Star Weekly - Melton Moorabool - 30th April 2024

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Local rivals go at it

A town was split in two on Saturday as Darley took on Bacchus Marsh in the Ballarat Football Netball League. It was the Devils that came out on top winning the senior football, all six netball matches and the women’s football.

■ For more on the senior men’s football, turn to page 19

Councillor suspended

Ashleigh Vandenberg has been suspended as a Melton councillor for 14 days after an internal arbitration process made a finding of misconduct against her.

Melton councillors Julie Shannon, Kathy Majdlik, Goran Kesic, Sophie Ramsey, Bob Turner, Steve Abboushi and Justine Farrugia (the applicants) lodged an application for internal arbitration against Cr Vandenberg on June 27, 2023, contending that she breached the ’standards of conduct’ through Facebook posts on her ‘Cr Ashleigh Vandenberg City of Melton- Coburn Ward’ page on March 29, May 22 and 24 last year.

In a report tabled at last week’s council meeting, arbiter Louise Martin found Cr Vandenberg was in breach of the standards of conduct by “bringing discredit upon the council” in the March 29 and May 24 posts.

Ms Martin also found that Cr Vandenberg breached the standards of conduct by “failing

to treat her fellow councillors with dignity, fairness and courtesy” in the May 24 post.

Ms Martin found that the May 22 post did not breach the standards of conduct because its purpose did not “wholly appear to be to criticise the council and bring discredit upon the council”.

Cr Vandenberg was directed to issue a verbal apology to her fellow councillors at the next council meeting at which she is in attendance, andawrittenapologyonherFacebookaccount within 21 days over the March 29 Facebook post.

In her decision and statement of reasons, whichwastabledatlastweek’scouncilmeeting, Ms Martin noted the May 24 Facebook post was the subject of “pre-litigation proceedings” at the time of the hearings, and as such it was “inappropriate“forhertodirectCrVandenberg to make an apology.

However, Ms Martin said given Cr

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Vandenberg “accused her colleagues of unlawful conduct and racial vilification in the Facebook post”, it was a “particularly serious breach” of the standards of conduct, and directed that Cr Vandenberg be suspended for 14 days following the tabling of her reasons at a council meeting.

The March 29 Facebook post was in relation toCrVandenberg’srequestforthedevelopment ofabusinesscaseforanAboriginalhub,aspart ofcouncil’s2023-24budgetsubmissions,which was rejected by council during its meeting on March 27, 2023.

Cr Vandenberg, who is Melton’s first and only First Nations councillor, wrote that she was told “the budget cut off had passed” and that other councillors did “manage to bend the rules” for a trial of a coffee cup recycling program.

Ms Martin wrote that the applicants contendedtheFacebookpost“wasnotbasedon

correct facts” and “contained unfair influences against her fellow councillors and the council staff responsible for the cup recycling trial”, which was in breach of the standards of conduct.

Ms Martin wrote that Cr Vandenberg felt Indigenous issues were being “overlooked in favourofotherthings,suchasthecuprecycling trial”, and that was what she meant when she stated that the rules had been bent.

According to the report, Cr Vandenberg said she did not make the post in her capacity as a councillor, however Ms Martin felt otherwise.

Ms Martin agreed the post was not based on “correctfacts”andcontained“unfairinferences against Cr Vandenberg’s fellow councillors”. She wrote the councillors “did not have a preferred project for which they managed to bend the rules”.

■ Continued: Page 7

30 APRIL, 2024 Established in 1981 as the proudly serving Melton and Moorabool 12673748-AP10-24 Melton Branch 1/265 High Street, Melton 9747 2337 Bacchus Marsh Branch 136 Main Street, Bacchus Marsh Trading hours Monday to Sunday 7am to 4pm
Darley’s Luther Baker has eyes on the ball. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 403538_50

Remembering Allan Godfrey

ResidentsofWoodleaandmembersofCaroline Springs RSL came together on Sunday, April 21, to honour the memory of Allan Godfrey and all those who served in the Australian Defence Force in a poignant pre-ANZAC Day service.

The event took place at Woodlea Town Park, where participants walked the Aintree Walk of Honour, a symbolic pathway lined with more than 180 trees and 150 individual plaques commemorating Australia’s military history from the Boer War to the present day.

The Reflection Pond in the town centre marked the end of the solemn procession, where the community observed a minute of silence following the Last Post.

At the heart of the Aintree Walk of Honour stands an 80-metre long mural designed by Melbourne-based street artist Amanda Newman, depicting the faces of individuals who contributed to Australia’s military history. Among them is the face of World War II veteran, Mr Godfrey, who recently died on March 20, just days shy of his 101st birthday.

During the pre-ANZAC Day service, a special tribute was dedicated to Mr Godfrey, acknowledging his service both in the

Australian Defence Force and within the Woodlea community.

Mr Godfrey’s military journey began at the age of 18 when he enlisted in WWII, starting in Darwin where he was stationed for more than a year. He then served in New Guinea, the Philippines, Borneo, and Malaya, where he played a crucial role in rescuing Australian prisoners of war.

In his later years, Mr Godfrey lived in St Albans with his great-grandchildren and remainedanactivememberofthecommunity, particularly within the Caroline Springs RSL. He generously shared his wartime experiences with others and took pride in participating in school visits and Anzac Day ceremonies.

Woodlea project director Matthew Dean said Mr Godfrey’s dedication to the nation during WWII, and his enduring presence in Woodlea’s community will forever be cherished. “We are deeply saddened by Allan’s passing, and his legacy of service and camaraderie will continue to inspire us all. Today, as we gathered to pay tribute, let us remember Allan’s courage and sacrifice, and let us reaffirm our commitment to honouring those who have served our country,” he said.

Lest we never forget

TheMeltonCountryClubwasahiveofactivity on Anzac Day, as the community gathered to pay respect to the country’s service men and women.

This included locals Australian Air Force cadets as those serving in the military contingent.

This was followed by a gunfire breakfast at the Melton Country Club. Volunteers worked tirelessly to prepare the generous breakfast to all those in attendance.

The RSL then led a march from the corner of High and Alexandria Street.

The day started with the traditional dawn service, where members of the community were seen laying wreaths at the base of the cenotaph on High Street.

A special memorial was held during the pre-Anzac Day service to honour Allan Godfrey’s service in WWII, and his active presence in the Woodlea community. (Pictures: Supplied) The community came together to commemorate those who served and continue to serve Australia. Cadets gathered on Anzac Day. (Melton Country Club) The cenotaph on High Street. The crowd gathered at the cenotaph. Volunteers at the Melton Country Club. (Pictures courtesy Melton Country Club) A breakfast was held at the country club.

Truckie will face seven charges

Four charges have been dropped against a truck driver who allegedly crashed into the back of a school bus in Melbourne’s west, seriously injuring young students.

Jamie Gleeson, 50, was on Tuesday, April 23 committed to stand trial in the Victorian County Court after pleading not guilty to seven remaining charges of dangerous driving causing serious injury.

He was originally charged with 11 counts of the offence after allegedly ramming into the back of the Exford Primary School bus in May, 2023.

But Magistrate Kieran Gilligan discharged Gleeson on three charges after forensic physician John Gall conceded he could not say whether those children’s injuries could be considered serious.

The prosecution also withdrew another charge at the start of Tuesday’s hearing.

Dr Gall, who gave evidence to Melbourne Magistrates Court from the United Kingdom, said he had not received follow-up medical material on the students’ injuries.

Dr Gall told the court he therefore could not say whether they were protracted injuries, a legal test that needs to be met for an injury to be considered serious.

Forty-five students were on the school bus at the time of the Eynesbury collision, with two of the students requiring full or partial amputations as a result of their injuries.

After the crash, Gleeson told police he hit the brakes as soon as he saw the bus’ brake lights on but he didn’t have enough time to avoid the collision.

Hesaidhenoticedflashesofsunlightcoming through the trees on his right-hand side in the lead-up to the crash.

The bus driver, Graham Stanley, told the court he had his indicator on for about 150 metresbeforethecrashandheslowedtoanear or complete stop to turn.

Hit the pavement for a good cause

Get ready to lace up your sneakers and join the community in Caroline Springs for the much-anticipated fourth annual Mother’s Day Classic (MDC) on Sunday, May 12.

Organised by event co-ordinator and MDC boardmemberNicoleOborne,thisyear’sevent isexpectedtodrawmorethan500participants eager to make a difference.

Taking place around the scenic Caroline Springs Lake Reserve, the event is open to participants of all ages and even welcomes furry friends, provided they’re on a leash.

With the Caroline Springs Rotary Club lending a hand, the event aims to surpass last year’s attendance record, creating a vibrant sea of pink and teal in honour of those affected by

breast and ovarian cancer.

Ms Oborne said the day’s atmosphere promises to be vibrant and reflective.

“People are doing it for loved ones who may have died through breast and ovarian cancer or may have fought the fight themselves,” she said.

“There are opportunities to walk or run and wheels are welcome as well. There will also be a resting area as well for spectators to support their loved ones.

“Everyone who participates will get a tribute card. We encourage people to wear the tribute card on their back so as you’re walking and running you’re able to reflect on the tribute of the person in front of you.”

Prison program is kicking goals

An eight-week soccer coaching program at the Metropolitan Remand Centre (MRC) in Ravenhall is striving to help people in prison break the cycle of reoffending Melbourne City Football Club (MCFC) has partnered with Corrections Victoria to deliver the program, known as the Twinning Project.

The program is being delivered to 16 participants at MRC by the charitable arm of the MCFC, City of Community.

Backed by a $30,000 investment, the pilot program delivers interactive training that focuses on teamwork, leadership, respectful relationships and engagement to increase employment opportunities and reduce reoffending upon release.

