May 17, 2017

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San Isidro ISD FFA Booster Club and Community Roma High Student Melissa Garcia Wins 487-2999 Leaders Hosted a Memorial Tree Planting Celebration 2017 Congressional Art Competition Dental Insurance, Medicaid and Chip Accepted 419 East 2nd St. Rio Grande City, Tx.

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San Isidro FFA members honored the memory of Mr. Raul M. Hinojosa by planting a tree in remembrance of his work. He planted a seed in the minds of his students by encouraging them to follow their dreams by working hard and aiming for the sky. The ceremony took place in front of the San Isidro FFA Building on a beautiful crisp morning. “Today, we are here in loving support of a tree planting in memory of Raul M. Hinojosa” said Mrs. Velinda Reyes, FFA Booster Club Treasurer and San Isidro Board Member as she spoke of the significance of planting the tree. Mr. Hinojosa positively impacted the lives of many students and will Congressman Cuellar has announced that Roma High School always be remembered fondly by all. Special thanks to Garza’s Insurance, Rolando Gonzalez-FFA Teacher sophomore, Melissa Garcia, third from left, has won the Congressional Art Competition for the 28th Congressional District of Texas. Her piece, and to Ag Teachers from the Rio Grande Valley for their donations. entitled “Acceptance Within” depicts two cultures coming together and signifies the acceptance of herself as a young Mexican-American woman on the Texas-Mexico border. Pictured from left to right are Outreach Coordinator for the Office of Congressman Cuellar, Nichole Hernandez; Roma High School Art Teacher Gabriela Gonzalez; Roma High School Sophomore Melissa Garcia; and Roma High School Principal Marissa Belmonte. ART COMPETITION, page 6

RGC Rattlers Baseball

Immaculate Conception School Students Compete at State PSIA Finals


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Maria Elena Olivarez, Principal at Immaculate Conception School proudly announces the students that placed at PSIA (Private School Interscholastic Association) competition at State. The competition was held in Forth Worth, Texas at T e x a s Christian University. left RGC Rattlers Baseball enjoyed a delicious meal at Texas Cafe before heading out for the Area Playoff From to right: game in Laredo. Many thanks to Principal Ricardo Saenz for treating the team and Becky Garza for Ryan Rios, hosting, and thanks to our amazing community for your well wishes, prayers and support! 1st grade, placed 3rd in Story telling; Ryan Vazquez, 2nd grade, placed 1st in Spelling, and Elijah Gonzalez, 4th grade, placed 9th in Art Smart. Ana Lisa Solis, Storytelling Coach, Adriana L. Rodriguez, Spelling Coach, and Donis Garza, Art Smart Coach. We at ICS are very proud of our students and grateful to all our Parents, Staff, Church and Community who come together to support our students and school.

Grulla Middle School Girls Soccer Team Won Co-District Champions

Kasey Escamilla Placed 1st in UIL Poetry

Congratulations to Kasey Escamilla from Rio Grande City High School. She placed 1st in UIL Poetry and is the 31-5A Regional Champion and State Qualifier. Pictured are Kasey Escamilla Congratulations to the Grulla Middle School Girls Soccer Team and their coach Dorah Rodriguez for wining and Ms. Mindy Garza Poetry Coach. Co-District Champions. Great job Lady Cranes! OPEN MON-SUN 7AM-7PM



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Ramiro Barrera Middle School Symphonic Band Grulla High School Held Their Annual Earns Sweepstakes Award at UIL Competition National Honor Society Induction Ceremony

By: Rebecca Cannon, Director of Ramiro Barrera Middle School Symphonic Winds Band The Ramiro Barrera Middle School Symphonic Band traveled to La Joya where they competed in their annual middle school UIL. Concert and Sight Reading Contest. Under the direction of Rebecca M. Cannon, the band earned a division 1 superior rating in both the concert portion and the sight reading portion which earned them a Sweepstakes Award. Prior to this event, the band participated in a Pre UIL. Festival where they earned a division 1 rating and placed 3rd in their division. At that competition, the band received very helpful comments from three judges to help them better prepare for their UIL. Concert and Sight reading Contest. The students and teachers have been working throughout the year to develop their skills on their instruments so that they can perform their three concert selections and a sight reading selection at a superior level. The band will continue the rest of the year working towards their Spring Concert in May. Thank you to all the students and directors for your commitment to make music education the best it possibly can be at Roma ISD.

Grulla High School had their annual National Honor Society Induction Ceremony at the Grulla High School Cafetorium. The Ceremony started with the Students walking in with their Principal, Mrs. Guadalupe Garza and administration. Mrs. Garza addressed the students and the parents, and made them aware that the award they are receiving is the most prestigious academic

recognition available to high school students. The National Honor Society was regarded from its inception as a concrete way to promote high school academic standards, a means of ensuring the continuation of democracy, and an instrument for the betterment of the individual and the school. The Society has flourished; today more than 15,000 chapters are

chartered. The national office of the National Honor Society is part of the office of the National Association of Secondary School Principals, based in Chicago until 1943, when it relocated to Washington, DC. In 1973 the Association moved to its own building. The NASSP Division of Student Activities’ staff is responsible for the daily operation of the National Honor Society. The membership of the Grulla High School Chapter of the National Honor Society has been earned by the effective demonstration of the four qualities held in high esteem by the Society. The four qualities are: Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character. On Behalf of the Grulla High School faculty, staff, and administration congratulations to the new inductees.


Hinojosa Elementary Student Daniela I. Salinas named Juan Diego Academy Catholic is a Hero for Saving Life Regional High School Second Co-Valedictorian One day in April two second grade students, Arlette Pena and Yaretzi Rivera, made their way to the cafeteria during lunch time. The cafeteria staff served chicken nuggets on that day and the two girls decided to sit at the same table. In a blink of an eye, Yaretzi started choking on a nugget and that is when Arlette sprang into action. “She was coughing and coughing, so I started patting her back,” said Pena. “When she continued I got behind her and started to do what it said in the posters. The chicken nugget was pretty stuck in there but it finally came out.” The cafeteria staff has informational posters on how to

perform the “Heimlich Maneuver” all throughout the cafeteria and that is how Arlette knew what to do. It is this heroic act that saved Yaretzi’s life on that day. Both girls say they are more careful now when the HERO, page 4

For the first time in Juan Diego Academy Catholic Regional High School history, there are Co-Valedictorians for the school’s graduating class. Daniela I. Salinas, daughter of Mr. Juan de Dios Salinas and Mrs. Martha Ofelia Leal of Ciudad Camargo, Tamaulipas was named Second Co-Valedictorian of the Class of 2017. (Pictured with Daniela are First Co-Valedictorian Nathaniel Robert Dyer and Salutatorian Mary B. Graham). After learning about JDA from her middle school, Immaculate Conception in Rio Grande City, Daniela applied and was accepted into JDA. Daniela states about her high school experience, “Enjoy high school, knowing that it will not be a perfect or smooth ride, but it will be a memorable ride. Do what you love, with the people you love and never have any regrets.” The Commencement Exercises for the Class of 2017 will take place Friday, May 26 at 7:00 PM in the Juan Diego Academy school’s gymnasium.

Fresenius Kidney Care - Rio Grande City proudly celebrated National Nurses Week May 6-12, 2017

Our nurses play a pivotal role in ensuring that we enable our caregivers to deliver superior care that improves the quality of life of every patient, every day. Thank you for your dedication to our patients, their families, and your fellow caregivers! (bottom) Karina A. Gomez RN-BSN CM, Darlean Anderson RN, Mary Sanchez LVN. (top) Sue Alvarez RN, Jamie Garza RN, Eligio Flores RN, Sulay De Leon RN, Alfonso Rubio RN. (not pictured) Emily Diaz RN.

Happy 90th Birthday Petra G. Gonzalez

Mrs. Gonzalez celebrated

her birthday Saturday

May 13, 2017 with her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

A Note of


As the parents of Audrina Nichole Flores, our daughter who has special needs, we would like to express our sincere thanks to Alma Martinez, Lupita Treviño, Leticia Treviño and Father Eddie Villa from the San Pablo Apóstol Church. Father Eddie has given our daughter the opportunity to obtain the sacrament of the Holy Communion. Father Eddie has always demonstrated the patience, love, and his true devotion to his faith as well for his care for his fellow man. Father Eddie you are a very special priest!! You showed me to never give up and to always have hope and faith. Our children and us adults love you, need you, and appreciate you dearly! Sincerely, The Flores Family


WEDNESDAY MAY 17TH - I.C.C. 6:00 P.M. †HERBERT MARTIN BROWN (8TH AN.) by Brown Family †GILBERTO RESENDEZ by Familia Vela †AURORA & GABRIEL LOPEZ (AN.) by Family †BOBBY MOLINA by Mr. & Mrs. Adan Alaniz

†GEORGE XAVIER DURAN by Wife & Daughters †LUZ MARIA GARZA (5TH AN.) by Family




SUNDAY SACRED HEART/LOS GARCIA 9:00 A.M. †J.J. PEÑA by Family †MIGUEL ANGEL RODRIGUEZ, JR. (10TH AN.) by Family †VIDAL & ANTONIA PEREZ (AN.) by Mr. & Mrs. Rodolfo T. Garza †DANIEL ALBERTO GOMEZ, JR. by Parents †MARIA Z. GARCIA by Juan & Angie Guerra

6:00 P.M. †JOSE ANGEL PEÑA by Esposa y Familia †HERBERT BROWN (AN.). by Brown Family †NOE OLIVAREZ by Wife & Family


Tarjeta de Agradecimiento En Memoria de

Maria G. Barrera Noviembre 4, 1930 † Mayo 6, 2017

No he muerto. Solo me fui antes y no quiero que me recuerden con lágrimas como aquel que no tiene esperanza. No he muerto: aunque mi cuerpo no esté, siempre mi presencia se hará sentir. Seré el silencio de nuestro hogar que tanto compartimos, seré la brisa que besará sus rostros, seré un recuerdo dulce que exista en sus memorias, seré una página bonita de sus historias. Perdón a todos, tomé únicamente uno de los trenes anteriores y se me olvido decirles... No he muerto, solo me fui antes.

Deseamos expresar nuestro mas sincero agradecimiento a nuestros familiares, amistades y vecinos por sus oraciones, misas, ofrendas �lorales, telefonemas, comidas y muchas mas expresiones de condolencias que nos brindaron durante la reciente perdida de nuestro ser querido. Especialmente a Union Water Supply, Starr County Teachers FCU, Starr Home Health, TPCC y Wal-Mart Automotive Dept.

