JANUARY 3, 2023
The Benton County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on January 3, 2023, in the Benton County Board Room in Foley, MN with Commissioners Steve Heinen, Ed Popp, Jared Gapinski, Beth Schlangen and Scott Johnson present. Call to order by County Administrator Montgomery Headley was at 9:00 AM followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the ag.
Popp nominated Johnson for 2023 Chair of the Board. Seconded by Heinen. Nominations were closed and a unanimous ballot was cast for Johnson for Board Chair for 2023. Chair Johnson called for nominations for a 2023 Board Vice-Chair. Heinen nominated Gapinski for 2023 Vice-Chair of the Board. Seconded by Popp. Nominations were closed and a unanimous ballot was cast for Gapinski for Board Vice-Chair for 2023.
County Administrator Montgomery Headley requested to amend the agenda to add the discussion to consider revisions to the Career Solutions Joint Powers Agreement as the 4th item under County Administrator at 9:07 AM. Motion by Popp and seconded by Gapinski to approve the amended agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
There was no one present from the public to speak under Open Forum.
Motion by Gapinski and seconded by Schlangen to approve Consent Agenda items 1 - 10: 1) approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of December 20, 2022 and authorize the Chair to sign; 2) approve the Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes of December 12, 2022 and authorize the Chair to sign; 3) set the 2023 per diem rate for Boards and Commissions; 4) approve the Resolution supporting a new funding formula for County Probation Systems and authorize the Chair to sign; 5) approve the contract renewal with SailorsAllen Law for paternity and civil contempt public defense and authorize the Chair to sign; 6) approve the Resolution to disband the Water Resources Advisory Committee as of January 3, 2023 and authorize the Chair to sign; 7) approve the application for Local Option Disaster Abatement for 2022 for parcel 12.01422.00; 8) approve the appointment of Marie P ipsen to the Board of Adjustment; 9) approve the alternative method to disseminate bids and requests for proposals and authorize the Chair to sign; 10) approve the contract extension with Lumen for maintenance of Benton County dispatch call handling equipment. Motion carried unanimously.
Headley explained that the draft listing of the 2023 County Board meeting dates and times re ects the traditional meeting dates of the “ rst and third” Tuesday of each month at 9:00 AM; with the exception of the Tuesday, July 4, 2023 meeting to be moved to Wednesday, July 5, 2023 at 9:00 AM in observance of the July 4th Holiday, and December Meetings will be on Thursday, December 7, 2023 (due to the Annual AMC Conference) commencing at 6:00 PM for the “Truth in Taxation Meeting” and the second meeting in December will be on Tuesday, December 19, 2023 at 9:00 AM. Following discussion, Popp/Heinen to set the 2023 County Board meeting dates and times: “ rst and third” Tuesday of each month at 9:00 AM with the exception of July and December – the rst meeting in July will commence on Wednesday, July 5, 2023, in observance of the July 4th Holiday, and December meetings will be on Thursday, December 7, 2023 at 6:00 PM (to combine with the Truth in Taxation Meeting) and Tuesday, December 19, 2023 at 9:00 AM. Motion carried unanimously.
Next, Headley requested the County Board to consider an amendment to the Agreement with the City of Sauk Rapids to provide ARPA funding for water/sewer infrastructure subsidies. The City of Sauk Rapids has requested that the maximum selling price for lots developed as part of the original ARPA agreement to be increased from $49,900 to $54,900. No additional County ARPA funds are requested. In addition, the City requests the deadline for a developer for nal plat new lots be extended from December 31, 2022 to March 31, 2023. Motion by Popp and seconded by Heinen to approve an amendment to the Agreement with the City of Sauk Rapids for ARPA funding subsidies for water/sewer infrastructure serving new residential lots in Sauk Rapids at the maximum lot cost of $54,900 per lot and to nal plat new lots to be extended from December 31, 2022 to March 31, 2023. Motion carried unanimously. Next, Headley requested the County Board consider a contract amendment with SRF Consulting for Parks Legacy Grant post-award professional services. Benton County was awarded a $797,000 grant by the Greater MN Parks and Trails Commission for improvements to Bend in the River Park. A condition of a nal grant award includes environmental, historical and wetlands reviews of the site. SRF, which assisted the County in applying for the Legacy Grant, will complete all the required reviews. Funding for this cost was identi ed before the County applied for the Legacy Grant and was set aside in the CIP Fund. Motion by Gapinski and seconded by Popp to approve an amendment to the professional services contract with SRF Consulting to provide post-award reviews as required as a condition of receiving Legacy Fund Grant for Bend in the River Park.
