Star Weekly - Sunbury Macedon Ranges - 21st May 2024

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Lighting up at the disco

Sunbury Blue Light Disco is back for another night of dance moves, music, friendship and retro outfits.

The event will be held on May 24, from 6pm to 8pm, at Sunbury Memorial Hall. Primary School-aged children are invited to attend, and prep aged students are advised to come with a friend if it’s their first time.

Organiser Kimberly James said the disco is retro-themed and encouraged all attendees to dress up for the night.

“We have a poll on our Facebook with song suggestions for the night … [and] there’s a canteen and lots of door prizes,” she said. “The kids get very excited, especially with dressing up, we see some amazing costumes. In the past we’ve done retro and there have been a lot of crimped hair and shoulder pads, we’ve also done a onesie theme in winter, and a Halloween theme.”

Ms James said they hold between four to six discos per year, depending on the hall availability. She said they are all volunteer run, and the parents don’t come into the event.

“We have [the attendee numbers] capped at 250, as it all comes down to volunteer numbers,” she said.

“We are in the process of getting more volunteers, it’s about three hours, four times a year, and volunteers will need a current Working with Children Check.”

Anyone interested in volunteering can contact Sunbury Blue Light Disco.

Park future causes upset

Macedon Ranges residents are speaking out against a council plan for Stanley Park, saying it inhibits public enjoyment of the park, which was the original intention.

The six-hectare forest, grassland and recreation park is located just off Mount Macedon Road at 15 Salisbury Road, and is co-managed by council and a community asset committee (CAA).

Councilsoughtfeedbackonaninfrastructure master plan until April 19. The plan proposed to provide a better balance of day tourism,

local recreation and protection of vulnerable environmental features, which will include the stage removal of existing infrastructure.

This includes the existing play equipment, surrounding mowed grass and carpark, as the plan said they require replacement or renewal over time. Council said the areas would be rehabilitated within the footprint of existing, disturbed areas.

Council also noted the plan should be read in conjunction with an environmental management plan, prepared in May, 2023.

Mount Macedon resident Deborah Keniry, said the park used to be enjoyed by many

visitors, hosting family picnics, children’s birthday parties and more.

“Back in 1919, the Upper Macedon Progress Association recognised the community benefit ofacquiringthislandandraised…thefinances to do this, declaring the park a place for public recreation,” she said.

“I see it as even more necessary for us today with our larger population, the decline in outdoor physical activity [and] a decline generally in the mental health and wellbeing of our communities.”

Macedon Ranges council itself recognised thatthelandwasacquiredbypublicsubscription

for the purposes of public recreation in its 2014 environment plan.

Ms Keniry said she feels council has lost all perspective on the original intention for Stanley Park.

“[It’s in a] miserable state [and has been] essentially relegated to ’no go’ status with its no go signage, fenced off areas, long grass and fallen trees.

“This is the reality that I have had to watch with growing sadness over the past number of years.

■ Continued: Page 3.

21 MAY, 2024 Established in 1981 as the proudly serving Sunbury and Macedon Ranges 12690494-FC21-24
Blue light disco organiser Kimberley Hunting (front) with some of the participants. (Damjan Janevski) 406434_04

Crackdown on rubbish dumping

Hume council is looking to get creative as it seeks answers on how to reduce the ‘crisis’ of rubbish dumping within the municipality.

Councilpreviouslylookedintowaystobetter educateresidentsonhowtocorrectlydisposeof their rubbish, and now councillor Jim Overend said he is frustrated with residents’ lack of common sense.

“I believe we’re past the point now of education … we’re at a point now where we know residents … they’re not to dump

rubbish,” he said.

“Even residents are going onto social media and naming and shaming people … they’re taking it on themselves to do that.

“We can’t hold residents’ hands and stop them from dumping rubbish, but we need to put heavier enforcement in place. Naming and shaming, heavier fines, we need to make it impossible for people to get away with.”

Cr Jack Medcraft said he has been an advocating for 15 years for rubbish dumpers to be outed as a way of deterring them from continuing to offend.

“Weneedtomakethesepeopleaccountable,” he said.

“I’d like to see the fines increased substantially,orifyoucan’tpaythefines,weget you out there to clean up some of the rubbish.“

Council outlined the initiatives it is looking to explore for 2024-25.

Increased surveillance and prosecutions throughincreasedenforcementactivitysuchas increaseduseofCCTVandformerprosecution is one idea being explored.

It is also reviewing the feasibility of a name and shame program where CCTV footage is


Macedon charity milestone reached

A private Mount Macedon garden has raised $50,000 for a local charity, following a successful month of viewings.

The 10-acre property opened its gates to the public during April, with its beautiful autumn colours attracting thousands of visitors.

All of the money raised was donated to Shared Table, a local charity supporting people in need in the Macedon Ranges.

Viewfield owner Vicki Hawken founded Shared Table 15 years ago and said the charity has grown to include about 15 volunteers.

“We’re a community-based charity. We

help families and small community groups or projects in need,” she said.

“The opening of Viewfield is our main fundraiser of the year. We do it every year and 100 per cent of what we take at the gate goes to Shared Table.”

MsHawkensaiddecidedtofoundthecharity becauseshewitnessedaneedinthecommunity that fell through funding gaps.

“[Shared Table] can step in and fill those gaps, so an example so it might be [providing clothes to] someone that’s [escaped] a domestic violence situation.

“We [also] support several food banks and then we in turn get referrals and families that are accessing food banks that might need to help. There’s a huge variety of things that we cover.”

Ms Hawken said she loves opening Viewfield uptothepublicandispassionateaboutsharing the garden.

“A lot of people get a lot of pleasure, coming out of the city for instance, and enjoying a garden that kids can run around in. We just love sharing the property.”

Zoe Moffatt

made publicly available, and it was noted that Victoria Police and Crime Stoppers already conduct similar processes.

Further, they are looking to establish a ‘Dob inaDumper’platform,givingfellowresidentsa space in which they can easily report dumping and other inappropriate behaviour to make it easier for those doing the wrong thing to be identified and prosecuted.

It was previously revealed that Hume council spent more than $5 million removing illegally dumped rubbish in the 2022-23 financial year.

Park future causes upset

“As a young family, 30 years ago, we enjoyed regular visits to this park … but as a grandmother looking for a walk and some play time for my four-year-old grandson, I don’t go near it.”

Ms Keniry said she understands the ecological perspective of wanting to preserve the land, but the six hectares of Stanley Park should be invested in the welfare of the community.

In the environment plan, council said there were opportunities to reconfigure the current uses of the developed areas to better manage public access and to reduce the attractiveness and overall time people are likely to spend at the site.

“[This will] limit the overall physical impact of people as a result of less site patronage,” council said in the environment plan.

The plan also shows where the now decommissioned, walking track, cricket pitch and tennis court used to be.

Council planning and environment director Rebecca Stockfeld said according to a Stanley Park management plan from 1976, the cricket pitch had “ceased to be used” and the tennis court was decommissioned in 2015 due to being unsightly and in need of repair.

“The walking track was decommissioned as an upgrade of the path would involve substantial removal ofnativevegetationtomakethepathsafe and accessible,” she said.

“The Mount Macedon community is well served by a diverse range of open space opportunities in addition to Stanley Park.

“The area also has historic gardens and informal areas such as laneways and unmade road easements that provide for a greater open space experience across the town.”

Ms Stockfeld said council is currently working through the feedback, which will help to inform the final plan to be presented at a future council meeting.

Minister to receive letter as grass and graffiti cause upset

Hume council will write to Roads and Road Safety Minister Melissa Horne, requesting regular maintenance service of roundabouts and median strips in Hume, and the removal of disgraceful graffiti in Sunbury.

CouncillorJackMedcraftraisedthenoticeof motionatameetingonMay13,requestingthat council asks VicRoads to commit to a regular maintenance service including edging, and clean the graffiti on the cutting of Vineyard Road and Macedon Street, Sunbury.

It was also requested in the letter to Ms Horne that the Department of Transport and

Planning clean off the graffiti on the railway bridge across Station Street in Sunbury.

Cr Medcraft the graffiti is an “insult” and “disgrace”andhewouldliketoseeitbepainted over or removed.

“I think these are basic requests,” he said.

“It’s an insult and really I find it offensive … to graffiti over artwork that tells a story of Aboriginal history.”

Moving to the roundabouts on Macedon Street, Cr Medcraft said he took actions into his own hands and cut the Elizabeth Drive roundabout, while an unknown local mowed

another roundabout.

“People are so fed up, they’re taking it on themselves,” he said.

Cr Joseph Haweil said the issue of regular maintenance service of roundabouts and median strips is an issue that goes beyond Hume.

“It is an issue relating to the state government allocated budget for arterial and state government road maintenance across … Victoria,” he said. “Year in and year out, we have seen insufficient funding allocated to the department of transport or VicRoads to be

able to maintain those roads to the standard in which we expect.

“This is something that now needs to be taken up at the state leve l… to bring some collective weight to our advocacy.

“I think the process of boiling it down to one roundabout at a time or one street at a time, across various councils … probably isn’t helping.

“It may get those matters resolved, but what is incumbent upon us, I think, is to take a statewide approach to this.”

■ From page 1.
Vicki Hawken at Viewfield. (Damjan Janevski)

Residents left waiting for road

After decades of uncertainty, residents of Jacksons Hill will have to keep waiting for the completion of a road out of the estate, with council pushing back the completion to 2029. At a meeting on May 13, council voted to delay the plans for the road construction between Yirrangan and Watsons roads by a further five years.

This decision went against the officer’s recommendation to defer delivery of the road connection pending development of the Sunbury South precinct structure plan and an

approved cultural heritage management plan (CHMP).

Therecommendationtore-profiletheproject withincouncil’s10-yearcapitalworksprogram to recommence in 2031-32, and redirect the $3.2 million of funding was also rejected by councillors.

An alternative motion was moved by councillor Trevor Dance, who said the community has been promised this over and over again.

