• Todd F. Ledin • Notice of Sheriff ’s Sale - pg. 14 • Probate Notice - Kropp - pg. 15 • Probate Notice - Wilcox - pg. 15 • Summons - pg. 15 • Hearing on Motion Notice - pg. 15 • City of Sauk Rapids - Ad for Bids - pg. 16 • Benton County Board of Commissioner Reg. Minutes, Aug. 16 - pg. 16 • Benton County Planning Commission Public Hearing - pg. 15 • Benton County Board of Commissioners Public Hearing - pg. 15 OBITUARY
Canning kitchen always open for Awesome Sauce pair

Aby Froiland, principal at Pleasantview Elementary School in Sauk Rapids, cuts a giant ribbon in front of a crowd of kindergartners and staff as the Sauk Rapids-Rice School District celebrated the first day of class in the new school building Sept. 6. First through fifth graders joined their kindergarten peers Sept. 7 in the building which replaced the former 50-year-old school.

What do you get when you combine two working moms who possess robust enthusiasm and vigor that could match their gardens?
Cathy Blais and Rebecca Dombrovski are the faces of P&V Awesome Sauce, a home canning business that has been building for eight years.

With garden harvest winding down, the two are gearing up for their rst scheduled sale of the fall season, a Fall Sip and Shop Oct. 8 at Back Shed Brewing in Waite Park.
Cathy Blais (left) and Rebecca Dombrovski stand in the canning kitchen at Dombrovski’s home Aug. 23 in Rice. The two women are the faces of P&V Awesome Sauce, a home canning business they launched in March 2020.

“The end of the garden season takes the cake,” said Blais, of Sauk Rapids, speaking of how fatigued the women become after spending the month of August up to their lids in canning tomatoes.
Vol. 168, No. 23Saturday, September 10, 2022 Same Local Coverage Since 1854. 2 Second Ave. S., Suite 135, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 The newspaper of today is the history of tomorrow. PUBLIC NOTICES Benton County page 5 P&V Awesome Sauce page 3 School page 2 Volleyball page 20 Countyarchitectselectsforspaceneedsstudy Commissioners eye office expansion
P&V Awesome Sauce.
FOLEY– Benton County commissioners continued with their intentions to expand the physical space in which county government operates. At the board’s Sept. 6 meeting, it selected GLT Architects of St. Cloud to study the county’s space needs –both for employees and the public.With high praise from employees in Stearns County government, who have worked with GLT Architects on a number of projects regarding building space in Stearns County, commissioners felt comfortable utilizing the architectural rm. There was no expense associated with the motion because the total cost will be dependent on the amount of time and resources the rm uses during the Commissionersstudy. hope to gain a better conceptual understanding of what Benton County government will need both now and in the future as the architectural rm will help forecast future needs.
A jar full of P&V

Manager Natasha
..Production Manager Pat Turner pat@saukherald.com ...................Graphic Designer Advertising: Our ad takers have no authority to bind this newspaper, and only publication of an advertisement shall constitute final acceptance of the advertiser’s order. Subscription Rates: Free in Sauk Rapids and Rice P.O. boxes, city routes and rural routes. Benton, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Sherburne and Stearns counties$53 per Elsewhereyearin Minnesota - $60 • Outside Minnesota - $63 per year $5 per month for snowbirds Letters: Letters to the editor and other opinion articles are welcomed. Letters must be signed with first and last name and include address and phone number. Letters should be short and to the point (400 words or less). The political letters to the editor policy can be found online under “Contact Us.” Corrections/Clarifications: The Herald strives for accuracy. If you would like to report a factual error, please call 320-251-1971. Official newspaper of Benton County, the cities of Sauk Rapids and Rice and Independent School District No. 47 Hours: Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.,
“The humane society also shared ideas on what they needed most –projects they wanted to accomplish but have not been able to,” Boehmer said. “The play yard was one of Withthem.”theidea planted in their heads, the girls were excited to have the opportunity

Tim Vos tim@saukherald.com Bichler
Gretchen Jennissen office@saukherald.com
Maura Wenner ................................................................................Reporter Amanda Thooft
Last week, a playground was unveiled in St. Cloud, but the recreational area was not found on park land or schoolInstead,grounds.eight Sauk Rapids area Girl Scouts – Ella Boehmer, Kaylee Ferschweiler, Ella Guggenberger, Ava Knowles, Ellen Miller, Ada Phillips, Linnea Travis and Alyvia Von Eschen – revealed their project Aug. 30 at the Tri-County Humane Society in St. Cloud.Troop 636 was busy working on the playground for nearly three months with hopes that the nished product will earn the junior level Scouts the Bronze Award. Troop leader Kari Boehmer is guiding the girls in the process.
“As a junior, the highest award you can earn is a Bronze Award and to earn that you have to go on what is called a Girl Scout jour-
The Sauk Rapids Herald is furnished free because of the advertisers. Please let them know you appreciate it.
Kathy Banke
Deadlines: The deadline for most news in the Herald is 5 p.m. Wednesday. Exceptions are obituaries which have a deadline of 10 a.m. Thursday. The deadline for advertisements in the Herald is 5 p.m. Wednesday.
Scouts build playground for furry friends
Cheyenne Carlson Cheyenne@star-pub.com...........Graphic Designer
Joyce Frericks joyce@saukherald.com
Sauk Rapids
“We couldn’t clear space on our own,” Boehmer said. “We had to nd some heavy equipment and people who could run it, and
Mark Klaphake mark.k@dairystar.com
yard.”With Boehmerhelphardarecan’tthereprojectnesses,graveldonatedmunitygrandparentsdonationsmonetaryfromtroopandcom-membersanditemssuchasfromlocalbusi-theGirlScoutbecameareality.“Thegirlslearnedisnothingtheyaccomplishiftheywillingtoputintheworkandaskforwhenit’sneeded,”said.
.................General Manager
................................Editor Nancy
Robin Brunette robin@saukherald.com Sales
Troop 636
After a group meeting in June, each girl left with a to-do list of what would be needed to start the physical work of creating the play yard.
.................................Marketing Maria
The Tri-County Humane Society play yard was unveiled at a ribbon-cutting ceremony Aug. 30 in St. Cloud. Eight Sauk Rapids-area Girl Scouts chose to create the play yard as their community project required to earn the Bronze Award.

