other.“We were at my house, just talking about books, and then my mom (Jill Yarke) said, ‘You guys should start a book club,’” Yarke

When the city held their Aug. 31 budget workshop, they found there had been a general fund revenue understatement; instead of a $300,000 gap of revenues over expenses, there was a $216,291 gap. To close the gap the rest of the way, more budget cut suggestions were proposed and put before the Sauk Centre City Council Sept. 7 during their regular meeting at Sauk Centre City Hall.

BY BEN SONNEK | STAFF WRITER group of six knew each other through HFS, and most of them also live in the same general neighborhood. The book club does not have an official name or leader – although Yarke often serves as the group’s spokesperson.
Reading with friends
Facing rising prices, the City of Sauk Centre has had to make cutbacks in their planned general fund expenses in the preliminary 2023 budget.
SoldSold in Sauk Centre
City makes cuts in preliminary 2023 general fund expenses
The club started in August this year when Yarke and Nathe were visiting each

“A lot of us didn’t feel like the program was really living up to what it should be,” Judkins said. “We really wanted to see some changes in our programming to follow more what the Scout program is as far as boys learning about the outdoors, camping, aspects that are typically part of Scouts. I think, with COVID and everything else, that fell by the wayside, and so it was just time to pick the program up and revitalize it.”
Money and safety
Holy Family School students – (front, from left) Lauren Sunderman, Elizabeth Friedrichs and Kali Yarke; (back, from left) Brynn Borgmann, Raya Nathe and Kadie Miller – bring their books to school Sept. 12 at HFS in Sauk Centre. The six students started a book club in August and are continuing it through the school year.
No signature for community policing agreement
Local troop looking for new membership
“Everything in life is going up, and I think we as a city council should show the citizens that we’re being responsible,” Sauk Centre Mayor Warren Stone said.
A large crowd of interested bidders gathers around the auctioneer truck on one side and the tractors for sale on the other during the Fall 2022 Mid-American Auction Sept. 10 in Sauk Centre. The auction sold a wide range of farm, lawn and garden vehicles and equipment.

Sauk Scouts

“This program isn’t just for the Scouts; it is for the parents as well,” said Sauk Centre Scouts committee chair Nikki Duchene. “Each parent can be involved in some way or fashion, whether that is being a den leader or simply helping with the day’s lesson. It truly takes a village to make the program succeed.”
Ben Judkins grew up as a Cub Scout in Maple Grove, a larger pack, and he has been the Sauk Centre Scoutmaster since March 2021. Around that time, he and other Scout parents came forward to reorient the group. The Cub Scout program had about 25 students in the early 2000s, but that number fell to five in 2021 and has since risen to eight; there is one Eagle Scout in the current troop, but he is about to leave in the fall.
While the council did not sign a community policing agreement, they did acknowledge how the process behind it has already strengthened how the Sauk Centre Police Department serves the local minority communities.
A few months ago, the SCPD met with a committee, including Hispanic community members, regarding the department’s policies and practices. According to SCPD Chief Bryon Friedrichs, discrepancies were noted in how the department handled traffic stops, and so they began work on an agreement July 7; the agreement is essentially a memo of understanding, outlining the SCPD’s practices, none of which were changed.
HFS students maintain book club
Policing agreement page 3Expenses page 3 Scouts page 3 Book club page 3


Herald WWW.STAR-PUB.COMT HURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 $1.50 PUBLIC NOTICESOBITUARY Sauk Centre NUMBER 18 • VOLUME 156 The newspaper of today is the history of tomorrow. ST PublicationsR Scan me to start or renew subscription!your Tennis Page 12 • Mortgage Foreclosure (2) - pg. 7 • Assumed Name - Horst Wood Products - pg. 7 • Assumed Name - Waymaker Leaders - pg. 7 • Notice of Application for a Livestock Feedlot Permit - pg. 7 • Probate Notice - Trisco - pg. 7 Audree A. Alter Allen (Corky) E. Siegle

For six students of Holy Family School in Sauk Centre, their individual love of stories has become a group pursuit with their book club. The six girls – fourth graders Kali Yarke and Brynn Borgmann and fifth graders Lauren Sunderman, Elizabeth Friedrichs, Raya Nathe and Kadie Miller – are continuing this club into the school year, reading books and comparing them to their cinematic adaptations.

This year is the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Sauk Centre Boy Scouts, not to mention the 25th anniversary of the Sauk Centre Cub Scouts. As the group prepares to celebrate these milestones, though, new leadership within the organization is looking to revitalize the Scouts as their numbers have fallen to the single digits in recentTheyears.Sauk Centre Scouts will be holding a Join in Scouts night from 5-7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 22, in the Sauk Centre Elementary School cafeteria.
Sauk Centre Cub Scouts – (from left) Jaxx VanHavermaet, Gus Judkins, Wesley Kepp, Garret Duchene, Hunter Groetsch and Jay Wilber – camp at the Father Hennepin State Park June 11. After seeing a membership decline over the years, the Sauk Centre Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts are looking for new members, hosting a Join in Scouts night from 5-7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 22, in the Sauk Centre Elementary School cafeteria.

What other activities are you involved in at school? I am also on the speech team.
Sept. 10 in

Why is it important for you to be involved in school activities? Being involved in school activities has allowed me to make friendships and form bonds with people I wouldn’t have otherwise. It’s also been a huge confidence-builder for me.
Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know. I plan to go to college to become a physician assistant and work in emergency medicine. What is your favorite social media, song, food? Instagram, “Team” by Lorde and sushi. contact us at 606 Lake Shore Dr., Sauk Centre, MN | (320) 238-8001 Cards will expire on 10/1/23 for ten 9-hole rounds with 1/2 cart. We will not offer memberships. However, we will offer Cards will be available for purchase until 10/31/22 for Punch$200Cards Let us book your next event New Hours Full Service Liquor Bar | Catering of meals available Call for details. M-Th: Closed | Fri-Sun: 7am - 7pm Closed for the season October 2nd. Starting 9/19/22 Old Course Sauk Centre H37-1B-MT (320)Call238-8001topurchaseapunchcard! Next year our facilities will be open to the public to play without restriction Hundreds come to fall 2022 Mid-American Auction Mustang Bar celebrates 10 years

Accomplishment: Senior for the Streeters girl’s swim and dive team, who won the 50 freestyle and 100 freestyle in a 109-74 win over Albany Sept. 1.
Page 2 | THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 | SAUK CENTRE HERALD NEWS “We’re here to help.” 423 Main Street South • P.O. Box 266 Sauk Centre, MN 56378 320-352-5771STATEBANKMember FDIC 24-HouravailableATM in our drive-up

out bids
Fall 2022 MidAmerican
What is your favorite Streeter tradition? One that we do on the swim team–dying our armpit hair pink for our Breast Cancer Awareness Night.
Auctioneer Scott Twardowski calls during the Auction Sept.

What is your favorite aspect of swim and dive? Competing with my team. I love watching my teammates accomplish their goals as much as I love accomplishing mine.
Proudly Sponsored by

The band 57 Chevy performs on the patio behind Mustang Bar Sauk Centre, celebrating the bar’s 10th anniversary.

Phil Poepping and his son, Preston Poepping, both from New Munich, check out an older John Deere tractor during the Fall 2022 Mid-American Auction Sept. 10 in Sauk Centre.


Str eeter Streeter

Grade: 12 Parents: Mike and Cindy Heveron
Tell us about the best meet you have been a part of. My eighth-grade section meet. I remember I dropped a lot of time and then had to compete in my first swim-off against one other girl from Sartell. I didn’t win, but the whole experience made me grow a lot as a swimmer.
What teacher has impacted your education the most? Mr. Schreiner. He has taught me many things, from American history to how to do a backstroke start. The most important lesson he’s ever taught me, though, is that who I am as a person is much more valuable than my grades or swim times.
How do you try to make a difference at school? I try to be kind and inclusive to everyone, because you never know what someone is going through.
10 in Sauk Centre.

(Above) A row of trucks, combines and more are up for sale at the Fall 2022 MidAmerican Auction Sept. 10 in Sauk (Right)Centre.Keaton Denny from Long Prairie gets an up-close, up-high look at a Gleaner combine at the Fall 2022 MidAmerican Auction Sept. 10 in Sauk Centre.

“I read the whole book on the trip because I was very bored,” Borgmann said.“Matilda” is one of the book club’s favorites so far; Borgmann herself was initially not interested in it, but she got hooked after reading the first 10 pages. When asked about their favorite scene in the book, the group dives into animated conversation about a number of scenes with the titular protagonist’s supernatural exploits.“Inever would have
the Sauk Centre Scouts were not following many of the program’s requirements for advancement, and pack meetings were mostly focused around doing games with the Scouts. Since reorganizing, the pack has done two camping trips, one at the beginning of summer 2022 and one at the end, which the Scouts enjoyed; in general, the new Sauk Centre leadership is focusing on getting back to scouting’s
core, the outdoor activities.

Both Judkins and Duchene have children in the Cub Scouts, and they are happy with how their sons have benefited from the program, especially after the program refocusing.
Inonline.police administration, office supplies were lowered from $1,200 to $800, printed forms and paper were

