250 Summit Ave N.
October 11,
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Kurt Hunstiger called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. All members present.
2. Additions or Changes to the Agenda
Perry Beise requested to add Approve Authorizing the Appointment to the Police Of cer Position as agenda item 10-I.
3. Approve the Agenda
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Ellering and seconded by Councilperson Thronson to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried unanimously.
4. Approve Minutes
A. 9-26-2022 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Thronson and seconded by Councilperson Ellering to approve the 9-26-2022 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes. Motion carried unanimously with Councilperson Sauer abstaining from the vote.
5. Receive and File
6. Mayor’s Communications
• Doug Dingmann Retirement Recognition, 23 Years of Dedicated Service to Sauk Rapids Fire Department-Mayor Hunstiger noted that Mr. Dingmann was unable to attend tonight’s meeting, so he will be invited back to a future meeting to be recognized for his retirement from the Sauk Rapids Fire Department.
• Building Department and Fire Department Update—Jason Fleming, Fire Chief and Building Of cial, provided an update on both the Sauk Rapids Fire Department as well as the Building Department.

Councilperson Sauer thanked the Sauk Rapids Fire Department for all of the extra work that they put in for re prevention week and the open house at the Fire Hall as it is such a fun event for the community.
7. Audience Items/Visitors Total Time Limit 2 Minutes for Items NOT on the Agenda
8. Public Hearings

Taqueria Don Chuy, 31 North Benton Drive
1. Continue Public Hearing
2. Close Public Hearing
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Sauer and seconded by Councilperson Thronson to close the public hearing. Motion
3. Consider Action
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Sauer and seconded by Councilperson Thronson to approve and adopt resolution approving an On-Sale Liquor License and Special Sunday Liquor License for Taqueria Don Chuy, LLC for the license period of October 12, 2022 through June 30, 2023 on the condition that all applicable fees are paid prior to liquor sales.
B. Applicant Purpose
City of Sauk Rapids To Consider an Ordinance Amendment to Section 10.15 of the Sauk Rapids Ordinance Which Addresses the Regulation of Manufactured Homes, Travel Trailers, or Travel Trailer Courts

1. Open Public Hearing
2. Close Public Hearing
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Sauer and seconded by Councilperson Thronson to close the public hearing. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Consider Action
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Ellering and seconded by Councilperson Thronson to approve the deletion of references to 1995 in the Mobile Home Code and approve the Summary of Publication Resolution. Motion carried unanimously.
C. Applicant Purpose
Manea’s Meats To Consider a Planned Unit Development and Vacation Request to Allow Meat Processing Facility To Be Expanded Across the Alleyway in the Block Occupied by Manea’s Meats and Onto the Property at 117, 113, and 109 3rd Avenue North. The Northerly Portion of the Alleyway To Be Vacated 3.
1. Open Public Hearing
Ronn Paulson, 112 3rd Ave North, stated that he is not against the requested expansion. He explained though that he was surprised, as a neighbor, to not have received notice of tonight’s public hearing as he instead read an article about it on WJON. Paulson said that his primary concern in regards to the expansion pertains to a rotting smell that creeps from the sewers and can smell really bad at times. Paulson also requested that as much green space and trees be saved as possible.
Merle Gales, 1022 11th Street North, noted that he was fully in favor of the Manea’s Meats expansion. He stated that the owners are great people who give back to the community. Gales said that the last expansion that was done in 2016 was a beautiful addition. He said that Manea’s Meats employs wonderful people and is doing an amazing job for the City.
Juan Castellanos, Manea’s Meats, stated the he and his sister own Manea’s Meats. Castellanos addressed the grease trap outside of the building, which he believed is what Mr. Paulson was referring to with the bad odors. Castellanos said that Manea’s Meats has been attempting to address any foul odors with additional cleanings of their grease traps. He stated that they will continue to have the grease trap cleaned more frequently, if needed.
Todd Schultz apologized and stated that he thinks that
he may have neglected to send notice to the neighborhood for tonight’s public hearing. Schultz noted that the public hearing was advertised in the paper as required though.