Familia Barrera ~ Roiz

SUNDAY MAY 21ST - I.C.C. 11:00 A.M. †JOEL F. SALINAS by Family †EUTEMIO VILLARREAL (AN.) by Mr. Omar & Ninfa Garza †RENE J. GONZALEZ (9TH AN.) by Wife & Family †GILBERT RESENDEZ by Amanda Solis & Family †MARIA VIOLA VALADEZ by Israel & Lupita Chapa


1:00 P.M. †ALFONSO O. MASCORRO (9TH AN.) by Su Esposa e Hijos †AARON H. MASCORRO (37TH AN.) by Su Mama y Hermanos †LUIS MANUEL PEÑA (1ST AN.) by Esposa e Hijos †EDUARDO CANALES by Family †IDALIA CANALES (2ND AN.) by Family

MONDAY MAY 22ND – I.C.C. 6:00 P.M. †RENE KARAM (10TH AN.) by Mr. & Mrs. Gilberto Garcia †ANGELICA PEREZ by Su Esposo e Hijos TUESDAY MAY 23RD - I.C.C. 6:30 A.M. †EPITACIA “PITA” SOLIS by Amanda Solis & Family

HERO Continued from page 3 cafeteria serves chicken nuggets and they make sure to chew their food completely before talking. “When Arlette was recognized, I explained to all the students at the awards ceremony how important it is to help others. Random acts of kindness are just as important as academics,” said Ms. Saldivar, J&O Hinojosa Elementary principal. “It’s important to do your best in school

but it’s also important to be kind and help one another in times of need.” According to Ms. Marissa Saldivar, the students do pay attention to the posters that are hung in the cafeteria. They read them and follow the step by step illustrations. She is also extremely happy that both girls are just fine and were given special recognition at an awards ceremony and were treated to Icee’s.


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Date May 17, 2017

Property Owners Can Protest Property Appraisal Values Property owners who disagree with the Starr County Appraisal District’s appraisal of their property for local taxes or for any other action that adversely affects them may protest their property value to the appraisal district’s Appraisal Review Board (ARB). A property owner must file a written notice of protest before June 5 or within 30 days after the appraisal district mails the taxpayer a notice of appraised value, whichever is later for your property type. The ARB will begin hearing taxpayer protests on June 27, 2017. After the ARB completes its hearings and approves final property tax appraisals, taxing units will use these appraisals to set property tax rates. The ARB is a group of citizens who live in the appraisal district. In counties with 120,000 or more population, the local district administrative judge appoints ARB members. Otherwise, the appraisal district’s board of directors appoints them. Property owners may protest any of the following issues to the ARB: • the appraised or market value of the property; • unequal appraisal of the owner’s property; • inclusion of the property on the appraisal records; • denial of a partial exemption, such as a homestead exemption; • denial of special appraisal, such as agricultural or timber productivity appraisal; • determination that agricultural or timber land has had a change of use and is subject to a rollback tax; • identification of the taxing unit or taxing units in which the property is located; • determination that the taxpayer is the owner of the property; or • any other action of the appraisal district office or ARB that adversely affects the owner. The ARB schedules a hearing and sends the protesting property owner written notice of the date, time and place of the hearing. The law contains specific timelines and procedures for both the property owner and the ARB throughout the appraisal protest process. These are detailed in the Comptroller’s publication, Property Taxpayer Remedies. Copies are available from Starr County Appraisal District at 100 N. FM 3167, Ste 300 Rio Grande City, Texas 78582 (956) 487-5613 • The publication is also available on the Comptroller’s Property Tax Assistance Division’s website at


Roma High School Team Comes Starr County Youth Coalition/RGCCISD Super Out on Top At District UIL Meet Youth Participated in a Community Project

Congratulations to the Roma High School UIL Academic Team on an awesome performance at the spring District UIL Meet in Valley View! Kassandra Gonzalez earned 1st and Isabella Gonzalez 4th in Newswriting. Kassandra earned 1st and Isabella 3rd in Headline Writing. Kassandra also earned 3rd Place in Feature Writing. The work of both girls helped earn the trophy for the top team in journalism! Also Cristobal Moreno placed 1st, Joe Henry Doria placed 5th, Jose L. Pena placed 6th and Ahren Trevino placed 6th in Biology, earning them the trophy for the top team in science! In Ready Writing, Rosa Arellano earned 5th Place. Jerry Garcia earned 6th Place in Computer Science, and Naidelyn Ramos earned 5th Place in Debate. In Social Studies, Ana Avila placed 1st, Jesus Gonzalez placed 4th, and Cristobal Barrera placed 6th. In Computer Applications, Rufino Oregon placed 1st, and in Personal Speaking Damariz Martinez placed 4th and Maritza

Garcia placed 5th. In Informative Speaking Alan Villegas placed 4th and Jose Reyes 6th. In Freshmen Science, Gerardo Olivarez placed 1st and Mariela Reyes placed 2nd. “The students did a tremendous job and spent countless hours studying and practicing. We are incredibly proud of all their accomplishments and look forward to supporting them in their regional competition,” expressed Roma High School Principal Marissa Belmontes.

“We have 11 students advancing and we know they have the smarts and talent to do very well. We just can’t hide our Gladiator Pride!” A huge thanks to all the student participants and their supportive parents, as well as their coaches including Annabel Saenz, Maria Salinas, Rene Gonzalez, Maria Isabel Villarreal and San Juanita Hinojosa. (Photos and information courtesy Maria Villarreal.)

Starr County Youth Coalition/RGCCISD Super Youth participated in a Community Project at Ft. Ringgold County Park. Youth picked up littered cigarette butts and placed a red flag. The flags demonstrated butts were disposed all along common areas people walk, play and eat. The youth work all year round to learn about the dangers of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. They participate in volunteer Community projects such as this. Thanks to Starr County Sheriff Department for providing water and all that participated, congratulations on a job well done!

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Texas Senate Passes Senator Zaffirini’s Anti-Hazing Legislation SB 50 Would Clarify Hazing Definition, Facilitate Prosecution The Texas Senate passed that most people would agree of hazing offenses, SB 50 would Senate Bill (SB) 50 by Senator are acts of hazing, including help ensure that this state’s college Judith Zaffirini, D-Laredo, which actions that threaten students campuses remain environments promote community, would help combat the serious with ostracization, mental stress, that problem of hazing at colleges shame or humiliation. SB 50 citizenship and learning,” Senator and universities. More than 60 would clarify the definition of Zaffirini said. students have died in fraternity- hazing and ensure it includes the related incidents nationwide since coerced use of alcohol or drugs 2005. and hazing rituals that require “Hazing has no place on pledges to break state law. Starr County Commissioners’ Texas campuses, especially What’s more, it would update Court adopted a ban on burning because it inflicts such harmful venue provisions and clarify that a waste or other materials on mental and physical trauma on person may be granted immunity the properties. Due to unusual students,” Senator Zaffirini said. from prosecution if he or she “SB 50 would help stop this voluntarily reports hazing before dry weather conditions, Starr serious offense by clarifying the being part of an investigation County communities have been ambiguous definition of hazing in and cooperates throughout the experiencing a high volume of Texas law and fix other statutory investigation of a hazing incident. fire and to avoid fires the residents defects that impede prosecution.” “By clarifying and reforming are asked to refrain from burning Current law omits some acts the statute to facilitate prosecution trash and be extremely cautious when grilling or barbequing outside. Make sure the area is debris free and that there is no Description: Medical Office Receptionist dry grass in its proximities that may ignite fires with any spark. Medical Office Receptionist Job Purpose: Serves If there are any questions, it is patients by greeting and helping them; maintaining records very important to call a Fire and accounts. Department near you to receive the appropriate information. Experience Preferred

Burn Ban for Starr County


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Art Competition Continued from Front Page Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX-28) announced Melissa Garcia, a sophomore at Roma High School in Roma, Texas, as the winner of the 2017 Congressional Art Competition for Texas’ 28th District. “I congratulate Melissa on her colorful and elaborate artwork,” said Congressman Cuellar. “The American spirit resonates through her interpretation of the unity and friendship between our two countries. This year we had many great entries and hers stood out the most. Again, I congratulate Melissa on her talented piece, as well as her parents and educators and Roma High School.” The Congressional Art Competition gives the nation’s young artists the opportunity to compete for the chance to have their work displayed in the United States Capitol Building. Each member of Congress has the opportunity to host a local competition amongst high school students in his/her district and select the winning entry.

This year, a total of 58 art pieces were submitted from across the 28th District of Texas. Melissa’s winning entry is a color pencil drawing on poster board entitled “Acceptance Within,” which depicts two cultures coming together and signifies the acceptance of herself as a young Mexican-American woman on the Texas-Mexico border. “The drawing represents acceptance within oneself,” Melissa said. “Since I’m Mexican-American, I chose to incorporate elements of the United States and Mexico to represent that I accept who I am.” Melissa says that the piece displays a handshake from two people of different races, with both the Mexican and American flags representing the fabric of who they are. Towards the top of the drawing is a woman dancing ballet folkórico, or traditional cultural dances of Mexico, while there’s a family celebrating the 4th of July with fireworks

For Immediate Release Date May 17, 2017

Texas Comptroller’s Office Helps Property Taxpayers Stay Informed of their Rights with Updated Publication The Texas Comptroller’s office has released the publication Property Taxpayer Remedies, a reference guide for property taxpayers which addresses property tax basics, providing a step-by-step guide on preparing for a protest hearing and what they can do if they are dissatisfied with an appraisal review board’s decision. Property Taxpayer Remedies also provides key dates so property owners know what they must do and when they are required to act to exercise their right to protest. Property Taxpayer Remedies is available from the Starr County Appraisal District at 100 N. FM 3167, Ste 300 Rio Grande City, Texas 78582 (956) 487-5613 • The publication is also available from the Comptroller’s Property Tax Assistance Division’s website at Property Taxpayer Remedies

Glenn Hegar Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

Property Taxpayer Remedies Property Tax Assistance • December 1, 2016


ou are entitled to an explanation of the remedies available to you when you are not satisfied with the appraised value of your property. The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts is required to publish an explanation of the remedies available to taxpayers and procedures to be followed in seeking remedial action. The Comptroller also must include advice on preparing and presenting a protest.

What Can be Protested

The Tax Code further directs that copies of this document be made readily available to taxpayers at no cost. The chief appraiser of an appraisal district may provide a copy with the Notice of Appraised Value mailed to property owners to explain the time and procedures used in protesting the value of their property. The chief appraiser must provide another copy to property owners initiating protests.

You may request the ARB to schedule hearings on protests concerning up to 20 designated properties on the same day. You may use a special notice on the Comptroller’s website: comptroller.texas. gov/forms/50-131.pdf.

The first step in exercising your rights under the Tax Code is to protest your property’s appraised value. The following remedies only address appraised values and related matters. Government spending and taxation are not the subjects of this publication and must be addressed by local taxing units.

