2025 Melrose Resource Guide

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A word from the Mayor Melrose

The City of Melrose welcomes you to our strong, diverse and connected community. If you are looking for a place to call home, work or play, you have found it here in Melrose. We are very proud of our community and the resources we have here. As our billboard says, “Find your home, your job, your people.”

Over the last several years, the City of Melrose has seen unprecedented economic growth in business and housing. In the last two years, we have welcomed two new apartment buildings, the opening of lots for single family home construction and plans for a new 34-unit townhome development coming in 2026. The city has also invested heavily in infrastructure, including the rebuilding of Fifth Avenue NE, the main north south traffic corridor. We recently completed a section of Main Street that included new sewer and water pipes along with new pavement, curb and sidewalks. One of the most visible and well-received improvements has been to Sauk River Park, our largest, most used park in the city. In addition to six primitive campsites, we now have 19 beautiful campsites with water and electric hook ups along the Sauk River. Complimenting our new campsites is a brand-new bathroom facility complete with showers. We have also installed a basketball court and have plans to put in a pickleball court in 2025. We continue to put in sidewalks and trails to connect the community and recently installed a 10-foot sidewalk along County Road 168 adjacent to Melrose Area Public Schools.

Speaking of schools, Melrose is home to Melrose Area public Schools (ISD 740), serving students from preschool through 12th grade. A top-notch school district, ISD 740 offers strong

academic programs along with a wide variety of extracurricular activities. Our students have achieved great things, including multiple state championships in sports, speech and knowledge bowl.

While the city has invested in public infrastructure, businesses and residents have also brought forward private investment. In the last three years alone, they have completed projects valued at over $75 million. Total in the last 10 years, private investment exceeds $165 million. This includes a new $20+ million headquarters currently under construction by Stearns Electric Association.

In summer, our Riverfest celebration on the last weekend in June includes a parade, fireworks, live music and an incredible amount of activities for the entire family. Winter also brings out our best, as we have a Holiday Kickoff on the day after Thanksgiving, with an evening holiday lights parade, fireworks, fire barrels, hot chocolate, and trolley, horse-drawn carriage and hayrides around our city.

We could go on and on about this great community, but the best way to learn about us is to come and stay a while — or, better yet, make Melrose your home. We hope to see you soon.


Joe Finken


Melrose is a proud, diverse and connected community with industries, businesses, strong agriculture, excellent education, parks and recreation — a great place to call home.

WHAT ’S Inside

Emergency/Police/Fire ...................................911

Non-Emergency ..........................(320) 256-7211

City Administration....................(320) 256-4278


225 First St. NE, Melrose, MN 56352 (320) 256-4278 • Fax: (320) 256-7766

Email: admin@cityofmelrose.com www.cityofmelrose.com


Joe Finken .................................................... (320) 256-3886



Joelene Wieling .......................................... (320) 282-8521

Travis Frieler................................................ (320) 249-9264

Anthony (Tony) Klasen .......................... (320) 256-2258

Mark Niehoff ............................................... (320) 256-4338


Colleen Winter............................................ (320) 256-4278 cwinter@cityofmelrose.com


Patti Haase ................................................. (320) 256-4278 phaase@cityofmelrose.com


Sheila Hellermann .................................... (320) 256-4278 shellermann@cityofmelrose.com


Craig Maus .................................................... (320) 256-7211 cmaus@cityofmelrose.com


Stearns County Assessor’s Office ... (320) 656-3680


City of Melrose Planning Department (all permits) .................................................. (320) 256-4278

Fax .................................................................... (320) 256-7766

Email planning@cityofmelrose.com

Cit y


Melrose Area Public Schools .............. (320) 256-5160

Melrose Community Education .........(320) 256-6010

Sacred Heart School (Freeport) ....... (320) 836-2591

St. Mary’s School (Melrose) ................ (320) 256-4257

St. John’s-St. Andrew’s School (Greenwald) ............................. (320) 987-3133

Montessori School of Melrose ............ (320) 256-2141

West Central Area Learning Center (Melrose) ...............(320) 256-7836


Waste Management ................................ (866) 513-1811 West Central Sanitation ........................(800) 246-7630



Hospital - CentraCare - Melrose ...... (320) 256-4231 Clinic - CentraCare - Melrose ............ (320) 256-4228 Pharmacy - Melrose Pharmacy ........(320) 256-7292


The Star Post .............................................. (320) 351-6579


Post Office .................................................... (320) 256-3713


Cable Television, Internet: Arvig .........(320) 256-7471

Cable Television: Spectrum.................. (855) 757-7328

Electric: City of Melrose Public Utilities ......................................... (320) 256-4278

Natural Gas: CenterPoint Energy .... (800) 245-2377 (Emergency) ................................................ (800) 296-9815


Arvig ..................................................................(320) 256-7471 Spectrum ....................................................... (855) 757-7328


City of Melrose Public Utilities ........... (320) 256-4278




Patrick Nechanicky Serving since 2006


Our community law enforcement, firefighters and emergency medical technicians are always there at moment’s notice to serve and protect.

Adam Schmidt Serving since 2023


Adam Root Serving since 2024

Craig Maus Serving since 2001 cmaus@cityofmelrose.com 320-256-7211


The Melrose Police Department consists of a police chief, sergeant, two police offi an administrative assistant and several reserve officers. The police department is highly trained to meet the required standards of this profession.



Gina Eggert


Dr. Dennison Gillen

• City-owned ambulance service established in 1969.

Police Depar tment consists of f, officers, trative ficers. The rained dards of this profession

Stephanie Perez Serving since 2024 sperez@cityofmelrose.com 320-256-7211

• Department serves nine cities and four townships.

Noon Emerggenccy: 320) 2556--72111

Non Emergency: (320) 256-7211

Emergency: 911

Emmerggeenccy: 9111

• Basic Life Support (BLS) service licensed through the state of Minnesota.

• Members are emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and respond to emergency calls and provide care to the critically ill and injured.

• Members are appointed by the Melrose City Council.

• Department can have up to 20 members.


