10 Secrets from Paleo Diet Grocery List

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Nourish Your Inner Caveman For some suggestion of how to gain healthy diet and lifestyle through natural food source, please follow this article, or visit my site at: http://www.paleodietgrocerylist.com Product: http://www.paleodietgrocerylist.com/cookbook Page | 1


Natural Health Secrets From Your Prehistoric Ancestors

Nourish Your Inner Caveman

SECRET #1 THE HEALTHIEST DIET IS THE OLDEST ONE! We all have an inner caveman. The vast majority of us just don't realize it. An inner caveman who's craving foods he ate during the prehistoric era. It probably contradicts all your stereotypes, but the prehistoric man who lived before the advent of agriculture was, in many ways, an extremely fit, athletic person. Usually, we think “caveman� and we think disease and deprivation. That isn't necessarily so. I can't actually confirm that every caveman had six-pack abs, though some authors claim this is so. But they were fit. They walked for long distances in search of big game; they walked in search of fruits, berries, and nuts. And when the food dwindled in one location, they migrated to find a better place to live (a new cave home if you will). As you might have already surmised, this new eating plan I'm presenting you really isn't new at all. In fact, it's probably the oldest diet around. It's based on the theory that the genes we modern humans possess are actually the result of life conditions which formed more than a million years ago in our evolution, even before the advent of agriculture. Farming, the cultivation of wheat and other plants, did not even exist until approximately 10,000 years ago. The Paleolithic Era, the period from which this eating plan is derived, ended about 20,000 years ago. We now place those two statements together with the fact that genes take hundreds of thousands of years at a minimum -- and two million years at most -to adapt their metabolism and physiology to different lifestyles. That means we're still working with a system that's more comfortable with a non-agricultural diet. The bottom line is this: the 10,000 years since the advent of farming is not nearly enough time for our genes to adapt to not only grains, but legumes and dairy products. Now you can see why so many people have so many digestive issues with today's diet.

Natural Health Secrets From Your Prehistoric Ancestors

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Sadly, this is true. He would not recognize the boxed pastas, the bags of chips, cheese puffs, and other snack foods as anything he would want to put in his mouth. Today, the average American eats 31 percent more processed and packaged foods than fresh foods. Can you believe that? In our quest for a convenient rather than a healthy diet, we ignore the additives, flavorings, and colorings -- most of which are artificial -- that are attached to those convenience foods. What's the price tag for this convenience? Many nutritionists think it's our very health. Are they exaggerating, trying to scare us into a different diet? Or are they prophets warning us to repent and clean up our dietary act? It's easy to dismiss these dire warnings as merely voices in the woods crying wolf. But the research -- mounting every day -- tells us we might want to pay some attention to them. Let's just take one example, that of refined white sugar -- not even available to your prehistoric ancestor. Today, it appears to be a staple of the American diet. Think I'm exaggerating? Just read the following statistic. It'll get you thinking a little deeper about how we eat. The average American consumes (now get this!) between two to three pounds of sugar in a week. In the last decade -- a short 10 years! -- the consumption of refined sugar has increased from approximately 26 pounds per person yearly to a whopping 135! The sad part is, most of us don't even know that we're eating that much. And that's only one contributor to our current diet. Multiply these by all the other foods and additives, and it's no wonder we have a nation of heart problems, diabetes, arthritis, and cancer sufferers! Therefore, one easy way to gain a healthy eating habit is through Paleo diet grocery list