Upon the advice of Legal, the Council agreed by consensus to close the public hearing and re-advertise a public hearing in which the impacted neighborhood is alerted of the meeting. Schultz said that he will work with Manea’s Meats and the City Council to attempt to schedule a special meeting of the City Council.

2. Close Public Hearing Motion: Moved by Councilperson Ellering and seconded by Councilperson Seamans to close the public hearing. Motion carried unanimously.
9. Journey Home Hearing
Adam Ripple advised the City Council that Journey Home, which is located at 1485 10th Avenue Northeast, has provided transitional housing for various individuals since 2006. Ripple stated that the status of Journey Home’s Conditional Use Permit (CUP) has come into question as a result of several recent law enforcement calls to the facility. He explained that a hearing is being held tonight to consider: (1) if Journey Home has satis ed the condition of the 2020 CUP amendment; (2) if the 2020 CUP Amendment is invalid; and (3) whether Journey Home is in compliance with the original CUP.
Mark Vyvyan, Attorney for Bridge Recovery LLC, said he rmly believes that Bridge Recovery is in compliance. He said that there is no condition in the CUP regarding recording. Vyvyan said that it is unclear what needed to be executed and what the timeline was. He said that the issue is that the execution of the document by the former owner was done with a stamp rather than with a pen. Vyvyan said that the new owner is more than willing to execute the agreement with a pen versus a stamp. He noted that the CUP was recorded in 2021, so he believes that Bridge Recovery is in compliance.
Vyvyan stated that moving forward, it is crucially important to Bridge Recovery that they be a good neighbor and a good representative of the City. He further explained that some of the issue in regards to the Police Department are due to the fact that Bridge Recovery is subject to Part II of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)laws, which prohibits them from sharing information about their patients even with law enforcement.
Major John Donovan, Big Lake, stated that he is a retired member of the Armed Forces after 27 years of service. He said that as a retired member of the Minnesota National Guard, he is also a person in long-term recovery. Major Donovan explained that recovery services bring people back from addictions and gives them their lives back. He noted that Bridge Recovery is a huge asset to the community.
Ripple advised that after conducting the hearing tonight, the Council will need to determine the following:
• Is Journey Home’s 2020 Amendment to the CUP invalid?
• If the Amendment is invalid and Journey Home is not in compliance with the Original CUP, how much time should Journey Home be provided in order to bring the use into compliance by only serving women and limiting treatment to 20 hours per week?
The City Council agreed by consensus that Journey Home’s 2020 Amendment to the CUP is invalid due to it not being signed. Ripple clari ed that the Council nding the Amendment invalid would revert back to the restriction of only serving women and limiting treatment to 20 hours per week.
Ross Olson suggested that the Land Use Committee of the City Council meet with Legal to further discuss the process
Cross Park Field #9 In eld Extension
Purchase of 3 Model 45 9mm Glock Pistols, Optics, and Holsters
Posting Vacant Fire ghter Position
Awarding the Water Treatment Plant Roof

2022 3rd Quarter Plumbing, Mechanical, and Building Permits
Change Order No. 2 to the 2022 Industrial Boulevard Improvements Project
Change Order #5 to the 2020 River Avenue Improvements Project
Building Signage for Riverside Terrace
Authorizing the Appointment to the Police
cer Position
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Thronson and seconded by Councilperson Ellering to approve consent agenda item 10A-10I. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Thronson and seconded by Councilperson Sauer to approve the List of Bills and Claims. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Thronson and seconded by Councilperson Ellering to adjourn the meeting.
carried unanimously.
Mayor Hunstiger adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m.R43-1B
SECTION 00 11 13
Independent School District #47 will receive single prime sealed bids for Rice Elementary Boiler Replacement until 2:00 p.m. local time on November 15, 2022 at the District Of ce, 1833 Osauka Road Northeast, Sauk Rapids, Minnesota 56379, at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.
Bidding documents, including the Proposal Form, Drawings and Speci cations, will be on le at the Minnesota Builders Exchange; McGraw Hill Construction/ Dodge Plan Center; Reed Construction; iSqFt Plan Room (St. Paul, MN), The Blue Book Building and Construction Network; and from PlanWell at https://order.earc.com/arcEOC/Secures/PWELL_PrivateList.aspx?PrjType=pub
This project includes: Replacement of existing boiler plant, domestic water heaters, domestic water softeners, and associated roof/electrical work.