In 2024, the City of Melrose put up a new billboard, which reads, “Find your home, job and people.” This invitation to explore Melrose summarizes what we have been working toward. We recently surveyed residents and asked them what they liked best about Melrose. We found that quality of life was our competitive advantage, making us unique with our resources.

Find your job. We have available employment across the spectrum of fields and industries. There are opportunities in education, healthcare, engineering, hospitality and manufacturing, just to highlight a few. Melrose businesses including industrial, commercial and retail, along with its service providers are continuing their long and much-appreciated tradition of investing in the Melrose community by expanding their businesses or starting new ones.

We have welcomed several Hispanic-owned businesses in our downtown area, which add to the diversity of retail, service and restaurant opportunities. Our small business community is vibrant, with family owned, community-minded places to shop and eat and which provide a wide-range of professional services, including legal, accounting, insurance and financial planning. It also features distinctive manufacturing, including fiberglass, CNC metal components and a boat builder, and leaders in agriculture — from feed mills to robotic dairy equipment.

Our largest employer, Jennie-O Turkey Store Inc., one of the world’s largest turkey processing companies, built a new state-of-the-art facility here in Melrose. Jennie-O Turkey Store Inc. employs over 700 people and processes 1.1 to 1.5. million live pounds of turkey per day. Most of these turkeys are grown within a 50- to 60-mile radius of the processing facility. Jennie-O Turkey Store Inc. products are distributed to customers in all 50 states and approximately 40 foreign countries. Land O’Lakes Inc. is a milk-processing facility with approximately 130 employees. The company processes nearly 1.3 billion pounds of milk into over 130 million pounds of cheddar and Italian-style cheeses annually. The company also supplies dairy permeate to Proliant Dairy Ingredients Inc., a whey drying facility located adjacent to Land O’Lakes Inc., Melrose. Its high-quality products are shipped internationally as well as domestically.

CentraCare-Melrose is a critical access hospital with an attached clinic. A full range of health care services and convenient access to a variety of specialists are provided on this growing medical campus in Melrose. In 2017, a new 53,000-square-foot hospital opened, which included two stateof-the-art operating rooms; emergency department; dedicated labor, delivery and recovery suites; imaging women’s center and a bistro. In 2024, we welcomed CURA to our city, which operates the skilled nursing home and a senior independent apartment building with assisted living services.

Find your home. Next, we focus on making sure our employees and their families have a place to live. We focused

the last three years on providing those options, working with developers to construct two new apartment buildings, adding a total of 102 units of one-, two-, and three-bedrooms options. In 2026, we will see the addition of 34 new townhomes. On the north side of the city, in 2024, developers have added residential lots for sale for constructing new homes. All of this has resulted in turnover in the existing home inventory as people find options for moving and shifting into new options.

Find your people. Finally, we want to emphasize our people. You can find a job and a home, but you can also find your community. Through the dedication, work ethic and values of our residents, they drive the community’s development. Our progress and prosperity results from the community coming together to support one another in businesses, schools and neighborhoods. We have quality job opportunities, access to quality medical care, an impressive school system and a supportive community with large manufacturing plants as well as unique multicultural businesses and restaurants. There are 10 restaurants/fast food outlets, two banking facilities, four supermarkets/grocers/butchers and many other stores and services. The city has six parks, a golf course, a branch of the Great River Regional Library system and a weekly newspaper, The Star Post. As impressive as this list is, what is most impressive are the people you will meet when you interview for a job, tour a neighborhood looking for your new house, stop for lunch or simply take a walk.

We are always planning and looking forward to new opportunities. We have a strong land use plan, comprehensive plan and vision for economic development. We build on the strong foundation and history of the city. Communities can grow by choice or chance. Abraham Lincoln said it best: “The best way to predict the future is to create it yourself.”

Successful economic development for Melrose is not about the one big thing. It is about lots of little things working together. We work to identify and work through obstacles, partnering with developers and business owners. We offer financial incentives for investing in store fronts. We have an open door to discuss possibilities. This community differentiation is what has made our most recent economic developments successful. We also deeply care about our parks, trails and trees, knowing all of it works together to make the community we envision. Quality of life ranks high with our existing residents, and people and businesses can choose to live or work anywhere, but we think you will find Melrose is something special.

Check out the Melrose Chamber’s website for up-to-date information and schedule of events www.melrosemn.org/events.html


February 15 - Deuces Wild Dueling Pianos at Freeport Community Center


March 1 – St. Mary’s School Auction 4 Education


April – Melrose Stages – spring production


May 1-3 – City Wide Garage Sales



Farmers Market Wednesdays

June through September from 3-6 p.m. at Sauk River Park

Community y


TBD – Great River Regional Library Summer Ready Kickoff

June 14 – Caramel Roll Ride – Lake Wobegon Trail

June 21 – Lady Slipper Ride – Lake Wobegon Trail

TBD – Melrose Royalty Pageant – Melrose High School

June 27 – 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Crazy Days & Sidewalk Sales at participating Melrose businesses

June 27 – 5 - 7 p.m. Car Show “Let Freedom Ride”

June 27 – 6 - 10 p.m. Crystal Breeze Band

June 28 – Melrose Riverfest Celebration featuring “The Rude Band”


TBD – Melrose Stages – summer production


Aug. 6, 3 - 8 p.m. – Night to Unite, Sauk River Park


Sept. 6 – Caramel Apple Ride – Lake Wobegon Trail

Sept. 27- Freeport Fall Fest


TBD – Deuces Wild Dueling Pianos at Freeport Community Center

Oct. 31 – Trick or Treat Melrose Businesses and Freeport Businesses


Nov. 7 – Designer Bag Bingo at Melrose American Legion

Nov. 28 – Melrose Holiday Kickoff

A Celebration of Community!

June 27 - June 28, 2025

Melrose Riverfest is a celebration that brings the community together. Activities include a parade, food, games, music, entertainment, Friday night dance, car show and more!

