energy. Together, the energy providers promote high efficiency home construction that exceeds the Minnesota Residential Energy Code.
Quiet and energy efficient, an air source heat pump is ideal for cooling in the summer and when winter temperatures are above 25 degrees. These units replace traditional air conditioner units.

Pete Leibel, energy services supervisor for East Central Energy, stands near a hot water storage unit. Leibel suggests homeowners consider ECE’s storage water heating program, which has a special rate of 5.3 cents per kWh.



Xcel Energy has an online list of high efficiency new home builders. Visit

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• Room storage heaters can be easily installed during construction or remodeling projects and easily retrofitted.

• A quiet fan circulates heat from the bricks into the room when the thermostat calls for heat.

Page 2B | HOME AND YARD GUIDE | SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2022 | SAUK RAPIDS HERALD & BENTON COUNTY NEWS Cell: (320) 250-1023 • Office: (320) 258-5204 • Fax: (320) 230-2790 702 9TH AVE. S, SAUK RAPIDS, MN 56379 PAUL NEMETH Owner/Operations Manager/Master Electrician Lic.#AM07083 • Contractors Lic. #EA003490 120 Division Street Sauk Rapids, MN COME SEE HALLOWEENOURDECORONDISPLAY!SOUREEnew lookfresh

Energy incentives from front

year-round, wall to-wall comfort. Such homes are built to be at least 10% more energy efficient than the code requires. That can mean hundreds of dollars saved each year — and thousands more over the lifetime of a home.

During off-peak hours, electric thermal storage units convert electricity into heat and store that heat in specially designed high-density ceramic bricks. These bricks are capable of storing vast amounts of heat for extended periods of time.
Keep every room warm and cozy with high quality room storage heaters, which charge for eight hours during off peak periods The units release stored heat during on peak hours each day.
High efficiency new homes are built to higher standards, and each is inspected and tested by a third-party professional trained in advanced building science. They feature advanced construction practices, design elements and materials that deliver improved quality, comfort and energy savings for a lifetime and make the new home a better value for today and a better investment for tomorrow.Highefficiency new homes are built to minimize leaks and drafts that cause hot and cold spots. Innovative insulation techniques and high efficiency equipment work together to provide

• Each room storage heater is individually controlled so you can adjust the temperature in each room. Heat storage brickHeating elementsCoretemperature sensor
Electric rate: 5.3¢/kWh
Additional insulation and air sealing also helps create a quieter environment in a newly built Additionally,home.having a nationally recognized third-party rating on a home can boost resale value.

Room storage units are affordable and 100 percent efficient. they require no duct work and take advantage of the low off-peak electric rate of 5.3¢/kWh. Units are housed in a sleek cabinet in a neutral color, to complement any décor, and they are covered by a five-year
• Room storage heaters use electric thermal storage (ETS) technology to convert electricity to heat.

The units offer individual room control and safe, clean, comfortable heat anywhere you need it

DethatchingMid-August through September.
more species of seed and greater genetic diversity, are often used for lawns that have varying microclimates, such as sun and shaded areas.
It is also time to fertilize. Around the beginning of September, put down two-thirds of a total annual nitrogen application. If people have not performed a soil test, a fertilizer grade of 24-0-12 is good for many lawns, and 24-0-18 will add a little more potassium to help roots get through winter.

Late June to the second week of August.
FertilizingEarly August through mid-October.May through late June.
Tall fescue is a coarse fescue species that has been gaining popularity due to its shade and traffic tolerance as well as its ability to avoid drought through an extensive root system. Tall fescue is a bunch type grass, and it can be unsightly when overseeded into existing lawns, so it is recommended for new seedings or utility turf areas. When tall fescue is greater than 75% of a stand, it looks comparable to a Kentucky bluegrass lawn, and it will require less inputs of water and fertilizer. Tall fescue is also shade adapted.

Minnesota lawn care calendar

controlCrabgrass Pre-emergence: mid-April to midbeforeMay, crabgrass comes out of the ground.
Page 4B | HOME AND YARD GUIDE | SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2022 | SAUK RAPIDS HERALD & BENTON COUNTY NEWS Keith G. Nygaard • 320-980-2971 • Have your flooring installed with 20 plus years experience! COMMERCIAL + RESIDENTIAL Mention this ad and receive a discount! Hardwood, Laminate, Vinyl, Carpet & Tile AFTERTileBEFOREBEFORE Nygaard Custom Floors LLC. K • AndersonDave Realtor 320.249.7026 YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD REAL ESTATE AGENT AND FRIEND FOR OVER 30 YEARS!

