Dedication to education, outdoors serves area communities

D&B Auto Body’s Brandon and Nikki Anderson chose their St. Cloud Technical and Community College programs of study because they had a shared dream.
The couple wanted to own their own business, so they decided the best plan of action was for Brandon to enroll in the autobody, collision and repair technology program and Nikki to enter the school’s sales and management program.

Brandon graduated from the college in 2002 and Nikki in 2001. When previous owners Duane and Betty Martin decided to sell the business, the couple used their knowledge to purchase the business 10 years ago.
“I’ve been on the SCTCC Advisory Board for eight or nine years,” Brandon said. “I started working as a substitute about five years ago, and now I’m an adjunct instructor.”
D&B Auto Body has an active internship program with SCTCC.

“We bring students into our business and get them going on live work,” Brandon said.
Nikki said the technical college approach functions best for the student, who learns with their hands as opposed to reading.
“Ninety-five percent of people in this industry have the talent to do hands-on work,” Nikki said. “If we are going to fix electric and other new cars that are coming out, we have to find the … welding and other specialized equipment the industry requires. Every service business has to make these types of investments.”
Students need to know what the industry is going to require when they start working in a shop, Nikki said.
“We have to merge book learning with hands-on,” she said.
Adaptive driver assistance systems in newer models presents another business challenge.
“We try to educate our customers if we are working on a car that has those features,” Brandon said.

Tesla electric cars are a concern, Brandon said.
“We can only do cosmetic repairs on those types of cars,” he said. “They require a certified repair facility for other work.”
The couple’s children are helping their parents grow the business. Leilani graduated from SCTCC last year with a degree in business management. She is working at D&B with Kenan, who graduated from Sauk Rapids-Rice High School in June.
D&B Auto Body’s community involvement also includes aquatic-based leisure. The business is a SabreStorm Fishing Team sponsor. Brandon and Kenan recently wrapped up another year of student angler tournament trail participation.

The non-profit organization is dedicated to delivering quality

competitive events.
“They do a lot of catch, record and release,” Brandon said.

“That’s what the Student Angler Tournament Trail and its team tournament of champions supports. It’s an activity kids can take on after high school. We’ve visited a number of lakes we thought we would never fi sh.”