How to Protest Property Value Appraisal districts must send required notices by May 1, or by April 1 if your property is a residential homestead, or as soon as practical thereafter. The notice must separate the appraised value of real and personal property. If the appraised value increased, the notice must show an estimate of how much tax you would have to pay based on the same tax rate your city, county, school district and any special purpose district set the previous year. The notice will also include the date and place the appraisal review board (ARB) will begin hearing protests and may tell you whether your appraisal district has an informal meeting process to resolve your concerns. If you are dissatisfied with your appraised value or if errors exist in the appraisal records regarding your property, you should file a Notice of Protest with the ARB. If an appraisal district has an Internet website, it must permit electronic filing of a protest for excessive appraisal or unequal appraisal of property for which a residence homestead exemption has been granted, with certain exceptions. Counties with populations of 500,000 or more are required to do so and thus must have a website. Contact your local appraisal district for more details on filing a protest electronically.

The Notice of Protest may be filed using the model form on the Comptroller’s website: The notice need not be on this form. Your notice of protest is sufficient if it identifies (1) the protesting person claiming an ownership interest in the property, (2) the property that is the subject of the protest and (3) dissatisfaction with a determination of the appraisal district.

You may protest the value on your property in the following situations: • the value the appraisal district placed on your property is too high; • your property is unequally appraised; • the appraisal district denied a special appraisal, such as open-space land, or incorrectly denied your exemption application; • the appraisal district failed to provide you with required notices; or • other matters prescribed by Tax Code Section 41.41(a).

How to Complete the Protest Form If using the protest form, these tips will help ensure that you can present your evidence and preserve your appeal rights.

• You should pay particular attention to the reason for protest section of the form. • What you check as the reason for the protest influences the type of evidence you may present at your hearing. • Your appeal options after the hearing are influenced by what you protest. In the case of a typical residential property, checking both over market value and unequal appraisal will allow you to present the widest types of evidence and preserve your full appeal rights.

How to Resolve Concerns Informally Many appraisal districts will informally review your concerns with you and try to resolve your objections. It is very important, however, that you preserve your right to protest to the ARB by filing your Notice of Protest before the deadline, even if you expect to resolve your concerns at the informal meeting with the appraisal district.

Find out the process your appraisal district follows. Try to discuss your protest issue with the appraisal office in advance. Ask one of the appraisal district’s appraisers to explain how the district arrived at the value of your property. Be sure the property description is correct and that the measurements for your home or business and lot are accurate. Many appraisal districts have this information online.

What is an ARB? The ARB is an independent, impartial group of citizens authorized to resolve disputes between taxpayers and the appraisal district. It is not controlled by the appraisal district. In counties with 120,000 or more population, the local administrative district judge appoints appraisal review board members. Otherwise, the appraisal district’s board of directors appoints them. The ARB must follow certain procedures that may be unfamiliar to you. It must base its decisions on facts it hears from you and the appraisal district to decide whether the appraisal district has acted properly in determining the value of your property. ARB members cannot discuss your case with anyone outside of the hearing. Protest hearings, however, are open to the public and anyone can sit in and listen to the case. A closed hearing is allowed on the joint motion of the property owner and chief appraiser if either intends to disclose proprietary or confidential information at the hearing.

When are Protests Filed? You should file your Notice of Protest with the ARB no later than 30 days after the appraisal district mailed the Notice of Appraised Value. You may request an evening or weekend hearing. The ARB will notify you at least 15 days in advance of the date, time and place of your hearing. Under certain circumstances, you may be entitled to a postponement of the hearing to a later date. The ARB begins hearings around May 15 and generally completes them by July 20. Start and end dates can vary from appraisal district to appraisal district. At least 14 days before your protest hearing, the appraisal district will mail a copy of this pamphlet; a copy of the ARB procedures; and a statement that you may inspect and obtain a copy of the data, schedules, formulas and any other information the chief appraiser plans to introduce at your hearing. This information is not required to be delivered 14 days before a hearing; it only must be available for inspection and copying.

You can appear at the ARB hearing in person, by affidavit or through an agent. If you fail to appear, you may lose the right to be heard by the ARB on the protest and the right to appeal. If you or your agent fails to appear at a hearing, you are entitled to a new hearing if you file with the ARB, not later than four days after your hearing date, a written statement showing good cause for failing to appear and request a new hearing. Good cause is defined as a reason that includes an error or mistake that was not intentional or was not the result of conscious indifference and will not cause undue delay or injury to the person authorized to extend the deadline or grant a rescheduling.

What Steps to Take to Prepare for Protest Hearing You should consult with the appraisal district staff about your property’s value. Ask questions about items you do not understand. The appraisal district is required to provide copies of documents that you request, at a cost not to exceed $25 total for all the copies it makes for each property you protest, or $15 for each residence. Many appraisal districts provide a great deal of information on their websites at no charge. If you are protesting the appraisal of your home or small business, you can view videos on the topic on the Comptroller’s website at property-tax/. Observing the following tips can also help in achieving a successful appeal: • Be on time and prepared for your hearing. The ARB may place time limits on hearings. • Stick to the facts and avoid emotional pleas. The ARB has no control over the appraisal district’s operations or budget, tax rates for local taxing units, inflation or local politics; addressing these topics in your presentation wastes time and will not help your case. • Review the ARB hearing procedures. After you receive the ARB hearing procedures, take time to become thoroughly familiar with them and be prepared to follow them. • Present your information in a simple and well-organized manner. You and the appraisal district staff are required to exchange evidence at or before the hearing. Photographs and other documents are useful. You should take an appropriate number of copies so that each ARB member and the appraisal district representative receive one. The date of your appraisal is Jan. 1, so you should make sure that changes made before that date are included in the appraisal. Improvements or damage to your property after Jan. 1 should not be part of the appraisal or the protest. If you are protesting the value of business property or other appraisal matters, you should have evidence to support your

opinion of value. Sales data may not be available or relevant, but income and expense information may be useful. The appraisal district has the burden of proof in value and unequal appraisal disputes. An appraiser’s job is to appraise property at its market value, equitably and uniformly.

What if you are Dissatisfied with the ARB’s Decision After the ARB rules on your protest, it will send a written order by certified mail. If you are dissatisfied with the ARB’s findings, you have the right to appeal the decision. Depending on the facts and type of property, you may be able to appeal to the state district court in the county in which your property is located; to binding arbitration; or to the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH). You may appeal through binding arbitration if your property is valued at $3 million or less. You may also use binding arbitration for your residence homestead regardless of its appraised value. To request binding arbitration, you must file a Request for Binding Arbitration form with the appraisal district, along with a deposit check payable to the Comptroller of Public Accounts. The deposit amount ranges from $450 to $1,050 based on the property type and value. All but $50 of your deposit will be refunded to you if the arbitrator sets your value at an amount closer to your opinion of value than to the ARB’s value. If not, the deposit is used to pay the arbitrator’s fee. You must exercise the arbitration option not later than 45 days after the date you receive the ARB’s notice of its decision. There are limits to what can be appealed to binding arbitration. Information about what is allowed to be appealed through arbitration can be found on the Comptroller’s website at comptroller.texas. gov/taxes/property-tax/arbitration/. Property owners may also appeal ARB orders for real or personal properties with values of more than $1 million to SOAH. To appeal, you file a notice with the chief appraiser not later than 30 days after the date you receive the ARB’s notice of its decision and file a $1,500 deposit not later than the 90th day after you receive the ARB’s notice of the order. The administrative law judge will schedule the hearing in the municipality where the property is located unless SOAH does not have a remote hearing site in that municipality. In which case, the hearing will be scheduled in the municipality with a remote hearing site that is closest to the subject property. Alternatively, you may appeal the decision to the state district court in which your property is located. You must file the appeal no later than 60 days after you receive the final ARB order. In all types of appeals, you are required to pay a specified portion of your taxes before the delinquency date.

towards the bottom. To the right is a baby girl, and at the center of the drawing is a clock that signifies the movement of time that is followed by a grown woman on the left. “Time goes by as you grow up and you accept yourself,” Melissa added. There are also architectural elements in the piece, such as the Washington Monument and a Spanish colonial church. As the winner of the art competition, Melissa is invited to fly to Washington, D.C., next month, courtesy of Southwest Airlines, where she will attend a reception and ribbon-cutting ceremony with her family and Congressman Cuellar on Thursday, June 29, where her artwork will be displayed in the U.S. Capitol. She also will have the opportunity to meet students from other parts of the country and spend time with Congressman Cuellar and tour the nation’s capital. “Melissa is exceptionally talented and it is clear she has a very bright future in front of her,” said Roma ISD Superintendent Carlos Guzman. “We congratulate her on this milestone and look forward to seeing her continue to grow in her skills as a student and artist here at Roma High; and we will continue to support her artistic endeavors as we continue to shine the light on our awesome RHS Art Program. We also thank Congressman Cuellar and his staff for supporting young artists and encouraging them to pursue their dreams. Melissa will always look back on this experience as a defining moment and perhaps this opportunity will afford her exposure and networking that will lead to even greater prospects. This is indeed a very proud day for us in the Gladiator Nation!” What is the Comptroller’s role in the protest process? The Comptroller’s office provides a survey for property owners to offer feedback on the ARB experience. Survey results are published in an annual report. The Comptroller’s office does not, however, have oversight responsibility over the ARB and has no authority to investigate complaints about the ARB. Any complaints about the ARB or its members should be directed to the ARB itself, the appraisal district board of directors or the local administrative district judge in counties with 120,000 or more population. The Comptroller’s office has no direct involvement in the protest process. Further, this pamphlet is intended to provide customer assistance to taxpayers. It does not address all aspects of property tax law or the appraisal process. The Comptroller’s office is not offering legal advice, and this information neither constitutes nor serves as a substitute for legal advice. Questions regarding the meaning or interpretation of statutes, notice requirements and other matters should be directed to an attorney or other appropriate counsel.

Where can you get more information? This publication does not cover all aspects of the ARB protest process or property taxes. For more information, please see the following Web resources: • • • • • • •

Appraisal Protests and Appeals; Appraisal Review Board Manual; Paying Your Taxes; Property Tax System Basics; Taxpayer Bill of Rights; Texas Property Tax Code; and Valuing Property.

This information is found on the Comptroller’s Property Tax Assistance website. It provides property owners a wealth of information on the appraisal and protest process at property-tax/. For specific inquiries, you must contact the appraisal district where your property is located.

Property Tax Assistance Division Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts Publication #96-295. Revised December 2016. For additional copies visit our website: Sign up to receive email updates on the Comptroller topics of your choice at In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, this document may be requested in alternative formats by calling: 800-252-5555.