........................................................................Copy Editor
Bob Leukam bob.l@star-pub.com .................................. Marketing
.................................Reporter Jakob
we needed sponsors to help us with funding. The girls used $2,500 of their own funds, and then in June, we started securing sponsors, getting volunteers to come out and help with excavating and clearing ground. … Then everyone worked as much as they could throughout the summer.”Sometimes the girls worked together on the project, while other times they completed work separately. Indi-
Tom Fenton tom.f@star-pub.com......................................Reporter Michealson evan.m@star-pub.com Kounkel jakob.k@star-pub.com...................................Reporter amanda@saukherald.com
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Logan Thomas logan@saukherald.com
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Sauk Rapids Herald (USPS 21690) is published weekly, 52 times a year, by Star Publications, 2 2nd Ave S., Suite 135, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379-1651. Second-class Postage paid at Sauk Rapids, MN 56379. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Sauk Rapids Herald, 2 2nd Ave S, Suite 135, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379-1651.
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Page 4 | SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2022 | SAUK RAPIDS HERALD NEWS 2 Second Ave. S., Suite 135 Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 (320) 251-1971
aims to earn Bronze Award
vidually, each Girl Scout was required to put 20 hours of work into creating the play yard in order to earn the Bronze Award.“We slowly plugged away at it until we were ready to hand it over,” Boehmer said. “The biggest thing about these girls is they don’t think small. They are big thinkers, so when they want to do something, they want to do it big. They didn’t back down from the idea of the play
to leave a legacy, a permanent stamp on the shelter, according to Boehmer.“So,we got the ball rolling,” she said.

Scouts page 4
Missy Traeger missy@saukherald.com....................Sales Barber natasha@saukherald.com Powell nancy.p@dairystar.com
Warren Stone warren@star-pub.com
Sauk Rapids Troop 636 Girl Scouts –Ada Phillips (from left), Alyvia Von Eschen, Ava Knowles, Kaylee Ferschweiler, Ella Guggenberger, Ella Boehmer, Linnea Travis and Ellen Miller – unveil a pet play yard Aug. 30 at the Tri-County Humane Society in St. Cloud. The girls chose to complete a playground for homeless animals as a project which will hopefully earn the Scouts the Bronze Award.
ney,” Boehmer said. “So, they did that during their rst year as Girl Scout juniors, and then the second year, eight of my 12 girls decided to pursue the Bronze Award.”Inorder to achieve the award, the group had to decide how they wanted to help the community.“They discovered a problem they could try and solve and how they could use help from family, friends and members of the community to x something,” Boehmer said.Early on, the Scouts decided they wanted to help animals. During April, they reached out to the volunteer coordinator at the Tri-County Humane Society in St. Cloud with an abundance of ideas regarding what they could do to help the homeless animals at the shelter.
Amy McChesney amy.m@star-pub.com..........................Bookkeeping
Karen Knoblach kare.k@star-pub.com Designer
Kayla Hunstiger kayla@saukherald.com Sections Editor
Lorie Swedenburg lorie@saukherald.com

If you have questions about the MPUC’s review process or submitting comments, contact the Commission’s Consumer Affairs Office at: Minnesota Public Utilities Commission
Attend by Internet Connection (Audio and Video)
Event Number: 2482 175 8271
October 31, 2022 at 1:30 p.m. and November 2, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.
Event Password, if needed: Xcel!
Written comments can be submitted via: (1) the Commission’s website; (2) electronic mail; (3) U.S. Mail; or (4) facsimile. To learn how to submit a comment in any of these ways, please visit mn.gov/puc, select “Consumers” from the dropdown menu on the top of the page, then select “Public Comments and How to Participate.” This will take you to the Public Comment page, where you will find a
Important: Comments can be reviewed by the public on the MPUC’s website, except in limited circumstances consistent with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. The MPUC does not edit or delete personally identifying information or any other information from comments received.
will likely make its decision on our rate request in the second quarter of 2023. If final rates are lower than interim (temporary) rates, we will refund customers the difference with interest. If final rates are higher than interim rates, we will not charge customers the difference.
Comment Period
Time-of-DayPeak-ControlledService 605,194$66,153.60$5,562.15$73,651.86$7,498.26$9,421.86$11,190.54
20 15 MN Lega Pub No ce E ec Aug2022 P03 ndd 1 8 22 22 9 31 AM R36-1B-JF
The MPUC may either approve or deny the requested changes and may approve a lesser or greater increase than was requested for any customer class or classes of
If you would like to ask a question or make a comment during the hearing, press *3 on your telephone. You will then be placed into the queue to comment. When it is your turn to speak, the last few digits of your telephone number will be announced by the moderator and your line will be unmuted, allowing you to be heard.
Public comments are encouraged as written submissions and in-person oral comments during virtual public hearings. However, if you prefer, you can record and submit a video comment using Flip. Flip is free, there is no cost to you. You will need a Microsoft or Google account, like a Gmail email address, to access Flip. Videos can be up to 3 minutes in length and must include your name and the city and state where you live. Follow the link https://flip.com/3a359fa2 to record your video. You may also visit the Flip main page at, https://info.flip.com, and type in Join Code 3a359fa2. Video comment submissions may be played during the virtual public hearings, if time permits. Recorded comments may be shown after those in attendance at the virtual hearings have had the opportunity to comment. Depending on the number of video comments received, the Administrative Law Judge will determine if time permits to play the video comments at the virtual public hearings on October 31, 2022. The video comments received may be played at either the October 31, 2022, 1:30 pm or November 2, 2022, 6:00 pm virtual hearing. Not all comments may be played given time constraints. Video comments will be played in the order received. Regardless of whether a video comment is played during the virtual hearings, all videos received by November 3, 2022 at 7:30 pm will be reviewed by Administrative Law Judge Moseng. Video comments will continue to be accepted via Flip until November 3, 2022; however, only those received by October 30, 2022 will potentially be played during one of the public hearings. The entire collection of received videos can be viewed using the Flip link above and a transcript of the videos will be included in the official eDockets record.
You can still submit comments even if you do not attend a public hearing.
• Comments must be received by 4:30 p.m. on the close date.
Comments accepted through January 6, 2023 at 4:30 p.m.
Event Password, if needed: Xcel!