Cr Dance’s motion was to retain the design and delivery of Yirrangan Road to Watsons Road connection for 2026-29, with the total

Caring for community

Diggers Rest Primary School students are helping to support those in need, through donating non-perishable items to local charity, CareWorks.

The school’s 2024 student leadership team developed a fundraising initiative with competitions and prizes throughout the entire school community to support local families in need.Morethan5000non-perishableitemsare expected to be donated by the June 28 closing date and will go directly to families identified by CareWorks.

Assistant principal Brad Kemp said the schoolgotincontactwithCareWorksoperation manager after it was made aware of the charity through a school parent.

“We engaged with [the operation manager] and she came and met with our student leadership team,” he said.

“They decided it was a great initiative because it connects with people in the Sunbury

and Diggers Rest communities.”

InspeakingtoCareWorks,MrKempsaidthe numberofpeoplereachingouthassignificantly increased and CareWorks said its supplies are moving quickly.

“[The students have] definitively shown a strong sense of connectedness with the school community and CareWorks.

“[I] absolutely feel like they’re having a positive impact within the community.”

School captains Devansh and Siaana both agree that CareWorks does an amazing job.

”The student leadership team chose CareWorks because they are an excellent non-for-profit organisation that helps a lot of local people in need from both Diggers Rest and Sunbury,” Devansh said.

Siaana said, “CareWorks is a very important organisation that supports some of the members within our community who are struggling to purchase essentials to survive”.

Have your say

REFCL draft guidelines community feedback

Energy Safe Victoria invites community feedback on draft guidelines for the safe operation of Victoria’s rapid earth fault current limiters (REFCLs).

REFCLs help to prevent fire and electrocution by quickly detecting faults on 22 kilovolt distribution powerlines and reducing the energy flowing through the affected line.

Register for an online information session

Find out how REFCLs are protecting your community and how you can contribute to the consultation at an online info session:

• Sunday 26 May, 2pm

• Monday 27 May, 7pm

• Thursday 30 May, 12pm.

Register online:

Have your say

Feedback on the draft guidelines is open until Monday 8 July 2024. More info:

To have a consultation pack posted to you call, 03 9203 9700.

project cost of $28.13 million, submit the CHMP assessment report to Registered Aboriginal Party seeking their approval report to council of the outcome and required next steps.

“In effect the officer’s recommendation pushes this out for another possible 15 years into the 2032-39 period,” he said. “That will be nearly 50 years since this whole process started at an estimated cost of $36.62 million.

“If it had been done back in June 2022-23, it would have been at $22.19 million … This is why I’ve raised this alternative motion, to ensure it happens.

“When the new car park opens and the new estate grows … the traffic will continue to grow rapidly, it will be a mess.

“This much needed infrastructure provides a crucial link to Sunbury south and access for both the third railway crossing and Calder Highway.”

Cr Dance said it’s also about integrity and how the public perceives council after all the promises over the many years.

“The local residents of the Sunbury community as a whole have been promised that this project would go ahead and it should go ahead. Now.”

Partners helping students to thrive across the west

Students across Melbourne’s west, including those in Brimbank, will be supported to overcome barriers to education and realise their potential through a new sponsorship arrangement.

Greater Western Water (GWW) announced the new Thriving Communities strategic community sponsorship on May 9, which will provide $75,000 to $25,000 per year to Western Chances over the next three years.

GWW’s Thriving Communities program funds projects and partners that support liveability and wellbeing programs to build stronger, deeper connections with our customers and community.

Non-profit organisation Western Chances supports young people who are experiencing social and economic challenges to access education and employment opportunities.

Its work seeks to address the high unemployment and below average rates of numeracy, literacy and high school completion in Melbourne’s west.

Since2004,theorganisationhashelpedmore than 3750 young people, investing in their futures through scholarships, internships and learning support.

GWW managing director Maree Lang said shewasproudtosupportWesternChancesand its valuable work.

“We want the best for the west and seek-out partners who share our vision. Western Chances is an obvious partner,” she said.

“This multi-year commitment will support scholarships and the West Connect event series, investing in young people throughout their educational journey and transition into careers.”

Western Chances chief executive Zac Lewis said support from key organisations such as GWW was monumental to grassroots organisations.

“We are thrilled to enter a three-year partnership with Greater Western Water,” he said. “It is phenomenal to have the support of such a trusted leader in the west that shares our commitment to empowering young people and community to thrive.

“This long-term partnership will provide much-needed support for young people facing financial hardship across the west by providing essential educational scholarships and opportunities to develop career readiness skills.

“Together with GWW, this partnership will uplift our young people through education, and support the wellbeing and prosperity of our community.”

Details: thriving-communities-grants-sponsorships

Diggers Rest Primary School leadership team with assistant principal Brad Kamp and Geoff Cronin from Careworks. (Damjan Janevski) 405312_01 Western Chances chief executive officer Zac Lewis with Greater Western Water managing director Maree Lang. (Supplied)

100 sessions of poetry

Woodend’s Chamber Poets will be hosting its 100th session in June to coincide with the annual Winter Arts Festival.

The event will be hosted by local Myron LysenkoonJune8,at1pm,attheWoodendRSL in Anslow Street. It will celebrate more than a decade of welcoming poets into the supportive environment.

Entertainment will also be provided by local band Black Forest Smoke, who have been playing their homemade songs which are often poems set to music, since chamber poets started in early 2013.

The chamber poets said seven celebrity poets from around Victoria have agreed to attend

this anniversary event.

The group encouraged locals to join in the celebrations and be exposed to some of Australia’s finest poets.

Regular attendee Tom Perfect said chamber poets is an expression of a poet’s state of mind and the world and the events in it.

“What makes it such a rare event is that the audience is always sympathetic and generous in their response,” he said.

“Chamber poets is a home away from home for me, and I appreciate the opportunity to be with fellow travellers.”

There will be drinks and food available to purchase at the event, which is a $10 cash entry.


Bin roll-out

Hume council’s green bin roll-out has recently hit the halfway mark, with about 20,180 left to go. In an announcement on May 13, council said it will spend the next few weeks rolling out the bins in suburbs including Broadmeadows, Campbellfield, Diggers Rest and more. In June, the roll-out will finish up in Sunbury, Bulla, Clarkefield, Oaklands Junction, Wildwood and Yuroke. Collections will start from July.


Hume council has recently launched an online booking platform, Bookable, in an effort to make it easier for residents to book community spaces. Bookable allows residents to find the perfect venue for their needs by simply logging on, checking availability and reserving a venue online. Spaces for hire include community centres, halls, youth centres, senior citizen centres. Council also has buses for hire for local not-for-profit organisations. Details:

Kyneton crash Victoria police are continuing to investigate the cause of a car collision in the heart of Kyneton on Tuesday, May 14. Police said a car collided with a parked car on High Street at 1.30pm. There were no serious injuries and the driver, who was the sole occupant, was taken to hospital for observation.


Sunbury & Macedon Ranges Star Weekly @starweeklynews @star_weekly

Tuesday, 21 May, 2024 SUNBURY & MACEDON RANGES STAR WEEKLY 5 STARWEEKLY.COM.AU NEWS CONTACT US PHONE \ 03 8318 5777 LOCATION \ Corner Thomsons Road and Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park, 3042 DISTRIBUTION \ 1300 656 678 ADVERTISING GENERAL SALES INQUIRIES CLASSIFIEDS \ 1300 666 808 EMAIL \ GENERAL REAL ESTATE INQUIRIES EDITORIAL GENERAL EDITORIAL INQUIRIES COMMUNITY CALENDAR ENTRIES Published by MMP Star Pty Ltd ACN 168 220 399 Head Office Corner Thomsons Road and Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park, 3042 Publisher/Managing Director, Paul Thomas All material is copyright to MMP Star Pty Ltd. Responsibility for election comment is accepted by Paul Thomas. All significant errors will be corrected as quickly as possible. Distribution numbers, areas and coverage are estimates only. For our terms and conditions please visit STARWEEKLY.COM.AU 12676171-SM21-24
Local band Black Forest Smoke will perform at the event. (Supplied)

Big hip hip hooray for 21 years

Whether you’ve already celebrated this milestone or are still longing to plan the day, a 21st birthday is one to celebrate.

It might be a relaxing day of acknowledging the years gone by or a day of festivities, surrounded by family and friends.

For Lancefield animal sanctuary Edgar’s Mission, it’s a day to celebrate 21 years of animal rescue and advocacy.

Set on 153 peaceable acres, 60 kilometres north of Melbourne, the sanctuary currently provides care to more than 400 residents and has rescued, rehabilitated and rehomed more than 5000 animals.

Thesanctuaryofficiallybroughtinits21-year minestrone on May 10, but the journey started more than two decades before with a girl, a pig and a dream.

In 2003, Edgar Alan Pig trotted into the life of founder Pam Ahern.

It was a quirky idea for a photo shoot to raise awareness about the plight of these much-maligned animals, and took her in a direction that she never imagined.

“It was from watching people’s interactions with Edgar that got me thinking the best ambassadors, the very best ambassadors for changing the way people think about these animals, were the animals themselves,” Ms Ahern said.

Today the sanctuary has more than 20 staff, but relies on the assistance of more than 80 volunteers donating their time to help keep the animals happy and healthy.

The sanctuary also relies on donors to provide emergency rescue, veterinary care and permanent loving homes for animals in need. Without this help, the life-saving work of Edgar’s Mission would not be possible.

Twenty-one years on, the sanctuary has become known for taking on the sometimes deemed‘impossible’casesofneglectedanimals

with extremely dire health conditions.

Ms Ahern points to the recent rescue of a dorper ram lamb.

“He was critically emaciated, unable to stand or even lift his head, and had a worm burden that rivalled anything we had ever seen.

“But aided by a blood transfusion, an army of kindness, and round the clock care from our team, his fighting spirit has seen him take his first steps. It’s in these moments you witness the magic of kindness.

