with special guest from Precision Planting
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Lake Lillian Location | 10 am - 2:30 pm 4041 180th Ave SE | Lake Lillian, MN
• Potential of planter upgrade
• Understanding planter maintenance in a down market
• Is your planter doing the job you need it to LIGHT LUNCH SERVED
• Imagine nozzle x nozzle control with turn compensation
• Lets spray weeds with a camera
• Imagine the chemical we could save Johnson Seed
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Belgrade Location | 10 am - 2:30 pm 616
Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule free LeafFilter estimate today. 20% off Entire Purchase. 10% Sen-ior & Military Discounts. Call 1-833-6101936. CAD-SR7
Become a published author. We want to read your book! Dorrance Publishing trusted since 1920. Consultation, production, promotion & distribution. Call for free author`s guide 1-877729-4998 or visit dorranceinfo.com/ads. CAD-SR7
Water damage cleanup & restoration: A small amount of water can lead to major damage in your home. Our trusted professionals do complete repairs to protect your family and your home’s value! Call 24/7: 1-888-872-2809. Have zip code of service location ready when you call! CAD-SR7
Bath & shower updates in as little as 1 day! Affordable prices - No payments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & military discounts available. 1-877543-9189. CAD-SR7
Prepare for power outages today with a Generac Home Standby Generator. Act now to re-ceive a free 5-Year warranty with qualifying purchase* Call 1-855-948-6176 today to schedule a free quote. It’s not just a generator. It’s a power move. CAD-SR7
DAMAGE? You need a local expert provider that proudly stands behind their work. Fast, free estimate. Financing available. Call 1-888-878-9091 Have zip code of property ready when calling! CAD-SR7
ADOPTION: California family promises newborn loving home, secure future in sunny San Diego. Educational opportunities, devoted grandparents, gentle pets. Expenses paid. Call/text Eddy (619) 356-1976. (mcn) SR7
Kramer Auction Service
600+ Guns, Military and more. Online Auction, Fri, Feb 21st 9am CST. 203 E Blackhawk Ave, Prairie du Chien, WI Catalog Online @ www.KramerSales.com. (mcn) SR7
GOT AN UNWANTED CAR??? DONATE IT TO PATRIOTIC HEARTS. Fast free pick up. All 50 States. Patriotic Hearts’ programs help veterans find work or start their own business. Call 24/7: 1-844-588-6535. (mcn) SR7
Get a break on your taxes! Donate your car, truck, or SUV to assist the blind and visually impaired. Arrange a swift, no-cost vehicle pickup and secure a generous tax credit for 2025. Call Heritage for the Blind Today at 1-855 9777030 today! (mcn) SR7
Donate your car, truck, boat, RV and more to support our veterans! Schedule a FAST, FREE vehicle pickup and receive a top tax deduction! Call Veteran Car Donations at 1-888-429-2331 today! (mcn) SR7
AFFORDABLE TV & INTERNET. If you are overpaying for your service, call now for a free quote and see how much you can save! 1-866-472-7954. (mcn) SR7
DIRECTV- All your entertainment. Nothing on your roof! Sign up for Directv and get your first three months of Max, Paramount +, Showtime, Starz, MGM+ and Cinemax included. Choice package $84.99/mo. Some restrictions apply. Call DIRECTV 1-866-296-1409. (mcn) SR7
The COVID crisis has cost us all something. Many have lost jobs and financial security. Have $10K In Debt? Credit Cards. Medical Bills. Car Loans. Call NATIONAL DEBT RELIEF! We can help! Get a FREE debt relief quote: Call 1-866552-0649. (mcn) SR7
“Your policy always comes with an agent!”
Over the past 30 years Advantage 1 Insurance has continued to live by these words even with many changes that have occurred! In the fall of 2021 a major change occurred as RaeAnn Waytashek and Andy Noble took over the ownership of Advantage 1 Insurance as the founder, Ted Plombon, moved into retirement. Yet, the belief of making sure a customer has a local agent to turn to in their time of need is as strong as ever and carried on!
Advantage 1 Insurance was established in 1994 and came to Sauk Centre in 2010. Since being founded in 1994, we have grown to include 7 locations in Minnesota: Sauk Centre, Long Prairie, Albany, Holdingford, St. Cloud, Pierz and Melrose, along with one location in Erie, Colorado.
We utilize our relationships with our more than twenty different insurance companies to provide the best fitting and greatest value insurance plans to fit a customers needs, whether it be in Agribusiness, Commercial, Home, Life, Health, or Auto insurance, we can find the right fit for you!