For more

For more information, please visit www.melrosemn.org or call 320-256-7174

melrose stages

melrose stages


Spring Musical - Series of Songs and Scenes of Theatre

Presented April 11 + Weekend, Auditions February 17 & 18

Summer Musical - TBD

Presented July 10-14

Marit Elliott Andrew Engel Directors

This community theatre group is a nonprofit formed by joining two previous organizations, the Town and Country Players and the Sauk River Summer Theatre . They include several areas such as Albany, Melrose, Sauk Centre, Paynesville and often St Cloud. This April they will produce a variety show cabaret style format with scenes and songs from several musicals Auditions are February 17 and 18 in the Melrose auditorium at 7:00 p.m. Their summer musical, TBD, will be July 10-14, with auditions May 19 and 20. They rehearse Monday through Thursday evenings. For information, call director Marit Elliott at 320-491-5761 or visit their website. Participants can be ages teen through 80.

Community y


Community Connection Channel 14, for a program schedule, please call (320) 256-7471 or visit www.arvig.net.


(320) 256-3713

304 First St. NE, Melrose, MN 56352

Window hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Monday - Friday

Lobby hours: Open 24/7



The Star Post

408 E. Main St., Melrose, MN 56352 (320) 351-6579



Office hours: by appointment

St. Nick Project is a part of the Melrose community. Local volunteers help families and individuals in need throughout the year but are especially busy during the holiday season. Funds are donated and distributed to people within the Melrose area. If you are interested in donating or know someone in need, please call 320-219-9611.


The Melrose Area Food Shelf, located at 255 Country Club Road SW, is available to persons in need of assistance who live within Melrose Area Public School District 740. It is open the first four Wednesdays of each month from 1-4:45 p.m.

Clients may receive assistance once per month. Home delivery is available to the disabled and shut-ins. To arrange for this service, call (320) 256-2555 during open hours. If there is no answer, leave a message on voicemail and someone will return your call.

The Melrose Area Food Shelf is a non-profit organization relying solely on donations and grants when available. Volunteers are needed and may call (320) 2562555 during open hours. Contributions are always welcome and can be delivered to the food shelf during open hours. Cash donations are also appreciated. Checks may be written payable to the Melrose Area Food Shelf and sent to the food shelf at P.O. Box 112, Melrose, MN 56352.


The Melrose Branch of Great River Regional Library has what you are looking for — books on almost every subject, magazines, entertainment, how-to DVDs, music CDs, eAudiobooks, eBooks, computers, Internet access, programs and so much more. Library members also have access to the 700,000 items owned by the Great River Regional Library system, of which Melrose Public Library is a member.

All of the GRRL system’s materials are listed on a computer catalog. Library users may search and make their requests on the computer (either at the library or from home), and a daily delivery service circulates items within the system’s 32 libraries. The library also offers free Internet access at public Internet stations as well as children’s and adult’s programming.

The library is in a large, modern, fully-accessible city building that also houses meeting rooms, the police department, a center for seniors and other city offices. It is comfortable and well organized, with clear signage to direct users to the fiction, nonfiction, children’s and reference collections. Library staff is knowledgeable, friendly, helpful and receive professional reference and support services from the GRRL headquarters in St. Cloud.

Free library cards are available to residents of the GRRL service area, which include: Benton, Morrison, Sherburne, Stearns, Todd and Wright counties.


Monday 2-8 p.m. | Tuesday 10 a.m. to noon, 2-5 p.m. | Wednesday 2-7 p.m. Thursday 10 a.m. to noon, 2-5 p.m. | Friday 2-5 p.m. | Saturday 9 a.m. to noon 225 First St. NE, P.O. Box 27, Melrose, MN 56352 | (320) 256-3885 | www.griver.org


Marie Haskamp ........................... (320) 492-6342


Pat M. ................................................ (320) 241-3909


(meets second Tuesday of month)

Linda Budde, Commander ..... (320) 429-4112

Ron Butkowski, Gambling Fund Manager ......... (320) 256-3345


Kelly Stueve Roering ................. (320) 248-2473


Steve Borgerding, Scoutmaster ................................................................ (320) 491-3684


Community organizations

Please come and make new friends and enjoy the activities. Contact any board members for additional activity ideas. The senior center is located in the lower level of the Melrose City Center and is closed when the city center is closed.


225 First St. NE, Melrose, MN 56352 • (320) 256-4278

Caroline Jacobs, President ... (320) 256-3207



Local Broadcast Station ......... (320) 351-9565


Steve Borgerding, Cubmaster (320) 491-3684


Elisha Seanger ............................. (320) 429-0234


Edna Kramer ................................ (320) 845-4070



(meets third Tuesday of month at 6:30 pm)

Kristie Heinze ................................ (320) 249-5884


Carrie Austin .................................. (763) 954-0019


Roger Paschke, President ......(320) 256-3933


(meet every second & fourth Wednesday)

Ivan Dass, President ................. (320) 256-4479

Larry Droogsma, Gambling Fund Manager (320) 290-1872


(meet first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m.)

Jim Athmann, Commander .. (320) 256-4980

Vern Frericks, Gambling Fund Manager ............................................................... (320) 256-3899


(meet first Tuesday of each month)

Nancy Kemper ............................. (320) 250-4608


Ray Primus ..................................... (320) 987-3540

Leonard Hinnenkamp .............. (320) 256-3538


Denise Kociemba ....................... (320) 249-6604


Office .......................................(320) 256-3847


Rosie Athmann, Coordinator (320) 292-0233

The Senior Community Center is a handicapped accessible facility with free internet access. Older adults over 55 years old residing in the Melrose Area School District 740 and the Birch Lake area are invited to participate and use the center. There are no membership dues.

The board meets at 10:30 a.m., the second Monday of each month. Board meetings are open to anyone. Present board members are Pat Seanger, Ruth Traeger, Eileen Maus, Ivanna Meyer, Rosie Athmann and Karen Mueller. New board members are always welcome.


