A wooden dock on the north shore of Little Rock Lake holds memories for the Wainright and Perske families. The structure is said to be the oldest dock on the lake, according to lake residents, with portions dating back to 1952. dock If the dock at 34 N. Freedom Road in Rice could talk, it undoubtedly would have a few things to share about its nearly 70-year history. But perhaps the remnant pieces of wood which have been boarded together need no voice; for their stories live on in each and every family member who has called the property a home away from home. Dock page 2 County Fair page 12
Primary election page 5
Footloose at the fair PHOTO BY MAURA WENNER Brady Montag (from left) and Maddie Montag, of Rice, and Natilee Montag, of Foley, toss whiffle balls with Lisa Montag, of Sauk Rapids, Aug. 3 during a game at the Benton County Fair. The 109th annual Benton County Fair took place Aug. 2-7 in Sauk Rapids. old Gerads shares about family lake property BY NATASHA BARBER STAFF WRITER PHOTO BY NATASHA BARBER
Benton Gitch,votesCountyScherbingtoadvance
Primary election reduces candidates for electiongeneralballot BY NATASHA BARBER STAFF WRITER
Vol. 168, No. 19Saturday, August 13, 2022 Same Local Coverage Since 1854. 2 Second Ave. S., Suite 135, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 ofnewspaperThetodayisthehistoryoftomorrow. PUBLIC NOTICES • Assumed Name - Sholing Construction - pg. 14 • Notice of Sheriff ’s Sale - pg. 14 • City of Sauk Rapids Notice of Hearing on Improvement - pg. 14 • Sauk Rapids-Rice Schools Reg. Board Meeting Minutes, July 18 - pg. 14
Editor’s note: The information shared in this article includes races that were featured on the primary election ballot only. Those area, state and federal races that did not require a primary are not detailed. Look for future issues of the Sauk Rapids Herald for information on all area upcoming candidates to appear on the general election ballot Nov. 8. Benton County residents voted for change Aug. 9 as they took to Minnesota’s primary election polls. In the county auditor-treasurer race that has been highly-publicized due to controversy over incumbent Nadean Inman’s residency, constituents chose Sean Gitch and Christine Scherbing to advance to the next stage of the election.“Iwas excited and glad to see I had as much support as I did,” said Gitch, who received the highest number of votes at 1,098 or 31.52%.
Ricepreviewfestival page 4
PHOTO SUBMITTED (Top, right) Bev (Wainright) Gerads (left) and her brother, Tom Wainright, fish from a dock with cane poles in the 1950s. Fishing was a common pastime for the family.

The Old Creamery Café hosts its annual tractor pull Aug. 21, 2021, in Rice. The event is back this year and will put on by Wild Card Pulling.
DPB sings for a group of youngsters at Party in the Park Aug. 21, 2021, in Rice. Bridge Church will host its fifth annual event beginning at 5 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 20. A parade makes its way down North Division Street Aug. 21, 2021, in Rice. Rice Family Summer Festival, the annual community event under a new name, will be Saturday, Aug. 20, with most activities taking place near the Corner Pocket Saloon-N-Eatery.
Highlights of the day will include an 11:30 a.m. kids parade followed by the regular parade at noon. In atables, kids games, face painting, and food and craft vendors will line the street near Jeurissen’s venue.“We will also have a horseshoe game, and bean bag, volleyball and softball tournaments,” Jeurissen said. “If I was 5, I would want to go and jump in all the in atables, but mostly I am looking forward to watching everyone have a great time.”
Sauk Rapids Herald (USPS 21690) is published weekly, 52 times a year, by Star Publications, 2 2nd Ave S., Suite 135, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379-1651. Second-class Postage paid at Sauk Rapids, MN 56379.
BY MAURA WENNER STAFF WRITER year because I have had more time to do it,” she said. “In previous years, I assisted very little in having a hand in Rice days. We always had our own doings at the Corner Pocket. When it was Prime Time, I would assist in making sure activities were going on for it.”
