ST★R SHOPPER | Friday, September 2, 2022 • 1 PRSRTECRSTD U.S.PERMITPOSTAGEPAID#46 522 SaukLewisSinclairAve.Centre,MN56378 LocalCustomerPostalSHOPPER SHOPPER Offices in Albany Melrose Sauk Centre Volume 52 | Number 35 | SEPTEMBER 2, 2022 52 CommunityCelebratingYEARSConnectingBusiness&gSg STARSTAR 105 County Road 10 Albany, 320-845-4690MN TC5 Top load washer with Speed Queen® Classic Clean™ , no lid lock, 5-year warranty, many other #TC5003WNfeatures WAS TopSpeed$1,449Queen®LoadWasher $1,299 Appliances!SavingsSuperonQuality Whirlpool Refrigerator 19.3 cu. ft. top freezer refrigerator, ice maker optional, LED lighting, adjustable glass shelving, convenient storage, more features! #WRT519SZDW WAS $999 Whirlpool Dishwasher With sensor cycle, stainless steel, 1-hour wash cycle, soil sensor, indoor silverware basket, sani-rinse and more! #WDF540PADM WAS $759 $699 $60.00SAVE Whirlpool Electric Range 30-inch freestanding electric range, FlexHeat™ dual radiant element, Frozen Bake™ technology and much more! #WFE525S0JW WAS $989 $20.00SAVE RefrigeratorWhirlpool 36" wide, 25 cu. ft. French Door resistant,w/waterrefrigeratordispenser,fingerprinthumiditycontrolledcrispers,more!#WRF535SWHZ WAS $2,099 $100.00SAVE WasherAmana&Dryer 3.5 cu. ft. top load washer with dual action agitator, large capacity porcelain tub, much more! #NTW4516FW $569Were $629 Each 6.5 cu. ft. electric dryer with wrinkle prevent option, automatic dryness control, much more! #NED4655EW EACH $1,999 DC5 Sanitizing electric dryer with extended tumble, reversible door, 5- year #DC5003WEwarranty. WAS Speed$1,449Queen®DryerWereEach$1,449 EACH $150.00SAVEEach $969 $859 Our SALES & SERVICE Can't Be BEAT!!!WEDELIVER! INHURRYTODAY! $60.00SAVEEach BentLightPaddle 12 pack cans $1195 Kanu $1295 All Other Varieties $1695 BUY 3 SAVE GREATmail-inw/online$15.00rebatePRICES on Over 1,000 Wines on Sale Every Day! PRICES GOOD AT Albertville, Sauk Centre, Waite Park, St. Cloud, Rice, Sartell, Baxter & Little Falls WINE WINE FEATURE Due to Brewery and Distributor shortages, we cannot guarantee inventory on sale items. Rain checks will not be given. We apologize for the inconvenience. SALE PRICES GOOD SEPTEMBER 4th -10th, 2022 LIQUOR Monday - Senior Day 10% off non-sale liquor or wine (60 Years of Age or Better) Tuesday - Wine Day 15% off single bottles or 20% off cases of non-sale wines WednesdayBeer Day 10% off all non-sale beer Sauk Centre 1227 Timberlane 320-352-5920Drive Albertville 11095 61st 763-497-7789NE Prices and selection may vary per locations. MON.-SAT. 8 am-8 pm • SUN. 11am - 6pm Bud and Bud Light BrewingSchell's 12 pack cans $1395 WhiskyCanadianMcMaster's SilverSpicedMorganCaptain&Rum RedemptionHighRyeBourbon SingleHighlandArtisanTullibardineMalt $1495$1895 $2495 LiqueurCoffeeKahluaBrandyVSOPHartley 1.75 liter $1095 SmirnoffIce 12 pack cans or bottles $1295 WinesOliver All Varieties 750 ml $999 VodkaStoli $1395$1495 15 pack, 16 oz. 'alumi' bottles24 pack, 12 oz. cans $159524 pack, 12 oz. cans $2395 VodkaBurnett's MN Gold and LightGold Coors Light and Miller Lite 'Alumi' 750 ml $2195 SweetWaterBrewing 12 pack cans $1395 CabernetPendulum&RedBlend 750 ml $1499 1.75 Liter 750 ml $2095 1.75 liter BEER LiftBrewingBridge 12 pack cans $1795 Sauk Centre & Albertville stores ONLY $1495 Fulton Brewing $1695 300 12 pack cans or Assortedbottles Varieties White Claw Hard Seltzers $1395 12canspack $1495 Surge,RefresherSurf, 12canspack All 3 Liter Box Wines 20% Off Mark West Pinot Noir & Chardonnay 750 ml $799 1.75 liter 1.75 liter $3495 1.75 liter 750 ml $999 VarietiesWINESHAHNAll