Swine (Four exhibitors)
– Travis Boyle, of Foley, received a blue ribbon in market gilt.
– Austin Molitor, of Sauk Rapids, received a blue ribbon on market barrow, crossbred.
– Morgan Molitor, of Sauk Rapids, received a purple ribbon and grand champion breeding gilt in Berkshire, registered, February Gilt
– Roman Rudnitski, of Gilman, received a purple ribbon and reserve champion in intermediate breeding gilt showmanship with registered Duroc January gilt.
Llama, alpaca (12 exhibitors)
– Alaina Ferkinhoff, of Clearwater, received champion for intermediate educational lama poster as well as red ribbons in alpaca public relations, alpaca obstacle course and alpaca showmanship.
– Marizza Lenz, of Royalton, received champion for advanced llama fleece, placed first in advanced llama-alpaca showperson, received a purple ribbon for alpaca costume as well as blue ribbons for alpaca poster, alpaca public relations, and llama advanced obstacle course.
– Mickaila Lenz, of Royalton, received reserve champion for advanced fleece and for advanced costume. She placed fourth in advanced llama-alpaca showperson and received a purple ribbon in alpaca public relations as well as a blue ribbon in llama advanced obstacle course.
– Isabella Pederson, of Sauk Rapids, placed second in senior llama-alpaca showperson and received a purple ribbon in alpaca public relations as well as blue ribbons in alpaca poster and alpaca obstacle course.
– Nicole Schaefer, of Foley, received a blue ribbon in alpaca showmansip and red ribbons in alpaca public relations and alpaca obstacle course.
– Claudia Schlough, of St. Cloud, placed fifth in intermediate llama-alpaca showperson. She received a purple ribbon in alpaca costume, blue ribbons in alpaca poster and alpaca public relations and a red ribbon in alpaca obstacle course.
Llama, alpaca posters
– Lacey Brenny, of Rice, received a blue ribbon for alpaca poster.
– Ann Reisinger, of Sartell, received a purple ribbon and champion in third through fifth grade educational posters for alpaca poster.
– Monica Schlough, of Clearwater, received a blue ribbon in alpaca poster.
– Charlotte Skaj, of Rice, received a blue ribbon in alpaca poster.
– Evelyn Skaj, of Rice, received a blue ribbon in alpaca poster.
– Olive Thiessen, of Clear Lake, received a blue ribbon in alpaca poster.
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purchased clothing, ninth grade and above.
– Espen Groth, of Minneapolis, received a blue ribbon in self-determined, ninth grades and above.
– Adam Heinen, of St. Joseph, received a blue ribbon in foods, sixth through eighth grades.
– Holly Heinen, of St. Joseph, received a red ribbon for exploring the environment, sixth through eighth grades.
– Larkin Kleine, of Sauk Rapids, received a blue ribbon for fine arts, ninth grade and above.
– Hudson Kleine, of Sauk Rapids, received a blue ribbon for technology, sixth through eighth grades.
– Alyanna Kuklok, of Foley, received a blue ribbon for fine arts, ninth grade and above.
– Hunter Peterson, of Clear Lake, received a red ribbon in aerospace, sixth through eighth grades.
– Marissa Kuklok, of Foley, received a blue ribbon in photo manipulation, ninth grade and above.
– Eleanor Larsen, of Waite Park, received a blue ribbon for home environment, sixth through eighth grades.
– Hannah Larsen, of Waite Park, received a blue ribbon for home environment, ninth grade and above.
– Sarah Lutze, of Oak Park, received a blue ribbon for fine arts, ninth grade and above.
– Kathrine Mersinger, of St. Cloud, received a purple ribbon for exploring the environment, ninth grade and above.
– Katie Paulson, of Foley, received a blue ribbon in fine arts, ninth grade and above.
– Nicholas Sakry, of Sartell, received a blue ribbon for aerospace, ninth grade and above.
– Skylar Morris, of Foley, received a blue ribbon for biology, ninth grade and above.
– Jenny Paulson, of Foley, received a red ribbon for biology, sixth through eighth grades.
– Eli Rademacher, of Sauk Rapids, received a blue ribbon for elements of photography, sixth through eighth grades.
– Maya Rahm, of Foley, received a blue ribbon in veterinary science, sixth through eighth grades.
– Kaden Reding, of Foley, received a blue ribbon for fishing sports, ninth grade and above.
General exhibitors (30 exhibitors)
– Allie Ackerman, of Sauk Rapids, received a blue ribbon in woodworking, ninth grade and above.
– Lilly Ackerman, of Sauk Rapids, received a blue ribbon in crafts, ninth grade and above.
– Jacqualynn Beauchamp, of Rice, received a blue ribbon in foods, ninth grade and above.
– Chase Dahler, of Foley, received a purple ribbon in public presentation and a blue ribbon in creative writing, ninth grade and above.
– Alaina Ferkinhoff, of Clearwater, received a blue ribbon for flower gardening, sixth through eighth grades.
– Anna Fox, of Foley, received a purple ribbon in fashion revue honor court and competed in fashion revue
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– Kara Reding, of Foley, received a blue ribbon in quilting, ninth grades and above.
– Brady Roberts, of Sauk Rapids, received a blue ribbon for performance based, ninth grade and above.
– Zoe Spiczka, of Sauk Rapids, received a blue ribbon for forest resources, sixth through eighth grades.
– Ashlyn Swanson, of Sartell, received a green ribbon for fashion revue, constructed clothing, ninth grade and above.
– Isabella Wieber, of Foley, received a green ribbon for fashion revue, purchased clothing, ninth grade and above.

