Sauk Rapids Herald - June 25, 2022

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Soaking up sunshine


Delilah Martin, of St. Cloud, runs through the splash pad water June 21 at Autumn Ridge Park in Sauk Rapids. Temperatures on the first day of summer reached 84 degrees by 4 p.m.


Heat, humidity ushers in summer A blast of heat and humidity blanketed central Minnesota beginning June 19 as the rst day of summer approached. The National Weather Service issued a heat advisory for the entire state – including an excessive heat warning for central Minnesota – June 20, and temperatures at the St. Cloud Regional Airport reached 100 degrees with a dewpoint of 67 degrees shortly before 4 p.m. that day. Late-night showers and thunderstorms Monday evening brought some relief from the high temperatures for the rst day of summer, June 21, and wind gusts helped break up the heat midday. At 4 p.m. Tuesday in Sauk Rapids, it was 84 degrees with wind gusts as high as 33 mph, and many people were making use of the parks in the city.

Sauk Rapids residents Evonne Schmidtbauer and her niece, Harper Lardy, spend some time near the swings at Sauk Rapids Lions Sunset Park June 21 in Sauk Rapids. The improvements made at the park are part of a larger project area which the city named The Clearing.


Summer page 15

Nasyr Grinnell, of St. Cloud, jumps and plays in the water at the Autumn Ridge Park splashpad June 21 in Sauk Rapids. A newly-opened water feature at Sauk Rapids Lions Sunset Park was closed the first day of summer due to mechanical issues.


City of Sauk Rapids from page 18

SAUK RAPIDS HERALD | SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 2022 | Page 19 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS CITY OF RICE RICE, MINNESOTA 4TH AVENUE NE EXTENSION MOORE PROJECT NO. 21007J General Notice Owner is requesting Bids for the construction of the project listed above. Bids for the construction of the Project will be received and accepted via electronic bid (vBid) through QuestCDN until July 21, 2022 at 10:30 a.m local time. Bids will be viewed and read via video/phone conference at 11:00 a.m. Mailed or hand delivered bids will not be opened or considered. Link for the video/phone conference is provided at by clicking the Bid Information tab, or at . The Project includes the following Work: The extension of 4th Avenue NE by approximately 600-feet. The new bituminous street will be constructed to an urban section, 32-feet wide. Sanitary sewer & watermain will be extended as part of the project to serve the two lots with frontage on TH 10. Additional watermain work will be completed to provide looping in the area around the elementary school. Obtaining the Bidding Documents Complete Digital project documents are available at by clicking on the Bid Information tab and/or Input the QuestCDN Project No. 8241174 on the website’s project search page to download the digital documents for $20.00. Contact QuestCDN Customer Support at 952-233-1632 or info@questcdn. com for assistance in membership registration, downloading digital project information, and vBid online bid submittal questions. Project bid documents must be downloaded from QuestCDN which will add your company to the Planholder List and allow access to vBid online bidding for the submittal of your bid (which is required for this project). Bidders will be charged a fee of $20.00 to submit a bid electronically. For this project, bids will Only be received and accepted via the online electronic bid service through QuestCDN. com. The Issuing Of ce for the Bidding Documents is: Moore Engineering, Inc. 3315 Roosevelt Road, Suite 300, St. Cloud, MN 56301 Prospective Bidders may examine the Bidding Documents at the Issuing Of ce Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Partial sets of Bidding Documents will not be available from the Issuing Of ce. Neither Owner nor Engineer will be responsible for full or partial sets of Bidding Documents, including addenda, if any, obtained from sources other than the Issuing Of ce. All Bids shall be accompanied with a signed statement under oath by the Bidder’s owner or of cer verifying compliance with Minn. Stat. 16C.285 meeting the “Responsible Contractor” requirements. Also included will be a list of all of its rst-tier subcontractors that it intends to retain for work on the project. 1. Any prime contractor or subcontractor that does not meet the minimum criteria established for a responsible contractor as de ned by Minn. Stat. 16C.285 Subd. 3 or fails to verify that it meets those criteria is not a “Responsible Contractor” and is not eligible to be awarded a construction contract for the project or to perform work on the project. 2. A false statement under oath verifying compliance with any of the minimum criteria shall make the prime contractor or subcontractor that makes the false statement ineligible to be awarded a construction project and may result in termination of a contract awarded to a prime contractor or subcontractor that submits a false statement. 3. A prime contractor shall submit to the contracting authority, upon request, copies of the signed veri cations of compliance from all subcontractors. Instructions to Bidders. For all further requirements regarding bid submittal, quali cations, procedures, and contract award, refer to the Instructions to Bidders that are included in the Bidding Documents. This Advertisement is issued by: Owner: City of Rice By: Julie Fandel Title: City Clerk Date: June 25, 2022 – Sauk Rapids Herald R-25-1B

