immunizations, wellness exams and much more. Save the Date for
(OBHP) - July 22-26, 2024 at Veterans Middle School, 2700 W. Eisenhower Rd. Rio Grande City. Pictured: Back row - Commissioner Pct. 1 Jose F. “Kiko” Perez, Commissioner Pct. 4 Hernan “Nune” Garza, Judge Eloy Vera, Commissioner Pct. 2 Raul “Roy” Peña, and Commissioner Pct. 3 Eloy Garza. Bottom row: Guadalupe Gutierrez, Leo Vela, Oda Garcia and Carlos Centeno (DSHS).
Roma High School students in the United Way Youth Leadership & Mentorship Program participated in some great activities led by their Program Director Romeo Rios. They undertook a project to clean up the Roma Cemetery and also visited with Daniel Andres Garza, the City of Roma Director of Development Services.
“I want to take the time to congratulate all the students in the program for a great job on their community service clean up activity,” Although it was a very hot and humid day, the students demonstrated their leadership skills by cleaning up Roma Cemetery for beloved members of our community,” said Romeo Rios, Program Director. “Students demonstrated leadership, hard work, and excellent teamwork by doing a superb job in the Roma Cemetery Clean Up Project. Also, we took a trip to Roma’s City Hall to listen to guest speaker Daniel Garza, Director of Development
Services, who shared his early professional experiences, encouraged students to continue to give back through community service, and encouraged all students to continue to excel in academics.”
Great job Mighty Gladiators!!
Congratulations Gonzalo de Jesús García Peña
2024 Valedictorian
Gonzalo de Jesús García Peña, son of Dr. Francisco
García and Dr.
graduated as the Valedictorian of the first graduating class of 2024 at IDEA Public School in Rio Grande City on May 25, 2024. He is a recipient of various awards including the AP Scholar, Founding Student, Dual Enrollment Scholar, On Ramps Scholar, Bilingualism and Biliteracy Performance Acknowledgment, AP Performance Acknowledgment, ACT Performance Acknowledgment, Community Service, ACT 21+ Scholar, Top 10% Scholar, Distinguished Level of Achievement, and Student Ambassador. He will attend Texas A&M College Station to pursue a degree in Aerospace and mechanical engineering. (Photo by Hersal Photography) Congratulations again on a job well done Gonzalo!
Congratulations Rio Grande City FFA members for attempting and passing the Elanco Veterinary Medical Certification which an industry based certification. These kids put four years worth of class knowledge to the test and succeeded. Great Job Y’all‼ Listed in Alphabetical order: Hailey Alaniz, Jorge Barrera Jr., Andres Cantu, Lia Gutierrez, Edmond Martinez, Naitssa Ramirez, Evelyn Rodriguez, and Monica Villarreal. Elanco Veterinary Medical Applications Certified!!!
The Area Agency on Aging of the South Texas Development Council is currently seeking contractors for Fiscal Year 2025 (October 1, 2024-September 30, 2025) who are qualified entities to provide Congregate Meals, Home Delivered Meals, Demand/ Response Transportation, Residential Repair, Homemaker, Personal Assistance, Inhome Respite, Emergency Response and Health Maintenance Services.
These services are provided to individuals 60 years of age and older, their family members and other caregivers under the Older Americans Act of 1965 as amended with funding administered by Health and Human Service Commission in the Counties of Jim Hogg, Starr, Webb and Zapata.
Parties interested in providing services within our service area must contact the Area Agency on Aging and request an application during the closed enrollment period June 1, 2024, through June 30, 2024, for consideration.
To request an application package contact:
South Texas Development Council Area Agency on Aging 1002 Dickey Ln. P.O. Box 2187 Laredo, Texas 78044-2187 (956) 722-3995 1-800-292-5426
On May 27th, Memorial Day, Rio Grande City High School Army JROTC Cadets provided service to the community by volunteering to honor the fallen. The Cadets performed and interacted with guests and veterans at the Lindo Amanecer Senior Adult Center and with the Veteran’s Foreign Post 8526 for their ceremony at the Rio Grande City Cemetery. Memorial Day pays tribute to the over 650,000 U.S. military personnel that made the ultimate sacrifice to our country all over the globe. Let us always remember our lost heroes.
The Starr County community together with South Texas College leadership came out to celebrate and honor Trustee Rose Benavidez, who was sworn in to a third term on the STC Board. The celebration was also a moving tribute to the work Benavidez has accomplished in order to bring higher education opportunities in the region.