– Ben Zintek, of Foley, received a red ribbon for aerospace, sixth through eighth grades.
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PHOTO SUBMITTED Anna Fox, of Foley, earns a purple ribbon at the state fair with her patchwork boots, black and white striped tights, flowy black skirt, white pinstripe button-up and brown leather jacket. Fox competed in fashion revue purchased clothing for ninth grade and above, and she also placed in fashion revue honor court.Police Activity
Sauk Rapids Police Department
Sept. 13, 8:54 p.m. – A female driver near North Benton Drive and 10th Street North was stopped for holding a cell phone in her hand while driving. The driver was apologetic. She received a written warning for a hands-free violation and no driver’s license in possession while driving. She received a verbal warning for having her friend’s driver’s license and not updating her address.
Sept. 15, 12:12 a.m. – A text to 911 call was sent to dispatch from the 300 block of 13th Street North, Sauk Rapids, and advised there were cars in the area with lights o and people with guns. A second 911 call came into dispatch at 1:09 a.m. from the same area where a person said, “I need help.” Dispatch was unable to call the person back because the call came from a 911-only phone. In both instances, police checked the area and were unable to locate anyone.
Sept. 18, 3:36 p.m. – A sta member from a group home called police for assistance as her replacement at the home was ill, and she was unable to contact her supervisor. The sta member needed to leave to care for another family member. The caller was advised to continue to contact the supervisor as this was not a law enforcement issue. The o cer also attempted to contact the supervisor and left a voicemail to contact the employee.
Incidents: medical calls 24, assists 21, tra c stops 19, suspicious activity reports 17, miscellaneous calls 14, welfare checks 10, property calls 7, human services reports 6, alarms 5, animal calls 6, civil complaints 4, parking complaints 4, police proactive visits 4, child calls 3, disputes 3, disturbances 3, tra c hazards 3, 911 calls 2, driving calls 2, fraud calls 2, hit and runs 2, permits 2, suicidal persons 2 and vehicle calls 2.
Crime & Public Safety
Train engineer assaulted on the job
SAUK RAPIDS – A Sauk Rapids man was behind bars Tuesday after allegedly assaulting a train engineer on a moving train.
According to a press release from Sauk Rapids Police Chief Perry Beise, Samuel David Hohman was arrested Sept. 19.
As of Thursday morning, Hohman remained in custody at the Benton County Jail and was awaiting a hearing on charges of felony assault and felony property damage.
Beise said police o cers were dispatched to the scene of an assault at the intersection of North Benton Drive and First Avenue North shortly before 8:30 a.m. Sept. 20. A BNSF Railway engineer had jumped from a moving train after being assaulted with a knife. Law enforcement learned Hohman had climbed onto the train and entered the cab of the train engine, which was pulling a rock train north from St. Cloud. The engine rolled to a stop a couple miles away in Sartell, and law enforcement arrested Hohman near the stopped train.
The Sartell Police Department and Benton County Sheri ’s O ce assisted in the investigation.
The engineer was transported to the St. Cloud Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries by Mayo Clinic Ambulance Services.
Sauk Rapids man runs from o cers
FOLEY – A Sauk Rapids man is facing charges after leading police on a pursuit in the early morning hours of Sept. 17.
Philip Lloyd Hanson, 41, is charged with one felony count for eeing police o cers in a motor vehicle as well as third- and fourth-degree driving while impaired charges. Hanson could receive a maximum penalty of three years in prison and a $5,000 ne for the felony charge if convicted.
According to a criminal complaint led in Benton County, o cers from the St. Cloud Police Department attempted a tra c stop shortly after 2:30 a.m. on Hanson after observing him driving about 80 mph in a 30 mph zone near Ninth Avenue South and University Drive South in Stearns County. Hanson led o cers on a pursuit that took them into Benton County; law enforcement used a immobilization maneuver to stop Hanson’s vehicle.
Hanson was placed under arrest and identi ed. Ofcers observed an alcoholic odor on his breath and noted bloodshot, watery eyes and slurred speech. A eld sobriety test indicated he was impaired and a breath test, after being transported to the St. Cloud Police Department, showed a blood alcohol concentration of .16%.
Hanson was booked into the Benton County Jail Sept. 17 and released Sept. 20. His next court date is set for Sept. 27.
MDH highlights crisis lifeline during Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
Call 988 for help
ST. PAUL – In observation of September as Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, health o cials are reminding Minnesotans that suicide is preventable, recovery is possible and help is available at any time by calling 988.
Earlier this summer, the United States rolled out a nationwide three-digit dialing code – 988 – as a way to access suicide prevention and crisis support. Since switching to 988 on July 16, calls to Minnesota’s four call centers have increased 44%. Minnesota has also seen a 173% increase in web chats (since January) and 250% increase in texts to 988. The increase is believed to be in large part because the new 988 dialing option made it easier to remember how to access a trained counselor for suicide support and resources. Minnesota received 33,887 calls, 4,099 chats and 1,306 texts in 2021.
The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline and Minnesota’s four call centers o er support 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
There continues to be a great need for 988 support services as suicide, or death by intentional self-harm, has been steadily rising in Minnesota for the past 20 years.
