Regular cleaning regime increases residential curb appeal
A soft touch is best when it comes to exterior maintenance
BY TIM HENNAGIR STAFF WRITERHiring a professional exterior cleaning company is one of the best ways to eliminate troublesome dirt, debris and stains from the outside of a home.

However, many homeowners do not know the difference between pressure washing, power washing and soft washing, making it difficult to decide the proper service for their homes.
Homeowners should have an exterior cleaning done annually to remove accumulated dirt, mold, mildew and stains, said Andy McGeary, owner of Sauk Rapids-based Unique Exteriors of Minnesota.

“Once the weather starts to change, people get outside and start doing yard clean-up,” McGeary said. “That’s when they start noticing how dirty the gutters are, or in general, the house.”
Exterior grime can come from several places. Homes that are nearest to residential
streets and those on corner lots can pick up salt and spray from snowplows over winter months.
Trees that hold their leaves longer in the fall also create problems, McGeary said.
“Low hanging branches over the roof will shade one side of the house,” he said. “That will actually hold moisture. The same is true with shrubs that are located too close to the house. If there isn’t enough airflow, the moisture gets trapped.”
Soft washing typically makes a better choice for washing homes because it is safer and will not damage the residence’s siding.
A washer using highpressure water can warp or distort delicate side panels much easier than a soft wash, making pressure washing less preferable.
Using a soft washing system or pressure washer without the necessary experience increases the risk of damaging a home.

“Typically, with a soft wash, it will take about an hour to set everything up,” McGeary said. “It can take anywhere from two
to four hours for a general wash.”
More time is required onsite if a roof wash or gutter cleaning and soffit brightening is requested.

“We get calls from people who have tried their hand at pressure washing, and when we pull up, you can see where they’ve removed the oxidation but only in certain areas,” McGeary said. “You can see the lines where they have used a washer. When we see that, we have to remove the rest of the oxidation.”
Oxidation is the white, chalky coating that builds up on siding. A soft wash with detergent breaks down the oxidation. That process does not bring
back the siding color, but it vastly improves appearance.
“With a south facing residence, you are going to see more oxidation just because the sun is going to break down the siding and the coloring faster on the south side,” McGeary said. “On the north side, there’s more moss or mold, and that’s due to the moisture. It just doesn’t dry out over the summer.”
There are different types of detergents that can be used on metal or steel siding products, McGeary said.
It is important to do a test on a small area of siding to make sure the correct
detergents are selected.
“Soffits are the most difficult part of the cleaning process,” McGeary said. “That’s because you have to be very careful with not getting water up and inside the soffit. And, they are just delicate. Typically, there’s only one or two nails or staples. If you use too much pressure, you can actually pull it away.”
Noel and Cindy Johnson, of Sartell, had two homes soft washed by Unique Exteriors. The dingy and dirty exteriors became bright and looked new after the work was completed, the couple said.
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PHOTO BY TIM HENNAGIR Andy McGeary, owner of Unique Exteriors of Minnesota, stands near his company vehicle March 7 in Sauk Rapids. McGeary started the Sauk Rapidsbased small business in 2014, working part time sealing pavers for landscaping contractors. PHOTO SUBMITTED Cedar shakes are shown before and after a special roof washing treatment. Failure to schedule regular exterior maintenance will result in a build up of moss, lichen and organic material.Cleaning from 1B
The problem with do-it-yourself pressure washing involves not having the needed expertise and a proper amount of caution.

“You have to be really careful,” McGeary said. “You can push water behind the siding. That’s going to create other issues. That’s why we use the soft wash. It’s a higher water volume but lower pressure.”

McGeary said he encounters two schools of thought when it comes to outdoor property maintenance, especially exterior cleaning involving the roof, gutters, siding, soffits and facia.

Younger generations want the homeowning experience, but many do not want to do scheduled upkeep.

“They are willing to pay somebody to do the maintenance,” McGeary said. “Then, there’s the older generation. They’ve reached the point where they just can’t do it anymore.”

Gutter clean-outs require a special attachment to the pressure washing equipment when it is time to remove leaves and other debris. Exterior window washing is done with filtered, de-ionized water.
“I take a lot of videos for customers,” McGeary said. “They are amazed by the before and after. An initial wash is the most time consuming and the most expensive.”

