Star Weekly - Brimbank North West - 14th May 2024

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Fundraising for cancer

The Braybrook Community Hub is once again rallying the community together to help make a difference to Australians affected by cancer.

The Cancer Council reports that almost one in two Australians are diagnosed with cancer before the age of 85. And it is on a mission to change that statistic.

The hub is preparing to host its annual Biggest Morning Tea on May 22, with a fundraising goal of $500.

Braybrook Community Hub team member Saida Mohamed said the team hosts a morning tea every year.

“The highlight of the morning tea each year is just chatting with different people,” Ms Mohamed said.

“Some of the people that come are going through cancer themselves or have a family member who is. Just talking with each other is the highlight.”

Locals are invited to join in the event, which will run from 10am-2pm at 107-139 Churchill Avenue, Braybrook. Attendees can expect a delicious spread of homemade treats generously provided by staff members of the hub. For those unable to attend in person but still eager to contribute, donations can be made online at https://shorturl. at/gqvC8.

Calder funding put on ice

Localssaytheir“worstfearshavebeenrealised” after the state government revealed it has indefinitely paused funding for long-awaited Calder Freeway upgrades.

The 2024-25 state budget, handed down by treasurer Tim Pallas on May 7, confirmed the future of the Calder Freeway improvements project remains uncertain, with the state government detailing that it has paused the project as it works with the federal government to “understand the impact” of its decision to withdraw federal funding from the project last year.

In November last year, the federal

government released its long-awaited national infrastructure review detailing that the Calder Freeway would not be receiving the multi-million dollar funding that was promised.

The federal government had allocated $50 million in funding in 2019, with the state government announcing it would also allocate $50 million to the project in 2021.

Since then, question marks have hung over the state government’s $50-million funding, with it refusing to confirm whether its investmentforCalderFreewayupgradeswould go ahead.

Calder Action Group president Russell Mowatt said community members are


“Between the federal and state government’s we have been truly dudded as a community through funding withdrawal and no further action,” Mr Mowatt said. “Talking with other community members there is a sense of prejudice against the north-west communities, councils and [the] Calder Highway Improvement Committee who have recently voiced their unanimous voice to fund the Calder Freeway at a ‘Fix the Calder’ campaign.

“Our worst fears have been realised and we have had the rug pulled from under our feet after a decade of dedicated hard work.

“Wehavebeenledupthegardenpathonlyto find a dead end for the Calder Freeway.”

Last month, Brimbank council led a chorus of calls for government investment at a ‘Fix the Calder’ community event where it launched a new advocacy brochure on ‘Improving the Calder Highway’.

Council said the Calder is one of Australia’s most dangerous roads and safety upgrades are “urgently needed.“

The brochure had been produced by the Calder Highway Improvement Committee (CHIC), which consists of the councils of Brimbank, Buloke Shire, Greater Bendigo, Hume, Loddon Shire, Macedon Ranges Shire, Melton, Mildura, and Mount Alexander Shire. The brochure outlines CHIC’s priorities for improving safety on the Calder Highway.

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Share a cuppa with the Braybrook Community Hub on May 22. (L-R) Bhagya Sham, Alice Brush, and Saida Mohamed. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 405702_01
2 BRIMBANK & NORTHWEST STAR WEEKLY Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 12688805-HC21-24

Further delays for airport rail link

There seems to be no end in sight for the blame game being played between the state government and Melbourne Airport, following a decision in last week’s state budget to delay the Melbourne Airport Rail Link by at least four years.

Treasurer Tim Pallas handed down the 2024-25 state budget on May 7, revealing the airport rail link has been hit with further delays of at least four years from its initial estimated completion date of 2029.

Mr Pallas said while the Metro Tunnel, the

West Gate Tunnel and the North East Link projects are still being delivered, the state government has a “huge amount of funding tied up with the Melbourne Airport Rail project”.

“We need to be realistic about the project and its timeline,” Mr Pallas said.

“We’ve made the sensible decision to acknowledge the project is now at least four years delayed.”

The airport rail project includes plans to build a train line from Sunshine to Melbourne Airport.

The state government and Melbourne

Airport have failed to reach an agreement on the location of the proposed Melbourne Airport train station, with the airport holding firm in its preference for it to be constructed underground while state government’s plans released in 2022 said its preference was to have an above ground station.

AMelbourneAirportspokespersonsaidthe timing of the project has always been a matter for the government.

“Melbourne Airport was part of a consortium that offered up to $7 billion towards an underground airport station and express tracks from Sunshine,” the

Olive oil production branches out

Westies are scouring their backyards, local parks and greenspaces to collect olives in the thousands ahead of the annual Olive to Oil event later this month.

Organised by CERES, the event brings the community together in a celebration of local produce.

Participants bring their olives to one of CERES’ drop-off sites, which are then delivered to Barfold Olives to become a fruity and unique blend of oil. On collection day, participants return home with the fruits (or oils) of their labour.

Altona North resident Laura Jenkins said her local area is a “Mecca” of olive trees, where many nature strips are dotted with goods.

“There are not many places you can walk withoutbeingfarfromanolivetree,”shesaid.

Ms Jenksins said the annual event brings out a special kind of community spirit.

“Last year we had a really beautiful experience where we were picking one of the olive trees and a neighbour came out and said ‘follow me’ and took us out the front of their house where they had two enormous trees laden with olives,” she said.

“They didn’t speak English and we didn’t speak their language. We had a huge communication barrier but it didn’t matter.

“They went and got ladders out of their sheds and helped us pick the olives … and we ended up with a really lovely interaction with our neighbours.”

This year, Ms Jenkins anticipates a bit more of a challenge due to it being an off year for olives, as olive trees typically produce fruit bi-annually. Nevertheless, she is looking forward to taking on the olive-picking adventure with her family and friends, relishing the opportunity to spend quality time outdoors.

Hobsons Bay, Maribyrnong, Brimbank and Wyndham residents are invited to take part in the event, with the drop off date scheduled forMay26,atSunshinePlacecarpark,outside

spokesperson said.

“The state government rejected this.” In April last year, then Transport Minister Jacinta Allan flagged that the Melbourne Airport Rail project would not be completed by 2029, citing “challenging” negotiations with Melbourne Airport as a contributing factor to the delay.

“It has been challenging to negotiate with the airport about how the project will be delivered on the land that they lease from the federal government to run the airport,” Ms Allan told ABC Radio at the time.

“It’s been slower than I would have liked.”

Brimbank’s budget wrap

VictoriaPolicewillreceive$6.6million to continue its youth crime prevention and early program in Brimbank and Wyndham – and expand it to more suburbs and regional Victoria, as part of funding from the 2024-25 state budget.

Treasurer Tim Pallas handed down his 10th state budget on May 7, with education funding – including a $400 bonus for families of eligible students – a focus for the upcoming financial year.

Brimbankschoolstoreceivefunding in the next financial year include St Albans Heights Primary School ($6.162 million), Sydenham-Hillside Primary School ($3.124 million), and University Park Primary School ($2.580 million).

Plumpton Primary School (interim name) is one of 16 new schools that will share in a pool of $948 million funding in the 2024-25 budget as part of the government’s commitment to build 100 schools by 2026.

The Brimbank Melton Community Legal Centre will receive funding as part of $28.8 million package for community legal centres and specialist legal services that will go towards programs to support victim survivors of family violence.

The estimated completion of stage five and six of the Keilor Public Mausoleum has been postponed to 2030-31 to “prioritise inventory development that meets community demands”. It was originally scheduled for completion in 2028-29.

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Visy Cares Hub. The pick up day will take place on June 23 at Werribee Park Community Farm. Details: Hannah Hammoud Laura Jenkins is gearing up for the Olive to Oil event. (Damjan Janevski) 404461_01

Mentors helping locals find jobs

Brimbank is one of five council areas offering a mentors program that is assisting people who have found it difficult to get work.

Jobs Victoria’s mentors program is now working with more than 4000 individuals across the state, as part of a $35 million state government investment in targeted employment services.

The Jobs Victoria mentors program is available in five areas – Brimbank, Hume, Shepparton, Latrobe Valley and Dandenong – in an effort to help people find employment and address local workforce shortages.

More than 1000 people have registered for the program in Brimbank since October last year. Jobs Victoria has partnered with 11 organisations across the state to deliver the program, including Jesuit Social Services, OCTEC and WCIG in Brimbank..

The program works with individuals one-on-one and covers resume writing, job applicationsandinterviewpreparation.Itthen connects individuals with local employers who need staff and supports them for the first six months after they start.

Nearly three-quarters of people currently in the program have been unemployed for more than 12 months.

RachelinBrimbankhadpreviousexperience in customer service and administration but was out of work for more than a year after a mental health illness.

On working closely with OCTEC mentor Ben on resume updates and interview techniques, Rachel has secured a job in administration and engagement with a university. Ben continues to provide Rachel with mentorship and support to make sure

The next generation of storytellers

Keilor Downs College is celebrating a recent venture with Creative Partnerships Victoria, in a collaboration featuring admired author in residence, Dee White.

White’s engaging sessions have captivated and inspired the year 8 cohort, drawing from her own personal experiences to illuminate the art of storytelling.

Students have delved into the creative process alongside White, exploring character development, setting, and plot construction with fervour and imagination.

Reflecting on the program, White said the students are currently in the process of finalisingtheirfictionpiecesbeforetheyareput together in a published anthology.

“We have a lot of stories, poems, and illustrations that capture all aspects of

storytelling and visual story telling,” White said.

From generating characters to crafting compelling narratives, students have embraced the opportunity to unleash their creativity and hone their writing skills. With White’s guidance,theyhavenavigatedtheintricaciesof editing and revision, gaining valuable insights into the craft of storytelling.

For White, the program represents more than just literary exploration – it’s about nurturing the next generation of storytellers.

“When I was in school I had an amazing English teacher who was extremely supportive of me and she still comes to all of my book launches. Having a mentor or somebody you can talk to about your writing has been fabulous and I wanted to be that person for

these students,” she said.

“The students have been amazing … they’ve had complete creative freedom which they don’t often have because of curriculum restrictions. I wanted to inspire them to feel like they are storytellers and that they have an important story to tell because everyone does. I also wanted to inspire them to be creative and to enjoy being creative.

“The older we get the fewer opportunities students get within the school system to have creative freedom and tell the stories they want to tell. It’s really great to go into schools and work with aspiring young writers and people who might not realise they are storytellers at heart.”

she is progressing well and managing her mental health.

Laverton MP Sarah Connolly said the Jobs Victoria mentors program will better support locals, who are experiencing long term unemployment to find a job.