2 • ST★R SHOPPER | Friday, September 2, 2022 Get to know the people behind Benton Ag Benton County News Classy SaukSaukCountryCanaryAcresDairyStarCentreHeraldRapidsHeraldStarPostStarShopper320-352-6577 Hometown: Monticello What is your role at Star Publications: Editor of the Benton County News Tell us about your family. Wife, Nicole; brother, Adam; dad, Joe, and stepmother, Becca; and mom, Kari. What are your hobbies? I play video games competitively (have gone to Atlanta for “Halo”), politics, spirituality and reading. What is your favorite restaurant and what do you order? Chipotle is always my go-to. Double steak burrito with white rice and all the good stuff. Jakob Kounkel Get your FREE tickets today! Offer Septemberexpires23,2022 1 Year - $53.00* For any New Subscriber or a 2-Year Renewal Includes Advertising Section 2 Years - $98.00 • 3 Years - $144.00 In Stearns, Douglas, Todd, Pope and Morrison Counties Hurry! Star Post or Sauk Centre Herald of the SUBSCRIPTION MAIL-IN FORM CITYADDRESSNAME ZIP SAUK CENTRE HERALD 522 Sinclair Lewis Ave. Sauk Centre, MN 56378 • 320-352-6577 Pick up in Sauk Centre office open M-F 8 am - 5 pm STAR POST Mail to: 408 E. Main St., Melrose MN 56352 • 320-351-6579 or P.O. Box 310, Albany MN 56307 • 320-845-2700 Pick up in Albany & Melrose by appointment only Offer not good with any other subscription promotions. 2 TICKETSFREE 2022 TICKETS CAN BE PICKED UP AT ANY OF LOCATIONS.OUR SuppliesWhileLast! Sunday, September 18th Sauk Centre, MN For information and registration, contact Chris Kerfeld 320-766-7223 Sponsored by the Sauk Centre Sno-Cleats ATV certificationSafetyClass For ages 11-15 years S35-1B-MT SMOKE SHOP 201 MAIN STREET S. | SAUK CENTRE, MN 56378 | 320-352-4080 Main Street Cigars • Cigarettes • Vape • Rolling Tobacco Incense • More Coming!LOWPRICES S34-2B-WS NOW OPEN! S35-1B-WS $50 Winner: Answer: Spiritz Liquor Joyce Parish, Sauk Centre, Sauk Centre MEAT GiveawayGREAT Gift Card From: St. Joseph, MN

4 • ST★R SHOPPER | Friday, September 2, 2022 320-845-2801 • Sales - Finance - Service – Parts - Body Shop SALES HOURS Mon–Thur 8:30 am - 7 pm | Fri 8:30 am - 6 pm | Sat 8 am - 3 pm SERVICE HOURS Mon-Fri 7 am-6 pm | Sat 7 am - 1 pm 2018 Chrysler 300 Limited2019 Dodge Charger RT2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee Altitude 4x4 UC4451 | All Wheel Drive, Panoramic Sunroof, Navigation! $25,990 UC4453 | Hemi, Custom Exhaust, New Tires! $33,990 US3144 | Navigation, Sunroof, Leather, Heated Seats $43,990 2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee L2010 Ram 1500 Laramie2018 Ford Eco Sport US3183 | 20's. Sunroof, 7 Passenger Seating! $51,990 UT4936 | Very Clean, Navigation, Cooled Seats! $17,990 UC4457 | 4x4, Sunroof, Titanium Package! $22,990 SCAN QR CODE TO VISIT OUR SITE S35-1B-TV