Broadleaf weed control September through late OctoberMay through late June.

Perennial ryegrass can also be a high-quality species, although its poor tolerance to winter and summer stresses make it undesirable in many cases. Perennial ryegrass is included in many of Midwest mixtures due to its incredible germination and establishment rate. If quick establishment is desired, perennial ryegrass can be used, but it is suggested to not use more than 25% perennial ryegrass in seeding mixtures.
Fine fescues has received a lot of attention because of its ability to survive low maintenance environments. Fine fescue is a category of about five species often mixed together. These species include hard fescue, slender and strong creeping red fescue, Chewings fescue, and sheep fescue. Like perennial ryegrass, the fine fescues germinate quickly. Fine fescues are often the best performing species in drought trials and no-mow turf situations. They are also adapted to shade or full sun.
WateringMay through late October.
can stretch maintenanceseedingtoward the end of the month. Just remember, roots need to mature enough to survive the winter.Whether whichthethreebluegrassgrassonlymixtures.differentsuccessisselectingrenovationimprovementsperformingorafulloflawn,properseedcriticaltolong-termofalawn.SeedblendsarethanseedBlendscontainonespeciesof–suchasKentucky–butmayhaveorfourvarietiesofspecies.Mixtures,containtwoor
AeratingMid-August through mid-October.Late April through May.

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Thatch is a tightly interwoven layer of living and dead tissue existing between the grass leaves and soil surface. It is composed primarily of products from stems, leaf sheaths, crowns and roots that resist decay. Although a minor thatch layer improves the wear tolerance of a lawn, excessive thatch harbors disease organisms and insects making the lawn more susceptible to damage from disease and accumulation,thedrought.Todetermineamountofthatchremove a 2 inch deep, pie-shaped wedge from the lawn and measure the amount of thatch between the soil surface and green vegetation. If the layer exceeds a half inch, implement a program of thatch interestedandconcernexcessiveandincludeThatchmanagement.controlmaybothpreventionremoval.Preventingthatchshouldallhomeownersturfmanagersinmaintaining a
Cool season species for Minnesota lawns

Dethatching, aerating
If people plan to dethatch or aerate this fall, put an inch of water on the lawn up to three days prior and let it soak in the soil. People need to take out at least a 3-inch plug when aerating, and that will not happen if the soil is time to schedule either of these maintenance tasks is between mid-August and the end of September.
Lawn care page 5B
The best time to overseed is Aug. 20 through Sept. 10; however, people
Lawn care from page 3B

SeedingEarly August to late September; mid-November. May through early June.

high-quality lawn.
Kentucky bluegrass is the most widely used species in Minnesota lawns due to its high aesthetic quality, adaptation and stress tolerance. Additional benefits of Kentucky bluegrass include its cold tolerance, drought survival through dormancy and high recuperative ability. However, downfalls with this species include a high water requirement, frequent mowing and high fertility needs.
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visibleJuly applymid-MayPost-emergence:toearlytosmall,crabgrass.
SoddingEarly May through June; midAugust to late October.
MowingLast week of April through early November.
What to doBest time to do itOK time to do it

Debris can be disposed of as compost or used as mulch for gardens, woody plants and flower beds. It will contribute organic matter and nutrients and improve the structure of heavyWhensoils. buildup is severe, people may need to aerate before vertical mowing.

Lawn care from

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core aerifier over the lawn several times in different directions to break up compacted soil as much as possible. Allow the cores of soil to dry partially before raking them back into the lawn. People can also allow the cores to sit on the surface and crumble over time, top dressing the soil with soil and microorganisms that help decompose thatch.
People can remove thatch with a vertical mower, sometimes called a power rake. These machines have steel tines that rotate perpendicular to the ground surface. The best time to vertical mow is between late August and early October, because grass is growing quickly and should recover from any damage. In addition, few weed seeds germinate at this time. Set vertical mowers so the tines bring a small amount of soil to the surface with the thatch debris. A light application of fertilizer and regular watering will speed the lawn’s recovery after vertical mowing.

page 4B

Compacted soils and soils with poor drainage accumulate thatch faster than well-drained soils. Aerification promotes better moisture and air penetration into compacted soils and helps establish a deeper and healthier root system. It also stimulates microbial activity involved in decomposing the thatch layer.An aerifier must have hollow tines or spoons that bring cores of the soil to the surface. Run a