McGeary suggests homeowners consider an annual or bi-annual cleaning plan.

“We can focus on the roof one year and the rest of the house the next year,” he said.

Greenhouse owners offer seasonal plant selection advice

The key elements of Victorian garden design can be incorporated into any modern garden.
People can cultivate them on their own –whether they live in the country or city and have a backyard large or small. The English cottage garden combined utility with beauty. Flowers encircled cabbage plants and potato crop.

Cottage garden flowers found an ardent friend in the person who tended them. Such gardens were

productive spaces where herbs, vegetables, flowers and livestock were raised together.

In the Victorian era, the style shifted into informal gardens crammed with flowering plants.
Victorian cottage gardens represent an idea, said Pete Svihel, owner of Pete’s Greenhouses in rural Foley.

“It’s a lot of greenery, mixed with a few flowers,” he said. “A good Victorian perennial garden requires a lot of planning. You have to know what you are buying. Not only the hardiness but blooming times.”
One of the most important things coldclimate gardeners need to know is their plant hardiness zone. Cold hardiness zones are established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture every 20 years or so.

“We don’t sell perennials that aren’t right for zone 3,” said Karen Svihel, greenhouse coowner. “We know that some of our customers come up from the Twin Cities, but zone 4 really won’t make it up here.”

When a customer suggests a garden idea, Karen politely asks to look at the customer’s cell phone.
“I like to look at the photos on their phone,” she said. “I ask where they want to start. We may not have everything they want, but I can see if we can replace something.”

The more elaborate the home, the more elaborate the fence and gate. Cast iron was a popular material. Ornaments included urns, sculptures, garden water fountains, sundials, gazing balls and birdbaths.
Seating included garden benches, seat trellis designs and gazebos, which were made as decorative as possible.
Fencing was essential to past Victorian gardens. In part, it was used to delineate property lines. Gardens page 4B

Karen said natural wickers remain a common material for baskets inside the garden.

Pete said it is important to consider the four blooming stages for perennials – spring, mid or early summer, late summer and early fall. Do not forget about soil. It is 90% of the battle, he said.

Impatiens are great plants if people want loads of color. Their thicker petals and tough foliage are less prone to disease, and their strong, sturdy stems tolerate high heat and humidity, rain and adverse weather conditions. Double impatiens produce beautiful, rose-like flowers and prefer part-sun to shade.
Fuchsia offers an interesting form and color variety. It produces a beautiful, exotic flower with striking two-tone colors. These plants can bloom throughout the growing season in a shady to part-sun area and attract hummingbirds. Plant them in a hanging basket near a garden bench to attract the birds.

Geraniums are iconic, fragrant garden flowers. American growers first fell in love with the geranium

Pete’s Greenhouses

flower over 200 years ago. They fill hanging baskets, containers and flower beds with fancy leaves that are as attractive as the clusters of dainty blooms they surround.
“You can only keep a geranium alive in a 4.5inch pot for so long,” Pete said. “They get root bound. I do a later planting for people at the end of June. That way, I still have fresh looking plants.”

Victorian cottage gardening is a way to maximize space. Order and neatness is apparent along with a strong nostalgia

element, said Greg Loades, the author of “The Modern Cottage Garden: A Fresh Approach to a Classic Style.”

Pete and Karen have been in the greenhouse business for 19 years. Pete is celebrating his 40th anniversary in horticulture this year.
“A lot of people overthink gardening,” he said. “Focus on the basics. Don’t over feed your plants or play around with them too much. Remember, if your soil doesn’t drain, nothing will grow.”

Cutting gardens bring seasonal beauty indoors

Extension educator shares her floral recommendations

A cutting garden can ensure lots of beautiful, homegrown flowers are always handy.
Some plants tolerate cutting better than others, said Robin Trott, University of Minnesota Extension Educator.

Many of the best cut flowers are annuals, she said. Most can be started from seed.