Make proposals on the bid forms supplied in the Proj-
SECTION 00 11 13
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received for the 2023 ROOF REHABILITATION by Independent School District 47, hereinafter called the Owner, at the District Of ce, Door 2 on the Second Floor located at 1833 Osauka Road NE, Sauk Rapids, Minnesota 56379 until 10:00 a.m., local time on Tuesday, November 15, 2022, at which time and place bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.
In general, the work consists of the removal of the existing roof systems and associated materials on approximately 12,500 ft^2 of the facility and installation of new roo ng systems as speci ed. Additionally, approximately 65 ft of new insulated metal panels is included with the project. It is the Owner’s intent to award the project to one Contractor. The Responsible Contractor that submits the lowest responsive Base Bid is required to provide one roofing crew working within the District, fully equipped and staged, consisting of 8 to 10 laborers until completion of the Contract or as directed by the Owner’s Representative.
Bidding Documents have been prepared by ZMD Engineered Solutions, LLC (ZMD), 28 – 2nd Street NW, Suite #100, Osseo, MN 55369 (telephone: 763-515-8733) and will be available on Monday, October 1, 2022, at 12:00 p.m. To order documents and view project information such as Drawings, Speci cation, plan holder list, prebid sign-in sheet, addenda and bid results, visit the Franz Reprographics web site at www.franzrepro.com and select the Plan Room option. Please login with your email address and password, or Register if this is your rst time in the Plan Room. Select the project from the list of public projects. Once you have selected the project, please review the Bid Package Information for ordering documents. To receive Electronic Downloads, Bid Addenda and Shipped Order Con rmations for this project, you must make the following email address a Safe Sender in your Outlook Email: info@ipdservices.com If you do not, your email
ect Manual. No oral, telegraphic or telephonic proposals or modi cations will be considered. Submit with each bid, a certi ed check or acceptable bidder's bond payable to Independent School District #47 in an amount equal to ve percent (5%) of the total bid. The successful bidder will be required to furnish satisfactory Labor and Material Payment Bond, and Performance Bond.
Bids may not be withdrawn within thirty (30) days after the scheduled time of opening bids, without the consent of the Owner. The Owner reserves the right to accept any bid or to reject any or all bids, or parts of such bids, and waive informalities or irregularities in bidding.
A Pre-Bid walkthrough will occur at 10:00 am on Monday, November 7, 2022. Attendance is not mandatory, but is highly encouraged. Please meet at the receiving area (door #10) in the south parking lot.
The Owner requires Substantial Completion of the project on or before August 11, 2023.
Board of Education Independent School District #47 R43-2B
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the 2022 General Election will be held on Tuesday, November 8, 2022 in the City of Sauk Rapids.
Sample ballots are available for inspection at the Sauk Rapids Government Center, 250 Summit Avenue North or on the Secretary of State’s website at www.sos.state.mn.us/ home/index.asp. The polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. The following locations are designated as polling places for this election:
Precinct Location
1 Riverside Terrace (Event Center at Southside Park/The Clearing) 195 River Avenue South
2 Council Chambers at Sauk Rapids Government Center 250 Summit Avenue North
3 Discovery Church 700 18th Street North West
4 Riverside Church 1702 West Highview Drive
server may block the receipt of these noti cations. These noti cations are sent from this email address, not from the email address of ZMD Engineered Solutions, LLC or Franz Reprographics. If you encounter problems, please contact Franz Reprographics by phone at 763-503-3401.
Documents may also be reviewed at ZMD, Dodge Data and Analytics, ConstructConnect and the Minnesota Builders Exchange.
On Tuesday, November 8, 2022, at 10:00 a.m., a prebid conference will be held at Sauk Rapids-Rice Middle School, 901 1st Street South, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379. Attendees shall meet at the loading dock/garages on the North side of the school.