3D Printing Now Available North Grammar Elementary at Your Local Library Held its Annual Spring Festival

After months of planning and training, the Rio Grande City Public Library is ready to unveil its latest piece of technology. The library along with seven other public libraries from Hidalgo and Star Counties received a 3D printer to provide patrons with printing services. The printers were acquired through a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services, the Texas State Library Archives Commission, and Central Texas Library System Inc. Paul Waak, Assistant Director of the Central Texas Library System says “3D printing has become an important technology for both professional and personal exploration for design and digital fabrication and through this project, community members of the Rio Grande Valley entrepreneurs, artists, and hobbyists can now turn their designs into a reality.” Library staff had to undergo high-quality hands-on training in the operation, maintenance, and repairs of the equipment as well as copyrights laws unique to 3D printing, patent, and trademark issues and is now ready to make it available to the community. On Saturday, May 20, the library will hold a 3D Printer Presentation for the public from 12 to 2 p.m. Representatives will showcase the printer and provide step by step 3D printing demonstrations. They will also explain how 3D printing works and answer questions from the public. The other libraries who received a printer are Edinburg, Hidalgo,

Jesus Rios

Sales Manager/ La Joya Cell: (956) 862-8857

McAllen, Mission, Pharr, and Weslaco. Staff members from their libraries will also be present for the May 20th presentation. For more information call the Rio Grande City Public Library and ask for Stephanie or JoAnn at 956-487-4389, or visit the library located at 591 E. Canales (3rd) Street in Rio Grande City.

Welcome SPRING! North Grammar Elementary held its annual Spring Festival. Students, staff, and parents enjoyed a morning full of great food, fun games, and an overall good time. North Grammar Elementary staff and administration would like to THANK our Longhorn community for their help and support of this event.

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John & Olive Hinojosa Elementary 5th Six Weeks Honor Roll Ms. Marissa Saldivar, Principal at John & Olive Hinojosa Elementary proudly announces the Honor Roll for the 5th Six Weeks 2016-2017 School Year. P-KINDER R. M. Estrada A Jesus Adame, Julio Alvarado, Lukas Barrera, Santiago Canales, Angela Flores, Carlos Garcia, Mya Gonzalez, Mario Lozano, Aneira Mendoza, Maybelyn Muralles, Genesis Rocha A&B Angel Cervantes, Noah Amador, Criselda Medina, Dania Rodriguez, Molly Uresty A. Garcia A Oscar I. Garcia, Lennae A. Garrido, Felix Garza, Kayla A. Gaytan, Braeden L. Gonzalez, Yaritzel A. Gonzalez, Alejandro Ibarra, Alejandro Lopez, Dayanara Lopez, Esmeralda Medina, Christopher 50-195-S (12-16/3) A. Mendoza, Kendron Rios, [41.41,41.70]

Issac R. Sandoval, Trevino

Salinas, Jose David Amanda Martinez, Edwin Rios, Ray Silva, Ashley Angelo Rojas A. Guerrero A A&B Alexis G. De Anda, Xavier Diaz, Ximena Aguilar, Eduardo Alaffa Isaac Rivas Jr. Victor Ayala, Edgardo Cantu, Elizabeth Flores, Maileny Garza, V. Salinas Shalomi Guerrero, Ediel Gonzalez, A Erwin Contreras, Emilio Garcia, Rebecca Martinez, Larry Vargas, Kayla Ibarra, Jairo Martinez, Mia Aryella Vasquez Perez, Elias Valadez A&B A&B Emanuel Abundiz, David Dela Layssa Aleman, Dasha Cabello, Cruz, Kaylee Gonzalez, Evelyn Gloria Herrera, Amy Lopez, John Maldonado, Moises Olivares, Pena, Adabella Reyes Alfredo Pena KINDER G. Sandoval M. Cruz A Nathan Avila, Angel Cervantes, A Mariane Alanis, Jesus Aranda, Jason De Anda, David O. Flores Michelle Arevalo, Yaritza Flores, Jr., Kaylee Garza, Sebastian Garza, Eduardo Garcia, Aleena Gonzalez, Krystal Gonzalez, Mario Izaquirre, Ricardo Martinez, Regina Molina, Darian Lopez, Mario Lopez, Elizandro Rosas, Derek Ruvalcaba, Samira Monrroy, Jesus Vasquez Diego Vasquez A&B Orlando Benavidez, Sophia A&B Espiricueta, Desiree Guzman, Victoria Cardenas, Kevin Garza, Rene Lozano, Rolando Lozano, Teandra Lopez, Jay Daniela Oyervides

C. Trevino A Sebastian Arce, Evelyn Garza, Enrique Gazca A&B Roberto Garcia, Dilany Garza, Edgar Garza, Juan Gaytan Axel Longoria, Eduardo Lopez FIRST GRADE N. Alvarado A Alexander Arenas, Amberlyn García, Rosselyn Garcia, Jarely Hinojosa, Melany Resendez, Herbey Rodríguez, Mya Rodríguez A&B Valeria Gaytán, Yareli Garza, Yoan González, Hailey Pérez, Ximena Toscano C. Chapa A Lynette Carrillo, Zoe Guerrero, Arianna Ríos, Evangeline Rodríguez A&B Sarah Barrera, Anali Cadena, Jorge Domínguez, Izcalli Guajardo,

Procedimientos para la protesta y apelación de los impuestos de la propiedad

La ley concede a los dueños de propiedades el derecho a protestar las acciones acerca de sus tasaciones de la propiedad.Usted puede utilizar esta guía para la apelación si tiene alguna duda sobre lo siguiente: • • • • • • • • • •

El valor del mercado o de su propiedad; La tasación desigual de la propiedad; La inclusión de su propiedad en la lista de tasaciones; Alguna exención que aplique; Los requisitos para una tasación agrícola o de madera; El estado imponible de su propiedad; El gobierno local que impone los impuestos de la propiedad; El título de la propiedad; El cambio en el uso de los terrenos con una tasación especial; Cualquier acción tomada por el jefe de tasaciones, distrito de tasaciones o la junta de revisión de tasaciones (ARB, por sus siglas en inglés) que aplique y le afecte negativamente

Revisión Informal

(Insert description of appraisal district’s informal review process, if any, then give name and telephone number of person taxpayer should contact.)

Comuníquese con el Appraisal District al (956) 487-5613 y tenga su número de cuenta listo. Se hará una cita con un Evaluador. Revisión por el ARB En caso de no solucionar el problema informalmente con el personal del distrito de tasaciones del condado (CAD, por sus siglas en inglés), puede presentar su caso por la junta de revisiones de tasaciones (ARB).

El ARB es una junta independiente formada por la ciudadanía con el propósito de revisar los problemas en las tasaciones o algún otro asunto listado arriba. La junta posee también el poder de ordenar al CAD a hacer los cambios necesarios para solucionar los problemas. Si usted presenta una solicitud escrita para programar una vista con el ARB o una notificación de protesta antes de la fecha de vencimiento, el ARB cita el caso para una vista. Luego recibirá la notificación que indica la hora, fecha y lugar de la vista. Si es necesario puede además solicitar la vista para asistir en la noche, sábado o domingo. Antes de asistir a la vista, usted puede pedir la evidencia que el CAD intenta presentar durante la vista para establecer cualquier asunto en cuestión. La ley rige que anterior a o inmediatamente después de comenzar la vista, usted o su agente y el CAD deben intercambiar copias del cualquier material – si en la forma de papel o electrónica – destinada a ser ofrecido o enviado al ARB en la vista. (Varias copias de estos materiales típicamente deben ser llevados a la vista para que cada miembro del ARB tiene una copia de todos los materiales a revisar.) En la mayor medida posible, la vista será informal. Usted o un agente designado puede presentarse en persona con la evidencia o enviarla notariada al ARB para revisar durante la vista. El representante de CAD presentará la evidencia sobre su caso. Usted puede

interrogar al representante de CAD. El ARB rendirá su decisión basado en la evidencia presentada. En la mayoría de los casos, el CAD carga la responsabilidad de establecer el valor de la propiedad de acuerdo a la preponderancia de la evidencia presentada.

En ciertas protestas, el jefe de tasaciones tiene la carga de probar el valor de la propiedad por evidencia clara y convincente. Usted debe revisar los procedimientos de las vistas para aprender más sobre la evidencia y asuntos relacionados. Usted puede obtener una copia de una protesta en la oficina del distrito de tasaciones o la Contraloría de Cuentas Públicas en

No debe contactar a los miembros de ARB fuera de la vista. La ley requiere que los miembros de ARB firmen un affidávit declarando que no han discutido el caso anteriormente.

Revisión por Corte del Distrito, Árbitro o SOAH Después de que decida su caso, el ARB está obligado a enviar una copia de la orden por correo certificado. Si usted no está satisfecho con la decisión, usted tiene el derecho de apelar. Si usted decide ir a la corte, debe comenzar el proceso presentando una petición dentro de los 60 días de la fecha en que recibió la orden del ARB. En ciertos casos, como alternativa de apelar a la corte del distrito, puede presentar, a más tardar 45 días después que reciba la notificación de la orden del ARB, una solicitud para arbitraje con el distrito de tasaciones del condado. En ciertos casos, usted puede apelar a la oficina estatal de vistas administrativas (SOAH, por sus siglas en inglés). Una apelación a SOAH se inicia, a más tardar 30 días después de recibir la notificación de la orden del ARB, presentando con el jefe de tasaciones del distrito de tasaciones del condado de un anuncio de apelación. Las apelaciones a la corte del distrito, arbitraje obligatorio, o SOAH requieren pago de ciertas cuotas o depósitos.

El Pago de los Impuestos Usted debe pagar el monto de impuestos debido por la parte del valor imponible no disputado, la cantidad de impuestos debido en la propiedad bajo la orden de que se han adoptado la apelación o la cantidad de impuestos debido en el año anterior. Información Adicional Usted puede obtener más información poniéndose en contacto con su distrito de tasaciones en: (Insert CAD name, address and telephone number).

Starr County Appraisal District 100 N. FM 3167, Ste. 300 Rio Grande City, Texas 78582

Puede obtener información adicional acerca de cómo preparar una protesta de la publicación de la Contraloría, lo Básico de los Impuestos de la Propiedad, disponible en el sitio web de la División de Asistencia al Contribuyente de la Contraloría en comptroller.

Fechas de vencimiento para presentar protestas al ARB*

Fecha de Vencimiento Usual abril (o para residenciales el 31 de de mayo En o antes del 530dedeJunio dentro de 30 díasy después quepara un valor tasado fue enviado a usted, cualquiera es mas todaaviso otradel propiedad (o dentro de 30 días después de que un aviso tarde). del valor tasado fue enviado a usted, cualquiera es mas tarde).

Las protestas tardías son permitidas si usted falla en cumplir la fecha de vencimiento usual por causa justa. El ARB decide si usted tiene una buena causa. Las protestas tardías no son permitidas después de que el ARB aprueba los informes para el año.