Fertilize the lawn one week ahead of aerification to hasten the time it takes for grass to fill in the holes left by aerating.
Breathing life into lawns
Thatch is a layer schedules.lawndethatchingworkpropertyisthanmaterialvegetation.surfacebetweenwithtightlyplantdecomposedandundecomposedofpartiallymaterialinterwovenlivingtissuethesoilandgreenIftheisthickerahalfinch,itrecommendedownersaeratingandintomaintenance

As the plant acclimates to the new indoor environment, a plant’s needs may change. One of these could be as simple as not watering as often. Monitor the plants to see the changes and adjust the care during the quarantine period.
During this time, people may notice plants are experiencing leaf drop due to the decreased light levels. To help prevent leaf drop, place plants in areas with lots of natural light or supplement with artificial lights.

Residents of Benton, Morrison, Sherburne and Stearns, counties can direct questions to or 2556169, ext. 1.
PHOTO COURTESY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION Aphids are small, often green, insects that can be found on the underside of leaves. Insecticidal soaps, that contain potassium fatty acids, can be used as a treatment if aphids are discovered.


hide.To prevent the spread of pests and disease, quarantine the plants inside from other indoor plants for about two weeks. During this time, monitor plants to see if treatment was successful. Reapplication of treatments can occur during this time.
can be particularly hard as some people have strong attachment to these plants. These problems can spread, so in order to protect the other plants it may be best to let go of the infected Repottingplant.plants and maintenance can help decrease the soil borne diseases and insects present in the soil. Plant roots may have become crowded due to summer growth so a larger container may be needed. Washing the roots and having new sterile soil allows for a fresh start for the autumn and winter months. Trimming dead leaves, stems and flowers prevents potential spots for pests and disease to
Summer vacation for houseplants is over
There are a few steps people can take to help with this transition and make sure plants stay healthy.Thoroughly examine the plants, including the container they are in, for pests and disease. For this step, people may need a magnify glass. This step is especially important if people have other plants inside that did not get a vacation. Pests and disease can spread to the other plants, and a warm indoor environment can exacerbate issues present. Look for evidence of insects, webbing, holes and eggs on the plant, especially around discolored lightlywithplant.removingthensummer.homeants,creaturesinspecttheliketoStickyforTapmaymealybugsinsectssubstanceHoneydew,leaves.astickysecretedfromlikeaphids,andscale,bepresentaswell.theplantandobserveanyinsectsflying.trapscanbeuseddetectflyinginsectswhiteflies.Removeplantfromthepottothesoil.Smallandinsects,likemayhavemadeainthesoilovertheIfpestsarepresent,treatbyphysicallythemfromtheWashtheplantswarmwaterandwipewithaclean
paper towel. Change the paper towel frequently to prevent potential spread of disease. Smaller plants may be sprayed with water. If water does not remove the pests, a cotton swab and rubbing alcohol can be used to gently clean. If an infestation is particularly bad, a more heavy-duty treatment plan can be isfarifwhiteflaphids,effectiveplant.productsimportantthesuccessful.withneedsafattythatfullymultipletherebesprayedandwhitefltreatPyrethrinsusedpesticidesarelabelsasingredientpyrethrinsPesticidesimplemented.thathaveasanactivecanbeusedatreatment.Readcarefully;thereasmallnumberofthatcanbeonhouseplants.canbeusedtoagainstmealybugs,iesandaphidsmustbedirectlyontheinsectstoeffective.Thismeansmayneedtobeapplicationstotreattheproblem.Insecticidalsoaps,containpotassiumacids,canalsobetreatment.ThistoodirectcontacttheinsectstobeAgain,readinglabelsisespeciallyasmixingsoapcanburntheThismethodisagainstscales,spidermites,andies.Sometimes,theinfestationistoogone,thebestoptiontosaygoodbye.This