According to preliminary data, there were 777 suicides in 2021, mirroring trends across the United States. This is the
seventh straight year in which more than 700 Minnesotans died by suicide. In addition, each year in Minnesota there are more than 10,000 self-harm or suicidal injuries treated by health care providers.
“We know the last few years have been incredibly challenging mentally, emotionally and physically for many Minnesotans,” said Jan Malcolm, Minnesota Commissioner of Health. “Please take advantage of this awareness month to check in with the people in your life and consider reminding them that the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is available for anyone in need of crisis or mental health support.”
Local leaders, community organizations and employers can take steps to prevent suicide by sharing resources on 988 and other crisis services; bringing suicide prevention training to schools, faith communities, workplaces or other communities; sharing suicide prevention messages and resources through social media; and promoting other programs within the community that encourage positive healthy activities and places for connection.
Toolkits can be found at www.health.state.mn.us/communities/suicide/basics/awarenessmonth.html.
The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline is one among several ongoing Minnesota initiatives to prevent suicides, including mental health training for
Senior Dining program in need of volunteers
ST. CLOUD – Catholic Charities is seeking volunteers to continue its e ort to ght food insecurity. Senior Dining sites are in need of people to prepare food, setup dining sites for meals, serve meals and clean after meals.
“Volunteers are critical to ful ll the mission of Catholic Charities,” said Annie Henriksen, volunteer coordinator. “We can’t serve the central Minnesota community without them. I am thankful for each and every volunteer for the work they do and the hope they inspire.”
For more information on volunteer opportunities, contact Henriksen at 320-650-1645 or annie.henriksen@ccstcloud.org.
DNR con scated equipment auction is Oct. 1
ST. PAUL – The DNR is hosting a con scated equipment auction Saturday, Oct. 1. The auction will be held at www.hillerauction.com. The list of items to be sold is on the website.
The bidding catalog for the auction will be available Sept. 28. This will include a written description and photos of each item. Onsite inspection is available from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, Sept. 30, at Hiller Auction Service, 10785 261st Ave., Zimmerman.
The auction will begin closing at 10 a.m. Oct. 1, with a staggered ending – one item ending per minute. Bidding will extend on that item if there is a bid in the nal three minutes and extend as many times as needed until there are no bids for three minutes. Extended bidding does not a ect the ending times of other items.
Winning bidders will be sent an invoice after the completion of the auction. Items must be picked up at Hiller Auction Service.
Bidders who purchase a rearm will be
school sta and the Zero Suicide Initiative.
Minnesota started providing the Kognito At-Risk mental health training for school sta at no cost in May 2020. Kognito At-Risk is a virtual training that provides role-playing simulations to help educators and school sta gain an understanding of mental health and recognize the signs of distress. More than 13,215 school sta members in Minnesota have taken Kognito At-Risk.
In addition, Kognito’s Friend2Friend is a student curriculum for grades 6-12 that teaches about emotional and mental wellness, and how to support classmates who may be struggling. To date, 757 students in eight school districts have completed Kognito Friend2Friend.
Another initiative is Zero Suicide, which is a framework to improve the suicide and selfharm care within health care and behavioral health clinics and organizations. This initiative helps identify people with thoughts of suicide and connects them to resources and treatment. It also focuses on ensuring clinicians and sta receive adequate training as it relates to suicide prevention and intervention. In Minnesota, 36 health and behavioral health care systems have committed to adopting the Zero Suicide framework and have completed the initial Zero Suicide training.
required to pass a federal rearms background check in person when paying for and picking up the rearm(s) at the auction location.
Additional information about auction procedures is available on the Hiller Auction website.
Public safety foundation announces awards deadline
ST. CLOUD – The Greater St. Cloud Public Safety Foundation is accepting nominations for awards recognizing the good work of rst responders who serve communities in Benton, Sherburne and Stearns counties and other advocates of public safety in the greater St. Cloud region. The GSCPSF has created two awards.
The Department or Team of the Year award recognizes a public safety department or team for their outstanding performance and dedication to their community. This may re ect a single incident, unique problem-solving or long-term commitment to the people they serve. This award is open to all emergency medical service, re and law enforcement departments. The department or team must serve a portion of Benton, Sherburne or Stearns counties. Three awards will be presented: one each for re, EMS and law enforcement.
The Outstanding Contribution to Public Safety award recognizes rst responders, individuals, groups, community organizations or partners who have demonstrated exceptional support of and/ or contribution to public safety in the greater St. Cloud region.
A link to the nomination form is found at www.gscsafety.org/ rstresponder-appreciationdinner. The nomination submission deadline is 5 p.m. Oct. 7.
The awards will be presented at the GSCPSF First Responder Appreciation Dinner Oct. 28.
Dressing it up for homecoming