Fecha de Vencimiento Especial Para el cambio de uso (el distrito de tasaciones le informó que usted está perdiendo la tasación del terreno agrícola porque ha cambiado el uso de su tierra), la fecha de vencimiento es no más adelante que el trigésimo día después de la notificación de la determinación fue entregado a usted. Para cambios de ARB (el ARB le ha informado de un cambio que aumenta su responsabilidad fiscal y el cambio no es el resultado

de una protesta que presentó), la fecha de vencimiento no es más adelante que el trigésimo día después de la notificación del cambio fue entregado a usted. (You may insert deadline for protests concerning omitted property if doing so would avoid taxpayer confusion.)

Si usted cree que el distrito de tasaciones o ARB fallaron en enviar la notificación, usted puede presentar una protesta hasta el día antes de la fecha de vencimiento para pagar los impuestos (por lo general el 1ro de febrero) o a más tardar el día 125 después de la fecha en que usted reclama que recibió la factura de los impuestos de una o más de las unidades imponibles recaudadoras de los impuestos de su propiedad. El ARB determina el mérito de presentar la vista basado en la evidencia del envió de la notificación obligatoria.

* La fecha de vencimiento es pospuesta hasta el próximo día laboral si se cae durante el fin de semana o día de fiesta legal, estatal o nacional.

Janel Herrera, Dylan López, Vanessa Vásquez C. Delgado A Carlos Cantú, Julissa Guerrero, Jesús Martínez, Deynna Palacios, David Rodríguez A&B Stephanie Aleman, Alyanie Barrera, Donato Medina I. Juárez A Luis Alaffa, Hugo Cisneros, Johana Cortes, Ethan Delgado, Aarón Olivares A&B Jennifer Diaz, Jennifer Garcia, Marelli Garza, Yahilet Leal, Ashley Pena, Maximo Perez, Christian Salinas, Giovanny Santillan, Sabrina Vasquez SECOND GRADE B. Chapa A Joseph Ávila, Roberto Garza, Samantha Monrroy, Kimberly Olivares, Arlette Pena, Natalie Treviño, Yaretzi Rivera A&B Miley Barrera, Brandon L. González, Camila Martínez, Melanie Moreno, Brandon Rojas, Leonardo Zurita I. Rodriguez A&B José Carlos Abundiz, Violeta Aranda, Briseidy García, Keylenn Rubí Gómez, Briseilanie A. Gomez, José Ángel López, Daniel Resendez, Roberto Carlos Sosa M. I. Sánchez A&B Jordán Vásquez, Omar García, Isabela García, Angelie Barrera THIRD GRADE S. García A&B Randy García, Hannia Garrido, Luiggi Garza, Yazmin Garza, Anahí Hernández, Leticia Lozano,

Nahomy Lozano, Rubén Lozano, Alexander Maldonado J. Silva A&B Nayelli Garza, Diego González, Joselyn Mata, Brianna Mijares, Anabel Ramírez, Brayan Ríos, Yoselin Santos L. Solís A Lluvia Aldape, Alexandria Saldívar A&B Xiomara Aguilar, Georgina Barrera, Iván Domínguez, Kayla Flores, Sheyla Garcés, Martin García, Kassandra Garza, Jayson Guerra, Ciro Herrera, Dawn Isidro, Phoebe López, Miguel López, Mia Maraboto, Emily Mendoza, Kristal Ortiz, Sabrina Rodríguez, Alfonso Toscano, Alexis Vargas FOURTH GRADE E. Flores A Bryan Hinojosa, Karyssa Reyes, Albert Reyna A&B Maite Cadena, Leylani De Hoyos, Andrew García, Christian Lozano, María Elena Pena, Sarah Ramos, Lesli Ruvalcaba, Cesar Soto, Emmanuel Treviño, Ashley Vásquez, Bellani Vásquez V. Robles A&B Emma Buentello, Melany Garza, Ramiro Lozano, Esli Ruvalcaba FIFTH GRADE A. Garza A&B Evelyn Ortiz, Elvia Quezada, Katlyn Zuniga I. Garza A&B Carolina Flores, Ilex Gazca, Ruby Gonzalez, Analee Ibarra, Jennifer Lopez, Kayla Maraboto, Raudel Martinez, Dalisa Olivarez, Raul Salinas, Maite Santos, Cassandra Vargas

NOVENA “Miraculous Prayer”

R. G. C.

Dear Sacred Heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked for favors. This time I ask you this very special one (mention favor). Take it, Dear Jesus, and place it within your own heart, where your Father sees it. Then, in your merciful eyes it will become your favor, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days, promise publication and favor will be granted. Never known to fail.


Alto Bonito Elementary 5th Six Weeks Awards Assembly

Ringgold Middle School Students Held A Fun Filled Painting Experience For Elementary Students

Alto Bonito Elementary had its 5th Six Weeks Awards Assembly. Thirty-one students were awarded with the Principal’s Award Medal. These students were chosen from each homeroom based on overall academics, behavior, and daily attendance. As an added treat, they experienced having breakfast with Ringgold Middle School 7th grade migrant students visited Dr. Mario Ramirez Elementary to work on a the school principals. Congratulations to these students and keep up the great work! Go Roadrunners! Mother’s Day painting activity with a kindergarten class. The students had fun working together to create 50-195 (12-16/18) a true masterpiece! (Pictured with these students are Principal, Mr. Rene Pena and Asst. Principal, Ms. Laura Garza). [41.41,41.70]

Property Tax Protest and Appeal Procedures The law gives property owners the right to protest actions concerning their property tax appraisals. You may follow these appeal procedures if you have a concern about: • • • • • • • • • •

the market or appraised value of your property the unequal appraisal of your property the inclusion of your property on the appraisal roll any exemptions that may apply to you the qualification for an agricultural or timber appraisal the taxable status of your property the local governments which should be taxing your property the ownership of the property the change of use of land receiving special appraisal any action taken by the chief appraiser, appraisal district or appraisal review board (ARB) that applies to and adversely affects you.

Informal Review (Insert description of appraisal district’s informal review process, if any, then give name and telephone number of person taxpayer should contact.) Miller or Bud Light Beer 12-oz– 18-Pak

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Contact the Appraisal District @ (956) 487-5613 and have your account number ready. An appointment will be made with an Appraiser.

Review by the ARB If you cannot resolve your problem informally with the county appraisal district (CAD) staff, you may have your case heard by the ARB. The ARB is an independent board of citizens that reviews problems with appraisals or other concerns listed above. It has the power to order the CAD to make the necessary changes to solve problems. If you file a written request for an ARB hearing (called a notice of protest) before the deadline, the ARB will set your case for a hearing. You will receive written notice of the time, date and place of the hearing. If necessary, you may request a hearing in the evening or on a Saturday or Sunday. Prior to your hearing, you may ask to review the evidence the CAD plans to introduce at the hearing to establish any matter at issue. The law provides that before a hearing on a protest or immediately after the hearing begins, you or your agent and the CAD shall each provide the other with a copy of any materials – whether in paper or electronic form – intended to be offered or submitted to the ARB at the hearing. (Multiple copies of these materials typically must be brought to the hearing so that each ARB member has a copy of all the materials to review.) To the greatest extent practicable, the hearing will be informal. You or a designated agent may appear in person to present evidence or you may send notarized evidence for the ARB to review at your hearing. The CAD representative

2.29 6.99LB

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Usual Usual Deadline Deadline

On or before April 30 for residence homesteads and May 31 for

On or before June 5(or (orwithin within30 30days daysafter afteraa notice notice of of appraised all other property appraised value was mailed to you, whichever is later).

value was mailed to you, whichever is later).


Late protests protests are are allowed allowed ifif you you miss miss the theusual usualdeadline deadlinefor forgood good Late cause. The The ARB ARB decides whether cause. whether you youhave havegood goodcause. cause.

Gwaltney Sliced Bacon

Late protests are not allowed after the ARB approves the al records for the year. appraisal records for the year.


12-oz Pak

In certain protests, the chief appraiser has the burden of proving the property’s value by clear and convincing evidence. You should review ARB hearing procedures to learn more about evidence and related matters. You can get a copy of a protest form from the appraisal district office or from the Comptroller of Public Accounts at You should not try to contact ARB members outside of the hearing. The law requires ARB members to sign an affidavit saying that they have not talked about your case before the ARB hears it. Review by the District Court, an Arbitrator or SOAH After it decides your case, the ARB must send you a copy of its order by certified mail. If you are not satisfied with the decision, you have the right to appeal. If you choose to go to court, you must start the process by filing a petition within 60 days of the date you receive the ARB’s order. In certain cases, as an alternative to filing an appeal in district court, you may file, not later than the 45th day after you receive notice of the ARB order, a request for binding arbitration with the county appraisal district. In certain cases, you may appeal to the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH). An appeal to SOAH is initiated by, not later than the 30th day after you receive notice of the ARB’s order, filing with the chief appraiser of the county appraisal district a notice of appeal. Appeals to district court, binding arbitration, or SOAH all require payment of certain fees or deposits. Tax Payment You must pay the amount of taxes due on the portion of the taxable value not in dispute, the amount of taxes due on the property under the order from which the appeal is taken or the amount of taxes due in the previous year. More Information You can get more information by contacting your appraisal district at (insert appraisal district name, address, telephone number).

Starr County Appraisal District 100 N. FM 3167, Ste. 300 Rio Grande City, Texas 78582 You can get additional information on how to prepare a protest from the Comptroller’s publication, Property Tax Basics, available on the Comptroller’s Property Tax Assistance Division’s website at

Deadline for Filing Protests with the ARB*

Exquisita Corn Tortillas 100-cnt pk Wolf Plain Chili 15-oz oz Cans

will present evidence about your case. You may cross-examine the CAD representative. The ARB will make its decision based on the evidence presented. In most cases, the CAD has the burden of establishing the property’s value by a preponderance of the evidence presented.

For ARB changes (the ARB has informed you of a change that increases your tax liability and the change did not result from a protest you filed), the deadline is not later than the 30th day after the notice of the change was delivered to you. (You may insert deadline for protests concerning omitted property if doing so would avoid taxpayer confusion.)

Late protests are not allowed after the ARB approves the apprais-

Special Deadlines For change of use (the appraisal district informed you that you are losing agricultural appraisal because you changed the use of your land), the deadline is not later than the 30th day after the notice of the determination was delivered to you.

If you believe the appraisal district or ARB should have sent you a notice and did not, you may file a protest until the day before taxes become delinquent (usually Feb. 1) or no later than the 125th day after the date you claim you received a tax bill from one or more of the taxing units that tax your property. The ARB decides whether it will hear your case based on evidence about whether a required notice was mailed to you.

* The deadline is postponed to the next business day if it falls on a weekend or legal, state or national holiday.