Madre y Reina de Guadalupe, que nos cuidas y nos acompañas, que estás siempre con nosotros, enséñanos a vivir como tus hijos, imitando a Jesús. Bendice todas nuestras buenas intenciones, bendice nuestro trabajo de cada día, cuida a nuestras familias, ampara a nuestros niños y jóvenes, sana a nuestros enfermos y fortalece a nuestros ancianos. Llévanos de tu mano a Jesús. Amén. J. M. T.
en sus ángeles y en sus santos”
Antonio el más gentil de los santos, tu amor por Dios y tu caridad por sus criaturas te hicieron digno, cuando estabas aquí en la tierra, de poseer poderes milagrosos. Los milagros esperaban tu palabra, la cual siempre estaba preparada para hablar por los que estaban en problemas o ansiedades. Animado por este pensamiento, te imploro que obtengas para mi (hacer la petición). La respuesta a mi oración puede que requiera un milagro, pero tú eres el Santo de los Milagros. ¡Oh, gentil y cariñoso San Antonio!, cuyo corazón siempre esta lleno de compasión humana, susurra mi petición a los oídos del dulce Niño Jesús, que amaba estar entre tus brazos, por favor te lo suplico, no me dejes sin respuesta, yo te rezare con fervor y por siempre tendrás la gratitud de mi corazón. Amén. Padre Nuestro, Ave María, Gloria. (Publicar después de que se conceda el favor.)
J. M. T.Youth step in and speak out #TobaccoExposed
Since 1988, the World Health Organization has celebrated World No Tobacco Day on May 31st. This year’s focus is to give a platform to young people across the world, who are urging governments to shield them from predatory tobacco marketing tactics. The industry targets youth for a lifetime of profits, creating a new wave of addiction. Children are using e-cigarettes at rates higher than adults in all regions and globally an estimated 37 million youth aged 13 – 15 years use tobacco. Despite significant progress
in reducing tobacco use, the emergence of e-cigarettes and other new tobacco and nicotine products present a grave threat to youth and tobacco control. Studies demonstrate that e-cigarette use increases conventional cigarette use, particularly among nonsmoking youth by nearly three times.
Texas public junior colleges, technical institutions, and nonprofits with experience upskilling Texans for highdemand occupations are encouraged to apply
through the Lone Star Workforce of the Future will also foster new workforce skills to meet the evolving needs of employers in the state’s growing economy.
To learn more and to help youth protect their generation from an industry that sees them as profits, not people, please visit Tobacco and nicotine industry tactics addict youth for life (who.int) Message from the Starr County Community Coalition, SCAN.
Application has been made with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a WINE AND MALT BEVERAGE RETAILER’S OFFPREMISE PERMIT (BQ) by: JNJ’S GROCERIES LLC , dba JNJ’S GROCERIES LLC , to be located at 5751 E. US HWY 83, RIO GRANDE CITY, STARR COUNTY, TEXAS. Officer of said LLC: JORGE LUIS MORALES JR., OWNER/ MANAGER.
The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) is now accepting applications for the Lone Star Workforce of the Future Fund, a program designed to increase qualified workers in high-demand occupations. The program was created by the 88th Texas Legislature through the passage of HB 1755, then signed into law by Governor Greg Abbott.
“The Texas Workforce Commission is expanding its resources to provide training to Texans that aligns with the needs of our employers,” said TWC Chairman Bryan Daniel. “Initiatives such as the Lone Star Workforce of the Future Fund help prepare Texans for high demand jobs and continued economic growth.”
The launch of the program highlights one of Texas’ many investments to ensure a diverse workforce is available to fill current and emerging job openings. Resources offered
“The Lone Star Workforce of the Future Fund is one of the many resources available to equip workers with the skills needed to begin a career in a high-demand occupation,” said Commissioner Representing Labor Alberto Treviño III. “Texans have more opportunities than ever to increase their skills and compete for employment in our rapidly growing economy.”
Eligible grantees include public junior colleges and technical institutions, as well as nonprofit organizations. Among other qualifications, applicants must demonstrate previous successful, verified training program outcomes. Approved grants will provide up to $7,500 per trainee, with a maximum award of $250,000. The Texas Legislature appropriated $5 million to the program for the FY 2024-2025 biennium and created an Advisory Board to assist TWC in administering the program.