ST★R SHOPPER | Friday, September 2, 2022 • 5 September 3 – September 9, 2022 DINING + Entertainment Personal ze your r de! We can design them all! Please 320-352-6577callorstopin 522 Sinclair Lewis Ave. Sauk Centre, MN Let’s Talk! Numb Thank Customer’sQTYDESCCASHC.O.D.CHARGTIONPRICEAMOUNTEON DAIRY ST R Posters | Signs | Envelopes Flyers | Business Cards Forms | Brochures So Much More Looking to advertise here? Call 320.352.6577 S35-1B-TV Family Restaurant & STUBBY’S TAVERNVERN Stop by the Hillcrest and try ourthe Hillcrest and our D el ic iou s S a l ad B a r !Delicious Salad Bar! ERN 320-845-2168 1004 SHAMROCK LANE, ALBANY OPEN DAILY AT 8 AM S35-1B-TV Join the Melrose American Legion Riders Chapter! Call 320-256-3581 Veterans! Are you looking for ways to serve other veterans & community? Volunteers welcome to serve at Post 101. Call Jess at 320-256-3581 or - for updates S35-1B-MT 265 Co. Rd. 173 SE, Melrose • 320-256-3581 • 320-429-4008Next to the Super 8 Motel! Melrose Post 101 Sundays 11am - 6 pm Monday 11am - 8 pm Tuesday 11am - 8 pm Wednesday Closed Thursday 11am - 8 pm Friday 11am - 8 pm Saturday Closed or Special Events FALL & WINTER HOURS | STARTING SEPTEMBER 11, 2022 Daily Lunch Specials including fountain pop Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Schedule of Events 3rd Friday of the Month Fish Frys: 5-8 pm Sept. 6th Flag Disposal at the Legion 6 pm Sept. 7th LifeLine Screening Sept 11th Dance LaVern & the Starlites 1-4 pm Sept. 20th Dance Jerry & Joyce 1-4 pm Sept. 27th Bloodmobile Oct. 1st Dueling Pianos Oct. 2nd Dance River Canyon 1-4 pm Oct. 8th Jr. Auxiliary Fun Day 9 am-1 pm Oct. 18th Dance Schjei Country 1-4 pm Oct. 22nd Options for Women Oct. 28th Lions Wine & Beer Tasting Oct. 29th Kids Halloween Party Oct. 30th Breakfast 8:30 am Nov. 5th Melrose Chamber Purse Bingo Nov. 6th Dance LeRoy & Joe 12:30-3:30pm Nov. 11th Veterans Day Dinner for Post 101 Members & Auxiliary 5 pm Social Time Nov. 15th Dance Kevin Klimmek & Sideliners 1-4 pm Nov. 24th Thanksgiving-Closed Nov. 26th Vendor Expo Nov. 27th Connie Lee Christmas / Dance Dec. 4th Wagon Wheelers 1-4 pm Jan. 8th Dance Jerry & Joyce 1-4 pm Jan. 8th BARGO Resumes Every Sunday EXCEPT Holidays GET YOURGET YOUR Jackpot progressive!is Must be present to win Drawing for $100 Jackpot! SEPTEMBERSTARTING16TH & EVERY FRIDAY AFTER Get your tag before 6 pm to be eligible for the drawing6:30–8pm.between DOG TAG! Melrose American Legion Post 101 meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7 pm The Auxiliary meets at the same time. September - May American Legion Riders Chapter meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month VFW meets at Legion on first Tuesday Lions meet 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month | 7 pm MEETINGS: CREDIT CARD ACCEPTED. NO ATM 35th Annual Mental Health Conference “Our Journey to Good Mental Health: Improving Lives...Step by Step” 1200 R OOSEVELT RD, ST. CLOUD, MN 56301 Friday, October 7, 2022 | 8:00 am–4:30 pm Calvary Community Church, St. Cloud More Info: • 320.654.1259 S35-1B-RB National Alliance on Mental IllnessIllness St. Cloud AreaNAMINAMI 6 ProvidedLunchCEUs CALL TO BOOK YOUR WEDDING OR ANNIVERSARY WITH US! S35-1B-TV CHICKEN FRYPelican Lake Ballroom St. Anna, MN 320-845-2831 dine-in or