Multimedia migrant tale
An Eynesbury film-maker and musician has been awarded money by the City of Melbourne to stage a live show documenting the lives of post war migrants at the Bonegilla migrant camp.
Simon Reich was inspired to create his show, Bonegilla-TheMigrant’s Journey after learning about his father’s experience immigrating to Australia from war-torn Berlin. Reich’s father was one of 500,000 people who passed through the Bonegilla migrant camp.
The multimedia show runs for 1.5 hours and features filmed interviews with people from various European countries, migrants’ own photos and videos, and a soundtrack of live string quartet and piano music.
Reich said the show is “nothing like a dry and dusty history lesson”.
“It is a multimedia presentation and the migrants tell of their war experiences, why they wanted to travel to the other side of the world and how they fared in their new adopted country.
“At times it’s tragic, disheartening and racist, but ultimately it’s a feel good story of gutsy and inspirational people who created the backbone of Australian society.”
The show will open in December.
Leakes Road in the dark
By Liam McNally
Road, Rockbank, out of action and Melton council is appealing to the state government to provide a temporary solution until they can be fixed.
At a council meeting on Monday, May 29,
Cr Steve Abboushi moved for council to contact the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) to request the temporary installation of streetlights along the state-owned road.
Cr Abboushi said he is aware temporary
lights are a “Band-Aid” solution but the interim measure could “save lives and prevent a fatality”.
“This is a significant issue in this street, there’s been a number of accidents on Leakes RoadattheinterchangeattheWesternFreeway off ramp,” he said.
Cr Abboushi said he has heard from community members who have reported the lights at Leakes Road have been out for almost two years.
Melton police acting Senior Sergeant Mick Conway said police are aware of the Leakes Road copper theft, and that the issue
is widespread. He said the theft can lead to street lights shutting down as well as train-line disruptions.
“[Copper wire theft happens] pretty much across any developing residential area and along railway networks,” he said.
“It’s a concern for us because of the safety issue and the inconvenience to the public.”
Acting Senior sergeant Conway said police are automatically alerted when there is interferencewiththewirepits,andpeoplehave been caught posing as workers in the middle of the night.
He encouraged anyone who sees suspicious
behaviour to call triple-0.
A DTP spokesperson said the department willreinstatestreetlightingatLeakesRoadand Western Highway in Rockbank after copper wire was stolen from the interchange.
“Coppercablescancarryupto1500voltscan cause serious injury or death when interfered with. We will deter vandalism where possible and prevent future thefts on our network,” the spokesperson said.
DTPis are currently engaging contractors to repair the damage and will consider whether suitable temporary lighting is available to be used in the interim.
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After hours youth crime program
By Hannah Hammoud
The Embedded Youth Outreach Project (EYOP), a Victoria Police initiative aimed at preventing youth offending, will soon be rolled out in Melton as concerns about youth crime mount.
The program responds to young people who are at risk of long term involvement in the criminal justice system.
Victoria Police youth portfolio holder, Commander Mark Galliott, said the unique programinvolvespolicepairingupwithyouth
workers to provide an after hours response and referral service for vulnerable young people who come into contact with police.
“EYOP has been operating across Wyndham, Hobsons Bay, Maribyrnong, Dandenong, Casey and Pakenham areas for nearly five years with great success,” he said.
“Given the areas share similar challenges, EYOP will expand from Wyndham into Brimbank and Melton. Given youth offending is overrepresented in these areas, this will ensure the program is reaching those who need it the most.”
Commander Galliott said police officers have seen great benefit in pairing up with youth workers to tackle issues including, breakdowns in family relationships, alcohol or drug abuse, unemployment, mental health issues or disengagement from school.
“Youth workers have a different approach, with their own set of skills and knowledge in being able to assess a young person’s risk and provide referrals to the appropriate services,” he said.
“Policeofficerslearnfromtheseinteractions and subsequently better engage with young
New City Vista grandstand mooted
City Vista Recreation Reserve in Fraser Rise maysoonbeupgradedwithamediatowerand undercover grandstand.
At a council meeting on Monday, May 29 councillor Steve Abboushi asked council officers to investigate options and associated costs to install a media tower to meet Football Victoria guidelines for National Premier League matches and undercover grandstand seating on the eastern side of the “elite pitch” at City Vista Recreation Reserve
The ground is home to the soccer team Caroline Springs George Cross FC, and president Mark Sultana said the investigation is a “great start”.
“[CityVistaReserve]isthepremiumfacility within that area, and it’s about enhancing the product in terms of football, to enhance the facility, create local jobs, and to attract major games to the venue,” he said.
“We were asked to host the NPL final, and unfortunately due to the number of seats they went to Heidelberg’s home ground.”
The stadium currently has more than 600 seats, and can fit a total of about 2000 people. Mr Sultana said a grandstand could add an additional 1000 seats.
“There’s really a lack of a boutique stadium forthatarea…[itwouldhelpwith]Gettingthe crowd involved and creating an atmosphere for not only the men’s space but the women’s space,” he said.
“AFL has had a head start, however [soccer] is the world game, it’s about trying to enhance and grow the product and bring it to our local fields, and that stadium atmosphere is somethingthat’sreallyimportanttothegame.”
people in their work.”
The EYOP will operate seven days a week outside of business hours to reflect the times when police most commonly encounter at-risk young people and when services may not be readily available.
Commander Galliott said “locking up” young people should be the last option for police.
“We need to work collaboratively with support agencies to ensure our young people arebetterengagedandhavetheopportunityto contributepositivelytothecommunity,”hesaid
Melton adopts Eynesbury
The Eynesbury township will be fully adopted into the Melton municipality if an application to Local Government Victoria (LGV) is approved.
Eynesbury currently straddles two local government areas, Melton and Wyndham,whichresultsinduplication in planning scheme controls, and complicates delivery of services to the area.
Until recently all development within the township has been located within Melton’s boundaries, however this would change with the future construction of Mount Mary Road which will provide road access to Wyndham.
Following Wyndham council formalising its support for the move at a meeting on Tuesday, May 23, Melton council moved to lodge the formal application to LGV at its meeting on Monday, May 29.
Melton councillor Sophie Ramsay said she wants “champagne on the ready” if the application is approved.
“It is a monumental moment when these things happen, and it’s great to see that all of Eynesbury will be within the one LGA,” she said.
“Whenitfinallygoesthrough,Iknow it’s a dry council, but the champagne needs to be chilled.”
Melton councillor Bob Turner said the realignment would help “bring the community together as one”.
“It is a realignment that makes good planning and service delivery sense and provides a clear line of accessibility for one local government authority for a local community and for the developer.”
Tuesday, 6 June, 2023 MELTON & MOORABOOL STAR WEEKLY 3 STARWEEKLY.COM.AU NEWS SPECIALISTS IN ALL PERSONAL INJURY CLAIMS • Work Cover • TAC – Motor Vehicle Accidents • Slipping & Tripping Claims • Asbestos Claims • Sexual Assault Claims Nicholas Lyons Accredited Specialist in Personal Injury Law Voted as one of the best lawyers and law firms in workcover and TAC claims in Victoria in 2018 - 2022 by Doyles Guide to the best lawyers in Australia. 33 Bakery Square, Melton • Phone: 5332 1584 (Ask about No Win No Fee) 12611740-ACM23-23 SPECIALISTS IN ALL TAC CLAIMS • TAC – Motor Vehicle Accidents • Advice about all aspects – wages, medical expenses, lump sum claims • Bus and public transport accidents • Also all Workcover claims Nicholas Lyons Accredited Specialist in Personal Injury Law Voted as one of the best lawyers and law firms in workcover and TAC claims in Victoria in 2018 - 2022 by Doyles Guide to the best lawyers in Australia. 33 Bakery Square, Melton • Phone: 5332 1584 (Ask about No Win No Fee) 12610789-ACM23-23
Liam McNally Caroline Springs George Cross Football Club general manager Liza Djuric. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 338115_03
‘‘ That stadium atmosphere is something that’s really important to the game ’’ - Mark Sultana
Melton offers bus crash support
Melton council will donate $10,000 to support the community affected by the May 16 school bus crash on Exford Road.
At the beginning of the council meeting on Monday, May 29, Melton mayor Lara Carli reflected on behalf of council.
“Our thoughts continue to be with the students, their families, the Exford Primary School, the school community, and everyone impacted by this incident,” she said.
“The news of the serious and life altering injuries sustained in the crash has deeply
saddened all of us at council, and we acknowledge the immense challenges and difficult times that the local school community isfacingasaresultofthisunfortunateincident.”
Cr Carli extended “sincere gratitude” to the first responder’s “tireless” support.
“Their unwavering dedication and efforts are highly commendable and we appreciate their contribution immensely,” she said.
CrCarlisaidshehadreachedouttotoExford Primary School principal Lisa Campo and conveyed gratitude for her “strong leadership
Nominate an achiever
Do you know someone doing incredible things within the Melton community?
There’s just over a month left to nominate residents for Melton council’s Community Achievement Awards.
Council is requesting help to find the best of the bunch - suitable nominations are residents who make valuable contributions to the local community or who dedicate their time to making life better for others.
Melton mayor Lara Carli said whether it’s someone who encourages community participation, breaks down barriers or readily helps others, “nominating them is a really special way to say thank you”.
“It could be a volunteer at your local club, or someone who goes above and beyond in their daily work,” she said.
“Over the years, these awards have celebrated teachers, community leaders, sportspeople, and more.”
You can nominate anyone who lives in the City of Melton across these five categories:
• Citizen of the Year – for recognition of ongoing community leadership and involvement.
• Young Citizen of the Year – for community leadership under 25 years old.
• Intercultural Engagement Leader of the Year – for leadership that celebrates Melton’s diverse community.
• AccessandInclusionLeaderoftheYear–for commitment to improving the life of people with a disability.
• Gender Equity Leader of the Year – for community leadership, promotion of gender equality and commitment to advancing the status of women.
Nominations opened on Monday, May 15 and close Friday, July 7.
Winners will be announced at a gala event in November.
To nominate someone or to find out more about the Community Achievement Awards, visit the council website. Details: melton.vic.
during this time of adversity”.
Later in the meeting, Cr Sophie Ramsay moved for council to donate $10,000 to support the recovery efforts of those impacted by the bus crash.
“[This event] has touched all of our lives, we can’tevenfathomwhatthesechildrenandtheir families and the school community as a whole - what everybody saw on the day and so this is our small part in starting our support of them through their recovery effort,” she said.
Cr Steve Abboushi said the money “won’t
do the cause justice” but it’s something council can do to “demonstrate our support and our deep commitment to these residents and their families”.
“This is going to be a long journey for these families, it’s going to be deeply and widely felt and my heart breaks for these families and their children … but it’s a small way that we can help,” he said.
Council will liaise with Ms Campo about how best to expend the funds.
4 MELTON & MOORABOOL STAR WEEKLY Tuesday, 6 June, 2023 NEWS STARWEEKLY.COM.AU Melton Highway, Taylors Lakes. HEATED BIG TOP Book at Ticketmaster or phone 0413 880 044 26th May to 18th June Friday 26th May Session 1: 7.30pm Saturday 27th May Session 1: 2.30pm Session 2: 6.30pm Sunday 28th May Session 1: 11.00am Session 2: 3.00pm Wednesday 31st May Session 1: 7.30pm Friday 2nd June Session 1: 7.30pm Saturday 3rd June Session 1: 2.30pm Session 2: 6.30pm Sunday 4th June Session 1: 11.00am Session 2: 3.00pm Wednesday 7th June Session 1: 7.30pm Friday 9th June Session 1: 7.30pm Saturday 10th June Session 1: 2.30pm Session 2: 6.30pm Sunday 11th June Session 1: 11.00am Session 2: 3.00pm Monday 12th June Session 1: 2.30pm Friday 16th June Session 1: 7.30pm Saturday 17th June Session 1: 2.30pm Session 2: 6.30pm Sunday 18th June Session 1: 11.00am SHOW DATES 12610901-FC23-23
Last year’s Community Achievement Award winners – Daphrose Tuylsabe, Les Chitts, Shilpa Kumar, and John McVie, along with deputy mayor Julie Shannon, mayor Lara Carli, and councillor Bob Turner. (Supplied)
Melton rates rise 3.25 per cent
By Liam McNally
Melton council’s draft budget for 2023-24 includes plans for $114 million of capital works and an average rate increase of 3.25 per cent, just below the state cap of 3.5 per cent.