All interested bidders (Prime Contractors and Sub-Contractors) must submit with their bid the “Responsible Contractor Certi cate” as provided in the Bid Documents verifying compliance to Minnesota Statute 16C.285, Subd. 3.
A Bid Bond or Certi ed Check for 5% of the maximum bid payable to Independent School District 47 is required as a guarantee that if the bid is accepted, the Bidder will execute and le the proposed contract and provide 100% Performance and Payment Bonds within ten (10) days after the award of the Contract. The Certi ed Check will be returned to the Bidder as soon as the Contract and Bonds are executed. If, after ten (10) days, the Bidder shall fail to execute said Contract and Bonds, the Certi ed Check or Bid Bond shall be forfeited to Independent School District 47, as liquidated damages.
The Owner reserves the right to waive irregularities and to reject any and all bids.
No bid may be withdrawn for a period of Sixty (60) days after the date set for the opening thereof.
At the Owner’s discretion, liquidated damages in the amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) per calendar day will be assessed against the Contract if the project is not completed on the dates indicated.
This Advertisement for Bids is issued by the authority of Independent School District 47. R43-2B
5 Sauk Rapids Government Center, Community Room (All Voters Living East of Highway 10) 250 Summit Avenue North
6 Is A Mail Ballot Precinct
Until Further Notice
Publish in Sauk Rapids Herald: October 22, 2022 and October 29, 2022
Winter Parking
The Sauk Rapids City Council amended its winter parking regulations in 2018 to provide authority to declare a snow emergency in order to clear the City streets and ensure safe passages through the City during winter months for routine travel and emergency services. Every year before November 1st notice of the winter parking rules are to be published in the of cial city paper. Below is the updated Ordinance (City Code 6.03):
Ordinance: Subd.3. Winter Parking
A. It shall be unlawful for any vehicle or trailer to be stopped and left unattended, left standing unattended or parked between the hours of 2:00 o’clock a.m. and 7:00 o’clock a.m. of any day between November 1, and March 31 inclusive, on a street, avenue or thoroughfare within the corporate limits of this municipality.
B. Any police of cer may remove a vehicle from a street to a garage or other place of safety when the vehicle is left unattended and constitutes an obstruction to traf c or hinders snow removal or street improvement or maintenance operations. Such vehicle shall not be released until the fees for towing and storage are paid in addition to any ne imposed for violation of this section.
C. The public Works Director, or his designee, is granted the authority to declare a snow emergency due to the presence or prediction of snowfall in excess of 4 inches, freezing rain, sleet or other natural phenomenon which create or are likely to create hazardous road conditions, and impede the free movement of re, health, police, emergency or vehicular traf c.
Sauk Rapids-Rice Middle School Pool Conversion 901 First Street South
Sauk Rapids, Minnesota 56379
Independent School District #47 will receive single prime sealed bids for Sauk Rapids-Rice Middle School Pool Conversion until 2:00 p.m. local time on November 17, 2022 at the District Of ce, 1833 Osauka Road Northeast, Sauk Rapids, Minnesota56379, at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.
Bidding documents, including the Proposal Form, Drawings and Speci cations, will be on le at the Minnesota Builders Exchange; McGraw Hill Construction/ Dodge Plan Center; Reed Construction; iSqFt Plan Room (St. Paul, MN), The Blue Book Building and Construction Network; and from PlanWell at https://order.e- arc.com/ arcEOC/Secures/PWELL_PrivateList.aspx?PrjType=pub
This project includes: Interior renovation of existing pool, including in lling of the pool, into a multipurpose room. Interior renovation of existing Vocal classroom, including removal of cast-in-place risers, into a tness room attached to the multipurpose room. Replacement of mechanical and electrical systems, lighting, etc. in multipurpose and tness rooms.
American Reprographics Company, 4730 Park Glen Road, St. Louis Park, Minnesota 55416 (952) 697-8800, facsimile (952) 697-8803 will provide complete downloadable sets of the Bidding Documents to prospective bidders and subcontractors. The downloads will be available on or
about October 27, 2022. A deposit check in the amount of $25 made out to ARC for each set downloaded via the internet at https://www.e-arc.com/location/st-louis-park/ and clicking on the PlanWell icon, then the Public Plan Room icon, select Sauk Rapids-Rice Middle School Pool Conversion.
