S1ยบ 2012-13 Profesora:
Raquel Navarro Lima
Padres y alumnos de 1º ESO desde la asignatura de Educación Plástica y Visual en este segundo boletín se adjunta información de links relativa a contenidos expuestos en el aula TIC en un intento por adaptar los contenidos a las nuevas tecnologías y que nuestros alumnos puedan hacer uso de los recursos interactivos que le doten de nuevas herramientas para un mejor y correcto entendimiento de las clases y cada uno de los temas.
Families and students in the First grade of Secondary, from the art department (Visual and Drawing Education) we are sending you this second pamphlet. The pamphlet includes some interesting links on how to understand the relationship between concepts, and how New Technologies could be used by our students as tools for improved comprehension, and also to correct the subjects given in each class during this term.
También en la red están expuestos los trabajos más destacados dentro del Aula y así podemos disfrutar on-line de nuestros trabajos durante este curso 2012-2013
The internet allows us to share with families the pieces of Art and you can also find the work created by students. In this way we can enjoy our work on-line during the whole academic year 2012-2013.
sintesis imagen
Realizamos esquemas visuales para sintetizar los TEMAS
First exercises are getting into a way to express their feelings and fears. Some students try to put bright colors and others try to leave all exercise in blank but surely most of them understand that an horizon line is in it with a perspective that makes the lines to join in a main perspective point called: “centro de fugaâ€? de la perspectiva cĂłnica central.
That tree was though at first Twice such a mix between 2 different trees.
Real world
Real world
Real world
Diego S2ยบC
Guillermo S1ยบC
Carlota Gรณmez S1ยบA
Isabel Cerrada Pedrosa S1ยบD