ST★R SHOPPER | Friday, January 6, 2023 • 1 PRSRT STD ECR U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #46 522 Sinclair Lewis Ave. Sauk Centre, MN 56378 Local Postal Customer SHOPPER SHOPPER Offices in Albany Melrose Sauk Centre Volume 53 | Number 1 | JANUARY 6th, 2023 | ISSN Print:2834-6548 Online:2834-6556 STAR 53 Celebrating Y E A R S Connecting Business & Community M A K E W I N T E R MAKE WINTER F U N AG A I N ! FUN AGAIN! Pure Power with Easy Handling Pure Power with Easy 0% Financing Options Available "This machine is an animal. Worth every penny . . Hope we get more snow this season so I can push it some more to make sure I'm not dreaming." Mike from Farmingdale, NJ | 3X® 30" HD STEP UP (320) 243-7411 23661 Hwy. 4 | Lake Henry, MN Incredible strength. Incredibly comfortable. Our quality lineup of riding lawn mowers, such as our zero-turn riders and lawn tractors, offers unparalleled strength and comfort so you can get the most out of your lawn. STOP IN TODAY! StockToday!Up GREAT PRICES on Over 1,000 Wines on Sale Every Day! PRICES GOOD AT Albertville, Sauk Centre, Waite Park, St. Cloud, Rice, Sartell, Baxter & Little Falls WINE WINE FEATURE Due to Brewery and Distributor shortages, we cannot guarantee inventory on sale items. Rain checks will not be given. We apologize for the inconvenience. SALE PRICES GOOD JANUARY 8th - JANUARY 14th, 2023 LIQUOR Monday - Senior Day 10% off non-sale liquor or wine (60 Years of Age or Better) Tuesday - Wine Day 15% off single bottles or 20% off cases of non-sale wines WednesdayBeer Day 10% off all non-sale beer Sauk Centre 1227 Timberlane Drive 320-352-5920 Albertville 11095 61st NE 763-497-7789 Prices and selection may vary per locations. MON.-SAT. 8 am-10 pm • SUN. 11am - 6pm $1995 24 pack, 12 oz. cans YALUMBA WINES Shiner Brewing All Varieties 12 pack cans or bottles $1295 BEER • Cabernet • Shiraz • Chardonnay • Viognier • Shiraz Viognier $999 750 ml Woodinville Straight Bourbon $3295 750 ml Bogle Wines All Varieties excluding Phantom 750 ml Glenrothes 10 Year Single Malt Scotch Miller High Life 24 pack cans or bottles $1795 Stoli Vodka 1.75 liter $2395 Korbel VS Brandy 1.75 liter $1695 Seagram's VO Canadian Whisky Bombay Sapphire Gin 1.75 liter $2995 2 Gingers Irish Whiskey 750 ml $1295 Burnett's Vodka Bud & Bud Light 1.75 liter $1095 $795 Roundhouse Brewing $895 4 pack, 16 oz. cans Tier 1 Tier 2 1.75 liter $1795 $1695 15 pack, 16 oz. 'alumi' bottles Coors & Coors Light 'Alumi' $1795 24 pack cans Leinenkugel's Original Regular & Light Guinness (Draught, Extra Stout, Blonde) & Smithwick's 12 pack bottles $1395 Mom Water Fruit Infused Vodka Water All Varieties 4 pack cans $995 Minneapolis Cider Co. 4 pack cans $995 Modelo Especial & Negra 12 pack cans or bottles $1395 $799 $4495 750 ml Conundrum California Red Wines 750 ml $1799 All 3 Liter Box Wines 20% Off
VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! 50 Generic Pills SPECIAL $99.00. 100% guaranteed. 24/7 CALL NOW! 888-445-5928 Hablamos Español S1-CAD
Dental insurance - Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Covers 350 procedures. Real insurance - not a discount plan. Get your free dental info kit! 1-855-526-1060 #6258 S1-CAD
Attention oxygen therapy users! Inogen One G4 is capable of full 24/7 oxygen delivery. Only 2.8 pounds. Free info kit. Call 877-9299587 S1-CAD