Make proposals on the bid forms supplied in the Project Manual. No oral, telegraphic or telephonic proposals or modi cations will be considered. Submit with each bid, a certi ed check or acceptable bidder’s bond payable to Independent School District #47 in an amount equal to ve percent (5%) of the total bid. The successful bidder will be required to furnish satisfactory Labor and Material Payment Bond, and Performance Bond.
Bids may not be withdrawn within thirty (30) days after the scheduled time of opening bids, without the consent of the Owner. The Owner reserves the right to accept any bid or to reject any or all bids, or parts of such bids, and waive informalities or irregularities in bidding.
A pre-bid walkthrough will be held on November 10, 2022 at 3:00 PM. Attendance is not mandatory but is highly encouraged. Attendees are to enter the site from the east side of the building and meet at the loading dock area on the north side of the Middle School at 901 First Street South, Sauk Rapids, Minnesota 56379.
The Owner requires Substantial Completion of the project on or before December 8, 2023.
Board of Education Independent School District #47 R43-2B
1. A snow emergency announcement shall be made by local radio. The announcement may also be given by other means as determined in the City’s discretion, but shall not replace the one required to be made by local radio. All snow emergency announcements shall state the time period which the condition shall exist, depending on the circumstances, the time period may be extended through subsequent announcements
2. During a snow emergency it is unlawful to park or leave standing any vehicle on any public street, avenue, or alley until the roadway has been fully and completely (curb to curb) cleaned. These parking regulations shall not apply to operators of wreckers or authorized emergency vehicles while actually serving mechanical, for medical or police emergencies.
3. Any vehicle which is left parked or standing on a public street during a snow emergency in violation of this section is hereby declared a nuisance and shall be subject to a monetary ne as af xed by the city council from time to time and may be subject to impounding. The owner of any vehicle impounded as a result of such nuisance shall be responsible for any and all cost related to the impounding of said vehicle. The ne imposed on a vehicle pursuant to this section shall not prevent or preclude the institution and prosecution of preceding for violations of this sections against the vehicle owner.
4. Notice of snow emergency parking provisions shall be published in the of cial paper prior to November 1st of each year. Notice shall also be posted at City Hall at the time of publication.
ORDINANCE No. 2022-807
The following is the of cial summary of Ordinance No. 2022-807 approved by the Sauk Rapids City Council on October 24, 2022:
The City Council revised its City Code Chapter 1, Section 1.02 regulations on compensation of the City Council and Mayor.
A complete, printed copy of the ordinance is available for inspection by any person during regular of ce hours at City Hall or the entire Fee Schedule may be viewed on the City’s website at www.ci.sauk-rapids.mn.us.
SECTION 00 11 13
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received for the 2023 SAUK RAPIDS-RICE MIDDLE SCHOOL
EXTERIOR WALL REHABILITATION by Independent School District 47, hereinafter called the Owner, at the District Of ce, Door 2 on the Second Floor located at 1833 Osauka Road NE, Sauk Rapids, Minnesota 56379 until 10:00 a.m., local time on Thursday, November 17, 2022, at which time and place bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.
Order Con rmations for this project, you must make the following email address a Safe Sender in your Outlook Email: info@ipdservices.com If you do not, your email server may block the receipt of these noti cations. These noti cations are sent from this email address, not from the email address of ZMD Engineered Solutions, LLC or Franz Reprographics. If you encounter problems, please contact Franz Reprographics by phone at 763-503-3401.
Documents may also be reviewed at ZMD, Dodge Data and Analytics, ConstructConnect and the Minnesota Builders Exchange.
On Tuesday, November 8, 2022, at 12:00 p.m., a prebid conference will be held at Sauk Rapids-Rice Middle School, 901 1st Street South, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379. Attendees shall meet at entrance door 5 of the school.
