4 minute read
An Artist by soul : Samar AlMutawa Compassion plays a big part of my being
An Artist by soul : Samar AlMutawaa Compassion plays a big part of my daily life
1. Introduce yourself to our readers!

A citizen of the world, born to my parents, sister to my brothers a mother to my children loyal friend to All, close to few, social with who dares and loved by few admired by all. Misunderstood for being real & raw, attacked for being true but happily authentic & Original in a fake world. My vulnerability is portrayed as weakness, but the truth of the matter it’s my strength that helps me shine.
2. What is your background?
Beside my bachelor in Advertising & Fine Arts, I am Certified Fashion designer, jewelry designer, Artist, Zumba instructor, Certified professional co-active coach.
compassion plays a big part of my being. As a human, I only know how to work from my heart, feelings & beliefs are the biggest two factor that drive me.
3. How does your personality affect your life?
Unfortunately, with those two beautiful, honest qualities, I’m portrayed as menace to society which is a fact that I’m aware of. It doesn’t make me sad but it certainly disturbs the peace from most of the people around me, only because I chose to be true by honoring my authentic self and from my own personal perspective, this is what the world is lacking. Less fake & more original.
4. How did You start your journey in both coaching and art?
Art is just an automatic thing for me that was switched on from birth. It’s simply my blue print! it’s how I live & what I breathe. It’s what makes me smile, curious, Think differently. Above all Art is a life style. creativity above all & as A mother it’s very
important for me to keep challenging my boys to think out of the box & never go with the flow. I believe Creativity is a tool, when mastered you’ll never be stuck in life’s setbacks! But instead enjoy working it out.
My couching journey on the other hand which is a different form of art, to me it gave me a chance of new beginning in different perspective of life.
4. How did that shape your character?
Coaching gave me the opportunity to live life fully equipped. It made me the best version of myself by honoring my values & focus towards living my life purpose on a daily basis. it’s always about the journey that I’m taking to influence other women to reach their ultimate potential. This is just pure satisfaction to the soul. Unfolding the power “women 2 women” is just an incredible journey that keeps surprising me, which sad to say that a lot of women lack the knowledge of the importance of their roles in society to change the world into a better place.
5. Tell us more about your business?
My Art, fashion & jewelry line were all focused to empower women by embracing & Praising their Authentic self &to be true to their own given identity & live fearless accordingly, I emerged all my business into my current status, under the platform of CPCC A Certified professional Co-Active coach
I am founder of Kashtat Samar , Masahat Samar ,Gabgat Samar All in the service of embowing women in the community.
6. What are the challenges that you have faced?
One of the biggest challenges , that I represent the minority of the culture I live in, therefore I intimidated them for their own misjudgment & miss understandings towards my being.
7. What are the solutions that you provide now?

I provide now within my coaching business :
-Coaching women one to one -group coaching -kashtat Samar -masahat Samar -gabgat Samar
8.What are your future plans?
I have many dreams; I am focusing now to have a greater & bigger impact but this time with the majority tagging along. I believe since we have one life to live, therefore we all need to honor ourselves by living fully awake and curious, each individual is capable of creating a deeply fulfilling life.
Never underestimate your power and your important role as a woman in all sectors. The impact you have to change the world into a better place is endless just by being who you are & activating your true potential.
10. How can people reach you?
through both my social media accounts:
Instagram: @SamarTheCoach Instagram: @SamarAlmu6awa3 Linkedln “Samar A. Al-Mutawa” Twiter @Samarish phone: +965-95556028 Email : Samar@samarish.com
Thank you, StartUps, for supporting the entrepreneurs and highlighting the succus stories of creative people. We think that your platform is really important in Kuwait and it’s the one and only digital platform that are tackling women in business.
Interview by: Eman Alabdulghani eman@startupsmag.org

Life coach : Samar almutawaa
Photo credit : Abdulaziz safari
Photography by: AbdulAziz Safar abdulazizknows@gmail.com