“The Lone Star Workforce
of the Future Fund provides an innovative path to build a talent pipeline for Texas employers,” said Commissioner Representing Employers Joe Esparza. “At the Texas Workforce Commission, we are not only serving the workforce of today, but also creating opportunities for economic prosperity for the workforce of tomorrow.”
According to TWC’s Labor Market Information Department, the number of job listings in Texas for middle skills occupations exceeded 1 million in 2023. By 2030, a projected total of at least 6.7 million Texans— approximately 43.8% of total employment—will be employed in a middle skills occupation.
Programs such as the Lone Star Workforce of the Future Fund will expand TWC’s resources for addressing employer demand in these middle skills occupations.
TWC will accept applications for Lone Star Workforce of the Future Fund until funding is exhausted.
Qualifying applicants can learn more and download an application at Lone Star Workforce of the Future FundTexas Workforce Commission
El gobernador Greg Abbott emitió un llamado para estar alerta sobre los peligros de los huracanes y las precauciones que los Texanos pueden tomar a medida que se acerca la temporada de huracanes al proclamar del 26 de mayo al 1 de
junio de 2024 como la Semana de Preparación para Huracanes en Texas. “Con la temporada de huracanes, es crucial que todos los Texanos estén preparados para el potencial de tormentas devastadoras y
Governor Greg Abbott raised awareness about the dangers of hurricanes and the precautions Texans can take as hurricane season approaches by proclaiming May 26-June 1, 2024 as Hurricane Preparedness Week in Texas.
“With hurricane season, it is crucial for all Texans to be prepared for the potential of devastating and powerful storms that may reach our shores,” said Governor Abbott. “Texans are encouraged to learn more about safety measures and make an emergency plan to protect themselves and their loved ones from the destructive power of hurricanes. By implementing proactive measures, we can stave off the worst eventualities, protect the lives and well-being of all Texans, and keep our great state safe.”
In support of hurricane
preparedness efforts in the state, the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) has reviewed the appropriate emergency management planning documents to ensure they are updated to meet community needs in the event of a hurricane. TDEM has also planned its full-scale annual hurricane exercise to include partners from all levels of government and the private sector.
The 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season runs June 1 through November 30.
Texans can visit the Texas Hurricane Center for information on proactive steps to take before, during, and after a hurricane.
Texans can also visit TexasReady.gov for additional hurricane safety tips and tdem.texas.gov/prepare for preparedness information.
Every day is an adventure at Breaker Rock Beach®, from the morning waves crashing against the shore to evenings filled with bonfires and s’mores!
Catch a glimpse of an orca leaping through the surf or watch happy sea lions playing among the rocks beneath magnificent pines. Race along the sand with your brightly colored kite, join friends to make the most amazing sandcastle, or gaze in wonder at the mysteries found in a glimmering tide pool.
As the crowds come and go and the tides ebb and flow, Breaker Rock rises majestically as a symbol of strength, standing firm against the force of wind and waves.
It’s Vacation Bible School time at First Baptist Church Rio Grande City. Children promoted to grades K-8th are admitted free from June 9-13, Sunday through Thursday, 5:30-8:30 pm.
FBCRGC is located at 1196 W. Main Street, across from StarLite Burger 6.
poderosas que puedan llegar a nuestras costas,” dijo el gobernador Abbott. “Se anima a los Texanos a aprender más sobre las medidas de seguridad y a hacer un plan de emergencia para protegerse a sí mismos y a sus seres queridos del poder destructivo de los huracanes. Al implementar medidas proactivas, podemos evitar las peores eventualidades, proteger las
vidas y el bienestar de todos los Texanos, y mantener seguro a nuestro gran estado.”
En apoyo a los esfuerzos de preparación para huracanes en el estado, la División de Manejo de Emergencias de Texas (TDEM, por sus siglas en inglés) ha revisado los documentos apropiados de planificación de manejo de emergencias para garantizar que estén actualizados
Early Notice and Public Review of a Proposed Activity in a 100-Year Floodplain
To: All interested Agencies including all Federal, State and Local, Groups and Individuals
This is to give notice that Starr County has determined that the following proposed action under HOME Program Reservation System Participant Contract #1003549 #1003550 is located in the 100-year floodplain, and County of Starr will be identifying and evaluating practicable alternatives to locating the action in the floodplain and the potential impacts on the floodplain from the proposed action, as required by Executive Order 11988, in accordance with HUD regulations at 24 CFR 55.20 Subpart C Procedures for Making Determinations on Floodplain Management and Protection of Wetlands. The proposed project is located at 600 E. Dr Martin St., Rio Grande City, Starr County, Texas. The funds will be used to Demolish the existing dilapidated home located in a 100 year floodplain which is located in a lot of approximately 50 feet wide and approximately by 120 feet long, and reconstruct new housing on the same footprint. This home will be for elderly and/or physically challenged citizens. Property is located on FEMA FIRM 48427C0570C in Zone A. Less than 1 acre total are in the 100 year floodplain
There are three primary purposes for this notice. First, people who may be affected by activities in floodplains and those who have an interest in the protection of the natural environment should be given an opportunity to express their concerns and provide information about this area. Second, an adequate public notice program can be an important public educational tool. The dissemination of information about floodplains can facilitate and enhance Federal efforts to reduce the risks associated with the occupancy and modification of these special areas. Third, as a matter of fairness, when the Federal government determines it will participate in actions taking place in floodplains, it must inform those who may be put at greater or continued risk.