Motion carried unanimously.
Next, Headley requested the County Board to consider revisions to the Career Solutions Joint Powers Agreement. Career Solutions (formerly Stearns-Benton Employment and Training) requests that the two member counties adopt revisions to the Career Solutions Joint Powers Agreement. The most signi cant change will allow the Career Solutions Board Chair and Vice-Chair to continue serving oneyear terms (rather than the Career Solutions Board electing a new Chair and Vice-Chair each year). Motion by Gapinski and seconded by Heinen to approve the revised Career Solutions Joint Powers Agreement. Motion carried unanimously.
Next, Headley and Benton County Auditor-Treasurer Christine Scherbing requested the County Board re- designate the Auditor-Treasurer the authority to designate depository banks, and to also designate depository banks for Benton County funds. Motion by Heinen and seconded by Popp to adopt Resolution 2023-04 to re-designate the Auditor-Treasurer the authority to designate depository banks and to designate depository banks for Benton County Funds. Motion carried unanimously. Headley added that these are the same banks that the County has used for many years. Popp requested that Scherbing explore where the County can make the most of our funds and get the “best bang for our buck”. Also, Headley was asked by Commissioner Heinen why we have this number of banks designated as depository banks. Headley replied that some are smaller banks that are not able to obtain the necessary collateral to cover the County’s funds, so we must spread the County’s funds among several banks.
Next, Headley and Scherbing requested the County Board to designate the of cial newspaper for Benton County. Minnesota Statute §375.12 requires the Benton County Board to publish the of cial proceedings of its
sessions in a quali ed newspaper of general circulation in the County. The publication shall be let annually by contract at the rst regular session of the Benton County Board in January of each year. Benton County has used the Benton County News and the Sauk Rapids Herald to publish Financial Statements, Delinquent Tax Lists, Commissioner Proceedings, Public Meeting Notices and other publications required by law. Schlangen asked how much Benton County pays our designated newspaper for our publications each year. Benton County paid $51,822 in 2022. Headley was asked by Commissioner Heinen if the only sealed bids received were from the Benton County News and the Sauk Rapids Herald. Headley replied saying he was unsure if the only two bids received were from the Benton County News and the Sauk Rapids Herald, but historically, those two newspapers were only ones that we received bids from. Motion by Johnson and seconded by Heinen to designate the Benton County News and the Sauk Rapids Herald as the of cial newspapers for Benton County for 2023. Motion carried unanimously.
The Regular County Board meeting was recessed at 9:30 AM to conduct a Human Services Board Meeting.
The Regular Board meeting reconvened at 9:35 AM.
Next, Board members reported on recent meetings they attended on behalf of Benton County.
There were no comments made under Comments by Commissioners.
Popp/Gapinski to set the Committee of the Whole Meetings: Monday, February 6, 2023, Monday, May 1, 2023, Monday, August 7, 2023 and Monday, November 20, 2023 Human Services Quarterly Meetings, Human Services Third Floor Conference Room, Foley, 9:00 AM; Tuesday, April 4, 2023, Tuesday, August 8, 2023 and Tuesday, November 21, 2023 Employee Forums, Benton County Boardroom, Foley, 8:15 AM. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Popp and seconded by Gapinski to adjourn the Regular Board Meeting at 9:52 AM.
Scott Johnson, Chair
Benton County Board of Commissioners
ATTEST: Montgomery Headley Benton County Administrator
WHEREAS, the Benton County Planning & Zoning Department instituted proceedings to amend the Benton County Ordinance 477; and,
WHEREAS, the purpose of the amendment is protect areas of denser development by changing public utility buildings to conditional uses in the business and industrial districts; and,
WHEREAS, the purpose of the amendment is to provide greater exibility for the construction of public utility buildings when properly sited; and,
WHEREAS, on December 20, 2022 and December 24, 2022, Notice of Public Hearing and intent to amend Benton County Ordinance was published in the of cial newspapers of the county; and,
WHEREAS, on January 5, 2023, the Benton County Planning Commission held a public hearing; and, WHEREAS, on January 17, 2023 the Benton County Board of Commissioners held a public hearing and approve the proposed ordinance amendment; and,
The ordinance adopted is too lengthy to be published in its entirety. The full text of the ordinance is available for public inspection at the Benton County Department of Development.