Sliver Sneakers Exercise Class: 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Golden Goalies: 9 a.m. Tuesdays Pool: Any time of day Quilting: Afternoons when a quilt is ready for hand stitching Line Dancing: 10 a.m. Wednesdays Community Education Classes: Check http://www.isd740.org


Melrose Area Arts Council has recently been formed with the vision of increasing the visual and performing arts in Melrose and the surrounding communities that are part of the Melrose Area School District. They will work with established organizations within the communities to create a positive art focus.

If interested in helping or if you have any questions please call Eileen Maus, 320-256-3859, or Chris Barron, 320-980-3344.


For up-to-date schedules please visit www.cityofmelrose.com and select Senior Center under the community tab. For additional information, please call Rosie Athmann at (320) 292-0233

Area H is torical Soc iet y

Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Wednesdays from April to September or by appointment.

518 Second St. SE, Melrose, MN 56352 | 320-256-4996 or 320-256-3933 | Email: rpaschke@meltel.net www.melrosemnhistory.com | We are on Facebook @ melroseareamuseum

The first permanent European settlers, including the Adleys and Wheelers, arrived in the Melrose area in 1857, gradually displacing the native Ojibwa and Dakota. The new town was originally called the Maineite Settlement, but probably the Adleys renamed it for their ancestral home, Melrose, Scotland.

Eventually, Melrose had a hotel, stage coach station, post office, school and a few homes. But it didn’t begin to thrive until 1867, when cousins Edwin and William Clark arrived and bought the Adley property. The Clarks built (or possibly rebuilt) a dam and mill and began selling flour and grist. They built a block of brick buildings; opened stores, a bank and sawmill; and brought the railroad to town. By the time Edwin, known as “the father of Melrose,” left in 1893, Melrose was a bustling community with churches, a railroad depot and assorted stores and businesses.

Settlers from New England were soon joined by Germans and Irish who were seeking better lives for their families, religious freedom, free land, new adventures or escape from military service. Many Irish worked on the railroad, especially after 1894, when Melrose became a division point of the Great Northern. When the headquarters were transferred back to Waite Park 29 years later, it was a blow from which the town almost did not recover.

Melrose has seen continuous progress ever since. Two granite companies, a brewery, a newspaper, several major manufacturing plants, many stores and services, churches, financial institutions, health facilities and a strong agricultural base helped it grow and flourish over the years. Today, it has both a proud heritage and a vital future, as it has become a regional leader in medicine, manufacturing and


The Melrose Area Historical Society (MAHS) was incorporated in January 1987. It collects and interprets the history of the school district area including Melrose, Meire Grove, Greenwald, Freeport, New Munich, Spring Hill, St. Rosa, St. Martin Township and the Birch Lake area. MAHS has about 300 members and a spacious, three-floor museum located in a former convent. It is run entirely by volunteers.

Melrose Area Museum

The Melrose Area Museum contains thousands of donated artifacts, papers, maps, photographs, family histories and reference books. Changing displays represent medicine, photography, music, domestic life, agriculture, industry, fashion, childhood, railroading, transportation, sports and other areas.

One room is dedicated to every military conflict in which people of the area took part. The Lindbergh display contains artifacts and documents relating to pioneers Louisa and August Lindbergh; their son, Congressman Charles Lindbergh Sr.; and his son, Charles Lindbergh Jr. The former sisters’ chapel displays many artifacts and explains the area’s religious history. There is an entire print shop on the lower level. Visitors can view digitized copies of The Star Post (formerly Melrose Beacon) and do other research in computerized or paper files.

Memberships are available for individuals, families, businesses and other donors. Members receive a quarterly newsletter. Call for prices on memberships as well as admission to the Melrose Area Museum. Members and education groups have free admission.



Independent School District 740 546 Fifth Ave. NE, Melrose, MN 56352 (320) 256-5160 • www.isd740.org

It is the mission of District 740 Melrose Area Public Schools to prepare all learners, in partnership with their families and the community, to inspire a passion for lifelong learning and to contribute within a changing and diverse world. The Melrose Area Schools complex is the hub of the district, which includes residents from Freeport, Greenwald, Meire Grove, Melrose, New Munich, Spring Hill, St. Martin and St. Rosa. The quality faculty consists of over 65% masters-educated professionals.

The Melrose Area Elementary School Program (grades pre-K through 5) provides a quality education program that emphasizes strong reading and mathematics skills.

Benchmark Literacy provides the foundations of the elementary’s reading program. The accelerated math, Great Leaps and Leveled Literacy Intervention programs are examples of excellent supplemental individualized programs used to increase reading and math skills. The exceptional special education staff and program provides outstanding support to students with special needs.

students who qualify.

The Melrose Area Middle School (grades 6-8) provides an environment which meets the everchanging physical, social and emotional challenges middle school students face. Quarter classes of art, health, FACS and industrial technology allow students to experience electives along with their core classes. Students can set goals with their academics and behaviors to strive for Incentive Day each quarter. The outstanding special needs and ELL programs continue within the middle school and provide excellent support to

Melrose Area High School (grades 9-12) offers a wide array of elective opportunities in the core areas of study. Many of these courses offer both high school and college credit concurrently, such as college trigonometry, college physics, college public speaking and abnormal psychology to name a few. MHS also offers foreign language of study in German and Spanish, and students have an opportunity to earn as many as eight college credits in both of these areas. Students wishing to take a more hands on approach to their learning have many career tech education courses to choose from in the woods, metals, autos, ag, art and FACS areas of study. Finally, the music programs at MHS

are highlights of each year and are cherished by students and community. An array of extra-curricular activities are currently offered and provide extended social leadership and collaborative skills. Core athletic programs are a fixture of MHS as well as FFA, speech and dance team to name just a few co-curricular opportunities students enjoy participating in.

Melrose Area Public Schools is a member of the West Central Education District, which provides support for the special education program. The WCED also provides access to an Area Learning Center that provides alternative educational learning opportunities for some qualifying middle and high school students.


Melrose Area Public Schools provide an excellent Community Education program. The program includes activities and opportunities for community members of all ages.

The Adult Basic Education programs include English as a Second Language and General Education Diploma classes. These classes are offered in the evening at no charge.

The Community Education program provides a variety of instructional, recreational and social programming for all ages. Our district also offers a full summer recreation program.