The $239 million budget also reaps an operating surplus of $369.4 million from a $608.9 million operating income.
A $29.44 million spend on roads includes $10.35millionforBridgeRoad,Strathtulloh,$4 million for Hume Drive in Taylors Hill, $3.75 millionforBulmansRoad,MeltonWestand$1 million for the Taylors Road duplication and
intersection upgrade of Gourlay Road.
Other traffic management projects include $4.58 million for a roundabout at the intersectionofGreigsRoadandMountCottrell Road, and $3.7 for a signalised intersection at Caroline Springs Boulevard and Rockbank Middle Road.
Community hub spending will include $5.76 million for Bridge Road, $3.34 million for DiggersRest,aswellas$2.7millioneachforthe Aintree kindergarten expansion, the Plumpton Community Centre and Neighbourhood House and the Weir Views North Community Hub.
Friends dig for funding
Friends of the Melton Botanic Garden (FMBG) president John Bentley is calling on Melton council to increase the group’s funding in the 2023-24 budget.
FMBG is a volunteer organisation that has been responsible for the management, development and maintenance of the botanic garden for 20 years and has 440 members with 80 active volunteers.
Mr Bentley had made a budget submission requesting $40,000 for the group to run for the year, up from $36,000 allocated in last year’s budget.
The draft budget allocated $36,000 to the group again, and at a council meeting on Monday, May 29, Mr Bentley questioned councilonwhythegroupwasn’tatleastgranted an increase in line with the current consumer price index of 7.1 per cent.
Inaseparatequestion,MrBentleyaskedhow the “premier tourist attraction” FMBG cares
for is funded and supported in comparison to local sporting groups.
“The friends contribute a financial value of over $500,000 each year in volunteer hours in developing, enhancing and maintaining the council owned Melton Botanic Gardens,” he said.
Melton council organisational performance director Peter Leerson said council had considered 29 community budget submissions.
“Whilst some organisations may receive funding in sequential years, each community submission is considered on merit annually,” he said.
“Subject to council’s decision on the draft budget this evening, there will be a two-week periodforourcommunitytoprovidecomment before consideration of the final budget in June.”
The biggest sporting facility spends include $2.13millionforstagethreeoftheMacpherson Park redevelopment, $2.7 million for Mt Atkinson East sports reserve, $2.57 million for the Melton Recreation Reserve pavilion and $2.1 million to redevelop a Burnside Heights Recreation Reserve Oval.
Melton mayor Lara Carli said council was investing in Victoria’s fastest growing municipality“tomakesureMeltonstaysagreat place to live, work and play for everyone”.
“Councilispleasedtosupport18community ideastothetuneof$1.6millionandIthankthe community for helping shape our budget to
deliver the initiatives that are most needed,” she said.
“Community input has been an integral aspect for this year’s budget preparation and ensuring that we deliver a fair and sustainable budget that aims to strike the right balance between keeping the costs of living down while delivering better services for a growing community along with more infrastructure and the projects our community expects.”
The draft budget will be available for community feedback until 5pm on Tuesday, June 13.
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FMBG president John Bentley. (Damjan Janevski) 338671_02
Warriors closer to home
A permanent home with suitable facilities is edging closer for the Melton Warriors Rugby Union Club, with Melton council deciding to conduct a report into future options for the club.
As reported by Star Weekly , the oldest rugby union club in Melbourne’s west has been calling on council to provide a permanent home ground and upgraded facilities.
At a council meeting on Monday, May 29, councillor Steve Abboushi moved for council to provide a detailed report on the future options and timeframes for the permanent home location for the club.
Thereportwillincludefacilitiesincludinga rugby union compliant pitch, adequate store space, pavilion facilities, and opportunities that cater for the future growth.
Cr Abboushi identified potential home grounds for the team including Blackwood Drive Reserve, where the team is currently playing temporarily, Weir Views East Sports Reserve, and Brookfield Recreation Reserve.
Deputy mayor Julie Shannon said the Warriors do “way more than just rugby”.
“They do an awful lot for our community and for our youth so I’m looking forward to seeing what comes back from this [report],” she said.
Cr Abboushi commended the club for their youth outreach and leadership programs, and said it’s important the club can “find a place to belong”.
“[The club organisers] engage young people and give them an opportunity, they’re an all abilities Rugby Union club, they’re not elitist, and they are motivated and inspired, and their purpose is to engage young people,” he said.
Melton Warriors Rugby Union Club secretary Priscilla Maiava said that after almost 50 years of the club’s existence, the
New waste contractor
Moorabool council has appointed a new contractor to take over waste collection services after the retirement of the former contractor. From July 1, JJ Richards will be the collection contractor for kerbside garbage, recycling and green waste. The company has been appointed the contract for 10 years plus two five year extension options.
Outdoor galleries
Moorabool council will soon be launching two new outdoor gallery spaces in Ballan and Bacchus Marsh, helping to put local artists on the ‘MAPP’. The two MAPP Up in Lights galleries are part of the multifaceted Moorabool Arts Pathway Program that supports artists to exhibit their works in Ballan’s McLean Reserve and the Bacchus Marsh Village Green. the MAPP Up in Lights galleries offer artists display boxes to showcase works.
Melton roads report
At a meeting on Monday, May 29, Melton council moved to conduct a report on council’s current management of its road network, including urbanised and non-urbanised roads, for consideration and determination on whether additional measures are required.
Council will conduct a report that seeks to find a permanent home and upgraded facilities for the Melton Warriors Rugby Union Club. (Provided)
move from council is “great news”.
“We look forward to seeing the future plans for rugby union in Melton.”
Liam McNally
Melton & Moorabool Star Weekly @starweeklynews @star_weekly
6 MELTON & MOORABOOL STAR WEEKLY Tuesday, 6 June, 2023 NEWS STARWEEKLY.COM.AU CONTACT US PHONE \ 03 8318 5777 LOCATION \ Corner Thomsons Road and Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park, 3042 DISTRIBUTION \ 1300 656 678 ADVERTISING GENERAL SALES INQUIRIES CLASSIFIEDS \ 1300 666 808 EMAIL \ GENERAL REAL ESTATE INQUIRIES EDITORIAL GENERAL EDITORIAL INQUIRIES COMMUNITY CALENDAR ENTRIES Published by MMP Star Pty Ltd ACN 168 220 399 Head Office Corner Thomsons Road and Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park, 3042 Publisher/Managing Director, Paul Thomas All material is copyright to MMP Star Pty Ltd. Responsibility for election comment is accepted by Paul Thomas. All significant errors will be corrected as quickly as possible. Distribution numbers, areas and coverage are estimates only. For our terms and conditions please visit STARWEEKLY.COM.AU 12587783-AV23-23
Move to educate more nurses
By Liam McNally
Melton council hopes promoting free nursing and midwifery study initiatives will help address the municipality’s shortage of maternal and child health nurses.
As reported by Star Weekly , the staffing shortage has forced council to limit maternal and child health nurse appointments to babies aged up to eight weeks old and vulnerable families.
At a council meeting on Monday, May 29,
councillor Ashleigh Vandenberg called for council to work with tertiary education sector to promote free nursing and midwifery study initiatives, which are both prerequisites for maternal and child health nursing.
She also called for council to advocate to the state government to provide extended and diverse funding opportunities to support residents to study in a health field including maternal and child health qualifications.
“Currently the City of Melton has a shortage of maternal and child health nurses and the
purpose of this motion is to alleviate that need by raising awareness of the current free nursing qualifications that may allow residents to secure their dream career and help us in closingthehealthgapthatMeltonisfacing,”Cr Vandenberg said.
Melton council employs 17.4 equivalent full time maternal and child health nurses. On average 58 babies are born in the municipality each week.
Council aims to have 27.9 equivalent full time nurses to meet demand.
Elders reconcile with their history
Kirrip Aboriginal Corporation has been running a weekly Elders Group for about seven years, in which Aboriginal elders in the Melton area connect, teach culture, and heal together.
DuringReconciliationWeekonWednesday, May 21, the group met to learn, practise, and share the language of storytelling within traditional painting techniques.
StarWeeklyvisited to ask participants what reconciliation means to them.
Wiradjuri woman Michelle ‘Dingo’ Griffiths said her connection to her culture came through her grandmother, who raised her while her mother was sick.
“I deeply connected with her and there’s always been that calling in me to heal what she couldn’t, to know what she couldn’t,” she
During her journey of understanding Ms Griffiths connected with the dingo as her animal totem. She encourages everyone to find theirs to help connect them to the land around them.
“If you don’t take care of country, it can’t take care of you,” she said.
“For me the healing and reconciliation comes when we all realise we’re a part of this beautiful earth and we wake up and realise we’re one mob just different colours.“
When Yorta Yorta woman, Aunty Alex Osborne-Briggs was born in 1964, she was separated from her birth mother, and brought up in institutions before being adopted into an abusive household. She said in the last few years she has been reconnecting with the
“birth right” that was stolen from her.
“Forme,reconciliationisconnection,trying to understand our culture … unless we meet in the middle and we learn to work together instead of trying to work against each other there’s never really going to be reconciliation,” she said.
“When you have reconciliation and Sorry Day, it really affects me because I’ve started to learn Yorta Yorta’s side, my mob, and what they went through, the lives lost, it breaks my heart, because I now know that my ancestors suffered, through no fault of their own.
“We can’t change history, history is history, but we need to learn from it, so it never happens again.”
Liam McNally
CrKathyMjdliksaidthatmaternalandchild health nurse shortage is sector-wide for local governments, “but none more so than ours”.
“Beingagrowthcouncilandhavingsomany babies being born, and obviously it taking a lot longer to become a midwife because of the qualifications that are required, it is really imperative that we encourage our residents to take up this free service,” she said.
“I hope that there’s some movement in this sectorVictoria-widebecausewearestruggling in every council and every hospital as well.”
Melton Library celebration
Melton council is inviting the community to celebrate the Melton Library’s 10th anniversary.
On Thursday, June 15, Melton Library and Learning Hub will run events for all ages throughout the day and a jam-packed programme of shows, stories and music after school.
The day will begin at 10.30am with family storytime and a morning tea with a magician and face painters and library tours.
From 4pm the library will host a Big Science Big Fun Show with Fizzics Education, and then that night, hear the stories behind the names of the library rooms from Dr Peter Minard, before dancing the night away to local Australian Bush band, Drongo and the Crow.
The Melton Library and Learning Hub opened in 2013 and was the first library in Australia to be awarded a 5 Star Green Star rating from the Green Building Council of Australia. The facility welcomes more than 800 unique visits every day.
Melton mayor Lara Carli said council is looking back on the last decade and celebrating 10 years of “library love”.
“It doesn’t matter if you’ve been using thelibraryforyears,haveonlyjustsigned up, or are still yet to check out your local library – everyone is welcome,“ she said.
Tuesday, 6 June, 2023 MELTON & MOORABOOL STAR WEEKLY 7 STARWEEKLY.COM.AU NEWS We are OPEN for Take Away and Home Delivery Contactless delivery with Menulog, Doordash, Ubereats, Instore and La Porchetta online. Woodgrove Shopping Centre Follow us on Social Media /LaPorchettaMelton /LaPorchettaMelton Download our New iPhone or Android App 12603926-AA20-23 FAMILY LOVE DEAL 2 x Large Pizza plus Garlic Bread For $29.90
Kirrip’s Elders Group. (Jacob Pattison) 338139_01
Public transport review urged
By Liam McNally
Minister Ben Carroll for an “urgent review” of public transport in Diggers Rest.