That the following Sections of the Benton County Development Code be amended to read as follows: Section 7 Zoning Districts
• Public Utility Building is removed from Permitted Uses
and added to Conditional Uses in Section 7.7 “R-S” Rural Service District, Section 7.8 “B-1” Business District, Section 7.9 “B-2” Business Enterprise District, Section 7.10 “I-1” Light Industrial District and Section 7.11 “I-2” Heavy Industrial District; Section 9.11 Essential Services 9.11.2 Public utility buildings shall be permitted uses in all zoning districts, except that a conditional use permit shall be required before construction in any residential, business, and industrial district.
(A) Parcels created for the sole purpose structures for public utilities shall be exempt from the minimum lot size requirements to permit a lot area, depth and width that is less than the minimum required for the district in which the building or structure is located. Lot shall be large enough, so all structures or facilities comply with the setbacks for the applicable zoning district.
(B) Parcels shall be created in accordance with Section 10 Subdivision Regulations, as amended from time to time.
(C) Structures for public utilities are subject to accessory building setback requirements as outlined in the applicable district.
Approved and adopted by the Benton County Board of Commissioners this 17 day of January in the year of 2023.
This ordinance shall be effective upon publication.
Scott Johnson, Chair Benton County Board of Commissioners ATTEST: Montgomery Headley Benton County Administrator
Age: 19 • Jersey Number: 12 Position: Forward Hometown: Victoria
How long have you been
“Our team is red up to dance this weekend as we compete against some of the best in the state,” said junior Mckayla Harms. “Last year, this competition was one of our best performances.”
Knowing this competition will not be easy, SRR is working hard.
“We know what our end-goal is for the season, and I think these girls are really realizing just how much hard work it’s going to take from every teammate to get there,” said senior Emma Miller. “We’re working hard, and adding in some extra training to become stronger
and even better for this competition.”
As sections are just around the corner, Weber reminded her team to enjoy the rest of the season.
“Keep pushing forward, keep the friendships building, and enjoy every second of this season,” Weber said. “It will be over in the blink of an eye and we will never regret the early mornings and hard work if we reach our goals.”
In Fridley, the Storm competed against teams in Class AA and other previous state competitors. This should allow the Storm to preview competition for the section championship meet, which takes place Feb. 4 on their home oor.
High kick: 1. Sartell 598 of 700 points (4 rank points), 2. Brainerd 578 (8), 3. SRR 484 (12), 4. St. Cloud 460 (16), 5. ROCORI 445 (20), 6. Alexandria 389 (24) and 7. Willmar 361 (28).
Jazz: 1. Sartell 597 (5), 2. Brainerd 593 (6), 3. SRR 516 (12), 4. St. Cloud 481 (16), 5. ROCORI 454 (20), 6. Alexandria 390 (24) and 7. Willmar 333 (28).
What do you enjoy most about being on the student council? Student council allows me to execute activities students will enjoy. I love helping people. Being on the council allows me to be informed about school events and to encourage others to participate in our school community.
What has been the highlight of your time on the student council? Working together with my fellow student council members. I love interacting with like-minded people who want to contribute to the school community and create student engagement.
What other activities are you involved in at school or in the community? Senior activities, student board representative, Central Division student council, parliamentarian, DECA, Green Team, Link
Leader, band, Minnesota Honor Society secretary and member, “SpongeBob the Musical” stage manager, fall one-act play crew, Dungeons & Dragons Club, knit and crochet club, knowledge bowl and prom committee.
What life lesson has being involved in activities taught you? You can find friends anywhere. An important part of finding friends is initiating, being consistent and being yourself.
What SRR teacher has made an impact on your life? Mr. (Eric) Falk. Although Mr. Falk doesn’t teach me in a class, he is a consistent member throughout my high school career. I love being able to joke with him during my connections class, and he helps answer my questions when I have them. He is very chill and, overall, a great teacher. In the hallways, I
always wave to Mr. Falk when passing by him. These interactions encourage me to reach out to other people as well because small amounts of courage can go a long way.
What do you do to show your Storm pride? My Storm pride is being responsible and respectful. I always aim to look out for others the same way I want others to do for me. As the saying goes, “Treat others the way you want to be treated.”
What board or yard game is your favorite to play with friends and family? A card game my family and I play is similar to rummy (we pronounce it by its Laotian name); during rummy, anyone can win. With multiple rounds of cards, the one who wins is through strategy, luck and the ability to predict. To win consistently, you have to play well and smart. My dad’s family plays this game to spend time with their dad, my grandfather. We continue the tradition.
What is your dream job? To travel the world helping people and creating change. I want to visit
to be able to
I also
myself and help my family.