Homecoming court members Ethan Anderson and Julia Satre smile for the audience during coronation festivities Sept. 19 at Sauk Rapids-Rice High School.

Kavan Gullette and April Nelson were crowned king and queen, respectively.
(Above) A pair of Vikings fans – Lenora Probasco (left) and Mariame Dioumessy – flank Seahawk-wearing jersey-wearer Hannah Solorz for jersey day as part of homecoming festivities at Sauk Rapids-Rice High School Sept. 19. It was one of five dressup days for the school week.

(Left) Freshmen Vivian Coss (left) and Avayah McMillan show off their country side while dressing up for country versus country club day Sept. 20 at Sauk Rapids-Rice High School in Sauk Rapids. Flannels were a popular choice for those choosing alternative attire for the country theme.

Case Type: Foreclosure Court File No. 05-CV-21-516
Star Bank, Plaintiff, v. Robert Anderson (aka Robert W.J. Anderson, aka Robert Waldon Johnson Anderson, aka Robert Waldon Anderson, aka Robert W. Anderson, aka John Robert Anderson, aka Robert John Anderson, and aka John Robert Waldon Anderson), Marcia Anderson (aka Marcia M. Anderson, aka Marcia Marie Anderson, aka Marsha Anderson, and aka Marcia C. Anderson), Aaron Anderson (aka Aaron Rodney Anderson), Michelle Anderson (aka Michelle M. Anderson), the Estate of Bernice Anderson (aka Bernice F. Anderson and aka Bernice Frieda Anderson), Franklin Anderson (aka Franklin C. Anderson), Brenda Anderson (aka Brenda J. Anderson), DLL Finance
LLC, AgQuest Financial Services, Inc., Commodity Credit Corporation, Corporation Service Company, CNH Industrial Capital America LLC (aka CNH Capital America LLC), Falcon Leasing, Falcon National Bank, Shef eld Financial, Truist Bank, Branch Banking and Trust Company, First State Bank of Bigfork, Hermantown Federal Credit Union, United States Internal Revenue Service, CGB Agri Financial Services, Inc., Centricity Credit Union, Accounts Receivable Services, LLC (aka Accounts Receivables Services), Snap-on Credit LLC, TD Auto Finance, LLC f/k/a Chrysler Financial, State of Minnesota Department of Revenue, Admirals Bank,SHERBURNE/ ANOKA/HENNEPIN FSA, Central Minnesota Credit Union, Proctor Federal Credit Union, AGCO Finance LLC, Northland Capital Financial Services, LLC, Western Equipment Finance, Inc., Agricredit Acceptance LLC, Members Cooperative Credit Union, FBN Finance, LLC, Woodlands National Bank, Spire Credit Union, Brainard Savings and Loan Association, John Doe, Mary Roe, ABC Partnership,
and XYZ Corporation, Defendants.
Notice is hereby given, that under and by virtue of an Findings of Facts, Conclusions of Law, And Order for Judgment and Judgment (the “Judgment”) entered in the above-entitled action on or about April 15, 2022, of which a certi ed copy has been delivered to me directing the sale of the premises, hereinafter described, to satisfy the amount found and adjudged due said Plaintiff in the above entitled action from Defendants, as prescribed in the Judgment, the undersigned Sheriff of Benton County will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, on the 25th day of October, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. at the Benton County Sheriff’s of ce, 581 Highway 23, Foley, MN 56329, in the said County and State, the premises and real estate described in said Judgment, legally described as:
The Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 37, Range 28, Benton County, Minnesota.
All contained in the County of Benton, State of Minnesota.
Dated: August 16, 2022
By: /s/ Troy Heck Deputy Sheriff THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: MJB LAW FIRM, PLLC Attorneys for Judgment Creditor 7925 Stone Creek Drive, Suite 120A Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (612) 716-3099 R-33-6B
PROBATE NOTICE South, Sauk Rapids MN 56379 and 2851 West 6th Street, Duluth MN 55806, as Personal Representatives of the estate of the abovenamed decedent in an unsupervised administration, and that any objections thereto must be led with the Court.
In Re: Estate of JAY P. KEDROWSKI, Decedent.
It is Ordered and Notice is hereby given that on the 24th day of October, 2022, at 8:00 o’clock a.m., a hearing will be held in the above-named Court at Foley, Minnesota, on a Petition for the formal adjudication of intestacy, determination of heirship, and for the appointment of Joel Kedrowski and Michael Kedrowski, whose addresses respectively are 600 River Avenue
That, if proper, and no objections are led, a personal representative will be appointed to administer the estate; to collect all assets; to pay all legal debts, claims, taxes, and expenses; to sell real and personal property; and to do all necessary acts for the estate.
Notice is further given that ALL CREDITORS having claims against said estate are required to present the same to said Personal Representative or to the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this notice or said claims will be barred.
Date: September 17, 2022
/s/ Robert J. Raupp Judge Megan Bergman, Court Administrator