“And not just any job - by working one-on-one with job seekers and employers, this program is all about getting people into work that is meaningful to them and therefore more likely to deliver the dignity of work that every Victorian needs and deserves,” she said. Details:

Plastic plant worries resident

The inner-west has once again been the decided as s location for a multi-milliondollar facility which is causing concern from residents.

Australia’s first soft plastics and e-waste recycling facility has opened in Tottenham and will turn hard-to-recycle items into a new concrete material.

Nearby Brooklyn resident Carmen Largaiolli said she was worried about the impact of the $2.5 million facility given Maribyrnong’s existing pollution.

“The operation is approximately 1600 metres north of Brooklyn which is already one of Australia’s pollution hotspots,” she said.

“And adjacent to Sunshine residential homes and a major shopping centre.”

Ms Largaiolli said she only heard about the facility for the first tome last week and questioned whether there was any community consultation about the development.

The state government said the CDRC Global facility will process soft and hard plastics found in e-waste into an environmentally friendly product called RESIN8 that can be used in concrete, masonry bricks, blocks, pavers and asphalt.

According to the state government, at full capacity the facility will process about 6650 tonnes of hard and soft plasticseachyear,theequivalentofabout 330 garbage trucks which Ms Largaiolli said she doesn’t believe is accurate.

“Idon’tbelievethe330figure.Ithinkit will be something like double,” she said.

The state government said RESIN8 is being trialled by Hobsons Bay council, where 1350 kilograms of soft plastics will be turned into asphalt for a local road project.

Hobsons Bay council , Maribyrnong council and the state government were contacted for comment.

Ambulance response times across Brimbank improve

Paramedics responding to code one cases in Brimbank are arriving almost one minute faster than a year ago, according to the latest data released by Ambulance Victoria.

Ambulance Victoria’s performance results forJanuarytoMarch,2024,showedtheaverage response time for code one ‘lights and sirens’ cases in Brimbank was 13.40 minutes, down from14.31minutesforthesameperiodin2023. The improvement puts the average response time for code one cases in Brimbank below the 15 minute target time.

There were 2970 code one ambulance call

outs to Brimbank during the three months to March.

ParamedicsacrossVictoriarespondedto67.7 per cent of code one cases within the target of 15minutes,upfrom65.2percentayearearlier.

Brimbank’s results were better than the state average, with 74.8 per cent of ambulances responding to code one cases within 15 minutes, compared to 69.5 per cent at the same time last year.

Ambulance Victoria’s latest performance results were released as the state prepares for the oncoming flu season over winter.

Ambulance Victoria (AV) metropolitan regional director Michael Georgiou urged Melbournianstoaccessalternativecareoptions andgettheirfluandCOVID-19vaccinationsto ease pressure on paramedics over the coming months.

“Winter is a particularly bad time for the spread of illness,” he said.

“The good news is getting your flu shot and staying up to date with your COVID-19 vaccinations will help you and the people around you stay well. Book in now with your pharmacistordoctor.Alongwithsimplethings

like staying home if you’re unwell and washing and sanitising your hands often, these routine winter vaccinations can protect what’s most important to all of us – our health.”

Mr Georgiou reminded people that it wasn’t just respiratory viruses like flu and Covid-19 that they needed to guard against as the weather gets colder.

“We also encourage all Victorians to take careofthemselves,keepregularcheck-upswith your GP or specialist. It will also make a real difference to our busy paramedics who again face rising demand as we head into winter.”

Author Dee White with Keilor Downs College students Aachika, Binusha and Milla. (Damjan Janevski) 405320_02

Action needed on bus services

Brimbank residents have called on the state government to provide the municipality with its fair share of funding for improved bus services.

A $400 million package of Growth Area Infrastructure Contribution (GAIC) funding was announced by the state government on April 24, which included more than $150 millionfornewbusservicesacrossMelbourne’s north, west and south east suburbs.

The GAIC fund includes the local government areas of Cardinia, Casey, Hume, Melton, Mitchell, Whittlesea and Wyndham, meaning none of the money will be spent on improving bus services in Brimbank.

Community advocate Graeme Blore said the state government needs to acknowledge the needs of the west and create a “vision” to revitalise it.

“Wereallyarecallingonthestategovernment here. We’re sick of words, we want actions. We’re sick of their platitudes,” he said.

“Brimbank is the second largest local government area in metropolitan Melbourne andit’salsooneofthemostimpoverishedareas in Melbourne as well … once again Brimbank has missed out. This is an area that suffers massive social disadvantage.”

Mr Blore said improved bus services would help to address social disadvantage, drive down the unemployment rate, and reduce car ownership.

Funding hopes fly high

Ravenhall dance studio, KSTAR Studios is gearing up to represent Australia at the Hip Hop International competition in Arizona, USA – but they need some help getting there. With more than 60 countries in attendance, KSTAR Studios is hoping to showcase its dancers’ talent on the global stage this August.

KSTAR Studios principal Deanne Francisco said the studio’s roots have always been in the western suburbs, with a legacy spanning two decades. Having previously participated in the competition in 2008, 2009, and 2015, KSTAR Studios is now poised to introduce a new generation of dancers to the event.

“It is one of the most prestigious dance competitions in the world,” Ms Francisco said.

The journey to represent Australia began with a national competition held in Sydney,

where KSTAR Studios emerged as one of the top five teams, securing their spot on the international stage. However, the road to Arizona is not without its challenges.

“With a team consisting of 19 kids, aged between 10 to 18, the training for this competition is quite intense,” Ms Francisco said. “It’s described as the Olympics of dance, and a lot of hard work goes into just a few minutes on stage.”

Inlightofthefinancialcommitmentrequired for international travel, KSTAR Studios is reaching out to the community for support.

“It is a big expense to travel to the states, and we are looking for help with uniforms, accommodation, flights and travel expenses,” Ms Francisco said.


Data released this year from the National Skills Commission revealed Brimbank has Melbourne’s equal highest jobless rate along with Greater Dandenong.

“The unemployment rate is reflective of the problem,” Mr Blore said.

“We still have a situation in Brimbank where residents and Melbourne Airport have called for a bus service to and from Brimbank.

Melbourne Airport is the largest employment precinct in the north-west of Melbourne. At present to go from Brimbank to the airport by public transport, you’re required to get a bus – if you can – to a train station, then take the train to North Melbourne, then another train to Broadmeadows, and then another bus to Melbourne Airport. You’re looking at one and

a half to two hours each way.”

In January, Melbourne Airport joined in the chorus of calls urging the state government to increaselocalbusservicesandhasdescribedits current services as ’woeful’.

The airport said an upgrade to local public bus services will better serve the needs of passengers and staff living in surrounding suburbs, particularly Keilor, Sunbury, Taylors Lakes, and Sunshine.

At the time, Melbourne Airport chief of groundtransportJaiMcDermottsaidimproved bus services could help connect more people in Melbourne’snorth-westwithjobopportunities at the airport.

The state government was contacted for comment.

KSTAR Studios principal Deanna Francisco and her team are calling out for sponsors to help turn their dreams into reality. (Damjan Janevski) 406286_01

Funding to find women homes

The 2024-25 state budget included $110,000 in funding for the Caroline Chisholm Society, which provides specialist services to women and children experiencing homelessness in Melbourne’s west.

Caroline Chisholm Society chief executive Jennifer Weber said the funding will support the work of its specialist practitioner in housing.

“We have had consistent funding for western Melbourne, but it has been up and down for Brimbank-Melton. Because of the rising

demand it has meant we were often unable to support women from Brimbank-Melton,” she said.

“We received funding for our service last year, and then on Tuesday [May 7] we received the great news that we will be funded again.”

The Caroline Chisholm Society is a wrap-around community service which works with families to support secure attachment, optimise child outcomes through parenting interventions,preventandalleviatetheimpacts of poverty, homelessness, family violence and issues with mental health that have an impact on parent and child wellbeing.

Volunteer wish granted

The Braybrook Maidstone Neighbourhood Houseisoneof41communityorganisationsin Fraser to receive a Volunteer Grant.

Fraser MP Daniel Mullino recently announced all organisations that applied were successful in their grants, including neighbourhood house manager Vivienne Con, who received $1200.

“The house can’t function without the volunteers, so we spend [will] all the money from the grant on the safety of the volunteers to keep them happy,” she said.

MsConnsaidher20regularvolunteerswork hard for their community in need.

“The money will be spent over the next 12 months on several things,” she said.

“Mostly it goes towards a travel allowance for the volunteers as they drive their own cars each week to pick up emergency relief food from Yarraville, and free bread from Sunshine Bakers Delight.”

Asexpensiveasfuelcanbe,MsConndoesn’t want her volunteers paying for it.

Other expenses will also include buying a new safety step ladder, police checks for new volunteers and a new hot plate for their barbecue.

“When we have special occasions and big programs where we need all volunteers on deck we also pay for their way to and from the destination,” Ms Conn said.

“We rely on all of our volunteers who have all stayed for a long time and enjoy being here.”

Last year, the house received the same grant which lasted them the entire year.

“We were very grateful for that grant, we spentitonanoutdoorsinkwhichweuseallthe time as well as a radio which everyone loves.”

Braybrook Maidstone Neighbourhood House volunteers Senay Hanci, Kenny Stewart, and manager Vivienne Conn. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 405714_02

YOUR NEW CAREER ... starts here

Ms Weber said while the Caroline Chisholm Society does not provide housing itself, it can support women and children who are at risk of homelessness by assisting with identifying housing options, advocacy, and providing supportwithapplicationsforprivate,publicand social housing along with case management.

“When women present to our specialist practitioner and they have identified a housing and homelessness issue, our specialist practitioner will work with mum and the family to find tangible solutions,” she said.

Ms Weber said pathways to accessing affordable housing are becoming increasingly

difficult, as the housing crisis continues to aggravate access.

“The housing crisis has meant we’ve been faced with situations where a pregnant woman is contacting us and is homeless, sleeping in her car, ready to give birth. That’s what we’re dealing with, we have a few women at the moment in that exact situation,” she said. If you are experiencing homelessness or worriedthatyoumightbecomehomelesssoon, you can call 1800 825 955 and speak with an initial assessment and planning staff member about your situation. You will be connected to thenearestHomelessnessAccessPointService.

Lots of May entertainment

The month of May in Melbourne’s west promises a line up of events and activities to check out, and Western Melbourne Tourism has curated a list of highlights.

SleeplessFestivalisreturningtoFootscrayfor athirdedition.Thisfestivalofpublicart,music and unexpected activities brings dormant laneways and forgotten indoor spaces to life, transforming them into inviting nightscapes.

