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Same Local Coverage Since 1854. Saturday, February 1, 2020
Teachers express negotiations frustration at board meeting Financial aspects still pending BY ANNA HINKEMEYER STAFF WRITER
SAUK RAPIDS – Dozens of Sauk RapidsRice teachers packed the community room at Sauk Rapids-Rice High School during the school board meeting Jan. 27, expressing frustration over continued pending contract negotiations. “One year ago this week, we had our first negotiating session, and we have been working for six months without a contract,” said Trent Ziegler, Sauk RapidsRice Education Association president. “We have not had any benefit or pay increases because of it.” Superintendent Aaron Sinclair said the negotiations have made significant progress but are still working through financial aspects. The two parties are scheduled to participate in a mediation facilitated by the Bureau
Vol. 165, No. 42
2 2nd Ave S, Suite 135, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379
Impacks for schools St. Cloud couple start business for supplies, fundraising BY ANNA HINKEMEYER STAFF WRITER
SAUK RAPIDS – One St. Cloud couple is on a mission to provide students with the supplies and experiences necessary for their education. Brandon Richards and his wife, Clare, were doing a backpack drive with the rotary club, St. Cloud Rotaract, when they saw teachers spending personal income for supplies and students coming to school with nothing to aid them in their studies. Some did not even own a pencil. “At that moment, I thought there has to be something we can do to help,” Richards said. “That started the idea.” The couple decided to tack-
Brandon Richards holds a school supply kit Jan. 22 in St. Cloud. Brandon and his wife, Clare, launched Impacks Jan. 1 to provide a cheaper and easier way of school supply shopping.
le the problem, and, through market research and meetings with teachers, school administration and community members, Impacks was born. Impacks provides schools with an option for parents to order kits based on supply lists given by the school. The kits include many of the basic needs
such as colored pencils, notebooks and folders. Impacks carries brand name supplies such as Crayola and Elmer’s, but schools have the option to offer kits with generic supplies as well. Parents order the kits online, and the kits arrive at their school for each student prior to
open house. Impacks has begun its entrepreneurship in Minnesota but hopes to become a nationwide company. The Richards fund the company personally at this time. According to the National Retail Federation, the average
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Phase 1
Hidden Hollow Properties to fill rental housing need
School board page 3
Owner Brandon Willard stands inside a rental unit Jan. 21 at Hidden Hollow Properties, 235 Third St. S.E. in Rice. Willard chose to erect multi-family housing in the city because of rental demand.
RICE – The first phase of Rice’s latest multifamily housing project is nearly complete. Brandon Willard, of Marquee Builders, said construction on the initial complex at Hidden Hollow Properties is wrapping up, and following certificate of occupancy, the first four townhome units will be available for lease in February. “I’ve had a fair amount of interest,” said Willard, of Rice. “We have probably seven or eight peo-
• Mortgage Foreclosure - Freeby - pg. 7B • Mortgage Foreclosure - Schaefer - pg. 7B • Mortgage Foreclosure - Miller - pg. 12 • Benton County Planning Commission Public Hearings - pg. 10
Hidden Hollow page 3 • Sauk Rapids-Rice ISD 47 Work Session Minutes, Jan. 22, 2020 - pg. 7 • City of Sauk Rapids Public Hearing Notice - pg. 10 • City of Sauk Rapids Reg. Minutes, Jan. 13, 2020 - pg. 10 • Probate Notice - Moore - pg. 7B