If you are interested in Community Education programs, please visit www.isd740.org and check out the Community Education online registration link.

Early Childhood Family Education programs are offered for children birth to kindergarten and their parents.

Parent/Child Interaction - These classes feature parent/child interaction where parents and children explore and learn together in the classroom doing projects, puzzles and educational games without distractions.

Preschool is offered for children who are 3 and 4 years old by Sept. 1; we have an excellent curriculum and staff that incorporate play and fun into each class.

• Preschool 1 is for children age 3 by Sept. 1 of the school year, and they will need to be potty trained. It’s an exceptional opportunity for children (and their parents) to gently ease into the preschool experience. Children work on listening skills, working cooperatively with others, pre-reading and pre-math skills.

• Preschool 2 is for children age 4 by Sept. 1 of the school year. This preschool is designed to help prepare children for kindergarten. We have an excellent curriculum and caring staff who incorporate play into the classroom, allowing children to learn, grow and have fun.

• Extended Day Preschool program is offered to create a full-day experience for our half preschool programs.

Dutchmen Explorers Club School Age childcare provides childcare before and after school as well as on non-school days and over the summer at the elementary school. Care begins each day at 6:30 a.m. and ends at 6 p.m., and it features field trips, gym time, group games, art projects, choice time, toys and more!



9 Second St. SW, Melrose, MN 56352 (320) 256-6026 | www.wced6026.org

West Central Education District is a service organization created to support our member school districts, Albany, Melrose, Paynesville and Sauk Centre. WCED operates three programs to meet unique student needs while also providing support within our member districts. To learn more about WCED, please visit our website.


300 Riverside Ave. NW, Melrose MN 56352 (320) 256-2141 | Find us on Facebook

The Montessori of Melrose has been operating since 2006, serving children from 8 weeks old - kindergarten.

We are a private school with a Christian orientation. Please call to make an appointment to come and visit our school and meet our teachers. Children are enrolled year-round, so we are ready when your child is ready. Above all, come see our children! They are highly social, well adjusted, spontaneous, happy, peaceful and courteous. They are also excited about learning!

• Individualized learning environment meeting the needs of each child at his or her level.

• Strong Montessori curriculum.

• Many options available, including two, three or five days a week.

• Full day or half day kindergarten offered.

• Summer school program offered full days or half days for ages three to eight, full-time or part-time (must be a current or previous Montessori student).


Adult Basic Education offers free classes for high school completion (GED or diploma); basic skills in reading, math, spelling and writing; English as a second language; preparation for American citizenship test; passing written driver’s license test and more. Any adult who is at least 17 years old, not enrolled in K-12 school is eligible for our programs on Wednesday evenings at Melrose High School Media Center. For more information, call Alexandria Area Adult Basic Education 320-762-3312, ext. 1.

Extra-Curricular Activities

The school district offers many quality programs for students. The professional and quality coaches and advisers are very skilled at teaching lifelong skills like dealing with adversity, teamwork and leadership. In addition, coaches and advisers are experienced in their fields.

• Archery

• Band

• Baseball

• Basketball (boys & girls)

• Cheerleading

• Choir

• Cross-country (boys & girls)

• Dance team


• Football

• Golf (boys & girls)

• Gymnastics

• Hockey (boys)

• Junior knowledge bowl

• Knowledge bowl

• Musical

• National Honor Society

• Clay target league

• Pep band

• Soccer (boys & girls)

• Softball

• Speech

• Student council

• Swimming & diving (boys & girls)

• Synchronized swimming

• Tennis (girls)

• Track (boys & girls)

• Volleyball

• Wrestling (boys & girls)

• Youth theater


121 Second Ave. N, P.O. Box 120, Greenwald, MN 56335 (320) 987-3133 | sjsaschool.org stjohnstandrew@gmail.com

Mary Miller, principal | sjsamarym@gmail.com

Our Mission Statement: St. John’s-St. Andrew’s School is dedicated to providing a Christian learning environment which will foster the spiritual, physical, psychological, social, moral and religious growth of each child.

Our Philosophy: St John’s-St. Andrew’s Catholic School is a place of spiritual and academic growth for students, staff, parents and parish community. We strive to educate students by fostering Christian values, promoting a feeling of security and self-worth, and meeting individual needs through a comprehensive program. We provide a variety of opportunities to learn basic academic skills while helping each student accept responsibility for his/her own learning. We emphasize respect for oneself, respect for other people and for all forms of life and the environment that sustains them. We nuture a community of lifelong and compassionate learners through Catholic values and follow Jesus’ example through prayer, service and love.

All students participate actively in the sacraments of the church and are involved in weekly liturgies, prayer services and social outreach. Religious and moral virtues are rooted in the scriptures and become a way of life at St. John’s-St. Andrew’s School.

• Highly trained teachers in grades preschool-sixth grade.

• Small class sizes allow for more individual attention for each child.

• Strong academic curriculum that is reviewed annually.

• SMART boards, iPad and chromebooks in each classroom.


303 Second St. NE, P.O. Box 39, Freeport, MN 56331 (320) 836-2591

Kristie Harren, principal | kharren@shsfreeport.org

Our Mission Statement: Led by the Holy Spirit and supported by our Tri-Parish and Christian communities, Sacred Heart School unites students, families and staff in their spiritual, social and academic journeys. We strive to inspire, challenge and empower one another to impact the world with the knowledge, values and gifts with which God has blessed us. Catholic/Christian environment: Students are involved in liturgies, prayer services, social outreach and learning about their Catholic faith.



320 Fifth Ave. SE, Melrose, MN 56352 (320) 256-4257


Autumn Nelson, principal anelson@smsmn.org

Our Mission Statement: St. Mary’s is a faith-filled community that illuminates the teachings of Jesus ... using our hearts, hands and voices as Christian witnesses while striving for academic excellence.

Our Values:

C - Catholic identity and faith

H - Holistic care of the child: heart, mind, body and spirit

R - Respect for one another

I - Individualized development and discipline

S - Sharing family and community

T - Teaching excellence (staff, curriculum and technology)

Fast SMS Facts:

• Focus on well-rounded person - respectful, responsible, faithful, happy and giving along with a multitude of educational experiences.