RSL. Featuring Nikodimos and Adrian Eagle, Charlie Needs Braces, DJ Sikander and more. For those after an arts and culture experience, the west’s very own international film festival will be back in May until the 20th, presenting quality, award winning films from independentfilmmakersaroundAustraliaand the world.

Star Weekly seeks an enthusiastic Full or Part Time sales executive to work across our print, digital, social and online platforms.

Star Weekly is an independently owned company which prides itself on its long history of community experience but also its investment in the future.

The successful applicant will need to possess good people skills to enable them to meet with local businesses to sell solutions through our advertising platforms to help promote their business.

TheheartofFootscrayplayshosttoaseriesof adventurous events celebrating the world-class diversity and creativity coming out of the west.

Running until May 19, the festival includes music,filmscreenings,artinstallations,theatre and more.

HeadovertotheBoweryTheatreinStAlbans for the ‘Resonate’ music series, which brings contemporary Australian music to the west.

PBS Radio DJ MzRizk programs a diverse line-up inviting audiences to discover new artists across genres. On at the Bowery Theatre on May 17, and May 31.

CheckoutLive&Local:FamilyJamsonMay 19, from 1-5pm at the Spotswood Kingsville

Now in its eleventh year, the annual Setting Sun International Film Festival screens shorts and features at The Sun Theatre Yarraville, Kindred Studios, the Greek Centre as well as online.

Steve McCurry’s ICONS exhibition is on display at the SeaWorks Maritime Precinct in Hobsons Bay until May 25. With more than 100 large-format photographs, ICONS is one of the most comprehensive retrospectives of McCurry’s career. Mark your calendars for the Williamstown Literary Festival, a beloved annual event celebrating storytelling with author talks, paneldiscussions,andwritingworkshopsfrom June 14-16.

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12681381-AP15-24 The annual Setting Sun International Film Festival will be on until May 20. (Supplied)

Leanne is kicking goals

Team NAB AFL Auskick has its second recruit of the year, with 10-year-old Leanne Arenas from Taylors Lakes Football Club joining the team.

Leanne said it was a “dream come true” to watch the mighty blues play live in action at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) on May 3, where she was introduced as the second Team NAB AFL Auskick recruit for 2024.

Eleven lucky winners will be announced bi-weekly, with Leanne being the second Auskicker to join the team, accompanied by her chosen nominee – seven-year-old sister, Laura.

Leanne has been playing footy for two years and is a huge Carlton fan, with tall forward Harry McKay her favourite player on the team. The year 5 student also has a

passion for many sports including swimming and tee-ball and is keen to keep active.

“My favourite part about playing footy is that we get to score lots of goals and get to run across the massive playing oval with my friends,” she said.

As for the blues, Leanne says she has a good feeling about their chances of claiming this year’s premiership cup.

“I think Carlton is going strong. They’re currently in the top 8 … they will definitely win the Grand Final if they keep playing strong,“ she said.

Leanne and Laura will join the other Team NAB AFL Auskick recruits at the MCG in Melbourne for a once-in-a-lifetime Grand Final experience, including presenting the winning grand final team with their premiership medals.


Derrimut crash

A 79-year-old St Albans woman died in hospital following a crash in Derrimut on May 1. Police believe a blue Toyota Corolla crashed into a number of stationary cars at a traffic light on the off ramp of the Western Freeway, on May 1, about 1pm. The passenger of the Corolla, a 77-year-old St Albans man, was taken to hospital with serious injuries.

Presidents Park death

Police will prepare a report for the coroner following the death of a Caroline Springs man, 50, in Presidents Park, Wyndham Vale, on May 6. Police were called to reports a man had a medical episode and fell off his bike at a park along McGrath Road, Wyndham Vale, about 7pm on May 6. The death is not being treated as suspicious.

Deanside house fire

Fire crews attended a house fire in Deanside on May 6. Triple-0 received phone calls about the fire in Dalmore Street about 10.38am. The first Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) crews arrived on scene quickly and escalated the response as the house was fully alight. They managed to bring the fire under control by 10.59am with the fire contained to the roof space. The single occupant self-evacuated.



Brimbank & North West Star Weekly @starweeklynews @star_weekly

Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 BRIMBANK & NORTHWEST STAR WEEKLY 7 STARWEEKLY.COM.AU NEWS CONTACT US PHONE \ 03 8318 5777 LOCATION \ Corner Thomsons Road and Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park, 3042 DISTRIBUTION \ 1300 656 678 ADVERTISING GENERAL SALES INQUIRIES CLASSIFIEDS \ 1300 666 808 EMAIL \ GENERAL REAL ESTATE INQUIRIES EDITORIAL GENERAL EDITORIAL INQUIRIES COMMUNITY CALENDAR ENTRIES Published by MMP Star Pty Ltd ACN 168 220 399 Head Office Corner Thomsons Road and Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park, 3042 Publisher/Managing Director, Paul Thomas All material is copyright to MMP Star Pty Ltd. Responsibility for election comment is accepted by Paul Thomas. All significant errors will be corrected as quickly as possible. Distribution numbers, areas and coverage are estimates only. For our terms and conditions please visit STARWEEKLY.COM.AU ‘Offers apply on purchases made in participating stores between 01/05/2024 and 31/05/2024. Terms and conditions apply. Images are for illustration purposes only. See for details. DEALER LOGBOOK SERVICE Minor Dealership Logbook Service From only $229.00. Includes: Replacement of engine oil filter and semi synthetic engine oil up to 7 litres Inspect and top up fluid levels • Check headlamp and light operation Inspect drive belts and cooling system, hoses etc • Remove wheels and inspect brake and suspension components • Stamp warranty booklet if applicable. $229.00 - Suits most Japanese vehicles $269.00 - Vehicles requiring full synthetic engine oils, Ie, Fiesta, Mondeo and some late model Japanese vehicles $349.00 - European Vehicles - Some earlier models Diesel Service Most Japanese 4WD & Commercial Vans $449.00 - European - Mid luxury/prestige vehicles. Note: Some 4WD, luxury, prestige and sports models vehicles may incur an extra costPrice on application. PROFESSIONAL VEHICLE SERVICING & REPAIRS, WITH HONESTY & INTEGRITY We use and recommend Valvoline Motor Oils & Ryco Filters • Fixed Price Servicing • Mechanical Repairs • Brakes • Clutch Repairs • Fleet Maintenance • Automatic Transmission • Wheel Balancing • Wheel Alignments • Batteries • Licensed Vehicle Tester • RWC LVT License no: EX 6187 • BRIDGESTONE • FIRESTONE • SUPERCAT • POTENZA • TURANZA • ECOPIA • DUELER • DAYTON No Deposit No Interest No repayments for 6 months *Conditions Apply 6 MONTHS INTEREST FREE*
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Team NAB AFL Auskick’s second recruit, Leanne Arenas, has a kick on the ’G during the Carlton v Collingwood game. (Dylan Burns/AFL Photos)

New principal announced at Bacchus Marsh Grammar

Bacchus Marsh Grammar is pleased to announce the appointment of its fourth and new principal from 2025, Mrs Debra Ogston. This is an exciting appointment for the school and wider community as Mrs Ogston, having served the school in various positions over the past 23 years, provides current and future families continuity, confidence, a strong direction and seamless transition into her new role.

In a recent speech given to staff, Mrs Ogston said, “Change can often bring feelings of uncertainty and apprehension and continuity is what binds us together as a school community. Our values, our traditions and our shared commitment to excellence remains the same. As we, as a school, navigate the changes and transitions that inevitably come with a new principal, it is essential that we remain steadfast in our commitment to that which has got us to this place. This school has been built on a culture of significance, values and high expectations, particularly with academic results. This will remain the same. Continuity and confidence in what we as a school are delivering and our continued expectations will help us move forward in our pursuit of excellence.”

It is with great confidence that the Bacchus Marsh Grammar community can count on our new principal. Mrs Ogston’s ambition and success in her leading roles to this point have been entwined with her commitment to excellence in education, and her passion to create well-rounded individuals. She leads by example as she balances parenthood and has strong community ties while involved in local sport through both coaching and playing roles at Sunbury Basketball Association since 1997 and more recently Darley Football and Netball Club.

Mrs Ogston’s beliefs are that the “future of

oursocietyisbaseduponourabilitytochange and grow. The skills and knowledge required inthefuturemustenablepeopletotakechange in their stride. Students leaving secondary school must be problem-solvers, listeners and good communicators. Students need to keep upwiththeever-changingpaceintechnology, work effectively in group situations and be responsible citizens. In order for students to be prepared for life beyond the four walls of school, we must teach these skills.”

Current principal Mr Andrew Neal said, “I cannot be more delighted with this appointment. Mrs Debra Ogston has the

capacity and desire to continue the growth and development of the school in a way that is true to our values and is respectful to all members of our community.”

On behalf of the School Board, Cathy Jeffkins wishes to thank the entire school community for its respectful engagement and interest in the new principal selection process. The board is delighted to have made the appointment of Mrs Ogston to position of principal with effect from 1 January 2025.

The board also reiterates its grateful and heartfelt thanks to current principal, Mr Andrew Neal, for his enormous contribution

to our school over the past 26 years, and looks forward to Mr Neal undertaking the new role of the School’s Chief Executive Officer from 1 January 2025. Bacchus Marsh Grammar is a vibrant independent school, boasting a rich depth of programs that foster confidence, self-awareness, resilience, and gives students the ability to contribute to their personal growth. It has three campuses Maddingley P-12 Campus, Woodlea P-10 Campus (expanding to Year 12 by 2026) and Staughton Vale Rural Campus. For more email school@ or contact 5366 4800.

Bacchus Marsh Grammar

Bacchus Marsh Grammar is a vibrant Independent school, boasting a rich depth of programs that foster confidence, self-awareness, resilience, and gives students the ability to contribute to their personal growth. Maddingley Campus P-12 Woodlea Campus P-10 (Expanding to Year 12 by 2026) Staughton Vale Rural Campus | 53664800 12689305-SM20-24
FEATURING ... EDUCATION Advertising feature
New principal Debra Ogston.

Mackellar Primary School is a vibrant school that thrives on its vision of ‘Empowering Global Citizens’.

This vision ensures students have ownership of their learning with a defined moral compass. This vision is anchored in four key learning principles which align with the school mascot – the bee. They are Bee Connected, Bee Collaborative, Bee Curious and Bee Creative

In addition, Mackellar’s core valuesResilience, Teamwork, Respect and Learningplaceastrongemphasisonsocialandemotional learning. Programs such as school-wide Positive Behaviour Supports and Resilience, Rights, and Respectful Relationships equip students with essential life skills, whilst the Mental Health in Schools leader facilitates a range of mental health programs such as art therapy, music therapy, Seasons for Growth, and the ’I Can Mentoring Program’.