LEGAL NOTICE Application has been made with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a RETAIL DEALER’S ONPREMISE LATE HOURS LICENSE (BL) by: OSCAR V. GONZALEZ JR. dba SIMPLE CAFE, to be located at 778 N FM 2360 STE A, RIO GRANDE CITY, STARR COUNTY, TEXAS. OWNER OSCAR V. GONZALEZ JR. STEWC WINNING NUMBERS The APRIL 2017 Winning Numbers and Addresses of South Texas Empowerment of Women Center (STEWC) Calendar Fundraiser were: DATE



04-03-17 239 ROMA, TX $25 04-10-17 79 PARK RIVER, ND $25 $25 04-17-17 53 RGC, TX 04-24-17 231 RGC, TX $25 The 2017 giving calendars are available for a donation of $10. The prizes are $25 every Monday and $500 July 4th and December 31st. Call (956) 486-1486 or come to STEWC office at 3610 W. Turtle Drive, Rio Grande City. To donate and receive your calendar. The drawings for the winners for the 2017 calendars will be at the end of each month. There are now 38 chances to win!!!

Texans Urged to Prepare for Hurricane Season Now In advance of the 2017 hurricane season, the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) is urging Texans to begin making plans to protect themselves and their families. Hurricane season begins June 1 and continues through Nov. 30, and Texas Governor Greg Abbott has proclaimed this week, May 7-13, to be Hurricane Preparedness Week. “The impending hurricane

season presents the potential for powerful storms and dangerous conditions across the state that could endanger lives and cause extensive damage – something many Texans have already endured this year,” said Governor Abbott. “I encourage all residents to be mindful of the dangers, closely monitor weather warnings in their areas and always comply with evacuation orders issued by

RFP NOTICE Rio Grande City C.I.S.D. is requesting proposals on the following: RFP 17-37

Electrical Work & Repair

10:00 A.M.

Proposal specifications and further information may be obtained from the Rio Grande City C.I.S.D. Purchasing Office at the address below. Sealed proposals must be received by the Rio Grande City C.I.S.D. Purchasing Office, Fort Ringgold, Rio Grande City, Texas 78582 on Tuesday, May 30, 2017 and will be opened and read aloud at the above-mentioned time. Rio Grande City C.I.S.D. reserves the right to refuse and reject any or all proposals and to waive any or all informalities or technicalities, or to accept the proposal considered the best and most advantageous to the school district. Joe D. Smedley Purchasing Agent

City of Escobares Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) Contract No. 7216151 Advertisement and Invitation for Bids

local officials.” All Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coastal areas are subject to hurricanes or tropical storms. It is possible for a storm to severely impact our state, even prior to or without making direct landfall in Texas. Additionally, the rainbands associated with a tropical system have an extremely wide reach, so monitoring changing weather conditions during hurricane season is critically important for all Texans. “Early preparation can be the difference between life and death when hurricanes or severe weather occur, and it is crucial for Texans to begin preparing for future storms now,” said DPS Director Steven McCraw. “DPS urges all Texans – not just residents living in coastal areas – to develop a hurricane plan and assemble an emergency kit in case of a disaster.” Hurricanes can cause catastrophic damage to coastlines, and winds can vary from 74 to 157 miles per hour (or higher). In addition, hurricanes and tropical storms can also spawn tornadoes, create dangerous coastal water conditions, including storm surges along the coast, and cause extensive damage from flooding. Here are several measures residents can take now to prepare for potential storms: • Assemble an emergency kit that includes essential documents, supplies and provisions.

• Review hurricane evacuation maps, and select a route for you and your family. • Plan how all family members and pets will evacuate safely. • Consider any special needs for individuals with disabilities or the elderly. • Stay informed about changing weather conditions in and around your area. If you or someone you know might need assistance during a disaster, please register for the State of Texas Emergency Assistance Registry (STEAR), a free registry that provides local emergency planners and responders with additional

information about needs in their communities. To register, contact 2-1-1 Texas, the state’s free 24hour helpline. No matter where you live in Texas, you can dial 2-1-1 or (877) 541-7905 for community resources. For more information about hurricanes and how to prepare for the 2017 hurricane season, visit www.dps.texas. g o v / d e m / T h r e a t Aw a r e n e s s / hurricaneAwareness.htm and To read the governor’s proclamation, visit http:// w w w. d p s . t e x a s . g o v / d e m / ThreatAwareness/Hurricane PreparednessWeekProc.pdf.

Graduating students from Texas A&M University-Kingsville who purchased an official school ring received them during one of two special ceremonies held April 23. Graduates and alumni are able to purchase an official Texas A&M-Kingsville ring. Students have made the ring purchase and ceremony an annual tradition of the university. A committee of students, staff, alumni and faculty selected a company to design the ring. Its symbols reflect the university’s history and traditions. The symbols include the school’s mascot, the javelina, because of its tenacity; mesquite

and cactus, because they personify the students’ ability to survive and prosper; palm trees, because they are found all over campus; the Lone Star, because it symbolizes the state of Texas; and the College Hall clock tower, because it is the most recognized landmark on campus. Rio Grande City students receiving their official school ring: Maria Cantu, biology; Klarissa Falcon, interdisciplinary studies; Dayna Gonzalez, communication sciences and disorders; Matthew Gonzalez, mechanical engineering; Cristal Lopez, communication sciences and disorders

Graduating Students Receive Ring As Symbol Of University Years

The City of Escobares will receive bids for the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) Contract No. 7216151 for Street Reconstruction until 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday the 30th of May 2017 at City of Escobares City Hall (mailing address: P.O. Box 907, Roma, TX, 78584). The bids will be publicly opened and read aloud immediately after 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday the 30th day of May, 2017 at City of Escobares City Hall, 4829 Old Hwy. 83, Escobares Texas. The project will consist of reconstructing sections of Lopez St., Bazan St., Barrera St., Church St., Rincon St., Peña St., and San Julian Rd. Bids are invited for, but are not limited to, the items and approximate quantities as follows: 1. 10,757 SY of reclaiming 8 in. existing HMAC and caliche flex base 2. 10,757 SY of 11/2 in. of HMAC 3. 1360 SY of 6 in. Subgrade & 8 in. caliche flex base 4. 670 SQFT Concrete Apron Bid/Contract Documents, including Technical Specifications are on file and may be viewed at the City of Escobares City Hall located at 4829 Old. Highway 83., Escobares Texas during normal business days or may be obtained by interested parties for Fifty Dollars ($50.00), non-refundable, per set or copy, by contacting Rio Delta Engineering, 309 N. Corpus St. Rio Grande City, Texas 78582, or by calling (956) 263-1041 or requests by facsimile can be made to Rio Delta Engineering by calling at (956) 236-1112. A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held at 10:00 a.m., Friday, May 19, 2017 at City of Escobares City Hall, 4829 Old Hwy. 83, Escobares Texas. A bid bond in the amount of 5 percent of the bid issued by an acceptable surety is required with each bid for those contracts that exceed $25,000. A certified check or bank draft payable to the City of Escobares or negotiable U.S. Government Bonds (as par value) may be submitted in lieu of the Bid Bond. Attention is called to the fact that not less than, the federally determined prevailing (Davis Bacon and Related Acts) wage rates, as issued by the Texas Department of Agriculture and contained in the contract documents, must be paid on this project. In addition, the successful bidder must ensure that employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against because of age, race, color, religion, sex, sexual identity, gender identity, or national origin. Adherence to the grant recipient’s Section 3 Policy is required for contracts and subcontracts in excess of $100,000.00. The City of Escobares reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informalities in the bidding. Bids may be held by City of Escobares for a period not to exceed 60 days from the date of the bid opening for the purpose of reviewing the bids and investigating the bidders’ qualifications prior to the contract award. City of Escobares

By: Honorable Noel Escobar , Mayor Date: 5-4-17

All contractors and/or subcontractors who are debarred, suspended or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation on federal assistance programs may not undertake any activity in part or in full under this project. All contractors/subcontractors must be enrolled in and shall have a DUNS number.

Job Announcement For Youth Instructor City of Rio Grande City Boys & Girls Youth Club Job Title & Classification: Youth Instructor Aide, Rio Grande City B&G Youth Club. The position is a non-exempt, Part-time position. Job Description: This individual will instruct the children of our community with lesson plans and follow the curriculum established by the program coordinator. Develop weekly lesson plans that involve hands-on learning. Employs various teaching methods to promote learning and implement activities. Instruct session in a student-centered environment while ensuring safety and well-being. Enjoy working with students who are excited and interested in learning Ensure all members/students are following rules & guidelines. Ensure that all children get supervision throughout the after school program Requirements: Applicant must pass a thorough background check (employment & criminal) and a pre-employment drug test. High school diploma or GED is required. Ideal candidate must be energetic, imaginative, well organized, and capable of functioning effectively in a very independent situation. Considerable verbal, writing, and interpersonal communication skills required. Ability to meet and deal with the public in an effective and courteous manner. Passion, Integrity and Energy! Salary & Compensation: Starting wage $8.00 per hour. Application may be picked up at City Hall 5332 E HWY 83 Rio Grande City, TX 78582 956-487-0672 City of Rio Grande City is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


Easter Celebration for Pct. 4 Nutrition Centers Vaquero 4-H Members Made Donation to Casa de Esperanza

Starr County Pct. 4 Commissioner Ruben D. Saenz hosted an Easter Celebration for the senior citizens that attend the Nutrition Centers in Rio Grande City and San Isidro. All of the senior citizens participated in fun games and activities and were treated to a traditional Easter Day meal of BBQ with all the trimmings. The Starr County Nutrition Centers’ staff focus and the wellbeing of all the citizens that attend the centers and continuously provide activities to help them stay active. Great job Pct. 4 Commissioner Saenz and staff for working diligently to provide services for senior citizens.