takeout All You Can Eat!! Call Ahead for Chicken-To-Go!Your TUESDAY!!EVERY 4-8 PM Sauk Centre, MN (320) 352-6577 SIGN Design 320-352-6577 Decals | Signs | Magnets | More LoganDesignerThomas,&SignCreator Located in the Sauk Centre Herald Office 522 Sinclair Lewis Avenue, Sauk Centre, MN 56378 GCustomVehicleraphics Personal ze your r de!Personalize your ride! Subscribe today to receive our Weekend Post. We have weekend events, sports highlights and local stories. DON’T MISS OUT Subscribe today by maddy@star-pub.come-mailing Subscribe today

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Reader Advisory: The National Trade Association we belong to has purchased the above classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer employment but rather sup-ply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients es-tablish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card num-bers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it is illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. Toll free numbers may or may not reach Canada. S35-CAD
ST★R SHOPPER | Friday, September 2, 2022 • 7 Place your garage sale ad in the Star Shopper for $15.00 | 320-352-6577 GA R AG E GARAGEMOVINGMOVINGSALESALE Hobby farm items, tools, gardening supplies, household items, mens & womens clothing, antiques & collectibles and much, much more. Something for everyone! S35-1P Wednesday, September 7th 11:00 a.m. - ????? 23205 355th AlbanyStreet - HUGEThursday, Friday, Saturday September 8th, 9th, 10th 8:00 a.m. - ????? 41465 County Road 28 Sauk Centre S35-1P GARAGEGARAGESALESALE Sept.Thursday-FridaySaturday8th-9th-10th 12 Noon - 4:00 p.m. Friday & Saturday Sept. 16th-17th 12 Noon - 4:00 p.m. 5 miles south on Hwy. 71 then 1 mile west on Cty. Rd. 28 $95 Commercial Account Billing Available Call for Details! D.O.T. EXAMS Same Available!AppointmentsWeek We can process your State CDL registration at the time of your exam so you don’t have to go to the DMV. SHP2-tfnB-JO 1804 S. Broadway, Alexandria, MN 320.763.0313 Dr. Kaija Johnson DC Nationally Certified Examiner for D.O.T Exams OWNER: Glieden Family Farm 71 71 Belgrade, MN 32 55 SUBJECT PROPERTY This sale is managed by Pifer’s Auction & Realty Kevin Pifer, MN #14-106. All statements made the day of the auction take precedence over all printed materials. The seller reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids. 877.700.4099 OPENS: Friday, September 30, 2022 – 8:00 a.m. 130 +/- Acres • Stearns County, MN LAND AUCTIONOnline Only! CLOSES: Tuesday, October 4, 2022 – 11:00 a.m. Pifer’sLANDAUCTIONS • 86.03 +/- Crop Acres • 33 +/- Hunting Acres • Legal: SE¼ Lying E of Hwy 71 8-123-34 & W½W½SW¼ 9-123-34 • Excellent Access on Hwy. #71 & County Rd. #32 • Available for 2023 Season CONTACT: Steve Link • 701.361.9985 or S35-1B-MT