Catholic in Recovery: Saturdays at 1 p.m. Catholic sacramental recovery fellowship for those seeking freedom from addictions, compulsions and unhealthy attachments. Family and Friends Support Group: Saturdays at 1 p.m. for family members and others impacted by the spiritual disease of addiction. Both groups located at the Centre for Christ.
In other council news:
Within the Scouts, each grade has a book to follow with both required and extra activities, all age-appropriate, and they can be accomplished alone or in a group. Parent involvement is also strongly encouraged, and anyone who has ideas for things the Scouts can do within the Sauk Centre community is welcome to share their“Iconcepts.thinkthat, with the direction we’re headed, it’s going to be a much different program than what we’ve had in the recent past,” Judkins said. “You can already see the difference in the kids’ engagement at the different pack meetings, so we’re really excited for the future.”
Little Sauk Legion Auxiliary Unit 417 Meeting: Second Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. at the Little Sauk Legion. New members welcome!
– Accepted the following contributions: $140.75 from the Men’s Card Playing Group for the Sauk Centre Senior Center; three donations of $272 each from Minnesota National Bank to the SCPD, Sauk Centre Ambulance Service and Sauk Centre Fire Department; and the use of two large barn fans from Dairyland Supply for the Sauk Centre Civic Arena.
Other officials include Duchene’s husband, Scott, as the organization’s treasurer; assistant scoutmaster Joel Kepp; and secretary MaggiePreviously,Pahl.
Mental Health Crisis Line: 320-253-5555 or 800-635-8008. Crisis Response Team for Benton, Sherburne, Stearns and Wright counties.
our communication needs to get better with them on traffic stops,” Friedrichs said. “(We’ll) try to spell it out, help them understand the problem in traffic stops; we’ve kind of left them in the dust where they’re not quite understanding what they were pulled over for.”
Mental Health Support Group: Fridays from 2-4 p.m. at the Palmer House. We welcome anyone who suffers with mental health issues. Any questions, please contact Richard at 320-260-4233.
ment is already doing,” said Sauk Centre Mayor Warren Stone. “The comment in the first paragraph (of the agreement) is that this whole agreement was inspired by St. Cloud; I’m not inspired by St.MoreCloud.”information about the SCPD can be found https://saukcentre.govof-at
that random testing is not part of the city’s non-DOT policy. The policy also includes new language prohibiting the use of cannabinoids.
In planning and zoning, suggestions included cutting engineering fees in half from $2,000 to $1,000, halving legal fees from $6,000 to $3,000, halving legal notices and publishing from $2,000 to $1,000 and removing $500 from general notices and public information, bringing it from $3,500 to $3,000. The $250 travel expenses were also removed, considering how those are usually used for training, but most training now takes place
With the street department, building repair and maintenance cut from $15,000 to $10,000, and a planned $100,000 purchase of a 1-ton vehicle and plow was Atremoved.Sinclair Lewis
The agreement was then presented to the Sauk Centre City Council during their regular meeting Sept. 7 at Sauk Centre City Hall, along with a request that the council acknowledge the agreement by signature of the mayor.“Ithink what came out of our meeting with the Hispanic population is
The Basic Text Message: Fridays 11 to noon in the downstairs of The Centre for Christ, 235 Main St. So, Sauk Centre. Please bring your own literature. Any questions, please call Tony D. 320-429-4671.
The Stearns County DFL (Stearns-12) Meetings: Meeting every third Tuesday of the month at 1140 Sinclair Lewis Ave. Suite 2 at 6:30 p.m.
WhenBurnett.choosing books to read, the club usually ends up with three main choices that everyone votes on.
– City engineer Keith Yapp reported that storm sewer work is being completed on the Wobegon Trail during the week of Sept. 12, and paving on Park Road is expected to begin either the week of Sept. 19 or 26. A concept plan is also under way for repairing the front steps of Sauk Centre City Hall.
AA Meetings: Thursdays, 11 a.m. at United Church of Christ in Sauk Centre. For more information, call 320-429-1620. AA and Al-Anon 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays in Sauk Centre at United Church of Christ. Back to Basic Meeting, Wednesdays at 7 p.m. at Tutti Fruitti in Sauk Centre. For more information, call 218-2401076. Wednesdays Big Book Meeting at 7 p.m., Civic Center, Melrose. For more information, call 320-241-3909.
First Lutheran Church “Connecting our Community” Free Meal: Sept. 18, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. There will be a service at 10:30 at the Sinclair Lewis Park Bandshell with music afterwards. Everyone is welcome.
all funds in 2023 came in around $11.1 million. The council approved the updated 2023 preliminary budget with the proposed cuts, and it will remain fluid until the final budget approval in December.Later, the council approved a 9% preliminary 2023 levy increase with 6% for the city share of the 2022 capital improvement project bond and 3% for all other funds. There was discussion about potentially increasing the levy by 9.5% or 13% – a number similar to other area cities – with the option of lowering the percentage later, but the idea was ultimately rejected.
Divorce Care Support Group: Every Thursday from Sept. 22 thru Dec. 8, 6-8 p.m. at the Centre for Christ location. Help and Healing for the hurt of separation and divorce. For more info or questions, call Deb (320) 429-0913 or Amor (320) 333-1648 or email
– Called for a public hearing at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 5, on certification of special assessments for the 2022 street improvement project. The total amount to be assessed by this project is $1,583,124.32, and following the public hearing and assessment adoption, owners can prepay their assessment at Sauk Centre City Hall up to Nov. 15 with no interest applied. The council also called for another Oct. 5 public hearing for the certification of special assessments for delinquent utility and service
Although their group is about a month old, the members have gone through four books so far: “Wonder” by J.R. Palacio, “Little House in the Big Woods” by Laura Ingalls Wilder, “Matilda” by Roald Dahl and “Beezus and Ramona” by Beverly Cleary. They are currently reading the C.S. Lewis classic, “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,” and moving forward, they have their eye on “The Secret Garden” by Frances Hodgson
cut from $1,200 to $200, uniforms were halved from $1,500 to $750, the $250 general notices and public information costs were removed and building repair and maintenance was lowered from $500 to $200. For police patrols, the part-time employee budget was cut from $8,000 to $2,000, citing a lack of part-time officers to cover shifts.
ideas for it, and then they usually make snacks and drinks,” Friedrichs said.

There is no time frame for reading a given book; once everyone is done reading, they will meet again to watch the movie adaptation. Borgmann is considered the group’s fastest reader, usually finishing first – even if she does not start first – and she read all of “Matilda” while on a trip to Canada.

– Approved a bid of $68,450 from Steve Moritz Construction for renovations to the arrival and departure building at the Sauk Centre Municipal Airport. The city went out for bids a couple of times for the project, and SMC was the one bid received.
read ‘Matilda,’” Miller said. “I’m glad I did, because it turned out to be a really goodAtbook.”thispoint, the group has liked the movie adaptations they have seen, and once they are done with the book and movie, they have discussions about them. Sometimes, they get printed-out discussion questions and cut them into individual pieces of paper before folding them up and putting them in a bucket or hat; whatever question is drawn is what guides the club’s reflections.Thebook club is open to new members, but they prefer to start with fellow students who are already known to all or most of the group; they also do not want the group to get too large, making it easier to have everyone on a similar reading schedule. For now, they look forward to reading more books, watching more of their movies and talking more about them – all while gaining a better appreciation for the art of storytelling.
“My son Garret truly loves the program and the friends he has made,” Duchene said. “The best part is probably the Pinewood Derby races; who doesn’t like a good competitive race? Plus, now he is learning skills that will stay with him for the rest of his life. They teach the Scouts about leadership and teamwork, how to problem-solve and make friends.”
Sauk Centre Seniors Meeting: Sept. 20, 2 p.m. at the Sauk Centre Senior building. All Seniors welcome.
NEWS WHAT’S HAPPENING Sausage Supper REFRESHMENTS • COUNTRY STORE • PULL TABS • QUILT RAFFLE RAFFLE WITH NUMEROUS PRIZES • LARGE WAGON OF PUMPKINS, GOURDS & SQUASH FOR SALE • KETTLE KORN • BINGO - STARTS AT 1 PM • LIVE MUSIC! HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS H37-1B-JO Pre-Order today! You can pre-order linked sausage, fresh seasoned ground pork, sauerkraut or headcheese to take home with you. All pre-orders must be picked up by 4 pm October 2nd, CASH OR CHECK ONLY. TO PRE-ORDER:Call: 612-460-5655 | QR Code: (Scan) Email: | Online: TO GUARANTEE PRE-ORDERS, PLEASE PLACE ORDERS BY SEPT. 19 ST. ALEXIUS CHURCH SEATINGINTWOINTWODININGROOMS! Sunday, Oct. 2, 2022 ST. ALEXIUS CHURCH, WEST UNION, MN SMOKED SPARESAUERKRAUTSAUSAGE,ANDRIBS (made in a USDA inspected facility) Headcheese, glazed carrots, real mashed potatoes, gravy, bread and butter, bars or cookies, coffee, milk Tickets on Sale at 11 am | Serving from noon to 6 pm All stands open at 11 am | Large outdoor tent Menu ry)ots,ravy, es, m | Serving from noon to 6 pm DRIVE THRU AND TAKE OUT AVAILABLEAVAILABLEALSO German Music by Kevin Gwost & Various Musicians SH37-1B-MT 38914 Cty. Road 186, Sauk Centre – 2.5 miles East of 320-352-2059McDonald’s Thursday, September 22nd 4 to 7:30 pm Join us for a delicious German Buffet! Pork Hocks with Homemade Sauerkraut, German Potato Salad, German Brats, Dumplings, Weinerschnitzel, Apple Strudel, Black Forest Cake TUTTI FRUITTI KITCHEN MARKET FARM&

– Approved the retirement of Bruce Westbrock from Sauk Centre Public Works. Westbrock has worked for the city in this position for 25 years, and his resignation is effective Sept. 15.

Campground, the $50,000 for camper cabins was removed.In parks and recreation, machinery costs were halved from $30,000 to $15,000, and the $30,000 proposal to replace the department’s 2022 Ford F250 was removed. In shade tree control, a $2,200 proposal for a new chainsaw was also removed.Altogether, the proposed cuts totaled $216,650 to bring the preliminary 2023 budget’s general fund expenses down to about $3.9 million; this represents a decrease from the 2022 budget of about $4.1 million and the 2021 budget of about $4.2 million. The city’s overall expenses for
Theaccounts.nextcity council meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 21 at Sauk Centre City Hall.

The council did not sign the agreement, partly because there was no change to the SCPD’s existing procedures and partly because the issues brought forward by the committee were already being addressed.
NA Meetings: Mondays, 7 p.m. at River of Life Church, Sauk Centre and Fridays at 11 a.m. at Eagle’s Healing Nest Chapel, Sauk Centre.
Expenses from front
Policing agreement from front Book club from front
ered the SCPD’s complaint process, and the Hispanic community is not afraid to come and speak with him.
“We try to find books that have movies, so then we can watch the movie after we’ve read the book,” Miller
Grey Eagle United Methodist Church Hog Roast: Saturday, Sept. 24, 4:30–7 p.m., offering curbside pickup and outside dining at 30422 County Road 2, at the intersection of County Road 47, across from the Historic Rock Tavern.