By /s/ Jennifer Siemers Deputy Court Administrator Torell Law Of ce Mark Torell (Atty. ID# 137339) 405 Dewey Street, PO Box 427 Foley, MN 56329 (320) 968-7284 R-38-2B
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage:
DATE OF MORTGAGE: March 23, 2017
MORTGAGOR: Corey J Wichman an unmarried man and Sandra Wichman an unmarried woman.
MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Primelending, A Plainscapital Company, its successors and assigns.
DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded March 31, 2017 Benton County Recorder, Document No. 421836.
ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC. Dated January 26, 2021 Recorded January 26, 2021, as Document No. 449308.
TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.
ON MORTGAGE: Primelending, A Plainscapital Company RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: M&T Bank MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 620 2nd Ave S, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379
TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 190033100
LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot Twelve (12) and the Southerly one half (sly 1/2) of Lot Eleven (11), being all that part of said Lot Eleven (11) lying Southerly of a straight line drawn parallel with and distance Twenty Five (25) feet Northerly of the common lot line of said Lots Eleven (11) and Twelve (12), all in block Thirty Five (35) in the Original Town (Now City) of Sauk Rapids, according to the plat thereof on le and of record in the of ce of the County Recorder, Benton County, Minnesota.
That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/ Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice
requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof;
PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows:
DATE AND TIME OF SALE: November 10, 2022 at 10:00 AM
PLACE OF SALE: Benton County Sheriff’s Of ce, 581 Highway 23 Northeast Foley, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys’ fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07.
TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owneroccupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on May 10, 2023, unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under
MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032.
Dated: September 8, 2022 Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC
Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee LIEBO, WEINGARDEN, DOBIE & BARBEE, P.L.L.P.
Attorneys for Mortgagee/ Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 37 - 22-005081 FC
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Benton County Planning Commission will conduct public hearings on October 6th, 2022, in the Commissioner’s Room, Benton County Government Center, Foley, and beginning at 7:00 p.m. The Planning Commission will hear the following:
1. Bernard Janson requesting approval of a two-lot preliminary plat entitled “Mayhew Lake Southeast Shores” in the Agricultural District. Pursuant to Section 10.7. The affected property is described as follows: W1/2 SW1/4, and part of the SE1/4, Section 17, Mayhew Lake Township.
2. Peter and Jennifer Poepping requesting approval of a two-lot preliminary plat entitled “Poepping Addition” in the R-2, Residential District. Pursuant to Section 10.7. The affected property is described as follows: Part of Government Lot 7, Section 2, Watab Township.
ANYONE with comments regarding the above will be heard at this meeting.
Benton County Highway Department CLOSING DATE: October 12, 2022
Foley, Minnesota
2023 Fiber Extension
Sealed bid proposals will be received until 10:00 A.M. CST on October 12, 2022, at the Benton County Public Works Building, PO Box 247, 7752 Hwy 25 NE, Foley, MN 56329 by Chris Byrd, Engineer of Benton County, for the construction of 2023 Fiber Extension
LOCATION: Along MNTH 23; from St. Cloud to Foley
TYPE OF WORK: Direct Bury Fiber, Boring Conduit, and Turf Restoration
The Major Items of Work are approximately: 20 EACH, Fiberoptic Splice Vault 14 EACH, Pull Vault 55,060 LIN FT, 1.5” Non-metallic Conduit 57,355 LIN FT, Install Cable (Plow/Trench) 14,985 LIN FT, 1.5” Bored Conduit
Proposal, Plans and Speci cations may be examined and obtained for $75 at the Benton County Highway Engineers Of ce, PO Box 247, 7752 Highway 25 NE, Foley, MN 56329; located along TH 25, 1 mile north of TH 23 in the City of Foley. Proposal, Plans and Speci cations may also be downloaded at https://mn-co-benton.app.rtvision.com/oneof ce/ bidding for $0.00.
Bids must be sealed, identi ed on the envelope and accompanied by a Certi ed Check or a Bidder’s Bond in the amount of 5% of the bid and made payable to the Treasurer of Benton County.
The County reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities and further reserves the right to award the contract to serve the best interest of Benton County.
Dated at Foley, Minnesota on September 15, 2022.
Chris Byrd
Benton County Engineer/Public Works Director R-37-3B
5. Prize will be mailed to the winner after their name is announced in this paper.