ST★R SHOPPER | Friday, September 2, 2022 • 11 AUTOMOTIVEBUSINESS SERVICESSERVICES FRIENDS & NEIGHBORS DOING BUSINESS WITH FRIENDS & NEIGHBORS WANT TO DIRECTORYINCLUDEDBEINTHIS WWW.STAR-PUB.COM MufflRepairOils-Fuels-GasCollisionServicesers-ExhaustTowingTiresCarpentry ImplementPaintingLumberGlass SalvageStorageWaterWelding Drainage BUILDING/CONTRACTORSBANKING/FINANCEINVESTING FARM/AGRICULTURE INSURANCE NEWSPAPERS RESTAURANTS/CLUBSRETAILTRAVELTRUCKINGPROFESSIONAL SERVICES HOME SERVICE Optometrist HardwareFlowersBakery Printing/JobAccountantsAuctioneersPrinting ElectricalJohn Wiese Ford 203 10th St. S., Sauk Centre johnwieseford.com320-352-6561 Beam Electric 39203 Cty. Rd. 186, Sauk Centre First320-352-5641RateGlass, Inc. 15803 - 135th St., Villard 866-463-4778 Elrosafirstrateglass.comLumber&Hardware P.O. Box 140, Elrosa Steiner320-697-5591LumberCompany S. Main St., Sauk Centre Rick320-352-2255 ’ s Painting 120 6th St. NE, Melrose 320-248-0731 Crazy J’s Bar & Grill 520 Sinclair Lewis Ave. Sauk Centre 320-352-4343 MBC Drainage, LLC 1800 2nd St. S., Sauk Centre mbcdrainagemn.com320-351-3908FleetSupply 1050 Centre St., Sauk Centre stores.truevalue.com320-352-5261MelroseImplement Sales, Parts and Service melroseimplement.com320-256-4253MidwestMachineryCompany 1140 Centre St., Sauk Centre midwestmachineryco.com320-352-6511 Melrose American Legion Post 101 Bookings available for Weddings, Showers, Anniversaries, etc. 256-3581 Midwest Paint & Body, Inc. 735 12th St. S., Suite 3, Sauk Centre midwestpaintandbody.net320-352-2595FriedrichsTire&Oil 200 Main St., Sauk Centre friedrichstireandoil.com320-352-3612FirstRateGlass,Inc. 15803 - 135th St., Villard 866-463-4778 firstrateglass.comJohnWieseFord 203 10th St. S., Sauk Centre johnwieseford.com320-352-6561F&WExhaust 1163 Getty St. S., Sauk Centre Friedrichsfandwexhaust.com320-352-3791Tire&Oil 200 Main St., Sauk Centre friedrichstireandoil.com320-352-3612MagnifiFinancial888-330-8482mymagnifi.orgEdwardJones Darron P. Nelson 311 Main St. S, Sauk Centre First320-429-8303StateBank 423 S. Main St., Sauk Centre 320-352-5771 freeportstatebank.comfirststatebanksc.comFreeportStateBank320-836-2126MortgagesonMain 512 S. Main St., Sauk CentreMinnesota320-352-3999National Bank 131 12th St., S., Sauk Centre Jeffmn-bank.bank320-352-5211 ’ s Custom Cabinets Kitchen & Bath DesignCentre320-746-2701Towing, Inc. 411 Lincoln Loop, Sauk Centre 320-352-1500 Culligan of Central MN Sales, Service and Delivery Ecowaterculliganh2o.com877-285-2818Systems Sales and Service on all Makes & Models, Bottled Water/Salt Finkenecowater.com800-651-3378WaterSolutions Water Treatment, Iron/Odor Removal, Drinking Water System, Sales & Service, Bottled Water, Salt & Coffee Delivery ilovemywater.com320-256-38901-877-FINKENSCAPEnterprises Custom Welding & Machining 320-256-3900 Mark ’ s Welding & Steel Sales 842 Cty. Rd. 3 SE, Osakis marksweldingosakismn.com320-859-2803Advantage1InsuranceAgency 864 Main St. S., Sauk Centre Americanadvantageoneins.com320-352-6200FamilyInsurance 501 Main St. S., Sauk Centre, MN 423 S. Main St., Sauk Centre 320-352-7200 firststateagencysc.comMNNationalAgency Mark T. Maloney 131 12th St. S., Sauk Centre Schmidt320-527-0050InsuranceAgency 108 Avon Ave., Avon schmidtinsuranceagency.com320-356-9440FarmersInsuranceGroupMary Olmscheid, Sauk Centre 352-5267 Elrosa 320-697-5595 Ken ’ s Iron Salvage & Recycling, Inc. 11194 225th Ave., Sauk Centre E-Z320-352-6878MiniStorage S. Getty St., Sauk Centre Melrose320-352-3791StorageCenter Multiple Sizes, Security Lights 320-256-3812 McDonald Realty 306 E Main Street Melrose, MN 56352 Albany320-256-6200HomeBakery 