– Approved an update to the city’s Drug Free Workplace and Substance Abuse Policy to include provisions for testing of non-Department of Transportation employees. The policy covers circumstances such as pre-employment testing, reasonable suspicion, treatment program testing and testing if part of routine physical exam; random testing is included for the definition, but the policy as presented states
Friedrichs also noted that the meetings also cov-

Scouts from front
Grief Share Support Group: Every Tuesday for 13 weeks, starting Sept. 20, 6-8 p.m. at the Centre for Christ location. Help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member or friend. For more info or questions, call Deb (320) 429-0913 or Jeanine (651) 285-5720 or email griefshare@

Alzheimer’s Support Group: The support group for people caring for someone with memory loss holds monthly meetings every fourth Thursday of the month from 10-11:30 a.m. at Alternative Senior Care, 418 10th St. S, Sauk Centre. For more information, call 320-352-3350.
Sauk Centre History Museum and Research Center: Museum hours are Monday and Friday noon to 4 p.m.; Wednesday 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; Tuesday and Thursday 2-6 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Located in the Sinclair Lewis Library building at 430 Main Street. Any questions, please call 320-351-8777.
“To me, it’s more unnecessary paper because everything listed in here is what the police depart-

Theirsaid.parents also help out with planning the club meetings.“They help us decide the next book and give us

14:36 hrs – Medical emergency on 300 block of Sinclair Lewis vehicle on 800 block of Centre 000 block of Rose Park Sinclair block of Co block of Walnut block of Heritage of Birch
1 citizen contact
2 traffic stops – 2 speed and 1 no MN driver’s license citations issued
14:51 hrs – Medical emergency on 1100 block of Fairlane Dr
Volunteers, donations needed for hockey arena mural
03:45 hrs – Problem with juvenile on 200 block of 3rd St N
13:55 hrs – Threats complaint on 1200 block of Getty St
Page 4 | THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 | SAUK CENTRE HERALD POLICE ACTIVITY NEWS Sauk Centre $95 Commercial Account Billing Available Call for Details! D.O.T. EXAMS Same Available!AppointmentsWeek We can process your State CDL registration at the time of your exam so you don’t have to go to the DMV. SHP2-tfnB-JO 1804 S. Broadway, Alexandria, MN 320.763.0313 Dr. Kaija Johnson, DC Nationally Certified Examiner for D.O.T Exams For Sale by Owner Comfortable Family home with 3-4 bedrooms, 1 ¾ bathrooms, full basement, living room, formal dining room, updated kitchen with island, insulated and heated sunporch, large double attached heated garage and many special features. Open House Saturday, September 17th | 1-4 PM 202 Pine Street |Sauk Centre, MN Located at 202 Pine St., close to Downtown Sauk Centre & St. Paul’s Church Call June at 352-2398 if you want a showing. SH37-1B-MT SH1-eowB-JO • Pump and well service • Cleaning & redeveloping, older wells. • Well abandonment DRILLINGWELL (DOMESTIC & IRRIGATION) eing, ION) Glenwood, MN DON’S PUMP & (320)WELL634-4020
10:33 hrs – Human services referral on 900 block of State Rd
Lewis Ave 3 extra patrol requests 2 citizen contacts 6 traffic stops – 1 speed citation issued Sunday, Sept. 11 03:13 hrs – Business assist on 400 block of Elm St N 03:14 hrs – Agency assist on 39000
A mockup image shows how the proposed mural will appear on the Sauk Centre Civic Arena. The mural, being made by Roger Reinardy and other local artists, is expected to have work begun on it this week, although volunteers and donations are still needed. Canine assist on 300 block of Hwy 71
12:59 hrs – Park patrol on 000 block of Main St N

1 school patrol
1 extra patrol request
Free healthy meals will be available to members of the community Sept. 28 at 3 p.m. at the Eagle’s Healing Nest Auditorium in Sauk Centre.The
1 extra patrol request
10:17 hrs Matter of information on 300 block of Oak St S
19:54 hrs – Found property on 700 block of Main St S
22:53 hrs – Suspicious activity on 1300 block of Sinclair Lewis Ave
The project needs additional funding and local artists to volunteer to their talents. Reinardy will direct the artists on site. Those wishing to have a hand in the project and donate their talents can call 320-333-3279. Those who would like to donate can call Borgmann at 612-220-7535.
6 traffic stops – 1 no MN driver’s license and 1 no insurance citations issued
The mural will be on the south side of the Civic Arena and entail three silhouetted hockey players with an American flag back drop.

2 extra patrol requests
20:16 hrs Agency assist on I-94, mile marker 154
3 school patrols
Saturday, Sept. 10
09:26 hrs – Suspicious person on 1100 block of Main St S
15:32 hrs Gas leak on 100 block of Willow St
Reinardy is working with Mike Weisser and Pam Borgmann on securing volunteers and funding for the project.“Finally, after COVID and several bumps, the ice arena mural will be started this week,” said Borgmann. “Thank you to the Central Minnesota Arts Board for making this possible.”
01:03 hrs – Parking violation on 500 block of Lake Shore Dr

09:34 hrs – Agency assist on Saukdale Cir/Brick Yard Rd
19:02 hrs – Suspicious person on 200 block of Lake Shore Dr
1 door check
Meal distribution at Eagle’s Healing Nest
St 17:17 hrs – Agency assist on

Tuesday, Sept. 6
2 gun permits
SW 22:54 hrs – Bar check on
05:35 hrs Motorist assist on Main St S/10th St S
06:22 hrs Alarm on 800 block of Shamrock Ln
14:20 hrs – Neighborhood dispute on 200 block of Elm St S

one 18 years or older and in need of nutrition. Each individual can receive up to 10 meals at the pick-up event at the Eagle’s Healing Nest. Those eligible can also pick up meals for others in their household.Thehomestyle meals are produced at a local Lutheran
project going, but more funding will be needed. Donations were received last year and then the project was put on hold until a grant was secured.
1 citizen contact
20:17 hrs Business assist on 200 block of Main St S
Rd 17 04:43 hrs – Suspicious person on 500
The Sauk Centre Police Department recently assisted area law enforcement with apprehending a road rage shooting incident suspect.
Wednesday, Sept. 7
16:40 hrs – Suspicious person on 300 block of 1st St N
Around 7:40 p.m. on Sept. 6, the Stearns County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Communications Center received a 911 call from a driver on westbound Interstate 94, reporting that another driver had just fired a gun at his vehicle and struck it. The location given was near mile marker 154, in Avon Township between St. Joseph and DeputiesAvon. from the Stearns County Sheriff’s Office – along with officers from the Avon Police Department, Albany Police Department, St. Joseph Police Department and Minnesota
23:05 hrs – Medical emergency on 400 block of 1st St N

1 door check
1 open door
meals are for any-
08:55 hrs Harassment on 400 block of Oak St N
BY BEN SONNEK | STAFF WRITER State Patrol – immediately responded to the area. The caller, in a 2012 grey Volkswagen GTI, relayed that the shooting vehicle continued westbound on I-94. The caller then said he was going to continue to his residence a short distance away. Deputies eventually located the caller at his residence and found he had a gunshot wound to the tip of his nose.
er in the Volkswagen GTI, while both were westbound on I-94. At one point during the dispute, Woods allegedly fired a handgun from the Ford, striking the other male in the Volkswagen. Investigators took Woods into custody and booked him into the Stearns County Jail on Second Degree Assault charges. This case remains an active and ongoing investigation. Woods’ omnibus hearing is set for 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 27, at the Stearns County Courthouse.TheStearns County Sheriff’s Office was also assisted by the Melrose Police Department and the Sauk Centre Police Department. The Stearns County Sheriff’s Office is asking anyone who may have witnessed this event to contact their office at 320259-3700.
19:11 hrs Matter of information on 000 block of 9th St S
12:11 hrs – Stalled vehicle on Main St S/4th St S
gins this week. Reinardy would like to get the project completed this fall.
00:49 hrs – Agency assist on 3rd Ave NW/Railroad Ave NW
00:52 hrs – Foot patrol on Main St S/Sinclair Lewis Ave
10:18 hrs – Background check on 300 block of Oak St S

3 door checks
Ave 16:14 hrs – Suspicious

14:18 hrs – Personal assist on 300 block of Oak St S
2 school patrols
3 traffic stops – verbal warnings issued

16:36 hrs – Medical emergency on 41000 block of Sauk Lake Rd
17:16 hrs – Motorist assist on Ash St S/12th St S
2 extra patrol requests
St S 18:19 hrs – Motorist assist on 200 block of 12th St S 19:13 hrs – Lift assist on 700 block of Lake Shore Dr 19:27 hrs – Parking violation on 700 block of Country Club Rd 19:55 hrs – Welfare check on 600 block of Grove Lake St 20:20 hrs – Abandoned vehicle on 700 block of Main St S 2 extra patrol requests 2 door checks 10 traffic stops – 1 driving after suspension citation issued
13:31 hrs – Welfare check on 1100 block of Main St S
15:22 hrs – Intoxicated person on 400 block of Lincoln Loop 22:14 hrs – Business assist on 200 block of 12th St S
16 traffic stops – 2 speed and 1 possession of small amount of marijuana citations issued.
Friday, Sept. 9
19:12 hrs Matter of information on 000 block of 9th St S
13:20 hrs Personal assist on 300 block of Oak St S
SHC37-3P Friday & Saturday Sept. 30th - Oct. 1st Starts at NOON on Friday MOVING SALE PLENTY OF EVERYTHING Furniture, home decor, lawn & garden, tools, collectibles, kitchen, Barbie, dresser, office, winter, sports, camping, fishing & hunting equipment, hammock, freestanding porch swing, more. VERY LITTLE JUNK 535 Alex Moore Street. West side of Sauk Centre on Hoboken Hill. Monday, Sept. 5 05:27 hrs – Personal assist on 1100 block of Getty St 10:58 hrs – Agency assist on Willow St/2nd St S 12:16 hrs –
22:17 hrs – Motorist assist on Hwy 71/I-94
08:50 hrs – Agency assist on Hwy 28, mile marker 109
16:03 hrs Agency assist on 100 block of Hickman Dr
Ln 14:56 hrs – Suspicious activity on 100 block
Local police assist in capture of road rage shooting suspect
10:07 hrs – Human services referral on 300 block of Birch St S
215 East Main Street • Melrose, MN 56352 • 320-256-3623 Full Service AutomotiveWeServiceAllBrandsofChainsaws Chain Sales & Sharpening We Carry Efco • Chain Saws • Trimmers • Mowers • Pole Saws Melrose Mainstreet Repair, Inc. Call Today! PH1-tfnB-MT

21:47 hrs – Welfare check on 300 block of Oak St S
Borgmann said the grant received through the CMAB is enough to get the

The meals will be given on a first-come, first-served basis.LSS meals is a service of Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota. The meals were made available through a grant from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture.
01:54 hrs – Agency assist on I-94, mile marker 117

2 school patrols
5 traffic stops – 2 driving after suspension and 1 no MN driver’s license citations issued

1 citizen contact
21:12 hrs – Suspicious vehicle on 40000 block of 408th St

09:45 hrs – Medical emergency on 100 block of Sunrise Trail
St 09:57 hrs – Agency assist on 000

1 door check
14:07 hrs – Gas leak on 700 block of Hickman Dr

Social Services kitchen and individually portioned with a balance of proteins, carbohydrates and spices. The meals are designed by a licensed, registered dietitian to ensure they are healthy and nutritious. They will be sealed and given out in reusable bags.
10:12 hrs – Background check on 300 block of Oak St S
Thursday, Sept. 8
Doug Fuchs REALTOR Call for a FREE Home Evaluation Today! 320-429-5366 Doug@centralmnrealty.comCellCallforafreemarketanalysis! H23-tfnB-MT Let’s Make Your Dream a Reality!