Notice Request for Proposal Central MN Council on Aging will publish a competitive request for proposal (RFP) for the following federal Older Americans Act for services in the calendar year 2023: Title III E Caregiver Support Services. RFP will be posted to our website on or about June 22, 2022. Visit our website: http:// for further information and RFP R-25-1B

City of Sauk Rapids page 20

Page 20 | SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 2022 | SAUK RAPIDS HERALD BENTON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 7, 2022 The Benton County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on June 7, 2022, in the Benton County Board Room in Foley, MN. Call to order by Chair Steve Heinen was at 9:00 AM followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the ag. A roll call showed Commissioners Beth Schlangen, Scott Johnson, Steve Heinen, Jared Gapinski and Ed Popp present. County Administrator Montgomery Headley requested to amend the Regular Agenda to add the discussion of the MNDOT Construction Partnership Agreement and the discussion of the new public street connection onto CSAH 33 in Sartell as the second and third items under County Engineer Chris Byrd at 9:35 AM, and to add the discussion of allocating American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to City water/wastewater projects by Commissioner Heinen between County Engineer Chris Byrd’s Agenda items and Commissioner Meeting Updates. Motion carried unanimously. No one was present to speak under Open Forum. Motion by Gapinski and seconded by Johnson to approve the Consent Agenda items 1 - 11: 1) approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of May 17, 2022 and authorize the Chair to sign; 2) approve the 2023 Budget and Development Calendar and Budget Development Guidelines; 3) approve the Park Commission appointments of Paul Wesenberg and Greg Bruestle for three-year terms; 4) approve the application for County Combination On-Sale, Off Sale & Sunday Liquor license for Jack & Jim’s and Coyote Moon Grill & Lounge and authorize the Chair to sign; 5) approve a one-day 3.2 Beer License for St. Elizabeth Church on June 26, 2022 for the annual church bazaar and authorize the Chair to sign; 6) approve an application for Off Sale Liquor License for Midwest Investment LLC d/b/a Mini Mart #10 and authorize the Chair to sign; 7) approve one year contracts for local assessing services for Sauk Rapids Township, City of Sauk Rapids, and the City of Foley between Benton County and local assessor and authorize the Chair to sign; 8) approve the 2022 SCORE Grant Applications Round II; 9) approve the adoption of the Benton County Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC) Bylaws; 10) approve the nal payment to Knife River for project SP 005-007-008; 11) accept the donation of $800 from Rice Lions Club to Police Activities League (PAL) program and authorize the Chair to sign. Motion carried unanimously. Next, Chair Heinen presented a retirement award to Benton County’s Emergency Management Director James (Jim) McDermott in appreciation for 16 years of loyal and distinguished service to Benton County. McDermott’s retirement is effective June 30, 2022. Next on the agenda was County Administrator Montgomery Headley’s request for proposals (RFP) for a space needs assessment and conceptual design services. The RFP will seek professional services to assist the County with space needs planning now that the purchase of the former High School site in Foley is complete. The RFP focuses on potential new construction on this site, as well as remodeling portions of the County’s existing Government Center. THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: May 27, 2015 MORTGAGOR: Darren E Thovson, a single man. MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Plaza Home Mortgage Inc. its successors and assigns. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded June 10, 2015 Benton County Recorder, Document No. 409984. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC. Dated February 18, 2022 Recorded February 18, 2022, as Document No. 458900. TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. TRANSACTION AGENT’S MORTGAGE

I D E N T I F I C AT I O N NUMBER ON M O R T G A G E : 100109800002939941 LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: Plaza Home Mortgage Inc. RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: LoanCare, LLC M O RT G A G E D PROPERTY ADDRESS: 215 - 219 6th Street Northeast, Saint Cloud, MN 56304 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 170079100 L E G A L DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot Three (3) in Block Ten (10), in St. Cloud Park (now a part of the City of St. Cloud), according to the plat and survey thereof on le and of record in the Of ce of the County Recorder in and for Benton County, Minnesota. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Benton O R I G I N A L PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $88,369.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING


