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“Minnesota’s Oldest Weekly Newspaper” Vol. 161, No. 42
A continuation of the Frontiersman, The Free Press, Sauk Rapids Sentinel and St. Cloud Sentinel.
Council disagrees, police posting passes by majority vote by NATASHA BARBER STAFF WRITER
Sauk Rapids, Benton County, Minnesota 56379
week and so forth. The 2016 City of Rice budget allotted for this ofÀcer. Mayor Dale Rogholt and city council members Chris Scheel and Paula Kampa voted in favor of posting the position immediately. Rice, with a population of 1,344 people, currently has two full-time ofÀcers. In other council news: - Approved Mark Sauer’s attendance to the Innovative Approaches to Wastewater Operational Problems Conference Feb. 9 - Adopted resolution 011916-01 for the Knights of Columbus gambling permit. They will hold a rafÁe on April 3, 2016. - Discussed the League of Minnesota Cities Liability Coverage. The city of Rice does not want to waive the monetary limits of municipal tort liability established by MN Statute Sec. 466.04 - Approved Kelly Desormey as a new park board member. - Approved hiring Warren Ellingworth as the new Rice Recreation Program Manager.
SAUK RAPIDS — No matter the day, they’ll be there. No matter the hour, they’ll be there. FireÀghters dedicate themselves to others. They brave all elements under any circumstances. They go willingly into danger and the unknown. And they do so because someone needs their help. This dedication and character can be said about many ÀreÀghters on the Sauk Rapids Fire Department, but it especially rings true when talking about Neil Bueckers, the 2015 FireÀghter of the Year. “It’s amazing how you can be in a deep sleep and before the pager goes off I’m awake. Before the tones go off on the pager, it makes a click and that sound is enough to wake me. Subconsciously, your mind knows that if you hear that sound, it’s time to go,” Bueckers said. The Sauk Rapids FireÀghter of the Year is chosen because of one reason and one reason only. The man receiving the award is the one who has responded to the most department Àre-calls throughout the year. by NATASHA BARBER of Rice — called Gilchrist Bueckers responded to 177 of STAFF WRITER saying she could no longer 194 calls this past year, second live with herself. Weinand BENTON COUNTY — A stated she had taken $2,200 settlement conference was held from the city on two separate for former Rice city clerk Marie occasions sometime in 2014. Weinand on Jan. 20. Weinand She then faxed her resignation had been charged with three to Gilchrist. Weinand contacted felony counts, theft, theft by Gilchrist to inform him she swindle and temporary theft would write a $900 check to the after admitting to the city’s city and the city could garnish by ANNA SALDANA attorney Troy Gilchrist that she the remaining amount from STAFF WRITER had taken $2,200 from the city her wages. Weinand placed the check in the dropof Rice without RICE – Mark Felling has box at city hall. authorization. An audit long been an adventurous guy Although was performed by – skydiving, building his own not Ànalized Schlenner, Wenner motor scooter, and rebuilding until sentencing, and Company of the several boats and motorcycles W e i n a n d 2014 books for the as a high school student – and tendered a guilty city of Rice. The with a degree in electrical enplea to Judge Àrm found Weinand gineering, he had endless posRobert Raupp had written out sibilities ahead of him. at Wednesday’s But it’s his adventurous an extra payroll court proceedings check to herself personality that ultimately in exchange for an Marie Weinand in the amount of resulted in a life-changing examended charge of gross misdemeanor theft. She $1,341.91 from the city of Rice perience. After a plane crash also paid her full restitution of checking account. The check twelve years ago, Felling suf$2,200 to court administration. was only signed on the front fered injuries that have now The City of Rice will eventually from the defendant. Normally conÀned him to a wheelchair. two signatures are required. But Felling turned his unforreceive those funds. Sentencing will take place The check was endorsed and tunate situation into a positive March 16. Terms of Weinand’s deposited into Pine Country one by creating a company agreement include a maximum Bank on May 29, 2014. The that makes creates devices for of 30 days in jail, a Àne open check was dated May 30, people with disabilities. On July 2, 2003, Fellto the court, full restitution and 2014. The actual payroll check no contact with Rice City Hall. for this period was signed ing was piloting his own Maximum penalty for a gross by both Mayor Dale Rogholt two-seater airplane above misdemeanor is one year in jail and Weinand and cashed at the Minnesota River Valley, Pine County Bank on June 2, practicing some take-offs and and $3,000 Àne. On March 3, 2015, 2014. Records show Weinand landings, when the plane’s enWeinand — who had been the received 27 paychecks for the gine died. Aiming to land near a group of trees, Felling began treasurer and clerk for the city 26 pay periods during 2014. to descend. RICE—The approval to post a part-time police ofÀcer position for hire was passed 3-2 Jan. 19 at the Rice City Council meeting. Voting against the posting were city council members Allen Voigt and Brian Skroch after voicing concerns about the city’s budget and how quickly the city was acting on the matter. Voigt asked Chief Ross Hamann if the city could be better suited by hiring an administrative assistant in hopes to reduce cost to the city by not having to pay for insurance and training of a police ofÀcer. “The biggest problem I’m hearing from people is there are plenty of nights when no one is around. The intention is for that person to be out patrolling as much as possible,” Hamann said. The new ofÀcer would work up to 16 hours per week. Hamann said he hopes to have the ofÀcer work a rotating schedule of one eight-hour week, followed by a 16-hour
Former city clerk accepts plea
(USPS 482-240)
January 28, 2016
Bueckers awarded 2015 Sauk Rapids FireÀghter of the Year