“This year alone, we have rescued [more

than] 100 animals, rehomed more than 50 and fielded almost 200 calls from the community for assistance.”

Through education, outreach, advocacy, community engagement and tours, Edgar’s Mission encourages people to expand their circle of compassion to include all animals.

The hallmark of the advocacy Edgar’s Mission said it has, is never telling people what to do or not do, but rather encouraging them to think,allthewhilebelievinginthegoodnessof the human heart.

“It is through our daily choices,” Ms Ahern said. “What we choose to buy or not buy, to eat and not eat, that can really make a world of difference for animals, people and the planet.” Edgar’s Mission will launch a new school holiday program for kids aged six-12 years old in July this year.

For those looking to spend more time at the sanctuary, they can enjoy the ultimate retreat with a stay at one of the Edgar’s Mission tiny houses, overlooking the rolling hills and rescued animals of the sanctuary.

Founder Pam Ahern with Ruby and Trottie. Right: Eleanor and Ohio snuggling up together. (Pictures: Supplied) A goat named Lady Karen Parker arrived at the sanctuary pregnant and gave birth to these two girls. Edgar’s Mission residents. Hamish and Harriet at the Lancefield animal sanctuary.

Macedon fence fiesta

Surrounded by paella and gin cocktails, Macedon Tennis Club members raised their glassestocelebratethecompletionofanalmost $150,000 upgrade to its fences.

The clubs fence fiesta was held at the start of the month and brought an end to the club’s battle for new fences.

Club president Liz O’Connell spoke to Macedon Ranges council last year about the ‘dangerous fences,’ which she said were rusted and coming undone.

“Fence wire sticks out everywhere including at ground and eye level … we had a dangerous incident involving a child slipping and piercing

their eye,” she told council at the time.

Ms O’Connell said it was a two-year process to get the fences fixed, which included tapping into the club’s own savings.

Macedon Ranges council also contributed $80,000, Bendigo Bank contributed $20,000, Tennis Australia contributed $15,000 and the GREAT Association contributed $7500.

“It’s an incredible feeling and they look amazing … but most importantly, they’re safe. Hopefully [they] will last another 50 years like the last ones,” Ms O’Connell said.

“We’ve also instituted a new ‘book a court’ system so members of public as well as our own members can book to come [and use the courts].

Live4Life action award

Local health promotion charity Live4Life has claimed the Communities in Action award at the National LiFE Awards hosted by Suicide Prevention Australia.

Live4Life was presented the award at on May 1, recognising the critical role that individuals and organisations play in identifying and taking action in suicide prevention.

The award acknowledges that communities working together are at the heart of suicide prevention strategies.

Live4Life chief executive Bernard Galbally andcommunityengagementmanagerCathryn Walder accepted award and acknowledged the other finalists and the work they are doing.

Mr Galbally said Live4Life is honoured to be considered alongside these extraordinary organisations.

“I am not sure if you are aware of the impact just being nominated for this award has in our communities … It is huge,” he said. “Everyone walks that little bit taller. It strengthens everyone’s commitment to this work.”

Mr Galbally emphasised that Live4Life is led by young people and pointed to year 9 and 10 students who put their hand up to be mental health ambassadors in their communities.

“This award belongs to all of these young people,”hesaid.“Weacceptthisawardproudly on their behalf.”

Suicide Prevention Australia chief executive Nieves Murray said the awards celebrate and amplify initiatives that are breaking new ground.

“[This is] so others can learn and embed best-practice suicide prevention solutions across their communities,” he said. “As we acknowledgetheinspiringcontributionsofour LiFE Award recipients, we are reminded that change is possible and that there is always hope and help available.”

Since its inception in the Macedon Ranges, Live4Life has grown year on year and is now in 13 Victorian rural communities and one Tasmania community, with a waitlist of more than 20 local government areas.

“So with all the new visitors coming up for the autumn festival, they can now book and pay to come in [with] the new lock system which is on the new fences.”

Ms O’Connell said the fact that council and thecommunityisinvestinginmakingsurethat the facilities are new and safe demonstrates how important tennis is to the community.

“It demonstrates … that tennis and just exercise and activity in general is a really important part of the Macedon Ranges.

“We’re trying to attract a whole lot of new members and we hope that you know, the fences and our renovated clubhouse- which was done a couple of years ago- will attract [people].”

Take care this winter

Paramedics are urging Victorians to access alternative care options and get their flu and COVID-19 vaccinations before winter, as new data shows demand for emergency ambulances remains high.

Ambulance Victoria (AV) metropolitan regional director Michael Georgiou said paramedics across Victoria were reaching the sickest patients on average 31 seconds faster than a year earlier despite demand increasing 4.4 per cent.

“Our hardworking paramedics and first responders in the metropolitan region deliver world-class care every day in the face of ongoing high demand,” Mr Georgiou said.

“Winter is a particularly bad time for the spread of illness. The good news is getting your flu shot and staying up to date with your COVID-19 vaccinations will help you and the people around you stay well.”

The average response time for patients requiring urgent care or code one cases in Sunbury from January 1 to March 31, was 15.45 minutes. This is a six-second improvement on the previous quarter.

Of the 607 responses, 58.6 per cent of them had a response time of less than 15 minutes, which is the benchmark. That’s down from 61.8 per cent in the October 1 to December 31 quarter.

Macedon Ranges recorded a 15.43 minute response time from January 1 to March 31, which is a decrease from 16.30 minutes in the previous quarter.

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Star Weekly is an independently owned company which prides itself on its long history of community experience but also its investment in the future.

The successful applicant will need to possess good people skills to enable them to meet with local businesses to sell solutions through our advertising platforms to help promote their business.

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The position is salaried, plus we offer an open ended commission scheme.

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Live4Life community engagement manager Cathryn Walder and chief executive Bernard Galbally with the Communities in Action award. (Supplied/ Suicide Prevention Australia). Macedon Tennis Club fence fiesta. (Supplied)

A tale of loyalty and courage

Dr Dzavid Haveric is Adjunct Research Fellow at Charles Sturt University, Centre for Islamic Studies and Civilisation and a leading expert on the history of Islam and Muslims in Australia. He is the author of 13 books and a research associate at Museum Victoria. He speaks with Justin Flynn about his upcoming book that extensively documents the

and their descendants in war.

As I sit down in Dr Dzavid Haveric’s home it is immediately obvious he is looking forward to our conversation. His eyes gleam with anticipation as we settle in to discuss his new book that focuses on Muslim Australians at war. Even his dog Hugo seems to look forward to it as he curls up at my feet in the loungeroom.

Announced as Australian Muslim Professional of the Year in February, the research Dr Haveric put into this labour of love was, according to the man himself, “thousands of hours… endless”.

The book, ‘History of Muslims in the Australian Military from 1885 to 1945’, took Dr Haveric to almost every corner of the country. He spoke to descendants of Muslim soldiers, talked to their friends, visited libraries, museums and RSL clubs, walked through cemeteries, spoke with scholars, and collected diaries, photographs and letters.

The project received the backing of the Department of Defence and Charles Sturt University.

Dr Haveric began researching the book in 2018. A visit to a lonely headstone of a Muslim soldier inspired the project.

‘‘ When they did join, they found a sense of equality and they willingly accepted the call ’’ - Dzavid Haveric

“This is a very original topic,” he proudly says.

“Nothing is written about it and if someone is trying to do the same they can only follow my references. This is why I’m emphasising the originality of my project and if someone wants to do research on that subject, then they can only follow my footpath.

“But on top of everything, my book will be a great reference for all scholars, to universities, to museums, to RSL clubs, to war memorials and on an international level as well.”

Dr Haveric immigrated from war-torn Bosnia in the mid-1990s. His love for Australia and its people from all walks of life and religions is evident.

“My love for the country inspired me and the reason why I decided to do this project is simply because I was very challenged to produce an original piece of work and to enrich Australian social military history,” he says.

“This is a wonderful nation and I wanted to contribute as a professional historian. I wanted to contribute with this project and to show all Australians, not just Muslims, to all fellow citizens and to the world that we are great.”

Dr Haveric shares his name with his uncle, who is a national hero in Bosnia.

“My uncle is the very first Muslim who fought against the Nazis in the Second World War,” he says.

“He is a national hero and I got his name in his honour.”

Not much has been documented of Muslim Australians in the defence force.


“They were highly regarded by their Australian mates. They got great recognition for their contribution. Some of them lost their life because they wanted to fight for Australia.

“Their willingness to respond to the call and their patriotism and their loyalty and their contribution and their sacrifice was for a noble cause.

“They fought together with other followers of other nationalities or other religions or other cultures, not necessarily religious

history of Muslim Australians

beliefs, but cultures, because there are some atheists as well.

“According to Islamic doctrine it is the duty of Muslims to defend the country, even against a Muslim country.”

Dr Haveric says many Muslim Aussies were denied the chance to defend their country due to the White Australia policy.

“The reason why there is not a larger number of Muslims in the Australian army is because White Australia policy didn’t allow them,” he says.

“(But) when they did join, they found a sense of equality and they willingly accepted the call and they contributed in their way as a minority group. They were very proud and very keen to do their bit.”

Muslim Australians and their descendants weren’t just restricted to combat either.

“A lot of women were also involved in sewing uniforms and some were herbalists who offered their help to heal wounded soldiers,” Dr Haveric says.

“Women also contributed in hospitals. There are also those who gave their last penny.”

Dr Haveric baulks when asked how many Muslims served, insisting it will be revealed at the book launch soon.

Instead he says that he had to approach some topics with extra sensitivity.

“(There are) many stories of Muslims of many different backgrounds, different sects, you have to approach people of different sects (and) it’s not always easy,” he says.

“You have to have cultural sensitivity. You have to have knowledge of other sects because Islam is heterogenic. It’s not monolithic, you know.

“In Islam it’s a complex topic. So I have brought many stories. Some stories are touching stories, sad stories, some are happy stories.”