531 Railroad Ave., Albany 320-845-2963 Joyful Blooms Flower Co. 316 Main St. S., Sauk Centre joyfulbloomsfl320-352-3872owerco.comFleetSupply 1050 Centre St., Sauk Centre stores.truevalue.com320-352-5261CarefreeTravelofSaukCentre 620 Sinclair Lewis Ave. 320-352-5781 Pack-N-Govisitcft.comTravel - Mary Spinners320-845-7123Travel- Missy 320-250-0864 800-929-4798 Brenny Transportation, Inc. 8505 Ridgewood Road, St. Joseph 320-363-6999 For Your Trucking Needs - U.S., Canada & Worldwide Albany Eye Clinic 471 Railroad Ave., Albany Monday 10-7; Tuesday-Friday 8-5 Eyes320-845-4747onMain Brett A. Freese, OD 324 Main St. S., Suite 101, Sauk Centre eyesonmainmn.com352-2020 The Star Post 408 Main St., E., Melrose 561 Railroad Ave., Albany 522 Sinlclair Lewis Ave., Sauk Centre Borgmann,,C.P.A. 850 S. Main St., Sauk Centre 320-352-5231 Frank Roering, Auctioneer Associate of Sullivan Auctioneers Sauk320-290-8490CentreHerald 522 Sinlclair Lewis Ave., Sauk CentreMid-Americanstar-pub.com320-352-6577Auction Co. Kevin Winter, Auctioneer Sauk Centre midamericanauctioninc.com320-352-3803Winters,Meier&LarsonAccountants,LLC 1001 S. Main St., Sauk CentreMelrose320-352-3058EyeClinic203 E. Main St., Suite B, Melrose Monday 10-7; Tuesday-Friday 8-5 320-256-4000 call Robin 320-351-7837 or robin@saukherald.comemail DumpsterOpatzRolloffs/RecyclingMetals 120 Washington, Holdingford Audiology/Hearing Aids MEDICAL Accurate Hearing Services Sauk Centre 888-407-HEAR (4327) Tax ReturnSignsPreparationGillies Sign & Graphics 1033 Towerview Drive, Sauk Centre Sign320-352-5734Design 522 Sinclair Lewis Ave., Sauk Centre 320-352-6577H&RBlock 1800 2nd St. S., Sauk Centre 320-352-3591 Refuse Waste Management 39864 S. Hwy. 71, Sauk Centre 320-352-5134 MidwestDentistryDental 203 East Main St., Suite A, Melrose midwest-dental.com320-256-4267 REAL ESTATE/RENTALSSchwinghamerConstruction 730 12th St., S., Sauk Centre 352-2832 or CentreRental352-6677Rental,Inc. 735 12th St., S., Sauk Centre centrerental.com320-352-2700 Sauk Centre Family Dental 334 Main St. S., Sauk Centre saukcentrefamilydental.com320-352-4141 Rhode Electric, LLC Sauk Centre 320-905-7768

Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 15% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855-577-1268. Promo Code 285. (mcn)S-35 Safe Step. North Americas #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-ofthe-line installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1600 Off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step 1-844-290-5083. (mcn)S-35 PROTECT YOUR HOME from pests safely and affordably. Pest, rodent, termite and mosquito control. Call for a quote or inspection today 844-9494528 (mcn)S-35 Vivint. Smart security. Professionally installed. One connected system for total peace of mind. FREE professional installation! Four FREE months of monitoring! Call now to customize your system. 1-855-962-5554(mcn)S-35 Become a Published Author. We want to Read Your Book! Dorrance PublishingTrusted by Authors Since 1920. Book manuscript submissions currently being reviewed. Comprehensive Services: Consultation, Production, Promotion and Distribution. Call for Your Free Author`s Guide 1-877-5160706 or visit dorranceinfo.