Events surrounding Rice Family Summer Festival
Page 4 | SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 2022 | SAUK RAPIDS HERALD NEWS 2 Second Ave. S., Suite 135 Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 (320) 251-1971 Mark Klaphake mark.k@dairystar.com .................General Manager Joyce Frericks joyce@saukherald.com .............Business Manager Missy Traeger missy@saukherald.com....................Sales Manager Natasha Barber natasha@saukherald.com ................................Editor Nancy Powell nancy.p@dairystar.com ...............................Manager Tim Vos tim@saukherald.com .................................Marketing Maria Bichler ........................................................................Copy Editor Tom Fenton tom.f@star-pub.com......................................Reporter Evan Michealson evan.m@star-pub.com .................................Reporter Jakob Kounkel jakob.k@star-pub.com...................................Reporter Maura Wenner ................................................................................Reporter Amanda Thooft amanda@saukherald.com ..Production Manager Pat Turner pat@saukherald.com ...................Graphic Designer Advertising: Our ad takers have no authority to bind this newspaper, and only publication of an advertisement shall constitute final acceptance of the advertiser’s order. Subscription Rates: Free in Sauk Rapids and Rice P.O. boxes, city routes and rural routes. Benton, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Sherburne and Stearns counties$53 per Elsewhereyearin Minnesota - $60 • Outside Minnesota - $63 per year $5 per month for snowbirds Letters: Letters to the editor and other opinion articles are welcomed. Letters must be signed with first and last name and include address and phone number. Letters should be short and to the point (400 words or less). The political letters to the editor policy can be found online under “Contact Us.” Corrections/Clarifications: The Herald strives for accuracy. If you would like to report a factual error, please call 320-251-1971. Official newspaper of Benton County, the cities of Sauk Rapids and Rice and Independent School District No. 47 Hours: Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Maddy Peterson maddy@star-pub.com .................Graphic Designer Cheyenne Carlson Cheyenne@star-pub.com...........Graphic Designer Karen Knoblach kare.k@star-pub.com ...................Graphic Designer Kayla Hunstiger kayla@saukherald.com ..Specials Sections Editor Jennifer Coyne jenn@saukherald.com ..................................Reporter Warren Stone warren@star-pub.com ...............................Marketing Bob Leukam bob.l@star-pub.com .................................. Marketing Robin Brunette robin@saukherald.com ..........................Inside Sales Lorie Swedenburg lorie@saukherald.com ..............................Circulation Amy McChesney amy.m@star-pub.com..........................Bookkeeping Gretchen Jennissen office@saukherald.com .......................Bookkeeping Kathy Banke .....................................................................Bookkeeping Logan Thomas logan@saukherald.com .........................Sign Design
Deadlines: The deadline for most news in the Herald is 5 p.m. Wednesday. Exceptions are obituaries which have a deadline of 10 a.m. Thursday. The deadline for advertisements in the Herald is 5 p.m. Wednesday. The Sauk Rapids Herald is furnished free because of the advertisers. Please let them know you appreciate it. A mainstay on the third Saturday in August is back for its 30thBut,year.theevent comes with a newRicename.Family Summer Festival will debut under its new title Saturday, Aug. 20. The Rice City Council is slated to approve the nal permit at its Aug. 15 addactivitiesCreameryMovietheBridgeAmericanmadeWallparadeofcommitteeofcouncilsaid.(organizingpreparingJeurissenSaloon-N-Eatery,ownerOrganizermeeting.andseven-yearoftheCornerPocketRhondahasbeenbusyfortheevent.“Thisismysecondyearevents),”Jeurissen“Beforethatthecivicwasincharge.”FollowingthedissolutiontheRiceFamilyFunDaysin2021,thecityRiceorganizedtheannualtocoincidewithTheThatHealsappearancepossiblebytheRiceLegionAuxiliary,Church’sPartyinPark,RiceRecreation’sintheParkandtheOldCafé’stractorpull.Jeurissenplannedaroundhervenuetotothecommunityfestival.“Itwillbebiggerthanlast
Parade – Beginning at noon, the parade will start near city hall on East Main Street and proceed east before turning onto North Division Street and past the Corner Pocket Saloon-N-Eatery. The staging area includes Fourth Street Northeast and Third Avenue Northeast and parade viewers are welcome to sit alongside these roadways as well.