Natural Health Secrets From Your Prehistoric Ancestors

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. . . And what do they eat? Before you're willing to even consider the fact you have an inner caveman lurking inside you, you may be hoping that somewhere there's proof this style of eating improves your health. Three separate cultures are coming close to it -- and not surprisingly, they have the longest lifespan and are among the healthiest people on the planet. No, it's definitely not politically correct to call the following three societies prehistoric. But I've termed them in this manner because of the diet they eat. The three population segments, as diverse as they are, have one factor in common: they all have the longest life spans in the world. Not only that, their populations are virtually unscathed when it comes to suffering from modern degenerative diseases. Who are these people? They are the Sardinians, residents of the Mediterranean island of Sardinia, the Okinawans, who live on the island of Okinawa off the coast of Japan, and a religious group, the Seventh Day Adventists. Each of these groups keeps a lowcalorie diet composed primarily of fruits and vegetables. If there's a diet that could be called the polar opposite of the Standard American Diet, then this one may be it. The Okinawans start by eating a minimum of seven servings of vegetables a day. In addition they eat two to four servings of fruit. (Are you with me so far?) The group of islanders doesn't strictly follow the caveman pattern, though. They do eat some grains, mostly in the form of noodles, bread, and rice -- and just about all of them are whole grains. The Sardinians and Seventh Day Adventists eat in a similar manner. And as a group, they not only experience an amazing longevity, but experience very few degenerative diseases. According to many nutritionists, eating whole plant foods slows your body's digestive processes. This actually helps your body to absorb nutrients more effectively. And in the long run, this gives you a more balanced array of vitamins and minerals. Not only that, but a slow digestive process means your appetite is regulated and your blood sugar remains level.

Natural Health Secrets From Your Prehistoric Ancestors

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Nourish Your Inner Caveman SECRET #4: HOW TO NOURISH YOUR INNER CAVEMAN: IF IT COMES IN A BOX, DON'T EAT IT! Page | 5 Nourishing your inner caveman is one of those great paradoxes of life. It's easy to explain. The concept is simple to grasp, but actually implementing it in your everyday life is a little tricky. Not only does it require an entirely new mindset, but it requires some discipline as well. Let's get started outlining the basics of the plan. First, you inner caveman can't be healthy until you stop eating packaged and processed foods. Basically, there's a very simple rule of thumb at work here: If it comes in a box don't eat it. Right away you know you have to eliminate all packaged and processed foods. Let's just expand on that a moment. That includes all wheat and cereal grains. Basically, we're talking about a diet that's rich in fresh fruits and vegetables and scarce on the wheat products. Oh, you know what I'm talking about bagels, breads, pastry, donuts, cookies, crackers . . . did I say donuts? Your prehistoric ancestor -- prior to the advent of agriculture -- didn't eat dairy products, either. He ate no butter or cheese, drank no milk, ate no yogurt! So, if you're planning to adopt this diet, these items need to be on your "elimination list." (I told you it would require some discipline.) In addition to the fresh fruits and vegetables, you can eat animal protein. That's one food prehistoric man feasted on. But there's a catch (isn't there always?). It must be lean meat. You can have pork as long as you choose a lean cut of pork. Eat beef, but only if it's lean. Paleolithic nutrition will be good source for you to pick out the right food. In fact, it’s even better if you can find meat that comes from animals that were grass- and pasture-fed. If all this sounds extremely daunting or intimating to you, it's really not. Ideally, your goal is to follow this diet word for word . . . food for food. But if you can't completely shed the American Diet Habit, I understand. Instead, consider tackling this diet in small steps. Perhaps indulging your inner caveman at just one meal to start. Make that a habit, then work on other meals. Even a small step takes you closer to a healthier you.

Natural Health Secrets From Your Prehistoric Ancestors

Nourish Your Inner Caveman

SECRET #5: MEATS THAT NOURISH YOUR INNER CAVEMAN Page | 6 Your inner caveman loves meat. And think about it: he hunted. If he didn't bag a woolly mammoth or other animal, his clan went without protein. So those times when he did bring home the meat were not only times of celebration, but a renewal of healthy eating for them. So it should come as no surprise that not many meats are off limits, as long as you choose the leanest variety you can find. In fact, lean meat is a vital part of this amazing lifestyle plan. Here's a comprehensive list so you can get a feel for how easy it is to choose your meat and still be confident your nourishing your inner caveman: • • • • • • • • •

Chuck steak Extra-lean hamburger (no more than 7 percent fat) Lean beef (trim it of all visible fat) London broil Lean pork Pork chops Pork loin Flank steak Top sirloin steak

The same guidelines apply to your eating habits for poultry. As long as you eat poultry lean, you're nourishing your body. Here are just a few examples: • • •

Chicken breast Game hen breasts Turkey breast

You may also be surprised to learn that you're encouraged to eat some types of organ meats in order to keep that caveman inside you healthy. Enjoy beef, lamb, pork, and chicken livers. You can also eat beef, lamb, and pork tongues. Surprisingly, egg consumption is encouraged, as long as you keep it to a maximum of six eggs a week. If you love to eat eggs, consider making a two-egg omelet instead of three. Don't think it'll satisfy you? Stuff it with plenty of fresh vegetables. It will not only fill you up, but you just may discover it's one of the most delicious ways to eat omelets. And it'll help ensure you'll get all the vegetables you need for the

Natural Health Secrets From Your Prehistoric Ancestors

Nourish Your Inner Caveman day! My favorite omelet vegetable is broccoli. The taste of it permeates the entire omelet!