The program is delivered by coaching staff, mentors and various guest speakers who come from a range of cultural and professional

backgrounds, each bringing different lived experiences to their coaching and sessions.

Earlier this month, Corrections Minister Enver Erdogan joined MCFC to congratulate the graduates from the second round of the Twinning Project at the MRC.

“The Melbourne City Football Club Coaching Program offers people in prison a crucial opportunity to develop important skills that they can use in the real world,” he said.

“Engaging in teamwork and leadership exercises means people can leave prison with skillsthatboosttheirjobprospects,enrichtheir lives, and help reduce their risk of returning to prison.”

MCFC is owned by Manchester City Football Club, which founded the Twinning Project in the United Kingdom. The project is now delivered in over 70 prisons in the UK.

Another driver disputed his claims, with David Woods telling the court he did not see any brake or indicator lights before the collision.

Detective Senior Constable David Morris on Tuesday told the court he believed Mr Stanley was “blameless“.

Det Morris did concede officers never asked the bus driver when he started slowing down or indicating, noting they only took one statement from Mr Stanley on the day of the crash.

Gleeson remains on bail to appear at the Victorian County Court for a directions hearing on May 22.

Cobblebank school funds

Thestategovernmenthasannouncedit will fund a new school in Cobblebank as part of a major infrastructure plan.

A new secondary school in Cobblebank was promised as part of the state government’s re-election campaign in 2022.

The state government’s $400 million Growth Areas Infrastructure Contribution fund will be localised in regions where development is required to meet demand, including in the Casey, Hume, Melton, Whittlesea and Wyndham council areas.

Education Minister Ben Carroll said investing in schools was a priority.

“We’re building new schools and servicesforourgrowingsuburbsneeds so more Victorian children can access the first-rate education they deserve, closer to home,” he said.

In addition to the $35 million contribution toward a school in Cobblebank, a further $150 million has been allocated for new bus services across the north, west and south-east.

Speaking ahead of the state budget release due on May 7, Melton council mayor Kathy Majdlik said improvements to train and bus networks, as well as new schools, were top priorities in the community.

“Council has advocated to the state government to fund the city’s top priorities so that delivery of health services, schools, roads and public transport aligns with growth projections and improves liveability for residents,” she said.

Nicole Oborne with her dog Indigo.
(Damjan Janevski)
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Hockey star pays a visit

Arnolds Creek Primary School students got to hear first-hand what it takes to be involved in high performance sport.

Victorian Institute of Sport athlete Zali Ward came to speak to students in April about herhockeyjourneyandeliteathletebehaviours

Teacher Kaitlyn Foley said the school signed up for the VIS’s Be Fit Be Well program, which allows an athlete to visit the school, share presentations and answer questions from students.

“This is the second athlete we have had meet with our students,” she said. “During COVID we organised a dual Olympian to visit via Zoom.

“Both visits were a huge success and had students talking about sports and their own goals.’

Ms Foley said the students were really excited to hear they were having an athlete visit and did some research on her before

she visited.

“The students were very impressed to see thatZalilivednearourschoolandspokeabout many local places that the students knew of,” she said.

“On the day, all of our students in grades 3-6 were engaged in the presentation with many requesting to play hockey in their break times.

“Having our students meet a young athlete who is striving towards their goals and experiencing great success was important for our students.

Ward said the students were super enthusiasticandengaginganditwasnicetodo a visit in Melbourne’s west where she grew up.

“I give the students an insight into what it’s like being involved in high performance sport. My biggest takeaway is to enjoy what you do. Everyone’s path is going to be different, but there is a strong focus on the process, not the outcome.”


Motorcyclist dies

Police will prepare a report for the coroner after a woman died following a collision in Ballan earlier this month. It is understood four motorbikes collided on the Western Freeway about 1.50pm on April 7. Officers were told all four riders, who were riding in a convoy of seven motorbikes, came off their respective motorbikes. Three riders were taken to hospital with non-lifethreatening injuries. The fourth rider, a 64-year-old Cranbourne woman, was airlifted to hospital. She succumbed died in hospital on Friday, April 19.

Deer Park man arrested A Deer Park man has been arrested after he allegedly attempted to steal a car in Deanside on Sunday, April 21. Police said it is alleged the man jumped over a fence to access a residential village on Mushu Street, Deanside, about 11pm. He allegedly entered a BMW sedan parked before he was confronted by the owner. The man fled the scene on foot.Police arrested the man nearby in Gerlzonda Avenue, Deanside, about 11.25pm. During the arrest, police allegedly located knuckle dusters, a butterfly knife, and drugs in his possession. It is expected the 26-year-old Deer Park man will be charged with assaulting and resisting police, possessing methylamphetamine, and possessing prohibited and controlled weapons.



Melton & Moorabool Star Weekly @starweeklynews @star_weekly

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4 MELTON & MOORABOOL STAR WEEKLY Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 NEWS STARWEEKLY.COM.AU CONTACT US PHONE \ 03 8318 5777 LOCATION \ Corner Thomsons Road and Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park, 3042 DISTRIBUTION \ 1300 656 678 ADVERTISING GENERAL SALES INQUIRIES CLASSIFIEDS \ 1300 666 808 EMAIL \ GENERAL REAL ESTATE INQUIRIES EDITORIAL GENERAL EDITORIAL INQUIRIES COMMUNITY CALENDAR ENTRIES Published by MMP Star Pty Ltd ACN 168 220 399 Head Office Corner Thomsons Road and Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park, 3042 Publisher/Managing Director, Paul Thomas All material is copyright to MMP Star Pty Ltd. Responsibility for election comment is accepted by Paul Thomas. All significant errors will be corrected as quickly as possible. Distribution numbers, areas and coverage are estimates only. For our terms and conditions please visit STARWEEKLY.COM.AU FSA/DETS2011
Zali Ward with Arnolds Creek Primary School students. (Supplied)

Melton spending up big

Melton council is spending up big, with a $220 million capital works program revealed in its draft 2024-25 budget.

The council released the draft budget at last week’s council meeting.

WiththeMeltonmunicipalitynowthefastest growing municipality in Australia, the council said the draft budget responds to massive growth with infrastructure investment.

In 2024-25, council is proposing to spend morethan$70milliononroads,morethan$60 milliononrecreational,leisureandcommunity facilities, and nearly $11 million on footpaths and cycleways.

Rates will increase by an average of 2.75 per cent, in line with the state government’s rate cap.

Council’s proposed revenue from general ratesandchargeswillincreaseto$190.8million

Key projects to receive funding included the Mt Atkinson East Sports Reserve, which will receive $17.8 million, and $9.7 million to finalise design and begin early work on the Plumpton Aquatic and Leisure Centre.

Improvements to road infrastructure include $11.8 million to complete the upgrade of Bulmans Road, Melton West; $7.8 million to complete the signalised intersection at Caroline Springs Boulevard and Rockbank Middle Road, Caroline Springs; and $6.2 million for the upgrade of Troups Road South, Mount Cottrell.

Ten ideas raised by residents totalling $584,000havebeenincludedinthisyear’sdraft budget,includingimprovementstolocalparks, sports ground facility upgrades and funding for community activities and events.

Councillor Julie Shannon said the budget was a blueprint for the delivery of essential services, programs and infrastructure that play

a critical role in building a healthy, sustainable, liveable and connected community.

Mayor Kathy Majdlik said council was investing $220 million to upgrade roads, facilities and parks to ensure the community remains a fantastic place to live, work and play.

Works on avenue trees

Work commenced on Monday, April 22, to replace several ageing or poor condition trees in The Avenue of Honour in Bacchus Marsh.

The works are part of Moorabool council’s Bacchus Marsh Avenue of Honour Management Strategy and Preservation Plan and are part of the council’s ongoing commitment to preserving the future of the Avenue of Honour as a living memorial.

Following significant consultation with a range of stakeholders last year, the council adopted the two key document to guide the ongoing management of the Bacchus Marsh Avenue of Honour into the future.

Recognising the decline in health of the existing aging trees, and considering ongoing management, risk, heritage significance and aesthetics, it was determined that an infill/staged approach should be taken to renewing the avenue trees over time, ensuring that there remains an avenue for future generations.

The preservation plan provides for the replacement of 255 trees in poor condition and-or for strategic reasons during a 20-year period, with 30 trees proposed for the first two and half years.

“Council is pleased to support our community’s ideas to the tune of more than $500,000, and I thank our residents for their input and ongoing feedback.”

Details: draftbudget2425

“It’s set to deliver an outstanding mix of new leisure facilities, community buildings, major roadupgrades,increasedpathwayconnections, and so much more,” she said.

To commence the implementation of the plan, the following nine trees are proposed for replacement in 2023-24, in addition to a tenth tree recently damaged during a storm event. The remaining 21 trees will be spread over the 2024-25 and 2025-26 financial years.

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Mayor Kathy Majdlik at the site of the Plumpton Aquatic and Leisure Centre. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 403174

Midwife mums Jess and Carolyn

March was a record month of births at the Bacchus Marsh Maternity Hospital. Among the babies born was Henley, who has a very special connection to the hospital. His mum, Jessica Bibby, and grandmother, Carolyn Bibby, work as midwives at the hospital and chatted to Jennifer Pittorino about their special connection.

Melton woman Jessica Bibby and her mum Carolyn Bibby have a mother-daughter bond like no other.

Not only do they share a passion for their career in midwifery, but they work together at the same hospital.

Even more touching, is that they have both given birth to their children at that very hospital, the Bacchus Marsh Maternity Hospital.

