DOCUMENT 00 11 13
Contract A: Well No. 7 Construction & Well No. 6 Modi cations
Sauk Rapids, Minnesota
SEH No. SAUKR 168828
Notice is hereby given that Online Bids will be received by the Administrator until 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 9, 2023, via QuestCDN for the furnishing of all labor and material for Contract A: Well No. 7 Construction & Well No. 6 Modi cations.
The bid opening will be conducted via Microsoft Teams, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud:
Contract A: Well No. 7 Construction & Well No. 6 Modi cations Bid Opening
Tuesday, May 9, 2023 at 1:30 p.m.
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZDYxYTJkMjktMzRiZS00OTBkLWFhNDAtNDYyODFkOTlkMjQ3%40thread. v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22642f455388f1-43dc-9a29-90842cd19d4c%22%2c%22Oid%22% 3a%2248472820-a408-4d5c-b262-d033b1c6fa20%22%7d
Meeting ID: 247 300 027 46
Passcode: mCh8N9
Or call in (audio only) +1 872-242-7640,,818182944# United States, Chicago Phone Conference ID: 818 182 944#
Any person monitoring the meeting remotely may be responsible for any documented costs. Message and data rates may apply.
Major components the Work include: Well Construction, Pitless Unit, Security Enclosure, Submersible Pump and Motor for Well No. 7, and the addition of a New Check Valve to Well No. 6.
The Bidding Documents may be seen at the Issuing Of ce of SEH located at 2351 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 300, Sartell, MN 56377, 320.229.4300.
The Bidding Documents may be viewed for no cost at http://www.sehinc.com by selecting the Project Bid Information link at the bottom of the page and the View Plans option from the menu at the top of the selected project page. No other form of Bid Documents will be provided.
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Kurt Hunstiger called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. All members present.
2. Additions or Changes to the Agenda
Ross Olson requested to add Approve 2022 Fund Transfers as agenda item 9-G. Olson also requested to add Citizen of the Year as agenda item 11-B.
3. Approve the Agenda
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Ellering and seconded by Councilperson Sauer to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried unanimously.
4. Approve Minutes
A. 3-13-2023 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Thronson and seconded by Councilperson Seamans to approve the 3-13-2023 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
5. Receive and File
A. 2-13-2023 Regular EDA Meeting Minutes
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Thronson and seconded by Councilperson Seamans to receive and le the 2-13-2023 Regular EDA Meeting Minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
6. Mayor’s Communications
7. Audience Items/Visitors Total Time Limit 2 Minutes for Items NOT on the Agenda
8. Public Hearings
A. Applicant James Winkler
Purpose To Consider a Vacation of Public Easements for The Purpose of Constructing a New Single-Family Home at 3281 Old Stone Way NE
1. Open Public Hearing
Digital image copies of the Bidding Documents are available at http://www.sehinc.com for a fee of $30. These documents may be downloaded by selecting this project from the “Project Bid Information” link and by entering eBidDocTM Number 8446895 on the SEARCH PROJECTS page. For assistance and free membership registration, contact QuestCDN at 952.233.1632 or info@ questcdn.com.
For this project, bids will ONLY be received electronically. Contractors submitting an electronic bid will be charged an additional $42 at the time of bid submission via the online electronic bid service QuestCDN.com. To access the electronic Bid Worksheet, download the project document and click the online bidding button at the top of the advertisement. Prospective bidders must be on the plan holders list through QuestCDN for bids to be accepted. Bids shall be completed according to the Bidding Requirements prepared by SEH dated April 10, 2023.
Bid security in the amount of 5 percent of the Bid must accompany each Bid in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders.
A Contractor responding to these Bidding Documents must submit to the City/Owner a signed statement under oath by an owner or of cer verifying compliance with each of the minimum criteria in Minnesota Statutes, section 16C.285, subdivision 3.
The City of Sauk Rapids, in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 US.C. §§ 2000d to 2000d-4) and the Regulations, hereby noti es all bidders that it will af rmatively ensure that any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full and fair opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award.
The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive irregularities and informalities therein and to award the Contract in the best interests of the Owner.
Ross Olson Administrator Sauk Rapids, MNThe following is the of cial summary of Ordinance No. 2023-811 approved by the Sauk Rapids City Council on April 10, 2023:
It is the intent and effect of this Ordinance to temporarily prohibit the construction, development, or conversion of Community Residential Districts until the City of Sauk Rapids can study the appropriateness of current ordinance requirements and adopt amendments if necessary.
A complete, printed copy of the ordinance is available for inspection by any person during regular of ce hours at City Hall or the entire Fee Schedule may be viewed on the City’s website at www.ci.sauk-rapids.mn.us. R-15-1B
CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME Minnesota Statutes Chapter 333
PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS: 103 Summit Ave. South, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379.
NAMEHOLDER(S): Terry Lee Awiszus, 103 Summit Ave. So, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 and Marie Carol Awiszus, 103 Summit Ave So., Sauk Rapids, MN 56379.
Quest CDN: April 12, 2023
Local Newspaper: April 15 and 22, 2023
City of Sauk Rapids website: April 14, 2023 R-15-2B
2. Close Public Hearing
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Ellering and seconded by Councilperson Thronson to close the public hearing. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Consider Action
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Sauer and seconded by Councilperson Ellering to approve the easement vacation on the conditions that the Applicant follows the current grading plan and that the extra utility stub-ins that remain unused shall be the responsibility of the adjoining property owner. Motion carried unanimously.