Justine Farrugia moved for council to write to Mr Carroll to highlight the lack of public transport services from the Diggers Rest community to the surrounding suburbs, and seek an urgent review and increase in the level of service to cater for the growing community. Currently, the 438 bus service connects
Diggers Rest to Sunbury and Moonee Ponds, and the state government has committed to a bus route that will address coverage gaps on Elizabeth Drive in Sunbury and on the western side of Diggers Rest.
However, details for when the new service will begin are yet to be finalised and there is currently no plan for a bus service to connect Diggers Rest and Melton.
Diggers Rest resident David O’Connor said while he is looking forward to the new Sunbury connection, a Melton service is something the community has been asking
for for “many, many years”.
“It doesn’t make sense that we live in the municipality of Melton and we don’t have public transport access to the central area of the municipality in which we pay our rates,” he said.
Another resident, John Verdon, said the lack of connection poses challenges for people that need to access services for parents, youth, and aged care in the broader Melton area.
“Of the 14 members of the mother’s group in Frasers Rise, 11 are from Diggers Rest. If they’re sending them to Frasers Rise, why isn’t
Flags fly in Ballan for reconciliation
The Ballan community came together on Wednesday, May 31 for Reconciliation Week with a Welcome to Country, smoking ceremony and flag raising, led by Wadawurrung man and award winning poet, storyteller, narrator, and singer Barry Gilson.
The event began at 10am on a cloudy morning outside the Moorabool council building with a joint Acknowledgement of Country and opening remarks by mayor Rod Ward.
Then, Mr Gilson addressed the crowd donning a possum-skin Wallert Wallert and
up to all of
gave a Welcome to Country, shared stories of his deep connection to Kerrit Bareett (Gordon),beforeholdingasmokingceremony.
“ReconciliationWeekisofgreatimportance to my people as traditional custodians of the land, the significance of telling our stories, and getting us back into the context of the landscape and the spiritual connections we have had for thousands of years on this country,” he said.
“I tell stories about the particular areas that I’m on every time I do a smoking ceremony andaWelcometoCountry,sobitbybitpeople
can start to fill in the gaps of their own jigsaw puzzle … so hopefully they take that with them and they have a stronger idea of our beliefs.”
Moorabool mayor Rod Ward said it was a “wonderful turn out for a great event”.
“It was great to see the local school represented and some of our important services too, Victoria Police, Ambulance ParamedicsandSES,itwasagreatcommunity event and well attended, we’re thrilled with how it went,” he said.
there a bus service?” he said.
A Department of Transport and Planning spokesperson said the department is “continuously reviewing the bus network in Melbourne’s rapidly growing north-west to identify where improvements can be made to make it easier for locals to travel”.
“We’re introducing this new direct link between Sunbury and Diggers Rest stations to deliver better connections to shops, schools, train stations and other amenities,” the spokesperson said. Mr Carroll was contacted for comment.
Cover up frosty pipes
With winter here, frosty mornings have arrived too, and covering gardens and carwindscreensareonceagainanightly task.
However, this year, Melton and Moorabool residents are being encouraged to protect another outdoor item from the risk of an icy blanket.
Greater Western Water is warning households across Melbourne’s outer-west and north-west to make sure their meters and above ground pipes are covered to prevent them becoming as frozen as the frost.
Meters and pipes can freeze and in some cases even break and split when the temperature hits zero, resulting in no running water and shivering residents.
In this event, Greater Western Water operations and delivery solutions general manager Jodie Hallam said there was only one solution.
“Just wait. It thaws naturally as the temperature rises. This is the best way to avoid damaging anything,”she said.
“If you can’t wait, pour lukewarm water over the frozen area. Don’t use hot or boiling water as that can damage the pipes.”
To avoid this scenario, it’s recommended that blankets, buckets or containers are placed over meters and pipes, though only if they can be easily removed.
Damaged pipes must be repaired by a plumber, but if a water meter splits or breaks, residents can call Greater Western Water on 13 44 99 to arrange a replacement.
8 MELTON & MOORABOOL STAR WEEKLY Tuesday, 6 June, 2023 NEWS STARWEEKLY.COM.AU We all have a role to play in biosecurity. When you take steps to protect your alpacas from emergency animal diseases, you are also protecting your neighbour’s alpacas, commercial farms and Victoria’s agriculture industry. Scan the QR code to learn how Lynda is keeping her alpacas safe.
Lynda, Belgrave South Wurundjeri Country Authorised by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne 12610929-CB23-23
Ballan’s Reconciliation Week event. (Liam McNally)
Police out in force over King’s birthday long weekend
Operation Regal 2023 is a statewide Road Policing Operation over the monarch’s birthday long weekend. It aims to increase driver awareness and journey planning, while reducing road trauma during this high risk time on our roads.
This four-day road policing enforcement campaign will run from Friday, June 9 to Monday, June 12.
Road policing advisor, Sergeant Marty Wallace from Westgate Highway Patrol, said the operation will be conducted throughout all operational police regions and police service areas during the four days, using all available personnel from local road policing units, general duties, and other regional resources.
The police operation will be targeting the main causes of lives lost and serious injuries in crashes which are impaired driving, speed, fatigue, distraction offences and seatbelt compliance
Police will be out in force both to educate drivers and to enforce road rules, with a view to preventing lives lost and serious injuries
We’re watching your speed. Are you?
Motorists are requested to stay within the speed limit, don’t drink alcohol or take drugs and drive, leave your mobile phone out of reach, wear your seatbelt and make sure you are well rested.
Fatigue is one of the biggest killers and is a major cause of the loss of life on Victorian roads. Drivers are requested to plan their trip, be patient and ensure that you take at least a 15 minutes break at least every two hours and don’t drive if you are tired.
Drivers planning to travel during this period can expect to see an increase in vehicles travelling on our major freeways and highways throughout the state.
Road trauma isn’t just about the lives that are lost – it’s about the enormous impact on the community, from the family members, to
the emergency services workers who have to dealwiththesetragediesonadailybasis,tothe policewhohavetodeliverthedevastatingnews to loved ones.
Allthecommunityhasaresponsibilityanda role to play in reducing road trauma.
RoadSafe Westgate Community Road Safety Council chairman Jim Giddings said it has been demonstrated time after time that speed is a contributing factor in most road crashes. Therefore stay within the speed limit and drive to suit the conditions you face.
Speeding affects both the risk of a crash happeningandtheseverityofinjuriessustained when a crash does happen.
Mr Giddings said to make sure you’re not putting yourself or others at risk on the roads, put your phone away where you can’t be tempted to use it, for example in the glove box or in the boot to avoid being distracted.
He said the work of his group along with initiatives like the Operation Regal during the 2023 monarch’s birthday long weekend would hopefully reduce the number of serious road crashes on our roads.
He asked the community to report speeding drivers to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
Holiday driving has its challenges and drivers should drive in the hours they are normally awake, take regular breaks to reduce
fatigue and allow extra space between vehicles. Drivers need to adapt to the conditions of the road. The onus is always on the driver to suit the conditions they are facing, and that includes the quality of the road.
If you plan to have a drink then plan not to drive, taking a big risk like drink and driving is just not worth endangering your live or the lives of other road users.
Before embarking on any driving trips drivers should check their tyres, windscreen washers, brakes and lights.
Remember, travel so that you arrive at your destination safely and enjoy your King’s birthday holiday weekend.
Tuesday, 6 June, 2023 MELTON & MOORABOOL STAR WEEKLY 9 Advertising feature
Sergeant Marty Wallace. (Jacob Pattison)332935_04
DRIVING IS NOT A GAME! 1092275-HM38-13 SPEED KILLS! Don’t make a Grave Mistake Speed is the largest single factor in fatal road crashes on our roads. RoadSafe Westgate and your local council support reporting speeding drivers to Crime Stoppers. REPORT SPEEDING DRIVERS 1800 333 000 RoadSafe Westgate Community Road Safety Council is a road safety advocacy group that implements road safety programs and is supported by the municipalities of Hobsons Bay, Maribyrnong, Melton and Wyndham. 1204680-HM44-15
Mayor’s message Cr Lara Carli
We’ve drafted the Council budget for the next financial year, and we’ve planned a great mix of additional recreation facilities, new community buildings, major road upgrades, increased pathway connections, and so much more.
This draft budget has been shaped with significant input from our residents, and it includes 18 initiatives submitted by our community, totalling $1.6 million.
The centrepiece of this budget is a $114 million investment in capital works projects, providing muchneeded local infrastructure and finalising existing projects.
Some highlights include the extension of Bridge Road, Cobblebank, a roundabout at Mount Cottrell and Greigs Roads Strathtulloh, duplication of Hume Drive from Calder Park Drive to Gourlay Road, completing the Diggers Rest Community Pavilion, redevelopment at Caroline Springs Town Centre Oval and construction of Aintree Children’s and Community Centre.
There’s also a strong focus on core services such as managing waste, operating our libraries, events and festivals, and providing services to our residents at all stages of life.
I encourage you to look through the Draft Budget to get a full picture of the high-quality projects, services and activities we are proposing to deliver.
And finally, we have a very special birthday coming up! Melton Library and Learning Hub is about to turn 10. Join us at the Library on Thursday 15 June for a day full of activities for all ages throughout the day. Find out more:
Feel free to contact me about Watts Ward or Council related issues on 0409 951 020 or email at: lara. or visit my Facebook page at: Cr.LaraCarli
Moving Ahead
All stories – combined about 250-260 words (excluding Mayor’s Message and Ward Talk)
(article 1) (100 words) (ALL)
Budget Highlights
Quickly and easily connect with us online: Instagram @cityofmeltonofficial
Budget Highlights
A $114 million capital works program $8.3 million to support older people and people with a disability, $8.1 million for maternal and child health services, and $1.6 million towards 18 initiatives submitted by our community are just some of the major features of Council’s 2023/24 draft budget.
Council is delivering a fair and sustainable budget that aims to strike the right balance between keeping the costs of living down while delivering better services for a growing community along with more infrastructure and the projects our community expects
Residents can provide feedback until 5pm, Tuesday 13 June at
A $114 million capital works program, $8.3 million to support older people and people with a disability, $8.1 million for maternal and child health services, and $1.6 million towards 18 initiatives submitted by our community are just some of the major features of Council’s 2023/24 draft budget.
Council is delivering a fair and sustainable budget that aims to strike
the right balance between keeping the costs of living down while delivering better services for a growing community along with more infrastructure and the projects our community expects.
Residents can provide feedback until
Hard rubbish collection
Just a reminder that waste entitlements for this financial year will expire on 30 June. Residents who’d like to use their waste entitlements should book a hard waste collection online before 16 June or visit the Melton Recycling Facility by 30 June. Book a hard waste collection:
For information about your waste entitlements, visit au/wasteentitlements
Community Achievement Awards
Nominate someone who is doing something amazing within our city for our Community Achievement Awards. To nominate or find out more, visit CommunityAchievementAwards
(article 2) (60 words) (ALL)
Business Awards
Coburn Ward with Cr Ashleigh Vandenberg
Do you know a local business that goes above and beyond with excellent service, products and follow-up?
Then nominate them for the 2023 City of Melton Business Excellence Awards!
Council’s 2023/24 draft budget is out and is a clear demonstration of our commitment to providing high quality infrastructure, programs, and services for our community.
Nominate your favourite local business today at
urbanisation of Bulmans Road, Melton West, and construction of Weir Views Children’s and Community Centre –along with $1.6 million towards 18 initiatives submitted by our community; are key features of the draft budget.
Whether they’re a small, family-run operation, a large established business, or something in between, these awards a fantastic chance to promote our business community’s achievements.