English and Mathematics are taught sequentiallyandprogressively,accommodating the diverse styles and abilities of students. Differentiated instruction is a cornerstone of the school’s approach, ensuring every student’s unique needs are met, and inquiry units equip students with the skills needed in an ever-evolving 21st-century landscape.

The school offers arange of specialist subjects: physical education, the arts (visual and performing), languages (Italian), digital learning, and food technology. In addition, Mackellar Primary School is committed to supporting students through intervention programs as well as a high-ability program and student leadership programs.

Parents are warmly welcomed and encouraged to be involved in the school’s activities such as the production and art show, days of significance and other school-based events.

and excellence. Together, they ensure that Mackellar


a beacon of empowerment and education.

Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 BRIMBANK & NORTHWEST STAR WEEKLY 9 FEATURING ... EDUCATION Advertising feature 29–35 Goldsmith Avenue, Delahey VIC 3037 T (03) 9364 0200 E 2025 Enrolment Information Night Wednesday 29 May 2024 5:15 – 7:30pm Please RSVP by May 21st 2024 to 12670826-KO20-24
The principal Simon McGlade, who has led the school since late 2020, is deeply committed to making Mackellar Primary School a school of choice. The leadership team work collaboratively with staff fostering an environment of continuous growth Primary remains
Mackellar is a a beacon of empowerment and support
Noa climbing in the playground. Right: Lucian (top), Phillip, Miguel and Jorden playing. (Pictures: Supplied)

Students front and centre at St Albans Heights PS

At St Albans Heights PS our graduates will be empowered to thrive, collaborate and think critically. They will be supported by the school community and will be at the centre of all decision making.

All students will be provided with highly effective instruction, in every classroom, every day. They will have sound literacy and numeracy skills and an inquiring mindset to create opportunities to live successful lives. They will develop positive social and emotional capabilities and a strong moral compass in order to effectively contribute to society.

St Albans Heights Primary School’s values

are: H.E.R.B: Honesty Excellence Respect Belonging

We provide a structured, supportive and motivating educational environment where every child experiences a stimulating curriculum with challenging and achievable goals that will meet their individual needs. We offer physical education, visual arts, STEMandJapaneseasourspecialistareasand we offer English as an Additional Language Support, small group and individual learning support for students needing assistance and for those who are above in their learning. We offer a free breakfast club, before and after school care and so much more.


• Individual and differentiated programs to cater for individual student needs

• An advanced STEM (Science & Technology) learning centre

• We have a strong partnership with ACMI and RMIT University

• Diverse extracurricular program including camps, swimming & sport

• A range of specialist programs including Visual Arts, Sport, Japanese and Cooking

• Student Leadership opportunities

• Tutoring Program and weekly Homework Club

• Strong parental involvement opportunities

• $13 million building upgrade – starting 2023

• Gold Status 3 years in a row for our Positive Behaviour Framework

• Before and After School

• Community Hub on site

Education budget boost

Last week’s state budget included millions of dollars for education, including a one-off $400 bonus for every student at a government school.

The once-off $400 School Saving Bonus can be used by families to cover the cost of uniforms, camps, excursions and other extracurricularactivitiesthroughtheyearand also applies to eligible concession card holders in non-government schools.

The budget also tripled the Glasses for Kids program – benefitting an extra 74,000 young Victorians – providing free vision testing and prescription glasses to prep to Year 3 students, with an extra $6.8 million.

The government claims that the budget builds on the more than $700 million already invested in healthcare support in schools – adding to the doctors, nurses and mental healthpractitionerswhosupportourkids.The government will invest a further $21.8 million for psychologists, speech pathologists and social workers, $6.3 million for the Primary School Nursing Program and $13.9 million to deliver mental healthcare in schools.

Thegovernmentsaysitiscontinuingtoback teachers and support staff with an extra $17.9 million to boost the workforce, attracting more teachers from overseas and enabling school leaders to work more flexibly around their lives.

Aninvestmentof$63.8millionwillalsogive school staff more mental health and wellbeing support, helping to bolster recruitment, increaseretentionandsupportthosereturning to the workforce.

The government is also investing $10.7 million to reduce the admin burden on school staff–withinitiativesthatgiveprincipalsmore time to support staff and students, as well as extra support for teachers in their curriculum and assessment planning.

An investment of almost $17 million will

extendtheStudentExcellenceProgram,which helps support high achieving students across all government schools – from excursions to extra classroom resources and extension programs.

The government will also continue the Primary Mathematics and Science Specialist Program, training an extra 100 teachers as STEM specialists to make sure students are getting the skills they need for the future, and will invest $8.2 million to lift outcomes by supporting the English Online Interview, supporting learning literacy through phonics. There is also $4.8 million for new programs that will give students in Year 9 and 10 the opportunity to experience vocational courses and studying at TAFE. This includes support for vulnerable kids to stay in education and break the cycle of disadvantage, with $71 million to support them to finish Year 12 and secure a post-school pathway. A further $28.4 million is invested for a suite of initiatives to support students in the justice system. The government will also invest $8.4 million to better support students in out-of-home care and strengthen the LOOKOUT program in schools and kinders.

Community Language Schools are supporting more than 40,000 kids to learn or maintain nearly 50 mother and heritage languages this year alone. The government will invest $10.5 million, as well as delivering an extra $41.5 million for the English as an Additional Language program.

The budget makes a new $51 million investment to improve education and wellbeingoutcomesforVictoria’sFirstNations students.

Itincludesmorethan$32milliontosupport the Aboriginal community-controlled sector, andmeasurestostrengthenself-determination and ensure cultural safety in schools.

10 BRIMBANK & NORTHWEST STAR WEEKLY Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 FEATURING ... EDUCATION Advertising feature 12685424-FC20-24 Invites you to School Tours NOW OPEN School Tours Tuesday 9am - 10am Thursday 12:30pm - 1:30pm Friday 10am - 11am If these times do not suit you, please call our school to arrange an appointment 9366 1381 •
12670568-JC21-24 Honesty Excellence Respect Belonging St Albans Heights Primary School Soaring to Greater Heights! St Albans Heights Primary School 1 Norwich Street St Albans, 9366 4211
St Albans Heights Primary School students. (Supplied)

Three sites, one family at unique Copperfield College

It is with a sense of pride and excitement that I welcome you to Copperfield College. Selecting the right school for your child is an important choice. Copperfield College is a unique multi-campus college.

‘One college – three sites – one family’

• Kings Park Junior Campus (Years 7 – 10)

• Sydenham Junior Campus (Years 7 – 10)

• Delahey Senior Campus (Years 11 – 12)

At Copperfield College we are committed to ensuring the best possible outcomes in terms of learning and teaching and of course the wellbeing for all our students. The college is a large school with many advantages and strengths. Operating across three good-sized sites means students receive the benefits of smaller schools, which are complemented by our team and wellbeing


Our focus on individual growth and success, together with our emphasis on student wellbeing, encourages students to be safe, be respectful and take ownership of their own learning and future pathways, in a very nurturing and supporting school environment.

I sincerely encourage you to contact the

college and organise a school tour of one, or all three of our campuses, providing you with an opportunity to see our impressive facilitiesacrossthecollege.Iamsureyouwill discover first-hand what makes Copperfield College an innovative, and outstanding college.

Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 BRIMBANK & NORTHWEST STAR WEEKLY 11 FEATURING ... EDUCATION Advertising feature 12688166-AV20-24
Nick Adamou, principal Principal Nick Adamou and students from Copperfield college. (Supplied)

Laffan hits it for six in Vanuatu

It’s been a big 12 months for Chris Laffan who has gone from coaching Craigieburn to taking charge as the head coach of the Vanuatu cricket program. He chats with Tara Murray about the journey and the incredible result that got the world talking.

When Vanuatu’s women’s team upset Zimbabweatthewomen’sT20cricket World Cup qualifying tournament last month, among those watching from the side lines was Craigieburn’s Chris Laffan.

Laffan, a former player and coach at Craigieburn, has had a big role to play in the Vanuatu program in recent times.

LastMayhewasappointedVanuatucricket’s high performance manager and national coach, and it has been a massive 12 months since.

“It’s been a bit of a whirlwind,” he said. “All starting to come together and I can start to see some of the things that have been put in place and that’s really pleasing.

“I guess that 12-month mark gives you a good time to make an assessment on a lot of that as well.”

Laffan said the role had been a learning curve as he’s made the transition across from Australia.

He said he’s had to wear several different hats to make everything work.

“Sometimes you’re a little bit jealous of some of the other [sports] coaching staff and numbers that they have, thinking what you coulddowiththosesortsofnumbers,” hesaid.

“Weknow,Iandwhoevertakesuptheroleat Vanuatu … wear a lot of hats.

“But at the same time that’s one of the enjoyments and something that definitely drives you from a passion point of view to get up in the morning and know that you know, it could be a bit of a different focus and where we’ve got to drive our energy from.

“Whether that’s, you know, conversations around from a nutrition point of view or fitness point of view and back to cricket games and skill.

“It’s been a great experience so far.”

Laffan said when he came into the role he knew that while soccer often dwarfs cricket in termsofpopularityintheVanuatu,cricketwas the highest-ranked sport in the country.

That is based around the women’s program which is ranked number 30.

At the recent World Cup qualifying tournament, the Vanuatu side beat Zimbabwe which is ranked 12th in the world.

To even get to the qualifying tournament, they had to beat Papua New Guinea, which is ranked number 11 in the world and a team Laffandescribedasthe‘gatekeeper’ofwomen’s cricket in their region.

Laffan said the win was massive for the team and the country as a whole.

“To see us be able to take that forward and go somewhere we haven’t been before, is so pleasing from my point of view,” he said.

“But also from the support. The country has been able to jump on board and it’ll hopefully be able to ignite the passion into young men

and women to take up the game and see it as a really great pathway to get on the international stage.”

Laffan said they had a really young group that were happy to be there and take on these opportunities.. He said the group was just there to learn and get better and improve.

“I think it really shows the mentality of the group that you know, they’re not really going to get lost in that one win which is fantastic,” he said. “To put out their best foot forward to continue and while they got beaten quite convincingly two days later … There were so many pleasing signs against a world class side.

“We spoke about it in our build up and how important it was about creating history, we managed to do that.”

Vanuatu finished with just one win for the tournament but it’s put the side in a good place to move forward.

On the other side the men’s team came off a disappointing tournament in Malaysia, missing out on qualifying for the Challenge League, which is a step to trying to qualify for the 50-over World Cup.

The loss will have an impact on funding for thewholeCricketVanuatuprogram,including all staff and many programs that run.