Initially known as ‘Mama Bibby’ and ‘Baby Bibby’ by the hospital community, the pair have now become a trio with Jess welcoming baby Henley in March.

“Even before Jess came on the scene I was known as ‘Mama Bibby’ because I had been there for so long,” Carolyn said.

“Then Jess came along and we got our nicknames because she wasn’t married at that point, now we are known as ‘Grandma Bibby’, ‘Mama Bibby’ and ‘Baby Bibby’.”

The nicknames were given to the pair by theirworkcolleagues,whoafteralltheseyears have turned into more than work friends.

“It’s just that camaraderie that we have that is really lovely in the workspace that we have,” Carolyn said.

“The really amazing thing about Bacchus Marsh is that you’re not just working in birthing, you also work with postnatal women.

“We all share a lot of the responsibilities so everyone is in it together, it is not separated which gives it a nice homely feel.

“There are women that are our women, they’re not just a number, it’s a really holistic women-centred experience.”

For 27-year-old Jess, this holistic experience transferred into her experience giving birth for the first time.

“I was surrounded by my mum and the girls who I chose to have in my birth as they feel like my work family,” Jess said.

“I chose to have a water birth at the hospital, which made it feel like I was having a home birth without being at home.”

The knowledge Jess has as a midwife helped

‘‘ There are women that are our women, they’re not just a number, it’s a really holistic women-centred experience ’’ - Carolyn Bibby

her through her birth, which she said she couldn’t fault.

“It was an amazing experience to have that water birth with them and the knowledge definitely helped,” she said.

“It can be good and bad, but for me, it was definitely a positive thing because it went so well.”

Baby Henley was one of 62 babies born at Bacchus Marsh maternity service in March, the most the unit has delivered since October, 2015.

It was revealed in 2015 that the hospital, which was operated by Djerriwarrh Health Services at the time, was being investigated over the deaths of 11 babies, seven of which were later found to have been avoidable.

The hospital joined the Western Health network in 2021 following the amalgamation

of Western Health and Djerriwarrh.

The birth was the first water birth that Carolyn had witnessed as Bacchus Marsh recently started offering water births, which Jess said would be a very positive experience.

“I really wanted to do a water birth from my knowledge as a midwife, I knew it was meant to be really good for pain relief,” Jess said.

“Theclinicwasverysupportiveofmychoice which doesn’t happen for some women, but I was lucky I had a smooth easy pregnancy.

“It was a really calming, soothing, relaxing, environment and the water really helped me, I was super lucky the stars aligned.”

Since Carolyn’s career has shifted from delivering babies to house visits, experiencing this for the first time with her daughter was special.

Since beginning her career in 1993, Carolyn has evolved through many stages of midwifery, something she said was always a dream of hers.

“It was what I wanted to do forever. In my early days I wanted to be a Mother Craft nurse but I don’t think that exists anymore,” she said.

“I knew I wanted to work with babies, I did my general nursing then months later did nursing and midwifery, and once I finished

went to Bacchus Marsh hospital and I have been there ever since.”

Jess always knew she wanted to follow in Carolyn’s footsteps.

“IoriginallywentintoaBachelorofNursing and I really like it to be honest.

“But I always knew I wanted to do something in healthcare and helping people so I had some discussions with mum and recalled prior conversations with her.

“Listening to her experiences at work and how she was able to deliver babies and look after them at home made me decide to jump on a double degree of midwifery.”

Since 2021, Jess has worked with Carolyn, which has been a dream come true for them both.

“I never in a million years thought she would follow in my footsteps,“ Carolyn said.

“So to her to have her now as a midwife working in the same environment and the same hospital is just really special.”

For anyone thinking of getting into the business, both women couldn’t recommend it more.

“It is the appreciation that women give our profession which is my favourite thing,” Jess said. “The most rewarding part is knowing that you’ve made a difference.”

Jess and Carolyn Bibby with baby Henley.
Ljubica Vrankovic) 402145

Call to recognise a Diggers icon

ThefamilyofDiggersResticonCharlieWatson say he would be thrilled to have a part of the Diggers Rest Recreation Reserve named after him.

At last week’s Melton council meeting, councillor Lara Carli raised a notice of motion in regards to considering naming a component of the reserve sporting facilities, such as an oval or club rooms, after Mr Watson, once the council’s memorial and recognition policy is approved by later this year.

The new club rooms were opened recently, while there has been oval upgrades as well.

Mr Watson was a founding member of the

Cr Vandenberg suspended

■ From: Page 1

“As a result of the Facebook post, I am satisfied that a member of the public would be left wondering … why members of council were making decisions that give leeway to some projects and not to projects directed to Indigenous issues,” she wrote.

The second post on May 22 followed Cr Vandenberg’s attendance at the council’s Sorry Day event on the same day. She stated she felt she had her “culture and identity ripped from me by the very council I am elected on” and that she was “denied my culture and heritage”.

According to the report, Cr Vandenberg had previously stated she would like to be acknowledged as an Aboriginal woman at events such as NAIDOC, and felt that she hadn’t been acknowledged on this occasion.

Ms Martin found that while council chief executive Roslyn Wai did acknowledge Cr Vandenberg as an Aboriginal woman during the event, the acknowledgement was “sufficiently brief for Cr Vandenberg to miss hearing it due to her late arrival”.

The third post, made on May 24, was taken downbyCrVandenbergonoraroundAugust 21, 2023. It was the matter of legal action.

Part of Ms Martin’s decision has been redacted from the report tabled last week and the post was not reproduced in the report.

Ms Martin wrote that Cr Vandenberg gave evidence she was at “breaking point” when she made the post but stood by its contents.

Ms Martin noted Cr Vandenberg’s comments were a “truthful reflection of her feelings, beliefs and experiences at council”, however, she did not consider the language employed “to be appropriate given it was a post on social media about her fellow councillors”.

She said that in part of the post, Cr Vandenberg was stating she was subjected to “blackmail”, “stand over tactics”, and “racist hate”, and that in further parts, Cr Vandenberg said she was ambushed in a meeting with then mayor Goran Kesic and Cr Lara Carli, that complaints were blocked, information withheld from her, and that she is “held hostage as an elected representative”.

The report said Cr Vandenberg also made personal comments about Cr Carli, which would have the effect of lowering her reputation and bringing the council into disrepute.

In a separate matter, Cr Carli initiated legal proceedings against Cr Vandenberg over the May 24 post, which she felt was defamatory.

Speaking at last week’s council meeting, Cr Carli said the matter had concluded and that as part of the settlement, Cr Vandenberg had issued a written apology and retraction.

HewasalsoheavilyinvolvedwiththeDiggers Rest Lions Club, was a former councillor and president of the Shire of Melton, and was the driving force behind the creation and development of the entire town during the late 1970s. He also played a significant role with the Riddell District Football Netball League.

Mr Watson died on May 17, 2022.

His wife Betty Watson said she thought the idea was a lovely idea.

“He would be rapt,” she said. “I thought about suggesting it, but I didn’t think it should come from me.

“He was absolutely Diggers Rest, through and through. He was in Diggers Rest from the 1960s.”

Mrs Watson said while her husband was on council and on the board of the footy club at the same time, he didn’t do them any favours and made them work for everything they got.

Mr Watson was still a visitor on match days until late in his life, with Mrs Watson still helping out at every home game now.

She was at the opening of the new pavilion.

“I was asked what he would have thought about the new club rooms and he would have been absolutely rapt,” she said.

Council officers will now engage in discussions with the Watson family, sporting clubs and user groups about this proposal and brief councillors on the outcomes and suggestions after consultation.

Tax cuts for every taxpayer

Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 MELTON & MOORABOOL STAR WEEKLY 7 STARWEEKLY.COM.AU NEWS Calculate yours at Authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra
Estimate yours with the tax cut calculator. 12685374-KG18-24
Diggers Rest and Diggers Rest Junior football clubs, Diggers Rest Recreation Reserve and the Burras Club Charlie Watson.

Draft pool plan released

The new Plumpton aquatic centre is a step closer, with Melton council approving a draft plan for the project.

At a meeting held on April 22, councillors from across the municipality spoke glowingly about the document which gives a sense of the outline of the Plumpton Aquatic and Leisure Centre.

Current plans for the project in Frasers Rise include indoor pools, a sauna, fitness areas and an outdoor water space with beach-style access.

Melton councillor Steve Abboushi said the draft was the product of years of planning.

“Tonight marks a huge step for one of the most exciting projects,” he said.

“I’m looking forward to watching it take shape.

Cr Abboushi said the centre will also feature Australia’s first water sensory area, which will allow members of the community with sensory requirements to enjoy the leisure centre.

Cr Justine Farrugia said she believes the spacewillbewidelyenjoyedbythecommunity.

“I believe this will be one of the jewels of our municipality, [it will be] much loved and enjoyed by many,” she said.

“Can’t wait to see all the kiddies using this one.”

Melton mayor Kathy Madjlik said the leisure centre will fill a significant gap in

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services available in the municipality.

“With a range of features which are not currently available anywhere else in our city, the Plumpton Aquatic and Leisure Centre will transform the local area as well as support the health of the broader community,” she said.

“We encourage all community members to takepartintheconsultationandhelpusdeliver a facility which will become a thriving hub in the city of Melton.”

Community consultation on the draft masterplan is now open.

Local businesses, non-profits and other service providers have also been invited to register expressions of interest to occupy space at the centre.

Police arrest a third teen

A third teenager has been arrested following an incident at a Melton shopping centre on April 15.

Police arrested a 15-year-old Melton South boy on April 24 and charged him with armed with criminal intent, affray and possess control weapon. He faced a children’s court that afternoon.

The charges relate to an alleged incident at Woodgrove Shopping Centre on Barries Road, following reports of a group of males fighting, armed with edged weapons about 5pm.