Tractor Pull – From 2-6 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 20, the Old Creamery Café will host its annual tractor pull, which is organized by Wild Card Pulling, of Paynesville.The event takes place between the restaurant and the Rice Quick Clean Car Wash. Party in the Park – In its fifth year, Bridge Church hosts Party in the Park beginning at 5 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 20. The event, located at 205 Sixth Ave. SW, Rice, features a free concert, food and games in a family-friendly environment.
Annual event a go Rice Family Summer Festival primed for first year
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Sauk Rapids Herald, 2 2nd Ave S, Suite 135, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379-1651.
The tournaments will be held near the Corner Pocket Saloon-n-Eatery. Two bands will be set up in the bar’s parking lot along with activities such as a dunk tank and an ax throwing trailer. “Mostly I am keeping it the same, because it’s my rst year, and I know what’s usually there and what people are looking for,” Jeurissen said. “Next year, I would like to potentially start Friday and run through Sunday like nearby towns do – if that’s a possibility.”Whilethe festivities normally surround Main Street, this year the location will shift to Division Street North between Second Street Northeast and Fourth Street Northeast. Jeurissen said the shift is for safety. Area organizations and businesses have continued their involvement with the traditional movie in the park, party in the park and tractor pull “It’sevents.been super fun organizing,” Jeurissen said. “I like to throw parties of any kind. It’s rejuvenating pulling everything together and seeing the end piece, how it unfolds and plays out. It’s kind of neat.”Jeurissen said there is always room for others to help organize if interested, especially with coordinating the parade and sports tournaments.“It’simportant for a small little town or any town to come together as a community and get to know each other and be able to have fun together,” Jeurissen said. Movie in the Park – Beginning at dusk, Friday, Aug. 19, the Rice Recreation Department will host the movie, “Dog,” at Lions Municipal Park, known to many as the ballfields. The movie features Channing Tatum as Briggs alongside a Belgian Malinois dog named LuLu in a road-trip comedy.
Kiddie Parade – The kids parade will begin prior to the regular parade at 11:30 a.m. Hosted by the Rice Women of Today, the theme for the kids parade is What I Want to be When I Grow Up. Participants should meet in front of the post office no later than 11:25 a.m. and may decorate bikes, wagons, strollers, scooters, power wheels and more. Participants may also walk.

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Benton County
BY TOM FENTON Sarah Elliott (from left), Emma Kaschmitter and Brenda Kaschmitter, all of Sauk Rapids, eat a variety of food and drink options during the opening day of the Benton County Fair Aug. 2 in Sauk Rapids. The ladies found shade to get relief from a heat index that topped 100 degrees. the QR tosmartphonewithcodeyourcameraonyourviewevenmorephotos. N Benton Dr | Sauk Rapids 320-251-4771 www.dandbautobody.biz(320) 253-8683 Sauk Rapids, MN
Maus, of Pierz, speaks to swine judge Dean Compart Aug. 2 at the Benton County Fair in Sauk Rapids. Maus showed his pig, Bambi, during the novice class of the swine show as a member of the Green Acres 4-H Club.
PHOTO BY NATASHA BARBER Brothers Jason Ploof (front) plays guitar and Justin Ploof sings as members of Mason Dixon Line Aug. 5 in Sauk Rapids. The band, which also features Micah Barrett on bass and Tony Mazzone on drums, was one of six bands that played on the beer garden stage throughout the Benton County Fair.
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PHOTOS BY NATASHA BARBER (Above) Janice Schovelain and Jerry Leeman, of Becker, dance to the song “Soul Man” performed by Saintrio at the Cottonwood Stage Aug. 5 in Sauk Rapids. The Benton County Fair provided many dancing opportunities for the couple that has been married three years. (Left) Monty Kampa, of Duelm, tries a game of bingo Aug. 5 at the Benton County Fair. The Sauk Rapids Lions host bingo each year.