Tuesday, October 4, 20221:00 p.m. Brookview Golden Valley Bassett Creek North Room 316 Brookview Pkwy S Golden Valley, MN
Phone: 612-330-5500
Bad weather? Find out if a hearing is canceled – call (toll free) 855-731-6208 or 651-201-2213 or visit mn.gov/puc.
• When you enter the hearing, your microphone will be muted. If you would like to ask a question or make a comment during the meeting, use the chat function to send a message to the meeting moderator, who will place you in the queue to comment. When it is your turn to comment, your name will be called and your line will be unmuted. You will then be able to ask questions or make a comment.
• Comments received after the comment period closes may or may not be considered in the Commission’s decision.
If you move before a refund is issued and we cannot find you, your refund may be treated as abandoned property and sent to the Minnesota Department of Commerce, Unclaimed Property Unit. You can check for unclaimed property at www.missingmoney.com. To make sure we can send you any refund owed, please provide a forwarding address when you stop service.
October 31, 2022 • 1:30 p.m.November 2, 2022 • 6:00 p.m.
RATE INCREASES The table below shows the effect of both the interim and proposed rate changes on monthly bills for residential, commercial and industrial customers with average electric use. Customer type 2022AveragemonthlykWhusage monthlyCurrentcost 2022increasemonthlyInterim 2022Proposedmonthlycost 2022Proposedmonthlyincrease 2023Proposedmonthlyincrease* 2024Proposedmonthlyincrease** Residential –Overhead line service 514$77.57$4.98$87.49$9.92$12.27$14.75 Residential Underground– line service 752$111.78$7.13$125.60$13.81$17.24$20.87 Energy-Controlled (Dual Fuel)1,019$93.43$6.85$106.40$12.97$17.78$21.41 Small General Service794$109.15$10.21$119.10$9.95$12.46$14.63 Small Time-of-DayGeneralService 1,089$134.93$12.01$147.74$12.79$15.72$18.21 General Service14,670$1,679.88$145.19$1,867.18$187.30$213.28$226.47 General Time-of-Day Service123,490$11,699.82$918.85$12,966.05$1,266.24$1,326.92$1,872.25 Peak-Controlled Service67,093$9,040.31$825.69$10,100.96$1,060.65$1,265.88$1,383.12
at the Public Utilities Commission, 350 Metro Square Building, 121 Seventh Place East, St. Paul, Minnesota. Individuals who cannot attend in person, may attend via Microsoft Teams (Teams), a video conferencing platform. Members of the public who wish to attend the hearing through Teams may request an electronic invitation by contacting Judge Moseng legal assistant at michelle.severson@state.mn.us. The purpose of the evidentiary hearing is to allow Xcel Energy, the Minnesota Department of Commerce – Division of Energy Resources, the Minnesota Office of Attorney General – Residential Utilities Division, and parties who have formally joined the contested case, to present testimony and to cross- examine each other’s witnesses on the proposed rate increase.
Tuesday, October 4, 20226:00 p.m. Woodbury Central Park Valley Creek Room A 8595 Central Park Place Woodbury, MN
• Enter the Event Number shown in the box above.
Small Municipal Pumping615$86.84$8.22$94.79$7.96$9.77$12.84
Thursday, October 6, 20226:00 p.m. Courtyard by Marriott 404 W St. Germain Stree St Cloud, MN
Administrative Law Judge Christa L. Moseng will preside over the public hearings and will provide the Commission with findings of fact, conclusions of law, and recommendations after the conclusion of the evidentiary hearing.
Written comments may be submitted during the comment period before and after the public hearings. Follow the instructions below to provide written comment.
How to Provide Video Comments
85 7th Place East, Suite 500, St. Paul, MN 55101
Municipal Pumping8,369$1,082.84$98.44$1,202.67$119.83$152.06$166.11
121 7th Place East, Suite 350 St. Paul, MN 55101
** Cumulative 2022+2023+2024
Wednesday, November 2, 20226:00 p.m.Virtual WebEx
Monday, October 31, 20221:30 p.m.Virtual WebEx
• Next you will be asked to enter your name, your email address, and an event password (if required). After entering this information, click “Join Now” and you will be granted access to the virtual hearing.
Xcel Energy’s current and proposed rate schedules are available at: Xcel Energy
Event Number: 2497 602 4179
Phone:Access1-855-282-6330Code: 21630
Please note that the public hearings will end when all attendees present have had the opportunity to comment and all other business has been concluded. You are encouraged to join the meeting at the scheduled start time to be placed on the queue to comment. Commenters will be called in the order they enter the queue. Therefore, it is advantageous to arrive at the beginning of the hearing.
Public hearings have been scheduled as follows to be held via video conference.
Email: consumer.puc@state.mn.us
To Attend by Telephone (Audio Only)
Phone: 651-539-1534
If you wish to formally intervene in this case, as a party to the litigation, you must serve and file a Petition to Intervene, pursuant to Minn. R. 1400.6200.
If you do not have access to a computer, tablet, or smart phone, or if you would prefer to attend the hearing via audio only, you may join using any type of telephone. You do not need internet access to call into the hearing; however, you will only be able to hear (not see) the speakers. You will still be able to comment and ask questions.
Anyone with hearing or speech disabilities may call through their preferred Telecommunications Relay.
• Log on 5 to 15 minutes before the hearing begins. You will be asked to join the hearing through a Webex application or through a plug-in for your web browser.
Use the information in the box below to dial into the hearing. You will be asked to enter the access code for the hearing, as set forth below:
Formal evidentiary hearings on Xcel Energy’s proposal will be held on December 13 to 16, 2022 , starting at 9:00 a.m. each day. The evidentiary hearing will be held
October 31, 2022 • 1:30 p.m.November 2, 2022 • 6:00 p.m.
To join the virtual hearing using a computer, tablet or smart phone, where you will have audio and video capability, go to: https://minnesota.webex.com. In the gray box where it says, “Enter Meeting Information,” type the Event Number below for the public hearing date you are attending:
Phone:Access1-855-282-6330Code: 21630
list of ways to comment. Be sure to reference PUC Docket No. 21-630 in the subject line of your comment. If you do not have access to the internet, you may send or deliver your comment to: Minnesota Public Utilities Commission 121 7th Place East, Ste. 350 St. Paul, MN 55101
* Cumulative 2022+2023
Xcel Energy has asked the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (MPUC) to approve an increase to electric rates over a three-year period beginning January 2022. The requested increase for 2022 is about 12.2 percent, or $396 million. Xcel Energy requested an additional 4.8 percent, or $150.2 million, for 2023; and an additional 4.2 percent, or $131.2 million, for 2024. On average, the proposed final rate change, which includes the 2022 Test Year and 2023 and 2024 Plan Years, would increase the bill for a typical residential electric customer by $18.56 per month.