A boy, aged 15 from Weir Views, was located with head injuries and was taken to hospital

Two other teens, who were allegedly involved in the affray, were arrested by police on April 16.

A 16-year-old Harkness boy was charged with affray, recklessly cause injury, possess prohibited weapon, and being armed with criminal intent.

A 15-year-old Melton South boy was charged with affray, possess controlled weapon, and being armed with criminal intent.

They were both remanded to appear at a children’s court at a later date.

Anyone with any information about the incident is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or submit a confidential report online at www.

Star Weekly seeks an enthusiastic Full or Part Time sales executive to work across our print, digital, social and online platforms.

Star Weekly is an independently owned company which prides itself on its long history of community experience but also its investment in the future.

The successful applicant will need to possess good people skills to enable them to meet with local businesses to sell solutions through our advertising platforms to help promote their business.

A quilt made with love

A unique quilt designed by partners of veteransoftheVietnamWarisnowondisplay at the Melton Library.

Applicants will need their own reliable vehicle for which we will provide an allowance. The position is salaried, plus we offer an open ended commission scheme.

Send your application letter and resume to: Advertising Sales Manager, Mandy Clark

The Melton Love, Peace and Unity Quilt was completed by a group of women in 2006, all of whom had loved ones that served in the armed forces during the Vietnam War, which stretched across two decades from the ‘50s to the ‘70s.

The project was launched by the Partners of Veterans Association (PVA) national project team and inspired women in Melton to form their own branch, as a means of creating a space where they could catch up and support one another.

The colourful textile is known at the Melton Love, Peace and Unity Quilt and features original designs from each contributor.

PVA Melton branch member Carole Doyle played a central role in the project as she was one of the only members with a sewing machine.

“The only criteria we wanted is for the girls to put down what peace, love and unity meant to them, what made them happy, and do their own squares,” she said.

“I’m hoping that people [who see the quilt] willunderstandthatwhenhusbandsgoawayto fight for their country they leave behind wives and family and children, and when they come home they’re the ones that pick up the pieces,” she said.

“We’re the ones that support them and get them through.”

She said the quilt project had created a plethora of friendships that have continued to this day.

“It’s amazing, they’re non judgemental and we all understand what each other’s been through,” she said.

“We’ve all got so much knowledge, so it’s lovelytobeabletositdownwiththemforacup of tea.


PVA Melton branch members at the Peace, Love and Unity exhibition at the Melton Library. (Shawn Smits) Design impressions of the Plumpton Aquatic Centre. (Supplied)

Running a healthy brotherhood

While the method might be unorthodox, an inclusive run club is changing the culture of running and improving men’s health.

NasRunparticipantsmeetonThursdayand Saturdays at 8am for a 5km run at Victoria University Aquatic and Fitness Centre in Footscray.

Williams Landing local and director of Nas Run, Kuti Kalo, said he’s been running with friends for a while, but late last month they decided to involve the wider community.

“I noticed a couple of us guys were already training separately in different places and I asked ’why don’t we make this open for a lot of guys?’ I think it’s something that they could really benefit from. So we came together to invite the community, put a name to it and get guys around that.”

Mr Kalo highlighted the need for male-based programs and community-led running clubs.

“When it comes to mental health, we don’t reallyhaveanoutletthatinvitesguystoaplace where they can not just get physically fit but a place they can talk, offload whatever they feel like and they can just outsource the stresses of life. Also a place they can be a part of the community which reduces social isolation, depression, anxiety and stress. So Nas Run is a place they can come and they might not talk about their feelings straight away, but it’s a place they can at least feel safe to kind of talk about what’s going on in their lives.

“Another thing is that our youths have so muchenergyandthere’snotenoughprograms to cater to or channel that energy. Our aim is to also create a healthy outlet where they can put all that energy into working out.

“I think representation matters especially when it comes to programs. When you don’t

see someone that looks like you, you’re more reluctant. So I really wanted to show that we’re not Bob and Harry from another state, we are actually guys active in the community. For example the guys running the program, the coaches look like us. I think that’s what separates us from other men’s programs, we are involved in the community, especially the African Sudanese community as a whole in Melbourne.”

Red Shield Appeal returns

The Salvation Army is gearing up for another Red Shield Appeal, urging the community to donate what they can as they experience increased demand for their services.

This year the charitable organisation’s annual donation drive is celebrating its 60th anniversary.

At the Salvation Army Brimbank Corps, which services the Melton region, volunteers work to facilitate a consistent food pantry among other services.

Captain Chad Cole said they had seen four times the amount of people turning up for support over the Christmas period compared to years prior.

“People are particularly feeling the pinch around housing expenses, rent is going up, so

a lot of people are accessing our services for the first time in their lives,” he said.

“The only way we are able to meet the needs in our community is through generosity of our community.”

The Salvation Army will have tables set up at shopping centres where people can provide a donation that helps the organisation carry out its work.

Thoseinterestedcanalsoparticipateindigital door knocking to raise funds independently online.

Mr Cole said every little bit helps.

“All of the funds that are raised, they help us provide support to disadvantaged families the wholeyearround,”hesaid.“Wereallycounton your support this time of year.”

take those drugs. When you train you’re a lot more careful about what you put in your body. I’m hoping as we see more people come to our programs regularly that this will impact them in making healthy choices.”

Meanwhile Nas Run is receiving positive supportfromthewidercommunity,including female participants.

“So far we’ve seen guys and girls attend our program, which have been predominantly of African descent. We’re not exclusive to a particular race, skin color or men. It’s about whoever wants to be part of our program, but our target audience will always be men, especially men in our communities.”

Footscray photographer and loyal club member Duoth Rambang said Nas Run is “verypositive”andhelpshimwithconsistency and “has an amazing community and people behind it”.

“The word nas means people [in Arabic] or in Nuer the word ‘Naath’. Also with this new fitness journey I’m on, running was a major factor which helped me stay consistent and beat the mental barriers of procrastination and laziness. So once you combine something that’s part of my identity which is the Nuer culture and also something that helps me with my personal development and growth, it’s the ultimate combination. So yes, it does live up to its name.”

Mr Kalo said his overall aim is to impact participants’ decision making especially when it comes to alcohol and drugs.

“These things are contributing factors to a decline in health and wellness in our community. I was telling one of the guys that when you come to the program, I can guarantee that you will think twice about whatkindoffoodyouhave,howmuchalcohol you’re going to have and whether you want to

Mr Kuti encouraged people of any fitness to give running a go.

“People think they have to be in top shape to join our club when you don’t. A run club is like a hospital– you don’t go to the hospital if you’re fit or feeling great. You go to the hospital when you need help regardless of what your illness or symptoms are like. So we see ourselves as a hospital in our community, helping people regain control of their fitness, health and wellness as a whole,” he said.


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Run with purpose, run with a community and run with Nas Run Club. (Rambang Photography)
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Salvation Army captain Chad Cole is gearing up for the Red Shield Appeal. (Damjan Janevski) 401929_01

Name splitting the community

Calls to rename the Elaine Recreation Reserve are splitting the small Moorabool community.

As reported by Star Weekly , a petition was put to Moorabool council from Elaine residents to rename the reserve to the Ron Read Recreation Reserve.

MrRead,whodiedin 2021,wasthepresident and member of the Elaine Recreation Reserve Community Asset Committee (ERRCAC).

“We feel that it would be a lasting tribute to a man who put in more than 30 years tending to his much loved reserve for the benefit of the entire community,” the

community members said.

The council accepted the petition and is now conducting a 30-day community consultation process with stakeholders affected by the proposed renaming.

The topic has created much debate in local community pages, with many people for the change and many against it.

Elaine Cricket Club secretary Shane Dunne saidtheclub,whichplaysatthereserve,didn’t believe that the reserve should be named after Mr Read.

“We never got asked about it and we only found out about it last week,” he said. “Being a user group down there we thought they should have spoken with us.

“The cricket club unanimously voted against it. Even though Ron did a lot of good, we don’t think the ground should be named after just one person.

“They don’t call Victoria Park, Peter McKenna Park or Kardinia Park, Gary Ablett Park.”

Mr Dunne said they were happy for Mr Read to be recognised at the reserve in another way, including maybe a plaque.

“There’s more than 100 people who have done work and the ground,” he said. “He never played any sport down there and his relatives don’t live in the area.

“We have got about the same number as people who signed the petition who

Phoenix part of women’s rising

The Melton Phoenix Football Club is one of many soccer clubs across the state to record a boom in female participation.

Following the Matildas’ historic run at last year’s Women’s World Cup, new data from FootballVictoriahasfoundthestateisontrack to have the most women and girls registered to play the sport since records began.

Phoenix president Michelle Williamson said she had seen first-hand how the female program had grown over the last year.

“It’s true, we’ve got two senior women’s teams for the first time,” she said.

“It’s through all of the recent promotion; the Tillies have really driven this.

“It’s a really strong female program at the club.”

Now 30 per cent of the club’s registrations are females and the club has achieved gender parity on its committee.

Ms Williamson has seen the growing acceptance and popularity of the women’s game grow over several decades.

She first started playing for the club in 1987 as a 10-year-old.

After playing two seasons with the junior boys, it was regulation at that time girls aged 12 andovermustplayinthewomen’scompetition.

Ms Williamson said she was often playing in teams as a 12-year-old where she was up

against women in their 40s.

Now,theclubhasgirlsprogramsfromallage groups from under-7s to under-15s.

“To see the programs we have now for girls to go right through, it’s very pleasing,” she said.

Ms Williamson said the entire club had also beendeeplyinvestedintheMatildas’semi-final run at the World Cup.