• Accredited by the MN-Non-Public School Accrediting Association.

• Licensed Little Saints Pre-School Program with the option of half or full days.

• Before and after school kids time program.

• Experienced, caring staff • Small class sizes.

• Daily religious education with weekly liturgy celebrations.

• Positive culture: strong connections among all members of the school community.

• Highly-qualified teachers in Toddler Center – Grade 6 (licensed preschool and toddler center.)

• Strong academic curriculum studied and updated regularly.

• After school extracurricular activities including: guitar group Sacred Heart Strings, Sprinters Club, book club, chess and cribbage club, tech club, yearbook, robotics, Bible study, card club, 3D printing, creative digital, board games, crafts and sports clubs (softball, basketball, volleyball and open gym).

• Integrated technology throughout all grade levels.

• Music, art and physical education specialists.

• Care and educational opportunities for children ages 18 months - 12 years.

• Summer care and before and after school care for school-aged children.

• Parent/family involvement.

• Early childhood and kindergarden screening/registration in February. Contact school for more details.

and recreation Parks

• Senior Center: Provides social, physical, intellectual and wellness opportunities.

• Community Education: Provides a variety of instructional, recreational and social programming.

• Bowling: The eight-lane Melrose Bowl is at 16 Sixth Ave. SE.

• Dancing/Music: Dancing and professional entertainment are available at local clubs and area ballrooms; music and other entertainment is available at local bars and restaurants (check local newspapers for current list of entertainment).

• Fishing/Hunting: Sportspersons will find a variety of big and small game as well as a number of well-stocked lakes for summer and winter fishing.

• Golf: Check out Meadowlark Golf Course and Country Club, which offers golfing, golf tournaments and private parties.

• Trails: For hiking, biking and snowmobiling.

The foot bridge, disc golf and fishing pier are located in and near the Sauk River Park.


• Lake Sylvia is a small lake with public access.

• Many residents and visitors come to Lake Sylvia to relax and have picnics.


• Little Birch Lake is located west of Big Birch Lake.

• Public access is available on the north side.


• Tent and RV sites with electric and water; maximum seven days

• 19 recreational campsites are equipped with grills, picnic tables, water and electricity; maximum seven days; no reservations taken

• Sanitary dump station

• Handicapped accessible restrooms with showers

• Fishing

• Outdoor volleyball courts

• Regulation soccer field

• Basketball court

• Disc golf

• Youth soccer field

• Youth baseball field

• Regulation softball fields with lighting

• Small picnic pavilion with tables

• Large picnic pavilion with serving


• Canoe landing west of Fifth Avenue East.

• Boat landing along Third Avenue Northwest

• World record redhorse fish was caught just below the falls in summer 2005.

• Fishing pier

• Kayak launch

area with electricity, refrigerator, sink and hot water; refundable cleanup and key deposit fee; for reservations call the Melrose City Center at 320-256-4278;

• New playground equipment including swing sets, zipline, spring animals and activity center

What’s New

• Toddler Park by expanded campground

• Full sized basketball court

• Permanent bean bag & ladder toss

Coming in 2025

• Pickleball



Located at Fifth Ave. NW (behind CentraCare)

• Playground equipment

• Grills, picnic tables and benches

•Modern handicapped accessible restroom facilities

•Skating and hockey rink with lights and a warming house


Birch Lake Campgrounds & Hiking Trails (located nine miles north of Melrose) 29 campsites; $17.00 per night

• Picnic sites

• Boat landing

• Fishing

• Swimming

• Seven miles hiking trails

• Four miles snowmobiling trails

For additional information, visit www.dnr.mn.us or call (320) 223-7841

(Managed by Parks and Trails, Sauk Rapids Area Office)


Located on Meadowlark Lane SW

• Picnic pavilion; no reservations required

• Modern handicapped accessible restroom facilities

• Grills, picnic tables and benches

• Basketball court

• Located near the golf course

• Playground equipment including swing sets, sandbox, spring animals and activity center

• Pickleball court


9-Hole Golf Course (320) 256-4989

Meadowlark Golf Course and Country Club, located at 837 Country Club Drive in Melrose, offers golfing, golf tournaments and private parties.


• Big Birch Lake has great walleye and northern pike

• Many visitors enjoy jet skiing and water skiing

• Camping sites available

• Seven miles mountain biking trails 837 Country Club Dr. Melrose, MN 56352 320-256-4989

- Highly-manicured 9 holes

- Par 36

- Full bar - Grill - Patio - Driving range - Friendly staff

in Melrose inMelrose

The agriculture industry continues to be an integral part of Melrose’s success. Dairy and turkey, along with pork, beef and crops are the dominant agricultural industries in our area.

The dairy industry continues to have traditional 60- to 90-cow farms with pipeline milkers, while most expansions now include a milking parlor, free-stall cow housing and dairy herds of 150 to 1,000 cows. Farms are growing in size as family members decide to farm together versus separately. According to the 2012 United States Department of Agriculture Census of Agriculture, Stearns County had 69,000 dairy cows on 720 dairy farms. The average cow produced 22,000 pounds of milk annually compared to 10,000 pounds of milk produced annually in 1975.

A few reasons for the increase are better feeding practices, improved genetics and increased use of technologies, which allow farmers to provide individualized care. Stearns County is the No. 1 county in Minnesota for milk production, total milk cows and total cash receipts for livestock sales, along with cattle and calves on inventory. There are a number of turkey farms in the area as well. A majority of them have contracts with Jennie-O Turkey Store to raise a certain number of birds. A majority of the turkeys that are contracted with Jennie-O Turkey Store are processed at the plant here in Melrose. There are also pork and beef producers in the area; however, much of the hog finishing has gone to contract finishing, so not as many small farmers in the area have been choosing to raise pork.