Oh, yes, there are certain meats you should avoid as you progress in your prehistoric diet journey. Most of these you'll discover are considered fatty. What are the worst offenders? • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Chicken wings Deli meats Pork sausage Salami Chicken skin Turkey skin Pepperoni Bacon Fatty pork chops Bologna Fatty lamb chops Breakfast sausage Spam (Of course, plenty of people don't recognize this as a meat to begin with!)

Prior to the advent of agriculture, Paleolithic man ate no cereal grains and no wheat, so these foods are off limits. Even if the grains say "gluten-free," they’re still not recommended for nourishing your inner caveman. Theses grains, as well as processed foods made with them, are off limits. Need a list? I'm warning you, it's fairly long. But it sets up your parameters nicely. They include:

Natural Health Secrets From Your Prehistoric Ancestors

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Nourish Your Inner Caveman Barley Corn Millet Oats Rice Rye Wheat Wild rice

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Just for emphasis, any food made from these products can't be eaten as well. It's not that I'm trying to torture you by listing these, but it needs to be clearly stated what specific foods are not allowed. These include:

Amaranth Bread Buckwheat Cakes Cookies Corn chips Corn on the cob Corn starch Corn syrup Doughnuts Flat bread Muffins Pasta Pancakes

Pita bread Pizza Quinoa Rice of all kinds Rice cakes Rice flour Rice noodles Rice pudding Rolled oats Rolls Rye Rye Crackers Tortilla

Recommendation for paleo diet product: http://www.paleodietgrocerylist.com/cookbook

Natural Health Secrets From Your Prehistoric Ancestors

10 Secrets to Nourishing Your Inner Caveman


Thinking of nourishing your inner caveman, but just don't know where to start? Perhaps you're convinced that the foods you will be "stuck" eating will be boring and repetitive. Individuals who have given this prehistoric diet a real chance are delighted to find that it's anything but boring. And despite the long list of forbidden foods, it’s wonderfully creative and diverse. Day One Breakfast Omelet with mushrooms, tomatoes, and onions. Morning Snack A half of cup of fresh berries of your choice. Lunch Grilled chicken salad with flax oil-based dressing.


Dinner Steak with Pineapple Steamed asparagus Side of fresh tomatoes Evening Snack Guacamole Raw carrots and celery, or any fresh vegetables of your choice. Plan out your Paleo diet meal plan carefully to experience tasteful food but at the same time stay healthy in your diet. And here's an awesome recipe for that steak with pineapple. It just might entice you to indulge your inner caveman! Pineapple Salsa Steak I recommend you find a steak from a steer that has been grass fed if at all possible. This type of meat is becoming easier to find. 1 lb flank steak, grass fed if at all possible 1 tsp chipotle powder 4 slices pineapple 1Âź cup red bell pepper, chopped

Natural Health Secrets From Your Prehistoric Ancestors

10 Secrets to Nourishing Your Inner Caveman Âź cup cilantro, chopped 2 Tbsp lime juice 2 tsp olive oil Instructions Mix olive oil and chipotle powder in a small dish. Brush onto both sides of steak, and either grill for five minutes or broil 3 minutes on one side. Turn the steak over. If grilling, grill for another 3 minutes. If broiling, broil for another 2 minutes. Place on plate. Cover. Allow it to rest for several minutes. In the meantime, grill the pineapple slices for two to three minutes on each side. Cut the pineapple into small bite-size chunks. Place these in a bowl. Add the remaining ingredients to this Cut the steak into thin slices, serve with the salsa. Enjoy!