06:25 hrs – Vandalism to vehicle on 400 block of Main St S
Local artist Roger Reinardy is hoping to work with other local artists in completing the project, which be-
Volunteers and donations are needed to help complete the next mural project in Sauk Centre.
1 open door
Deputies and Officers continued to look for the driver and vehicle that had reportedly fired the shot. The vehicle, a 2010 Black Ford Escape, was located near the westbound Melrose exit where the driver, Shannon Woods, 23, from Inkster, Michigan, was stopped and Thedetained.investigation determined that a driving dispute took place between Woods in the Ford Escape and the call-
10:02 hrs – Child custody dispute on 400 block of 1st St N
14:16 hrs – No pay customer on 1000 block of Centre St

Ultra Sonnek by Ben Sonnek
Ordinance enforcement
For example, the Bear Trap recently did a golf outing in memory of Linda Walker to raise funds for scholarships. Did the Bear Trap gain a few more faithful customers? I hope so. Did they raise funds to give out several dollars in local scholarships? Absolutely. Will there be a group of grateful seniors and surprised parents as they are handed out in the spring? Most definitely.
We walked up the back path and heard a young voice saying, “Oh, oh, I see trouble coming!” Family members were relaxing in the beautiful garden there, so we visited with them for quite a while. The priest stopped by, and we all carried on a lively conversation. Eventually, everyone turned to go.
Some weeks, there’s so much going on that you can’t choose just one area to devote your focus. Such is the case for me this goround, so let’s take a look at two of the biggest recent headlines.The first and most obvious thing to happen over the last week, of course, was the death of Queen Elizabeth II. As England’s queen for 70-odd years, it’s safe to say that most of us, even those in retirement, do not remember a time when Queen Elizabeth wasn’t on the throne (and if you do, please contact me so we can write a story about it). One can’t help but feel sympathetic for our friends across the pond as they must get reacclimated to saying “God save the king.”
SAUK CENTRE HERALD | THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 | Page 5 The views expressed by our columnists are the opinions and thoughts of the author and do not reflect the opinions and views of newspaper staff and ownership.

Purchase with a purpose
Kindred spirits in the garden
I imagine their family reunions are a blast.Back to their hair and a random thought: These women were not very old. I would guess “No. 12” to be in her early to mid 50s, and for “No. 2,” maybe early 70s. In 2022, does it take having nine sisters in a family to give women the total confidence to embrace their natural hair color in all its glory?
when they do not bother with enforcing the ordinances that they already have on the books. If you have a complaint about a broken ordinance, it will take you many months, if not even years, to get them to do anything about it. Good luck to all who live next to these rentals if they have a problem with the ordinances not being followed.
Coming up this month, on Sept. 22, Crazy J’s is donating a portion of their proceeds to the Sauk Centre Area History Museum. So, by simply choosing to have dinner there and making a purchase with a purpose, the history museum will benefit as well, this in turn providing a valuable resource in our community. This circle of community, however starts with you. You make the purchase, the business is able to donate, another organization is able to raise funds for much needed projects, the recipients of those funds always ends up being someone or something who further builds up and supports our community. Who knew that simply buying a burger or playing a round of gold could make such an impact? Now that you know, how will you change the way you spend? Make supporting local a mindset, not a holiday or marketing activity, but a way of life. It can start with something small; make a conscious effort to replace a purchase by making it a local purchase. Keep your money circulating through our community by spending it here. Chances are you still earned your miles and cashback, but what an incredible circle of giving you have created with just one purchase. Challenge yourself to make a change and to make your spending habits an ultimate community collaboration by keeping the circle going and keeping the money where it matters: your community and your own backyard. Together, we can make a difference when we make a purchase with a purpose.

By Diane Haskamp, Sauk Centre
by Stacie DirectorPresident/ExecutiveMichelsSaukCentreAreaChamberofCommerce
It’s easy to simply click and ship and avoid shopping at all. It’s easy to forget or overlook all the ways these local purchases make a difference. Let this be a reminder that your local purchase does, in fact, make a difference, and you can see the community collaboration in action all the time if we just slow down to notice it.
I’m a little conflicted when it comes to this news. On one hand, I’m an English Major and appreciator of English literature, evidenced by my need to quote G.K. Chesterton for everything. I’ve also been to London and the Buckingham Palace area, and while I never saw Her Majesty anywhere, I enjoyed my time there.
I guess the most I can do with this news is pray Her Majesty is in a better place now, and at the same time, it’d be great if both England and Ireland get a good deal with their new monarch – although, considering how King Charles III is already 70-something, it might not be long before we have another royal rotation which may or may not include an Irish drinking party.
The real story wasn’t that fun. No, zombie ice is ice that’s no longer getting replenished by parent glaciers, doomed to melt and disappear from the overall ice sheet because of climate change. And, yes, Greenland’s zombie ice is projected to raise the world’s seas by nearly a foot once it all melts. Should this concern the people of Sauk Centre? Looking at our current elevation and doing some unrefined math, it looks like we’d need another 1,249 Greenland zombie-ice sheets to melt before we become beachfront property.
Of course, the oceanic elevation isn’t good news for our coastal cities. My inner frightful cynic isn’t that concerned; “Raising the sea a whole 10 inches?” it says. “Great! Maybe it’ll give those cities a badly needed washing.” Some likeable people might get caught in the tide, though, so let’s hope something can be done in However,time.

that brings me to the second reason I clicked on the AP article: The headline said nothing about a time frame, which I found odd. With these kinds of stories, they usually have a headline like “Melting glacier to raise sea level by 2050” or “Ozone depletion to cook world by 2030.” Well, it took a good deal of scrolling, but I found out the zombie ice is supposed to be melted “by the end of this century, or at least by 2150” – and that’s an educated yet unsupported guess.Well then. While I appreciate the article’s informative nature, I hope the ambiguous date wasn’t buried so pundits could use the headline as another opportunity to bash on the human race. That happens so often in news, movies and literature nowadays that I’m no longer surprised about our general modern self-esteem shortage. In the meantime, we can focus on the bright side: We have time to figure out what to do to mitigate this impending ocean rise, and zombie ice doesn’t actually result in zombies. I can only imagine what kind of controversies of succession would embroil England’s Parliament if an undead queen were to come shambling back to the throne.
Next on the docket is an Aug. 29 Associated Press News headline that caught my attention: “Zombie ice from Greenland will raise sea level 10 inches.” There were a couple of reasons I clicked on this top news story, the first being that the term “zombie ice” sounded exciting; I pictured a story about a Greenland expanse filled with frozen Neanderthals, preserved in an undead state, and once their ice melted, it would unleash their brain-seeking hordes across an unsuspecting world.
It turned out Don and I weren’t finished.
These women were clearly joyful and enthusiastic as they spent time together and visiting with us. They had been on an adventure to southwest Minnesota and, at that point, were traveling through our area toward their homes farther north.
Sunday morning was beautiful – cool at first, but still sunny and the epitome of a fall day.Around 11:30 a.m., Don and I stopped by Our Lady of the Angels Church because I needed to take care of something that would just take a few minutes.
They were excited to learn as much as they could about Sauk Centre. For them, this was a tourist site well worth visiting. They asked about other churches and gardens, about the murals, the Palmer House and the like. We were happy to oblige and tell them what we could. Among the group was one dairy farmer who receives the Dairy Star, and another sister is a huge fan of Country Acres. It turns out she even sent me a story idea for the paper some time ago. We followed through
How many times have you grabbed a credit card to make a purchase and you choose the one you get airline miles for? Or maybe you chose one that gives you a percentage cash back offer. You make decisions based on what you get back all the time because you want to get the most for your money when you make a purchase.Whensupporting local, the same thought process holds true. However, when purchasing local, you are likely still earning those rewards, and in addition, our local business is being rewarded as well. Our local businesses employ our family, friends and neighbors, and your purchase makes that happen. Our local businesses are repeatedly raising funds for other organizations and giving money back to our community, and now those organizations have benefited too. That organization has now donated money for new sports equipment, so the local high school team has now benefited as well. You have a child, niece, nephew or grandkids in sports, and they happen to have also benefited from that donation. Do you see the great big circle forming here? This is your money at work, at work in your community, and ultimately making a difference right back in your own home.
Anyway, by the time we parted ways, it was about 1 p.m. They were obviously not in a hurry.
The late queen and zombie ice
This is in regard to the Aug. 25 article about the moratorium on short-term rentals, wanting to give time for the city council and city planning commission, along with Stearns County, to prepare an ordinance regarding them.
on the lead, even though the man sent us to another guy he was mentoring. Small world. They explained to us how, in their family, they are each assigned a number. In this group, there was No. 2, 6, 8 and 12 if I remember correctly. Starting with the siblings and following with their kids and grandkids, each descendant is numbered into the low 200s.
I, for one, do not know why the city council or the planning commission even bother with any new ordinances
It was about 5:30 p.m. when I was driving through town again. I was shocked – though I shouldn’t have been – to see our visitors still here. This time, they were by the stoplights at Sinclair Lewis and Main, still clearly having fun, although I wondered if “No. 2” was struggling to keep up with the younger “numbers.”
To me, this is all cool in more ways than one. First is that a group of happy souls would find joy in spending the entire afternoon exploring our little city. Second is their kinship with one another. They are proud to be part of a great big family. Not everyone can say that, nor would everyone even want to.
Their kindred spirits were evident, though, and it’s not often you meet people with such a high level of charisma. I think that comes from each one’s confidence in their place in the family. What a gift.
Random Reflections by Diane Leukam

Four women had entered the garden from the other end and were looking around, clearly enchanted by the place. Their hair glowed in the sunshine, each one striking and a prettier silver than the other. I asked them if they were sisters, even though I already knew the answer.Yes, they are sisters. They are just four of nine. And, by the way, there are also seven bothers.
to the editor
That’s not the case for everyone, of course, but it sure would be nice.
By Missy
If you are interested in learning more about membership, how your membership is an investment in our community or possibly how to better utilize your membership, please reach out to us at saukcentrechamber@ or visit our website at saukcentrechamber. com. We appreciate the opportunity to continue serving and celebrating our businesses.
Traeger How to use common, everyday items to help with household problems!Life Hacks If you need to cool a beverage quickly, wrap a wet paper towel around it and put it in the freezer. You will have an ice cold beverage in about 15 minutes! THE SAUK CENTRE HERALD (USPS 482-220) is published weekly on Thursdays by Star Publications, 522 Sinclair Lewis Ave., Sauk Centre, Minn. 56378. Second-class postage paid at Sauk Centre, Minn. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE SAUK CENTRE HERALD, 522 Sinclair Lewis Ave., Sauk Centre, Minn. 56378 522 Sinclair Lewis Ave. Sauk Centre, MN 56378 Phone: (320) 352-6577 Fax: (320) HOURS: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Herald Sauk Centre Deadlines: The deadline for most news in the Herald is 5 p.m. Monday. Exceptions are obituaries and reports of weekend events, which have a deadline of 10 a.m. Tuesday. The deadline for advertisements in the Herald is noon on Tuesday, in the Shopper noon on Wednesday and Classy Canary noon on Thursday. Letters: Letters to the editor and other opinion articles are welcomed. Letters must be signed with first and last name and include address and phone number. Letters should be short and to the point. We reserve the right to edit lengthy letters. Corrections/Clarifications: The Herald strives for accuracy. If you would like to report a factual error, please call 352-6577. Advertising: Classified advertising and Classy Canary advertising are on a cash-only basis. Our ad takers have no authority to bind this newspaper, and only publication of an advertisement shall constitute final acceptance of the advertiser’s order. Subscription Rates: Stearns, Todd, Douglas, Pope & Morrison Counties, $53.00. Elsewhere in Minnesota, $60.00. Out of Minnesota, $63.00. Staff Mark Klaphake................................General Joyce Frericks ...............................Business Missy Traeger....................Sales Manager/ Natasha Barber Nancy Powell Tim Vos Ben Sonnek Herman Lensing Evan Michealson Diane Leukam Amanda Thooft ...........Production Mgr./Page Pat Turner ..........................................Graphic Maddy Peterson ................................Graphic Cheyenne Carlson .............................Graphic Karen Knoblach ................................Graphic Annika Gunderson ............................Graphic Kayla Hunstiger ...............................Special Jill Borgerding...................................Office Jaime Ostendorf Warren Stone Robin Brunette ................Inside Sales Amy McChesney Gretchen Lorie Swedenburg ...............Receptionist, Logan Thomas.........................................Sign Kathy Banke..........................................Bookkeeping Mike Imdieke ........................................Bookkeeping Subject to change during holidays. Periodicals postage pending at Sauk Centre, MN
On the other hand, I’m Irish by marriage, and I’ve visited and enjoyed that island nation as well. Boy, you should’ve seen Twitter on the evening of the queen’s death; “Ireland” was trending right below “Queen Elizabeth II,” and the tweets in that area didn’t, shall we say, have as much respectful sympathy. “Quick,” said several tweets, “let’s reunite Ireland while they’re distracted!” The general consensus also seemed to be that the Emerald Isle was partying it up that night; considering Ireland’s history with their neighbors, not to mention their predisposition for alcoholic celebrations, this doesn’t surprise me at all.
A funeral service was held 11 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 7 at First Lutheran Church in Sauk Centre with Rev. Michael Carlson officiating. Internment will be held at a later date at Forest Hill Cemetery in Milaca.Visitation was held from 9:30-11 a.m. Wednesday morning at the church.