Cash crops are also raised in the Melrose area. These crops include corn, soybeans and alfalfa. Some of these crops will be sold to the feed mills in town or hauled to another site. The majority of the alfalfa that is raised as cash crops is sold locally to dairy farmers or brought to a hay auction. Stearns County is the No. 1 county in Minnesota for hay production and oat production. The Melrose economy continues to be vibrant and is highly dependent on the agriculture industry.

care Health


525 Main St. W, Melrose, MN 56352 320-256-4231 | centracare.com

CentraCare-Melrose is a Level 4 emergency trauma center and critical access hospital, located together with a family medicine clinic that serves patients of all ages.

The medical staff at CentraCare Melrose is made up of:

• Michael Beste, MD

• Lindsey Chmielewski, MD

• Patrick Heller, MD

• Rebecca Hukriede, PA-C

• Julie Klasen, MD

• Elaine Thelen, APRN, CNP, DNP

• Jennifer Tomford, APRN, CNP, DNP

• Jill Wilken, APRN, CNP, DNP

• Emily Jelen, APRN, CNP, DNP

• Christian Chapin, APRN, CNP



125 5th Ave NW, Melrose, MN 56352 | 320-256-1769

CentraCare-Park View Place offers retirement living at its finest. It is located adjacent to the Jaycee Park and the Lake Wobegon trail in a quiet, relaxed neighborhood. Park View Place is a 60-unit senior housing building that provides assisted living for persons 55+. One-bedroom and two-bedroom floor plans are available. To learn more about the various services, visit CentraCare.com.

Onsite lab, imaging, obstetric care, cardiac rehabilitation, transitional care, swing bed program, and physical, occupational and speech therapy services are available. Many physician specialists visit CentraCare-Melrose on a scheduled basis to provide outreach services. This convenient access allows patients to receive the highquality, specialty care they need while staying close to home.

• Asthma and Allergy

• Behavioral Health

• Cardiology

• Dermatology

• Diabetes

• Gastroenterology

• Oncology


• Orthopedics

• Radiology

• Surgery

• Telehealth

• Maternal Fetal Medicine


Melrose Area

St. Mary’s Catholic Church

755 Kraft Drive SE, Melrose, MN 56352 | (320) 256-4207

www.oneinfaith.org | Email: oif@stmarysofmelrose.com

St. Mary’s Catholic Church Schedule: Saturday at 5 p.m. | Sunday at 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.

(Misa en Espanol)

10 a.m. Mass is live-streamed on YouTube

All Mass times have childrens Liturgy of the Word

Pastor: Fr. Mitchell Bechtold

Parochial Vicar: Fr. Oswaldo Roche

Deacons: Ernie Kociemba, Jesus Hernandez & Jorge Carrillo

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church

207 Fifth St. NE, Melrose, MN 56352 | (320) 256-3847 www.stpaulsmelrose.org | Email: stpauls@meltel.net

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Schedule: Sunday Worship 9 a.m. | Sunday School 10:15 a.m.

Sunday Adult Bible Class 10:25 a.m. Services are streamed live on Facebook

Birch Hills Community Church

330 W. Riverside Ave., Melrose, MN 56352 | (320) 429-2440

Scan the QR Code to view our website!


Mailing address: P.O. Box 308 | www.birchhillscommunitychurch.org

Email: info@birchhillscommunitychurch.org

Check out our Facebook page.

Birch Hills Community Church Schedule: Meeting at 10 a.m. every Sunday at Melrose High School Auditorium ( 546 5th Ave NE, Melrose)

Harvest Church

338 West Main St.,Freeport, MN 56331

320-836-2997 or 320-356-0317


Services: Sunday Worship: 8:30 a.m. with coffee and fellowship beforehand Wednesday: Harvest Youth Classes 6:30 p.m.

Pastors Allen and Joelene Wieling

“Reaching Freeport, Albany, Melrose and the surrounding communities with the message of Christ’s love!”

Business Directory



NAPA Auto Parts (320) 256-7441

Sauk Centre: (320) 352-3979

117 E. Main St. Melrose, MN 56352 www.mynapacentral.com


Billionaire Beauty and Barbershop Inc. ......page 19

313 Main St. Melrose, MN 56352 (320) 256-4661


Melrose Bowl/Schif’s Bar & Grill ..................page 26 (320) 256-3655 16 Sixth Ave. SE Melrose, MN 56352 www.melrosebowl.com


Kraemer Lumber ...page 10 (320) 256-4275

826 County Road 13 Melrose, MN 56352 520 12th St. S Sauk Centre, MN 56378 (320) 352-2255 www.kraemerlumber.com

Worms Lumber & Ready Mix Inc. ........page 12 (320) 837-5288 535 Main St. New Munich, MN 56356 www.wormsreadymix.com



True North Marketplace ............page 26

233 Kraft Drive E. Melrose, MN 56352 (320) 256-6001 www.truenorthmarketplace.com


Austin’s Cleaning Service & Carpet Cleaning .....page 17 (320) 351-6489 or (320) 266-0818

410 First St. N. Sauk Centre, MN 56378


Birch Hills Community Church .........................page 36 (320) 429-2440 Melrose www.birchhillscommunitychurch.org www.facebook.com/birchhillsmn info@birchhillscommunitychurch.org

Harvest Church ......page 36 (320) 836-2997

338 Main St. W. Freeport, MN 56331 www.harvestchurchfreeport.com


City of Melrose .......page 40 (320) 256-4278

225 First St. NE Melrose, MN 56352 www.cityofmelrose.com


Arvig .............................page 37 (320) 256-7471

224 E. Main St. Melrose, MN 56352 www.arvig.com


Central Minnesota Computer Services ......................page 37 (320) 256-2627

305 E. Main St. Melrose, MN 56352


Eric Schmiesing

Construction ............page 12 (320) 293-7428

Hegg Construction LLC ................................page 12 (320) 493-6250

Wayne Hegg


Bayer Built Woodworks Inc. ....page 23 (320) 254-3651

24614 US Highway 71 Belgrade, MN 56312 www.bayerbuilt.com


Melrose Electric......page 37 (320) 256-3846

119 Eighth Ave. NW Melrose, MN 56352


Kemper Excavating ...page 12 (320) 256-3982 or (320) 250-2068

315 First St. NW Melrose, MN 56352


Black Financial Services ........................page 7 (320) 356-9031 www.blackfinancialservices.com