Responding to the needs of our rapidly growing City, we have focussed on strengthening community by maintaining and upgrading existing assets, and preparing for future development, and population growth, with new infrastructure.
A $114 million capital works program – that includes construction of Bridge Road Community Hub, the
I put forward a Notice of Motion at the Ordinary Meeting of Council in May, requesting officers prepare a report on the current management of our urbanised and non-urbanised road network, to determine any additional measures that are required. I’ll keep residents informed of the outcome of this report when it becomes available.
Finally, I recently attended a wonderful town hall style meeting in Eynesbury, where residents discussed some of their most pressing local issues. I look forward to hosting more of these meetings across the community, and working together to make positive change.
Feel free to contact me regarding Coburn Ward or Council related issues on 0499 801 183; email: ashleigh.vandenberg@melton.vic. or like my Facebook page @crvandenberg
Mayor Cr Lara Carli
Deputy Mayor Cr Julie Shannon
Cr Steve Abboushi
Cr Justine Farrugia
Cr Goran Kesic
Cr Kathy Majdlik
Your Councillors – Visit to find your ward Councillors and their contact details A
Cr Sophie Ramsey Cr Bob Turner Cr Ashleigh Vandenberg
vibrant, safe and liveable City accessible to all
6 June 2023
Nominate for business awards
Meltoncounciliscallingonthecommunityto nominate local businesses for the 2023 City of Melton Business Excellence Awards. You can nominate your own business or another business within the City of Melton that you believe deserves to be recognised for excellence.
The Business Excellence Awards will be presented at an Awards Evening on Thursday, September 14.
The nine categories for business excellence this year are innovation and transformation; equality, diversity and inclusion; disability and inclusion initiative; sustainable product or process; health, wellness and care; visitation and hospitality; new business or start up; professional services; and young entrepreneur of the year
MayorLaraCarlisaidwhetheryou’reasmall, family-run operation, a large, well-established business, or something in between, the awards are a “fantastic chance to promote your achievements and the everyday services and products you provide to the community”.
“Our businesses are the lifeblood of our community and council is proud to showcase their innovation, resilience and strength,” she said.
“These awards are among many council initiatives helping local businesses thrive in the City of Melton.”
Varcon Group took out the Business of the Year Award and the Sustainability Leadership Award in 2022.
Deniz Ahmet of Varcon Group said the
awards are a “very rewarding opportunity to be acknowledged as a group for your achievements, and successes throughout the year”.
“Being selected as a finalist, and winner was the highlight of the year 2022 for the entire Varcon team. This inspired and provided so
much motivation and determination amongst our team, and really did show the hard work paying off,” she said.
Applications close midnight, July 7. Details:
New trees take root in honour of the late Queen
The Friends of the Melton Botanic Garden hosted a Queen’s Jubilee tree planting day on Thursday, June 1.
Planting Trees for the Queen’s Jubilee is a federal government initiative providing funding to community groups to assist them in planting trees to honour 70 years of service of the late Queen Elizabeth II.
The Friends of the Melton Botanic Garden received $20,000 from the fund to plant 500 trees in the Melton Botanic Garden.
Greg McRae. (Damjan Janevski) 338671_05.
Jack Chamberlain. (Damjan Janevski) 338671_03.
Chris Triplett. (Damjan Janevski) 338671_04.
New trees planted for the Queen’s Jubilee tree planting morning. (Damjan Janevski) 338671_06.
Daryl Harris. (Damjan Janevski) 338671_01.
Mayor Lara Carli with representatives of the 2022 Business of the Year, Varcon Group. (Ivan Kemp)
Preserving Wadawurrung stories
Barry Gilson is a Wadawurrung man and an award winning poet, storyteller, narrator, and singer. After leading a Reconciliation Week event in Ballan on Wednesday, May 31, he spoke to Liam McNally about his life, connection to Country, and reconciliation.
BarryGilson’slifebeganinGordon,inthe shadow of Kerrit Bareett, where Bundjil theEaglecreatedthefirsttwomeninthe Wadawurrung creation story.
As a boy in the 1970s he would walk in the hills and do things that felt “innate”, that he didn’t yet understand had a deeper significance; from catching Timboo (inland mussels) without realising it was a traditional bushfood, finding an ancient grinding stone, or making his own spears.
Gilson recalls as a toddler drawing swirls in the sand and having a red-belly black snake coming to visit him some days.
“I remember it as clear as a bell. It’d come around, it’d go over my legs and I just thought ‘oh well’, I didn’t have that idea it was going to harm me … he was just one of my little friends. I just sort of thought that that’s just a normal thing.”
Now, looking back and having deepened his understanding of Wadawurrung Country he sees all of these moments as “destiny”.
“You have a look at what you’ve done and start to see what it all meant and then you can understand things a bit better when you’re
looking back,” he said.
“Maybe they were telling me things then, the special importance of instilling some sort of Dreaming into my spirit then.”
Gilson said has been sharing stories of his culture his entire life. At the
Ballan Reconciliation event he spoke of Korweinguboora, meaning “fires from the mountain” – how volcanic activity caused an underground aquifer to break and create two rivers, the Moorabool, which means river of ghosts, and the Werribee, which comes from
the word for spine.
Storytelling has taken Gilson to festival stages in front of thousands, including Meredith, Beyond the Valley, and Spilt Milk, and his poetry would win him the 2020 Melbourne Spoken Word Poetry event.
Wadawurrung man
Gilson. (Liam McNally) 338836_01 Subscribe to the Melton Moorabool Star Weekly Digital Edition FREE 12481545-NG07-21 SIGN UP NOW! By Benjamin Millar Melton’s petrol prices are coming under greater scrutiny with a local MP vowing to help take action to bring prices in line with neighbouringareas. Melton MP Steve McGhie said the area’s families are being unfairly hit with higher prices than people in neighbouring suburbs, ften paying more than 20 cents per litre extra at the pump and spending at least $10 more every time they fill up. Pricing under the pump SIGN UP NOW! Melton are paying more than they should be.” soon, fuel prices are regulated by the federal Mr McGhie’s promise to take action was Pricing under the pump “Generally we pay least 20 cents litre – –strongly encourage residents to complain to the ACCCScan this QR code to subscribe Or visit 12611206-AV23-23
‘‘ Reconciliation to me it’s all about the histories, and sharing of our culture and our identity, and how we can walk together into the future… ’’ - Barry Gilson
“I try to focus on the positives, because that’s all I want to take with me, but there were some times where [storytelling] was a bit hard to do, because I didn’t feel welcome on my own land,” he said.
“We were the most heavily colonised tribe in Australia, and our whole story has been horrendous as far as trying to be silenced from telling our culture for 180 years, and the decimation of our people.
“I had to be strong. I had to represent for my ancestors and families. I had to struggle through that … Someone had to fly the flag. It was just something that needed to be done.”
Gilson said there is a growing “want for
knowledge” in today’s culture, and that the acceptance he felt performing the first Welcome to Country at Golden Plains festival was “unbelievable”.
“I sung them a call and response, and the power from their voice singing back to me put the hair up on my back and arms,” he said.
For Gilson, sharing stories is one of the starting points of reconciliation.
“Reconciliation to me it’s all about the histories, and sharing of our culture and our identity, and how we can walk together into the future… It’s all a part of acknowledging the trials and tribulations and the strengths
POEM: The Potkorok from Yaramlok
Inside a dark black billabong
A man with jagged teeth he waits
For unsuspecting fishermen
Or swimmers who are brave
He dances around under the ground
In his subterranean cave
He dances around under the ground
In his subterranean cave
And waits and sleeps in billabong deep
For fools… To meet their fate
“I am the Potkorok from Yaramlok”
“I own these waters deep”
“Those who dare to come beware”
“You will awaken me from my sleep”
“My scales and skin and jagged teeth”
“Await you when i pull your fishing line”
“You will go missing when you are fishing”
“In a watery grave for all time”
He made a little canoe
It’s name was ‘Bundjil Dawang Un”
He called it “sir bent pole”
From a red gum tree it begun,
To sail down the Yaramlok
Meaning “gum tree in the water”
They paint the ochre stumps
From droughts and bumps
To please the rivers daughter
that my family went through to even survive in this landscape and put ourselves back into the context of history,” he said.
Gilson’sstoriestieintoa“hiddenhistory”of the land, and respecting that land is another important aspect of Reconciliation.
“You’ve got to make a decent sustainable change to bring about saving ecosystems and biodiversity that was here for thousands of years,” he said
“Years ago this place would have been paradise. We don’t see that beauty anymore because it’s fading and the window of opportunity to save everything is getting smaller and smaller every year… we just start
He made a fishing hook from a stone
And upon it was a hole
To fashion around it some rope
From the stringy bark bent pole
And fish for some kawiyn
The black fish it was known
And go back into his billabong
And sit upon his throne
He sings his songs all day and night
Waiting for his next catch
Any sound of movement in his lair
He peeks his nostrils through the hatch
And bubble and splash
And scare them off
When he tries to rest
For when his fat belly is full
You will find him at his best
“I am the Potkorok from Yaramlok”
“I am the monster from the billabong”
“If you listen quietly down near the Yaramlok”
“You just might hear my song”
“Yaramlok But But Buluk”
“Kim Barne Potkorok”
“Billabong Dirda Yalock”
“Potkorok Yaramlok”
the urban sprawl and we don’t think about anything like that… there’s no saving and resurrecting monuments in the land that are held sacred, it’s all just a place where we can build.”
“Thelandshouldberespectedeverydayyou wake up. Not just one week here and there, because every day I’m living on my family’s land that have been here for thousands of years.”
Moving forward Gilson has high hopes for the change the next generation bring.
“The children now are so respectful, in 20 years when they’re adults we’ll be on some beautiful path I reckon,” he said.
Barry Gilson performing on stage. (Supplied)
Star Weekly seeks an enthusiastic sales executive to work across our print, digital, social and online platforms. Star Weekly is an independently owned company which prides itself on its long history of community experience but also its investment in the future. The successful applicant will need to possess good people skills to enable them to meet with local businesses to sell solutions through our advertising platforms to help promote their business. Applicants will need their own reliable vehicle for which we will provide an allowance. The position is salaried, plus we offer an open ended commission scheme. Send your application letter and resume to: Advertising Sales Manager, Mandy Clark 12570945-JC40-22
Motor vehicle accident help from Saines Lucas
Victorianscanclaimthecriticalcompensation they are entitled to if the unthinkable happens and they are involved in a motor vehicle accident.
The Transport Accident Commission (TAC) provides a range of benefits for victims and those affected by motor vehicle accidents. This includes people injured as pedestrians and passengers on public transport such as buses, trains and trams.
It’simportanttoseekhelpassoonaspossible after an accident by reporting it to Police and contacting the TAC by phone to lodge a claim.
The TAC provides a range of benefits, including:
• Compensation for lost earnings;
• Payment of hospital, medical and rehabilitation expenses;
• Compensationforpermanentimpairmentof over 10 per cent; and
• In some cases, where serious injuries are suffered, lump sum compensation for pain & suffering and loss of earnings.
For those seriously injured, the TAC can even cover the costs of vehicle and home modifications and rehabilitation aids.
It is important to seek legal advice and familiarise yourself with the rights and entitlements of TAC claimants, especially the 12-month time limit to challenge any decision by TAC, should TAC write to you and affect any of your benefits.
Working with a specialist personal injury lawyer is a great way to ensure that all your financial entitlements are received.
Nick Lyons and Saines Lucas Solicitors are passionate advocates for accident victims who are injured through no fault of their own.
Forover30years,NickandtheSainesLucas team have strived to bring justice and quality of life back to those whose lives have been devastatingly changed by their accidents.
Specialising in motor accidents, the Saines Lucas team is well known and respected for its unwavering dedication to obtaining the best results for its clients.