I go off on a tangent as I am served some delicious cake with strawberries and fresh cream and say that my Italian grandfather,

who served in WWII for Australia, went from Giovanni to John after he immigrated from northern Italy.

Dr Haveric says many Muslims also took anglicised names to fit in and just because they were easier to pronounce and remember.

“Like myself, people calling me David, but I’m Dzavid (pronounced Javid),” he says.

“If someone doesn’t remember my name I just say ‘call me David’, but I love it if someone really calls me Dzavid.

“So many of them were with unrecognised names. Like Hussein was called Bob or they were Jack, Jimmy, John, Mark.”

The book is in its final stages of typesetting and awaiting its launch. Its subtitle is ‘loyalty, patriotism and contribution’.

I wonder whether that goes some way into summing up Dr Haveric himself.

The last thing I ask Dr Haveric is whether this will be his legacy.

“There will never be another book like this ever,” he says.

Left: Dr Dzavid Haveric ahead of the launch of his book ‘History of Muslims in the Australian Military from 1885 to 1945’. Above: Dr Dzavid Haveric in 2018 as he was about to begin researching his book. (Pictures: Justin Flynn)

Building sport post 2022 floods

About 18 months on from the 2022 flood that tore through the Macedon Ranges, repairs and upgrades to three sporting facilities have officially finished.

A Bureau of Meteorology submission to the flood inquiry outlined that from October 12 to 14, 2022, the heaviest rainfalls were recorded in central parts of the state.

Widespread daily rainfall totaled between 20 and 60 millimetres and isolated totals exceeded 100 millimetres.

For Malmsbury Cricket Ground, Woodend Bowling Club and Darraweit Guim Tennis Club, this event devastated local facilities.

In Malmsbury, water covered the entire cricket ground, with damage sustained to fencing, training nets, changerooms and the clubrooms.

PartialworkswerecompletedinDecember, 2022, but termite damage delayed repair to the clubrooms, which Macedon Ranges council said in turn, triggered several other activities. The clubrooms were completed and re-opened in November, 2023.

For the Woodend Bowling Club, both the grass and synthetic greens were inundated in the flood, and the synthetic green needed replacing.

Works were completed on the facilities by mid-September, 2023, just in time for the new pennant season.

Darraweit Guim was the town hit hardest by the floods, with several homes, the local primary school and the tennis club inundated, impacting the courts, clubrooms, fences and lighting.

Repairs to the fences and lighting were completedinMarch,2023,andtheclubrooms were finished in April, 2023.

Council said a contractor has been engaged to complete the surface recoating to the tennis courts, and with the work underway

it said the courts are expected to be available for use by mid-May.

Mayor Annette Death said councillors appreciated the opportunity to meet with the respective clubs, discuss how they were faring and see the changes themselves.

“The timing of the October 2022 flood event couldn’t have been worse for these three clubs in particular, given they were all leading into new summer seasons,” she said.

“On behalf of council, I’d like to extend a

huge thank you to the impacted clubs and all of their members for their patience.

“Also to our council officers who worked diligently through what can at times be a complex insurance process to deliver the necessary repairs and upgrades.”


Tuesday, 21 May, 2024 SUNBURY & MACEDON RANGES STAR WEEKLY 9 STARWEEKLY.COM.AU NEWS Sunraysia Prune Extract is a food and not a medicine *Fornaturalconstipationrelief. Save25%offervalidona12-month subscription.Subjecttoterms&conditions. SayG’daytoSunraysiaPruneExtract! From 99c perday* NeedNature’sSuperGutHealthBooster?
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Cr Mark Ridgeway, recreation officer Sassafras Gallus, Cr Jennifer Anderson, Woodend Bowling Club president Mike Dornau, Cr Bill West and Cr Rob Guthrie. (Pictures: Supplied) Cr Mark Ridgeway, Malmsbury club members Ben Terbeeke, Lueder De Podolinksy, Simon Rogers and secretary Matt Cox, Cr Annette Death and Cr Jennifer Anderson. Darraweit Guim Tennis Club president David North, council’s Amy Holmes, Cr Bill West, Cr Geoff Neil, Cr Jennifer Anderson and council’s Sassafras Gallus.

Hunger for help continues rising

If you are part of any community Facebook page it is likely you have seen posts asking for donations of food and essential items.

With cost-of-living pressures continuing to rise, residents have been turning to these online communities to help fill the gaps left from social services and restricted-hour charity availability.

Neighbourhood houses and foodbanks across Sunbury and Macedon Ranges offer much-needed relief for locals. Goonawarra Neighbourhood House manager Isabella

Rosinsky said she has noticed the increase in demand.

“We get at least one new call a week,” she said. “We’ve seen [people asking for help] on Facebook, people have been referred to us and people have seen our flyer.

“Usually it’s about food … We supply food parcels and we also get knitted items from [the charity] Kogo, like blankets and scarves.

“It’s quite a big demographic [of people who reach out], we get people who are encountering a challenging time, there’s a lot of people not on any Centrelink benefits who are doing it tough.

“We get people who are temporarily out of work, single parents or even families with both parents working.”

According to a national Foodbank hunger report from last year, 3.7 million households in Australia experienced moderate- to severe-level food insecurity in the 12 months to September, 2023.

The report found cost-of-living was the most common reason for food insecurity in 2023, with the majority of food insecure households mentioned increased grocery, energy and housing costs as the key reasons why they struggled.

Wriggly addition to school learning

Kyneton Primary School students are learning abouttheconnectionbetweenwormfarmsand healthy eating, following a recent donation.

Sunbury and Cobaw Community Health (SCCH) donated two worm farms as part of a state government initiative, funding from Healthy Loddon Campaspe.

School staff have been working together with SCCH to make healthy changes to the school canteen, as well as supporting the development of the school’s kitchen garden.

SCCH community engagement and partnerships officer Kylie Stafford said worm farms help promote waste reduction by using earthworms to break down food scraps into nutrient-rich fertiliser.

“Students will be encouraged to put their fruit and vegetable scraps into the bins … along with other items such as tea bags and newspapers,” she said.

“The worms will produce castings and worm juice which will be used in the school’s kitchen garden to increase the garden’s productivity and the nutritional value of the fruit and vegetables harvested.

“The canteen staff love getting fresh produce from the school garden to use to make healthy andnutritiousfoodfortheschoolcommunity.”

Teacher Ellie Tracey said she is excited to be working with the school’s gardening and sustainability group, who will be overseeing the project and encouraging the whole school to embrace the initiative.

“The worm farm provides us with a valuable educational tool …[as] students will be able to see the decomposition process in action,” Ms Tracey said.

“[They will] learn about the environmental importance of reducing the waste we put into landfill and reducing our ecological footprint, and the positive impact these actions can have on the planet.

“The worm farm also provides an opportunity to teach students about the health and wellbeing benefits of growing and eating healthy produce.”

Ms Rosinsky urged anyone struggling to reach out and said the current circumstances are affecting everyone.

“A lot of people we meet are really embarrassed, almost ashamed they are in these circumstances, they are reluctant to come and are often quite apologetic,” she said.

“[My message to people is] don’t hesitate, the current economic climate is putting a strain on everyone, if you’re struggling, come along.”

Details: goonawarranh

Capital works are on track

Hume council is on track with its capitalworksastheendofthefinancial year nears.

In the year-to-date to the end of April, council spent more than $125 million on the capital works program, after an original budget of $122 million.

A number of key projects have been completed through the year, including the road reconstruction at Rosedale Crescent, Dallas; the Grove Road Reserve playground replacement; landscape upgrade in Craigieburn; and an extension of the museum store at the Hume Global Learning Centre in Sunbury.

Further,theLigarStreetupgradeand the Sunbury Aquatic Centre carpark hasbeenfinalisedforconstructionand is over budget, while various drainage upgrades have been finalised and fall under budget.

Councillor Karen Sherry she was pleased to see the drainage upgrades throughout Hume continue to move on track.

Cr Jarrod Bell was pleased with the work of council in spending the entire budget to upgrade the community.

“We are talking about 102 per cent of the allocated budget, meaning we are making absolutely great strides of delivering our capital works program to the community,” he said.

“This is in stark contrast to where we were only four years ago, where we were always pulling forward massive carry forward … and really struggling to deliver for the community.”

10 SUNBURY & MACEDON RANGES STAR WEEKLY Tuesday, 21 May, 2024 NEWS STARWEEKLY.COM.AU Keeping up to date with your local news has never been so easy... Simplyregistertodayandgetourlatest news articlesandDigital EditionsinyourinboxforFREE SenttoyourinboxeveryTuesday 12665738-SN10-24
Kyneton primary gardening and sustainability co-ordinator Ellie Tracey, SCCH community engagement officer Kylie Stafford with students Imogen, Aria, Huntyr and Oliver. (Supplied)

‘We’re upset’: School cleaners

Two long-serving school cleaners spoke at Victorian Labor’s State Conference at the weekend, demanding an end to a privatised school cleaning system that has seen cleaners’ hours cut and in some cases wages more than halved.

This demand stems from the major shake-up of cleaning contracts, in which the state government awarded school cleaning contracts to Serco and Tradeflex for 2024,

slashing cleaners hours across Melbourne’s north-west.

The cleaners put forward a resolution at conference, condemning the state government’s decision to maintain privatised cleaning contracts across government schools, impacting more than 3000 cleaners.

Speaking after the conference, United Workers Union property services director Lyndal Ryan said they were there to tell Education Minister Ben Carroll


that he needs to listen to the cleaners and union.

“We’re angry, we’re upset … we will never give up our campaign,” Ms Ryan said. “We need Ben Carroll to fix this mess.

“He needs to listen to us, we’re not going to sit there passively … he needs to listen to us, he needs to listen to the cleaners.”

The cleaners’ resolution states that it’s “reprehensible that this Victorian Labor government has stood by and allowed the companies that they pay to clean

our schools (to) cut the hours and pay of workers”.