Written comments must be received by Starr County at the following address on or before June 14, 2024: Starr County, 100 North FM 3167, Rio Grande City, Texas 78582, Attention: Ms. Connie Cantu, Project Manager, during the hours of 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Comments may also be submitted via email at ccantu@co.starr.tx.us
Date Published: May 29, 2024
para satisfacer las necesidades de la comunidad en caso de un huracán. TDEM también ha planificado su ejercicio anual de huracanes a gran escala para incluir socios de todos los niveles de gobierno y del sector privado.
La temporada de huracanes del Atlántico de 2024 se extiende del 1 de junio al 30 de noviembre.
Texanos pueden visitar el Centro de Huracanes de Texas para obtener información sobre los pasos proactivos que deben tomar antes, durante y después de un huracán. Los texanos también pueden visitar TexasReady.gov para obtener consejos adicionales de seguridad en caso de huracanes y tdem.texas.gov/prepare para información sobre la preparación.
Starr County Farm Bureau is proud to announce its scholarship recipients for 2024. Honorees
are Israel Alvarez of IDEA Rio Grande City College Prep., Andres Cantu of Rio Grande City High School, Lia Kathleen Gutierrez of Rio Grande City High School, Omar Mendoza of IDEA College Preparatory Rio Grande City, Kamryn Pena of Rio Grande City High School, L.J. Rocha of IDEA Rio Grande City College Prep, Victoria Lee Salinas of Rio Grande City High School, and Daniela T. Villarreal of Rio Grande City High School.
All honorees are members of Starr County Farm Bureau families.
Israel is the son of Brenda Gonzalez ad Israel Alvarez of Rio Grande City. He plans to major in Agribusiness at Texas A&M University--Kingsville.
Andres is the son of Enrique
Cantu and Alissa Cantu of Garciasville. His plans are to major in Biomedical Science at Texas A&M University and pursue a career in Dentistry.
Lia Kathleen is the daughter of Jose Luz Gutierrez and Kathy Marie Garza-Gutierrez of Rio Grande City. She plans to attend Tarleton State University seeking a degree in Wildlife, Sustainability & Ecology with a specialization in Fisheries Sciences to address the water insecurity issues that face the Rio Grande Valley.
Omar is the son of Eulogio Mendoza III and Irvette Mendoza of Rio Grande City. He plans to continue his education at the University of Texas at Austin. His major will be Biochemistry.
Kamryn is the daughter of Tanya and Guadalupe Pena of Rio Grande City. She will attend the University of Texas at Austin and
major in Biology.
L.J. is the son of Juan Rocha and Laura Rocha of Rio Grande City. He plans to major in Agricultural Economics at Texas A&M University Higher Education Center at McAllen.
Victoria Lee Salinas is the daughter of Victor and Anna Salinas of Rio Grande City. She plans to continue her education at the University of Texas at San Antonio with a major in Biology. She will then attend the UT Health Science Center in San Antonio to become a dentist.
Daniela is the daughter of Consuelo Trevino and Esteban Villarreal and lives in Rio Grande City. She will major in Environ-mental Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin, where she has been accepted to the School of Engineering’s honor program.
RGC Students Graduated from STC with a Certificate in
On behalf of the Rio Grande City High School, we would like to wish a huge Congratulations to our Computer Technician Practicum-2/Dual Enrollment students that completed all course requirements and Graduated from STC with a Certificate in Computer & Internet Specialist. The Rattler Nation is very proud of your hard work and dedication! Thank you to Mr. Jesus Villarreal for your hard work in the classroom and with these amazing students!