Today’s date designated Bud Bromen, Pat DuBois Day throughout Minnesota
where he served in the church choir, the parish council, was a member of the Knights of Columbus and worked very hard to support the MCCL pro-life cause. In his free time, Allen enjoyed fishing, playing fast-pitch softball, playing cards and spending time with family.Allen is survived by his wife, Evelyn; Children, Paul (Mary) of Long Prairie, Patty (Ken) Viaene of Willmar, Wayne (Jan) of Yukon, Okla., Mary Beth of Long Prairie, Eugene (Stephanie-significant other) of Long Prairie; Sisterin-Law Lorraine Siegle of Long Prairie; Grandchildren, Matt (Missy) Siegle, Jimmy (Katie) Siegle, Kurtis (Brittany) Siegle, Ryan (Jamie)
at St. Petri Church in North Minneapolis. Audree and Reid started married life together in Milaca so she could finish High School, and Reid farmed. They then moved to Minneapolis to live with her parents while Reid worked at the Pine Bend Refinery. In 1955, the family moved back to the Milaca area to farm and Audree worked at the Mille Lacs County Times. In 1960, Reid was hired by the State of Minnesota as
the Waldorf in Sauk Centre. Marthaler, formerly with Mueller-VanBeck Hardware, specializes in major and minor repairs and tune-ups on all types of engines, including lawnmowers, snowmobiles, outboard motors, motorcycles, garden tractors and more; he has seven years of experience in this line of work.
25 years ago • Sept. 16, 1997
Pat DuBois and Bud Bromen were both surprised during a Rotary meeting when it was declared that the day, Sept. 16, would be Bud Bromen and Pat DuBois Day, not only in Sauk Centre but statewide; proclamations from Gov. Arne Carlson and Sauk Centre Mayor Paul Thiesen were presented to each honoree. Bromen, a Rotarian since 1980, has been actively involved with the American Cancer Society, is a lector and Eucharistic Minister at St. Paul’s Catholic Church and is a member of the local Knights of Columbus and Catholic Aid. DuBois, a Rotarian since 1951, has been associated with banking for most of his life, being president of the Independent Bankers Association from 1966-7, and he has served three terms in the Minnesota House of Representatives and lobbied for farm issues in Washington, D.C. Both men served as Sauk Centre Rotary presidents, DuBois from 1955-6 and Bromen from 1985-6, and are both Paul Harris Fellows.
Virgil Marthaler has opened a new small engine repair shop on Fourth Street South, a half-block from
10 years ago • Sept. 13, 2012
The notorious Fairy Lake Resort and accompanying farm became a thing of the past over the weekend. A year ago, the property had been sold at a sheriff’s sale to satisfy a First State Bank mortgage, which has since expired; last Tuesday, Ben F. DuBois, First State Bank vice president, caused the arrest of the resort’s former owner, W.A. Zimmermann, on the charge of grand larceny, alleging he had removed the electric light plant and dynamo connected with the buildings. Sheriff Johnson of Todd County put Zimmermann under arrest, and he is currently being held in Todd County Jail with a $500 bail. According to local reports, the Sunday night dances at the resort were a stench to society, and many parents will be relieved to know that the resort is closing.
Cable TV service in Sauk Centre was disrupted for nearly 24 hours on Sunday afternoon. Cablevision repair crews located three main breaks in the cable at Albany, Freeport and Melrose, as well as several additional spots damaged by vandals shooting at the lines. A $200 reward is being offered by the Cablevision Company for any information leading to the arrest of those who were involved.
Allen (Corky) Edward Siegle of Long Prairie passed away on Sept. 3, 2022, at the CentraCare Nursing Home in LongAllenPrairie.was born on Aug. 4, 1935, to Charles and Clara (Determan) Siegle at their home farm in Long Prairie. Allen attended St. Mary’s Catholic School of Long Prairie and graduated from Long Prairie High School in 1953. In high school he was active in choir, football, basketball, and track and field. After Allen graduated, he worked on the family farm until he enlisted and served his country in the United States Army from 1958-60.

a Refuge Patrolman which included another move to “the Refuge” south of Isle. Audree worked as a surgical tech at the Mora Hospital. In 1971, Reid entered the Warden Service as a Minnesota State Conservation Officer, and accepted the station in Sauk Centre. Audree was thrilled to finally be back in town.
On Aug. 21, 1958, he married the love of his life, Evelyn Bromenshenkel, of Sauk
Siegle, Tyler (Cortney) Siegle, Melissa (Dan) Nelson, Jennifer Viaene, Daniel Viaene, Jericho Siegle, Gabrielle Siegle; ten great-grandchildren and one on theAllenway. was preceded in death by his parents; brother, Donald; sister, Dorothy (Merle) Blank; and his infant son, AAllen.funeral service was held on Friday, September 9, 2022, at 11:00 AM at the St. Mary’s of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church in Long Prairie with Fr. Omar Guanchez presiding. Burial with military honors took place at the church cemetery. Arrangements were made with the Iten Funeral Home of Browerville. H-37-1B
Marthaler opens small engine repair shop, vandals damage cable lines
Audree A. Alter
“Our Country is in Mourning, A Soldier Died Today.”
H18-R B LOOKING FOR OBITS? See our online Obituaries and Guestbook •

John Gans, a 1975 Sauk Centre High School graduate, recently received the Champions of Change award at the White House in Washington, D.C. Gans was one of the 11 selected out of a pool of 1,500 for this honor, and he was chosen for his 31-year association with the National Outdoor Leadership School and has been its leader since 1995. He has been with boards and initiatives within the outdoor education community, including his hometown community of Lander, Wyoming; he was also featured with 21 other figures in “The Book of Hard Choices,” coauthored by James A. Autry and Peter Roy and published in 2006. Gans takes pride in having grown up on a family dairy farm near West Union with his parents and four sisters.
Notorious Fairy Lake Resort is no more
50 years ago •Sept. 14, 1972
STS. PETER AND PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH 302 State St. 320-254-8218
She was a member of First Lutheran Church in Sauk Centre. Audree loved time spent with family and friends. She enjoyed being part of Gradatum along with her work at the Sauk Centre Hospital in surgery and also her volunteer work with Hospice. Audree loved her adopted Game Warden trainees and their families. She will be forever remembered for her gravymaking skills and her brownies with fudge Survivorsfrosting.include her loving husband of 72 years, Reid Alter, Jr. of Sauk Centre;

Audree Ann Alter was born April 21, 1933, in Minneapolis to Alton “Bud” and Ruth V. Larson. Audree grew up in many different places, but all in the Minneapolis area. She attended North High School until her Senior year, when she transferred to Milaca High School, graduating there. On Feb. 17, 1951, she was united in marriage to Reid Alter Jr.
Allen (Corky) E. Siegle
Join Us in Worship
Allen (Corky) E. Siegle Centre, and enjoyed 64 years of marriage. Together, they raised their five wonderful children on the same farm Allen grew up on in Long Prairie. Allen was a lifelong farmer, and he enjoyed his work very much.
This Week’s Puzzle Solutions: BY:SPONSORED SUDOKU CROSSWORD BREAKBREAK Sales Manager Office: 320-352-6577 • Cell: 320-291-9899 Fax: 320-352-5647 missy@saukherald.comMISSYTRAEGER 522 Sinclair Lewis Avenue Sauk Centre, MN 56378 Herald ADVERTISE IN THE CALL
Gans receives award at White House
H1-tfnb-MT HP14-26B-WS

100 years ago • Sept. 14, 1922
ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH 316 Maple St. 320-352-3447
Allen had a strong faith life and was a dedicated Catholic. He was an active parishioner of St Mary’s of Mt. Carmel of Long Prairie
Page 6 | THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 | SAUK CENTRE HERALD OBITUARIES Way Back When If you would like parishioners to see your church here, please contact Robin at 320-351-7837 SAUK CENTREBROOTEN ST. CATHOLICDONATUSCHURCH 301 Eastern Ave. 320-254-8218 FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH 304 Elm St. S 320-352-3623 FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 124 4th St. N 320-352-5356 EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN 529 Main St. S 320-352-6882 UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 504 Elm St. S 320-352-2827 FIRST UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 620 5th St. S 320-352-2030 OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH Ash St. and 7th St. 320-352-2196 ST. PAUL’S CATHOLIC CHURCH 304 Sinclair Lewis Ave. 320-352-2196 BELGRADE ST. FRANCIS DE SALES CATHOLIC CHURCH 541 Martin Ave. | PO Box 69 320-254-8218

Audree A. Alter

daughter, Christine Zitur (Tom) Sauk Rapids; son, Steven (Lois) Long Prairie; grandchildren, Matthew (Stacey) Osterholt of Sartell and Laura (Cole) Hedlund of Sauk Rapids; greatgrandchildren, Elena, Allyson Wyatt, Audree, and William; sisters, Joyce (Jim) Pearson of New Hope and Maryann (Louie) Rowell of Aitkin; and many loving relatives and friends.Audree was preceded in death by her parents; and grandson, Nicholas Osterholt. In lieu of flowers, memorials are preferred to Plant a tree in Audree’s memory.Arrangements were made with Patton-Schad Funeral & Cremation Services of Sauk Centre. H-37-1B
Audree A. Alter, age 89, of Sauk Centre, passed away on Friday, Sept. 2, 2022, at the CentraCare Hospital in Sauk Centre, Minnesota.
PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IS: 35557 455th Avenue, Sauk Centre, MN 56378 USA.
Monday: Macaroni hotdish, veggies, fruit sauce and bread and butter.
ASSUMED NAME: Waymaker Leaders.
PLACE OF SALE: County Sheriff`s office, Law Enforcement Center, 807 Courthouse Square, St. Cloud, toMinnesotapaythe debt secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any, on said premises and the costs and disbursements, including attorney fees allowed by law, subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or Ifassigns.theMortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. §580.30 or the property is not redeemed under Minn. Stat. §580.23, the Mortgagor must vacate the property on or before 11:59 p.m. on April 17, 2023, or the next business day if April 17, 2023 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal Mortgagor(s)holiday. released from financial obligation: NONE THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT THEPURPOSE.