For the last four years, Nick and Saines Lucas Solicitors have been recognised in the Doyles Guide to the Best Lawyers in Australia for their dedication services in motor vehicle accident claims.
With an experienced team of 24 staff, including six solicitors, three of whom specialise in personal injury, Nick and Saines Lucas Solicitors guarantee to be uncompromising in their services for all clients, ensuring that justice is sought for those affected by accident or misfortune, in order to give them a better quality of life and restore any lost dignity from their injuries. The team provides initial free, no obligation advice and “no win, no fee” terms.
Melton Office, 33 Bakery Square, Melton Phone: (03) 5332 1584
Main Office: 104 Lydiard Street South, Ballarat. Phone: (03) 5332 1584
14 MELTON & MOORABOOL STAR WEEKLY Tuesday, 6 June, 2023
FEATURING ... MY BUSINESS Advertising feature
GRUFFALO PLUSH & BOOKS Order now on 12607102-KG21-23
Saines Lucas Solicitors managing partner and accredited personal injury specialist Nick Lyons.
WANT YOUR EVENT LISTED? Community Calendar is made available free of charge to not-for-profit organisations to keep the public informed of special events and activities. Send item details to Star Weekly Community Calendar, Corner Thomsons Road and Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park, 3042, or email to by 9am Wednesday the week prior to publication
Sunrise Social Groups
GenWest Sunrise Social Groups are currently seeking new members for their Melton, Brimbank and Wyndham programs. The free groups are organised by Genwest and provide a social space for women, gender diverse and nonbinary people, who have a disability, chronic health issues and/or mental health challenges.
■ health-wellbeing-programs/
The Gap on Graham
The Gap provides a place for Melton youth to hang out, socialise, play games and learn new skills. The centre holds a night for girls aged 10 to 18 years at 5 Graham Street, Melton, on Wednesday evenings. There is also a drop-in night for anyone aged 12 to 25 years old.
■ Val, 0414 769 605
Melton Men’s Group
Melton Men’s Group meet every Thursday from 5pm to 8pm at Arnolds Creek
Children’s and Community Centre, 19 Claret Ash Boulevard, Harkness. Focusing on senior men’s mental and physical wellbeing. Join the group for a cuppa and a chat, listen to guest speakers and participate in activities including carpet bowls, pool or table tennis.
Take weight off naturally
Struggling to lose weight? Struggling to get motivated? Want to try and do it in a friendly and less stressful atmosphere? Come and join TOWN (Take Weight Off Naturally) every Tuesday at 6pm at the Darlingsford Barn, Darlingsford Boulevard, Melton.
■ Catherine, 0416 612 517, or Bob, 0411 824 739
Parkinson’s support group
The Melton Parkinson’s Support Group meets on the second Thursday of the month 10.30am–12.30pm at Kurunjang Community Centre, 33-35 Mowbray Crescent, Kurunjang. New members and carers welcome.
■ Helen, 0409 186 576
Melton Bridge Club
The Melton Bridge Club has recommenced weekly social Bridge sessions at the Melton Library on Fridays from 10am-noon. Come along to play an exciting, social card game and have loads of fun. Bridge offers the suspense of poker, the cerebral qualities of chess and the excitement of athletic sports, all in a relaxed and social setting. If you like playing cards this is for you.
■ Rosemary, 0407 894 817
Melton Friendship Group
Join the Melton Friendship Group for singles 55 and older. Meet fortnightly for coffee and chat nights and organised affordable outings and events.
■ 0406 493 734
Melton Valley Ladies Probus Club
The Melton Valley Ladies Probus Club meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 10am at Melton Country Club. New members welcome.
■ Ann, 0425 705 150
Melton South Knit & Natter
All are welcome to join this social crafting group, running at the Melton South Community Centre each Monday from 10am-noon. Bring along any knitting or crochet projects and work on them while sharing tips, learning skills and catching up over a cuppa.
■ 9747 8576
Zonta club meets
Zonta is an international organisation bringing women together to support other women. The Zonta Club of Melton meets on the first Monday of each month at Melton Country Club, Reserve Road, Melton.
■ Suzanne, 0417 512 420
U3A Melton
U3A Melton offers among its activities a book group, Australian history and a gentle exercise class for those 55 and older who are retired or semi-retired who wish to stay mentally and physically active.
■ 0419 563 016
Melton Combined Probus Club
The Melton Probus Club meets on the first
Tuesday of each month at the Melton Dart Club, 63a Reserve Road, from 9.45am.
■ 9746 0271
Rose Carers Of Maddingley Park
The Rose Carers meet Wednesdays from 10am-noon at Maddingley Park, corner of Grant and Taverner streets, Bacchus Marsh, to maintain two beautiful rose gardens. New volunteers are always welcome – with or without experience.
■ Elaine Greenhall, 0418 171 119, or 0400 052 857
Melton Cycling Club
Melton Cycling Club meets for regular Sunday rides. There are three different riding groups to cater for different abilities starting at 7.30am. The rides finish at
Lazy Moe’s for a cuppa.
■ 0403 057 003
Community singing group
If you love to sing, come join the Melton Singers. The group rehearses regularly and also performs at aged care facilities. The group is very relaxed and sings songs mainly from the 60’s and 70’s. It meets Tuesdays at 10am.
■ Val, 0418 667 150
Rotary Club of Melton
The Rotary Club of Melton invites new guests to join its meetings, held on the first and third Tuesday of every month, 6pm at Tabcorp Park, Melton.
Melton Trauma Teddies
Melton Trauma Teddies are seeking volunteers to assist with knitting, stuffing, or stitching teddy-bears that go to children in their time of need.
■ Jean, 0412 931 498
Boomerang Bags Bacchus Marsh
Boomerang Bags Bacchus Marsh make reusable shopping bags from rescued fabric. They need people to cut, sew, iron and market our bags. The group meets on the first Sunday each month at Darley Neighbourhood House 2pm-5pm.
Garden Club
The Bacchus Marsh and District Garden Club meets on the second Tuesday of each month except January. 7.30pm at The Laurels, 229 Main Street, Bacchus Marsh. Guest speakers and supper provided. Yearly membership or $15. New members welcome.
■ Michelle, 0421 106 268
Bacchus Marsh Senior Citizens
Join to play cards, bingo, indoor bowls or pool. Visitors are encouraged to come and see how much you will love the activities and the company. After two weeks, you’ll be anxious to become a member. Meet at the Andy Arnold Centre, 10 Bennett Street, Bacchus Marsh. Different activities at different times.
■ Hope, 0417 905 364
First Aid courses
Melton South Community Centre offers a range of First Aid courses, including HLTAID009, HLTAID011 and HLTAID012, and is now taking enrolments for Saturday, June 24. Call the centre for information, including times and prices, or to enrol.
■ 9747 8576
Dip Powder Nails workshop
Learn to do your own SNS-style manicures in Melton South Community Centre’s upcoming Dip Powder Nails workshop, happening on Saturday, June 24, from10am to 4pm. In this fun and hands-on single day course, you’ll learn all about natural nail and tip application, nail repair, removal, refills and jewel nail art. Students receive a kit of materials and a certificate of participation. Cost: $150 or $145 concession; call the centre for information and enrolments.
■ 9747 8576
Community Band
Greater Western Community Band, (founded 1991) is based in Melton. Rehearsals are on Thursdays 7.30pm to 9.30pm at Blackwood Drive Hall, Melton South. It welcomes musicians young and old to come along and join in with the band. Also available for performance at events and festivals.
■ Sally Hamond, 0401 474 582
This week’s photographer’s choice picture is of ‘Princess on Skates’ Belle Hadiwidjaja for the Winter Community Festival. (Damjan Janevski) 337548_01
To solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in: each of the nine vertical columns, each of the nine horizontal rows and each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes. Remember, no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box.
1 True (8)
5 Takes footage online (6)
10 Available over the bar (2,3)
11 Male name (9)
12 Football strike with the head (6)
13 Ways (7)
14 Uncivilised (8)
15 Art of dwarfing shrubs or trees (6)
18 Classic Nabokov novel (6)
20 Most distant (8)
21 Impulse (7)
24 Marks or courses left by moving bodies (6)
27 Social exclusion (9)
28 Articles (5)
29 Actors with small roles (6)
30 Brings to life (8)
1 Upon (4)
2 Principal church of a diocese (9)
3 Very quick (5)
4 Rail around ship’s stern (8)
6 Comic book villain (7)
7 Egyptian capital (5)
8 Provisional (9)
9 Period (4)
14 Maryland city (9)
16 Most pungent (9)
17 Large Australian spider (8)
19 – Maslany, star of Orphan Black (7)
22 Small in French (5)
23 Go by ship (4)
25 Adage (5)
26 Egyptian goddess (4)
1 14
2 15
3 16
4 17
5 18
6 19
7 20
8 21
9 22
10 23
11 24
12 345678910111213
12 25
453912687 391257864
176485392 645839271
745689123 491738562
682173945 823516497
easy medium hard
T Today’s Aim:
928673415 378492615
584926371 462851739
637518924 159673842
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1415 1617181920212223242526 Z Q K I J R N S O T H D X E P Y C W U L F G B M A V Insert the missing letters to make 10 words – five reading across the grid and five reading down. NOTE: more than one solution may be possible