Fan Drive for the Elderly

The Silver Ribbon Community from 8-5pm, Monday-Friday. For more information call the Partners, a local nonprofit, is teaming up with Rio Grande RGVHCC at 928-0060 or Silver Valley Chamber of Commerce Ribbon at 624-4006. Health Committee to help seniors beat the heat by spearheading a fan drive. The fans will help seniors keep cool while Eco-Site, Inc. has submitted a request to the FCC to register temperatures soar throughout the a proposed approx. 160’ tall monopole telecommunications summer. The fan drive will run from May 8th through June 30th. tower with no marking or lighting system to be located on “As we know, we have a lot of East San Benito St., Rio Grande City, TX 78582; coordinates underprivileged families here in of 26-22-48.69 N, 98-48-21.23 W. Interested parties may the Rio Grande Valley made up review the application by going to the FCC’s Antennae of seniors who don’t have air Structure Registration (ASR) website and entering the ASR conditioning. Some also suffer application # A1074464. Members of the public may raise from conditions that require that they remain in a cool setting. environmental concerns about the proposed structure by Unfortunately some can not. filing a Request for Environmental Review with the FCC. The RGVHCC annually joins The FCC strongly encourages interested parties to file such the Silver Ribbon Community requests online and instructions to do so can be found on Partners to gather fan or monetary the FCC’s Environmental Request page ( donations to help out as many asr/environmentalrequest) or send to: Marlene H. Dortch, families as possible” Cynthia M. Sakulenzki, RGVHCC Pres/CEO Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, Office of stated. “Even 1 fan can make the the Secretary, 445 12th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20554. difference of life or death for Requests should also be sent to: FDH Velocitel, ATTN: Richard many of our elderly”. Brainerd, 6521 Meridien Drive, Raleigh, NC 27616. In order Those wishing to make a for your comments to receive full and timely consideration, difference can donate a fan or they should be received at the addresses above within 30 monetary donation at either the RGVHCC office at 801 E Fern, days of the date of this notice and reference FCC ASR file # McAllen or Silver Ribbon located A1074464. at 1919 Austin Ave., McAllen

Telecommunications Facility

Vaquero 4-H members worked together to raise a monetary donation for Casa de Esperanza, which offers free hot meals for the less fortunate in our Community of Starr County. Thank you Mr. Albert Escobedo for your devoted dedication to our community’s well being.






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RGCCISD Parental Involvement Program Hosted two Cake Decorating Classes Rio Grande City High School Symphonic Band and Symphonic Winds Earned Sweepstakes at the 2017 UIL Band Contest

The RGCCISD Parental Involvement Program would like to thank all the parents that participated in the Cake Decorating Classes. Very special thanks to Maria Haro (Quinceañera Cake Decorating Class) and Teacher of Culinary of Arts from Grulla High School Mrs. Gloria Gonzalez (Cake Decorating Class) for sharing with our parents their cake decorating skills.

Rio Grande City High School Symphonic Band. They are under the direction of Mr. Guillermo De La Cruz III.

Rio Grande City High School Symphonic Winds. They are under the direction of Mr. Eric Garza.



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All prices plus tax, title and license. Residency restrictions apply. *Must finance nance with GM Financial to qualify for Down Payment Assistance (credit restrictions apply). Artwork for illustration purposes only. All vehicles are subject to pre-sale. Expires 05/23/2017.

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RGC: 4370 E. Hwy 83 Ste. B - 956-309-3549 Roma: 834 E. Grant St. Ste. C - 956-570-0701 Arroyo: 5065 Hwy. 83 ste. A - 956-570-0702 Escobares: 4522 East Hwy 83 Ste A. 956-429-5625


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COMMENTS & NEWS: The market continues steady to higher on stockers and feeders. We had an excellent replacement Purebred Beefmaster Bull Sale. This coming Friday we are expecting a consignment of 13 Black Angus Cows - 3 to 5 of them will be pairs, plus 2 good breeding Black Bulls. They should be in our pens for viewing by Thursday evening. Also, view photos on our website.

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200 - 300 301 - 400 401 - 500 501 - 600 601 - 700 701 - 800





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New meeting, party and gathering space for Starr County. Isolated with plenty of parking.

For more information, please contact: Estela Hernandez @ 279-3175 or Patricio Hernandez @ 735-9914 1960 W. U.S. Highway 83 (old Grande Garbage truck yard). Approximately 1/4 mile on the right before getting to Hospital Road if traveling towards Roma.



Potato Farm in MN looking for help with 2017 harvest. Start July 20th for approx 6 weeks. 12.00 an hour. Housing Available. Contact Carrie at 612-219-3359 for details.




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Apartment, 1 bdrm, 1 bath. For more info, call:

20 Aùos de 735-3295 • 487-5050 • 422-8771 735-9520 Experiencia Se Renta Apartamento APARTMENTS FOR RENT

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(956) 487-3996 “We are equal opportunity employer.�



Must have great customer service skills and must be able to work exible hours. Must have reliable transportation with insurance and a current drivers licenses. NO CALLS PLEASE. Apply at 1114 E. Hwy. 83, Rio Grande City, Tx (J&K Loans).

2 recĂĄmaras, 1 baĂąo, A/C, refrigerador y estufa. RGC

APARTMENT -BIG 1 1/2 BDRM $375.00 per mo. + $200 dep. & a 1 bdrm $275. Includes ref., stove, water, cable, wiďŹ & garbage.

844-6898 • 735-6582 488-2879 • 735-3255

APARTMENT FOR RENT 2bdrm, 1 ba., stove, refrigerator, central air & heat. El Refugio.


SALON 1402 NOW HIRING Is looking for Hairstylists and Barber (Cosmetology License required). 1402 N. Garza St., RGC


SE BUSCA CHOFER 1985 JEEP CHEROKEE Se necesita chofer para FOR SALE trailer de 18 ruedas con caja plana mĂ­nimo 1 aĂąo de experiencia.



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STATEMENT OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITY – No person shall be excluded from participation in, denied the beneďŹ ts of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity sponsored or conducted by South Texas Community College on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, veteran status, or disability.

SAN ROBERTO APTS. Spacious 2 Bdrm, 2 Bath with appliances including washer & dryer in units. Walking distance from schools at 399 San Roberto Rd. $550/mo with one year contract.



PRIVATE CONDO FOR RENT With a private pool available for Summer Vacation maximum 8 call (956)


Coldwell Banker La Mansion


• 109 Aguirre St., RGC - 3bdrm., 2ba., large yard $64,900 • 644 La Mesa St., RGC - 3bdrm., 2ba. on 1 acre near hospital $89,900 • 3 Acres on FM 755 - $54,900 • Large home in downtown RGC - 4bdrm., 3ba. $219,000 • Large home in downtown Roma - $69,000 • 270 Acres on San Julian Rd. $1,800/acre • Falcon Heights - 4bdrm., 3ba., 2,100sqft. living area, on 5 acres $172,000


Motivated Seller’s - Make Oers Michael J. Ramey - (956) 607-5905

Job Announcement For Summer Track & Field Coach Rio Grande City

Job Announcement For Summer Track & Field Asst. Coach Rio Grande City

Job Title & ClassiďŹ cation: Parks and Recreations Summer Track & Field Coach, Temporary Full-Time Position.

Job Title & ClassiďŹ cation: Parks and Recreations Summer Track & Field Asst. Coach, Part-Time Position.

Job Description: The job requires a working knowledge of program operations and procedures. The individual will oversee the volunteers and staff members. Individual must have exible hours to be able to work on weekends and afternoon as needed. Others responsibilities include maintain safety of children and staff during practice and events.

Job Description: The job requires a working knowledge of all aspects of the sport. Outstanding interpersonal skills and willing to work with children/students, demonstrate interest in performing task. Individual must have exible hours to be able to work on weekends and morning, afternoon as needed. Other responsibilities include maintain safety of children and staff practice and events.

Requirements: Individual must have Bachelors Degree, experience in working with youth programs and valid Texas Drivers License (Class C) with satisfactory driving record. Position requires working knowledge of T.A.A.F (Texas Amateur Athletic Federation) program, operations and procedures. The successful candidate will supervise, coordinate and manage all aspects of T.A.A.F (Texas Amateur Athletic Federation) requirements and city policies.

Requirements: Individual must have 60 credit hours, experience in working with youth and valid Texas Drivers License (Class C) with satisfactory driving record. Position requires working knowledge of youth development, ability to motivate youth and manage behavior problems. The successful candidate will organize and supervise children in a safe environment.

Salary & Compensation: Temporary Full-Time Position Application may be picked up at City Hall Valerie Brown, Personnel Director 5332 E HWY 83 Rio Grande City, TX 78582 956-487-0672 City of Rio Grande City is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Salary & Compensation: Temporary Part-Time Position Application may be picked up at City Hall Valerie Brown, Personnel Director 5332 E HWY 83 Rio Grande City, TX 78582 956-487-0672 City of Rio Grande City is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


Texas Senate Passes Senator Zaffirini’s Bill Combating “Debtors’ Prisons”

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor: May 14-20, 2017 is designated as National Prevention Week. During this week, the Starr County Community Coalition of SCAN would like to increase public awareness about substance abuse and mental health disorders. National Prevention Week is held each year during the third week of May, near the start of summer. Summer is a season filled with celebrations and recreational activities where substance use and abuse can happen – especially among adolescents and young adults – such as graduation parties, proms, weddings, sporting events, and outdoor activities. National Prevention Week is timed to have a preventionthemed week before the school year ends thereby raising awareness in students of all ages. The percentages of marijuana, cigarette, and alcohol use among youth increases between spring (April and May) and summer (June and July), and the timing of National Prevention Week helps

to educate young people and their families at this crucial time of year. During the summer months, parents are encouraged to regularly talk with their children about avoiding alcohol and other drugs and to closely monitor their activities and know where they are at all times. Six of the seven days during National Prevention Week are observed as the following: Prevention of Tobacco Use (May 15), Prevention of Underage Drinking & Alcohol Abuse (May 16), Prevention of Opioid & Prescription Drug Abuse (May 17), Prevention of Illicit Drug Use & Youth Marijuana Use (May 18), Prevention of Suicide (May 19), Promotion of Mental Health & Wellness (May 20). According to studies, adults with mental illness or a substanceabuse disorder represent about 25 percent of the U.S. population but account for nearly 40 percent of all cigarettes smoked in the country. Recent data from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

(SAMHSA) shows that 45.1 million adults in the U.S. had a mental illness in the past year, and about 8.9 million of those adults also had a substance abuse problem. People suffering from mental health disorders are much more likely to smoke, drink alcohol, and use other drugs than people without these disorders. The Starr County Community Coalition encourages people in the community to reach out to those with substance abuse problems and those that also have mental health disorders to find them the help they need. If you would like information about where you can get help, please contact SAMHSA’s National Helpline at 1-800-662HELP (4357) or the SCAN main office at 956-716-1795. At SCAN, Our Passion is Helping People! Sincerely, Sandra Garza, Coalition Director Starr County Community Coalition (956)716-1795

SB 1913 Would Implement Comprehensive Reforms Recommended by Texas Judicial Council The Texas Senate overwhelmingly approved Senate Bill (SB) 1913 by Senator Judith Zaffirini, D-Laredo, which would help dismantle the modern-day “debtors’ prison” system that jails thousands of low-income Texans for no reason other than their inability to pay fines. SB 1913 would enact comprehensive changes recommended by the Texas Judicial Council (TJC) to provide judges with new tools and procedures to hold low-income Texans accountable without jail time when they cannot pay their fines and court costs in criminal cases. Appointed by Lt. Governor Dan Patrick to the TJC in 2015, Senator Zaffirini has carried many of its priority bills. “For at least four decades the U.S. Supreme Court has dictated that imprisoning a defendant for inability to pay fines denies equal protection and that a person cannot be punished for his or her poverty,” she said. “Despite this, debtors’ prisons persist in our

state in jurisdictions that trap low-income Texans in a cycle of debt, license suspensions, arrest warrants and jail time when they cannot afford to pay traffic tickets and other low-level, fine-only citations. SB 1913 would reduce the number of persons trapped in this vicious cycle.” Investigations by the media and governmental entities have found that low-income Texans are jailed frequently for inability to pay traffic tickets. When they cannot pay their tickets, they lose their driver’s licenses and cannot renew their vehicle registrations, making it illegal for them to drive to work. If they drive to pick up children from school or go to work, they may receive additional tickets for driving without a license and registration, accumulating more fines, court costs, and fees. What’s more, when they cannot pay the additional fines or court costs, warrants are issued for their arrest, and they may be jailed for days, weeks or even months.