Minnesota Department of Commerce
Web: https://www.edockets.state.mn.us/EFiling/search.jsp Select (21) in the year field, type (630) in the number field, select Search, and the list of documents will appear on the next page.
414 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis MN 55401
The purpose of the public hearings is to receive public input on the proposed rate increase. At the public hearings, interested persons have the opportunity to: (1) ask questions of the utility and agency staff; and (2) offer verbal and written comments on the merits of the proposed rate increase. Members of the public may participate without needing to intervene as a party. Representation by legal counsel is permitted but not required.
Be sure to reference Docket Number 21-630
Please contact Jorge Alonso at 651-201-2258 or Jorge.alonso@state.mn.us or Ben Gustafson at 651-201-2247 or ben.gustafson@state.mn.us if you have questions on how to participate or have trouble accessing the public hearing using telephone or internet.
Web: minnesota_electric_rate_proposalhttps://www.xcelenergy.com/company/rates_and_regulations/filings/
Phone: 651-296-0406 or 800-657-3782
Wednesday, October 5, 20226:00 p.m. Red Wing Ignite 419 Bush Street Red Wing, MN
Administrative Law Judge Christa L. Moseng will hold five in-person public hearings and two virtual public hearings so that customers have an opportunity to comment on the company’s request. Any Xcel Energy customer or other person may attend or provide comments at the hearings. You are invited to comment on the adequacy and quality of Xcel Energy’s service, the level of rates, or other related matters. You do not need to be represented by an attorney. The hearings will begin at their scheduled time and adjourn after everyone present has had an opportunity to comment or ask questions.
Directions for Appearing via WebEx.
Thursday, November 3, 20226:00 p.m. Courtyard by Marriott 901 Raintree Road Mankato, MN
How to Submit a Written Comment

You must respond to each claim. The Answer is your written response to the Plaintiff’s Complaint. In your Answer you must state whether you agree or disagree with each paragraph of the Complaint. If you think the Plaintiff should not be given everything they asked for in the Complaint, you must say that in your Answer.4.SERVICE: You may lose your case if you do not send a written response to the Plaintiff. If you do not serve a written Answer within 21 days, you may lose this case by default. You will not
Telephone:55118 (651) 554-9159 Facsimile: (651) 554-0344 e-mail:ce.comkyle@gabriellawof-R-35-2B
If you do not appear at the hearing, the court has authority to issue an order directing that the Collateral be taken from your possession.
You have a right to appear at this hearing on your own behalf or with an attorney. You will have the opportunity to present defenses to CNH’s claims and to state reasons why the Collateral should not be taken.
CNH’s estimate of the value of the Collateral. If you believe the value of the property is overstated, you may ask the court to lower it.
“Legal Advice Clinics” tab to get more information about legal clinics in each Minnesota county.
Dated: 8/31/2022/s/Michael S. Jesse Judge of District Court Dated: 8/31/2022/s/Nicole Kampa Court Administrator-Deputy Lund Ross, P.A. Betsey Lund Ross 1139(#0389061)Franklin Ave. NE, Suite 2 Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 Telephone: (320) 259-4070 E-mail: Betsey@lundrosATTORNEYslaw.com PETITIONERFOR R-36-2B
ANSWER: You can nd the Answer form and instructions on the MN Judicial Branch website at www. mncourts.gov/forms under the “Civil” category. The instructions will explain in detail how to ll out the Answer
To protect your rights, you must serve a copy of your Answer on the person who signed this Summons in person or by mail at this address:Benjamin J. AnswerstructionsKevin.kitchen@stinson.comBenjamin.Court@stinson.Minneapolis,50Kevin(#0319016)CourtP.Kitchen(#00399297)STINSONLLPSouthSixthStreet,Ste.2600MN55402Phone:612.335.1500Fax:612.335.1657com5.CarefullyreadtheIn-(CIV301)fortheforyournextsteps.6.
A hearing has been scheduled in Benton County with Judge Raupp.
BY THE COURT Dated: 08/26/2022/s/Robert J. Raupp Judge of District Court Dated: 08/26/2022/s/Megan Bergman Court Administrator GABRIEL LAW OFFICE, KylePLLCR. Gabriel MN# 0389302 880 Sibley Memorial Highway, Suite 114 Mendota Heights, MN
In Re: Estate of Curtis J. Wilcox, Decedent.
If the court determines that CNH has a right to have possession of the Collateral while this lawsuit is pending, you may nevertheless keep the property until the lawsuit is decided if you le with the court a surety bond in the amount of $58,942.50. This amount is 1-1/4 times
Dated: July 29, 2022
get to tell your side of the story. If you choose not to respond, the Plaintiff may be awarded everything they asked for in their Complaint
50 South SixthSuiteStreet,2600
Raymond Charles Kelash, and United States of America acting through the Farm ServicePlaintiffAgency,Defendants.CNH Industrial Capital America LLC (“CNH”) hereby moves this Court for an Order for Claim and Delivery pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 565.23 et seq. This motion is based on CNH’s Notice of Hearing, Memorandum in Support of Motion for Claim and Delivery, Af davit of Steven Wright, and supporting exhibits led with this motion, together with all pleadings, records, and arguments of counsel to date.