“[They] went into Christmas 2023 with no public holiday pay (and) having their hours cut, pay slashed and conditions lost for 2024, with some workers losing up to 60 per cent of their income.

“One example is a Union Member having their wage cut from $49,000 in 2023 to $19,000 for this year.”

Ms Ryan said the state government should not privatise essential government services.


WANT YOUR EVENT LISTED? Community Calendar is made available free of charge to not-for-profit organisations to keep the public informed of special events and activities. Send item details to Star Weekly Community Calendar, Corner Thomsons Road and Keilor Park Drive, Keilor Park, 3042, or email to by 9am Wednesday the week prior to publication

Empowering Rainbow Kids

Parents of transgender, gender diverse and non-binary young people are invited to hear from Dr Robbie Eres, clinical psychologist, and Eve Millington, clinical psychology registrar from the Royal Children’s Hospital Gender Service. The event will be held in Kyneton on Saturday, May 25, at 10.30am to noon.


LGBTIQ Social Club

The Sunbury and Surrounds LGBTIQ Social Club has an ongoing catch up every third Saturday at the Brown Cow Cafe in Rosenthal at 1pm. The club can also be found on Facebook where it has chats, discussions and other events advertised.


Art show

The Woodend winter art show is returning for another year and will be held on the King’s birthday long weekend, June 8 to June 10, 10am to 4pm, daily. The show will be held at the Woodend train station complex, with a gold coin donation and daily artwork door prize to be won.

Neighbourhood garden

Become part of Sunbury’s Neighbourhood Garden and grow edible and useful plants in a social group at Sunbury Neighbourhood House, 531 Elizabeth Drive, Sunbury. All skill sets are welcome.

■ or 9740 6978

Sunbury Woodworkers Club

Join the Sunbury Woodworkers Club to learn woodturning. No experience or tools required. Our club is a welcoming

environment open to men and women who wish to learn. Meetings for new guests are held on the third Wednesday of every month at 730pm. Circular drive, Jackson’s Hill, Sunbury. Facebook: Sunbury Woodworkers Club.

■ Anita, 0417 402 795



Ranges VIEW Club is a friendly women’s organisation and a valued part of The Smith Family. We meet on

This week’s photographer’s choice picture is of Cole Trikojus at Hanging Rock in the Macedon Ranges. (Tom Trikojus)

Yvonne, 0429 994 828


Yoga classes at Sunbury Neighbourhood House focus on supporting participants to slow down and move well. Special attention is given to mindful awareness of movement that builds strength in a healthy and safe way, Monday mornings, Thursday evenings and Friday mornings

■ or 9740 6978.

Sunbury Seniors

Sunbury Seniors (55 or older) meet on Mondays and Fridays from 10am-3pm. They are temporarily relocating to 531 Elizabeth Drive, Sunbury. A variety of activities are offered – indoor bowls, cards, snooker, guest speakers, day excursions, subsidised lunches or just a cup of coffee and a chat.

■ 0434 400 754

Shuttles and pickleballs

the third Friday of each month at 11am at Club Sunbury, Riddell Road, Sunbury. New members warmly welcome

■ Lee-anne, 0403 047 909

Sunbury Art Society

The Sunbury Art Society meets every Friday and Saturday, from 10am- 3pm, at the Boilerhouse, Jacksons Hill, to paint or draw over a cuppa with other like minded people. New members welcome.

■ Ken, 0407 062 568 or

Macedon Ranges Badminton Club is inviting residents to come and play badminton, or pickleball, or both at Macedon Community Centre. Badminton is played on Tuesdays from 7.30pm and Thursdays at 9.30am. Pickleball is played on Mondays at 6.30pm, Wednesdays at 10.15am and on Tuesday from 10am at the Romsey Recreation Centre.

■ David, 0419 589 425, or

Sunbury Macedon Ranges Lodge Meets monthly on the second Wednesday of the month at 7pm, 73 Main Street, Romsey. New members welcome.

■ Wayne, 0404 034 737, or Ian, 0438 240 402

The cleaners put forward a resolution at the Victorian Labor State Conference (supplied). (supplied). United Workers Union (supplied).
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1. Which team defeated Melbourne City 1-0 to win the 2024 A-League Women grand final?

2. What year did the Gold Coast Suns play their first match in the AFL?

3. Australian basketballer Bec Allen plays for which Arizona-based WNBA team?

4. Australian boxer Jason Moloney previously held the WBO world title in which weight division?

5. Rugby league broadcaster Phil Gould is General Manager of Football for which NRL club?

6. How many teams compete in the Professional Women’s Hockey League?

Which racing driver's first F1 win was the 2024 Miami Grand Prix?

Which A-League Men team defeated Lebanese team Al-Ahed 1-0 to win the 2024 AFC Cup final?

How many games did the New Orleans Pelicans win in their 2024 NBA playoffs series versus the Oklahoma City Thunder?

Gumbo the Dog is a costumed mascot for which NFL team?

Which grand slam tennis champion is set to retire at the end of the year after a run of injuries?

Which two AFL clubs changed their names for the annual Sir Doug Nicholls Indigenous Round?

13. Denver Nuggets NBA player Jamal Murray was fined how much money for throwing objects onto the court during live play?

14. In which year was the Melbourne Cup handicap horse race first run?

15. Which Australian Test cricketer was left out of Australia’s T20 World Cup squad?

16. Which team has won more State of Origin matches overall: New South Wales or Queensland?

17. Wrigley Field is the home stadium of which Major League Baseball team?

18. By what margin did St Kilda win their only premiership in 1966 against Collingwood?

19. Which major sporting event will be held in Canada, Mexico and the US in 2026?

20. Which West Indian cricket superstar has scored 22 centuries in the Twenty20 format?

21. Travis Boak was captain of Port Adelaide for which five year period?

22. Which athlete was the first pick in the 2024 WNBA draft by Indiana Fever?

23. What type of event was NFL veteran Tom Brady recently the subject of on Netlix?

24. Gold Coast star Matt Rowell went viral in 2023 for eating what during a pre-season ritual?

25. Erin Molan was a host on which show from 2014–2018?

26. The Japanese mens national rugby union team is known by what nickname?

27. Which NBA player had a cameo appearance in the 1980 film Airplane!?

28. In which sport is Magnus Carlsen a five-time world champion?

29. At which NRL club did Ivan Cleary retire as a player, before returning as a coach?

30. Which Australian athlete debuted for both the national cricket team and soccer team at age 16?

1. Sydney FC 2. 2011 3. Pyhoenix Mercury 4. Bantamweight 5. Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs 6. Six (New York, Boston, Minnesota, Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal) 7. Lando Norris 8. Central Coast Mariners 9. Zero 10. New Orleans Saints 11. Dominic Thiem 12. Adelaide and West Coast 13. US$100,000 14. 1861 15. Steve Smith 16. Queensland 17. Chicago Cubs 18. One point 19. FIFA World Cup 20. Chris Gayle 21. 2013–2018 22. Caitlin Clark 23. Comedy roast 24. Grass 25. ShowFootyNRLThe 26. The Brave Blossoms/the Cherry Blossoms 27. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar 28. Chess 29. New Zealand Warriors 30. Ellyse Perry
Tom Brady
2405 Place Your Classified Ads Online Your advert will appear in print and online! 12536910-CG08-22
Magnus Carlsen

To solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in: each of the nine vertical columns, each of the nine horizontal rows and each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes. Remember, no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box.


1 Possibility (6)

4 Oblation (8)

9 Fierce animals (5)

10 Originating city of The Beatles (9)

11 Australian rugby league player and former Senator, – Lazarus (5)

12 Grant (9)

13 Diplomatic representative sent on a mission (8)

15 Smear (6)

16 Nakedness (6)

18 Positions in a hierarchy or scale (8)

23 One half of Oxbridge (9)

24 ‘Not on your – !’ (5)

26 Point above focus of an earthquake (9)

27 Dwelling (5)

28 Number in fluid mechanics, symbol Re (8)

29 Hurries (6)


1 Toiletry (7)

2 Sun-dried brick (5)

3 Gambling buildings (7)

5 Act of kindness (6)

6 Made of fired clay (7)

7 Quarantine (9)

8 Theatrical partners – and Sullivan (7)

10 Vital organ (5)

14 Insurance; immunity (9)

16 Atomic (7)

17 Sink (7)

19 Skyfall theme singer (5)

20 Relatedness (7)

21 Reserve (7)

22 Revised and corrected (6)

25 Cad (coll) (5)

the nine letters in the

how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural nouns ending in “s”.


1 What is the capital of Hungary?

2 In which country is the beer Stella Artois brewed?

Where in Australia would you find the Nan Tien Temple?

Hayley Williams (pictured) is the lead vocalist of which American alt-rock group? 5 What does IMF stand for? 6 How many moons does Mercury have? 7 Which singer’s real name is James Newell Osterberg Jr?

8 What was the name of the first bank to open in Australia? 9 Who directed the movie Fight Club (1999)? 10 What is diegesis?