Laffan said it was a huge shake up but was one that they didn’t see coming.

“To finish off where we did, “We made the super six stage.

“There were some pleasing results, we got into some positions that we could have gone through.

“There’ssomefantasticprogressionthorough the men’s side at the same the overhanging pieceofdisappointmentfronthelasttoughnot securing the funding and go through.”

Now with 12 months nearly under his belt, Laffan is keen to see where the journey takes them next.

12 BRIMBANK & NORTHWEST STAR WEEKLY Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 BEHIND THE NEWS STARWEEKLY.COM.AU Keeping up to date with your local news has never been so easy... Simplyregistertodayandgetourlatest news articlesandDigital EditionsinyourinboxforFREE SenttoyourinboxeveryTuesday 12665718-SN08-24
Vanuatu’s women’s side with coach Chris Laffan (pictured right). (Pictures: Supplied)

Spoiling mum this Mother’s Day

All 201 kids at Dinjerra Primary School in Braybrook had access to the special Mother’s Day stall held across two days. Presents available were flower and heart keyrings and plants and pots donated by Sunshine Bunnings and potted up by school council president Kylie Kirk.

Other presents available were necklaces, photo frames, jewellery and tote bags, jewellery boxes and mugs with chocolates.

Ms Kirk said all the children loved choosing a special present for their mums, and some even snuck in a present for themselves.






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Hayden, 10. Kids were able to buy all sorts of gifts for their mums. Front row: Chloe, 9, Akira, 9, Elieen, 9, Isabella, 9, and Aarush, 8. Back row: Benjamin, 9, Janavi, 9, and Sameer, 10. Above: Volunteers Sue Marmo, Kylie Kirk, and Megan Mcnally. Below: Sameer with one of the many gifts on offer. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 405708


WANT YOUR EVENT LISTED? Community Calendar is made available free of charge to not-for-profit organisations to keep the public informed of special events and activities. Send item details to Star Weekly Community Calendar, Corner Thomsons Road and Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park, 3042, or email to by 9am Wednesday the week prior to publication

Free hearing tests

Hearing Australia will be at the Duke Street Community House to provide free hearing tests and referrals as part of Neighbourhood House Week on May 15, from 10am-3pm. Bookings required. 15 minute appointments available.

■ 9311 9973

Walking tour

Join for a walk and tour of West Sunshine Community Centre to celebrate Neighbourhood House Week, from 10am-noon, on May 15. Light refreshments provided. Bookings required.

■ 9249 4555

Rake and create

The Westvale Community Centre is inviting the community to join for the Rake and Create Cultural Gardening Program. Meet multicultural groups, share gardening tips, and enjoy gardening together. From 10am-noon, on May 16.

Walk and talk

Join for a short walk and talk to explore the local community on May 16 departing at 10am from the Duke Street Community House. Morning tea included.

All abilities workshops

Join the Duke Street Community House for free workshops filled with fun and engaging activities and informative sessions alongside a supportive and inclusive community. Workshops range from nutrition, art therapy, wellness and fitness, financial support, mental health and sustainable planting. Workshops are held weekly on Thursdays, from 10am-12.15pm, until June 20.

Women’s only conversation English Make friends, learn new skills and practice English in this fun and free women’s social group. Tuesdays during school terms 9.30am-noon at the Duke Street Community House, 27 Duke Street, Sunshine.

■ 9311 9973 or


A free adult social opportunity to get together and be creative. Learn a new craft or bring along your own craft projects. Tuesdays during school terms, 12.30-2.30pm, at the Duke Street Community House, 27 Duke Street, Sunshine.

■ 9311 9973 or

Learn to relax

IPC Health is inviting locals to attend a free six-week program offering an introduction into different aspects of relaxation. Learn to relax provides free support for people aged 18 and over who are interested in learning how to relax and ways to effectively manage their stress. Located at IPC Health Deer Park, 106 Station Road, Deer Park, this group will run, from 10.30-11.30am, every Thursday until June 6. Registration is essential. ■ or 1300 472 432

Seniors’ lunch

Deer Park Branch of National Seniors Australia hosts a lunch on the third Friday of each month at different venues. The group also arranges activities each month, sometimes to the theatre, morning melodies, train or bus trip. The group also holds a general meeting at The Club in Caroline Springs on the first Wednesday of every month at 1.30pm. Locals are invited to join in for lunch or just attend the meeting and make new friends. ¦ Pamela,


Sunshine Heights Junior Soccer Club is on the hunt for more girls to join its junior soccer teams from ages under-8s through to under-14s. If you are keen to join, training is held every Tuesday and Thursday at Castley Reserve from 5.30pm, except for under-14 girls who train from 6.30pm.


Girl Guides

Brimbank District Girl Guides is inviting locals to come and try guides before committing to join. Girls aged 5-18 and adults are invited to enjoy the fun and friendship of guiding.

■ Carolyn, 0418 536 084

Al-Anon Family Groups

Al-Anon Family Groups is offering help and hope to anyone living in an unhappy home because a loved one drinks too much. There are no contracts to sign, just a voluntary donation to cover room rental. Confidentiality is protected. Confidential meetings held at the Sydenham Neighbourhood Centre (rear of library) every Wednesday from 1-2:30pm. New members welcome. No appointment necessary.

Card games

Love playing the card game 500? Card games are played every Monday from 7-10pm at the Sunshine RSL offices, 99 Dickson Street, Sunshine.

■ Leisa, 0425 768 808

Keilor Day View Club

The Keilor Day View Club meets at 11am

on the first Thursday of each month at Green Gully Soccer Club, Green Gully Reserve, Club House Place, Keilor Downs. The club is inviting locals to come along and enjoy a meal and fun with a friendly group of ladies.

■ Robyn, 0425 387 880

Sunshine Repair Cafe

Do you enjoy fixing things or have skills in mending clothing and textiles? Kororoit Neighbourhood House is looking for volunteer repairers for the newly launched Repair Café in Brimbank. Events happen once a month and are an opportunity to meet others in the community and share your skills while helping fix broken household items.

■, or 0413 434 082

Palliative volunteers needed Mercy Palliative Care is looking for volunteers to visit palliative care patients in their homes to offer social support.

■ 9313 5700 or

Deer Park Lions Club

Deer Park Lions Club is looking for new members. It holds dinner meetings on the first Wednesday of every month at the Deer Park Senior Citizens Club, 119 Station Road, Deer Park.

■ Michael, 0417 307 572

Sunshine Community Brass

Sunshine Community Brass is looking for trumpet and percussion players to join its vibrant band of musicians. With more than 90 years of history, the band rehearses at 45 Furlong Road, North Sunshine, on

Tuesdays from 7.30pm.

■ Andrew, 0419 444 620

St Albans senior citizens

St Albans Senior Citizens group meet at the centre at the corner of Alfrieda and William streets, St Albans, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 9am-2pm. Annual membership: $10. Cost: $1 entry.

■ Roma, 0435 991 064

Sunrise Social Groups

GenWest Sunrise Social Groups are currently seeking new members for their Melton, Brimbank and Wyndham programs. The free groups are organised by Genwest and provide a social space for women, gender diverse and nonbinary people, who have a disability, chronic health issues and/or mental health challenges.

■ health-wellbeing-programs/

Caroline Springs Rotary

The Rotary Club of Caroline Springs is inviting new guests to join its meetings in person or via zoom. Meetings are held every Wednesday at the Western Emergency Relief Network in Ravenhall from 7pm.


Chatty Cafe Melton

Are you feeling lonely, isolated or just wanting to make some new friends? If so, Chatty Cafe is for you. The group meets on Friday mornings at 10am for delicious free coffee from Latin foods and wines at 10 Wallace Square, Melton.

■ groups/352071857283331

Junior This week’s photographer’s choice picture is of Star Wars characters visiting sick children, including six-year-old Tiana, at Sunshine Hospital to help brighten their day. (Damjan Janevski) 405369_01

To solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear


1 Underground railway (6)

4 Water-surrounded land (6)

10 Chickens, pigeons etc. (5)

11 Social exclusion (9)

12 Provider of information (9)

13 Rainforest vine (5)

14 Of Troy (6)

15 Over (4)

19 Currency unit (4)

20 Antelope with lyre-shaped horns (6)

24 Happen (5)

25 Encouraging (9)

27 Male name (9)

28 Proclaimer (5)

29 Proof-corrector (6)

30 Fruit (6) DOWN

1 Temperance (8) 2 Shoeless (8)

3 German-speaking country (7) 5 Mollusc (7)

6 Shoe brand (6)

7 Humiliate (6)

8 Scottish island (4) 9 Law (7)

16 Bed-bound person (7)

17 Italian church (8) 18 Large marsupial (8) 19 Procession (7)

21 North African country (7)

22 Deadbeat (6)

23 Outline (6)

26 Sham (4)

Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural nouns ending in “s”.

20 words: Good 30 words: Very good 40 words: Excellent Today’s Aim:

and Maris Piper are all kinds of what? 2 Riley Keough (pictured) plays the title character in which 2023 series based on a book by Taylor Jenkins Reid? 3 And which music icon is she the granddaughter of? 4 The quetzal is the official currency of which country?

In which Australian state is Gulf St Vincent?