honored once again for 2015. “It takes a team effort to respond to a call. If you’re missing a piece of the puzzle it doesn’t work out so well. Being a ÀreÀghter is a huge commitment for the person, the family and the employer. We’re grateful for the employers who let our team leave for a call during the day,” said Jason Fleming, Àre chief for the Sauk Rapids Fire Department. Bueckers and his wife, Sandy, live in Sauk Rapids where they have raised their two children, Ashley and Matthew. Bueckers works for Branding Iron Holdings, Inc. as a production manager in charge of scheduling and purchasing. Growing up in the small town of Freeport, Bueckers admired his uncles and others for their work on the Àre department and contemplated becoming a member. But as life happened that dream faded — until his neighbor Dick Turch propositioned him 22 years ago. “I was standing in my yard when Dick walked over and told me the department was PHOTO BY NATASHA BARBER looking for ÀreÀghters. I talkNeil Bueckers is the 2015 Sauk Rapids FireÀghter of the Year. ed to Sandy, but I didn’t think He responded to 177 of 194 calls this past year. twice,” Bueckers said. only to Alan Olson. But unfor- ers has previously received the FireÀghting can be hard tunately for Olson, a ÀreÀghter award for 1995 (when he shared Bueckers can only receive the award the award with Tony Hommerdcontinued on pg. 5 once every Àve years. Bueck- ing), 2003, 2009 and now is
A new identity Felling reinvents himself after life-changing crash
Council approves SRFD positions by NATASHA BARBER STAFF WRITER
SAUK RAPIDS – The Sauk Rapids City Council approved new positions within the Sauk Rapids Fire Department at the Monday, Jan. 25 regular council meeting. Beginning Feb. 1, 2016 Brad Peterson will serve a three-year term as Àrst assistant and Jeff Jahnke will serve a one-year term as second assistant Àre chief. Jerod Gapinski, Greg Bomstad, Steve Ellson and Cory Zimpel were selected to fulÀll the roles of captains. In other council news: Approved sending Sergeant Jeremy Welsh to a Field Training OfÀcer Supervisor course hosted by Association of Training OfÀcers of Minnesota from April 6-8 in Crystal. Approved sending OfÀcer Sean Gales to L.O.C.K.U.P. Basic Instructor defensive tactics course hosted by the St. Paul Police Department from June 20-24 in St. Paul. Approved sending Welsh to Northwestern University’s Supervision of Police Personnel Course from May 9-20. Welsh will not be attending the previously approved leadership conference in March in St. Cloud Approved sending Tim Si-
gler, school resource ofÀcer, to Alert Lockdown Inform Counter Evade active shooter training Mar. 30-31 in St. Cloud. Approved and authorized Ross Olson and Dana Furman to attend the Municipal Clerks and Finance OfÀcers Association’s Annual Conference and Half Day Election workshop on March 16-18 in St. Cloud. Approved entering into an inspection services agreement with MidState Inspection Services, Inc for additional building inspection help in order to maintain customer service to residents and the construction community. Approved 2016 plumbing and mechanical contractor licenses. Approved sending Police Chief Perry Beise and up to three sergeants to the MCPA Executive Training Conference April 17-20. Approved Haroldson Minor Subdivision Request for 1037 Benedict Drive. After already having approved this, the council was asked to approve a corrected version for legal purposes. Approved the purchase of a 2008 RD roller for the public works department.
Only 40 feet off the ground, the plane’s rear wing caught a strong tree and Áipped the plane over with Felling underneath, breaking his neck, causing him to become a C4C5 quadriplegic. “In a sense, the plane crash was inevitable,” Felling said. “When I was in rehab, they go through a list of how people break their neck and as they’re going through the list, I’m saying to myself ‘been there, done that’ on most of them.”
After the crash, it took an hour and a half to remove him from the remnants and Áown to Hennepin County Medical Center. There, he stayed in ICU for a month. “There’s a comical story often told among my family from when I was in ICU,” Felling said. “My uncle was leaving and, through my drugged state, I asked him to bring six sheets of pink insulation to my hospital room. I wanted to build
a box around my bed so I could sleep without all of the lights and noise. I don’t remember that, but my mom jokes that I was dead serious. It took them some time to laugh it off in the hallways. I think that made them feel better since I was hooked up to a ventilator and all of these tubes.” Following his stay in ICU,
Felling continued on pg. 5
Felling is proud of his idea for the Road Chariot. Although this isn’t the ofÀcial motorcycle, this one can be used to drive around city streets with ease.
Already a winner
Shimabukuro-King 2016 Eastside Boys and Girls Club Youth of the Year by NATASHA BARBER STAFF WRITER
ST. CLOUD — Over 50 people gathered Saturday, Jan. 23 at the Eastside Boys and Girls Club, 320 Raymond Avenue NE, in anticipation of who would be chosen for the Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Minnesota 2015 Youth of the Year award. Three students, representing their speciÀc St. Cloud club, gave speeches and were interviewed by Daniel Larson, vice president of community impact for United Way of Central Minnesota; Dave Bentrud, Waite Park chief of police; and, Jordan Hagburg, bank manager for Wells Fargo, before the verdict was reached. Although the honor was awarded to Hope Kenyon of the Roosevelt Club that afternoon, another winner was sitting right beside her. That winner was 17-year old Sauk Rapids-Rice student Dorian Shimabukuro-King.
Dorian Shimabukuro-King stands here with his mother Autumn, brother Carter and sister Maya. Shimabukuro-King has been a member of the Eastside Boys and Girls Club for eight years.
Shimabukuro-King was already a winner — he had won the award and nomination as the 2016 Eastside Boys and Girls Blub Youth
of the Year, which included a his family came to Minnesota $1,000 scholarship from the from Hawaii when he was 6 Windfeldt Family Scholarship Shimabukuro-King Fund. continued on pg. 3 Shimabukuro-King and