Tens of thousands of people are booked into county jails each year for fine-only offenses alone. While in jail, these persons may lose their jobs and housing, jeopardize their families and be driven deeper into poverty. “Too many Texans are being imprisoned unconstitutionally for their inability to pay fines, and we must do more to ensure that defendants have the opportunity to satisfy their legal financial obligations through community service, work programs, electronic monitoring and tutoring programs,” Senator Zaffirini said. According to research conducted by Texas Appleseed, for example, in 2015 one municipal court in Arlington sentenced 4,590 persons to jail for fines while a municipal court in Plano jailed more than 2,600. “SB 1913 would expand the availability of community service and work options that defendants can complete in lieu of payment of fines and costs,” the senator added.



KA Energy Op. Co., LLC, 25420 Kuykendahl Road, Suite E-100, The Woodlands, TX 77375 is applying to the Railroad Commission of Texas for a permit to inject fluid into a formation which is productive of oil and gas. The applicant proposes to inject fluid into the Frio – 4700 Sand Formation, Fuerte Vida Waterflood Unit, Well Number 1W. The proposed injection well is located 7.1 miles southwest of San Isidro, Texas, in the Strong (4700) Field, in Starr County. Fluid will be injected into strata in the subsurface depth interval from 4650 to 4700 feet.

KA Energy Op. Co., LLC, 25420 Kuykendahl Road, Suite E-100, The Woodlands, TX 77375 is applying to the Railroad Commission of Texas for a permit to inject fluid into a formation which is productive of oil and gas. The applicant proposes to inject fluid into the Frio – 4700 Sand Formation, Fuerte Vida Waterflood Unit, Well Number 3W. The proposed injection well is located 6.1 miles southwest of San Isidro, Texas, in the Strong (4700) Field, in Starr County. Fluid will be injected into strata in the subsurface depth interval from 4650 to 4700 feet.

LEGAL AUTHORITY: Chapter 27 of the Texas Water Code, as amended. Title 3 of the Texas Natural Resources Code, as amended, and the Statewide Rules of the Oil and Gas Division of the Railroad Commission of Texas.

LEGAL AUTHORITY: Chapter 27 of the Texas Water Code, as amended. Title 3 of the Texas Natural Resources Code, as amended, and the Statewide Rules of the Oil and Gas Division of the Railroad Commission of Texas.

Requests for a public hearing from persons who can show they are adversely affected, or requests for further information concerning any aspects of the application should be submitted in writing, within fifteen days of publication, to the Environmental Services Section, Oil and Gas Division, Railroad Commission of Texas, P.O. Box 12967, Capitol Station, Austin, Texas 78711 (Telephone: 512-463-6792).

Requests for a public hearing from persons who can show they are adversely affected, or requests for further information concerning any aspects of the application should be submitted in writing, within fifteen days of publication, to the Environmental Services Section, Oil and Gas Division, Railroad Commission of Texas, P.O. Box 12967, Capitol Station, Austin, Texas 78711 (Telephone: 512-463-6792).



KA Energy Op. Co., LLC, 25420 Kuykendahl Road, Suite E-100, The Woodlands, TX 77375 is applying to the Railroad Commission of Texas for a permit to inject fluid into a formation which is productive of oil and gas. The applicant proposes to inject fluid into the Frio – 4700 Sand Formation, Fuerte Vida Waterflood Unit, Well Number 4W. The proposed injection well is located 5.9 miles southwest of San Isidro, Texas, in the Strong (4700) Field, in Starr County. Fluid will be injected into strata in the subsurface depth interval from 4650 to 4700 feet.

KA Energy Op. Co., LLC, 25420 Kuykendahl Road, Suite E-100, The Woodlands, TX 77375 is applying to the Railroad Commission of Texas for a permit to inject fluid into a formation which is productive of oil and gas. The applicant proposes to inject fluid into the Frio – 4700 Sand Formation, Fuerte Vida Waterflood Unit, Well Number 5W. The proposed injection well is located 7.2 miles southwest of San Isidro, Texas, in the Strong (4700) Field, in Starr County. Fluid will be injected into strata in the subsurface depth interval from 4650 to 4700 feet.

LEGAL AUTHORITY: Chapter 27 of the Texas Water Code, as amended. Title 3 of the Texas Natural Resources Code, as amended, and the Statewide Rules of the Oil and Gas Division of the Railroad Commission of Texas.

LEGAL AUTHORITY: Chapter 27 of the Texas Water Code, as amended. Title 3 of the Texas Natural Resources Code, as amended, and the Statewide Rules of the Oil and Gas Division of the Railroad Commission of Texas.

Requests for a public hearing from persons who can show they are adversely affected, or requests for further information concerning any aspects of the application should be submitted in writing, within fifteen days of publication, to the Environmental Services Section, Oil and Gas Division, Railroad Commission of Texas, P.O. Box 12967, Capitol Station, Austin, Texas 78711 (Telephone: 512-463-6792).

Requests for a public hearing from persons who can show they are adversely affected, or requests for further information concerning any aspects of the application should be submitted in writing, within fifteen days of publication, to the Environmental Services Section, Oil and Gas Division, Railroad Commission of Texas, P.O. Box 12967, Capitol Station, Austin, Texas 78711 (Telephone: 512-463-6792).



KA Energy Op. Co., LLC, 25420 Kuykendahl Road, Suite E-100, The Woodlands, TX 77375 is applying to the Railroad Commission of Texas for a permit to inject fluid into a formation which is productive of oil and gas. The applicant proposes to inject fluid into the Frio – 4700 Sand Formation, Fuerte Vida Waterflood Unit, Well Number 6W. The proposed injection well is located 6.7 miles southwest of San Isidro, Texas, in the Strong (4700) Field, in Starr County. Fluid will be injected into strata in the subsurface depth interval from 4650 to 4700 feet.

KA Energy Op. Co., LLC, 25420 Kuykendahl Road, Suite E-100, The Woodlands, TX 77375 is applying to the Railroad Commission of Texas for a permit to inject fluid into a formation which is productive of oil and gas. The applicant proposes to inject fluid into the Frio – 4700 Sand Formation, Fuerte Vida Waterflood Unit, Well Number 7W. The proposed injection well is located 6.4 miles southwest of San Isidro, Texas, in the Strong (4700) Field, in Starr County. Fluid will be injected into strata in the subsurface depth interval from 4650 to 4700 feet.

LEGAL AUTHORITY: Chapter 27 of the Texas Water Code, as amended. Title 3 of the Texas Natural Resources Code, as amended, and the Statewide Rules of the Oil and Gas Division of the Railroad Commission of Texas.

LEGAL AUTHORITY: Chapter 27 of the Texas Water Code, as amended. Title 3 of the Texas Natural Resources Code, as amended, and the Statewide Rules of the Oil and Gas Division of the Railroad Commission of Texas.

Requests for a public hearing from persons who can show they are adversely affected, or requests for further information concerning any aspects of the application should be submitted in writing, within fifteen days of publication, to the Environmental Services Section, Oil and Gas Division, Railroad Commission of Texas, P.O. Box 12967, Capitol Station, Austin, Texas 78711 (Telephone: 512-463-6792).

Requests for a public hearing from persons who can show they are adversely affected, or requests for further information concerning any aspects of the application should be submitted in writing, within fifteen days of publication, to the Environmental Services Section, Oil and Gas Division, Railroad Commission of Texas, P.O. Box 12967, Capitol Station, Austin, Texas 78711 (Telephone: 512-463-6792).



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It’s difficult to read a word like “fragmentation” when it’s split into pieces and it’s also difficult for creatures of the wild to live in habitats which have been divided into little pieces. Wild habitats are fragmented, that is cut up, by agriculture, roads, high fences, housing, root plowed strips for water or telephone lines, and business developments. Many of our larger and best known wild animals such as the mountain lion, ocelot, and jaguarundi require large expanses of habitat. A mountain lion may travel as many as 25 miles during a single night’s hunt. Since single families of many wild animals have large territories,

when their habitats are fragmented and they’re trapped in small parcels of land, it means that in one fragment only one or a few families may exist. Breeding among many genetically diverse families is made difficult or impossible resulting in inbreeding which weakens the genetic health of the population. In human terms, it’s like marrying your first cousin. Recessive genetic traits begin to express themselves and these are usually detrimental. While birds can travel many miles with relative ease, most of our wild creatures can’t. One of the difficult tasks, facing the leaders of the Valley’s conservation organizations, is to decide whether to purchase fragments of habitat as they come on the market or to gather their limited financial resources, locate a suitably large piece of a biotic community and wait for it to come on the market, usually in several pieces. That, unfortunately, may not occur until long after the habitat has been seriously altered or fragmented. Only 5% or less

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of the LRGV wild land remains unaltered. One option being actively pursued is the purchase of a wildlife corridor along the Rio Grande. If completed, this will allow a migratory intermingling of animal populations, more genetic diversity, and more healthy animals. (How will the “border wall” affect this effort?) Of course, the corridor won’t include many of our other biotic communities. Ideally, the corridor needs to be connected to large preserves of other biotic communities such as the ramaderos which do not border the river. Several organizations, such as The Nature Conservancy, are committed to preserving significant portions of the thornscrub country. However with very little of the tamaulipan province habitat remaining in relatively undisturbed condition, we have little time remaining in which to locate and conserve areas of viable habitat size. Various levels of government could make quick and significant zoning restrictions, but that undoubtedly won’t happen. Take a leisurely stroll along your downtown streets. Count the n u m b e r of horned lizards, giant toads, Texas tortoises, Mexican burrowing toads, indigo snakes, bobcats, star cacti, and reticulate collared lizards you see. I could make this list much, much longer and still be certain you’ll have seen none of them. They only exist in the remnants of the wilderness we still have. Now tell me that you truly believe that the loss of our magnificent diversity of plant and animal life doesn’t matter and that we’ll be better off when their habitats disappear and they are extinct. What a dreary place this world may become if you and I and our friends don’t make an effort to save the remnants of wilderness we still have -- before it’s too late.

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