/s/ Kent R09/12/2022GustafsonH-37-2B

Wednesday: Teriyaki chicken rice, corn, corn dog.
Notice shall be given by publishing this Notice and Order as provided by law
MORTGAGEE: Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC NOTICE
Public Notices
A public comment period will begin at 5:45 p.m. on Tuesday, September 20th, 2022, for anyone that wishes to address the Board on matters that are of importance to them. The Board of Managers will not engage in dialogue about the issue but rather refer the matter to the Administrator or appropriate staff member with the expectation that a report will follow at a future meeting.
CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME MinnesotaChapterStatutes333
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: December 29, 2016 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: MORTGAGOR(S):$78,000.00
The Regular Sauk River Watershed District (SRWD) Board Meeting is scheduled to begin at 6:00 p.m. on September 20th, 2022 at the St. Cloud Wastewater Treatment Facility, 525 60th St S, St Cloud, MN 56301. The Regular Sauk River Drainage Authority meeting will immediately follow the Regular SRWD Board Meeting. These meetings will be held in person with no alternative means to participate.
Transaction Agent: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as mortgagee, as nominee for LeaderOne Financial Corporation, its successors and assigns Transaction Agent Mortgage

Identi cation saidwillthesalePURSUANTthatmortgage,theatproceedingcompliedrequirementsTHAT$107,535.60ASCLAIMEDAMOUNTStearnsAdditionthereof,exceptPROPERTY:LEGAL82.47895.0000TaxN,PropertyStearnsPROPERTYCOUNTYCorporationServicer:ResidentialFinancialOriginator:Lender/Broker/Mortgage1007212-1200103562-2Number:LeaderOneCorporationMortgageLeaderOneFinancialINWHICHISLOCATED:Address:80111thAveSaintCloud,MN56303ParcelIDNumber:DESCRIPTIONOFLot6,lessandtheWesterly6feetBlock69,Lowry`stoSaintCloud,County,MinnesotaDUEANDTOBEDUEOFDATEOFNOTICE:allpre-foreclosurehavebeenwith;thatnoactionorhasbeeninstitutedlaworotherwisetorecoverdebtsecuredbysaidoranypartthereof;thisisregisteredproperty;tothepowerofcontainedinsaidmortgage,above-describedpropertybesoldbytheSheriffofcountyasfollows:
A Petition for Determination of Descent has been filed with this Court. The Petition states that the Decedent died more than three (3) years ago leaving property in Minnesota. It requests that the descent of such property be determined and assigned by this Court to the persons entitled to the property.Any objections to this petition must be filed with the Court Prior to or raised at the hearing. If proper and if no objections are filed or raised, the
Notice is hereby given per Minnesota Statues, Sec 116.07, subd.7a, that Jeff and Karen Deters dba Deters Dairy, have made application to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the County of Stearns for a permit to construct or expand a feedlot with a capacity of more than 500 Animal Units (AU). The existing feedlot is located in the NW ¼ of Section 32 township 127N range 35W of Ashley Township in STEARNS County, MN. The existing feedlot consists of total confinement barns, partial connement barns with open lots, calf huts, super hutches, milking parlor/holding area, breeze way, a cement liquid manure pit and a clay lined earthen manure pit. The existing facility is permitted 600 (840 animal units) dairy cows, 200 (140 animal units) dairy heifers and 95 (19 animal units) dairy calves for a total of 999 AU. The proposed facility will consist of the above listed facilities and manure storage, but also include an addition to the total confinement barn and 2 permanent stockpile pads (Concrete). The proposed facility will consist of up to 699 (978.6 animal units) dairy cows and 102 (20.4 AU) dairy calves for a total of 999 animal units. The farm is in A-160 zoning. This publication shall constitute as notice to each resident and each owner of real property within 5,000 feet of the perimeter of the feedlot as required by Minnesota State Law. Published at the request of Jeff and Karen Deters.
Tuesday: Beefy nachos, cauliflower, cheeseburger.
Holy Family School Sept. 19 - 23
Due to this being a secured facility, public are strongly encouraged to arrive before 6:00 pm. If they arrive late, they will need to call Adam at 320-527-1048 to request admittance
By typing my name, I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if I had signed this document under oath./s/Barry L. 08/31/2022HorstH-36-2B
Wednesday: Meatloaf, scalloped potatoes, lettuce salad and fruit sauce.
Published in the Sauk Centre Herald, on the 15th of September 2022.
petition may be granted. It is Ordered and Notice is given that on October 21, 2022 at 8:45 a.m., a hearing will be held in this Court at the Stearns County Courthouse, 725 Courthouse Square, St. Cloud, Minnesota 56303, to hear the petiton.Notice shall be given to all interested persons (Minn. Stat. 524.1-401) and persons who have filed a demand for notice (Minn. Stat. 524.3-204) by mailing a copy of this Notice and Order at least 14 days prior to the hearing date.
(651) 209-3300
Wednesday: Corn dog, corn, cold sandwich.
DATE AND TIME OF SALE: July 28, 2022 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: County Sheriff`s office, Law Enforcement Center, 807 Courthouse Square, St. Cloud, toMinnesotapaythe debt secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any, on said premises and the costs and disbursements, including attorney fees allowed by law, subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or Ifassigns.theMortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. §580.30 or the property is not redeemed under Minn. Stat. §580.23, the Mortgagor must vacate the property on or before 11:59 p.m. on January 28, 2023, or the next business day if January 28, 2023 falls on a Saturday,
Sauk Centre Public Schools Elementary Menu Sept. 19 - 23
The above referenced sale scheduled for September 13, 2022 at 10:00 AM has been postponed to November 1, 2022 at 10:00 AM in the Stearns County Sheriff`s office, Law Enforcement Center, 807 Courthouse Square, St. Cloud, Minnesota in said County and DATED:State. September 8, ASSIGNEE2022 OF
Tuesday: Cheesy turkey on a bun, jo-jo potatoes, green beans and fruit sauce.
By the Court/s/ Nathaniel Welte District Court Judge/ Deputy Court Administrator Atty for Personal RepresentaAnntive R. Mitchell Attorney 508 Main Street S, Ste 5 Sauk Centre, MN 56378 Attorney License No.: 203543
Please take notice.
Monday: Pancakes, sausage, peas, cold sandwich.
Tuesday: Beefy nachos, cauliflower, cold sandwich.
Kyle Jordahl and Christa Jordahl, Husband and MORTGAGEE:Wife Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as mortgagee, as nominee for LeaderOne Financial Corporation, its successors and assigns
Decedent (Deceased person)

The above referenced sale scheduled for July 28, 2022 at 10:00 AM has been postponed to September 13, 2022 at 10:00 AM in the Stearns County Sheriff`s office, Law Enforcement Center, 807 Courthouse Square, St. Cloud, Minnesota in said County and DATED:State. July 21,ASSIGNEE2022 OF
Thursday: Sloppy Joe on a bun, chips, baked beans and fruit sauce.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 2, Block 5, Cloverdale Estates 3rd Addition, Stearns County, AMOUNTMinnesota DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE: THAT$109,904.28all pre-foreclosure requirements have been complied with; that no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; that this is registered property; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above-described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows:
DATE AND PLACE OF Recorded:RECORDING:January 6, 2017 Stearns County Recorder Document Number: A1486641 ASSIGNMENTS OF AndMORTGAGE:assigned to: LeaderOne Financial Corporation Dated: July 12, 2022 Recorded: July 22, 2022 Stearns County DocumentRecorderNumber: A1637225

MORTGAGEE: Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC Wilford, Geske & Cook, P.A. Attorneys for Mortgagee 7616 Currell Boulevard,Suite200 Woodbury, MN 55125 (651) 209-3300
Friday: Tuna casserole, peas, fruit sauce and dessert.
ASSUMED NAME: Horst Wood Products.

Date: 09/08/2022

An agenda is available on the District’s website at: https://,2022 PH-37-1B
Thursday: BBQ pulled pork sandwich, baked beans, hot Friday:dog/bun.Pizza dippers, carrots, chicken patty.
PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IS: 2507 Meadowrose Blvd, St. Cloud, MN 56301 USA.
NAMEHOLDER(S): Waymaker Brands, Inc., 2507 Meadowrose Blvd, St. Cloud, MN 56301 USA.

DATE AND TIME OF SALE: October 18, 2022 at 10:00 AM
Monday: Pancakes, sausage, peas, mini corn dogs.
Thursday: Hot dog on bun, baked beans, cold Friday:sandwich.Pizza, carrots, cold sandwich.
File Number: 051118-F1H-37-1B
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: September 23, 2011 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: MORTGAGOR(S):$130,051.00 Michael E. Funk, a single MORTGAGEE:adult Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as mortgagee, as nominee for Liberty Savings Bank, its successors and assigns DATE AND PLACE OF Recorded:RECORDING:October 5, 2011 Stearns County Recorder Document Number: A1352112 ASSIGNMENTS OF AndMORTGAGE:assigned to: Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC Dated: December 6, 2021 Recorded: December 8, 2021 Stearns County Recorder Document Number: A1621183 Transaction Agent: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, TransactionInc. Agent Mortgage Identification 84.53475.0033TaxStreet,PropertyStearnsPROPERTYCOUNTYFlagstarResidentialBankOriginator:Lender/Broker/Mortgage1003624-1045384553-0Number:LibertySavingsMortgageServicer:Bank,FSBINWHICHISLOCATED:Address:906CallawayStJoseph,MN56374ParcelIDNumber:
By typing my name, I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if I had signed this document under oath.

Sauk Centre Public Schools Secondary Menu Sept. 19 - 23
Notice of Application for a Livestock Feedlot Permit
File Number: 051118-F1 NOTICE
NAMEHOLDER(S): Barry L. Horst, 35557 455th Avenue, Sauk Centre, MN 56378 USA.