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the City of Rice Planning Commission at 6:00 pm on Monday, November 7th, 2022, at the Rice City Hall, 205 Main Street East, Rice, MN 56367 for the purpose of hearing from the public, considering, and making recommendation to the City Council regarding: Variance Request for greater than 800 square feet allowance under Zoning Section 1415.11 Subd. 2 (H) located at 2610 119th St NW, Rice MN 56367. All interested persons will be given an opportunity to comment, testify, or present evidence at the hearing.
Dated: October 26th, 2022.
Julie Fandel City Clerk
City of Rice, MN R43-1B
Notice is hereby given that a Public Accuracy Test of the Voting Equipment to be utilized for the 2022 General Election on November 8, 2022 will occur on November 2, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. in the Community Room at the Sauk Rapids Government Center, 250 Summit Ave N. Representatives of political parties, candidates, the press, and the public are invited to attend.
This notice is being provided pursuant to State Statutes 206.83.
A semi-monthly meeting of the Sauk Rapids-Rice ISD 47 Board of Education was called to order by Chair Butkowski Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. in the District Of ce Boardroom.
Members present included Braun, Butkowski, Hauck, Holthaus, Loidolt, Morse, and Solarz. Others present were Superintendent Bergstrom, Director of Teaching and Learning Bushman, Director of Human Resources and Administrative Services Schoenherr, Director of Business Services Fiereck, Director of Community Education Wilke, SRRHS Interim Principal Logrono, SRRMS Principal Arndt, and PV Principal Froiland.
Chair Butkowski asked Clerk Morse to af rm there was a quorum in attendance. Clerk Morse af rmed there was a quorum.
A motion was made by Holthaus, seconded by Hauck and unanimously carried to approve the meeting’s “Agenda”.
A motion was made by Braun, seconded by Solarz and unanimously carried to approve the meeting’s “Consent Agenda”.
There was no public input at 7:00 p.m.
A motion was made by Braun, seconded by Morse and unanimously carried by a margin of six (Morse stepped out) to authorize the submission of the district’s Assurance of Compliance Report. This submission is due November 30 each year. Superintendent Bergstrom requests the Board authorize the submission of the information.
A motion was made by Hauck, seconded by Solarz and unanimously carried by a margin of six (Morse stepped out) to approve an additional special education teacher at Sauk Rapids-Rice Middle School for 1.0 FTE. This additional position is based on student need. This request aligns
In general, the work consists of the removal of the existing masonry face brick, doors, window, thru-wall ashing, roof edge sheet metal, and associated materials and the installation of new masonry face brick, doors, window, thru-wall ashing, and roof edge sheet metal, and ashing as speci ed. It is the Owner’s intent to award the project to one Contractor. The Responsible Contractor that submits the lowest responsive Base Bid is required to provide one roo ng crew working within the District, fully equipped and staged, consisting of 8 to 10 laborers until completion of the Contract or as directed by the Owner’s Representative.
Bidding Documents have been prepared by ZMD Engineered Solutions, LLC (ZMD), 28 – 2nd Street NW, Suite #100, Osseo, MN 55369 (telephone: 763-515-8733) and will be available on Monday, October 31, 2022, at 12:00 p.m. To order documents and view project information such as Drawings, Speci cation, plan holder list, prebid sign-in sheet, addenda and bid results, visit the Franz Reprographics web site at www.franzrepro.com and select the Plan Room option. Please login with your email address and password, or Register if this is your rst time in the Plan Room. Select the project from the list of public projects. Once you have selected the project, please review the Bid Package Information for ordering documents. To receive Electronic Downloads, Bid Addenda and Shipped
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 10.7 of the Benton County Development Code, the Benton County Planning Commission and the Benton County Board of Commissioners will conduct public hearings to consider the request by Patricia Svihel and Mark Svihel for approval of a 2-lot plat entitled “Svihel Estates” in the Agricultural District.
The affected property is described as follows: Part of the W1/2 SW1/4, Section 34, Gilmanton Township.
with the following strategic commitment; Equitable Education.
A motion was made by Braun, seconded by Loidolt and unanimously carried to approve an auditorium supervisor that will supervise technical operations and implement technical requirements for the SRRHS Performing Arts Center and the SRRMS Community Arts Center. This request aligns with the following strategic commitments; Stewardship of Resources and Partnership and Collaboration.