ST★R SHOPPER | Friday, September 2, 2022 • 13 Quality Time with Clients Work one on one with clients in their own homes Work-Life Balance Work only Weekdays Monday-Friday. Daytime hours only/flexible scheduling/PTO Work with a team of professionals providing home care to Seniors & Veterans for 17 years! Provide medication management, wellness checks, nail care, INRs, assessments, supervisory visits & ongoing supervision of care “Guided by Faith, we are called to &compassionateprovidecarepeaceofmindtoallwhodesiretoliveathome.” Sauk Centre, MN Join the team that has helped Central Minnesota Seniors for over 17 years! Send your resume today to or Call: 320-352-3350 Alternative Senior Care is hiring for Registered Nurses -Travel Pay & -RetirementMileageIRASavings -Aflac Stipend - Monthly & Yearly Bonus-TTravel-Reti BENEFITS AVAILABLE ARE: S35-1B-RB World’s Best Employers 2020-2021, Forbes Please send resume orkatherine.marthaler@hrblock.commailtoaddressbelow Full-time work.Part-time work. Work that fits your lifestyle. 1800 2nd St S, PO Box 27 SAUK CENTRE, MN 56378 320-352-3591 work.e. Cherronda R. Tax Pro Cherronda You could be our next: Tax TeamProLeader and Associate Team Leader Receptionist HS35-eowtfn-RB You can make a difference! Become a Foster/Adoptive Parent For more information, please contact us at 218-828-2027 or We are seeking foster families or individuals. We provide training and support S34-4B-RB WE ARE ASKING YOU TO PARTNER WITH US TO HELP MN CHILDREN Albany MN, doing business since 1981 JOIN OUR TEAM Office Position: Cabinet Coordinator with experience in Cabinet Vision and AutoCAD Office Position: Estimator/Purchasing Shop Position: Cabinet Maker-Installer We are seeking employees with construction background, are self-motivated, detail oriented & work well as a team player. Wages based on experience. Full time positions include benefit package. SEND RESUME TO: The Woodshop of Avon, Inc. | P.O. Box 510, Albany, MN 56307 OR EMAIL TO: or PHSR35-1B-RB NOW HIRING OTR DRIVERS $10,000 Sign on Bonus | 22_106_NowHiring_OTRandRouteAd_3.26x4.indd16/2/202210:00:42AM PHS35-1B-RB Full-Time Appliance Service Technician Part-Time Office Person 3+ years experience preferred with a refrigeration certification or license. Clean driving record. Drug screening, criminal background check, pay based on experience. Inventory, bookkeeping, plus other office duties Apply in person: 105 Co. Rd. 10, Albany, MN or send resume to SHP34-2B-RB HELP WANTED Looking for a full-timeLPN, CNA or PCA for our son with Cerebral Palsy.payCompetitivebasedonexperience. and a part-time Para Style position North/East of Sauk Centre Call Kathy at 320-761-2023 to do occupational and physical therapy. Will train! Great experience for a high school student. S35-1B-RB employment Don’t let the stairs limit your mobility! Discover the ideal solution for anyone who struggles on the stairs, is concerned about a fall or wants to regain access to their entire home. Call AmeriGlide today! 1-877-916-2093. (mcn)S-35 LONG DISTANCE MOVING: Call today for a FREE QUOTE from America's Most Trusted Interstate Movers. Let us take the stress out of moving! Speak to a Relocation Specialist, call 877-3270795. (mcn)S-35 FREE AUTO INSURANCE QUOTES for uninsured and insured drivers. Let us show you how much you can save! Call 855-995-2382 (mcn)S-35 BATHROOM RENOVATIONS. EASY, ONE DAY updates! We specialize in safe bathing. Grab bars, no slip flooring & seated showers. Call for a free in-home consultation: 855836-2250. (mcn)S-35 NEED NEW FLOORING? Call Empire Today® to schedule a FREE in-home estimate on Carpeting & Flooring. Call Today! 844-785-0305 (mcn)S-35
com/Midwest (mcn)S-35 Wesley Financial Group, LLC Timeshare Cancellation Experts. Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt and fees cancelled in 2019. Get free informational package and learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. Call 877-326-1608. (mcn)S-35 PAYING TOP CA$H FOR MEN'S SPORT WATCHES! Rolex, Breitling, Omega, Patek Philippe, Heuer, Daytona, GMT, Submariner, Speedmaster.. Call: 866-314-9742. (mcn) S-35 TOP CA$H PAID FOR OLD GUITARS! 1920-1980 Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D'Angelico, Stromberg. And Gibson Mandolins / Banjos. 866-470-1643. (mcn)S-35 Buying and selling silver bars, silver dollars, rare coins, gold coins, gold jewelry, collector coins. No collection to big. Kuehl’s Coins, Fairmont, Minnesota, 507235-3886. (mcn)S-35 320-352-6577Classifieds
Never clean your gutters again! Affordable, professionally installed gutter guards protect your gutters and home from debris and leaves forever! For a FREE Quote call: 877-761-1449 (mcn)S-35
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The Generac PWRcell, a solar plus battery storage system. SAVE money, reduce your reliance on the grid, prepare for power outages and power your home. Full installation services available. $0 Down Financing Option. Request a FREE, no obligation, quote today. Call 1-877-3813059. (mcn)S-35

BREWERIES Win ies& Sauk Centre 1227 Timberlane 320-352-5920Drive We have wine from 7 MN wineries & beer from 40 MN craft breweries!