Prepare for power outages today with a GENERAC home standby generator $0 Down + Low Monthly Pmt Request a free Quote. Call before the next power outage: 1-855-948-6176 S1-CAD
Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule free LeafFilter estimate today. 20% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-833-6101936 S1-CAD
BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Affordable prices - No payments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & Military Discounts available. Call: 855-761-1725 S1-CAD
2 • ST★R SHOPPER | Friday, January 6, 2023 1690 Broadway Street W., Cold Spring, MN 56320 320-252-5602 | 24 Hour Service There’s an easier way to stay WARM THIS WINTER! Call us today for all your heating, maintenance and repair needs! S51-6B-EOW-WS Thank you to all these businesses for sponsoring the football contest! Thank You Contest Babbitt’s Wine Bar Billmark’s Insurance Services Bonanza Valley State Bank Central Heating & A/C Classic Auto Services Community Technology Center Compass Insurance Services Dan Welle David Motors Edward Jones F&W Exhaust Farm-Rite Equipment Hennen Lumber Co., Inc. Hillcrest Family Restaurant Little Sauk American Legion Main Street Smoke Shop Melrose Bowl Melrose Electric Midwest Paint & Body Neighborhood Realty Next Door Bar & Lounge Pelican Lake Ballroom Philip’s Repairables Polar Tank Trailer Schneider Collision Spiritz Liquor St. Joseph Meat Market Steiner Lumber Co. The Store in St. Anna Walker Plumbing 1st Place: Linda Tjosaas from Long Prairie (14) 2nd Place: Joe Stangler from Albany (14) 3rd Place: Eron Bordson from Becker (13) Winners for Week 17: Thank you to all participants! Find the football $30 St. Joseph Meat Market gift card winner Steven Schmiesing, Sauk Centre FULL BODY SHOP • Insurance Work • Deer Hits • Glass Repair • Custom Framework • Collision Repair PHILIP STUEVE OWNER FREE Estimates! Philip’s COLLISION CENTER LLC REPAIRABLES & 320-732-3600 or 800-659-7102 17792 US Hwy 71 • Long Prairie, MN “Just South of Midway Gas” 5 Courtesy Cars On-Site! Don’t miss a beat - grab a courtesy car while yours is getting repaired! S1-tfnB-JO
Hearts One Gift at a Time” "Thank you for the generous support from many volunteers, organizations, individuals and the following businesses.” Due to generous donations from numerous individuals and many local businesses, Christmas For A Senior was able to touch the lives of area seniors by providing: • Christmas gifts for 100+ individuals • $500 gift cards to five local facilities for use in their activity departments CHRISTMAS FOR A SENIOR - John Wiese Ford - Daniel Borgmann LTD - Melrose 1 Stop - Tim Kampsen Agency - Famo Feeds - Melrose Area Women of Today - Munson Feed Co. - Midwest Machinery - Star Publications - Sauk Centre Seniors - Essler Electric - Community Connection - Steve Moritz Construction - Ecowater Systems - Sauk Centre Fleet Supply - Long Prairie Lumber - Modern Farm - Main Street Press - Charlie Walker Realty - St. Rosa Lumber - Patton Schad - Centre Pallet & Lumber - Felling Trailers - Long Prairie Packing - H&R Block - JCP Farms - Minnesota National Agency - Lions Club - Sauk Centre - Lions Club - Melrose - All Star Title - Long Prairie - Coborn’s - Centre Power Sports - Central Heating & AC - American Legion - Sauk Centre - Rahn’s Oil & Propane - Winters, Meier & Larson Accounting Sauk Centre, MN 320-352-3350 ALTERNATIVE SENIOR CARE S1-1P-MT Hours: Mon-Fri 9-5:30 | Sat 9-5 | Sun 11-3 S1-1B-MT 300 Main St. So., Sauk Centre | 320-352-6696 Shop Online: BIGGEST OUR EVER! SALE CLEARANCE Buy 1 Item Get 2nd item 1/2 Off (EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE) Mfg. exclusions apply
