Molitor’s Quarry Grill & Bar recently welcomed a new chef with a familiar face to its kitchen.
Area local Jimmy Zanardi has 40 years of experience in the food industry.
“Cooking is one of those things that just comes natural,” Zanardi said. “I don’t use recipes; I cook the same every time. It’s all in my head. Everything I decide to make, I either see it or try it, de-
cipher it and make it. It tastes the same every time.”
When the owners of the 35-year-old Sauk Rapids business, Ron and Tammy Molitor had a chance to hire Zanardi, they did not want to let him slip by. Being active in the community, they already knew of Zanardi and his cooking abilities.
“We always thought he was a wonderful chef,” Tammy said. “This time it worked that he could come join the Molitor’s family. We are really pleased everything lined
up and it worked out beautifully. He brings to the table things we are looking for.”
Many experiences molded Zanardi into the chef he is today.
He has worked at Ultimate Sports Bar & Grill in Waite Park, JP’s Grill & Bar and Jimmy’s Pour House.
Nov. 12 – Firearms hunters may be harvesting deer at slower pace. Dan Johnson, Lisa Loidolt, Robyn Holthaus elected to Sauk Rapids-Rice School Board. Legislative incumbents return, ‘Red Wave’ does not crash political shore. Christine Scherbing wins four-year term as Benton County auditor-treasurer. Benton County moves forward with space needs assessment. Benton County appoints Mark Loidolt as interim county engineer. Government in local cities remains mostly unchanged. Rice moves forward with agreement for Walnut Ridge development phase. Hanson wins rst in apprentice competition. Wi-Fi service coming to Benton Beach Campground in 2023. Benton County gets ready to sell unused buildings.
Nov. 5 – Election Day is Nov. 8. Crane Meadows hosts annual event for those with disabilities. SRR drama to take stage with ‘Spongebob the Musical.’ Benton County commissioners approve Operation Green Light. Korean War veteran makes Honor Flight trip to Washington. Sauk Rapids-Rice teacher, former student honor Minnesotan lost on D-Day.
LITTLE FALLS – Leah Beack, of Sauk Rapids, recently completed the Enterprise Academy, an Initiative Foundation business-building program that features 12 weeks of training matched with free and ongoing business coaching and access to exible loans and other capital.
Beack owns Emotion in Motion, a mobile, splatter-paint-room experience. She showcased her business at the Benton County Fair and various community events in 2022. Beack hopes to market the concept on Amazon and aspires to hire employees to work at events. She is an active volunteer and works with Too Much Talent, a St. Cloud nonpro t.
Beack was one of 17 entrepreneurs in the St. Cloud area to complete the program this fall.
Kindergarten through second grade students will be coached in the sport of basketball by varsity coaches and players. Participants work on fundamental skills such as ball handling, shooting and passing. Each participant will receive a Storm basketball cinch bag.
Saturdays Dec. 10; Jan. 14, 2023; and Jan. 21, 2023 – Sauk Rapids-Rice High School, 1835 Osauka Road NE, Sauk Rapids.
Focus on breathing, postures, relaxation and meditation while learning the foundations of yoga in a safe and supportive environment. Postures are held for an extended period to ensure proper alignment, and build strength and exibility.
Sundays, Jan. 8, 2023, through March 12, 2023, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Sauk Rapids-Rice High School, 1835 Osauka Road NE, Sauk Rapids.
To register or for more information on programs and costs, contact Sauk Rapids-Rice Community Education at www.isd47.org/ce or 320-258-1577.
While community members may have picked up their printed copies of the Sauk Rapids Herald for community news, the world has
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long been using search engines to nd more about other topics. Google records what is most searched for from year to year and reports those up-to-date trends on its website trends.google.com. Here are the top things people
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Will Smith
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“Stranger Things”
searched for in the United States in 2022 as of Dec. 26. Just reading the list might jog your memory of events that took place over the past 12 months.
Movies – Top 5 1 “Encanto”
“Thor: Love and Thunder”
“Top Gun: Maverick”
“The Batman”
“Everything Everywhere All at Once”
Musicians and bands – Top 5
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Mary J. Blige
Lil Tjay
Kendrick Lamar 5 Migos
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“We Don’t Talk About Bruno,” from “Encanto” 2 “Surface Pressure,” from “Encanto” 3 “Jiggle Jiggle” by Duke & Jones and Louis Theroux 4 “Unholy” by Sam Smith and Kim Petras 5 “As It Was” by Harry Styles
Tickets – Top 5 1 Disneyland tickets 2 Bad Bunny tickets 3 Taylor Swift tickets 4 Phillies tickets 5 Blink 182 tickets
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Serena Williams 3 Joe Burrow 4 Aaron Judge 5 Manti Te’o
Sports teams – Top 5
Philadelphia Phillies
Boston Celtics
Golden State Warriors
Cincinnati Bengals
Los Angeles Rams
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The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development launched the Automation Loan Participation Program as part of the recently announced $97 million through the State Small Business Credit Initiative.
This program provides companion loans from DEED to cover nancing gaps and expand nancing opportunities for businesses purchasing machinery, equipment or software to increase productivity and automation.
BY AMANDA OTHOUDT EXECUTIVE DIRECTORequipment or software to increase productivity and automation.
Regardless of the terms of the other private nancing, the ALPP loan will have the following terms:
– Loan amount up to $500,000.
– 1% interest rate.
– The term will be ve to seven years based on the life of the asset.
– Payments may be deferred six to 12 months.
– If requested by lead lender, DEED can take a subordinate position on collateral.
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DEED loans through the new program can be worth up to $500,000 and need to be made in conjunction with private nancing. Applications are open now. Full terms and requirements are available on DEED’s website.
Eligible borrowers include manufacturing, distribution, technology and warehousing businesses located in Minnesota. The program targets businesses with fewer than 500 employees.
Companion loans from DEED must be matched at least 1:1 by private nancing. Both the ALPP loan and the private nancing must be used for machinery,
Additional considerations are the loan may not be used for the same purpose as any federally guaranteed private nancing being used for the project, and the machinery, equipment or software the business will purchase must total less than $20,000,000.
Benton Economic Partnership can help your business apply for this program. Contact Amanda Othoudt at BEP to learn more about how this program can assist your business and your automation needs and how you can apply for funding.
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