14 SUNBURY & MACEDON RANGES STAR WEEKLY Tuesday, 21 May, 2024 No. 186
No. 186 No. 186
No. 186 57 14 73 41 58 98 2 3195 95 26 24 89 3952 69 7 easy 46 8 3471 89 1 72 1 57 76 4 67 3 93 72 9 medium 84 23 9851 34 75 75 4 29 3 17 68 31 2 71 8 hard No. 186 SUDOKU
able, allele, alma, amble, bale, ball, balm, bell, belle, blame, lama, lamb, lame, lamella, lamellae, leal, llama, mala, male, mall, MALLEABLE, meal Using
words: Excellent
11 words: Good 16 words: Very
Today’s Aim:
LETTERS ADO AGO ANT BIB CHI DOE EAR EAT GEL HAM HAY ICE LAX LYE MAR REV RUB SEW SPA TAP TEA UTE WEE YAP 4 LETTERS DESK EMIR FIND INKS LESS LOVE ONLY PENS SAIL SINE SKEW STEP VANS WHOA 5 LETTERS ADOBE ADORE AROSE ATLAS AWARE CRABS CRAMP EASEL EMAIL ENACT EXTRA FARES HAVEN IDEAL KARAT LISTS MAMAS MATTE NICHE NOISY OBESE OCTAL OMEGA OVALS PAVES POLKA RADAR RADII RASPS REIGN REINS SEEPS SENSE SLAPS SLEEP SLYLY SMITE SPARS STANK START STEAK STRUT TASTE TINGE TRAIN TURNS VERSE VISTA WANED WHERE 6 LETTERS GHETTO PRESTO SHEARS SIESTA 7 LETTERS ARTWORK EVENING FANTASY MASSIVE POTTERY THISTLE 8 LETTERS ESCALATE PARALYSE REFORMAT REGISTER CRAMP SLAPS FARES RADAR KARAT IDEAL ADORE EXTRA NOISY BIB SEW WANED GEL SIESTA POLKA ONLY POTTERY REV WHOA INKS MAMAS HAM VANS ESCALATE EVENING THISTLE REGISTER SAIL TAP ENACT EMIR LESS HAY FANTASY LOVE AROSE GHETTO ICE SPARS DOE RUB STRUT SMITE AWARE TASTE PAVES REINS SLEEP STEAK SENSE 12 345678910111213 1415 1617181920212223242526 A V R U C K Z Y N P Q T F M X B O L I W E H G D S J Insert the missing letters to make 10 words – five reading across the grid and five reading down. NOTE: more than one solution may be possible 24-05-24 Puzzles and pagination © Pagemasters | 342615978 683427159 864539712 578942631 415396827 259761483 196873245 927158364 731284596 easy medium hard 587296143 175689432 741362598 396148725 628431957 953874216 214753689 439527861 862915374 814297356 968732541 683924715 376851492 421589637 159378264 592463178 735146829 247615983 1 14 7 20 2 15 8 21 3 16 9 22 4 17 10 23 5 18 11 24 6 19 12 25 13 26 RADAR DJ 1. Budapest 2. Belgium 3. Wollongong 4. Paramore 5. International Monetary Fund 6. None 7. Iggy Pop 8. The Bank of New South Wales 9. David Fincher 10. The narration of a fictional world ANSWERS:


Looks: 8/10

Performance: 9/10

Safety: 7/10

Thirst: 7/10

Practicality: 8/10

Comfort: 8/10

Tech: 8/10

Value: 6/10

In a word, impressive

Could it be that auto giant Audi has grasped the Holy Grail of the industry with its most popular vehicle, the Q5?

The most desirable, yet elusive, automotive properties claimed by the Q5 plug-in petrol/ electric hybrid – outstanding performance coupled with miserly fuel consumption – stand as the chalice of Arthurian legend.

The new Q5 55 TFSI e quattro S line showcases the manufacturer’s expertise in electrification and highly efficient internal combustion engine technology with a claimed sprint from zero to 100km/h in a sizzling 5.3 seconds, while, on average, sipping a mere 2 litres of fuel per 100km.

The upgraded vehicle comes to market in a choice of SUV or Sportback styling, starting from $102,900 and $110,200, respectively, without on-road costs. Metallic paint adds $1990 to the price; 20-inch Audi Sport alloy wheels are a no-cost option. On test was the latter at $112,190.

Like all new Audis in Australia the Q5 55 TFSI e is covered by the maker’s five-year unlimited kilometre and 12-year body corrosionwarranties.Thebatteryisguaranteed for eight years.


The Q5 PHEV takes on the robust character of the standard Q5, which is enhanced by the inclusion of the S line features including S front and rear bumpers and grille, plus tailgate spoiler.

The Sportback is upgraded from the SUV by headlamps with LED Matrix lights, with washers,anddynamicfrontandrearindicators. Twenty-inch Audi Sport alloy wheels have a part polished finish which goes to showing off red painted brake callipers.

Optional roof rails on Sportback feature electronic stability control detection, which adjusts ESC when heavy loads are carried on the roof altering the vehicle’s centre of gravity.


Welcominguptofiveoccupants,Nappaleather wrapped seating, with diamond stitching, up front is power adjustable, heated and with four-way lumbar support. The driver’s side boasts memory function.

Sliding rear seats have 40:20:40 separation and the three-zone climate control air-con has its own display back there. The mood can be subtly altered with one of 30 shades of ambient lighting.

With seat backs in place there is 460 litres of boot space, extending to 1400 litres with the backs folded. The 14.4kWh battery is stored under the luggage compartment.


Accessed by a 10.1-inch dash-mounted touchscreen, the Audi MMI interface puts a mass of information, including navigation, at the driver’s fingertips. Wireless Apple CarPlay and Android Auto are standard.

Digital radio DAB+ is played through a 180W sound system with 10 speakers and sub-woofer. Wireless mobile phone charging also is standard in addition to two USB outlets front and back.


A 2.0 litre TFSI turbo engine works with an electric motor to put out a combined 270 kW and 500 Nm, which is fed to the road through a seven-speed dual clutch automatic transmission and Audi quattro all-wheel drive.

A 14.4 kWh lithium-ion battery, located under the rear cargo area, can be fuelled up to 7.2 kW AC for a full charge in around two-and-a-half hours.

The vehicle is supplied with all charging gear, including 240V three-pin standard plug, 230V 32 Amp industrial plug and wall bracket mount, plus a Type 2 cable for use at public charging stations.

The new Q5 55 TFSI e quattro S line showcases the manufacturer’s expertise in electrification and highly efficient internal combustion engine technology. (Pictures: Supplied)

ANCAP rating, which ran out in January –not that safety is now second class. Passive features include eight airbags – dual front, dual front-side, dual curtain and dual rear-side.

Active safety includes autonomous emergency braking (up to 85 km/h) with pedestrian detection, blind-spot monitoring (side assist), collision avoidance assist, exit warning, automatic high-beam, hill descent control,lane-keepassist,rearcross-trafficalert, tyre pressure monitoring, turn and swerve assist, predictive efficiency assistant, driver attention monitoring, plus rear-view camera and active bonnet.

Parking is given a wider perspective thanks to 360-degree cameras, plus park assist, hold assist and hill descent control.


UnlikeotherICE/electricmotorhybrids,which generally make all the decisions about power generation, the Q5 55 TFSI e gives the driver a greaterinputintohowthetwosourcescombine by choosing one of four operating modes via the touchscreen.

Hybrid mode operates automatically through the route guidance in the navigation system and can be also selected manually. Here the battery charge is optimally distributed across the route to maintain minimum fuel consumption.

In stop-start traffic the Q5 Sportback e quattro runs mainly on battery power based on a large amount of data from on-board sensors. On the open road, when the driver releases the accelerator engine management decides whether to coast with the engine off or use power regen to convert into electrical energy. All these functions are switched on and off with the minimum effect on the driving performance – the rare engine note in no way being a negative intrusion to cabin occupants.

A further three modes are at the driver’s fingertips. In EV mode – the default setting whenever the car is started – the car is powered by electricity alone, so long as the driver does not depress the accelerator pedal past a certain variable pressure point. The Sportback can run as far as 53km up to 135km/h on the emission-free electric motor alone.

In Hold mode, battery capacity is held at the current level. In Charge mode, the drive management system increases the energy in the battery using the internal combustion engine. As it does during regeneration, the electric motor charges the drive battery.


The Audi Q5 Sportback 55 TFSI e quattro S line? In a word, impressive.

Safety The Audi Q5 range initially received a five-star
‘‘ This is the result of many years of being connected with the sport ... I’m genuinely thrilled ’’ - Stacey West

Stacey West’s netball passion

Stacey West has stepped up to take on the biggest role in Netball Australia, appointed as the organisation’s new chief executive. She chats with Tara Murray about the role, the future and the enjoyment she gets from stepping onto court as a coach with the Sunbury Lions.

Stacey West might have the toughest job in Australian netball, but come Saturday afternoons her focus is the Sunbury Lions. West was recently announced the next chief executive of Netball Australia, having filled the role in an acting capacity.

It’s a role that comes with its challenges, with netball making the headlines for the wrong reasons multiple times in the past 12 months. While she spends her weeks looking at the big picture of netball, she’s also invested in her local netball community.

West got involved with the Sunbury Lions in 2022 to help support the club at which her daughter was playing.

She never looked back.

“I love coaching my daughter,” she said. “I love being part of a club. I love being part of a community of football netball league. I love being part of the Netball Victoria community.

“Igetalotoutofbeingreallyconnectedevery weekend and giving back to something that I love, but also it gives me a lot.

“I turn up at the court and I love it … I’m filled with so much joy and being able to be connected to people that also get joy out of netball, it’s my real happy place.”

West said becoming the chief executive of Netball Australia was never on her radar.

She joined Netball Australia 13 years ago and has been performance executive general manager for the past four years.

“It’s been an incredible journey,” she said. “I think someone asked me if it was ever on your list when you were a little child when you wrote what you wanted to do when I grew up. No, the CEO of one of the most incredible female sports in this country was not was not where I wanted to be.

“This is the result of many years of being connected with the sport and having played multiple roles from player to coach to administrator and still being very deeply connected to the sport on a range of levels has enabled me to be really well positioned for this opportunity as a CEO.

“I’m genuinely thrilled”

West said her initial response to taking on the interim chief executive role was to do it as that was what the sport needed.

Slowly, as she started to feel the breadth of the role, West started to enjoy it.

West’s keenness for the job was noticed by those close to her.

“I also saw the sport take some steps into change across that period so it gave me some confidence that the sport was ready and I was in a good position to lead how we do the next version of ourselves,” she said.

“I remember sitting at home with my husband one night and he looked at me and he saidtome,‘you’regoingtogoforthisrolearen’t you?’ Even he noticed a change.”

It hasn’t been smooth sailing for netball in Australia the past 12 months.