FAIR 2022
Page 12 | SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 2022 | SAUK RAPIDS HERALD midway and carnival.Emmettyear-oldThree-BARBERNATASHABYPHOTO
PHOTO BY JAKOB KOUNKEL Kennedy Hansen (front), of Cold Spring, and Isabel Ihrke, of Sauk Rapids, race rubber ducks Aug. 4 at the Benton County Fair. In addition to live animals at the FFA Barnyard, the area was surrounded by activities forPHOTOkids.

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15 agenda
updates majority
SAUK RAPIDS HERALD | SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 2022 | Page 19NEWS 320 -352- 657 320-352-65777 Located in the Sauk Centre Herald Office 522 Sinclair Lewis Avenue | Sauk Centre, MN 563788 NEED A SIGN? We’ve got you covered! Sauk Centre, MN (320) 352-6577 SIGN Design Decals • Signs • Magnets & More Logan Thomas,Logan Thomas, Designer & Sign Creator& Sign Creator (Only $10 for each additional publication) *Submit your copy and payment to the Sauk Rapids Herald Office 2 Second Ave. S., Suite 135, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 (320) 251-1971 or email kayla@saukherald.com*All ads MUST be pre-paid! sizeadActual $15.00 GARAGE Place Your Ad Today! SALES Cost: Cost: 43632 Yellowwood Rd. Sauk Rapids GARAGE SALE Saturday, May 4th 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, May 3rd 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Clothes, clothes, clothes! Junior, misses, womens, mens, books, DVDs, home decor, kitchen items, SomethingStampin’Snowbabies,Upproducts,toys,babyitems.forEveryone! Dates of Sale: Please run my salegaragein: BentonCountyNews RapidsSaukHerald Brief description of items for sale: (please keep under 50 words) Address of Garage Sale: Phone:Name: This infomation will only be used if we need to contact you. This information will not appear in the garage sale ad. 32 Ye SamSmpemple y, o y o Somethingtampin’items,omens,misses,clothes,p.m.clothwomenbooks,DVDs,decor,kitcSnowbaUpptoys,babyfpl www.curlysheating.com320-252-4883 Residential Heating & Air ServiceConditioning&Installation R10-tfnb-TV
The Watab Township board will meet at 7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 15, after the meeting was pushed back due to the primary election this Scheduledmonth.on the agenda is a discussion on the 5- to 10-year road plan and upcoming road projects for 2023, 2024 and 2025 construction seasons. Also slated are updates on the quiet railway crossing at 105th Street Northwest; the Sucker Creek Northwest, Sharon Place Northwest and Indian Road Northwest road construction; and the Lake Andrew development road construction.Barring any unforeseen circumstances, the rst lift of bituminous is scheduled to be placed on the Lake Andrew roads in late August. Sucker Creek Northwest, Sharon Place Northwest and Indian Road Northwest are to have their second lift of bituminous placed by mid-September. road discussion, of Aug.
The Watab Board of Supervisors is comprised of chair Julie Johnson, Steven Wollak and Bill Little. At the July 12 meeting, Johnson proposed to Wollak and Little that the board begin discussion on the 10-year plan. “Over the next couple months, we should start thinking about our 10-year plan and start building that maintenance schedule,” she said. “Looking out and building that out for the next generation of supervisors for when we’re not here.”Road maintenance can include anything from full reconstruction to reclamation, overlays, chip sealing, crack lling and pothole repair.Johnson said she has road speci cations from previous discussions that the board can use while planning. In other board news: – At the July 12 meeting, the board approved a snow plowing contract with Hanson Paving, of Sauk Rapids. The two-year contract was awarded for $75,000 per year. Burski Excavating was the second quote received by the board at $78,500 per year. – Approved a transfer of $50,000 from the road and bridge fund to make the rst interest payment of the bond funding secured by the township for road repairs. Johnson said, at future annual meetings, the township will accommodate the bond payment within the township levy by lowering the road and bridge fund and adding that amount to the bond fund.