320-845-2801 • Sales - Finance - Service – Parts - Body Shop SALES HOURS Mon–Thur 8:30 am - 7 pm | Fri 8:30 am - 6 pm | Sat 8 am - 3 pm SERVICE HOURS Mon-Fri 7 am-5 pm | Sat 7 am - 1 pm 2020 Chrysler Pacifica Touring L 2020 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT 2020 Jeep Cherokee Latitude Plus 4x4 UV2795 | Leather, Heated Seats, Stow N Go!! $22,990 UV2788 | Remote Start, Power Doors, Stow N Go! $20,990 US3359 | One Owner, 4x4, Jeep Active Drive 1! $23,990 2018 Jeep Compass Altitude 4x4 2020 Jeep Renegade Altitude 4x4 2019 Dodge Challenger SXT US3214 | Low Miles, Heated Seats & Heated Steering Wheel! $24,990 US3326 | Heated Seats, Heated Steering Wheel! $25,990 UC4480 | All Wheel Drive, Heated Seats! $27,990 SCAN QR CODE TO VISIT OUR SITE S1-1B-TV Call 320-352-6577 • Ask for Logan Located in the Sauk Centre Herald Office - 522 Sinclair Lewis Avenue - Sauk Centre, MN 56378 WE DESIGN AND DO SIGNS OF ALL KINDS! • BOAT LETTERING • ALL YOUR FARM SIGN NEEDS • SNOWMOBILE LETTERING & DESIGNS • AND MORE! Sauk Centre, MN (320) 352-6577 SIGN Design January 7 – January 13, 2023 Ent tainment Ent tainmentDINING + Family Restaurant & STUBBY’S TAVERN 1004 Shamrock Lane, Albany | 320-845-2168 Try Our Homemade SOUP *Gallon *Quart *Bowl *Cup Warm Up with Soup! S1-1B-TV OPEN DAILY AT 8 AM License #01953-001 LUNCH SPECIALS Sundays 11am - 6 pm Monday 11am - 8 pm Tuesday 11am - 8 pm Wednesday Closed Thursday 11am - 8 pm Friday 11am - 8 pm Saturday Closed or Special Events FALL & WINTER HOURS Jackpot is at $400! Must be present to win, cap is $1000 Friday, Jan. 6th Get your tag before 6 pm to be eligible for the drawing between 6:30–8pm. DOG TAG! GET YOUR OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! 265 Co. Rd. 173 SE, Melrose • 320-256-3581 • 320-429-4008 Next to the Super 8 Motel! Regular Meetings for Post & Aux. the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7 pm MONDAYS LINE DANCING PULL TABS | E-TABS ELECTRONIC BINGO DAILY! MELROSE - POST 101 S1-1B-MT FISH FRY Jan. 20th | 4:30-7:30 pm (Winter Hours) Adults $13 | Kids Ages 10 & under $5 KARAOKE THURSDAY 6-9 pm Watch Facebook for Blackout $100 cash. Progressive till it goes out. S U N D A Y | J A N U A R Y 8 T H B A R G O | 2 pm CALL TO BOOK YOUR WEDDING OR ANNIVERSARY WITH US! S1-1B-TV CHICKEN FRY Pelican Lake Ballroom St. Anna, MN 320-845-2831 dine-in or takeout All You Can Eat!! Call Ahead for Your Chicken-To-Go! EVERY TUESDAY!! 4-8 PM We can design them all! Please call 320-352-6577 or stop in 522 Sinclair Lewis Ave. Sauk Centre, MN Let’s Talk! Thank ASHC.O.D.CHARNPRICEAMO -Mike Schafer DAIRY ST R -Posters | Signs | Envelopes Flyers | Business Cards Forms | Brochures So Much More Raffle S1-1B-JO Post #417 Little Sauk American Le gion American Legion 320-732-3886 | | Little Sauk, MN MEAT UPCOMING Raffles: Fri. - Jan. 6 | Osakis Trailblazers Saddle Club Fri. - Jan. 13 | Wood N Hearts Fri. - Jan. 20 | Sauk Centre Speech Fri. - Jan. 27 | Defenders Wrestling Friday’s at 7 pm Special Horse Racing Sundays!