Suncorp Super Netball contract standoffs and negative public reaction from players and fans, to Collingwood pulling out of SSN have caused mistrust to grow.

Just a day after her official appointment, a score drama meant a match that had been calledawin,wasactuallyadrawandextratime was needed.

West said the incident again demonstrates that people want the sport to be better.

“The sport is in a process of delivery, but it also has to keep discovering what it needs to do better and that’s what is so exciting,” she said.

“We keep evolving and we make a commitment to keep doing that.

“We don’t want any fault or any error, we don’t want anyone to be impacted.

“Sowedoworkveryhardtoensurethatallof you know that all of our processes and people are well supported but sometimes, you know things occur and it allows us to make some change, which is good.”

West knows that many people don’t trust Netball Australia after what occurred. She said they have a really clear and aligned vision on where they want the sport to go.

“We want to grow participation,” she said. “We want to enhance the experience of all of our grassroots players and coaches and umpires.

“Wewanttobemoreinclusive.We’vejustgot to ensure that people can play the game, can access the game and can love the game.

“From grassroots right through to high performance.”

From an SSN point of view, West said they want to see some real growth in the competition.

She said all the data is showing more people are watching netball than ever. West said focusingontheeightcurrentclubsandmaking sure they’re sustainable is a priority.

“We want to continue to explore both what is happening now, but what might be a good idea moving forward is what we do next,” she said.

“Wehaveeightexistingteams.Wewantthem to be achieving to their maximum potential and then we continue to explore what might be moving forward.“

Westsaidshe’sgratefultobeinvolvedatboth ends of the netball landscape.

She said being part of the local netball community helps fill her bucket and allows her to be just a normal netball coach.

She said being involved in the community allows her to see what others are experiencing.

“I’m a volunteer coach that gives up her time for the betterment of the club and the sport,” she said.

“My hopes are that they [others on court] don’t know that I am [CEO] but for those that do, again my hope is that I’m no different.

“When I turn up in my Sunbury Lions hoodie, I’m not the CEO of Netball Australia at the moment.”

Stacey West is Netball Australia’s new chief executive. (AAP Image/Joel Carrett) Stacey West and her daughter Tahlia West. (Alizah Woodgate)

Sunbury relishes win as a season turning point

Sunbury United is hoping its win on Saturday is the turning point of its FV state league 3 north-west season.

It’s been a struggle for Sunbury so far, with wins being rare and left the side doing some soul searching.

On Saturday, Sunbury produced its best 90 minute performance, beating Point Cook, 4-1. Sunbury coach Danny Moore said it was a must win for the side.

“It feels pretty good,” he said. “Two weeks ago we played Heidelberg and were down 3-0 at half time.

“It was a bit of a line in the sand moment and the second half was a lot different and we scored five goals and won 5-3.

“We thought that was the turning point… Last week we weren’t able to reach the same heights and it was a let down.

“There was a bit of soul searching the last

couple of weeks. We have to ride the ups and downs and we’re very clear what we need to do something this year.”

While the Jets have been struggling and sit bottom of the table, Moore said they couldn’t take the game easy.

He said it was a pretty strong performance and they deserved to come away with the full three points.

The win moves Sunbury to nine points, havinghadthreedrawsalongwithitstwowins.

It brings them equal on points with Brunswick Zebras who are in seventh position.

Moore said they were hoping this time they would be able to build on the result.

“We’re hoping it’s a sign of things to come,” he said. “We have three games to go until the half way point of the season.

“It’s an important run of games for us.

Hopefully we learned our lesson from the

Heidelberg to Diamond Valley games, learning about consistency.

“We need to back it up.”

Sunbury faces Sebastopol Vikings this Saturday. The Vikings are at a similar point on the ladder.

Moore said they need to be up for it.


Meanwhile in state league 5 west, Gisborne continued its strong form.

Tarneit United led 1-0 at half time before the Sky Blues found the back of the net twice in the second half to come away with a 2-1.

Tarneit finished the game down a man after receiving a red card.

Vasko Vasilevski and Aidan Crisp were the goal scorers for the Sky Blues.

The Sky Blues sit third on the ladder with four wins, two draws and two losses.

Lions come from behind

The Sunbury Lions made a big statement in a come from behind win against Darley in the Ballarat Football League on Saturday.

In their biggest test so far, the undefeated Lions were made to work hard for the victory.

After being scoreless in the first quarter, the Lions trailed at all three breaks against the reigning premiers.

The margin was 21 points at the final change.

The Lions, kicking to the end where their reserves side was located in the last quarter, found another level.

The Lions doubled their score from the first three quarters, while keeping the Devils to just one goal to come away with a 10.10 (70)-9.8 (62) win.

Lions coach Matt White was thrilled with how the group were able to respond after being challenged all day.

“Darley threw everything at us,” he said. “It was a big challenge.

“We hadn’t been able to get our ball movement going with their defence really good. They kept us really stagnant.

“We just let the shackles off in the last quarter and started to play our footy. We got some momentum and were able to finish off well.”

White said they didn’t look to change too much around at three quarter time, rather sticking to what they had been doing.

He said the only big move they made was switching Jacob Bygate, who came into the side on Saturday, into the ruck and Fraser Ampulski went forward.

White said they backed in their leg speed to get them over the line in the final quarter. He said the fact that they were challenged and still found a way was the most positive thing out of the day.

“We were challenged for most of the day by a fantastic team,” he said. “It’s a rivalry I’m looking forward to over the next couple of years.”

Mitch McLean kicked three goals, while Jake Sutton and Lachlan Urbon kicked two goals each.

White said they had plenty of winners across the ground.

“Jack Newitt had the job on Billy Meyer when he went forward and did a fantastic job,” he said.

“Brock Landt through the midfield was fantastic as was Jake Egan.

“Jacob Bygate was also good. It’s the second week in a row we’ve picked a guy from the reserves and the guy has been named in the best.

“There’s some really good depth in the club and I’m really happy.”

The Lions now sit a game clear on top with Melton losing to East Point. The Lions are the only undefeated team

Jets fall short, twice in Big V

It was double heartbreak for the Sunbury Jets in the Big V men’s state championship division on the weekend.

The Jets started their weekend on the road against the Bellarine Storm on Saturday night.

The Storm jumped out of the blocks and led by 14 points at quarter time before the second quarter was the exact opposite with the Jets levelling the scores heading into half time.

The Jets continued their momentum to take a six point lead into the final break.

That momentum couldn’t continue in the final quarter with the Storm hitting the winning shot with two seconds left on the clock.

The Storm came away with the 92-91 win.

Josh Yorke-Frazer top scored with 26 points coming off the bench.

The Jets didn’t have long to dwell on the result, backing it up against the Pakenham Warriors on Sunday.

The Warriors took an early lead and doubled it to lead by eight points at half time. The Jets managed to reduce the margin to five points heading into the final quarter.

Scores were level at stages in the final quarter, but the Warriors were able to do enough to come away with an 83-79 win.

Yorke-Frazer top scored with 33 points while Nathan Baker had 15 points.

The Jets now sit in seventh spot with four wins from their nine games.

In the women’s state championship, the Jets lost to the Storm, 79-63. The Storm did all the damage in the first half, leading by 17 points at half time Abby Hildebrand top scored with 18 points for the Jets.

the A-grade

Nathan Baker. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 403557_38 Nam Pham. (Ljubica Vrankovic) White said getting early wins on the board would make things easier through the middle and back part of the season. The Lions are now on the road for the next two games against Lake Wendouree and then East Point. In netball, the Lions just fell short against top side Darley, 44-40. The Lions were without Taylor Honey, Lani Fauonuku and Eliza Gollant while several other players were on minute restrictions due to the Victorian Netball League. The Lions sit in third spot after three rounds with three wins, a draw and a loss. Jack Newitt (Jacob Pattison) 334037_03

Hawks are looking for consistency

Woodend-Hesket is juggling the pieces around early in the Riddell District Netball League season.

Last season’s premiers, the Hawks have had their full team once in the first five rounds.

Coach and star defender Tayissa Coppinger said it has been a challenging start.

“It’s been a pretty good start to the season but we’ve had to manage a few people being away,” she said.

“Hopefully things will settle down. We’ve only had one game with a full team. I think every game you have to be on your game and play at 100 per cent otherwise you won’t get the win.”

Coppinger said they would have to juggle absences throughout a lot of the season with them set to be short at least another two or three weeks.

She said it opens opportunities for others to step up and play bigger roles and those from

B-grade to have the chance to play in the higher grade.

The Hawks sit 3-2 after the first five rounds.

Coppinger said they know they have some things to work on in the next part of the season.

“Obviously there’s things to work on regardless if you are playing well or not,” she said.

“You need to look at areas where you can improve and find what you can work on. We need to improve when we step out together.

“We want to build on those connections now and where we are with each other and have that awareness.

“We need to just play our roles. At the moment we are having lapses of concentration.”

Coppinger said the connection the group had on court does help on court, with the group not just a team on Saturday.

She said they were all really close friends.

The Hawks this week face Wallan, which sits atop the ladder with a 4-1 record.

Coppinger said before the game it would be another test for them.

“They’ve been doing really well and it’ll be a good test for us,” she said. “We will have a challenge on our hands for the whole 60 minutes.

“We won’t be able to come complacent at half time.”

The Hawks struggles continued with the Magpies coming away with a big win.

The Magpies were able to build the lead throughout the game to come away with a 57-43 win, Laura Carland and Hayley Rogers were named the Hawks best. Abby Gilmore shot 29 goals for the Hawks.

Macedon, Riddell and Lancefield were the other winners.

Cats face injury, illness

Injuries and illness have plagued Macedon in the first part of the Riddell District Netball League season.

The Cats have struggled to put their full team out on court early in the season and have just two wins so far.

Coach Katie Clarke said the they’ve been hit with injury and illness throughout the whole year.

“I’ve had COVID and I missed a game,” she said.