“Growing them is not hard in Minnesota, even with a short season,” Trott said.
It is best to avoid cutting during the day. That is when flowers are under more stress. Only cut flowers for arrangements in the early morning or evening, Trott said.
“If you are cutting a number of flowers and have buckets, make sure they are in the shade,” she said. “Always put your picked flowers somewhere cool, in the shade or a refrigerator. Strip out the foliage you don’t need in the field.”
Use a sharp and disinfected tool to cut the stems. A dirty tool can spread bacteria and disease.

And, before placing the bouquet or floral

“Flowers for Beauty and Cutting.”
arrangement in a vase, remove any foliage that will sit in water.
“Cut the flowers right into a

preservative,” Trott said. “It will make them last longer.”

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Gardens from page 6B

Here are Trott’s recommendations for selecting flowers for a cutting garden: FLOSS FLOWER
(Ageratum houstonianum):
These flowers retain color. Recommended varieties are Red Sea or Everest Blue. “It is a great cut flower because it fills in the spaces,” Trott said. “You want your main star flowers, but you also want the fillers.”

(Amaranthus caudatus):

Recommended varieties are Green Thumb, Dreadlocks, Autumn Touch and Velvet Curtains.

“Planting in a 9-by-9 configuration encourages them to be tall, strong and straight,” Trott said.


(Ammi majus):
These flowers last five to eight days fresh. Dry them two to three weeks in a dark, dry place. “Chocolate is really popular,” Trott said. “Follow the directions and start from seed. It’s March. You need to start them soon.”
(Antirrhinum majus): Recommended varieties include Rocket, Liberty, Twist, Chantilly and Madame Butterfly. Early season snapdragons are Trott’s favorites. “They get really tall,” Trott said. “They like cold weather.”
Plumed cockscomb or silver cockscomb
(Celosia argentea): This annual comes in many colors. “The seeds are very tiny,” Trott said. “You have to be very patient with them. They get really big and tall.”
Mexican aster
(Cosmos bipinnatus): Recommended cut varieties include Versailles or Double Click. Harvest when the buds show color. “If you are cutting it, and you are going to give a boutique to somebody, don’t wait until the flower looks spectacular. That’s too late,” Trott said. “It won’t last long.”
Blue lace flower
(Didiscus coerulea): The lavender-blue flat flower heads of this heirloom resemble Queen Anne’s lace. Its bountiful flowers, curving stems and delicate, deeply lobed leaves are graceful additions to cottage and cutting gardens.
Globe amaranth
(Gomphrena globosa): Like most true annuals, globe is a compact plant with upward growing stems that produce cheerful clover-like bracts in a lovely magenta color over a long bloom period. Strawberry Fields and Fireworks are common varieties. “It’s easy to grow, and it’s easy to dry,” Trott said.
Commons sunflower
(Helianthus annuus): Harvest when one to two petals begin to lift off the face. Recommended varieties include Lemon Queen, Sungold, Floristan, Moulin Rouge, Prado Red, Ring of Fire, Sunrich and Cherry Rose. “Sunflowers
that are fully open last about three or four days before the petals start falling off,” Trott said. “Start picking them when the petals start lifting off of the face.”

Sweet pea

(Lathyrus odoratus): This annual was introduced into English country gardeners in the late 1600s. These vining plants need support with a trellis or stakes. Floral preservatives and cool temperatures are necessary when harvesting. “Sweet Pea is such a pretty, cool season flower,” Trott said.
(Nigella damascena): It is best to harvest when these flowers are open or pods form. This flower works well with cottage garden annuals. Miss Jekyll has soft blue, semidouble flowers. Persian Jewels are a mixture of shades of mauve, lavender, purple, rose, light blue and white double flowers. The flowers and the green and burgundy seed pods can be used in fresh or dried arrangements.
Marigolds (Tagetes): Common types include French, African and Signet. These lowmaintenance plants thrive in full sun locations and provide abundant blooms until frost. Blossoms can be orange, yellow, red, gold, copper, brass, white or a combination. Marigolds benefit from

Benary’s Giant

(Zinnia elegans): Zinnias have a wide range of heights, growth habits and flower colors.

head. Change the water every two days once cut. “Their colors are striking,” Trott said. “You have to go through and deadhead them.” - WE HAVE THE EQUIPMENT YOU NEEDALL YEAR ROUND 833 N Benton Drive Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 POWER EQUIPMENT 320-251-4936 • Sales • Service • Installation