ST★R SHOPPER | Friday, January 6, 2023 • 5 Melrose Lions Club Ham & Egg Breakfast Sunday, January 15th, 2023 Sausage, Potatoes, Coffee Cake, Applesauce Sponsored by the Melrose Lions Club PROCEEDS FOR COMMUNITY PROJECTS Adults: $10 Advance $11 at the Door Ages: 10 & Under FREE Tickets sold at the Door or can be purchased from any Lions member 3 MEAT RAFFLE! PS1-2B-MT Meat Raf es on and off throughout the morning! Lic# 02396 Takeout Orders Available TICKETS Melrose American Legion - Serving 8 am -12 pm SMOKE SHOP 201 MAIN STREET S. | SAUK CENTRE, MN 56378 | 320-352-4080 Main Street Cigars • Cigarettes • Vape • Rolling Tobacco Incense • More Coming! LOW PRICES S1-12B-WS NOW OPEN! Hoffman Tree Service, LLC John Hoffman, Owner 320-260-9377 • 320-351-9018 • 65 FT Bucket Truck • Tree & Stump Removal • Tree Trimming • Lot Clearing • Custom Brush Mowing Licensed & Insured FREE Estimates s19-tfnb-ws Centra Sota - Little Falls, MN | 320-632-3631 Centra Sota - St. Martin, MN | 320-548-3245 Centra Sota - Upsala, MN | 320-573-2186 3/4 Miles West of the Downtown, Stoplights on Sinclair Lewis Ave. in Sauk Centre, MN 320-351-2227 S1-1B-MT Your trusted Purina dealer Looking for a specific product? Call us – we can help! COUPON Limit one bag per coupon. Must Present coupon, expires 1/31/23 L $2 off SAVE purchase of over $20 on Purina Products Store Hours: Mon. - Sat. 8:30 am - 10 p.m. Sun.- 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. 320-256-6300 Melrose, MN Secret IMAGE Identify this brand image from Spiritz Liquor to win! Spiritz Liquor would like to thank you for shopping local! w ww Spiritz Liquor will give the winner of this this week’s contest $250 worth of prizes. A new winner will be drawn each week for four weeks. TURN THIS IN TO SPIRITZ LIQUOR Name: Phone Number: Answer: BY JANUARY 13, 2023 S1-1B-MT $250 worth of prizes Winners to be announced here!
Email to Kayla Hunstiger at #1 Information Source Are you interested in advertising?
Please Do you have events to add to the guides?
include in the subject line Visitor/Resource Guide Submissions can also be mailed to Visitor/Resource Guide, ATTN: Kayla Hunstiger, 522 Sinclair Lewis Ave, Sauk Centre, MN 56378
Star Publications is seeking help in listing area events open to the public for the 2023-2024 calendar years. Anyone with information to share please send the name of the event, date, time, location, a short paragraph explaining the event and contact information to: Sauk Centre Visitor/Resource Guide • Melrose Resource Guide • Benton County Resource Guide Albany Resource Guide • Avon Resource Guide • Holdingford Resource Guide • Freeport Resource Guide Missy Traeger | 320-291-9899
6 • ST★R SHOPPER | Friday, January 6, 2023
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ST★R SHOPPER | Friday, January 6, 2023 • 7 including Clearance Items! storewide % YOUR COMPLETE FARM & HOME STORE Not responsible for printing errors. Prices subject to change without notice. Quantity limited to stock on hand. Brand substitution may apply for equal value. Some items have rain check available. We will special order items not in stock, if available. ONE DAY ONLY! JANUARYFRIDAY,13th Save On Ice Fishing, Propane, Clothing, Tools, Farm Lubricants, Feed (Livestock), Pet Food, Hunting, Heaters and More! Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am-7:00pm; Saturday 8:00am-6:00pm; Sunday 10:00am-4:00pm Little Falls: Monday-Saturday 8:00am-8:00pm; Sunday 9:00am-5:00pm Long Prairie: Monday-Friday 8:00am-8:00pm; Saturday 8:00am-6:00pm; Sunday 10:00am-4:00pm Faribault: Monday-Friday 7:00am-7:00pm; Saturday 8:00am-6:00pm: Sunday 10:00am-4:00pm SAUK CENTRE 1050 Centre St. 320-352-5261 LONG PRAIRIE Hwy. 71 South 320-732-6195 LITTLE FALLS 1800 1st Ave. N.E. 320-632-9240 PAYNESVILLE Hwy. 55 West 320-243-3556 GLENWOOD Hwy. 28 & 55 • 320-634-5209 GLENCOE Hwy 212- 3105 10th St. E. • 320-864-4304 FARIBAULT 80 Western Ave. • 507-334-3232 *Excludes: Stihl products, Husqvarna products, gas, diesel, kerosene, heating wood pellets, tobacco,hunting/fishing licenses, no pallet quantity discounts, snowblowers & sale items. See store for additional exclusions. S1-1B-WS ST R Publications ST R Publications S Pu ST R Publications ST R Publications ations ST R Publications a ions 522 Sinclair Lewis Avenue | Sauk Centre, MN 56378 | 320-352-6577 | Come Join Us! work in a fun environment and make good money! ST R Publications ST R Publications ST R Publications YOU COULD BE HERE!