“Taylah [Chamra] partially tore her ACL. Hetty [Donoghue] should be back in the next two week. Chelsea [Kemp] and Hayley [Birch] have been out for gams,

“Bronte [Green] hurt her ankle. Alex [August-Leifi] has bursitis in her foot band Alex Cameron has an inflamed tendon in her foot and is in a moon boot.

“We had two teams of 10 players heading into the season. We’ve only played four games, but we haven’t had a full frit team on court yet,”

Clarke said while injury and illness make it tough, it opens up opportunities for others to step up.

She highlighted Eliza Petherick, who has been going really well in goals and shooting in the mid to high 80 per cent.

“We’ve been giving some young girls an opportunity,” she said. “When they play it then gives someone else an opportunity to come up in their spot.”

Clarke, who is in her first season as coaching, said they always knew that it would be a tough start to the season.

She said the whole playing squad had been good throughout the pre-season and into the season.

“We’ve gone back to basics,” she said. “Focusing on channels and first and second phase,” she said.

“We’re getting better each week and improving in being positive each.

“We’re seeing how all the girls are performing each week with statistics and more and moving into the positive side [in the stats] and we can see the improvement.

“If we get a full fit, seven all running out on the court, we’ll be strong.

“They’re all working really hard.”

Clarke said they felt they would be better in the second half of the season.

“You don’t win grand finals in the first quarter of the year,” she said. “ You want to be putting it all together in the second half.

“The aim is build on consistency and structure and what that looks like for us. We want to be executing towards the end of the season.”

On Saturday, the Cats faced Kyneton for the first time.

Sports shorts

Bendigo FL

Eleven Gisborne players have been named in the initial Bendigo Netball League interleague training squad. A 61-man squad has been named for the match on July 6. Brad Bernacki, Harry Luxmoore, Jack Scanlon, Flynn Lakey, Jack Reaper, Braidon Blake, Pat McKenna, Jed Denahy, Jackson Cardillo, Zac Denahy and Zac Vescovi are named in the squad. Reaper has already been named captain of the side.

Bendigo FL

Gisborne continued its good run of form with a win against Eaglehawk in the Bendigo Football League on Saturday. After trailing at quarter time, the Bulldogs took control of the game in the middle two quarters and led by 41 points at the final break. The Hawks would win the final quarter, but the damage had been done with the Bulldogs winning, 14.13 (97)-9.8 (62). Harry Luxmoore kicked five goals, while Brad Bernacki was named their best. The Bulldogs sit third after the first half of the split round.


The Sunbury Kangaroos winning streak came to an end in the Essendon District Football League division 2 competition. Facing Westmeadows, the Kangaroos were beaten in the first half. The Tigers led by 38 points at the main break and then 48 points at the last change. The Kangaroos came home strong, but it was too late, with the Tigers winning, 12.15 (87)-8.12 (60). In other matches, East Sunbury lost to Northern Saints, while in division 1, Rupertswood had a big loss against West Coburg.

Bendigo NL

Gisborne continued its good form with a strong performance against Eaglehawk in the Bendigo Netball League. The Bulldogs, who are undefeated this season, came away with a 53-23 win. The Bulldogs now have a week off due to the split round.

The Tigers took the early lead before the Cats got going to take a three goal lead into half time.

A 12-5 goal third quarter opened the game up in the favour of the Cats. While the Tigers won the last quarter, the Cats had done enough, winning 37-30. Petherick shot 21 goals for the Cats. In other results, Lancefield upset Romsey.

The Tigers trailed early before restricting the Redbacks to just 10 goals in the middle two quarters.

It was a low scoring final quarter with the Tigers able to do enough to win, 33-27.

In the other two matches, Riddell beat Melton Centrals and Wallan was too good for Woodend-Hesket.

FOR MORE SPORT, VISIT Web: Sunbury & Macedon Ranges Star Weekly @starweeklynews @star_weekly
Hayley Rogers. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 360896_18 Chloe Williams. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 356240_19

Tigers roar home to secure an historic first win

History was made on Friday night as Lancefield claimed its first victory in the Riddell District Football League women’s competition.

Facing Romsey, which was also yet to taste a victory, the match was going to have a team winning for the first time.

The Tigers led by two points at quarter time and increased the margin to three points at the main break.

After half time, the Tigers came out more switched and were able to extend the margin to 10 points at the final break.

The Tigers were able to ice the game in the final quarter, winning 3.7 (25)-1.2 (8).

Coach Chris Clifton said there was plenty of celebrating down after the win.

“It was history making stuff,” he said. “After 14 weeks of pre-season and then coming in and playing the top two teams in the competition and getting smashed, this is a bit of reward for the hard work.”

Clifton said there was a bit of confidence

in the group during the week, knowing the Redbacks were in the same situation as they were.

After having five juniors step up the week before against Mount Alexander, the Tigers got some players back into the side which

helped against the Redbacks.

Once the match started it was a real mixed bag for the Tigers.

“The first quarter was OK with 60 per cent of the game being played in our forward half,” he said.

“The second quarter we had so many opportunities but gave away silly free kicks in our forward line.

“I said to the girls at half time that the defence and midfield had done all the work to get the ball into the forward line and you’re not giving yourselves the chance to score.

“We were a lot better in the second half.”

It was all single goal kickers for the Tigers.

Chloe Hodgson and Meg Thompson were named the Tigers best.

For the Redbacks, Elise Putyra and Nicole Steward were named their best.

Clifton said the win would only give the group some more confidence.

“This season was about playing footy and having a place for people in the community

Warriors back on track


of good as they returned to the winners list in the Victorian Netball League championship on Wednesday night.

After a tough last hit out, the Warriors put out a strong four quarter performance against the Casey Demons, winning 71-56.

Warriors coach Kim Bailey was pretty happy with the performance.

“It was an improved win from the last time we played them,” she said. “I think the margin was 10, we’ve pushed it out to 15.

“I think we most probably look like we’re going to control that game for the get go. It was a bit of a slow first quarter.

“But I think we had Simona [Di Filippo] who had an outstanding game. When Simmy plays well we seem to play well and we get that really fast forward movement and we had that back up from Ruby [Shannon] and Vanessa [Augustini] who we just kept rotating to and had fresh legs the whole time.”

Bailey said they had winners all over the court in the win.

She thought Georgia Berry had a great game on Emma Ryde, doing everything they asked her to do.

At the other end of the court, Bailey said she thought it was the best game that Kim Borger and Julia Woolley had played together. Borger shot 57 goals.

“So we had sort of strength over the court and Liv Ellis, that girl just keeps delivering week after week after week,” Bailey said.

“It’s nice to be back on the winner’s list.”

Bailey said the performance had a bit more of that consistency they had been seeking across four quarters and all players.

“It’s something that we’ve really worked at, worked at our intensity,” she said.

“We’ve worked at that drop of intensity in the third quarter. By creating that sort of environment in training and then translating that out on the court works really well for us.

“We have gone back to what our values are and we have to keep referring back to them. It’s alright to say we have values but you have to live them and we’re starting to live them.”

The Warriors now sit eighth on the ladder with three wins.

It was disappointment for the Warriors under-23s who lost to the Demons, 42-41.

Baileysaidtheyhadthatgamebeforehaving vital errors at vital times.

“We have to learn how to win,” she said.

Akira McCormack, who dropped down from championship to get some significant minutes on court, was their best with 28 goals. The Warriors didn’t have a long break between games, with the side back in action on Sunday, after deadline.

to play,” he said.

“Wins are a bonus. The win will keep us happy for another three or four weeks at Tiger land.”

A second piece of history was made in the competition, in the match between Kyneton and Macedon.

In the rematch of last season’s grand final, the Cats managed to push Kyneton to a draw, 5.2 (32)-4.8 (32).

It’s the first time that Kyneton hasn’t come away with the win in this competition.

Charlotte Noonan kicked three goals for the Cats, with Shakira Parker and Stephanie Jones named their best.

For Kyneton, Teagan Ainslie was named its best.

The two sides both side on 18 points after five rounds.

Mount Alexander beat Melton in the other game.

Cats beat the Tigers

Macedon got its biggest win of the Riddell District Football League season so far, beating Kyneton on Saturday.

The Cats had been building to knock off one of the sides above them on the ladder and they were able to do that against the Tigers.

Neither team kicked a goal in the first quarter, before five goals to one in the second quarter gave the Cats a 21 point lead at half time.

The Tigers were able to trim the margin to 16 points heading into the final quarter. The Cats were able to maintain their lead in the final quarter, winning 8.6 (54)-5.9 (39).

JasonCookekickedthreegoalsforthe Cats, with Matthew Dick and Lachlan Hay named their best.

For the Tigers, Brady Muir kicked two goals. Ethan Turner and Caleb Fisher were named their best.

The Cats are now up to sixth with the win, only percentage behind Kyneton.

Romseycelebratedits150thmilestone in style against Lancefield.

The Redbacks, who wore special uniforms for the occasion, led throughout the contest.

They were able to build each quarter, coming away with a 14.11 (95)-2.10 (22) win.

Jack Jedwab kicked three goals for the Redbacks as four other players kicked two goals each.

Corey Pertzel was named best on ground.

For Lancefield, Rhys Barber and Riley O’Meara were named their best.

Riddell remains undefeated after a big win against Melton Centrals.

The Bombers were able to build the lead throughout the match, coming away with a 14.15 (99)-5.7 (37) win.

Jacob Chahine kicked four goals in a best on ground performance for the Bombers.

In the other match, Woodend-Hesket were well beaten by Wallan.

The Warriors made the trek up to Bendigo to face Melbourne University Lightning as part of the Super Sunday round.

The match was a close one with the Lightning getting across the line, 56-50. Borger shot 44 goals for the Warriors.

The Magpies kicked away early and were able to build on the lead in every break, winning 169 (105)-6.11 (47).

Riley Ferguson and Jack Duggan were named the Hawks best.

Diggers Rest had the bye.

Simona Di Filippo (Grant Treeby)

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