“It was amazing, I played for Victoria when I was younger, but back then you had to pave your own way,” she said.

“Now it’s like everyone has the same opportunities as the girls.

“Melton has always been a female friendly club, but the Tillies have helped even more.”

are against it. We don’t want to split the community, but unfortunately it is splitting the community.”

Moorabool chief executive Derek Madden said council officers will make the decision following feedback from residents at a later council meeting.

“CouncilreceivedapetitionfromtheElaine community to rename the Elaine Recreation Reserve to Ron Read Recreation Reserve.

“Council has put this out for public consultation and we’re encouraging anyone who has an interest in this to have their say on the proposal.”

Feedback closes on May 12.


Support for DV victims

Western Health has issued a reminder of the services available for anyone experiencing domestic or family violence.

It comes following several instances of gendered violence reported across the country, including the murder of five women at Bondi Junction and the recent death of three women in Ballarat.

According to the latest Crime Statistics Agency data, 2812 incidents of family violence were recorded in Melton in the 2022-23 reporting period.

Western Health’s lead of family violence and child safeguarding, Assunta Morrone, said there is help available to those who need it.

“Family violence is a health issue and has many physical and mental health impacts,” she said.

“Hospitals and health services have a role to play in supporting anyone who presents to our services with physical or psychological issues resulting from family violence.

“Our staff can provide patients with referrals and information relating to a range of social issues including family violence, homelessness, mental health and drug and alcohol services.”

Ms Morrone said individuals could also contact The Orange Door for a range of support services.

If you are in immediate danger, call thriple-0 for police and ambulance help.

10 MELTON & MOORABOOL STAR WEEKLY Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 NEWS STARWEEKLY.COM.AU from an outlet near you It'sFREE SCAN TO FIND YOUROUTLET 12665596-AP06-24
Melton Phoenix FC junior co-ordinator Liz Bajada and president Michelle Williamson. (Damjan Janevski) 401409_01

Road bridge designs revealed

The state government has released its final designs for the project that will result in two level crossings being removed in Diggers Rest. A new road bridge will be constructed over theraillineat Old CalderHighwayandwillbe diverted to the west over Stan Payne Reserve, before curving north to connect Diggers Rest-Coimadai Road.

The other road bridge at Watsons Road will be designed to accommodate residential developments, while still featuring pedestrian access.

The station precinct at Diggers Rest will be upgradedwithaccessiblepathsforpedestrians and cyclists.

The bus bays will also be receive upgraded

shelters, seats and walking paths.

Works on the project will get underway midway through this year and the entire design, including the level crossing removals, are anticipated be completed in 2025.

Sunbury MP Josh Bull said the project was important the community’s future

“This project will transform the way locals

live, work and travel in Diggers Rest by creating easier, safer access across the rail corridor and reducing congestion during peak hour.”

“The inclusion of community spaces, cycling paths and improved lighting and CCTV will ensure the project leaves a positive legacy for the local community.”



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Coimidai Road. The Watsons Roads bridge. An aerial view of Watsons Road.Old Calder Highway community space. The Old Calder Highway road bridge, and an aerial view of the Old Calder Highway. (Pictures: Supplied)


WANT YOUR EVENT LISTED? Community Calendar is made available free of charge to not-for-profit organisations to keep the public informed of special events and activities. Send item details to Star Weekly Community Calendar, Corner Thomsons Road and Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park, 3042, or email to by 9am Wednesday the week prior to publication

Create your own website

Whether for personal or professional use, discover how to create your own website and tailor it to your needs in Melton South Community Centre’s eight-week Build Your Own Website course, running May 7- June 25, from 6.30-9pm. Learn fundamentals, tip and tricks while using the popular WordPress platform to create the site you want. Cost:$30/$20 concession.

■ 9747 8576

MYOB courses

Boost your accounting knowledge in Melton South Community Centre’s range of MYOB courses. Learn the basics of the cloud-based online version of MYOB, or if you’re already familiar with the software, join the MYOB Payroll course and learn more specific areas. Cost: $40/$30 concession. Daytime or evening sessions available; eligibility criteria apply.

■ 9747 8576

Bacchus Marsh CWA

Do you enjoy baking, crafting or fundraising to support the community? Check out what the Bacchus Marsh branch of the CWA do and meet like-minded ladies. The group goes on day trips, market stalls, enjoys local dining and craft days and hosts guest speakers. It is are open to the public on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 9am-noon for morning or Devonshire Tea at the Darley Community and Civic Centre, Hallett’s Way (enter from Wittick Street). Jams, knitted, crocheted and sewn items are for sale, as well as its cookbooks. It is running a Mother’s Day raffle until the May 9, only $2 per ticket.


Cancer Support Group

MelMarsh Prostate Cancer Support Group is for prostate cancer patients and their carers and meets on the first Thursday of the month from 12.30-2pm at Melton South Community Centre. Attendees are encouraged as members share their journeys through what could be a very traumatic time of their lives. Explanations of medical terminology used in the treatment of this cancer are given in this group.

■ Grenville, 0412 741 865

Chatty Cafe Melton

Are you feeling lonely, isolated or just wanting to make some new friends? If so, Chatty Cafe is for you. The group meets on Friday mornings at 10am for delicious free coffee from Latin foods and wines at 10 Wallace Square, Melton.

■ groups/352071857283331

Women’s Support Group

Women’s Support Group Melton is for any women who feel they would like to attend a peer support group which is relaxed, friendly and non-judgemental. The group meets weekly at 1pm on Mondays (except for public holidays) at Djerriwarrh Neighbourhood House, 239 Station Road, Melton. The group can discuss most subjects that may be of help ■

Caroline Springs Rotary

The Rotary Club of Caroline Springs is inviting new guests to join its meetings in person or via zoom. Meetings are held every Wednesday at the Western Emergency Relief Network in Ravenhall from 7pm. ■

Melton Ladies Probus

Meets from 10am on the second Wednesday of each month at Melton Country Club on Reserve Road, Melton. All

This week’s photographer’s choice picture is of comedian James Liotta.

(Damjan Janevski) 402571_01

visitors are welcome.

■ Dianne, 9743 7446

The Gap on Graham

The Gap provides a place for Melton youth to hang out, socialise, play games and learn new skills. The centre holds a night for girls aged 10 to 18 years at 5 Graham Street, Melton, on Wednesday evenings. There is also a drop-in night for anyone aged 12 to 25 years old.

■ Val, 0414 769 605.

Melton Men’s Group

Melton Men’s Group meets every Thursday from 5-8pm at Arnolds Creek Children’s and Community Centre, 19 Claret Ash Boulevard, Harkness. Focusing on senior men’s mental and physical wellbeing. Join the group for a cuppa and a chat, listen to guest speakers and participate in activities including carpet bowls, pool or table tennis. ■

Take weight off naturally Struggling to lose weight? Struggling to get motivated? Want to try and do it in a friendly and less stressful atmosphere? Come and join TOWN (Take Weight Off Naturally) every Tuesday at 6pm at the Darlingsford Barn, Darlingsford Boulevard, Melton.

■ Catherine, 0416 612 517, or Bob, 0411 824 739

Parkinson’s support group

The Melton Parkinson’s Support Group meets on the second Thursday of the month 10.30am-12.30pm at Kurunjang Community Centre, 33-35 Mowbray Crescent, Kurunjang. New members and carers are welcome.

■ Helen, 0409 186 576

Melton Friendship Group

Join the Melton Friendship Group for singles 55 and older. Meet fortnightly for coffee and chat nights and organised affordable outings and events.

■ 0406

Melton Bridge Club

The Melton Bridge Club has weekly social bridge sessions at the Melton Library on Fridays from 10am-noon. Come along to play an exciting, social card game and have loads of fun. Bridge offers the suspense of poker, the cerebral qualities of chess and the excitement of athletic sports, all in a relaxed and social setting. If you like playing cards this is for you.

■ Rosemary, 0407 894 817

Melton Valley Ladies Probus Club

The Melton Valley Ladies Probus Club meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 10am at Melton Country Club. New members welcome.

■ Ann, 0425 705 150

Melton South Knit & Natter

All are welcome to join this social crafting group, running at the Melton South Community Centre each Monday from 10am-noon. Bring along any knitting or crochet projects and work on them while sharing tips, learning skills and catching up over a cuppa.

■ 9747 8576

Zonta club meets Zonta is an international organisation bringing women together to support other women. The Zonta Club of Melton meets on the first Monday of each month at Melton Country Club, Reserve Road, Melton.

■ Suzanne, 0417 512 420

U3A Melton

U3A Melton offers among its activities a book group, Australian history and a gentle exercise class for those 55 and older who are retired or semi-retired who wish to stay mentally and physically active.

■ 0419 563 016

Rose Carers Of Maddingley Park

The Rose Carers meet Wednesdays from 10am-noon at Maddingley Park, corner of Grant and Taverner streets, Bacchus Marsh, to maintain two beautiful rose gardens.

New volunteers are always welcome – with or without experience.

■ Elaine Greenhall, 0418 171 119, or 0400 052 857

Melton Combined Probus Club

The Melton Probus Club meets on the first Tuesday of each month at the Melton Dart Club, 63a Reserve Road, from 9.45am.

■ 9746 0271

Melton Cycling Club

Melton Cycling Club meets for regular Sunday rides. There are three different riding groups to cater for different abilities starting at 7.30am. The rides finish at Lazy Moe’s for a cuppa.

■ 0403 057 003

Community singing group

If you love to sing, come join the Melton Singers. The group rehearses regularly and also performs at aged care facilities. The group is very relaxed and sings songs mainly from the 1960s and 70s. It meets Tuesdays at 10am.