Please submit resume
We are a growing company with plenty of opportunity to grow your career. Experience is
but we will
that show aptitude and have a great attitude.
train applicants
Sauk Centre to St. Cloud
Sauk Centre, MN (320) 352-6577 SIGN Design Decals | Signs | Magnets | Logan Thomas, Designer & Sign Creator Located in the Sauk Centre Herald Office 522 Sinclair Lewis Avenue, Sauk Centre, MN 56378 Custom Vehicle Graphics L Personalize your ride!
Midwest Paint & Body, Inc. 735 12th St. S., Suite 3, Sauk Centre 320-352-2595
Friedrichs Tire & Oil 200 Main St., Sauk Centre 320-352-3612
First Rate Glass, Inc. 15803 - 135th St., Villard 866-463-4778
John Wiese Ford 203 10th St. S., Sauk Centre 320-352-6561
F&W Exhaust 1163 Getty St. S., Sauk Centre 320-352-3791
Centre Towing, Inc.
411 Lincoln Loop, Sauk Centre 320-352-1500
Friedrichs Tire & Oil 200 Main St., Sauk Centre 320-352-3612
Magnifi Financial 888-330-8482
Edward Jones Darron P. Nelson 311 Main St. S, Sauk Centre 320-429-8303
First State Bank 423 S. Main St., Sauk Centre 320-352-5771
Freeport State Bank 320-836-2126
Minnesota National Bank 131 12th St., S., Sauk Centre 320-352-5211
Mortgages on Main 512 S. Main St., Sauk Centre 320-352-3999
Jeff ’ s Custom Cabinets
Kitchen & Bath Design 320-746-2701
Ken ’ s Iron Salvage & Recycling, Inc. 11194 225th Ave., Sauk Centre 320-352-6878
E-Z Mini Storage S. Getty St., Sauk Centre 320-352-3791
Melrose Storage Center
Multiple Sizes, Security Lights 320-256-3812
Culligan of Central MN
Sales, Service and Delivery 877-285-2818
Ecowater Systems
Sales and Service on all Makes & Models, Bottled Water/Salt 800-651-3378
Finken Water Solutions Water Treatment, Iron/Odor Removal, Drinking Water System, Sales & Service, Bottled Water, Salt & Coffee Delivery 1-877-FINKENS 320-256-3890
CAP Enterprises
Custom Welding & Machining 320-256-3900
Mark ’ s Welding & Steel Sales 842 Cty. Rd. 3 SE, Osakis 320-859-2803
Advantage 1 Insurance Agency 864 Main St. S., Sauk Centre 320-352-6200
American Family Insurance 501 Main St. S., Sauk Centre, MN 320-352-6115 mn/sauk-centre/
Farmers Insurance Group Mary Olmscheid, Sauk Centre 352-5267 Elrosa 320-697-5595
First State Agency 423 S. Main St., Sauk Centre 320-352-7200
MN National Agency Mark T. Maloney 131 12th St. S., Sauk Centre 320-527-0050
Schmidt Insurance Agency 108 Avon Ave., Avon 320-356-9440
Eyes on Main
Brett A. Freese, OD 324 Main St. S., Suite 101, Sauk Centre 352-2020
The Star Post 408 Main St., E., Melrose 320-351-6579 561 Railroad Ave., Albany 320-845-2700
Borgmann, Daniel B., C.P.A. 850 S. Main St., Sauk Centre 320-352-5231
Winters, Meier & Larson Accountants, LLC 1001 S. Main St., Sauk Centre 320-352-3058
McDonald Realty 306 E Main Street Melrose, MN 56352 320-256-6200
Albany Home Bakery 531 Railroad Ave., Albany 320-845-2963
Joyful Blooms Flower Co. 316 Main St. S., Sauk Centre 320-352-3872