Natural Health Secrets From Your Prehistoric Ancestors


When you begin this new way of eating, you may try hard but end up slipping up, either because of time or misconceptions. Below are several meal-planning tips to help you start nourishing your inner caveman properly! Eat as many fruits and vegetables as you want. In fact, the more you eat, the better. You can add fresh raw tomatoes as a side dish to just about any meal, including breakfast! Stuff your omelets with your favorite vegetables. Eat a large bowl of fruit for breakfast. There are plenty of ways to enjoy these nutritionally powerful foods without feeling as if you're eating the same old foods every day. Limit snacking on dried fruits. Technically, you should eliminate all dried fruit. It spikes your glycemic index far too fast. But if you just can't stay away from this type of food, at least try to eat it in moderation. Substitute other snacks -- even moderate amounts of nuts and seeds -instead of snacking on dehydrated fruit.


Armed with all of this, you're well on your way to nourishing your inner caveman. You're beginning a new journey that will take you into the future healthier and with more vitality, by using the wisdom and evidence of the past. Ironic isn't it? As you travel, you may encounter a few bumps in the road. Don't let that stop you. Don't let it discourage you. Just take your new eating habits, one meal at a time. You'll discover it's easy to keep on track this way! A great source is: http://www.paleodietgrocerylist.com/ebook

Natural Health Secrets From Your Prehistoric Ancestors


Consider the following few tips, tricks, and techniques -- a cheat sheet for your new lifestyle. This succinct list can be a constant reminder of how simple it is to succeed. Review this regularly. Every time you read it, you'll find a different secret you can use to propel you to success! Below are six tips guaranteed to help you transform your inner caveman from a malnourished ghost into a healthy, robust part of your life! 1. When you eat meat, your first choice should be that from pasture-raised and grass-fed animals. If this isn't possible, choose the leanest cuts of meat. 2. Eliminate, as much as possible, all cereal grains and legumes (and remember the peanut is really a legume in disguise!) .


3. If it comes in a box, don't eat it. You can't get much clearer than that, can you? One of the first steps is to stop eating all packaged and processed foods. Yes, I realize you may have to wean yourself off of these. And that's fine. You're at least taking the first step. 4. Say goodbye to dairy products. For me, this was the most difficult part of the program. The only dairy products you can safely eat are butter and small amounts of heavy cream. 5. Eat only when you're hungry. Don't stress if you skip an occasional meal. You will soon get back in touch with your body and it'll let you know when you're hungry! 6. Whenever possible, eat your fruits and vegetables fresh. And eat them without many condiments or sauces. Your ancient caveman didn't set up a fondue pot over his fire. These tips will help you initially navigate your new eating habits. Soon you won't need them at all.

Natural Health Secrets From Your Prehistoric Ancestors

10 Secrets to Nourishing Your Inner Caveman SECRET #10: SURE-FIRE TIPS TO KEEP YOUR INNER CAVEMAN NOURISHED!

Here are a few more tips to guarantee your success with your new eating style. These easy-toimplement suggestions will help ensure that you're eating properly and keeping your inner caveman healthy and happy. 1. Eat an abundance of foods that are rich in good fats, a moderate amount of animal protein, and a small amount of foods in the carbohydrate category. 2. There's no need to count calories when you're eating like this. You'll naturally reduce your calories when you start increasing your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. You'll feel full on fewer calories. Guaranteed. 3. For salads use olive, avocado, and macadamia oil. You can also drizzle these on your foods to add flavor. 4. Many experts in this diet recommend eating fruits with a low sugar content and a rich antioxidant content. Any type of berry is a great example.

13 5. As you adopt this new eating plan, chances are that you're making major dietary changes to your life. Many people find it easier to tackle these changes one meal at a time. When you first begin, change only your eating habits for breakfast. Continue this for several days to a week, then slowly slip in more caveman-friendly foods as you go along. Before you know it, you'll be nourishing your caveman during your lunch hour as well! And then . . . wow! You're hooked on your new habits! What if you're sailing along on this plan and suddenly have a lapse? If you eat a meal that's less than nourishing for your inner caveman, don't worry. Just renew your efforts at the next meal. 6. Read as much as you can, not only about this eating style, but nutrition in general. Become your neighborhood's expert on eating and nutrients!

Paleo diet grocery list provide guideline and diet plan for user who want to gain a healthy lifestyle. For more information about this natural paleo diet, please check out: http://www.paleodietgrocerylist.com or look for good ebook at http://www.paleodietgrocerylist.com/cookbook

Natural Health Secrets From Your Prehistoric Ancestors

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