■ Val, 0418 667 150

Garden Club

The Bacchus Marsh and District Garden Club meets on the second Tuesday of each month except January, from 7.30pm, at The Laurels, 229 Main Street, Bacchus Marsh. Guest speakers and supper provided. Yearly membership $15. New members welcome.

■ Michelle, 0421 106 268

Community band

The Greater Western Community Band holds rehearsals on Thursdays 7.30-9.30pm at the Bridge Road Community Centre, 260 Bridge Road, Strathtulloh. The group welcomes musicians young and old, to come along and join in with their local band.Woodwind, brass and percussion instruments. The group is available to perform at events and festivals.

■ Sally Hamond, 0401 474 582

493 734


To solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in: each of the nine vertical columns, each of the nine horizontal rows and each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes. Remember, no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box.



1 Metal disc under nut (6)

4 Supress (8)

9 Cover story (5)

10 Lasting (9)

11 Intending (coll) (5)

12 Pointless (9)

13 Coffee (8)

15 Peels (6)

16 Tabooed (6)

18 Scale of colour (8)

23 Without trust or belief (9)

24 Long-barrelled firearm (5)

26 Point above focus of an earthquake (9) 27 Senseless (5) 28 Japanese game company (9)

29 Natural aptitude or skill (6)


1 Argue noisily and angrily (7)


2 Twig offshoot (5)

3 Territory ruled by an Islamic monarch (7)

5 Tantrum (6)

6 Bucking (7)

7 Grenade-wielding soldier (9)

8 Landed properties (7)

10 Pieces (5)

14 Divide into parts (9)

16 Ten plus five (7)

17 Excel (7)

19 Adhesive mixture (5)

20 Mediterranean island (7)

21 Most shy or submissive (7)

22 Impassioned (6)

25 SOS light (5)



Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included and each letter may only be used once.

No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural nouns ending in “s”.


No. 183

Insert the missing letters to make 10 words – five reading across the grid and five reading down.

NOTE: more than one solution may be possible


1 Who is the lead singer of the band Yeah Yeah Yeahs?

2 What evergreen tree is featured on the flag of Norfolk Island?

3 The Great Fire of London occurred during what year?

4 Which country’s president is known by his initials AMLO?

5 Which character did Ke Huy Quan (pictured) play in the movie Indiana Jones and theTempleofDoom?

6 What is the term for a multihulled boat or ship consisting of two hulls?

7 What is the historic capital of the Inca Empire?

8 Who directed the 2009 documentary Capitalism: ALoveStory, about the global financial crisis?

9 What is the more common name for the bird Gymnorhina tibicen?

10 What were the Luddites famous for destroying as a form of protest?

Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 MELTON & MOORABOOL STAR WEEKLY 13 No.
No. 183 73 8 8 471 2 19 8 218 4 58 1 21 4 32 7 46 8 5 691 easy 2 8 4185 7 362 87 49 12 69 34 46 321 12 83 9 medium 92 1 9356 21 7 74 6 59 78 9 38 6 35 93 5 hard
deny, dingy, drying, dyeing, dying, dyne, edgy, emery, enemy, energy, eyed, eyeing, eying, eyre, eyrie, greedy, grey, greyed, grimy, gyre, miry, needy, reedy, remedy, REMEDYING
03-05-24 Puzzles and pagination © Pagemasters | 285794613 791243856 927631548 413856297 362185974 834579162 679312485 548967321 156428739
medium hard 479382516 684975123 346519782 218657349 735821964 921768435 563194278 192436857 857243691 659827314 492375168 825619743 271543896 518462937 136754289 384196572 763981425 947238651 1 14 7 20 2 15 8 21 3 16 9 22 4 17 10 23 5 18 11 24 6 19 12 25 13 26 MS 1. Karen O 2. The Norfolk Island pine 3. 1666 4. Mexico (Andrés Manuel López Obrador) 5. Short Round 6. Catamaran 7. Cusco 8. Michael Moore 9. Australian magpie 10. Mechanised looms ANSWERS:

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1. Basketballer Caitlin Clark was born in which US city?

2. In what year did Nathan Buckley become senior coach at Collingwood?

3. NRL star Zac Lomax recently signed with which team?

4. Which Australian women’s cricket star was recently named as one of the Wisden Cricketers of the Year?

5. Harley Reid is a first-year player for which AFL team?

6. What number is at the very bottom of a dartboard?

7. When an athlete suffers an MCL tear, is the torn ligament located on the inner or outer side of the knee joint?

8. In 2004, who became the first Australian to win two individual cycling gold medals at the same Olympics?

9. The first Rugby World Cup was co-hosted by which two countries?

10. To the nearest hour, approximately how long does an average Major League Baseball game last?

Emma Moore was recently named general manager of which Australian women’s

Which Australian batsman scored a century in Sunrisers Hyderabad’s record IPL total of 3 for 287?

And which country holds the record for the highest T20 International team total?

14. Ange Postecoglou is the manager of which English Premier League club?

15. Which racing car driver won the 2023 Supercars Championship?

16. Which famous Australian sporting award was first handed out 100 years ago in 1924?

17. What major sporting event will be held in Milano-Cortina in 2026?

18. Which current Australian golfer shares their name with a rugby league legend?

19. Which National Soccer League club won the last two NSL titles before it became known as the A-League in 2005?

20. What country was Formula One world champion Max Verstappen born in?

21. Taylor Duryea has played for which two AFL clubs?

22. In which running event did Cathy Freeman win both her gold and silver Olympic medals?

23. Nathan Walker is considered the first Australian to play in which US sporting league?

24. In mountain sports, what is a piste?

25. In the early 17th century, golf balls were often made from leather and stuffed with what?

26. How many times did ‘King of the Mountain’ Peter Brock win the Bathurst 1000 motor race?

27. Which Australian fast bowler famously took 37 wickets in the 2013-14 Ashes Test series?

28. How many gold medals did Australia win at the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics?

29. Which country won the UEFA Euro 2020 soccer final?

30. What is the name of the 2024 tennis film starring Zendaya?

Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 MELTON & MOORABOOL STAR WEEKLY 15
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Looks: 9/10

Performance: 8/10

Safety: 9/10

Thirst: 9/10

Practicality: 7/10

Comfort: 8/10

Tech: 8/10

Value: 8/10

Peaceful motoring with Lexus ES

The growth in SUV sales has seen a corresponding decline in demand for traditional four-door sedans.

In the case of Lexus only two of the latter have survived, the company’s flagship luxury LS and the medium-large family ES.

The ES comes with the choice of the ES250 powered by a 2.5-litre petrol engine with outputs of 152 kW and 243 Nm names ES250, andtheE300hwitha131kW/221NmAtkinson Cyclepetrolenginecombinedwitha88Kw/202 Nm electric motor for a total of 160kW.

Both ES models come with the choice of LuxuryorFSportequipmentlevels,theES300h adds a higher level Sports Luxury grade which was our test vehicle.


We particularly like the spindle grille in this model. Some of the earlier efforts of Lexus at this fascinating shape just didn’t work to our eyes, but this one fits perfectly. The front of the ES spreads out far and wide visually.

Theloweredgeofthewindowlineswoopsup attherear,andmeetsadownwardswoopofthe roofline. The lower area of the rear doors also parallels this, moving up from their rear edge to meet the taillights, then continues into the bootlid for a few centimetres.


The ES300h is a full-on luxury vehicle with the interior trim made from high-class materials. It’s finished in three different coloured materials, which is a major improvement on the endless black-on-black that we see in so many cars, even upmarket ones.

Thisisavehicleaimedatgivingalloccupants a comfortable life. Even the rear seats can be inclined and there’s a three-zone air conditioning.

There’s good legroom in the back, though if there’s a long-legged driver it may be necessary to talk to them and do a deal on space. Either that or sit the shortest rear passenger behind them. Your call…

The boot is generously long but the low set nature of this semi-sporty sedan makes it rather low in height.

The asymmetric shape of the dashboard makes a real stylish statement. More about it in the Driving segment of the review


The upgraded 12.3-inch touchscreen infotainment has proprietary sat-nav, DAB+ digitalradio,wiredAppleCarPlayandAndroid Auto smartphone mirroring together with Lexus Connected Services.

The screen projects forward from the dashboard to bring it within easier reach of the driver and eliminates the need to use the annoying and potentially dangerous sensitive touchpad that’s located in the centre console.

The driver’s screen combines digital and analogue gauges.

The Sports Luxury that we tested came with a 17-speaker Mark Levinson surround-sound system. Sound quality is excellent and we really enjoyed the feeling of luxury inside the cabin. It’s even more enjoyable in the very quiet interior of the Lexus than in lesser cars with a similar system.


This is where it gets really interesting. The Lexus ES300h has a 2.5-litre four-cylinder

Atkinson-cycle high-compression petrol engine producing 131kW. And an 88kW electric motor.

Peak torque is 221Nm on the petrol unit and 202Nm on the electric motor. The petrol doesn’t get to its torque peak until it reaches 3600rpm, the electric unit has its torque from one rpm. Yes, one rpm.

TheLexushasitsfrontwheelsdriventhrough a continuously variable transmission.


TheLexusESrangereceivedafive-starANCAP when tested in September 2021.

Standard features include 10 airbags including knee airbags for the driver and front passenger. There are chest and head bags across its two seating rows.

There’s also autonomous emergency braking including junction assist, emergency steering assist for collision avoidance, lane-departure and blind-spot warning, rear cross-traffic alert, parking support brake with vehicle and object detection.

Child occupant protection top tethering and IsoFix child seat anchors.


Acceleration is instantaneous, you move the accelerator and the Lexus gets up and goes. This is one of the best features of all electric

vehicles, be they hybrid or full electric.