It does not seek services for detailed, construction-ready plans. Instead, the RFP asks for assistance with conceptual designs and approximate cost estimation to aid in the County’s planning. Motion by Johnson and seconded by Gapinski to send out the Request for Proposals Space Needs Assessment and Conceptual Design Services. Motion carried unanimously. Next, Headley discussed matching funds for Parks Legacy Grant and other grant-related costs. The Park Commission is currently working with SRF Consulting on an application for a State Legacy Fund grant. Funds will be used for projects at Bend in the River Park. SRF has developed estimated costs for various projects, with a range between $500,000 and $1 million. SRF recommends identifying a local match of 15% since a higher match adds to the score given to a grant application. This would result in a local match in the range of $75,000 to $150,000. SRF has requested County concurrence on local match, which must be identi ed when the grant application is due July 29th. In addition, SRF recommends setting aside $75,000 for DNR-required reviews (environmental assessments, state historic preservation) and design/project management costs in excess of the 10% covered by the Legacy Grant. Motion by Gapinski and seconded by Heinen to authorize a local match of up to $225,000 for a Legacy Fund grant application and funding for other costs post-award. Motion carried unanimously. Next, Gapinski requested to discuss creating a City/ County/Township/School District collaboration to provide general updates. Gapinski suggested one member be appointed to this collaboration from each City/County/Township/School District, and Gapinski volunteered himself to be the member from Benton County. Gapinski suggested this committee would meet every 2-3 months. There was a consensus by the County Board to proceed with the creation of the City/County/Township/School District collaboration. The Regular County Board meeting was recessed at 9:49 AM to conduct a Human Services Board Meeting. The Regular Board meeting reconvened at 10:01 AM. Next, County Engineer Chris Byrd discussed the Administrative Agreement with the City of Rice. The City of Rice received a Transportation Alternatives grant to build a trail in the Fox Meadows neighborhood. Benton County is the project sponsor for these federal funds. Rice will need to get started soon on preliminary engineering (City cost), and it would be prudent to execute an agreement between the County and the City to clearly establish the administrative roles of each entity. In the Agreement, the City of Rice will hire their own engineer to provide all engineering services required to complete the project. After plans have acquired the necessary approvals, Benton County will advertise and hold the bid opening. Upon receipt of valid bids, Benton County will award a construction contract to the successful bidder. Benton County will hold the construction contract, and therefore will be issuing intermediate payments to the contractor for completed and accepted work. We will invoice monthly the City of Rice for their cost participation. Then, we will submit payment request to MNDOT for reimbursement of the federal eligible costs. Byrd is recommending a 3% administrative fee cost be

added due to Benton County managing the agreement. This agreement has received preliminary review by the County Attorney’s of ce. There was a consensus of the County Board to move forward with executing an agreement between Benton County and the City of Rice to clearly establish the administrative roles of each entity. Next, Byrd discussed the MNDOT Construction Partnership Agreement. Byrd stated MNDOT would like to partner with Benton County to install a MNDOT-owned conduit as part of the County’s Broadband St. Cloud to Foley project. This agreement provides for MNDOT to reimburse the County for costs incurred on the project due to MNDOT owned features. Section 6 of the agreement details estimated costs. These are only estimates and subject to change. Actual costs will be determined by bid prices received at the time of Contract Award. If bid prices are higher than these estimated costs a Contract Amendment will need to be executed. The costs incurred for engineering are in a separate agreement. Motion by Johnson and seconded by Gapinski to approve the MNDOT Construction Partnership Agreement. Motion carried unanimously. Next, Byrd discussed the new public street connection onto CSAH 33 in Sartell. Byrd stated the City of Sartell is working with landowners of the former Verso Paper mill site in Sartell. The City/Developer is proposing to create a new street across onto CSAH 33 and close the existing access to the paper mill site. The new access would become a city street and would be only 480’ from the signalized intersection at CSAH 29. Currently, the accesses to the paper mill site align well with city blocks and the streets on the opposing side of CSAH 33. The proposed access point would create an “Offset Intersection” with 3rd ST NE. This creates a traf c concern with opposing left-turn movements. Byrd requested to continue this discussion at a future Committee of the Whole. Next, Byrd provided an Engineering update for informational purposes only. No action was taken; no motion was made. Next, County Board members reported on Commissioner updates and recent meetings they attended on behalf of the County. Under Comments by Commissioners, Johnson requested the County Board to set a date and time for the Employee Recognition picnic provided by County Commissioners. The Employee Recognition Picnic will be held on Monday, July 18, 2022 from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Johnson/Gapinski to set Committees of the Whole: Road Tour on Tuesday, June 14, 2022 will begin at the Benton County Highway Department instead of the County Boardroom at 8:00 AM; CSAH 1 Corridor Study at Sauk Rapids City Hall, 250 Summit Ave N, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379, 5:00 PM. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Johnson and seconded by Heinen to adjourn the Regular Board Meeting at 11:13 PM. Motion carried unanimously. Steven J. Heinen, Chair Benton County Board of Commissioners ATTEST: Montgomery Headley Benton County Administrator R-25-1B

NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE TAXES, IF ANY, PAID to pay the debt then BY MORTGAGEE: secured by said Mortgage, $86,047.92 and taxes, if any, on said That prior to the premises, and the costs and commencement of this disbursements, including mortgage foreclosure attorneys’ fees allowed by proceeding Mortgagee/ law subject to redemption Assignee of Mortgagee within six (6) months from complied with all notice the date of said sale by the requirements as required mortgagor(s), their personal by statute; That no action representatives or assigns or proceeding has been unless reduced to Five instituted at law or otherwise (5) weeks under MN Stat. to recover the debt secured §580.07. by said mortgage, or any TIME AND DATE TO part thereof; VACATE PROPERTY: If PURSUANT to the the real estate is an ownerpower of sale contained in occupied, single-family said mortgage, the above dwelling, unless otherwise described property will be provided by law, the date sold by the Sheriff of said on or before which the county as follows: mortgagor(s) must vacate the DATE AND TIME OF property if the mortgage is SALE: August 16, 2022 at not reinstated under section 10:00 AM 580.30 or the property is PLACE OF SALE: not redeemed under section Benton County Sheriff’s 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on Of ce, 581 Highway 23 February 16, 2023, unless Northeast Foley, MN that date falls on a weekend


City of Sauk Rapids from page 19

DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED.” Dated: June 15, 2022 Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee LIEBO, WEINGARDEN, DOBIE & BARBEE, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/ Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 100 - 22-002623 FC IN THE EVENT REQUIRED BY FEDERAL LAW: THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. R-25-6B



Youth baseball, softball fields undergo improvements Project funded through charitable gambling, school district BY TOM FENTON STAFF WRITER


A crew member from Turf Magic, a baseball and softball field renovation company based in Rogers, spreads lime on the infield of a youth field June 21 at Bob Cross Park in Sauk Rapids. More than 75 tons of lime were distributed over seven fields as part of an improvement project. a great way to put something back in for the kids and the community.” About $24,000 of the funds for the project came from charitable gambling from the association’s booth at Jimmy’s Pour House. The remaining $4,000 came from the school district to replace base anchors at youth elds at Bob Cross Park, which are used in the spring by middle school baseball and softball teams. In the past couple of years, the association

Joel Paul, president of the Sauk Rapids Youth Baseball Association, (right) goes over plans to renovate one of the youth baseball fields June 21 at Bob Cross Park in Sauk Rapids with a crew member from Turf Magic. Seven fields, including a junior varsity field at Sauk Rapids-Rice High School, are getting improvements with the help of funds donated by the school district and charitable gambling from Jimmy’s Pour House.

has worked with Scheel’s, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Play-It-Again Sports, G & J Awning and Wippler Hardware Hank for additional equipment. With the elds deteriorating, Paul said this was the perfect time for the project. Among the bigger issues was the lime in elds had depleted enough to cause large dips between the edge of the in eld and out eld grass. Dips such as these can cause the ball to take bad hops, which is a signi cant injury risk. Many of the elds also had incorrect distances between bases and from the pitching mound to home plate. Fields were expected to remain playable during construction as crews were scheduled to nish their daily duties by 5 p.m. each day to ensure no interruption of games and practices. “We want people to know that when you go play pull tabs at Jimmy’s and you don’t win, you’re really helping out a good cause,” Paul said. “There are so many partnerships that go into making a project like this happen.” Construction is being done by Turf Magic, a Rogers-based eld renovation company. About 75 tons of lime was hauled to Bob Cross Park in three semi loads. Work immedi-

ately began on spreading the lime to the in elds to ll in the dips on in eld edges. Field No. 3 at Sauk Rapids-Rice High School, Paul said, will receive the most attention as it is heavily used despite incorrect measurements. “The way the community comes behind us

Herb Koch of Turf Magic, a Rogers-based baseball and softball field company, points to his partner while surveying one of the youth fields June 21 at Bob Cross Park in Sauk Rapids. Many of the distances between bases were incorrect and will be fixed as part of the project. is spectacular,” Paul said. “We do eld cleanup every spring and fall and a ton of people show up. It just shows that baseball is a

big program in our area. We’re beyond excited to do this project. It takes the whole community to do this.”



A quick look at the baseball and softball elds used for Sauk Rapids-Rice Middle School and youth teams revealed the necessity of a facelift. Thanks to funds from charitable gambling and a donation from the school district, players will soon be enjoying much-improved playing conditions. Seven elds in Sauk Rapids, including ve at Bob Cross Park, are undergoing a week’s worth of renovations to make the elds not only more visibly pleasing but also safer. The approximately $30,000 project started June 21 and was expected to be complete by the end of the week. “The importance to me is the kids deserve it,” said Joel Paul, president of the Sauk Rapids Youth Baseball Association. “Our elds weren’t in terrible shape, but we need to spend money as a non-pro t. And, this is


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