True or

Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 BRIMBANK & NORTHWEST STAR WEEKLY 15 12 34 567 89 1011 12 13 14 15 161718 192021 2223 242526 27 28 29 30 No. 185 No. 185 No. 185
in: each of the nine vertical columns, each of the nine horizontal rows
the nine 3 x 3 boxes. Remember, no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box. No. 185 37 8152 4895 1654 83 78 514 41 5 28 9 732 29 easy 9 57 4 258 6 8324 2 8963 6459 3 9158 3 185 medium 48 3 18 14 9 65 3 276 27 78 492 36 7 hard No. 185 SUDOKU 1
false: robusta beans typically contain twice as much caffeine as arabica coffee beans? 7 The dog breed King Charles
is named after King Charles II, who reigned during which century? 8 What is the only country with a name ending in K? 9 Wade Wilson is the alter ego of which comic book antihero? 10 Who had a hit with Summer of ‘69? behind, brush, brushed, burnish, BURNISHED, bush, bushier, dish, heir, herb, herd, herds, hers, hide, hides, hind, hinder, hinders, hire, hired, hires, hubris, hued, inrush, rush, rushed, shed, shied, shier, shin, shine, shined, shiner, shire, shred, shrine, shrub, shun, unshed, usher
and each of
Russet Burbank, Yukon
TWINE TYRES VERGE 6 LETTERS CHESTS REDDER STOREY THWART 7 LETTERS ARCHING BENEATH ENGLISH EYELASH PERHAPS READIER 8 LETTERS PARAKEET PERISHES SALEABLE TOBACCOS 11 LETTERS GRAPEFRUITS INCRIMINATE 12 345678910111213 1415 1617181920212223242526 L C F B J I Z W E A G U T D Q S N R M X V P H O K Y Insert the missing letters to make 10 words – five reading across the grid and five reading down. NOTE: more than one solution may be possible 17-05-24 Puzzles and pagination © Pagemasters | 938174265 251648973 386257194 125836749 873925416 512489637 764592381 649713528 497361852 easy medium hard 347698152 734869521 165427893 951243786 692514378 473986215 286175439 518732964 829351647 549872631 761235849 816754392 678513924 385941276 237198465 123469758 492687513 954326187 1 14 7 20 2 15 8 21 3 16 9 22 4 17 10 23 5 18 11 24 6 19 12 25 13 26 OY 1. Potatoes 2. The&JonesDaisy Six 3. Elvis Presley 4. Guatemala 5. South Australia 6. True 7. The 17th 8. Denmark 9. Deadpool 10. Bryan Adams ANSWERS:
16 BRIMBANK & NORTHWEST STAR WEEKLY Tuesday, 14 May, 2024 SECTION STARWEEKLY.COM.AU $29 .00 •All advertisements must be pre-paid. For $29.00 you get a 4 line, ONE ITEM ONLY advertisement, restricted to “For Sale” or “Motoring” items only for private advertisers, run initially for 13 weeks or until sold. Additional lines will be charged at $3 per line per publication. •After your advertisement has run for 13 weeks you must call us each fortnight to renew it for a further 2 week period AND reduce the price of your item by a minimum 5% for items in the “For Sale” section or 3% for items in the “Motoring” section. This process may continue until you have sold your item. 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1. Which A-League Women’s soccer club finished on top of the ladder at the end of the home-and-away season?

2. What is the colour of the middle top ring of the Olympics logo?

3. In which year did Australia last win the Rugby Union World Cup?

4. Which AFL team remained undefeated after the first seven

5. Which Australian allrounder scored 124 not out in a recent IPL cricket match?

6. Which famous soccer stadium was home to Tottenham Hotspur from 1899 to 2017?

7. Australian Hannah Green is a professional athlete in which sport?

8. Which car manufacturer will be entering the Formula One World Championship in 2026?

Which NFL team were the first Super Bowl champions in 1967?

Jason Gillespie was recently named Test coach of which national cricket team?

Which team selected quarterback Caleb Williams with the first overall pick in the 2024 NFL draft?

Which team selected Australian punter Tory Taylor with the 122nd overall pick in the 2024 NFL draft?

Which year was the NBA founded?

14. In which form of car racing was Josef Newgarden stripped of a win for misuse of the push-to-pass overtake button?

15. Which Australian netball legend was recently appointed to the board of Netball Australia?

16. How many games did the Phoenix Suns win in their 2024 NBA playoffs series versus the Minnesota Timberwolves?

17. Which former Adelaide Crows captain retired recently after a 255game AFL career?

18. Australian journalist Paul Kent played one first grade game for which now NRL team?

19. Which three-time premiership player (currently a Rooster and formerly a Rabbitoh) has announced the 2024 NRL season will be his last?

20.Which team signed Australian tight end Thomas Yassmin to a three-year rookie contract after the 2024 NFL draft?

21. What is the Australian Men’s national hockey team nicknamed?

22.Former tennis player Serena Williams is married to the co-founder of which social media site?

23.Famous ice skating duo Torvill and Dean are from which country?

24.Which Australian golf professional won the LPGA Tour's JM Eagle LA Championship in both 2024 and 2023?

25.Name any four of the nine animals that are featured in current NBA team names.

26.Who has been awarded the most (eight) Ballon d’Or trophies?

27. Which Super Rugby team recently lost four games in a row for the first time in their history?

28.Which snooker player holds the record for a fastest maximum break?

29. In what time frame did Joey Chestnut famously eat a world-record 76 hot dogs?

30.Kabaddi is the national sport of which country?

1. Melbourne City 2. Black 3. 1999 4. Geelong 5. Marcus Stoinis 6. White Hart Lane 7. Golf 8. Audi 9. Green Bay Packers 10. Pakistan 11. Chicago Bears 12. Chicago Bears 13. 1946 14. IndyCar 15. Liz Ellis 16. Zero 17. Rory Sloane 18. Parramatta Eels 19. Luke Keary 20. Denver Broncos 21. The Kookaburras 22. Reddit 23. England 24. Hannah Green 25. Pelicans, Grizzlies, Timberwolves, Hornets, Hawks, Bulls, Raptors, Bucks 26. Lionel Messi 27. Crusaders 28. Ronnie O’Sullivan (5 minutes 8 seconds) 29. 10 minutes 76 30. Bangladesh Josef Newgarden Serena Williams 1705 CALL 1300 666 808 ADVERTISE with us and get better results 12514849-JW40-21 Real Estate section of Network Classifieds. General Classifieds section of Network Classifieds. • Stumps Removed • Fully Insured • Woodchipping & Mulching • Pensioner Discounts Certificate in Tree Climbing & Tree Felling 0418 378 097 5% DISCOUNT on presentation of this ad A& ARCHIE’S TREE SERVICE REMOVED OR TRIMMED 12586475-SN03-23 CHEAP BIN HIRE AND RUBBISH REMOVAL • 2,3,4,6,8m 3 Bins available • Bins starting from $150 Mixed rubbish accepted PENSIONER DISCOUNT CALL: 0415 177 388 12558257-ET28-22 V Tree Lopping/Surgery V Rubbish Removal ADVERTISERS PLEASE NOTE Anyone advertising a puppy, dog, kitten or cat in Victoria for sale or re-homing will need a source number from the Pet Exchange Register and a microchip identification number. It is now an offence to advertise unless the source number and microchip identification number is included in the advertisement or notice. For further information, call 136 186 or visit 12423634-SN31-19 FREE CAR REMOVAL Pay up to $500 for most cars Dead or Alive LMCT 10268W 7 days a week service Call Gus for a free quotation on 0435 904 818 12321532-HM36-16 V Pets & Services V Wrecking section of Network Classifieds. General Notices INTERNAL DOORS for sale. 5 total, 3 with door closure. Top condition. PhoneRon:0468420336 Motoring V For Sale Motoring section of Network Classifieds. Buy&Sellinthe Andrew for a Free Quote 0421 836 152 MELTON TREE & STUMP REMOVALS 12621309-AP29-23 “Your Local Tree & Stump Removalist” • Fully Insured Tree Lopping • Mulching & Stump Grinding ‘It’s All In The Name’ 12 - Year Warranty Open 24/7Free Inspections 9702 4952 12681352-MS15-24 •Roof Repairs & Replacement •Gutter Repairs & Replacement •Fascia & Eave Repair & Replacement •Tile Roof Restoration • All Metal Roofing •Architectural Cladding • Senior Discounts • Family Business Professional Services Find it in the section of Network Classifieds. ADVERTISERS, in this section are qualified practitioners and offer nonsexualservices. For all roof restoration needs. Cleaning, repointing, painting, leak repairs, etc… ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ Call Mark 0401 478 799 TILE COAT 12386073-RC18-18 ANY TREES LOPPED C & D Schroeder 9337 3695 or 0415 816 882 Free Quote 7 Day Service 45 yrs exp. Trees Pruned Reshaped Grubbed out. All Foliage/Rubbish Removed Fully Insured $20m Pensioner Discount 12689471-CB21-24 Rainbow Club 48 Davies Avenue, Sunshine North 0468 693 833 SWA6566B $110/ 30mins Open 7 days 12652832-AI48-23 NEED NEW STAFF? Fill your position online 12565959-HC35-22 V Positions Vacant V Tree Lopping/Surgery V Roofing V Massage Therapists V Adult Services Employment Trades & Services General Classifieds

Futuristic Staria is a head-turner

The Hyundai Staria people mover and Staria Load commercial van arrived here in mid-2021 toreplacethepreviousiMaxandiLoadvehicles.

Both come with a strikingly futuristic look with a steeply sloping front with a wide body-colouredradiatorgrilleflankedbylow-set LED headlights and a full-width horizontal LED strip above comprising a centre lamp and daytime running lights.

Comparisons have been drawn to the now-defunct Space Shuttle.

Both Staria models are engineered from the grounduponadedicatedplatformsharedwith the Santa Fe.

We’ll focus on the people mover here.


While it may polarise opinions, the Staria certainly has the most imaginative design we’ve ever seen in either a people mover or commercial van. During our week behind the wheeloftheStariapeoplemoveritdrewalmost exclusively positive comments.

The same body colour is used for all the Staria’s frontal parts. It has a low belt line and large side windows. The rear has vertical tail lights and a wide rear window. It’s not all about style – the rear bumper is low to help make it easier to load and unload.

Three equipment levels are available, each withthechoiceof3.5-litreV6petrolor2.2-litre diesel power: Staria, Elite and Highlander – starting at $49,900, plus on road costs, for the Staria petrol and rising to $67,000 for the Highlander 2.2-litre diesel.

The three petrol variants are front-wheel drive, the diesels are driven by all four wheels.


As with the previous iMax, the Staria is an eight-seaterThelowerbelt-linesandpanoramic side windows provide excellent all-round visibility and create a feeling of openness in the large cabin. The Highlander lets in even more light via a front and rear sunroof.

Ifthat’stoomuchlight,secondandthirdrow sunshades can be used to reduce glare and heat of the sun. Sliding second-row seats have long runners for easy access and a step and ‘walk-in’ device sliding function for the second row creates extra foot clearance for easy third row access.

Two USB-A charging ports for each rear row, along with 10 cup/bottle holders and second-row seatback storage pockets make for happy families on the road.

With all seats occupied, there is 831 litres of cargo space in the rear, while this can be expanded to a massive 1303 litres with the second and third row folded. Access is via power side sliding doors or ‘smart’ power tailgate, the latter that closes automatically when the smart key is no longer detected.


The all-wheel drive 2.2-litre CRDI diesel generates 130 kW of power and 430 Nm of torque. Fuel consumption is listed at 8.2 litres per 100 kilometres.

The 3.5-litre V6 petrol engine gets 200 kW and 330 Nm.

On test was the range topping Staria Highlander 2.2-litre petrol diesel.


Entry level Staria comes with an 8-inch touchscreen display, Elite and Highlander a 10.25-inch touchscreen. Likewise, only the two higher-spec models get satellite navigation with live traffic updates digital radio.

The 10.25-inch touchscreen multimedia unit is integrated into the top of the dash and provides a clear view of navigation, audio and other info, including wireless Apple CarPlay or Android Auto connectivity.