• Visit www.mncourts.gov/ selfhelp and click on the
FOR HEARING ON PETITION FOR FORMAL PROBATE OF WILL AND APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO thepetitionperviseddecedent’ssonalEagan,ischaelfordatedtooftitionFoley,Facility,ating2022,isa/k/aa/k/aPatriciaInCREDITORSRe:EstateofLynnKropp,PatriciaL.Kropp,PatriciaKropp,Decedent.ItisOrderedandNoticegiventhatonOctober3,at8:00a.m.,ahear-willbeheldviaZoomtheBentonCountyCourts615Highway23,Minnesota,onaPe-fortheformalprobateaninstrumentpurportingbethedecedent’sWillAugust23,2016,andtheappointmentofMi-Kropp,whoseaddress4745BristolBoulevard,MN55123,asper-representativeoftheestateinanunsu-administration.Anyobjectionstothemustberaisedathearingorledwiththe
Court prior to the hearing. If the petition is proper and no objections are led or raised, the personal representative will be appointed with the full power to administer the decedent’s estate, including the power to collect all assets; pay all legal debts, claims, taxes, and expenses; sell real and personal property; and do all necessary acts for the decedent’s estate.Notice is further given that, subject to Minn. Stat. § 524.3-801, all creditors having claims against the decedent’s estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court within four (4) months after the date of this notice or the claims will be barred.
Dated: July 29, 2022
By: /s/ Benjamin J. Court Benjamin J. Court (No. 0319016) Kevin P. Kitchen (No. STINSON0399297)LLP
/s/ Benjamin J. Court Benjamin J. Court (No. 0319016)
NOTICE OF NOTICEMOTION (available as a free download in your device’s app store) for a video and/or audio call.Visit our website motenologycontrolsBranch5205tactable4.3.2.1.To5.4.Defendant.”“Johnyourature.clicking3.200238b.a.2.appcom/joinand1.Toings.formationmote-hearingswww.mncourts.gov/re-atformorein-onremotehear-joinbywebbrowserOpenyourwebbrowsergoto:https://zoomgov.oropentheZoomonyourdevice.Whenprompted,enter:MeetingID:1615379445MeetingPassword:Updateyournamebyonyourprolepic-Ifyouarerepresentingparty,addyourroletoname.Forexample,Smith,AttorneyforClickJoinAudio.ClickShareVideo.joinbytelephoneCall:1-833-568-8864MeetingID:1615379445Password:200238Mute/Unmuteis*6Ifyoudonothavereli-internetservice,con-thecourtat320-968-forassistance.TheMinnesotaJudicialusesstrictsecurityforallremotetech-whenconductingre-hearings
7. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). The parties may agree to or be ordered to participate in an ADR process under Rule 114 of the Minnesota Rules of Practice. You must still serve your written Answer, even if you expect to use ADR.
CaseDISTRICTType: Contract Case No.: 05-CV-22-1175
The undersigned hereby acknowledges that costs, disbursements, and reasonable attorney and witness fees may be awarded pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 549.211, to the party against whom the allegations in this pleading are asserted.
2. You must BOTH reply, in writing, AND get a copy of your reply to the
Minneapolis, MN 55402 Telephone: (612) kevin.kitchen@stinson.combenjamin.court@stinson.335-1500com
• Court Administration may have information about places where you can get legal assistance.
Kevin P. Kitchen (No. STINSON0399297)LLP
Dated: July 29, 2022
By: /s/ Benjamin J. Court Benjamin J. Court (No. 0319016)
CNH Industrial Capital America LLC,Plaintiff, v.
If you agree with the claims stated in the Complaint, you don’t need to respond. A default judgment can then be entered against you for what the Plaintiff asked for in the Complaint
CNH Industrial Capital America LLC,Plaintiff,
BONNIE M. WILCOX (“Petitioner”) has led a Petition for Determination of Descent.ItisOrdered that on October 3, 2022, at 8:00 a.m. a hearing will be held in this Court at: Benton County Courthouse, 615 Highway 23, Foley, Minnesota-Administrative Hearing on the Petition.The Petition represents that the Decedent died intestate more than three (3) years ago leaving property in Minnesota. The Petition requests the Court determine the descent of such property
NOTE: Even if you cannot get legal help, you must still serve a written Answer to protect your rights or you may lose the case
Raymondv. Charles Kelash, and United States of America acting through the Farm Service
The Benton County Board of Commissioners will conduct a public hearing on September 26, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. in the Benton County Boardroom, 531 Dewey Street, Foley, for the purpose of taking public testimony on possible changes to the Benton County Tobacco Licensing Ordinance. All persons interested may appear and be heard at the time and place set forth above. Individuals unable to attend the public hearing can make written comment by writing to the Benton County Administrator, Benton County Courthouse, 531 Dewey Street, Box 129, Foley, Minnesota 56329. Written comments must be received prior to the public hearing. A copy of the proposed Tobacco Ordinance changes can be obtained from the Benton County website (www.co.benton.mn.us) or by calling the Benton County Administrator’s Of ce at 9685000.
The hearing will be held using Zoom, and your appearance shall be by video and audio unless otherwise directed by the court. You can join through a web browser or the Zoom App
person/business who is suing you within 21 days to protect your rights. Your reply is called an Answer Getting your reply to the Plaintiff is called service. You must serve a copy of your Answer or Answer and Counterclaim (Answer) within 21 days from the date you received the Summons and Complaint
The undersigned hereby acknowledges that costs, disbursements, and reasonable attorney and witness fees may be awarded pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 549.211, to the party against whom the allegations in this pleading are asserted.
CNH Industrial Capital America LLC,Plaintiff,
/s/ Benjamin J. Court Benjamin J. Court (No. 0319016)
Notice of Public Hearing
Dated: July 29, 2022
Raymondv. Charles Kelash, and United States of America acting through the Farm Service Agency,Defendants.
Notice shall be given by publishing this Notice and Order as provided by law and by mailing a copy of this Notice and Order to each interested person by United States mail at least 14 days before the time set for the hearing.
You may wish to get legal help from an attorney. If you do not have an attorney and would like legal help:
Fax: Benjamin.Court@stinson.com612.335.1657Kevin.kitchen@stinson.comR-34-3B
Any objections to the Petition must be raised at the hearing or led with the Court prior to the hearing. If the Petition is proper and no objections are led or raised, the Petition will be granted.
TO:Agency,Defendants.Raymond Charles Kelash, 17413 155th Ave NE, Foley, Minnesota 56329.PLEASE
50 South SixthSte.Street,2600 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Phone: 612.335.1500
Dated: July 1, 2022 /s/ Kevin P. Kitchen Benjamin J. Kevin(#0319016)CourtP.Kitchen(#00399297)STINSONLLP
50 South SixthSuiteStreet,2600 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Telephone: (612) kevin.kitchen@stinson.combenjamin.court@stinson.335-1500com
1. You are being sued The Plaintiff has started a lawsuit against you. The Complaint is attached to this Summons. Do not throw these papers away. They are of cial papers that start a lawsuit and affect your legal rights, even if nothing has been led with the court and even if there is no court le number on this Summons.