3. Riesling
4. M lot
Widely available and incredibly popular, Cabernet Sauvignons are typically bold wines that are rich in flavor. Cabernet Sauvignons are derived from a full-bodied red grape, which is why they are often described as “full-bodied.” Tannins are a naturally occurring polyphenol found in plants and seeds that are predominantly in red wines, and those in Cabernet Sauvignons are bold. Some Cabernet Sauvignons elicit tastes similar to baking spices, while others may taste more like black cherry or black currant Pinot
Rieslings are white wines that are popular thanks in large part to their sweetness and floral, citrus taste. Rieslings are a go-to option when pairing wines with certain ethnic cuisine, including Indian, Thai and Vietnamese dishes. Some Rieslings can be dry, so wine enthusiasts looking for Rieslings for their sweetness may want to speak with a representative at the winery to ensure they’re getting the wine they want.
Another wildly popular red wine, Merlots have an extensive flavor profile. Some Merlots may produce a taste reminiscent of black cherries, while others may provide strong hints of cocoa. Merlots are typically made in a dry style, and they are easily mistaken for Cabernet Sauvignons.
624 Sundial Drive, Waite BACKSHEDBREWING.COMPark HOURS Wednesday 3pm-10pm Thursday 3pm-10pm Friday Noon-10pm Saturday 11am-10pm Sunday Noon-6pm 320-271-3111HOURS 11738 Co Rd. 51, St. Joseph, MN milkandhoneyciders.com56374 Tue.-Thur. 4-9 pm Fri. & Sat. Noon - 9 pm Sun. Noon - 6 pm HOURS Wine in the Pines | Fri-Sun 1-6 pm 13850 County Rd 68 NW, Miltona, MNwww.68nvinevw.comRonandRebecca Joyce 320-298-1518 Come check out our many MN Wines & Craft beers! (320) 254-3339 | 43316 226th St., Belgrade, MN 21505 SELNES RD., GLENWOOD, MN 1505 SELN • Variety of Wines • Tasting Room • Great Scenery VaVrieetty of W•Varietyof SIP REL, AND ENES OD, MNN EES RD WinWinesinsesnerei ROLLINGFORKSVINEYARDS.COMAX,JOY “It doesn’t hurt any to drink a glass of beer on a warm day, but anybody who touches wine is headed straight for hell.” - Sinclair Lewis, Mainstreet 219 Oak Street So., Sauk Centre, MN 56378 | 320-351-9463 W W W b a b b i t t s w i n e b a r c o m Local craft beers and ciders. Wines from around the world. Open Wednesday - Saturday 4:00pm to 9:00pm Thur. - Sun. 10 am - 6 320.267.6279pm brookviewwinery 6772 90th Street, Milaca MN 56353 ALEXANDRIA, MN 22NORTHMEN.COM UNLEASH YOUR BEERVENTUROUS® SPIRIT. ALEXANDRIA, MN CARLOSCREEKWINERY.COM MEMORABLE WINES. UNIQUE EXPERIENCES. POPULAR WINE VARIETIES 1. Cab net Sauvignon
Another popular, widely available varietal, Pinot Noirs boast a low tannin finish that gives them a fruity taste reminiscent of cherry or cranberry. Pinot Noirs are light-bodied and smooth. The alcohol content in Pinot Noirs tends to be lower than that of a typical Cabernet Sauvignon.
16 • ST★R SHOPPER | Friday, September 2, 2022 WITBIER: Lighter seafood dishes like steamed mussels BLONDE ALE: Light food, including chicken, salads and salmon INDIA PALE ALE: Strong spicy food and bold, sweet desserts like carrot cake DOUBLE/IMPERIAL IPA: Smoked beef brisket, grilled lamb and southern chicken-fried steak AMBER/RED ALE: Chicken, seafood, burgers, and spicy cuisine PORTER: Barbecue, sausages, roasted meat, and blackened fish SWEET OR OATMEAL STOUT: Rich, spicy food, including barbecued beef and Szechuan cuisine CLASSIC PILSNER: Light food such as chicken, salads and salmon AMERICAN WHEAT ALE: Very light food, including salads, sushi and vegetable dishes ABBEY DUBBEL: Barbecue, meat stews, and a thick, hearty steak POPULAR BEER COMBOS Made in heaven