All models have a 10.25-inch colour LCD screen in front of the driver but partially blocked by the steering wheel when we were driving. It displays a digital speedo, trip


Looks: 9/10

Performance: 7/10

Safety: 8/10

Thirst: 5/10

Practicality: 8/10

Comfort: 7/10

Tech: 9/10

Value: 6/10

information, tachometer and visual warnings and system status updates from Hyundai SmartSense and other safety systems.


Staria is offered with the choice of petrol and turbo-diesel engines, mated with an eight-speed automatic transmission, and front or all-wheel drive.

The 3.5-litre V6 produces 200 kW and 331 Nm and drives the front wheels, while the 2.2-litre four-cylinder turbo-diesel dishes up 130 kW and 430 Nm through an all-wheel drive system.

Both engines are mated with an eight-speed torque convertor automatic transmission and can tow up to 2500kg with a braked trailer.


In addition to seven airbags – front, front-side, front-centre plus curtain bags on the A- and B-pillars – standard active safety across the range features include autonomous emergency braking with pedestrian/cyclist detection and junction assist, blind-spot assist, lane-keep assist and lane following assist.

There’s also multi-collision braking, driver inattention monitor, safe exit warning, rear cross-traffic assist and surround view monitor. The Elite adds safe exit assist and 3-D view surround-view camera.

The range-topping Highlander incorporates a blind spot view monitor, which projects a live feed of what’s in the blind spot to the instrument cluster.

There are IsoFix child seat anchors on the outboard second-row seats, plus top-tether anchors. There are no anchors in the third row.


With such a difference in load characteristics over eight seats, fuel consumption could be expected to have ranged wildly around the maker’s claim of 8.2 litres per 100km on the combined urban/highway cycle. Our test vehicle used a combined 9.8 L/100 km.

There’s a choice of four drive modes: Normal, Eco, Sport and Smart – offers a range of powertrain responses to suit driving conditions. Annoyingly they are selected by tapping a number of times on a lower screen thus diverting attention from the road.

Eco and Sport are at either end of the performance spectrum, with Normal the balance between the two.

Smart mode works with a driver profile system to tailor Staria’s performance to their preferences. That’s clever.

Despite its size Satria doesn’t feel it and it’s smooth and comfortable drive experience with ride and handling that’s up to class-leading standards.


All-new Staria is a head-turning eight-seater people mover alternative to the perennial class-leading Kia Carnival. It comes with all the safety, comfort and convenience technology customers expect in a modern passenger vehicle.

All models come with a five-year unlimited kilometre warranty, complimentary roadside assist for 12 months, 1500km complimentary first service, a dedicated customer care centre and an exclusive owner website.

Owners servicing with Hyundai also receive a 10-year satellite navigation update plan, plus roadside support for up to 10 years or more.

All-new Staria is a head-turning eight-seater people mover alternative to the perennial class-leading Kia Carnival. (Pictures: Supplied)

There was plenty of sporting action on the weekend and StarWeeklyphotographer Ljubica Vrankovic was out and about shooting some of the great grabs, kicks and handballs.

Action from around the grounds

1 2 3 4 6 8 9 7 10 5
1/ Kain Hall. 406469_19 2/ Payton-Ani Ozols. 406471_03 Kaitlyn Portelli. 406467_16 Christian Scaffidi. 406464_04 Nathan Parkes and Sam Gilmore. 406464_11 6/ Charlie Goodwin. 406467_08 7/ Harry Butterworth and Sam Green. 06463_10 8/ Tye Hall. 406469_18 9/ Erin Robinson. 406471_18 10/ Bundoora against Heidelberg. 406463_14

New captain-coach to bolster Sunshine United

New Sunshine United captain-coach James Muirhead is keen to help the club return to Victorian Turf Cricket Association senior division finals.

It’s been a tough couple of years for the Tigers, but they are hoping to turn that around and get back towards the top of the table.

Muirhead joins the club from Newport-Digman where he has been captain-coach. He said he felt it was a time for a change.

“They [Sunshine United] reached out to see if I was interested,” Muirhead said. “To be given the opportunity to lead from the front with a proud and successful club with a good amount of history will be great.”

It will be Muirhead’s first foray into the VTCA senior division, but he brings plenty of experience.

The leg spinner played five T20s for Australia and played in the BBL with the Adelaide

Strikers, Melbourne Stars and Perth Scorchers. Muirhead also played first-class cricket for Victoria.

While he hasn’t played in the senior division before, being a western suburbs local he knows plenty about the team and the competition.

“I’ll try and instil in others so they can learn from my experiences with whatever I can offer” he said. “We want to get back to finals contention and hopefully win premierships.”

President Paul Cini said they were thrilled to have Muirhead onboard for next season. The Tigers finished the 2023-24 season in eighth spot with three wins.

“We believe the structure and culture at our club was a perfect fit for him and he is super keen to lead us to success”.

The signing of Muirhead is one of two announced by the club in recent days.

Shehan Wedikkara joins the club from Sydenham-Hillside.

Wedikkara was the Storm’s most potent wicket-takerandthefifth-bestoverall,claiming 29 dismissals for the campaign which included two hauls of five.

The club has also announced the re-signings of Thomas O’Brien and Matthew Sipala.

Muirheadsaidtherehadbeensomeextensive recruiting done with a mixture of new and exciting young cricketers who have come through the ranks.

“We think we have the right balance a mix of youth and experience,“ he said.

“[I’m]lookingforwardtoworkingalongsidea very talented group of players and honoured to be a part of a very successful club in Sunshine United.“

Muirhead said he’d had a brief meeting with someoftheplayersandtheywouldlooktostart training in late July.

Saints lock in coaches

St Albans Saints are hoping to put a turbulent few months behind them with a new coaching panel in place for the rest of the National Premier League.

The Saints were sitting second bottom after 12 rounds with just two wins for the season to date.

Having parted ways with then coach Ryan McGuffie, the Saints last week announced that Cameron Watson would coach the side for the rest of the season.

Watson, who will be supported by Billy Celeski, started the season coaching Hume City before the club parted ways with him.

Saints football operations manager Jason Xerri said they were excited by the new coaching set up.

“Both come with a wealth of experiences in their playing days,” he said. “Both were in the A-League and abroad.

“We went through the process after we parted ways with Ryan. We had a timeline in place to come up with a permanent solution

for the rest of the season.

“Our assistant Paul Donnelly took on the role in the interim and was given the opportunity to be part of the process, but we decided to go with Cam.

Xerri said Watson and Celeski came in with a lot of research on the side and the competition as a whole.

He said having been involved in the NPL to start the season had helped with that.

“We’re really looking forward to a different style of coaching,” he said. “Hopefully he’ll [Watson] inject a new voice.

“He’s quite knowledgeable and it was evident in the interview process.”

Watson had his first training session on Monday night.

Xerri said the season so far had been disappointing with the side int he relegation battle.

“It has been underwhelming,” he said. “We haven’t been able to turn things around as quickly as we would have liked.

“It’s mid-season now. Obviously you look at what is going wrong and right and look at

Josh Risdon departs United

Western United captain Josh Risdon is leaving the A-League club he has been at since 2019.

In a video, on the club’s social media, Risdon made the announcement that he was departing the club.

“I just want to officially say that I will bepartingwayswiththeclub,andI’dlike to say thankyou for everyone involved,” he said.

“My time here has been great. I’ve loved every minute of it. I’ve been here from the very start and to see where this club has come in such a short space of time is incredible.

“Toplayingatdifferentvenues,training out at Georgies [Caroline Springs George Cross] at the start to finally being at our home in Tarneit and slowly everything’s getting built around us.

“I just want to say thank you to all my teammates who I’ve been with throughout these five years. everyone at the club staff, everyone from high up all the way down to community staff and in particular our football department.

“And lastly to all the fans, you’ve been extremely great for these fives years you’ve travelled to a a few different places andalwaysbeentheresupportingus,and really appreciate the support you have given to me and the players, it doesn’t go unnoticed.

“I wish nothing best for this club in the future. I’ll be watching from afar.”

rectifying that and get back in it in the second half of the season.”

Xerri said there were a combination of different things that had contributed to their poor form so far.

He said they were hoping to turn things around and move out of the relegation zone.

“It’s not where we want to be,” he said. “We’re not in the position the club wants to be,’

“We’ve really underperformed this year and need to change that quickly.”

The Saints were set to face South Melbourne on Sunday after deadline.

The Saints were back at home after five weeks on the road with works at their ground, which was something they had been looking forward to.

It will be a busy couple of weeks for the Saints who will be action in round six of the Australia Cup against Green Gully on May 21.

The winner will go onto the national stage.

In other NPL action on the weekend, Melbourne Knights hosted Green Gully on Friday night.

Risdon leaves the club after 90 games, the fifth most in club history. He captained the side in the grand final win in 2022 and he won the club’s player of the season medal in 2022-23.

Football general manager Mal Impiombato hailed Risdon as one of the club’s all-time greats.

“As a foundation player of the club, Josh has played a significant role in our journey both as a person and as a footballer, and we are extremely proud to have him as a leading figure in our club’s history,” he said.

“His commitment on the pitch has been matched by his personality off it, and I am sure he has had a positive impact on every single person that he has interacted with at our club.

“On behalf of our football department and our entire club, I want to sincerely thank Josh for his contributions to Western United. I wish him and his family all the very best in the future, and they will always be welcome at Western United.”

Michael Grgic. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 405192_14 James Muirhead. (Joe Mastroianni).272063_08

Eagles full of confidence after beating local rival

A win against local rival Calder United has given Keilor Park an added boost as it continues to grow in the Victorian Premier League Women’s competition.

The two neighbours, whose pitches are side-by-side, had never played each other as they’ve always been in different divisions.

That all changed in the fifth of the knockout Nike F.C Cup.

The Eagles went in as underdogs against the National Premier League Women’s side which had won the past titles in the Nike F.C Cup.

The two teams were locked at 2-2 at the end of regular time before the match ended up going to penalties.

The Eagles would win on penalties 4-3 to claim one of the biggest victories in the club’s history.

“I wanted to draw them,” said coach Liam Drury.

“They are the six time champions and we wanted to show that we could really compete with them and have the opportunity to challenge them and knock them out.

“So many people from the club made the drive down. The day after the game some of

the junior girls came down to get their gear signed by the senior girls.

“They were like rock stars.”

The win moves the Eagles into the last eight of the competition, the furthest they have been in the competition.

Drury said they want to go as far as they can, with every side left in the competition having a different story.

The cup run comes as the Eagles enjoy their first season in the VPL competition, the second highest in the state.

