New technologies and the radical digital transformation of almost every single in- dustry change the way people live, interact and think. The Internet of Things not only connects physical devices to the internet but also creates new patterns of human interaction and terabytes of data that can be intelligently analyzed, tracked and mo- netarized. The blockchain technology not only enabled a digital currency to grow but has the potential to create a new un- derstanding of trust in business and social transactions and to radically shape many multi-billion industries at once. Compa- nies like SpaceX, Uber or Hyperloop prove that a new century of public, commercial and private transportation arrived. Ima- gine a world where it is possible to travel
from LA to San Fransisco in less than 30 mi- nutes and you will understand that we spe- ak about innovation with a huge impact on human beings and whole economies. However, the large amount of data and the higher dependence from the internet also