Legal Assistance
PROBATE NOTICE and assign the property to the persons entitled.
TAKE NOTICE that a hearing will be held on Thursday, September 15, 2022 at 10:30 a.m., before the Honorable Judge RJ Raupp, to determine whether the sheriff shall remove from your possession and deliver to CNH Industrial Capital America LLC (“CNH”) a New Holland Hay Round Baler, model number 560, serial structionsHELDTHETHER“Collateral”).(theHBJRB560VLN202692numberPLEASETAKEFUR-NOTICETHATHEARINGWILLBEUSINGZOOM.In-areBelow
Benton County Board of Commissioners
Water Treatment Plant Roof Replacement Project Bid Opening Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. (CDT)
Next, Human Services Deputy Director Sandi Shoberg presented a retirement award to Lauree Gunderson, a Social Worker in Human Services in appreciation for 30 years of loyal and distinguished service to Benton County. Gunderson’s retirement is effective August 29, 2022.
Next, County Engineer Chris Byrd provided notication of Federal Highway Administration nal rule regarding Pavement Marking Retrore ectivity. This Regular Agenda item was for informational purposes only.
MontgomeryATTEST: Headley
Next, Board Chair Commissioner Heinen requested discussion on a possible policy handbook for County Commissioners. After a brief discussion, there was a consensus among the County Board to create a handbook for County Commissioners. Headley will contact Wright County for its handbook.Next,Board members reported on recent meetings they attended on behalf of Benton County.
Sauk Rapids, Minnesota
The City of Sauk Rapids, in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 US.C. §§ 2000d to 2000d-4) and the Regulations, hereby noti es all bidders that it will af rmatively ensure that any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full and fair opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award.
Ross SaukAdministratorOlsonRapids,MN
The Regular County Board meeting was recessed at 9:51 AM to conduct a Human Services Board Meeting.
AUGUST 16, 2022
Notice is hereby given that Online Bids will be received by the City Administrator until 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, September 27, 2022, via QuestCDN for the furnishing of all labor and material for the construction of Water Treatment Plant Roof Replacement Project.
In addition to digital plans, paper copies of the Bidding Documents may be obtained from Docunet Corp. located at 2435 Xenium Lane North, Plymouth, MN 55441 (763.475.9600) for a fee of $80.
A Contractor responding to these Bidding Documents must submit to the City/Owner a signed statement under oath by an owner or of cer verifying compliance with each of the minimum criteria in Minnesota Statutes, section 16C.285, subdivision 3.
The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive irregularities and informalities therein and to award the Contract in the best interests of the Owner.
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone: atsistanceNumber“Projectmentsablefromtionhttp://www.sehinc.comSartell,Inc.,ContractTreatmentmaysponsiblePhone+1OrPasscode:Meeting3a%2248472820-a408-4d5c-b262-d033b1c6fa20%22%7d88f1-43dc-9a29-90842cd19d4c%22%2c%22Oid%22%v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22642f4553-FkLTgxNTktMjUxYzM3NTc5YTc3%40thread.up-join/19%3ameeting_NTg4NDIyNDEtYTk0YS00NG-https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meet-ID:21522085992CaAEytcallin(audioonly)872-242-7640,,302524666#UnitedStates,ChicagoConferenceID:302524666#Anypersonmonitoringthemeetingremotelymaybere-foranydocumentedcosts.Messageanddataratesapply.AsinglelumpsumbidshallbeprovidedfortheWaterPlantRoofReplacementProjectaccordingtotheDocumentspreparedbyShortElliottHendricksondatedSeptember2,2022.TheBiddingDocumentsmaybeseenattheIssuingOf-ceofSEHlocatedat2351ConnecticutAvenue,Suite300,MN56377,320.229.4300.TheBiddingDocumentsmaybeviewedfornocostatbyselectingtheProjectBidInforma-linkatthebottomofthepageandtheViewPlansoptionthemenuatthetopoftheselectedprojectpage.DigitalimagecopiesoftheBiddingDocumentsareavail-athttp://www.sehinc.comforafeeof$30.Thesedocu-maybedownloadedbyselectingthisprojectfromtheBidInformation”linkandbyenteringeBidDocTM8288716ontheSEARCHPROJECTSpage.Foras-andfreemembershipregistration,contactQuestCDN952.233.1632orinfo@questcdn.com.Forthisproject,bidswill
The bid opening will be conducted via Microsoft Teams, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud:
A pre-Bid conference will not be held. Bidders wishing to visit the project site shall contact the Architect.
Next, Land Services Director Roxanne Achman discussed the utility scale solar projects in Benton County. This Regular Agenda item was for informational purposes only.Then, Achman provided an update on the Mississippi 1 Watershed 1 Plan and stated the Clearwater Watershed will not participate, and if any changes need to be made, it will need to be discussed at a future meeting. This was for informational purposes only.
DOCUMENT 00 11 13
mit to use ll as an alternative ood proo ng method in the R-2, Residential District. Pursuant to Sections 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 of the Flood Plain Management Ordinance and Section 11.6 of the Development Code. The affected property is described as follows: Lot 7, Block 2, Rose Anna Beach 3rd Addition, Section 10, Watab Township.
Johnson/Heinen to set the Committees of the Whole: Wednesday, September 7, 2022 and Monday, September 19, 2022 Budget Work Sessions in the Benton County Boardroom, 9:00 AM; Tuesday, September 27, 2022 Discussion on Highway Issues and Cyber Security, Benton County Boardroom, Foley, 9:00 AM; Thursday, September 29, 2022 Benton County Township Of cers Association Fall Meeting, Glendorado Township Hall, 792 190th Ave NE, Princeton, MN 56371, 7:30 PM; Thursday, October 27, 2022 Benton Economic Partnership (BEP) Quarterly Meeting at the Clearing, 195 River Ave S Sauk Rapids, MN 56379, 7:30 AM; Thursday, October 27, 2022 Joint Meeting with BEP and the Benton County Board at the Clearing, 195 River Ave S Sauk Rapids, MN 56379, 9:00 AM or upon conclusion of the BEP Quarterly Meeting; Motion carried unanimously.