Drury, who was an assistant coach with the Preston Lions when they won the title a couple of years ago, said it had been really good.

“It’s been a good start,” he said. “Where the league was two years ago to now, the league is so much stronger.

“The side we have now would have won the league two years ago, odds on. There are quite a number of competitive and stay focused.”

Drury in his first season at the Eagles said their focus had been on making sure they were competitive at this level.

After six rounds, the Eagles were in third spot with four wins and two losses.

“Internally we want to win every game,” he said. “We have really high standards but that isn’t what the club has asked of us.

“We recruited some really good players. We’re third now, we’re trying to get moving

Falcons score solid win

City West Falcons came away with a solid win against the Wilson Storage Southern Saints in the Victorian Netball League championship on Wednesday night.

Facing one of their bogey sides, the Falcons were able to come away with a 61-51 win while managing minutes for some players and looking at different combinations.

Falcons coach Marg Lind was pretty happy with the win.

“Ithoughtwerotatedprettycleverlytonight,” she said. “I thought we used our bench really well and rotated at the right times.

“The Saints are always a bit of a nemesis for us.

“They’re very physical, you know they’re there and they catch the body a lot. So I think 10goalsisaprettygoodresult.I’mprettyhappy with that actually.”

Lind said captain Maggie Lind was still sore in her calf which limited her the week before so they didn’t want to overuse her and rotated her and Chelsea Imanisani for most of the night.

The Falcons bought in Olivia Cameron, who played in their division 1 side last year, as some cover in the goaling circle.

Uneeq Palavi was only restricted to a half by the Melbourne Mavericks, where she is a training partner.

“I think using Genna [Ogier] and Olivia Cameron worked well too. Uneeq was only allowed the two quarters and Cookie [Jane Cook] wasn’t actually feeling well, I think she stood up well.”

“We know Olivia is experienced and handy and we thought moving forward if we miss any of our Tongans or Samoans, which we potentially could for Pacific Games, she would be really good cover.

“She fits in well. The first moment we didn’t use her well when we bought her on the second time, she was impactful moving forward.”

Lind said it was defender Sophie Hanrahan wasthestandoutonthenight,gettingthemout of jail on several occasions.

She liked the move of Soli Ropati late in the game to wing attack, while Sussu Liai worked well in wing defence later on.

Cook finished with 42 goals for the Falcons.

The win keeps them second on the ladder.

The under-23s made it two in a row, beating the Saints, 50-46.

Lind said they had a good performance but needed to look at their rolling subs and being a bit more considered with changes.

“I think once Holly Adams-Alcock just settled down and took the front hold that made

a big difference,

Still a little bit wasteful there, they are still young. I thought Maddison Mckiernan was good and lead the time pretty well and Mikayla [Minns] had some good patches too.

“I think when Molly Kennedy gets more involved in the long court, we are better.”

The match was the first time Minns has

playedbigcourtminuteshavingbeensicksince returning from under-19 nationals. She’s trained just once since. The Falcons sit third on the ladder. The championship side has a bye this week, whiletheunder-23sfacetheGippslandStrikers.

Lind said it was good chance for the championship side to freshen up.

Sports shorts


Deer Park capped off its Bowls Victoria season by winning the Bowls Victoria Champion of State Pennant championship. The metro pennant weekend champions faced off against all the other winners from across the state to decide an overall winner. The Parkers were undefeated during the section matches to win through to the final with Moama. In the final the Parkers won 39 (3)-29 (0).


Taylors Lakes has reappointed Steve Burns for another two Essendon District Football League division 2 seasons. The Lions announced that Burns, who started coaching the side in the middle of the 2022 season, will now coach the side to at least the end of the 2025-26 season. In his first full season at the club in 2023, Burns took the side to a preliminary final.\


Western United young gun Abel Walatee will be a staple of the club’s future having signed his first professional contract with the club. The 20-year-old has committed until the end of the 2025-26 season, giving Western United supporters at least the next two years to enjoy his mesmerising attacking play.


Sydenham-Hillside has announced the signing of pace bowler Akon Mawien. Mawien brings a wealth of talent and experience having spent the past three years in Adelaide, playing 32 premier cricket games for Prospect District. He previously played for Melbourne University in Victorian Premier Cricket. “His passion for the game and his raw pace will undoubtedly bolster our bowling line up and add depth to our team,“ the Storm said. Meanwhile, the club has announced its coaching set up for next season, with a coaching panel to lead the way. For more head to


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up rather than look down.“ The Eagles were set to face Melbourne University in the VPL on Sunday, after deadline. Tara Murray Keilor Park is enjoying the new challenges. (GEM Photography) Sophie Hanarahan had a really strong game. (Robbab Photography)

Brookers dig deep to win the ‘tough contests’

Braybrook had to dig deep to come away with the points against West Footscray in the Western Football League division 2.

The Brookers played the second half without a bench after some first half injuries, but it meant little as they were able to maintain their half time lead.

After leading by four goals at quarter time, the margin was slightly extended to 29 points at the main break.

The margin stayed steady in the second half, with the Brookers winning, 16.14 (110)-11.12 (78). Brookers coach Geoff Maddern said it was a pretty nice win. “It was pretty hard and a lot of tough contests,” he said. “There was some good outside play as well.

“It was played in good spirits and it was a good day and we were ultimately able to go on a run.

“We were able to get the ball in our hands

early and they missed a few shot. We were able to hold the ascendancy for a lot of the day.”

Maddern said he was proud of the efforts of the group to be able to get the job done without having any rotations in the second half.

Luke Zammit is one of the main ones to be injured, hurting his collarbone, while one player had concussion.

Maddern said Matthew Condo, Jayden Danaher, Harley and Ricky Cameron had strong games along with their skipper Aidan O’Rafferty. He said they had good solid contributions from everyone.

The win takes the Brookers to 3-2 after five rounds and sit in fifth spot.

Maddern said they were where they expected to be at this point of the season.

“We’re where we should be with how we recruited and the draw we had,” he said.

“Albion and Newport within five days of each

other was a real trial.

“The teams who have come up from division 3 have given some good contests and they’ve been games we’ve expected to get up in those games and we’ve got those results which is outstanding.”

The Brookers this Saturday face an undefeated Wyndamvale. Maddern said it would be a really good test for them.

In other matches, Albion continues on its way with a 39.11 (245)-4.3 (27) win against Sunshine Heights. Cooper Muir kicked six goals as 10 Cats players kicked multiple goals.

Sunshine gave Newport a reality check with a big 18.19 (127)-5.8 (38) win, while North Sunshine had a big loss to Laverton, 31.27 (213)-2.6 (18).

Poor kicking cost Albanvale as it lost to the Suns, 18.19 (127)-5.8 (38).

Blues withstand test

Keilor had its biggest test of the Essendon District Football League premier division season on Saturday and passed with flying colours.

The Blues faced long time rival Aberfeldie on Saturday and early parts of the match didn’t disappoint.

For parts of the game, Abers pushed the undefeated Blues.

But as good teams do, they find another level which the Blues did in the second half.

The Blues kicked eight goals in the final quarter to blow the margin out and claim an 18.17 (125)-10.5 (65) win.

Blues coach Mick McGuane said it was a good result in the end.

“We had a good start with some good ball cohesion,” he said. “We should have been further up at quarter time.

“They managed to get within three points early in the third quarter. We had some better ball movement in the final quarter and we were highly efficient.”

McGuane said they were pleased with how they shut Aberfeldie down offensively after they had plenty of ball last week.

At the other end, the Blues had a massive 35 scoring shots.

“Ten goals was a pretty convincing win,” he said. “It could have been 25.10 and we could have done a bit of damage on the scoreboard.

“We left a few out there.”

Nathan Colenso and Josh Honey kicked three goals for the Blues.

McGuane said Riley Ham and Brad Xavier were both standouts in defence. Stefan Radovanovicwasgoodinthesecondhalf,while the usual suspects of Josh Honey, Corey Ellis and Nick O’Kearney were good in the middle.

McGuane was also happy with the efforts of Cody Brand in the forward line and making sure he brought the ball to ground when he didn’t mark it.

The win keeps the Blues winning streak alive with the side not having lost since 2022.

McGuane said things continue to travel well across the whole club.

“We’re in a really strong position,” he said.

“We’re a little bit disjointed in the 18s with a number of players in the [Western] Jets.

“There were five or six play today [Sunday] as it makes that group stronger when they come back.

“The reserves were down by three points and kicked 10 goals in the second half. We keep rolling our sleeves up and focus on how we want to play.”

McGuane said they were basically at full strength.

The tests continue for the Blues, with a match up against Pascoe Vale this Saturday.

The Panthers are the only other undefeated team in premier division.

In other matches, Deer Park lost to East Keilor, 12.20 (92)-9.12 (66).

The Lions led at quarter time before the Cougars took a two point lead into half time.

The Cougars opened up a lead in the third quarter and were able to maintain it in the last.

In division 1, St Albans and Hillside both had wins while it was a big loss for Keilor Park, while in division 2, Burnside Heights and Taylors Lakes remain undefeated.

Keilor Thunder’s women pulled off a massive turnaround while the men got another win on the board in the National Basketball League 1 South competition on Saturday night.

The Thunder had to work hard to get the points against the Dandenong Thunder after trailing for most of the night.

The Rangers led by nine points at quarter time and the margin was out to 17 points at half time.

It was out to as much as 24 points early in the third quarter.

Slowly the Thunder started to work its way into the game and was able to reduce the margin to eight points at the final break.

With the momentum the Thunder kept going in the final quarter to run over the top of the Rangers to win, 69-64.

Penina Davidson top scored with 19 points while Isabelle Bourne and Lilly Rotunno finished with 17 points each as the Thunder used just six players.

The win was the Thunder’s eighth of theseasonanditsitsontopoftheladder. During the week, the Thunder’s loss to the Ballarat Miners was overturned due to the Miners playing an ineligible player.

The men were then on court against the Rangers in another tough match up.

The Rangers led by one point at quarter time and extended the lead to eight points at the main break.

That deficit was wiped away in the third quarter as the Thunder levelled the scores heading into the final quarter.

The Thunder were able to take the lead with four and half minutes to go. The margin managed to get out to as much as eight in the dying minutes, but the Rangers stuck at it.

Keilor was able to do enough to come away with a 101-97 win.

Trevor Lakes scored 34 points for the Thunder, playing all by 22 seconds in the win.

The Thunder sit in fifth spot with six wins and four losses.

Both Thunder sides are back in action on Saturday night against the Hobart Chargers,beforefacingtheNunawading Spectres the following day.

Thunder’s fightback
Tara Murray Nathan Spackman. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 353178_07 Joseph Ciranna. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 362605_46


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