6. Only one entry per person per week. Two entries per address per week.

7. In case of a tie, a random drawing will be held.

8. Contestants with the most season picks will win a grand prize of $200 cash.

Cross-country from page 22
Bogle was named the CLC Girls Cross-Country Performer of the Week.
The Storm are scheduled for their lone home meet of the year Thursday, Sept. 29. The sixschool race includes Cambridge-Isanti, Royalton, St. Francis, Tech and Zimmerman.
Races being at 4 p.m. on the grounds north of Sauk Rapids-Rice High School in Sauk Rapids.

SRR boys: 45. Ostendorf 18:03.4, 106. Hixson 19:13.2, 128. Martin 20:15.2, 149. Pallansch 22:51.2, 150. Weber 23:23.1 and 151. Nathe 23:31.5. SRR girls: 69. Bogle 22:52.9 and 74. Reker 23:05.6.
Lumberjacks from page 22
The Lumberjacks took on the Alexandria Blizzard Sept. 23 and will wrap up its three-game homestand against the Willmar WarHawks at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 24, at Sports Arena East in Sauk Rapids.

“As long as we move our feet and play fast and physical, I think we’ll be a tough group to play against,” Vold said.

NUM 0 0 2-2

GCL 1 2 4-7
First period: 1. Mortenson (Dayne Deanovich) 16:28. Second period: 2. McPartland (Weber, Carson Van Zuilen) 12:22. 3. Weber (McPartland, Van Zuilen) 17:30. Third period: 4. Slater (Andrew Butler) 2:59. 5. Mortenson 8:10. 7. Johnson (Nolan Widman, Jack Senden) 13:31. 8. Mortenson (Sam Brennan, Van Zuilen) 14:02. Goalie: Roberts 16-18.

Parents: Randy and Cheryl Haddy
Activity: Senior on the Sauk Rapids-Rice High School girls tennis team.

What do you enjoy most about being on the tennis team? I love the atmosphere and the people around me. Everyone is there to support each other which makes the team enjoyable
What has been the highlight of your tenniscareer? The highlight of my tennis career was when my doubles partner, Addie, and I finally defeated our rivals in sections at Sta-Fit last year.
What other activities are you involved in at school or in the community? Track and field, Link Crew, Minnesota Honor Society and Storm Leaders.
What life lesson has being involved in activities taught you? Being in activities has taught me how important it is to work with the people around you. This will really help me in the future.
What SRR teacher has made an impact on your life? Trisha Bemboom. She has been such a positive person in my life the past few years. I know she always wants the best for me and everyone else around her.
What do you do to show your Storm pride? I go to every sporting event I can to support all of the other teams, and I also participate in all of the dress up days during homecoming week.
What board or yard game is your favorite to play with friends and family? I would say Clue for my favorite board game and badminton for my favorite yard game because they are both so fun and bring people together.
What is your dream job? To be a realtor. If you could travel anywhere for free, where would you book tickets to? I would either go to Greece or Mexico because my friends have been to these places, and they have told me how much fun they were. welders the night Hall
PHOTO BY TOM FENTON Bogle (left) Amelia Reker stride down the course at the Lucky Lindy Invitational Sept. 15 at the Little Falls Golf Course. Bogle and Reker finished 69th and 74th, respectively, in the varsity girls race. Freshman runner Avery Nathe follows the course for the Sauk Rapids-Rice cross-country team at the Lucky Lindy Invitational Sept. 15 at the Little Falls Golf Course. Nathe finished the race in 23 minutes, 31 seconds.