Freeport State Bank ...............................page 8 (320) 836-2126

219 E. Main St. Melrose, MN 56352 www.freeportstatebank.com

Magnifi Financial ......page 8 (888) 330-8482

320 E. Main St. Melrose, MN 56352 www.mymagnifi.org

Wealthcare .................page 7 (320) 256-7070

306 E. Main St. Melrose, MN 56352 www.wealthcare-inc.com


Melrose Fitness ........page 6 Main Street Melrose, MN 56352 www.melrosefitness247.com


Austin’s Floral.........page 35 (320) 256-ROSE (7673) 409 E. Main St. Melrose, MN 56352 www.austinsfloral.com


Dooley’s Petroleum Inc. .......page 23 (320) 352-5753

914 Main St. S. Sauk Centre, MN 56378 www.dooleypetro.com

Rahn’s Oil & Propane ....................page 25 Freeport Cenex Freeport Gas-n-Grocery Melrose 1 Stop (320) 256-3680 www.rahnfuels.com


Meadowlark Country Club................................page 31 (320) 256-4989

837 Country Club Drive SW Melrose, MN 56352 www.meadowlarkcountryclub.com


Finken Heating, Cooling & Plumbing ...............page 33 (320) 256-3890 116 E Main St. Melrose, MN 56352 www.finkens.com

I-94 Classics ............page 23 (320) 256-3623

329 County Road 173 E. Melrose, MN 56352


Advantage 1 Insurance......................page 6 (320) 252-6650 6 3rd Ave. NE Melrose, MN 56352

American Family Insurance......................page 3 (320) 256-3434

Kyle Hoium, Agent

408 E. Main St., Ste. 2 Melrose, MN 56352

Farmers Insurance......................page 6 (320) 352-5267 or (320) 527-7727

Dan Jurenic

965 Main Street S., Ste. 101 Sauk Centre, MN 56378 djurenic@farmersagent.com


Insurance......................page 4 (320) 256-5130

305 E. Main St.. Melrose, MN 56352

Melrose Mutual Insurance......................page 4 (320) 256-7290

303 E. Main St. Melrose, MN 56352 www.melrosemutual.com

North Risk Partners........................page 6 (800) 247-7016

601 Railroad Ave. Albany, MN 56307 www.northriskpartners.com


Pemberton Law Firm .................................page 6

Located in Minnesota National Bank in Sauk Centre, Tuesdays 1:30-5 pm n.adams@pemlaw.com


Spiritz Liquor (320) 256-6300

225 Kraft Drive SE Melrose, MN 56352 Follow us on Facebook www.spiritzliquor.com


Melrose Stages.......page 18 (320) 256-5160 ext. 1001 Directors: Marit Elliot, Andrew Engel


Jennie-O ....................page 15 (320) 256-4245 1129 Main St. E. Melrose, MN 56352 www.jennieojobsmelrose.com


The Bluffs ..................page 33 (320) 333-1257

35319 315th Ave. Melrose, MN 56352 www.thebluffsbeef.com


CentraCareMelrose.......................page 34 (320) 256-4228

525 W. Main St. Melrose, MN 56352 www.centracare.com


Star Publications

The Star Post (877) 396-6577

408 E. Main St. Melrose, MN 56352 www.star-pub.com


Central MN Realty ....page 10

Aimee Hegg (320) 291-8552

aimee@centralmnrealty.com www.centralmnrealty.com

Jeanne Kraemer......page 10 (320) 492-8431

jeanne@centralmnrealty.com www.centralmnrealty.com

Sauk Centre

Real Estate .................page 9

- Charlie Walker Realty(320) 352-6392

- McDonald Realty(320) 260-0494 www.saukcentrerealestate.com


Albany Recycling Center ..........................page 17 (320) 845-2747

34737 County Road 10 Albany, MN 56307


Bavarian Gardens ...page 26 (320) 837-5005

Coffee, Treats, Unique Gifts

420 Main St. New Munich, MN 56356

Highland Quilting ...page 19 (320) 333-3689

1062 Main Street S. Sauk Centre, MN 56378 www.highlandquilting.us


Sign Lava ..................page 17 (320) 249-9264

Custom Graphics-Travis Frieler


Melrose Blue Door Storage ...........page 17

Storage Units West Side of Melrose (320) 291-4816

M.K.I. Storage ..........page 16 (320) 267-1533

610 West Riverside Ave. Melrose, MN 56352 www.mkistorage.com


Main Street Smoke Shop .............page 31 (320) 352-4080

201 Main St. S., Ste. #3 Sauk Centre, MN 56378



Biffies Inc. . ................page 21 (320) 256-2727 www.bueckersbiffies.com


Brenny Transportation ......page 20 (320) 363-6999

8505 Ridgewood Road St. Joseph, MN 56374

Mayers Inc. ................page 12 (320) 256-4479 37264 County Road 13 Melrose, MN 56352


Spinners Travel.........page 9 (320) 250-0864

Freeport, MN 56331 spinnerstravel.com


Stearns Electric ......page 37 900 Kraft Drive SE Melrose, MN 56352 (320) 256-4241 www.stearnselectric.org


Waste Management ...........page 17 Residential, Commercial, Farm, Demolition, Recycling www.wm.com

West Central Sanitation ..................page 17 (800) 246-7630 www.wcsanitation.com


Culligan ......................page 20 (320) 352-6587

625 Lincoln Loop Sauk Centre, MN 56378 www.culliganh20.com


Finken Water Treatment .................page 21 (320) 256-3890 116 E. Main St. Melrose, MN 56352 www.finkens.com


CAP Enterprises....page 23 (320) 256-3900 511 Third Ave. SW Melrose, MN 56352 capenterprise@meltel.net


Wheels Water Service ........................page 33 (320) 256-4146 37276 County Road 13 Melrose, MN 56352 www.wheelswater.com

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