No. 136
09-06-23 Puzzles and pagination © Pagemasters |
1 What sea lies between Australia and New Zealand?
2 Which planet in our solar system has the most moons?
3 True or false: traditionally, marshmallows are not vegan?
4 Which video games studio developed RPG Cyberpunk 2077?
5 Jodie Comer (pictured) plays which character on UK spy series KillingEve?
6 Is Penfolds Grange wine made from red or white grapes?
7 SunflowerSeeds (2010), CocaCola Vase (2014) and Forever Bicycles (2017) are sculptural works by which Chinese artist?
8 What is the smallest whale species still living?
9 What was the debut novel of sci-fi author William Gibson, released in 1984?
10 Flädlesuppe (pancake soup) is a traditional dish from
13 26 MV ANSWERS: 1. Tasman Sea 2. Jupiter 3. True (due to the gelatine) 4. CD Projekt Red 5. Villanelle (Oksana Astankova) 6. Red 7. Ai Weiwei 8. Dwarf sperm whale 9. Neuromancer 10. Germany
16 MELTON & MOORABOOL STAR WEEKLY Tuesday, 6 June, 2023
No. 136
No. 136
No. 136
9 83 4 167 391 49 26 6485 8392 23 69 415 easy 4928 1 93 18 7 5689 1 76 49 83 59 32 65 7 medium 81 82 97 39 19 4 96 41 42 57 31 28 95 6 hard
Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”. D F 23 words: Good 34 words: Very good 46 words: Excellent
Marsh Bacchus Marsh Information Centre 215 Main Street
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• Ballan IGA Plus Liquor - Ballan 135 Inglis Street
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• Darley Pharmasave Darley Pharmacy Shop Shop 5, 151 Gisborne Road (Darley Plaza Shopping Centre)
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• Diggers Rest FoodWorks 22 Glitter Road
• Diggers Rest Post Office 76 Old Calder Highway
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Highway upgrade pledge
• Melton Milk Bar 44 Burleigh Road
• Melton Waves Leisure Centre 206 Coburns Road
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Tuesday, 6 June, 2023 MELTON & MOORABOOL STAR WEEKLY 17 STARWEEKLY.COM.AU SECTION Enjoy local NEWS every week Pick up your copy of Melton & Moorabool Star Weekly from any of the locations below.. Or, subscribe to our FREE digital edition and have it sent to your device every week! Pick up your FREE newspaper from these local outlets... • Bacchus Marsh The Big Apple Cafe 434 Bacchus Marsh Road • Bacchus Marsh Foodworks - Baccus Marsh 1 Bennett Street • Bacchus Marsh Coles Supermarket Cnr Bennett and Young Street (The Village Shopping Centre) • Bacchus Marsh Shell Coles Service Station 20-22 Gell Street • Bacchus Marsh APCO Service Station 13 Gisborne Road • Bacchus Marsh Allan Mance Holden 4 Graham Street • Bacchus Marsh UFS Pharmacy 25-27 Grant Street • Bacchus Marsh 7/11 Service Station 28 Main Street • Bacchus Marsh Newsagency 138 Main Street • Bacchus Marsh Arbee Real Estate 140 Main Street • Bacchus Mart Indian Grocery Store shop 47&48/ 160 Main Street • Bacchus Marsh Village UFS Pharmacy 66/160-192 Main Street • Bacchus Marsh Sweeney Real Estate 153 Main Street • Bacchus Marsh Australia Post Office shop 6/ 176 Main Street • Bacchus Marsh Stockdale and Leggo Real Estate 191 Main Street • Bacchus Marsh Milk Bar the Avenue 208 Main Street • Bacchus
Vale General Store 1486 Diggers Rest-Coimadai Road 12579858-JC48-22 Scan this QR code to Subscribe for FREE now! Or visit: 22 NOVEMBER, Established in 1981 as the proudly serving Melton and Moorabool MoreFixOurRoadscoverage:Page5 FREEDIGITALEDITION SIGNUP NOW 12496404-AV22-21 FINANCE INSURANCE TYRESGENUINEACCESSORIES TINTING REPAIR&RESTORESERVICES ROADSIDEKINTO+CARHIRE ASSISTANCE T e mo et an ea at MeltonT yota MeltonToyota 143-147HighStreet, Melton T: 8746 0300 LMCT 1976 TALKTOUS ABOUT 12554985-JW27-22 Kryal Castle chief executive Bart Hamilton. Castle back in business The team at Kryal Castle spent long months during COVID quietly making improvements and practicing their craft with a live-in skeleton crew that included world champion jouster Phill Leitch. Post-lockdown, the medieval theme park has boomed back into action, and been rewarded for its efforts with nomination for Best Tourism Attraction Victoria by the Victorian Tourism Industry Council. Kryal Castle executive Bart Hamilton said the nomination feels “amazing”. “It’s been quite a long journey from coming back from COVID as has been for most tourism entities, but the team has put in such an incredible amount work over the last 12 18 months to get us back to where we are now,” he said. Since 1970, Kryal Castle has aimed to provide guests with an immersive medieval experience for kids and adults. Within the castle walls you can witness the highlights of the middle ages – jousting, sword fighting, potion-making wizards, an executioner, a torture dungeon, and a maze. The awards will be decided at a gala the Melbourne Convention Centre on December 1. LiamMcNally ByLiamMcNally Labor has pledged $10 million dollars for aifbusinesscasetoupgradetheWesternHighway it wins the state election on Saturday, November Last week, the state Labor party announced it would match $10 million incommitmentfromfederalLabormadeearlier case would explore the needs along the stretch of Western Highway from MeltonthroughtoCarolineSprings. TheWesternHighwayisoneofthesixroads Meltoncouncilhasbeencallingonstateand federal governments to help fund in its ‘Fix OurRoads’campaign. State Transport Infrastructure Minister Jacinta Allan said a re-elected Labor government will deliver safer roads and improved traffic flow for families in Melton. “We’redoingwhatmatters,delivering betterroadstogetVictorianshomesoonerand safer,”shesaid. MeltonMP SteveMcGhiesaid Western Highway was “critical road link”. Labor candidate for Kororoit Luba Grigorovitch saidthebusinesscasewouldhelpaddress“the criticalneed”forMeltoncommuters. In October the Liberal Party pledged $700 million to upgrade the Western Highway, as part of $1.5 billion west roads package, if elected. Melton mayor Lara Carli said council ispleasedwithLabor’selectioncommitment,but that there is more work needed. business case will provide a clear direction on how toofupgradeandfuture-proofthishighwayinone Australia’sfastestgrowingareas,”shesaid. “While we acknowledge this funding will not deliver the critical upgrades we’re asking for,itisanimportantfirststepinbringingthis majorarterialroadtostandard. “More than 5000 people have signed the Fix Our Roads petition and I’d like to thank ourcommunityforshowingallpartieswhat’s important to them. There’s still time to get behind the campaign and I’d encourage everyonetoaddtheirvoice. “We look forward to working closely with the State and Federal governments after the election to ensure key roads in the City of Meltongettheattentiontheydeserve.”
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1. Which two teams featured in the 2022/23 A-League Grand Final?
2. In what year did Damian Hardwick become the coach of Richmond?
3. And how many AFL premiereships did he
5. Which country will host the 2023 ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup?
6. The W Series is a global competition in which female participants compete in which sport?
7. Who holds the record Test cricket score, with
13. Former Australian tennis player Sam Stosur retired from the sport in what year?
14. How many players are on the court at once for one team in netball?
15. Andrew Abdo is the CEO of which Australian sporting organisation?
16. Australian wicketkeeper Alyssa Healy is married to which cricketer?
17. Mick Malthouse has coached how many AFL teams?
18. Former Australian basketballer Andrew Gaze is currently on which AFL TV program?
General Notices
1. The proposed 5G upgrade will consist of:
•Removal of three (3) existing shared Vodafone and Optus panel antennas.
•Installation of three (3) new Vodafone panel antennas and three (3) new Optus panel antennas (each measuring not more than 2.8m in length).
•Installation of three (3) new Vodafone 5G antennas and six (6) new Optus 5G antennas (each measuring not more than 2.8m in length).
• Installation of a new headframe.
•Installation of ancillary equipment including remote radio units (RRUs), GPS antennas, antenna mounts, feeders, cabling, combiners and other associated equipment; and ancillary works within the existing equipment shelter.
2. Vodafone and Optus regard the proposed installation as a Low-impact Facility under the Telecommunications (Low-impact Facilities) Determination 2018 (“The Determination”) based on the description above.
3. In accordance with Section 7 of C564:2020 Mobile Phone Base Station Deployment Code, we invite you to provide feedback about the proposal. Further information and/or comments should be directed to:
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22.Who is the coach for the Queensland Reds rugby union team?
23.Which team announced they will withdraw from the Super Netball competition at the end of the 2023 season?
27. Which premiership team does Aussie soccer star Garang Kuol currently play for on loan?
28.And what league does the team play in?
Premier League teams have been relegated
19. Formula 1 racing driver Max Verstappen was born in which country?
20.In which year was curling added to the Winter Olympics program?
21. Former Essendon star Tom Bellchambers KO’ed which AFL great at a boxing match in Melbourne?
King’s Birthday 12th June
Classified deadlines for Tuesday, 13th June issue of the Melton-Moorabool Star Weekly as follows:
FRIDAY 9th JUNE at 1.30pm
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT an application under Section 52 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 has been lodged with The City of Melton for a permit for the Variation of Restriction 1 on PS842478W to remove and replace the restriction relevant to the memorandum of Common Provisions referenced in the plan.
A copy of the application is available for inspection at or at the offices of Melton City Council between the hours of 8.30am and 5.00pm, Monday – Friday, by appointment only. Telephone (03) 9747 7200 to make an appointment. Any person may lodge a submission in respect of the application within 14 days of publication of this notice. Submissions must be in writing and addressed to Melton City Council, Civic Centre, 232 High Street, MELTON VIC 3337. Please note that any written submission received will be treated as a public document.
24.By how many points did Essendon beat Richmond in Dreamtime at the G?
25.And prior to their win, how many years had it been since Essendon beat Richmond at Dreamtime?
26.Olympic athlete Tess Madgen is the coach of which Australian team?
1.The proposed installation will involve the following: The installation of nine (9) new 4G/5G Optus 4G/5G panel antennas on the existing monopole on a new headframe below the existing Telstra headframe Installation of Remote Radio Units (RRU’s) The installation of ancillary equipment such as cable trays, feeders, cabling and other associated equipment necessary for the proper function of the facility
2.This installation is exempt from Local & State Government approval in accordance with Telecommunications (Low-impact Facilities) Determination 2018, Part 1—Radio facilities item 4, Part 3—Above ground housing Item 5, Part 8- Co-located Facilities Item 1 and Part 3 Low Impact Facilities Clause 4 based on the descriptions above.
Contact:Town Planning Department
Ph:0437 015 282
Postal: Unit 9, 137-145 Rooks Road, Nunawading, VIC 3131
Submissions due by COB Tuesday 20th June 2023.
29. Which tournament did professional golfer Brooks Koepka win at Oak Hill Country Club, New York?
30.Which team won the 2022 FIBA Women’s Basketball World Cup?
General Classifieds
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Tuesday, 6 June, 2023 MELTON & MOORABOOL STAR WEEKLY 19
1. Melbourne City and Central Coast Mariners 2. 2010 3. Three (2017, 2019, 2020) 4. Adelaide 5. India 6. Motor Racing 7. Brian Lara 8. St Kilda 12. Leicester City and Leeds 13. 2022 14. Seven 15. The NRL 16. Mitchell Starc 17. Four (Western Bulldogs, West Coast, Collingwood and Carlton) 23. Collingwood Magpies 24. One 25. Nine years 26. National Women’s Basketball Team (Opals) 27. Hearts 28. Scottish Professional Football League. Max Verstappen Keanu Reeves 0906 General Finditinthe section of Network Classifieds. Rainbow Club 48 Davies Avenue, Sunshine North 9364 0770 SWA6566B $110/ 30mins Open 7 days 12561969-JC32-22 FREE CAR REMOVAL Pay up to $500 for most cars Dead or Alive LMCT 10268W 7 days a week service Call Gus for a free quotation on 0435 904 818 12321532-HM36-16 Motoring section of Network Classifieds. Buy&Sellinour V Wrecking RELAXATION MASSAGE 7 days, 10am - 8pm. St Albans. Phone 0458 891 066or0438842866. V Adult Services Motoring ADVERTISERS, in this section are qualified practitioners and offer nonsexualservices. A TEACHER Available for tutoring. Mathematics, Science, Chemistry, ChineseandJapanese.Phone 0418 871 203 V Massage Therapists V Tuition General Classifieds Find local work in the Employment section of Network Classifieds. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT ACT 1987 Permit Number PA2023/8342/1 14-20 Fold Circuit, BONNIE BROOK, LOTS: 4817 –4820, PS: 842478W, V/F: 12430/901
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Gladiator ready for all intruders
By Derek Ogden, Marque Motoring
With the enemy gathering at the gates, Fort Jeep townsfolk have sent out a Gladiator to challenge the would-be intruders. And this warrior turns out to be one of the toughest, smartest, most accomplished members of the Rubicon cohort.
While the opposition, which includes the Toyota HiLux Rogue, Ford Ranger Raptor X, NissanPRO-4XWarriorandIsuzuD-Maxhave all put on airs and graces, the Wrangler-based Gladiator Rubicon comes fit for any dirty arena fight.
Standing alone among this mob, the Jeep dual cab utility can be stripped down to bare bones by the removal of roof sections, doors and even the windscreen. Not that it’s short on the finer things of off-roading such as a handy 249 mm of ground clearance.
The Gladiator is a pick-up or cab chassis 4x4 built in United States, with prices starting at $78,250, plus on-road costs, for the entry-level Night Eagle and jumping to $87,250 for the Rubicon.
Warranty is five years or 100,000 kilometres at intervals of 12 months or 12,000 kilometres, whichever comes first. Capped price servicing is on offer too.
At first glance there is no doubting the Gladiator Rubicon’s pedigree. From the seven-slot radiator grille to the exposed bonnet latches and twin air vents it’s a Jeep through and through.
The squared off cabin takes up a typical Wrangler story, with the addition of a factory-fitted lined steel tub, with damped opening tail gate, Trail Rail tie-down load loops and a range of tonneau covers, including a powered automatic version. The tail gate is linked to the central locking system of the dual cab and the cargo area is well lit for easy access in the dark.