Fleet Supply 1050 Centre St., Sauk Centre 320-352-5261
Frank Roering, Auctioneer Associate of Sullivan Auctioneers 320-290-8490
Mid-American Auction Co. Kevin Winter, Auctioneer Sauk Centre 320-352-3803
Sauk Centre Herald
Sinlclair Lewis Ave., Sauk Centre 320-352-6577
Ann’s Travel Centre 320-527-3895 Sauk Centre, MN 56378
Carefree Travel of Sauk Centre 620 Sinclair Lewis Ave. 320-352-5781
Pack-N-Go Travel - Mary 320-845-7123
Spinners Travel - Missy 320-250-0864 800-929-4798
ST★R SHOPPER | Friday, January 6, 2023 • 11 AUTOMOTIVE BUSINESS S E R V I C E S SERVICES FRIENDS & NEIGHBORS DOING BUSINESS WITH FRIENDS & NEIGHBORS WANT TO BE INCLUDED IN THIS DIRECTORY? WWW.STAR-PUB.COM Collision Oils-Fuels-Gas Repair Services Mufflers-Exhaust Towing Tires Carpentry Glass Lumber Painting Implement Salvage Storage Water Welding Drainage BANKING/FINANCE INVESTING BUILDING/CONTRACTORS FARM/AGRICULTURE INSURANCE NEWSPAPERS RETAIL RESTAURANTS/CLUBS TRAVEL TRUCKING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES HOME SERVICE Optometrist Bakery Flowers Hardware Accountants Auctioneers Printing/Job Printing Electrical John Wiese Ford 203 10th St. S., Sauk Centre 320-352-6561 Beam Electric 39203 Cty. Rd. 186, Sauk Centre 320-352-5641 First Rate Glass, Inc. 15803 - 135th St., Villard 866-463-4778 Elrosa Lumber & Hardware P.O. Box 140, Elrosa 320-697-5591 Steiner Lumber Company S. Main St., Sauk Centre 320-352-2255 Rick ’ s Painting 120 6th St. NE, Melrose 320-248-0731 Crazy J’s Bar & Grill 520 Sinclair Lewis Ave. Sauk Centre
MBC Drainage, LLC 1800 2nd St. S., Sauk Centre 320-351-3908
Supply 1050 Centre St., Sauk Centre 320-352-5261
Melrose Implement Sales, Parts and Service 320-256-4253
Machinery Company 1140 Centre St., Sauk Centre 320-352-6511
Bookings Melrose American Legion Post 101
available for Weddings, Showers, Anniversaries, etc. 256-3581
Your Trucking Needs
U.S., Canada & Worldwide
Brenny Transportation, Inc.
Ridgewood Road, St. Joseph 320-363-6999 For
Centre Herald 522 Sinlclair Lewis Ave., Sauk Centre 320-352-6577
call Robin 320-351-7837 or email Dumpster Rolloffs/Recycling Opatz Metals 120 Washington, Holdingford 320-746-2819 Audiology/Hearing Aids MEDICAL Accurate Hearing Services Sauk Centre 888-407-HEAR (4327) Tax Return Preparation Signs Gillies Sign & Graphics 1033 Towerview Drive, Sauk Centre 320-352-5734 Sign Design 522 Sinclair Lewis Ave., Sauk Centre 320-352-6577 H&R Block 1800 2nd St. S., Sauk Centre 320-352-3591 Refuse Waste Management 39864 S. Hwy. 71, Sauk Centre 320-352-5134 Dentistry Midwest Dental 203 East Main St., Suite A, Melrose 320-256-4267 REAL ESTATE/RENTALS Schwinghamer Construction 730 12th St., S., Sauk Centre 352-2832 or 352-6677 Rental Centre Rental, Inc. 735 12th St., S., Sauk Centre 320-352-2700
Centre Family Dental 334 Main St. S., Sauk Centre 320-352-4141 Rhode Electric, LLC Sauk Centre 320-905-7768