B. Applicant City of Sauk Rapids
Purpose To Consider Correction to Assessment Roll No. 434 To Remove Parcel No. 110017600 From the Assessment Roll Because the Property Is In Sauk Rapids Township
1. Open Public Hearing
2. Close Public Hearing
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Sauer and seconded by Councilperson Seamans to close the public hearing. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Consider Action
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Ellering and seconded by Councilperson Thronson to adopt the resolution removing Parcel No. 110017600 from Assessment Roll No. 434. Motion carried unanimously.
9. Consent Agenda
A. Approve 2023 Pay Equity Report
B. Approve Purchase of Truck Chassis for Street Department
C. Authorize SEH to Prepare Plans and Speci cations for the 2023 Windsor Estates 2 Improvements Project Contingent Upon Approval of Developer’s Agreement
D. Approve a Resolution to Authorize SEH to Prepare an Addendum to the Feasibility Study for the 2023 Overlay Improvements
E. Approve Staff Attendance at Mn Rural Water and Sewer Training
F. Approve 2023 Plumbing and Mechanical Contractor Licenses
G. Approve 2022 Fund Transfers
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Thronson and seconded by
required, or as agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required elds, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if I had signed this document under oath.
/s/ Terry L. Awiszus 03/20/2023
Notice is hereby given that the City Council of Sauk Rapids will meet in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 6:10 p.m. on May 8, 2023, to consider the making of the 2023 Overlay Improvements, an improvement on 4th Avenue North from 8th Street North to 2nd Street North, 3rd Street North from the alley between 2nd and 3rd Avenue North to 4th Avenue North, 4th Street North from the alley between 2nd and 3rd Avenue North to 4th Avenue North, 5th Street North from 3rd to 4th Avenue North, and 6th Street North from 3rd to 4th Avenue North by Full Depth Mill/Reclamation and Bituminous Overlay of the Streets, and Spot Reconstruction of Curb and Gutter pursuant to Minn. Stat. §§ 429.011 to 429.111. The area proposed to be assessed for such improvement is property along 4th Avenue North from 8th Street North to 2nd Street North, 3rd Street North from the alley between 2nd and 3rd Avenue North to 4th Avenue North, 4th Street North from the alley between 2nd and 3rd Avenue North to 4th Avenue North, 5th Street North from 3rd to 4th Avenue North, and 6th Street North from 3rd to 4th Avenue North. The estimated cost of the improvement is $485,000. A reasonable estimate of the impact of the assessment will be available at the hearing. Such persons as desire to be heard with reference to the proposed improvement will be heard at this meeting.
Ross OlsonCity Administrator
Published in Sauk Rapids Herald on April 15 and 22, 2023. R-15-2B
Councilperson Sauer to approve consent agenda item 9A-9G. Motion carried unanimously.
10. Regular Agenda
A. Windsor Estates Two
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Sauer and seconded by Councilperson Thronson to approve the Planned Unit Development Agreement and Development Agreement that will be executed and recorded between the City and the Applicant. Motion carried unanimously.
B. 2023 Overlay Improvements
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Ellering and seconded by Councilperson Thronson to approve the Resolution Approving Plans and Speci cations and Authorizing Advertisement for Bids for the 2023 Overlay Improvements. Motion carried unanimously.
11. Other Staff Items
A. Police Of cer Swearing in Discussion
Perry Beise requested that the swearing in of new of cers be moved to a Wednesday evening at 5:00 PM as it works better for the Police Department scheduling. He noted that he will work with Administration to post the swearing in ceremony as a public meeting of the Sauk Rapids City Council once a date is selected.
B. Citizen of the Year
Ross Olson reminded anyone wanting to nominate someone for the 2023 Sauk Rapids Citizen of the Year that nominations will be accepted through April 10th. Nomination forms are available at City Hall or on the City’s website.
12. Other Council Items and Communications
13. Approve List of Bills and Claims
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Thronson and seconded by Councilperson Ellering to approve the List of Bills and Claims. Motion carried unanimously.
14. Adjournment
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Thronson and seconded by Councilperson Seamans to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Hunstiger adjourned the meeting at 6:19 PM R-15-1B
Parents: Angela Djoumbaye and Yacine Djoumbaye
Sauk Rapids-Rice High School speech team. I placed no lower than second in poetry during the regular season.
What do you enjoy most about being on the speech team? I enjoy being on the speech team because of the people around us. Even at a speech competition, everyone – no matter if you compete in the same room – is so nice. We all love each other and lift each other up.
What has been the highlight of your speech career? In my senior year, I finally placed first at three meets. Central Lakes Conference and Melrose competitions are some of the most memorable times where I have placed first.
What other activities are you involved in at school or in the community? I work at the Dairy Queen most of the time I am not in speech.
What life lesson has being involved in activities taught you? It has taught me to listen. Being in speech, I have learned to listen and to have patience through listening to everyone’s speech. Sometimes it was hard to sit still, but being in this activity for so long, I have learned to become a better listener, and it has given me the confidence to publicly speak.
What SRR teacher has made an impact on your life? Ms. Chambers. She was always there as a teacher and as an adviser. No matter what through my first two years, she was so supportive and sweet to me.
What board or yard game is your favorite to play with friends and family? Uno. It has been a fun game that everyone played and is always something to do when I’m bored.
What is your dream job? My dream job is to be in the human resources department. I would love to become a manager of this department for a business and help to find people to work there and to help keep people safe in the workplace.
If you could travel anywhere for free, where would you book tickets to? Cancun, Mexico. My aunt took me there a few weeks ago, and I was fascinated by the ocean and the environment around us. I would love to go back and take a longer time to explore the environment.