Asteeloff-roadrearbumper,rockrailsunder both the cab and bed and more are designed to protect the underbody in rough going. A set of 17-inch Granite Crystal alloy wheels is standard on Rubicon, adding to the pick-up’s assertive street and off-road stance.
The spacious cabin, kitted out in quality materials, including, in the case of the test vehicle, black leather upholstery with Rubicon Red Stitching, embroidered seatback, platinum chrome bezels and a fair share of red metallic highlights. As for dancing in the dust (or mud), things are brought down to earth with the addition of rubber mats.
Comfort is enhanced by heated front seats and steering wheel, together with dual zone climate control air-con. The cabin does have its ‘Jeepish’ quirks, such as the lack of curved surfaces (squares and rectangles dominate) and a crowded centre stack with a mix of knobs and switches topped off by a high-set 8.4-inch touchscreen.
Gear is kept safe and secure with lockable
storage in the rear seating area. Lifting up the rear seat reveals a removable bin. The seatback folds down for access to more secure space illuminated with LED lights.
The 8.4-inch Jeep Uconnect touchscreen, small by today’s standards, is rescued by the clarity of its display of info, including sat nav maps, access to Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, an Alpine nine-speaker sound system, digital radio, and steering-wheel-mounted audio buttons.
Two speakers are situated in a beam arching over the cab between front and rear seats, so they are still operational with the roof panels removed. Bush dance partakers note, in a compartment behind the driver’s seat is a self-charging removable Bluetooth speaker.
Engines / transmissions
3-litre 209 kW / 347 Nm V6 petrol engine and sent to ground via an eight-speed automatic transmission and part-time four-wheel drive, with low range on call in tough going.
The three-star (out of five) safety rating is below par due to the lack of lane keeping and departure warning, and the absence of
pedestrian and cyclist emergency braking.
The Gladiator does have forward collision warning, adaptive cruise control, blind spot monitor, rear cross-traffic alert, autonomous emergency braking and electronic stability control.
With 249 mm ground clearance getting into and out of the Gladiator is quite a tall order for anybody of average height or below. Grab handles back and front come into welcome play with each manoeuvre. Single-stage opening doors are not at their best in tight shopping centre car parks.
On moving off, from the word go, the pick-up responded instantly to accelerator action, resulting in a firm push in the back. The
transmission delivered smooth transport of power to the road, accompanied by the hum of standard 255/75 R17 off-road tyres.
Jeep claims a combined urban / highway fuel consumption of 12.4 litres per 100 kilometres. Best on test was 8.4 litres per 100 kilometres under low load at motorway cruising speed. Town trips accounted for up to 14 litres per 100 kilometres.
A skinny foot well and the absence of a left footrest could cause some driver instability during tough going off road. It’s a letdown, especially with the Gladiator’s trail-rated tag with reference to its Rubicon test results.
The suspension, however, is up for almost anything. Up front its coil spring, stabiliser bar, gas pressure shock, leading arm, track bar solid axle and link coil doing the work, while at the rear there’s a trailing arm.
The Trail Rated Jeep Gladiator features a high air intake and special water sealing to help fording creeks at depths of up to 760mm. Braked towing maximum is put at 2721kg and an unbraked towing capacity of 750 kg.
While today’s pick-up truck arena has no shortage of combative talent on show, the Gladiator Rubicon has the chops to knock off any off-road challenger. And, like it or not, you’ll definitely stand out from the crowd.
Jeep puts
to good use in
Wrangler basics
the Gladiator dual-cab utility. (Pictures:
AT A GLANCE MODEL RANGE Jeep Gladiator Night Eagle $78,250 Jeep Gladiator Rubicon $87,250 SPECIFICATIONS Jeep Gladiator Rubicon 3.6L V6 petrol, 8sp automatic, 4WD Note: These prices do not include government or dealer delivery charges. Contact your local Jeep dealer for drive-away prices.
Thoroughbreds fall short again against Gators
The Altona Gators were able to hold off the Melton Thoroughbreds in an overtime thriller in the Big V men’s division 2 competition.
While at different ends of the ladder, it meant little on Saturday night with the Gators winning 100-99.
Scores were level at quarter time, before the Gators opened a four point lead heading into half time.
The Thoroughbreds responded and with a 26-20 third quarter were able to take the lead by two points heading into the final quarter. Having not won since before the Easter break, there was plenty of pressure on the Thoroughbreds.
The two teams traded the lead in the last quarter as they looked to get any advantage that they could.
The Thoroughbreds led by two points with 15 seconds left after Cooper McIntosh hit a throw.
The Gators called a time out to set up some final seconds plays.
The Gators went for the win with Thomas Georgiadis putting up a three-point shot.
The shot missed by Adam Anderson got the rebound and put the tip back in to level the scores.
Liam Allison had a two point shot to win the game for the Thoroughbreds but it missed forcing the game to overtime.
The two teams continued to trade points in the overtime period, with the game going down to the final play of the game.
The Thoroughbreds hit the lead for the final time with 22 seconds remaining through two free throws made by Liam Allison.
Georgiadis missed a lay up to level the scores, but the Gators got an offensive rebound. Anderson then missed a lay up, but Tyson Burton got the tip in with one second to go to give his side the win, 100-99.
Anderson finished with 27 points for the Gators, while Jovan Bojanic scored 23 points off the bench.
For the Thoroughbreds, Koby Skenderis top scored with 28 points, while Blake Allison had 22 points.
The Thoroughbreds sit bottom with just two wins for the season.
There is a bye this week for the King’s Birthday.
The Thoroughbreds host the Whittlesea Pacers before playing the Mornington Breakers in the next round.
Meanwhile, it was a tough weekend for the Thoroughbreds youth league men’s division 2 team.
TravellinguptofacetheAlburyWodonga Bandits, the Thoroughbreds were heavily beaten, losing 103-50.
James Conroy top scored with 13 points. The Thoroughbreds sit seventh in their pool.
Devils still undefeated
By Tara Murray
Darley stamped itself as the Ballarat Football League premiership favourites after beating Melton in the top of the table clash on Saturday.
Both sides entered the clash at Macpherson Park undefeated, with the Devils coming out on top and maintaining their perfect record.
Devils president Mark Shelly said it had been a match they were looking forward to.
“As far as we were concerned, we would find out where we were at,” he said.
“No disrespect to the other teams that we’ve played, in our mind Melton is the benchmark in the competition.
“Firstly, to match it with them and then b, come away with a win was really good.
“We hadn’t beaten them since 2017 and they had won their previous 16 games at home, it was a massive win.”
TheBloodskickedwithaslightbreezeinthe first quarter and led by seven points at quarter time, before the Devils led by four points at the main break.
Interleague squad named
The up and coming stars of the Ballarat Football League will be on show as interleague representative football returns.
The league announced an initial squad of 58 players, with a final 22 and two emergencies to be named closer to July 1, when the league will take on the Hampden Football League.
The teams this year will consist of players who are under-23 to give exposure to that talent who have missed out on representative football the last three years.
There has been no interleague football the last few seasons due to COVID-19, with the BFL one of a few leagues to have it return this year.
Players from all 11 clubs have been named in the BFL initial squad.
Jack Parente is the single player named from Bacchus Marsh, while Mace Cousins, Bailey Young, Adam Azzopardi, Zane Le Huray and Lucas Impey have been named from Darley.
The Sunbury Lions have the most representatives in the squad with eight players. Victorian Football League listed players Jake Sutton and Harrison Minton-Connell headline the Lions selections. Former Essendon rookie Cody Brand, Cody Bramble, Jake Egan, Riley Miller, Jack Newitt and Joel Muir are the others selected.
It was five points the Bloods way heading into the final break. The Devils kicked three goals to nil in the final term, to win 11.10 (76)-8.17 (17).
Shelly said it was a good game of football.
“It was hotly contested with both teams having patches of the game on their terms,” he said.
“We thought at three quarter time we were in the game, but we had to execute in the last quarter to get over the top of them.
“Looking for the sidelines the last five minutes we clearly had the game on our terms.”
Will Johnson and Billy Myers kicked three goals each for the Devils.
Shelly said Myers was their best, doing the job forward, down back and in the ruck.
For Melton, Ryan Carter and Bradan Kight kicked two goals each, with Blake Souter and Ben Archard named their best.
While on top, Shelly and the coaching group know there is still plenty of room for improvement to still come in the side.
There were still some outs of the senior side
on the weekend, while five players who have played in senior BFL flags were playing in the reserves.
“Thereisstillalotofscopeforimprovement,” he said. “Dan spoke to the group after the game.
“Clearly in his mind there is still room for improvement, but we’re starting to feel confident that we can go deep into September.
“We’re building something special.”
The biggest thing for the Devils is that they are not only 7-0 but they are still yet to play a home match.
Shelly said their next match against North Ballarat might have to be moved to Ballarat, with a possibility their new rooms are still not ready.
If that’s the case, the other match against North Ballarat will be moved to Darley, meaning they play their last eight games at home.
In other matches, North Ballarat beat Melton South, 29.32 (206)-2.2 (14), while Bacchus Marsh got its first win of the season beating Lake Wendouree, 10.8 (68)-8.10 (58).
Reigning premiers Melton have seven players named in the initial squad. Harrison Hanley, Kyle Borg, Conrad Farrugia, Jason Hibbert, Zac Russell, Lachlan Phillips and Max Scoble have been named in the squad.
While it has been tough going for Melton South this season, the Panthers young stars have been recognised.
Cody Chapman, Mitchell Fino, Riley Theo, Rhys Lee, Cassius White and Jarrod Bibby have all been named in the inaugural squad.
Carlton legend Anthony Koutoufides will coach the BFL side having first been named the league’s interleague coach back in 2020, which was cancelled due to COVID-19.
Three-time Brisbane Lions premiership player Jonathan Brown has been named Hampden’s coach. Assistant coaches and support staff for the representative side will be confirmed shortly.
Koby Skenderis top scored on Saturday night. (Jacob Pattison) 326150_18
Tara Murray
Melton’s Ryan Carter and Darley’s Billy Myers go up in the ruck. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 338083_04
EDFL takes points from St Albans and Hillside
St Albans and Hillside have been deducted four premiership points and received fines following an investigation into their called off Essendon District Football League division 1 match.
Both clubs received penalties following the match, which was called off by the umpires at three quarter time after spectators and players were involved in a brawl.
The league charged both clubs with breach/ esofbylaw34conductunbecomingarisingout oftheactionsofitsplayers,officials,supporters and persons associated with the club.
Both clubs were found guilty.
St Albans has been fined $25,000, while Hillside has been fined $20,000.
Both clubs have had a deduction of four premiership points for the 2023 season.
All players who participated in the match haveasuspendedsentenceofonematchforthe
remainder of the 2023 season.
Two officials from St Albans will be dealt by the EDFL board in a separate hearing, while a member of Hillside will also go before the EDFL board in a separate hearing.
St Albans has to advise and implement changes in and around its change rooms to ensure the safe passage of all the players’ officialsinandoutoftherooms,before,during and after games, in the short term and for the long term.
Both clubs are required to implement further education and training for all players, supporters and officials about anti-social behaviour and their code of interest.
The EDFL will be allocating $15,000 of the imposed sanction to a charity or organisation.
EDFL chairman Bernie Shinners made a statement on behalf of the board and EDFL operations.
“The EDFL is extremely disappointed in the behaviour of both the St Albans Football Club and Hillside Football Club in relation to their players, officials, and supporters and their actions prior to and after the round six match was abandoned,” he said.
“The penalties reflect the seriousness in which the EDFL has treated this matter and will treat similar events if they occur in the future.
“The EDFL will continue to show strong leadership to ensure any anti-social behaviour isstampedoutofthegameweloveandtoensure all feel welcome and safe in participating in and around matches.”
Meanwhile, three men have been issued with fines for behaving in a riotous manner following an alleged brawl at an Essendon District Football League match.