ANYONE with comments regarding the above will be heard at this meeting.
City of Sauk Rapids website: September 2, 2022 R-35-2B
Water Treatment Plant Roof Replacement Project
The Benton County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on August 16, 2022, in the Benton County Board Room in Foley, MN. Call to order by Chair Steve Heinen was at 9:00 AM followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the ag. A roll call showed Commissioners Beth Schlangen, Scott Johnson, Steve Heinen, Jared Gapinski and Ed Popp present.
is not complete, she would recommend approving the agreement contingent on the completion of the Master Service agreement between WEX and the Minnesota Healthcare Consortium. Mattson stated that delaying this process would prevent the employees from using their funds. Johnson stated he has a problem with signing an agreement that isn’t valid yet. Johnson suggested having a Special Meeting to discuss the options if the Master Agreement has not been completed by August 25, 2022. Motion by Gapinski and seconded by Heinen to delegate the County Administrator to sign the WEX Agreement contingent upon the Master Services Agreement being signed by August 25, 2022, and if not signed, we will have a Special Meeting to discuss future steps. Motion carried unanimously.
Benton County Administrator
Next, University of Minnesota Extension Educator Ann Olson requested the County Board to consider a Proclamation to recognize the week of October 2 – 8, 2022 as 4-H Week in Benton County. 4-H participants Bella Pederson, Travis Boyle, Morgan Molitor, Austin Molitor and Brady Roberts each shared how 4-H has helped them become more con dent, independent, resilient and compassionate leaders. Motion by Johnson and seconded by Popp to approve the Proclamation to recognize the week of October 2 – 8, 2022 as 4-H Week throughout Benton County, and encourage all of our citizens to recognize 4-H for the signi cant impact it has made and continues to make by empowering youth with the skills they need to lead for a lifetime. Motion carried unanimously.

There was a consensus by the County Board to change the date of the second Regular Board Meeting in September (September 20th Meeting) to Monday, September 26, 2022 at 9:00 AM.
Under Comments by Commissioners, Gapinski stated we need to be prepared when we go to meetings and we need to understand the topics that will be discussed, and if we don’t understand, we should reach out and ask questions beforehand to have a better understanding. Gapinski said “it looks bad when we show up late and nobody knows where we are at. We need to be prompt... we are here to do a job.” Heinen added that he hopes the Commissioner Handbook will address these issues.
ONLY be received electronically. Contractors submitting an electronic bid will be charged an additional $30 at the time of bid submission via the online electronic bid service QuestCDN.com. To access the electronic Bid Worksheet, download the project document and click the online bidding button at the top of the advertisement. Prospective bidders must be on the plan holders list through QuestCDN for bids to be accepted. Bids shall be completed according to the Bidding Requirements prepared by SEH dated September 2, 2022.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Benton County Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing on September 22nd, 2022, the Commissioner’s Room, Benton County Government Center, Foley, and beginning at 7:00 p.m. The Planning Commission will hear the following: Jeff and Maureen Proell requesting a conditional use per-
Next, Byrd requested approval for out-of-state travel to attend the Transportation Alliance Washington DC FlyIn. The Minnesota Transportation Alliance (of which Benton County is a member), is hosting an event September 20 – 22, 2022 in Washington DC to hear from Minnesota’s congressional delegation on the federal transportation legislation, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Byrd added that they will be meeting with our members of Congress one-on-one to discuss Benton County’s federal funding needs. Motion by Popp and seconded by Johnson to send Byrd, Commissioner Heinen and Commissioner Gapinski to the Minnesota Transportation Alliance Washington DC Fly-In. Motion carried unanimously.
Next, Human Resources Director Johanna Mattson requested the County Board to consider the David Drown and Associates (DDA) recommendation to create one Child Support Of cer Lead position and abolish one of the current approved Child Support Of cer positions. On April 5, 2022 the County Board approved the request from the Human Services Director to allow DDA to review the need for a lead or senior position in the child support area. After DDA’s review of the documentation from both the 2020 study and the 2022 completed Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ), the recommendation is to create one Lead Child Support Of cer and abolish one Child Support Ofcer position. Mattson stated the position will be at Grade 7 of the Benton County pay scale. Motion by Gapinski and seconded by Popp to approve one new Child Support Lead position classi cation and abolish one Child Support Ofcer position classi cation upon a promotion of a current employee to a lead position as recommended by DDA. Motion carried unanimously.
County Administrator Montgomery Headley requested to amend the agenda to move Commissioner Heinen’s Agenda request to be after County Engineer Chris Byrd’s Agenda items at 9:45 AM, and to add the discussion of the Mississippi/St. Cloud 1 Watershed 1 Plan as the second topic under Land Services Director Roxanne Achman at 9:25 AM. Motion by Popp and seconded by Johnson to approve the amended agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Bid security in the amount of 5 percent of the Bid must accompany each Bid in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders.Bidders may be requested to submit “Contractor’s Qualication Statement.”
Sauk Rapids Herald: September 3 and 10, 2022
There was no one present from the public to speak under Open MotionForum.byPopp and seconded by Johnson to approve Consent Agenda items 1 - 10: 1) approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of August 2, 2022 and authorize the Chair to sign; 2) approve the Resolution to amend the Highway Department Striping and Capital Equipment Budgets for 2022 and authorize the Chair to sign; 3) approve a request for a medical unpaid leave for a Benton County Employee; 4) approve an agreement with the State of Minnesota to receive the Emergency Management Performance Grant for the period of October 1, 2021 to September 30, 2022 and authorize the Chair to sign; 5) approve the appointment of Cheryl Scapanski to the County Extension Committee Representing District 4; 6) approve the Resolution for Joint Powers between the County Attorney’s Of ce and the Minnesota Department of Public Safety for County Attorney Of ce Access to Criminal Justice Information; a ve-year agreement and authorize the Chair to sign; 7) approve the amendment to the contract with Pictometry and Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative (MnCCC) and authorize the Chair to sign; 8) approve the Administrative Agreement with the City of Rice and authorize the Chair to sign; 9) approve the Maintenance Contract with GeoComm and authorize the Chair to sign; 10) approve the contract amendment to the MN DOC Work Release Contract and authorize the Chair to sign. Motion carried unanimously.