One of the indicators it is time to bring plants inside is temperature. When the temperature is around 55-60 degrees during the day, and 5-10 degrees lower during the night, the recommendation is to bring the houseplants inside. This will give the plants time to acclimate to the indoor environment.
By taking these steps, indoor plants can look forward to more summer vacations outdoors.
Page 6B | HOME AND YARD GUIDE | SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2022 | SAUK RAPIDS HERALD & BENTON COUNTY NEWS Ehlinger Lawn Service Professional, Commercial, and Residential Lawn Care Over 25 Years of Professional Experience Fertilization/Weed Control, Mosquito Control, Irrigation, Weekly Maintenance, Parking Lot Sweeping www.EhlingerLawn.com320-250-9337 • Bathtub Refinishing & Repair • Install Premium Acrylic Wall Liners • Install New floors in cracked out tubs & showers • Shower & Bath Slip Resistant Floor Texturing • Grab Bar Installation • Fiberglass Repair • Bathtub Cutdowns and Door Installations • Vinyl Window Frame Repair Does your bathroombathroom need a facelift? ManufacturersRepairAuthorizedServiceforover40 Call the Repairthe & Re nishing Expertsnishing We do more resurfacing:than We CountertopdoRefinishingToo! Call us ESTIMATE!FREEfortodaya Serving Minnesota Since 1979 SAVE 80% OVER REPLACEMENT Limited downtime, ready for use the next day! All work is guaranteed What are your benefits? 320-248-3456
Summer vacation is over, even for the houseplants that spent it outside.The fall season is here, and houseplants need to be brought inside.
Quincy Sadowski holds houseplants inside her Stearns County office in St. Cloud in August. Sadowski, the area’s horticulture extension agent, recommends people quarantine plants when bringing them in doors for the fall and winter seasons.


Do not forget the

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Air exchangers improve air quality by circulating fresh air into homes. Filters inside air exchangers should be cleaned at a minimum of every six months.
– Check the vents on the outside of the house. Vents often get plugged with grass clippings, dust and dirt, and a reduction in air flow can be hard on the exchanger’s motors. A heating, ventilation and air appearsnoise,exchangerthatcircuitappropriateprovideairaboutaDoasoverexchangertheofguidanceprofessionalconditioningcanprovideonthelocationanyventsconnectedtoexchanger.–Havetheaircheckedatthesametimeafurnacetune-up.notbeafraidtoaskHVACprofessionalmaintainingtheexchanger.Theycanguidanceonsettings.–Exchangershaveboardsandmotorscangoout.Ifthebeginsmakingorcondensationsuddenlyonthe

Simple tips for keeping air exchangers running: – There are filters inside the exchanger that need to be cleaned at a minimum of every six months.

windows, it is a warning sign that something is not working properly. Call a professional to troubleshoot the system.

– Some air exchangers have control modules; others have a

exchangers–Generally,have a removable core that can be taken out and washed with warm, soapy water. Once clean and dry, the core can be put back in place.–Wipe off the interior of the air exchanger with a soft cloth, removing cob webs, pet hair and dust.

air exchangerair exchanger


Air exchangers lurk in the basement of homes across the Midwest, and they’re one of the most often ignored pieces of in-home technology.
thermostat depending on the style. The settings adjust the humidity in the home, the fan speed and how the exchanger runs. There may also be indicator lights on when to change or clean the

filter.– Air exchangers should be balanced by a technician to make sure they are pulling in the same amount of air as they are pushing out. There are dampers

that open and close to adjust air flows, and it is important to get the right exchange to keep the house as healthy as possible.

Air andmaintainexchangershomeheatingcoolingefficiencieswhileimprovingindoorairqualitybycirculatingstaleairinsidehomeswithfreshairfromtheoutdoors.Thiscrucialpieceofequipmentdoesnotrequireatonofmaintenancebutshouldnotbeignored.Exchangerswereinventedinthelate1990sasnewhomesbecamemoreefficientandairtightwithTyvekwrapandenergy-efficientwindows.Manyolderhomes,withmoregapsandcracks,maynotbebuilttightenoughtorequiretheuseofanairexchanger.

Page 8B | HOME AND YARD GUIDE | SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2022 | SAUK RAPIDS HERALD & BENTON COUNTY NEWS (320) 253-8160 // 2803 Clearwater Rd., Saint Cloud, MN 56301 @COILSFLAGS FLAGS FOR EVERY HOME, CABIN & FARM • Flags from 2’ x 4’ to 30’ x 60’ • Poles all the way up to 170’ so far • Project sizes from 1 to 58 poles • Professional installation and service • Flags of all sizes on hand Custom flags available, just ask Tim and he’ll get it done for you. Stop by and shop our store, always service with a smile! Custom embroidery done right at our store! HATS | SHIRTS | JACKETS Premier Flag and Flagpole Dealer in Central MN Every flagpole comes with installation and service