It doesn’t slow as quickly as we like when we backed off on the pedal. But you do become used to this after a period of time at the wheel. Regular drivers of any vehicle with electric power soon adapt to this.

Fuel consumption from the ES 300h was impressively low, sitting around 5.3 litres per 100km during our week behind the wheel, just 0.5 L/100km above the listed figure.

Ride and handling will suit the typical buyer in being comfortable rather than sporty. Having said that it handles bends well and on the few times we tested it close to its limits around corners on our standard ‘official’ test route it responded well and gave us good feedback.

Summing up

Lexus ES300h is a beautifully designed and built Japanese machine from a company that has specialised in hybrid and electric vehicles for many decades. It’s very much deserving of a place on your shopping list if you want to minimise climate change, and also enjoy peaceful motoring.

Lexus and its parent company Toyota are past masters at petrol-electric hybrids, with a history stretching back well over 20 years. They continuetoaddmoreperformance,atthesame time reducing emissions.

Lexus and its parent company Toyota continue to add more performance, at the same time reducing emissions. (Pictures: Supplied)

Like A Wildfire fires up and scores by a head

Champion reinswoman Kerryn Manning joined the driver merry go round on Like A Wildfire in successful fashion in the $24,000 Golden Reign Free For All at Melton on Saturday night.

Manning made a mid-race move to sit parked outside the leader Dangerous with 1400 metres to travel as the leader was able to slow the tempo with a 31 second quarter ‘breather’.

Dangerous appeared to be travelling like a winner on straightening for home however Like A Wildfire refused to yield, digging deep into his reserves of stamina to get up and score by a head in a slick 26.6 last 400 metres.

The Emma Stewart-trained pacer has had different drivers at his past four starts winning with Luke McCarthy and Mark Pitt in the sulky prior to tonight’s victory.

“It’s my first drive on him tonight, I was lucky enough to get the steer on him and he’s a lovely horse,” Manning said.

Manning was suitably impressed with the nine-year old’s will to win.

appeared to lose concentration before holding on to score by two metres from the fast finishing Scherger That.

“She appreciate the drop in class tonight but she did her best to get beaten after clearing out and I thought she was going to stop but to her credit she got going again when she heard them,” Justice said.

“She’s been as good a filly as I’ve had for a long time,” he said.

“He just knew where the line was, he gets a bit flat on the bends where he just gets in a littlebitbutthenhegoesagaininthestraight,” she said.

The win took Like A Wildfire’s stake earnings to more than $400,000.

Manning said she had concerns with Ideal Escape finishing hard along the sprint lane “He got his head in front and then I thought Ellen (Tormey) was going to get to me along the sprint lane, but he kept sticking his head out,” she said.

The nicely bred John Justice trained filly Galaxy Lass was too strong for her rivals despite racing greenly in the home straight in the Charlie Bezzina Memorial 2YO Pace.

Galaxy Lass bounded clear around the home turn and straightened with a big lead, however the daughter of Bettors Delight

Warriors fight for draw

Western Warriors came back to come away with a draw in front of a big home crowd in the Victorian Netball League championship.

The Warriors got to play on their home court on Sunday for the first time, taking on the Hawks.

There was plenty of excitement for the Warriors as they got to show the netball community what they’ve been doing.

Warriors coach Kim Bailey said it was a big day for the club.

“What a day getting to play at Cobblebank,” she said. “It was such a great day with the committee doing an awesome job.

“It was nice to show off our sponsors and the west. There were a lot of people there including from Ballarat and people from our football netball clubs to support us and they were treated to a really good game in champ.”

The championship match was one that went down to the wire, with the teams finishing 58-all.

Bailey said both sides had their periods of dominance.

“It was a seesawing match and we led by five or six goals in the first half and the Hawks did exactly the same thing to us in the third quarter and led by five or six goals at three quarter,” she said.

“We made some changes and brought on some fresh legs. We got it back to an even keel and then played the game around to get the draw.

“You don’t want to have draws, but we will take it especially after last week.”

Kim Borger shot 43 goals for the season. Bailey said she was impressed by Akira McCormack who came on the court to give Julia Woolley a rest and ended up playing the last quarter.

The other key moment for Bailey was the decision to bring Vanessa Augustini on in wing attack in the final quarter.

“We decided to keep Ruby Shannon on in centre in her first game back. Ness is a leader and Simona Di Filippo had done and outstanding job, but had run out of legs

from her intensity.

“Ruby is only 20 years old and is such a steady player and makes some great decisions and understands when to drive and when to clear space.”

The Warriors now sit in eighth spot, four points behind the Hawks who sit in fourth spot.

The Warriors under-23s had another loss, losing to the Hawks 68-43.

Bailey said the score line didn’t tell the whole story.

“It didn’t reflect the game,” she said. “Only in the last quarter did it blow out.

“We had some good packages of play. We had Shaid Sasalu and Eliza Gollant out, we can’t keep the team on the court.

“CharlizeCookecameupfromdevelopment and played goalkeeper.”

The Warriors next match is against the Wilson Storage Southern Saints on Friday night.

Bailey said they wouldn’t train on Monday night having played the day before. She said they thought they matched up well.

Later in the night consistent pacer Stir Me Upbrokethroughforhismaidenmetropolitan win in the Hip Pocket Castlemaine Pace Stir Me Up landed behind the leader Sweet Passion while the $3.70 favorite Hes A Meister worked forward early to lead the outside division.

Hes A Meister began to give ground around the home turn and Anthony Butt was able to pull Stir Me Up to the outside and the son of Auckland Reactor produced a stout finale to score by two metres in a mile rate of 1:53.9.

Sports shorts


James Dickinson is making a return to Bacchus Marsh for the Ballarat Cricket Association season. Taking on the role of assistant coach to support our newly appointed coach, Sam Crea, Dickinson boasts an impressive track record including playing at Essendon and Plenty Valley, where he was captain-coach. He has also been involved in the Central Highlands program as a coach.

Australia Cup

Caroline Springs George Cross is through to the next round of the Australia Cup, while Westvale’s run came to an end. The Georgies faced Banyule on Tuesday night, winning 4-0. Morgan Filer, Trevor Ssemakula, Ko Sawada and Russell Currie were the goal scorers for the Georgies. Meanwhile in the Victorian Premier League 1 competition the Georgies lost to Eastern Lions on Saturday, 2-1.


Melton Centrals caused an upset win against Wallan in the Riddell District Netball League on Saturday. Wallan entered the match undefeated but were pushed throughout by Centrals. Centrals were eight goals down at three quarter time, before winning 51-50. Talasa Helen Aumua shot 30 goals for Centrals in their first win of the season. Earlier on Anzac Day, Diggers Rest lost to Macedon, 42-35. Other winners were Kyneton and Riddell.


Darley continued its good form in the Ballarat Netball League beating cross town rival Bacchus Marsh on Saturday. The Devils had a strong four quarter performance despite missing two key players, winning 86-9. Olivia Cawthray shot 38 goals for the Devils, while Victoria Freeman scored four for the Cobras. In other matches, Melton South beat Redan, 51-32, while Melton lost to North Ballarat, 61-44. The Devils are one of three undefeated teams after three rounds.

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Like A Wildfire (Stuart McCormick) Western Warriors after their first home game. (Supplied)

Panthers show some positive signs

Melton South bought in the star power as it produced one of its best days on the field in a number of years in the Ballarat Football League. The Panthers under-19s got their first win in more than 1700 days to start the day, before the reserves also managed to get a win. There was plenty of excitement surrounding the senior side with former AFL players Sam Darley, Jeff Garlett and Harley Bennell all pulling on the Panthers jumper. While the seniors had a 17.16 (118)-9.11 (63) loss to Redan, coach Travis Hodgson said there were plenty of positives out of the game.

“We were really competitive,” he said. “We lost by 50 odd points, but it was really like a five or six goal loss.

“It was a great game and we were in the contest for long periods. We never looked like we would get any closer, but they were never able to open it up.”

Hodgson said while they were really happy

withhowthegroupstucktothegameplan,they continued to make too many turnovers and fundamental errors that have proved costly. Bennell and Garlett kicked two goals each for the Panthers, along with Brendon Kantilla, who is the captain of the Tiwi Bombers. Darley and Kantilla were named their best alongside JarrodBibbywhoreturnedtotheside.Hodgson said they would likely see some of these guys another two or three times this season around their other football commitments. He said some would likely play against East Point this week.

“Sam and Jeff have real leadership,” he said. “It was good for the group and they were able to teach on the ground.

“It’s great for our boys to play with some experienced players. Having them in the side also allowed our four or five under-19s to go back to the under-19s and we saw what that did.”

While without a win so far and on the end of some big losses, Hodgson said there were definitely some positive signs.

“Last year we played Melton and lost by 214 points this year it was 188, Against Sunbury we lost by 204 last year this year was 144.

“Our lowest losing margin last season was 97 to Bacchus Marsh. We more than halved our losing margin to Redan [last time was 218-31].

Hodgson said they felt that their brand of football was starting to show that it could hold up, but it was just about making sure they got the basics right.

“We are playing a better brand and if we can get that right, we will get the reward at the end of it,” he said.

“Too many turnovers and fundamental errors is where the improvement will come from.”

ThePanthersthisweekfaceEastPointatEast Point in another big challenge.

Practise makes perfect

Young golfer Georgia Schwartz is renowned for always having a smile on her face, a strong zest for practise and a mantra for simply getting better every day.

With a handicap of +1, which in itself is remarkable for a young person of her age, the 13-year-old displays a maturity well beyond her years.