For the first time this fall campaign, eighth grader Megan Broich came in as a scorer for the varsity team, landing in 47th at 27:29.97, a time drop of over two minutes from her previous“Shebest.did a really good job,” Metcalf said. “For her and a lot of the kids to PR at the meet is a really good sign here. I think the practices are starting to pay off.”
The Streeters will look to stay hot at the Little Crow Invitational at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 15, at Little Crow Golf Course in Spicer.
Boys team: 1. St. John’s Prep 54, 2. Sauk Centre 68, 3. Holdingford 71, 4. Osakis 135, 5. Melrose 142, 6. Royalton 147, 7. Morris Area/Chokio-Alberta 184, 8. Paynesville 208, 9. Frazee 229, 10. Brandon-Evansville 246, 11. Parkers Prairie 258 and 12. Pillager 321.
Loxtercamp compiled a 1:11.09 time in the 100 backstroke to win the event, while Schirmers, Bromenshenkel and Bick went 1-2-3 in the 100 butterfly to grab a combined 13 points.
However, seizing a win against a Storm team that previously defeated Sauk Centre by 21 points was earned through more than one event, as evidenced by its balance in a 97-89 win at Sauk Centre High School in Sauk Centre.
St. John’s Prep snagged first over Sauk Centre’s score of 68 with a 54.
200MR: 1. Schirmers, Bromenshenkel, Bick and Loxtercamp 2 minutes and 0.65 seconds and 3. Marsh, Anderson, Volkmann and Gregory 2:12.91.
Loxtercamp reached the wall less than a second before Sauk Rapids-Rice’s A relay to earn the win, while Sauk Centre’s B relay consisting of Olivia Marsh, Violet Anderson, Maia Volkmann and eighth grader Katie Gregory came in third.

However, the determined Rivers still managed to shine in Long Prairie, earning a personal-best time of 24 minutes and 21.61 seconds to take 20th, leading the Streeter girls to a seventh-place finish out of eight“Herteams.performance, she did an excellent job for us, being our lead runner there,” said Jim Metcalf, head coach.
“Just to see the growth and see girls seem to embrace the pressure and not shy away from it, it’s just great,” said James Schreiner, head coach. “They weren’t going to back away from a challenge. It’s exciting as coach and builds excitement for the girls as well.”The impressive triumph would not have been possible without the Streeters’ victories in all three relay events, including a soaring start in the 200-medley relay. The A grouping of Stella Schirmers, Brooke Bromenshenkel, Addison Bick and Carmen
Page 10 | THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 | SAUK CENTRE HERALD SPORTS 1180 Sinclair Lewis Avenue • Sauk Centre, MN Office: 320-351-4100 • Fax: 320-351-4115 Plumbing Installation • Custom Sheet Metal • New Construction & Remodeling Cell: 320-290-0160 Lic. #MR057710 AIR CONDITIONING CENTRAL SERVICE,&HEATINGINC. email: SH3-tfn-MT David Weber Get to know the people behind Benton Ag Benton County News Classy SaukSaukCountryCanaryAcresDairyStarCentreHeraldRapidsHeraldStarPostStarShopper320-352-6577 Hometown: St. Cloud What is your role at Star Publications: Sports writer Tell us about your family. My wife, Diana, is an instructor at the College of St. Benedict. I have a 29-year old son, Casey, who recently finished lineman school. Stepsons Thomas, 22, Adam, 21, and Will, 18. What are your hobbies? Golf, watching college and NFL football, golf, watching college and NHL hockey, Peloton workouts and golf. Spending time with the boys. What superpower would you want? My superpower is the ability to teleport myself to anywhere at anytime. Tom Fenton Get your FREE tickets today! Offer expires September 23, 2022 1 Year - $53.00*Includes Advertising Section2 Years $98.00InStearns, Douglas, Todd,Pope and Morrison$3CountiesYears144.00 SUBSCRIPTION MAIL-IN FORM CITYADDRESSNAMESTATE ZIP SAUK CENTRE HERALD 522 Sinclair Lewis Ave. Sauk Centre, MN 56378 • 320-352-6577 Pick up in Sauk Centre office open M-F 8 am - 5 pm STAR POST Mail to: 408 E. Main St., Melrose MN 56352 • 320-351-6579 or P.O. Box 310, Albany MN 56307 • 320-845-2700 Pick up in Albany & Melrose by appointment only Offer not good with any other subscription promotions. 2 TICKETSFREE For NAny ew Subscriber Or a 2-Year Renewal Star Post or SaukHeraldCentre of the 2022 • FREE Parking • Live Armored Jousting • 250 Artisan Booths • Food, Drinks & More SuppliesWhileLast!TICKETS CAN BE PICKED UP AT ANY OF OUR LOCATIONS.

“We can pretty much count on her being our No. 1 runner this season, the way she’s establishedRiversherself.”has been a mainstay as the top scorer for Sauk Centre so far this sea-
son, but the rest of the lineup has regularly shifted as other athletes continue to strive for top times. Freshman Abigail Mohs finished the race at 25:33.21 to take 35th, seventh grader Elise Knoblach totaled a 40th-place time of 26:09.38 and freshman Gabbie Volkmann hustled to a 42nd-place finish with a 26:12.24 mark.
200FS: 2. Vogt 2:13.11 and 3. Jennissen 2:14.39. 200IM: 1. Bromenshenkel 2:27.25 and 4. Anderson 2:47.11. 50FS: 1. Heveron 25.75, 3. Loxtercamp 27.52 and 5. Bick 28.44. Diving: 4. Volkmann 153.40 and 5. Abigail Eiden 99.40. 100FLY: 1. Schirmers 1:03.99, 3. Bick 1:08.66 and 5. Jorja Novak 1:17.59. 100FS: 1. Heveron 56.35 and 4. Marsh 1:02.38. 500FS: 2. Vogt 6:01.83 and 3. Jennissen 6:02.02. 200FSR: 1. Bromenshenkel, Jennissen, Loxtercamp and Heveron 1:46.67. 100BK: 1. Schirmers 1:03.61 and 4. Marsh 1:13.27. 100BR: 1. Bromenshenkel 1:13.50 and 4. Anderson 1:24.04. 400FSR: 1. Loxtercamp, Jennissen, Heveron and Schirmers 3:53.87 and 3. Bick, Novak, Marsh and Vogt 4:16.44.
through rousing races Sauk teamscross-countryCentreearnPRsStreeterstopSauk

After all, the Sauk Centre Streeters junior had missed the team’s previous competition in Baxter due to an illness, and that sickness continued to nag at the student-athlete as one week turned to the next.
rise Swimmers find

Logan Frank was the Streeters’ fourth competitor in the top 20, pacing himself well for a 20th-place spot at 19:30.31. Rounding out the scoring for Sauk Centre in the promising performance was eighth grader Logan Wiehoff, who traversed the country club course without complaint in a 33rd-place race at 20:03.64.
Point swings were also found with strong efforts from
“A lot of people like to say it comes to the last relay, but it never really comes down to the last relay,” Schreiner said. “They don’t go out and win that medley relay, we might not be in that position to worry about that. There were probably half a dozen different things that could have gone one way or another that make that meet happen.”
The dual meet between the Sauk Rapids-Rice Storm and the Sauk Centre Streeters girls swim and dive teams Sept. 13 certainly offered some final-event flair.
All of Sauk Centre’s relays received eight points in the top spot. 200MR: 1. Heveron, Bromenshenkel, Schirmers and Loxtercamp 2:00.70 and 3. Brooke Larson, Vogt, Jennissen and Volkmann 2:16.85. 200FS: 3. Novak 2:26.36, 4. Bick 2:27.46 and 5. Anderson 2:31.06. 200IM: 1. Heveron 2:28.67, 2. Jennissen 2:44.06 and 5. Marsh 2:45.42. 50FS: 1. Schirmers 26.79 and 3. Vogt 28.19. Diving: 2. Volkmann 150.75, 4. Eiden 107.95 and 5. Nora Thompson 75.55. 100FLY: 1. Schirmers 1:03.31, 2. Bromenshenkel 1:07.73 and 3. Bick 1:11.08. 100FS: 1. Heveron 57.68, 3. Loxtercamp 1:01.92 and 4. Vogt 1:02.52. 500FS: 2. Jennissen 6:13.43, 3 Novak 6:32.65 and 5. Volkmann 6:50.28. 200FSR: 1. Jennissen, Vogt, Schirmers and Heveron 1:49.13 and 3. Marsh, Anderson, Novak and Bick 2:00.00 100BK: 1. Loxtercamp 1:11.09, 3. Marsh 1:14.09 and 4. Larson 1:22.36. 100BR: 1. Bromenshenkel 1:13.44 and 4. Anderson 1:26.14. 400FSR: 1. Bromenshenkel, Bick, Marsh and Loxtercamp 4:12.65 and 3. Anderson, Makenna Barthel, Volkmann and Novak 4:47.29.

“He runs on his own in the morning and that helps him a lot, along with the miles he logged over the summer,” Metcalf said. “With the way he finishes, that shows his mental toughness. He’s still able to run by himself and have that good of a er.”kidsaarubsworkedbesaidaboutcoach18:50.41histeam’sStadsvold,forman,Jacobperformance.”Drevlow,afresh-endedhisdayat17:58.51sixthplace,whileNealconsistentlythethirdrunner,continuedsurgewithan11th-placeouting.“CoachBroich(assistantToddBroich)andItalkhimquiteabit,”MetcalfofStadsvold.“Itwouldquiteniceifeverybodyashardashedid.Thatofftoadegree.He’snotreallytalkativeguy,buthe’squietleaderandheinspirestoworkalittlebithard-

“Thesebreaststroke.girls are really stepping up and it’s great,” Schreiner said. “That builds momentum when they see these girls do it. It’s contagious, that energy and effort.”
Sauk Centre collected points from an assortment of point-earners, including in the 200 and 500 freestyle competitions, which saw Pyper Vogt and Maizie Jennissen finish second and third, side-by-side. In the distance-driven 500 race, Vogt finished at 6:01.93, followed close behind by Jennissen.“They’re the first to congratulate each other outside the pool when they’re done with their races,” Schreiner said. “That’s a great friendly rivalry, to have that brings them up, and that’s going to bring the whole team up.”

Sauk Centre Conveniently LocatedDowntown SaukDentalFamilyCentre Dr. BjerketvedtJason H37-1B-WS www.saukcentrefamilydental.com334MainSt.S.,SaukCentre,MN320-352-4141 Call Today!