Daryl Sheetz, of Sauk Rapids, guides his horses through the obstacle course during the first event of the Draft Horse Show Aug. 3 at the Benton County Fair grandstand in Sauk Rapids. An appreciative crowd was treated to several impressive performances as owners directed their horses through various drills. If not, no big deal. It’s all about getting out there with the horses and playing withDriversthem.”competed in three events, directing a pair of horses in each as they pulled a trailer. The categories included an obstacle course, a hay bale race, a barrel race and a rescue race. In the obstacle course, drivers directed their horses over a large piece of plywood, through a series of barrels before having to back their trailer in between a set of four poles set up near the eld boundary – not an easy task.“The backing up is the tough part. It shouldn’t be that hard, but it is,” said Sheetz, who placed third in the obstacle course. “You just have to take your time. I’ve only driven these horses a couple times, and we got it done even though it wasn’t as fast as it could’ve been.”The competition obviously was not the rst for Luke Schendel of Lake George. He won rst and second place in three of the four events (with different sets of horses) and was rst and third in the obstacle course. Schendel backed his rst set of horses in between the poles as if he was driving a Volkswagen Beetle instead of guiding two massive horses.Dwaine Rosekrans, of Brainerd, also competed in the competition. He brought smiles to the crowd as he guided his two mini-mules, Lizzie and Eddie, through the obstacle course with his co-pilots, granddaughters Gracie and Fawn. He entered the competition on a whim and said he enjoyed the experience.“Ihadnoidea what pattern we were doing,” Rosekrans said. “I just followed the tracks of the ones who went before me.”
Tim and Jessi Veurink, of Premier Machine Farm & Carriage in Princeton, brought along their family, which included daughters Aleeri, 11, and Aikley, 9, who helped prepare their gray Shire horses, Wolkyn and Rahk, for their rst Draft Horse competition. Get to know the people behind Benton Ag Benton County News
BY TOM FENTON | STAFF WRITER PHOTOS BY TOM FENTON Dwaine Rosekrans, of Brainerd, along with his helper granddaughters Gracie and Fawn, direct their mini-mules, Lizzie and Eddie, during the Draft Horse Show Aug. 3 at the Benton County Fair grandstand in Sauk Rapids. Rosekrans has been competing in similar events for 30 years. Lane Hacker, of Stewart, takes a final preparation lap before the start of the Ranch Rodeo Aug. 2 at the Benton County Fair grandstand in Sauk Rapids. Several teams competed in five categories in the event.
Horse competitions debut at Benton County Fair Ranch Rodeo, Draft Horse games bring cheers, smiles to crowd
Herman Lensing Hometown: Greenwald What is your role at Star Publications: Writer and photographer Tell us about your family. Not married and no children. What are your hobbies? Reading, amateur baseball stats and theatre, particularly acting and writing plays. What superpower would you want? The ability to heal wounds and illness. page
This year’s Benton County Fair had an extra special treat for horse lovers.The 2022 edition of the six-day extravaganza on the east side of Sauk Rapids featured new events, which displayed the athleticism and precision of both riders and theirTheanimals.Ranch Rodeo by Birch Coulee Arena of Morton brought their event to the grandstand on a sweltering opening night Aug. 2. The next morning brought much cooler and drier weather, and the fans who showed up were treated to a competition testing the agility of large horses and the skill of their drivers. Both events were well-received with nicesized and appreciative crowds. Grandstand crowds were treated to a pair of regular favorites with two demolition derbies and a tractor pull as well as the autocross addition.TheDraft Horse event was organized by Becky Molitor and Daryl Sheetz, of Sauk Rapids. They operate RJ’s Stables and rst saw the event a few years ago in Valley City, North Dakota.“We thought it would be a fun thing to do here and bring in big draft horses,” Sheetz said. “We’re hoping it’ll get bigger down the road. It was fun to be involved. If we win something, great.
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