Bears win three in a row
Burnside Heights continued its good form making it three wins on the trot in the Essendon District Football League division 2.
Facing ladder leaders Oak Park, the Bears played four quarters for solid football to come away with their best win of the season.
Bears coach Cole Harvey said they were starting to click and it was showing on the scoreboard.
“It has been a big learning curve,” he said. “Learning our system and the way we want them to play and us as coaches.
“It’s been about playing together and playing our roles. Since the Taylors Lakes game everything has turned.
“It’s some reward for effort with the guys busting their arses every week.”
On Saturday, the Bears faced an Oak Park side that was coming off a rare loss.
The Bears led by two points at quarter time and then by nine points at the main break.
A five goal to three third quarter opened up the margin, with the Bears finishing it off to
win 16.15 (111)-12.8 (80).
Harvey said it was a really good game of football.
“It was a really competitive game,” he said. “They have such strong bodies and we matched it with them.
“They kept coming at us all day. They controlled play a few times. We were able to absorb that when they came late.
“Both sides used the ball really well at times.”
Jacob Elia, Jordan Hughes, Jack Wylie and Samuel Beckinsale kicked two goals each for the Bears.
Harvey said captain Jordan Hughes was clearly best on ground.
He also highlighted the games of Ferdinando Petrarca, Liam Mercieca and Hayden Da Cruz.
Despite knocking off Oak Park, Harvey said the Kangaroos still remain the team to beat.
“I was talking to Todd [Clark] before and after the game, they have a few out,” he said.
“We had four out, I reckon they had six or seven out.
“Talls like Lachlan Ronaldson, Hirsi Twomey, the Hotchkin brothers [Taylor and Jesse].
“If there was a day we were going to get them, yesterday [Saturday] was the day.”
The Bears sit fourth on the ladder, percentage ahead of Coburg Districts.
Having said pre-season that it would be a close competition and very unpredictable, Harvey said nothing has changed.
“It is so tight and competitive,” he said.
“It’s so even. The Sunbury Kangaroos touched up Hadfield on the weekend and we get them next game it will be a great challenge.
“Northern Saints beat Taylors Lakes, but have a few going overseas. East Sunbury is battling a little bit but they have the talent on the list to scare a few.”
Harvey said they would likely be fighting it out for fourth spot with Coburg Districts and the Sunbury Kangaroos.
notice following an alleged brawl which took place at a sports ground in Kings Park on May 20.
Police attended the division 1 game between St Albans and Hillside on Gillespie Road at about 4pm after a fight broke out between the teams and spectators.
Police dispersed the crowd and commenced and investigation, engaging with the league and the clubs associated in the incident.
The umpires called off the game at three quarter time.
Three men were interviewed by police on May 31 resulting in them being issued fines, which carry a penalty of $740.
It’s believed one of the men is associated with Hillside and two with St Albans.
The investigation remains ongoing.
Tara Murray
Sports shorts
Diggers Rest remains undefeated in the Riddell District Football League. The Burras faced Romsey on Saturday in an important game for both teams. The Redbacks jumped out of the blocks and led by 21 points at the first break. The Burras reduced the margin in the second quarter before taking the lead in the third quarter despite poor goal kicking. The Burras were able to hold on, winning 10.15 (75)-11.3 (69). Macedon, Woodend-Hesket and Riddell were the other winners.
The Western Rams fell just short of knocking off ladder leaders Macedon in the Riddell District Netball League on Saturday. The Rams trailed at the opening two breaks, before reducing the margin to one goal at the final break. It wasn’t to be for the Rams, with the Cats winning 42-39. Malia Seumanutafa shot 33 goals for the Rams. Meanwhile, Diggers Rest suffered another loss, this time to Romsey. The Redbacks led 20-6 at quarter time and didn’t look back, winning 54-28. Leona Hristovska shot 22 goals for the Burras. The Rams sit in sixth spot and the Burras in eighth.
Caroline Spring George Cross’ strong form continued on Friday night in the National Premier League 3 competition. Facing Box Hill United, the Georgies opened the scoring in the second minute, before Box Hill hit back later in the first half. The Georgies scored a second in the dying minutes to seal the 2-1 win. The Georgies sit in fourth spot with seven wins.
Western United head coach Mark Torcaso has been named the A-League women’s coach of the year.
In his first season as a professional head coach, Torcaso defied expectations with his young side. Torcaso led the side to a grand final berth in what was also their first season in the women’s competition. Although the side did not come out victorious, Torcaso said he couldn’t be happier with his group.
Melton & Moorabool Star Weekly
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Burnside Heights celebrate after Hayden Da Cruz kicked a goal (Ljubica Vrankovic) 338850_14
22 MELTON & MOORABOOL STAR WEEKLY Tuesday, 6 June, 2023
Young Cobras celebrate their first win in the BFL
Bacchus Marsh’s young squad has got some reward for effort with the Cobras getting their first win of the Ballarat Football League season on Saturday.
Having slowly improved as the season has progressed, the Cobras were able to hold their nerve late against Lake Wendouree to get the points, 10.8 (68)-8.10 (58).
Cobras coach Jason Williams said it was nice to finally get that win on the board.
“I said to the lads after the game it was nice to get the win and get reward for that effort,” he said.
“The first six rounds we’ve improved a lot since round one, but if you don’t get the results, that can be missed.
“They sure feel much better if they win and it’s nice to know they went well, without me
having to tell them.”
Lake Wendouree kicked the only goal of the match, before the Cobras took the lead. They were still in front by four points at the final break.
Williams said they were never able to break away from the Lakers.
“Outside of the first goal we led all game, but we couldn’t get away from them,” he said.
“It was a game of effort and I said to them, don’t lose it on effort and make sure you show up and dig deep.
“That is what we did. Some really big moments went our way.”
The final quarter the Cobras were able to kick two goals straight, while the Lakers kicked just six points.
Williams said while the Lakers were getting
those shots they were from difficult spots and under plenty of pressure.
Jake Owen kicked four goals for the Cobras in a best on ground performance.
Williams said Owen really led from the front in what was an otherwise even team performance.
“Jake was sensational, “he said.
“He had 15 marks and 13 were contested marks.
“He was important for us in not only competing, but winning the contest. We’re done a lot of work the last month and it’s paid off and certainly helped us win the game.”
The Cobras have this weekend off with the King’s Birthday weekend.
Williams said it was a good time for the bye, not only for the players but everyone across
the board after a busy start to the season. While they have a win under their belt, nothing changes for the Cobras when they get back on the field.
“There’s definitely some things to continue to work on,” he said. “In the position we are in, there’s always something to get better at and it’s usually big things.
“We look at things in four week chunks and we have one more in this four week period and then we’ll review.
“ It was really good to get the win, but we didn’t play as good as other parts of other games. To get the win not playing our best footy is another skill to have, which is good.”
Tara Murray
Storm beef up
Sydenham-Hillside has wasted no time in strengthening its squad for its first tilt in the Victorian Turf Cricket Association senior division.
Having locked in Warren Hackney as its coach, the Storm has announced a number of new signings, along with some key re-signings.
Derone Davis joins his former West Indian under-19 teammate Anthony Alleyne at the Storm.
Born in Trinidad and Tobago, Davis represented St Lucia and Tobago Knight Riders in the Caribbean Premier League.
The club said Davis would help lead their spin attack supported by Gayashan Weerasekera and Alleyne while also strengthening our middle order.
Declan Highgate returns to the Storm after two years at Victorian Sub-District Cricket Association club Strathmore where he opened the bowling.
He is a two-time premiership player and club junior at the Storm.
Hurricane Harley (Stuart McCormick)
Hurricane Harley victory
By Tim O’Connor
Hurricane Harley may have booked a himself amaidentripnorthforthewinterafterleading all the way in a successful return to the track in the Prydes Easifeed Lazarus Free For All at Melton on Saturday night.
FirstupsincefinishingfourthintheMiracle Mile, Hurricane Harley ($1.90 favourite) showed his customary gate speed to cross from a wide front row draw and was afforded a 31.8 second quarter ‘breather’ before reeling off a 26 second last 400 metres to score from the fast finishing Bettor Isolate.
DriverMarkPittindicatedaftertheracethat the seven-year-old could be part of the strong Emma Stewart trained contingent heading up to contest the Queensland Constellations Carnival later this month.
“I’m sure that they will target some of the better races with him and it’s important that he’s at peak fitness if he is looking towards the Queensland carnival,” Pitt said.
“Itwasimportantthatwegotalittlebreather there especially since he was first up after a spell and he’ll benefit from that run,” he said.
Bettor Isolate produced an eye catching effort at his first outing in free for all company flying home from mid-field to finish third breaking the clock in a slick last 400 metres.
Earlier in the night Queen Elida displayed the grit and tenacity reserved for elite performers in prevailing over her current
arch rival Ultimate Stride in the IRT Australia Lenin Trotters Free For All.
Ultimate Stride threw a 28.5 back straight quarter at Queen Elida who emerged from the ruck to issue a challenge to the leader as the pair cleared out from the rest of the field rounding the home turn locked together.
With Chris Alford throwing the reins at Queen Elida ($1.35 fav), the daughter of Love You refused to yield and stuck to her task resolutely scoring by a metre and a half on the line from Ultimate Stride with Courage Stride 12 metres away third.
Alford acknowledged the recent racetrack rivalry between his charge and the Chris Lang trained Ultimate Stride.
“We’ve had three goes with Ultimate Stride now, he’s going great with us getting the better of him the first time and then he got us the second time and we were able to get the job done tonight,” Alford said.
Alford admitted his confidence levels weren’t high on turning for home.
“At the top of the straight the other horse kicked and got about a neck on her and had her measure again but she tries that hard her head starts wobbling around and she just wants to win, not many horses have her will to win,” he said.
The Gary and Debbie Quinlan trained Knight Templar provided Alford with the middle pin of the winning treble when he outsprinted the $2.30 favorite Magnetic
Terror in the Opus Group Pace.
Alford said the muddling mid race tempo suited Knight Templar who was first up since December last year.
“He went really good, it was probably better going too slow first up than going too hard and having him off the bit at the 400,” he said.
“The leader got home in 27.1 and he pulled two lengths off it so he’s done a really good job.”
The reigning Gordon Rothacker Medallist completed a driving treble aboard the Peter Rixon prepared mare Im Presi Belle in the Allied Express Mares Championship.
Im Presi Belle settled at the rear of the small field while the $2.30 favorite Major Grace was tested in the lead during the middle stages which returned a 55.7 middle 800 metres.
Alford pulled Im Presi Belle ($10) four wide on straightening and the daughter of Mach Three produced a powerful finale to score in the three-way photo finish.
Alford was suitably impressed by Im Presi Belle who had won her previous five starts in NSW.
“You can’t fault five wins and a Canberra Cup in her last five, we needed the right run tonight and she was a long way off them at the half and it wasn’t like they staggered home in 30 and they still went super quick time, so she did a terrific job,” he said.
Aangan Parbhaker, who was at the Storm last season, has made the decision to give it one last go in the higher grades in a boost for the Storm.
Parbhaker played first XI at Essendon where he opened the bowling before moving to VSDCA club Werribee before hurting his knee.
Sumanjan Fernando joins the club as an assistant-development coach for the 2023-24 season.
He has played and coached first class cricket back home in Sri Lanka.
Premiership skipper Alleyne returns for a second season and will again captain the first XI and will be the club’s technical director.
“Anthony will also continue to overlook junior training assisting all junior coaches and players throughout theseason,”theclubsaidonsocialmedia.
“Anthony will work closely with Warren Hackney and other coaches to ensure the club meets all its goals for the upcoming season.”
Ben Green, a three-time premiership player at the Storm, has also signed on for next season.
Green is a two-time club champion at the club.
Tara Murray
Tuesday, 6 June, 2023 MELTON & MOORABOOL STAR WEEKLY 23
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