“I always want to get better, but I am wanting to win as well,” laughs Schwartz as she reflects on her achievements in golf in such a short time.

“I tried swimming and tennis for a while, but I got bored with them pretty quickly.

“I didn’t feel they suited me, I need to be challenged.

“I went to the driving range with dad and really liked the challenge of hitting the ball.

“I then took some group lessons at Keilor and when I got good enough, I entered some competitions at Medway Golf Club, where dad and pa played.”

Schwartz, who is the April Don Deeble sports award nominee, took her golf to the next level post COVID and says there isn’t a day that goes by when she doesn’t practise.

In 2022, Schwartz competed in the 12 and under School Sport Australia Championships in the team Victoria golf team, winning by six shots.

In 2023, her first year in secondary school at Maribyrnong Sports Academy, Schwartz went from strength to strength.

Attending gym strength and conditioning sessions every morning before school that included Pilates, low bearing body weight conditioning to prepare her for when she’s older.

She has match play simulation at Medway Golf Club on Mondays and Wednesdays after school. “My coach, Richard Cooney, is incredibly supportive,” she said. “He is also the high-performance coach for Tasmania.

“The strength of my game is my consistency. My irons are very good, as is my short game.”

Schwartz does believe her swing could be better.

Schwartz finished second at the 2023 12 and under National Golf Championships in Perth and her Victorian team finished third overall.

“It was my first interstate experience; I was very nervous but as soon as I got onto the course my nerves settled,” she said.

From there she went on to win the Medway Golf Club’s women’s open golf championship at and the junior girls’ cross.

She recently won the Bendigo Junior Open and was second at the Royal Melbourne Junior Open as well as the Portarlington Junior Open, She plays as the number one in the Medway junior and senior women’s pennant for And a highlight for Schwartz was playing in the Sandbelt Invitational Professional Golf

event in December.

Two weeks ago, Schwartz was presented with a “Sporting Blue” for golf at the Victorian School Sports Awards in recognition of her outstanding performances at state and national level in 2023.

Schwartz has been recently added to the Golf Australia high performance program where she will attend the Golf Australia High Performance Centre for intensive coaching.

Schwartz has two golfing heroes, Cassie Porter and Cameron Smith.

BCA star to coach Darley

Darley has signed one of the Ballarat Cricket Association’s greatest players as its coach for next season.

The Lions announced on Tuesday night that four-time EJ Cleary medallist Nathan Yates had signed on as player-coach for next season.

“Nathan brings a wealth of experience to the Lions Den and we are looking forward to Nathan working with our experienced and emerging senior playing group,” the Lions said on social media.

Yates joins the club from Mt Clear where he spent last season playing in the second XI, averaging more than 60 with the bat across 14 matches.

Yates replaces Dilan Chandima as coach, with the star all-rounder having signed on to remain as a player.

The signing of Yates was one of three made by the Lions as they aim to return to the top four after missing finals this year.

The Lions finished a disappointing sixth, 20 points outside the top four.

The signings mean the club will have three EJ Cleary winners in the team next season.

“We welcome Sajith Dissanayaka to our senior playing group,” the club said.

“Sajith is the current EJ Cleary medal winner and will be a fantastic asset at the Lions den with both the bat and ball.

“To round out our senior appointments we also welcome Jarrod Burns to the Lions den.

“Jarrod is a Bernie Davey medallist and recent second XI premiership player with Mt Clear.

“Jarrod brings a wealth of experience and we look forward to him joining our senior playing group.”

So, what does the future hold for Schwartz?

“I’d love to go to college in America and of course turn professional,” a pause, and she adds, “but that’s a long way off,” she said.

The Don Deeble Sports Star Award is sponsored by the Yarraville Club Cricket Club, Strathmore Community Bank, the Deer Park Club, Ascot Vale Sports and Trophies and Star Weekly. If you would like to nominate a monthly winner or attend a dinner, contact or 0408 556 631.

Nathan Yates (Supplied) Georgia Schwartz. (Supplied) Riley Theo (Ljubica Vrankovic)

Devils win local derby against Bacchus Marsh

Darley came away with the win against local rival Bacchus Marsh on Saturday, but there’s still a lot of improvement left in the reigning Ballarat Football League premiers.

After losing the grand final rematch the week before to North Ballarat, the Devils were keen to bounce back against the Cobras on Saturday.

The Devils jumped out to an early lead and had the game in control at half time, with a 39 point lead.

The margin was still beyond five goals at three quarter time.

The Cobras came home strongly with five goals to one, but the gap was too big with the Devils winning, 12.9 (81)10.9 (69).

Devils president Mark Shelly said while the score line showed a close match in the end, he thought they were always in control.

“We clearly had their measure for most of the day,” he said. “No discredit to Bacchus

Marsh I think we were far away from our best.

“We never looked like losing. I thought we were in control.

“We had a few personnel changes in the second half, like Billy Myers didn’t play in ruck where he had been good in the first half.

‘We’ll take the four points and move on.”

Harley Inglis, Will Johnson and Leigh Spiteri kicked three goals each for the Devils.

Shelly said Inglis and Zane Le Huray were their two standouts.

For the Cobras, Jake McCreery and Rye Penny were named their best.

The win moves the Devils to 2-1.

Shelly said he thought that this week against Ballarat in Alfredton would be a good challenge for them.

“It’s looking like they have improved significantly,” he said. “We will get back to the drawing board but at the end of day still early in the season.

“There’s lots of things to work on. We are not hunting anymore, we are the hunted and everyone is trying to stop the reigning premiers.”

Shelly said Saturday was a good day for the club, with the women’s side also beating Bacchus Marsh.

The Devils were too strong against an improved Cobras, winning 14.5 (89)-3.6 (24).

Jaye Dalgleish was named the Devils best, while Jacinta Reid was named the Cobras best.

“On face value everything is going really well at the club,” Shelly said. “We can use the facilities now this year and that is a big thing off field.

“Hopefully we’ll get a few more fundraisers and get back what we lost [with the rooms taking longer than expected].”

Rams making inroads

Western Rams might not have comeawaywith the points on Saturday, but having put their highestscoreontheboardinnearlysevenyears there’s plenty of good signs.

The Rams have shown some promising signs in the first two rounds of the Western Football League division 2 competition, despite what the scoreboard showed.

On Saturday against Laverton, the Rams got off to a good start to lead by seven points at quarter time.

TheMagpiescontrolledthenexttwoquarters to lead by 55 points at the final break.

While the game was over, the Rams showed some mental resilience and fought the game out hard to win the final quarter.

The Magpies won 21.12 (138)-13.10 (88) but for Rams coach Ashley Pritchard there were plenty of positives.

The last time the Rams scored more than 88 points was back on June 24, 2017.

“We started off well,” said Pritchard. “In the second and third quarters had something to do with fitness and some fatigue and we allowed them to score easy goals.

“Going into the final quarter the game could have gone one of two ways. We knuckled down even though we were exhausted and had a real go in the final quarter.”

Pritchard said they were starting to see that connection between defence, the midfielders and into the forward line.

He said that was on show in the final quarter.

“WehaveJarrydUnderwood,MichaelWalsh and Jared Scott in the forward line now,” he said. “Those three and in particular Jarryd and Jared on Saturday were fantastic.”

Underwood kicked six goals for the Rams.

Pritchard said the Lewis brothers Damon and Tyler, were the standouts in the loss to Laverton and have given them real energy in the midfield all season.

Pritchard in his first season at the club said there had been plenty of positives for the group

Storm add key pieces

Sydenham-Hillside hasn’t wasted time adding some more key pieces to its squad for the next Victorian Turf Cricket Association senior division season.

Having made a grand final in its first season in the top grade, the Storm is focused on going one step further.

The first signing for the Storm was Tallan Wright as head of cricket and player.

“With his extensive experience, passion for the game, and proven leadership, Tallan brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our club,” the Storm said on social media.

“We are confident that his vision, dedication, and innovative approach will drive our cricket program to new heights.

“Tallan joins us with a remarkable background in cricket, having played 83 games in premier cricket and recently captain/coaching Aberfeldie Cricket Club.

“His commitment to player development, strategic planning, and fostering a winning culture align perfectly with our club’s values and goals. His genuine all-round ability will be a huge asset on the field as well as his role off the field.”

in the club’s first season in the WFL.

“WehadNewportinroundoneandfellaway late in that game,” he said. “Albion is a class above.

“We understand where we are at and where they are at. We only trained one night last week and we had some great numbers on the track.

“We are training as a whole group which has been a big focus and will help us get fitter. When you’re fitter you run harder and think clearer and you can support your mates.”

Pritchard said they were trying to play a high intensity game and he expected them to get better as the season progressed.

The Rams this week face West Footscray.

Pritchard said they need to build on what they did against Laverton.

“We kicked seven goals in the final quarter, we need to take that into this week and see how we go.”

Meanwhile in division 1, Caroline Springs got its second win of the season, beating Parkside, 13.10 (88)-11.6 (72).

Wright in his role of head of cricket will be responsible for the club’s strategic planning for the future as well as working with the club’s coaches to ensure correct development is in place.

Wright will be joined at the Storm by a familiar face with his Aberfeldie teammate Cameron West also making the move.

“Cameron brings with him an impressive track record as a destructive opening batsman, and we couldn’t be more excited to have him on board,” the Storm said.

“Cameron has recently moved into the Sydenham area and is excited to play for the biggest club in the area.

“With his explosive batting style and proven ability to dominate the opposition, Cameron adds a new dimension to our team’s batting line up.

“His talent, passion, and commitment to excellence make him a valuable asset both on and off the field.”

Tuesday, 30 April, 2024 MELTON & MOORABOOL STAR WEEKLY 19
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