Next, Mattson requested the County Board to consider delegating the authority to the County Administrator to sign the MCH-WEX Agreement and the Employee Participation and Adoption Agreement – VEBA Direct Service agreement. Mattson stated that as the County moves the employee HSA, VEBA and FSA accounts from Further to WEX, new agreements must be set up. This needs to be in place prior to our September 1, 2022 start date with our new administrator. Tim Hanson of Marsh McLennon Agency (MMA), Benton County’s Broker and Assistant County Attorney Michelle Meyer were both present virtually to provide information and feedback regarding this change. Meyer stated since the Master Services Agreement
QuestPublish:CDN: September 2, 2022
The Regular Board meeting reconvened at 9:53 AM.
SEH No. SAUKR 167072
The Regular Board Meeting was adjourned at 10:38 AM.
Steven J. Heinen, Chair
Next, Human Services Director Robert Cornelius requested to submit the Data Analyst position for review with DDA. Cornelius stated that this position has taken on more scripting and coding responsibilities than was originally planned. In addition, it will be taking on supervisory duties. Motion by Popp and seconded by Johnson to approve the request to submit the Data Analyst position to DDA for re-evaluation. Motion carried unanimously.

Page 18 | SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2022 | SAUK RAPIDS HERALD INDIANAPOLIS VS. JACKSONVILLE SAUK RAPIDS HARDWARE HANK 8 N Benton Drive, Sauk Rapids, MN (320)-251-5383 • www.wipplerhardware.com www.HallerRealtyHomes.com 1310 2nd Street North, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 Dave Anderson, Realtor 320.249.7026 Family Owned & Operated Since 1978 ATLANTA VS. LA RAMS 222 Bronder Drive Foley, MN 56329-0310 320-968-5511 blowmolded.com Blow Specialties,MoldedInc. MIDWEST Life is short, work somewhere awesome! NOW HIRING ARIZONA VS. LAS VEGAS Purpose Driven Realty is the newest, locally owned and operated brokerage in the area. Sell Local. Buy Local. 22 N Benton Drive, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 | PurposeDrivenRealty.net | 320-640-6757 LOCATED ON BENTON DRIVE NEW ENGLAND VS. PITTSBURGH LA CHARGERS VS. KANSAS CITY 603 N Benton Dr | Sauk www.dandbautobody.biz320-251-4771Rapids NY JETS VS. CLEVELAND www.murphychevrolet.com Drew Murphy211320-968-6239GlenStreet • Foley, MN • M-F 8-6 • Sat 8-2 Sauk Rapids VFW Post 6992 901No. Benton Dr. - Sauk Rapids | Lic #800424 Call us for specialyourevent! THE 901 GRILLE AT THE VFW GRILL HOURS Thurs.-Sat. & Mon. 4:30 - 9pm (Sun. during Vikings game) 320-252-3617 | WWW.VFW6992.ORG KEY DRAWINGCHAIN SPECIALS!NIGHTLY starting at 4:30 until they run Mondayout!- Friday: 8 pm - CloseSUPER HAPPY HOUR EVERY SATURDAY 4:30 - 7pm SUNDAY HAPPY HOUR Noon - 7 pm SATURDAY 6 - 8 PM $1 EVERYTACOSTHURS $500 PLEASE COME WATCH VIKINGS GAMES on the new fabulous 75 inch TV! WIN CASH at the end of the game! MIAMI VS. BALTIMORE WASHINGTON VS. DETROIT IN #1SERVICE!CUSTOMER September Deal of the Month 312 BENTON DRIVE N., SAUK RAPIDS, MN • 320-251- 4185 Dark Horse Wines $599750 mlAll Varieties D LIQUORSaukRapids MINNESOTA VS. PHILADELPHIA IN #1SERVICE!CUSTOMER September Deal of the Month 312 BENTON DRIVE N., SAUK RAPIDS, MN • 320-251- 4185 Kona Beer $1399All Available | 12 pk. cans & bottles LIQUORSaukRapids DailySpecials!Food 320-252-0451 736 S Benton Drive • Sauk Rapids Mon.-Thurs. 11 am - 2 am • Fri.-Sun. 10 am - 2 am HOUSTON VS. DENVER TAMPA BAY VS. NEW ORLEANS (320) 253-8160 | www.coilsflags.com | 2803 Clearwater Rd, Suite B | Saint Cloud, MN 56301 @Coilsflags Call or stop in for FLAGS andand EMBROIDERY! CINCINNATI VS. DALLAS 320-251-2552 800 Industrial Dr South Ste 206 Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 www.tricoins.net320-968-649659 MN-23 • Foley, MN 56329 Check out our farm insurance programs! We cover your dreams... TENNESSEE VS. BUFFALO D 14873 113th St. | Little Falls, MN 56345 SALES: (877) 280-4374 | SERVICE: (855) 394-3181 www.brandlmotors.com Ryan StackMichael OpsahlPaul Nordquist AutoLifeBusinessRentersHome-Health 114 Division Street, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 (320) 259-8178 • (800) 599-9866 | mopsahl@twfg.com • www.twfgmn.net CHICAGO VS. GREEN BAY SEATTLE VS. SAN FRANCISCO www.murphychevrolet.com Monte Murphy211320-968-6239GlenStreet • Foley, MN • M-F 8-6 • Sat 8-2 (320) 253-8683 maneasmeats.com • 114 2nd Ave N. Sauk Rapids, MN Family Owned & Operated Since 1975 $649 Great Eats are Found at Manea’s Meats!und MeatsFo We want to take advantage of TOMATO SEASON! Our BLT-A features avocado spread and is layered with Manea’s crispy bacon, lettuce, tomatoes and topped with mayo. Your choice of toasted sourdough or wheat bread!each CAROLINA VS. NY GIANTS Football Contest CONTEST RULES RULES 1. Anyone can enter except employees of this newspaper 2. Contest judges are the newspaper staff 3. Winners will be announced in next week’s Sauk Rapids Herald. 4. Entries due at office by 12 p.m. on Wednesday. Sauk Rapids Herald 2 Second Ave. S., Suite 135, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 5. Prize will be mailed to the winner after their name is announced in this paper. 6. Only one entry per person per week. Two entries per address per week. 7. In case of a tie, a random drawing will be held. 8. Contestants with the most season picks will win a grand prize of $200 cash. Grand Prize: $200