Marsh and Anderson, who each finished fourth in two separate individuals; Marsh in the 100 freestyle and 100 backstroke and Anderson in the 200 individual medley and 100

Sauk Centre 114, Little Falls 71
Another positive aspect of the Sauk Centre girls’ cross-country team at this stage is its depth despite a lack of numbers. Alissa Tegels, Hailey Thompson and Samantha Eekhoff, runners who have made an impact for the program at previous appearances, are also competing for scoring every“Weweek.have eight girls that are pretty competitive for seven spots,” Metcalf said. “They’re very supportive of each other and it’s fun to see them working hard together.”
team competition with a score of 61, while Long Prairie-Grey Eagle’s Caroline Kuehne seized first place with a time of 19:53.20 at her home event.The Sauk Centre boys’ team, meanwhile, continued to improve and compiled its highest team finish of the season with a second-place showing. Brandon Kampsen outhustled the rest of the field by over a minute, taking the top spot at 16:14.08.
“We did not expect him to be cracking the top seven to be running varsity, but early on in the season, he’s wanted to take on the challenge,” Metcalf said. “He’s one of the junior high kids that is always willing to step in and take the harder route. It’s good to see.”
Melrose won the girls

Girls team: 1. Melrose 61, 2. Long Prairie-Grey Eagle 91, 3. Holdingford 93, 4. Morris Area/ Chokio-Alberta 98, 5. St. John’s Prep 102, 6. Pillager 107, 7. Sauk Centre 158 and 8. Paynesville 175.
Francesca Rivers did not feel 100% when she stepped onto the Long Prairie Country Club in Long Prairie for a cross-country meet Sept. 12.
The Streeters also had several surefire points from its reliable bevy of star performers. Schirmers outpaced the Storm’s Samantha Haaf in the 100 butterfly for first place and took the top spot in the 100 backstroke, Megan Heveron logged a 25.75 time in the 50 freestyle and a 56.35-second mark in the 100 freestyle to win both events and Brooke Bromenshenkel swam her way to wins in the 200 IM and 100 breaststroke races.

“I’m very pleased with not only the outcome, but the effort,” Schreiner said.

Entering the meet-concluding event, the 400-yard freestyle relay, the Streeters led by two points, and behind a first-place performance from its A relay and a third-place showing from its B relay, Sauk Centre held on.
“This was a meet that even if it went the other way, I would be proud of the effort from the girlsThetonight.”Streeters will look to remain competitive at the annual Park Rapids Invitational at 11:30 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 17, at Park Rapids High School in Park Rapids.
The Streeters stayed undefeated in dual meets in 2022 with a convincing 114-71 win over the Little Falls Flyers Sept. 8 at Little Falls High School in Little Falls. The road showdown saw girls excel in events atypical to their usual routine. Schrimers won the 50 freestyle at 26.79 seconds and Heveron battled to first place in the 200 IM.
Long Prairie meet sees Streeters revenge


SC C team defeated BOLD 3-0 (25-12, 25-18, 15-5)
SC lost to Eden Valley-Watkins 42-13
SC defeated Watertown-Mayer 2-0 (25-23, 25-16) at Sauk Rapids-Rice Tournament
“Hailey is an amazing leader and sets a great example for her teammates,” said Kristen Determan, head coach. “After her match was done, she immediately cheered for her teammates that were still playing.”
“The girls played well, though.”Perhaps the brightest spot of the event was Sauk Centre second doubles duo Ellen Rick and Lindsay Bailey, who took down Mackenna Burnett and Iris Donner of MACCRAY 6-3, 6-4 for the Streeters’ second point.“Lindsay was hesitant to play doubles but was willing to learn,” Determan said.
Senior volleyball players (from left) Jenna Gapinski-Vogt, Lydia Green-Brueggemeier, Kate McKeown, Heidi Lieser and Ava Kerfeld surround Head Coach Jim Klaphake after they put a pie in his face after Sauk Centre’s 3-0 win Oct. 8 over Melrose. Klaphake, Sauk Centre superintendent Don Peschel and Melrose coach Emily Reller each got a pie after over $5,700 was raised for the Katie Reitsma family.

SC lost to MACCRAY 5-2
Singles: 1. Hokanson won 7-5, 5-7, 6-4, 2. Straub lost 6-2, 4-6, 4-6, 3. Straninger lost 4-6, 2-6 and 4. Bailey lost 1-6, 3-6. Doubles: 1. Hoffman- Peterson lost 2-6, 1-6, 2. Rick-Klaphake lost 2-6, 6-3, 1-6 and 3. KoellnGroetsch won 7-5, 5-7, 6-2.
SC defeated Melrose 3-0 (25-22, 25-11, 25-12)
1972 coaches from page 11
SC 7th grade Team 1 tied Albany 2-2 (25-22, 17-25, 14-25, 1510)
“Both Ellen and Lindsay were aggressive at the net and played very smart. They were really good at hitting winners down the alley and
Nearly a year ago, Koelln and Groetsch teamed up at third doubles and lost back-to-back sets by a score of 6-0 against Benson/KMS, a far cry from what they were capable of.
SC JV lost to Eden Valley-Watkins 18-0
SC JH boys took first out of seven teams with a score of 40 in Long Prairie
StreeterStreeter Scoreboard
“There were a lot of close games that didn’t go our way,” Determan said.
winning 7-5, 5-7, 6-2 against Benson/KMS’s Arianna Nagler and Keala Carrou at third doubles in a 5-2 loss Sept. 8 at Sauk Centre High School in Sauk Centre.
SC JV defeated Melrose 2-1 (25-17, 25-9, 16-18)
SC defeated Albany 2-0 (25-12, 25-13) at Sauk Rapids-Rice Tournament
“Just the fact that someone took the initiative to do something like this, I’m really pleased they did it and I’m thankful they’ve invited us to make it work,” Suelflow said. “It’s a good feeling.” In the end, the coaches are

grabbed Sauk Centre’s other match win on the day, defeating Elise Duncan 6-3, 5-7, 10-7 at No. 1 singles.The court matchups were fairly close across the board, with second singles performer Straub and second doubles combination Rick and Klaphake falling in three sets.
SC 8th grade team defeated Albany 6-2 (25-19, 24-26, 21-25, 15-12, 25-15, 25-20, 25-22, 25-23) in Albany
SC JV defeated BOLD 3-0 (25-12, 25-9, 15-10)
of the coaching staff fully aware of their roles within the system, Sauk Centre thrived, overcoming an 0-1 start to win 10 straight games, including playoff games against Luverne and Hibbing.
looking to reminisce with the athletes they once coached, reliving treasured memories of a Streeters team that achieved at a level not seen in Sauk Centre since under the infectious leadership of Bob Brophy, Jim Pettit, Denny Suelflow and many others.
The Streeters as a whole played competitive matches.

“We just knew we needed to match the
Work shows for Streeters tennis despite losing week Team MACCRAYmatchdropsto
energy and play our game. Something just clicked and we started to play together really well.” SPORTS Brought to you by: DQ Grill & Chill, Sauk Centre 1171 S. Main Street, Sauk Centre, MN

“They saw the coaches do it, so the players felt they could do it as well.”

SC defeated Sauk Rapids-Rice 97-89 SC JV lost to Sauk Rapids-Rice 106-65 SC defeated Little Falls 114-71 SC JV defeated Little Falls 89-76
The senior picked up her fourth win in a row against MACCRAY Sept. 13, taking both sets by a score of 6-1 in a 5-2 defeat at MACCRAY High School in Clara City.
SC defeated Pipestone 2-1 (25-14, 22-25, 15-12) at Sauk Rapids-Rice Tournament
While the Sauk Centre Streeters girls’ tennis team have not translated optimistic signs into wins, one of its student-athletes has begun to really hone her skills: No. 1 singles performer Hailey Hokanson.

With time to improve from a technical standpoint and harness their ability, the duo returned to the court and showed what they could do,
SC defeated Little Falls 2-0 (25-11, 25-20) at Sauk Rapids-Rice Tournament
moving their opponents around.”Determan has regularly altered her lineup in the hopes of finding the right fits for her players. That will not change in Sauk Centre’s next match, a test against Montevideo at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 15, at Sauk Centre High School in Sauk Centre.“There will be some different pairings for the match on Thursday,” Determan said. “Hopefully, we can continue growing our tennis skills and work on our consistency.”
charges forward to hit a shot during her match at number two doubles for Sauk Centre. Klaphake and Ellen Rick lost 6-2, 3-6, 6-1.
SC C team lost to Eden Valley-Watkins 28-12
SC 8th grade team tied BBE 2-2 (25-16, 26-24, 19-25, 17-25)
“Emilee and Amber do a great job of communicating on the court,” Determan said. “They also do a great job of moving around and switching positions if they needHokansonto.”
“The coaches put it all out there, and I think that probably tied into what the players saw and that spilled over to the players, putting that effort in,” said Steve Wensman, member of the reunion planning committee and a member of the 1972 Sauk Centre football team.
SC boys took second out of 12 teams with a score of 68 in Long Prairie SC girls took seventh out of eight teams with a score of 158 in Long Prairie SC JV boys took second out of seven teams with a score of 51 in Long Prairie
Fourth singles standout Lisa Straninger fell narrowly in both of her sets during the evening, falling 3-6, 4-6, while the first doubles combo of Addy Hoffman and Lydia Peterson lost 2-6, 4-6.
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Benson/KMS 5, Sauk Centre 2
the week Sauk
SC 7th grade team defeated Melrose 5-0 (25-22, 25-11, 25-17, 25-22, 25-12)
Shot of the Week

Singles: 1. Hokanson won 6-1, 6-1, No. 2 Emma Klaphake lost 2-6, 1-6, 3. Michelle Straub lost 1-6, 0-6 and 4. Straninger lost 3-6, 4-6. Doubles: 1. Hoffman-Peterson lost 2-6, 4-6, 2. Rick-Bailey won 6-3, 6-4 and 3. Emilee Koelln-Amber Groestch lost 3-6, 2-6.
Sauk Centre senior Hailey Hokanson prepares to rip a backhand shot during her number one singles match against Benson/ KMS Co-op. Hokanson won 7-5, 5-7,
SC 7th grade team lost to BBE 3-1 (17-25, 21-25, 25-23, 13-15)
Although they only had one senior on their team, the talented Sauk Centre girls cross country team finished second in the Sept. 10 Belgrade-BrootenElrosa Invitational. While most varsity teams are mostly juniors and seniors, the Sauk Centre squad is made up of seventh graders Tamie Niemo and Laura Wiesser, ninth grader Jenny Primus, sophomores Jamie Malley and Kathy Gamradt, juniors Katy Borgerding and Jill Fiedler and senior Sheila Christen. Fiedler, Borgerding and Christen serve as tri-captains on this year’s team.
Quote of Centre volleyball senior Heidi Lieser on team capturing the Sauk Rapids-Rice Tournament championship: opponent’s
SC lost to Benson/KMS 5-2
SC C team defeated Melrose 2-1 (25-22, 25-22, 12-15)
SC 8th grade team lost to Melrose 3-2 (25-19, 25-18, 5-25, 16-25, 10-25)
“It wasn’t all a bed of roses,” Brophy said. “It started off slow but we won 10 games in a row to put us in the state championship game. That was an unbelievable experience.”Anditwas through these life-changing moments and positive memories that the Sauk Centre 1972 football team’s 50-year-old reunion event was created, with Brophy, Pettit, Suelflow and Lysaker all set to attend. Festivities will begin with a social Friday, Sept. 23, at Sauk Centre American Legion Post 67, and team members attending the reunion will be introduced at halftime of the Sept. 24 Streeters football game. Following the contest, former players, cheerleaders and coaches will reconvene at Post 67 for dinner and speeches.
SC defeated BOLD 3-1 (25-19, 25-21, 16-25, 25-22)
SC 7th grade Team 2 defeated Albany 4-1 (25-15, 28-30, 25-22, 25-22, 15-1)