A motion was made by Holthaus, seconded by Hauck and unanimously carried to approve an hourly wage increase for Rice Kids Club staff from $12.70 to $15.65 and an increase for site lead staff from $14.00 to $18.00 retroactive to 07.01.22. This request will bring the district’s hourly wage in line with area district’s and is based on the need to retain current staff and recruit additional staff in order to continue to provide services for before and after school care as well as preschool wrap around care. This request aligns with the following strategic commitments; Stewardship of Resources and Student and Staff Well Being.
A motion was made by Solarz, seconded by Holthaus and unanimously carried to adopt the following policy.
• #416 (Drug and Alcohol Testing) is a “mandatory policy” and will replace current policy #416 (Drug and Alcohol Testing).
This policy required two readings as substantive changes were recommended.
A motion was made by Holthaus, seconded by Braun and unanimously carried to adopt the following policy.
• #704 (Development and Maintenance of an Inventory of Fixed Assets and a Fixed Asset Accounting System) is a “recommended policy” and will replace current policy #704 (Development and Maintenance of an Inventory of Fixed Assets and a Fixed Asset Accounting System).
This policy required two readings as substantive changes were recommended.
A motion was made by Hauck, seconded by Loidolt and unanimously carried to adopt the following policy.
All interested bidders (Prime Contractors and Sub-Contractors) must submit with their bid the “Responsible Contractor Certi cate” as provided in the Bid Documents verifying compliance to Minnesota Statute 16C.285, Subd. 3.
A Bid Bond or Certi ed Check for 5% of the maximum bid payable to Independent School District 47 is required as a guarantee that if the bid is accepted, the Bidder will execute and le the proposed contract and provide 100% Performance and Payment Bonds within ten (10) days after the award of the Contract. The Certi ed Check will be returned to the Bidder as soon as the Contract and Bonds are executed. If, after ten (10) days, the Bidder shall fail to execute said Contract and Bonds, the Certi ed Check or Bid Bond shall be forfeited to Independent School District 47, as liquidated damages.
The Owner reserves the right to waive irregularities and to reject any and all bids.
No bid may be withdrawn for a period of Sixty (60) days after the date set for the opening thereof.
At the Owner’s discretion, liquidated damages in the amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) per calendar day will be assessed against the Contract if the project is not completed on the dates indicated.
This Advertisement for Bids is issued by the authority of Independent School District 47.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the public hearings will be held in the Commissioner’s Room, Government Center, Foley, Minnesota. The Planning Commission hearing considering the preliminary plat will be held on November 10th, 2022, at approximately 7:00 p.m. The County Board hearing considering the nal plat will be held on November 15th, 2022, at approximately 9:00 a.m. ANYONE with comments regarding the above will be heard at these meetings.
• #722 (Public Data Requests) is a “mandatory policy” and will replace current policy #722 (Public Data Requests).
This policy required two readings as substantive changes were recommended.
A motion was made by Morse, seconded by Butkowski and unanimously carried to adopt the following policy.
• #208 (Development of Policies) is a “recommended policy” and will replace current policy #208 (Development of Policies).
This policy required one reading as no substantive changes were recommended.
A motion was made by Braun, seconded by Hauck and unanimously carried to adopt the following policy.
• #209 (Code of Ethics) is a “recommended policy” and will replace current policy #209 (Code of Ethics).
This policy required one reading as no substantive changes were recommended.
A motion was made by Solarz, seconded by Morse and unanimously carried to adopt the following policy.
• #210 (Con ict of Interest – School Board Members) is a “recommended policy” and will replace current policy #210 (Con ict of Interest – School Board Members).
This policy required one reading as no substantive changes were recommended.
A motion was made by Morse, seconded by Braun and unanimously carried to adopt the following policy.
• #410 (Family and Medical Leave Policy) is a “mandatory policy” and will replace current policy #410 (Family and Medical Leave Policy).
This policy required one reading as no substantive changes were recommended.
With no further business appearing before the Board, a motion was made by Hauck, seconded by Morse and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:37 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Tracy Morse, Board of Education Clerk
Sauk Rapids-Rice ISD 47