Five years of repairs
Repair Cafe Sunbury is marking its fifth birthday, celebrating five years of repairs, community connection, and skill sharing.
A volunteer-run program of Sunbury Neighbourhood House, the cafe forms part of the wider repair cafe movement that began in Amsterdam, where residents hand in their broken or damaged items to be repaired, helping to prevent excess landfill.
Repair Cafe Sunbury volunteer Sharon Ross said the group has prevented 732 kilograms of items from being discarded during its five years of operation.
“It’s pretty amazing … we’ve had over 690 different items brought in to be repaired,” Ms Ross said. “It’s not just about the repairing, it is about connecting with the community, and we have a lot of repeat visitors who come back month after month … we love to see them and catch up with them.”
Neighbourhood House community development co-ordinator Cathy Grose said she is proud of the program and the fact that “all of the people involved are really great people, [are] really generous and skilled, and they enjoy giving back to the community”. She said the group is looking for more likeminded volunteers.
The repair cafe will run on Saturday, February 15, running from 10am–12.30pm, with a birthday cake cut at 11am.
Pool improvement proposals
Local residents are calling on Hume council to clean-up and improve the Sunbury Aquatic and Leisure Centre.
Suggested improvements for the site include enclosing the outdoor pool and aesthetic repairs.
They have also been calls for the facility to be rebuilt.
The comments com as Hume council begins preparing a master plan for the centre.
Sunbury resident Patrick Esse said while the 25-metre pool has been repaired, he feels the facility “needs a pretty good clean-up”.
“The hydropool and everything like that needs a good facelift, probably a good painting … the council needs to clean it up out the front and make it more presentable,” he said.
Former Hume councillor and Sunbury resident Jack Medcraft said he proposes enclosing the existing outdoor pool to create a single indoor facility, aiming to increase the amount of pools suitable for year-round use.
“I asked them to put that on the master plan … [The Melton Waves Leisure Centre] is probably the equivalent of what I’d be looking for,” Mr Medcraft said.
He proposes that this added indoor pool could have heating and cooling to make it accessible for 360 days of the year, with a ceiling that could be opened or closed based on the weather conditions.
“It just adds to the availability of a facility that is pretty much up to speed … over all, it’s a really good setup, it would just enhance the overall experience of using the [centre],” he said. “The growth that’s going to happen in Sunbury, we really need an up-to-date facility that will cater for the increased population … Sunbury in the next 10 years will probably
double in population.”
Another former Hume councillor and Sunbury resident, Trevor Dance, said he believes some of the centre’s issues have been “ignored.”
“Finally, it’s at [a] point to stop these Band-Aid fixes and commit to a brand-new aquatic centre on the current site,” Mr Dance said.
A council spokesperson said the masterplan will inform the future development of the facility to meet the community needs of Sunbury.

Sunbury Neighbourhood House community development coordinator Cathy Grose, and Sunbury Repair Cafe volunteers Andy Paul, Trevor Greenham, Trish Casta, Robert Camilleri, David Thornton, Pat Dunn, and Sharon Ross. (Ljubica Vrankovic). 456339_03

Festival promotes action
By Oscar Parry
MacedonRangescouncilandalocalnon-profit sustainability group are partnering to host a week-long festival focused on promoting environmental action at a grassroots level.
Titled Changemakers, the festival will run from Saturday, March 15 to Sunday, March 23, and is a collaboration between Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group (MRSG) and the council.
The week will begin with the Riddells Creek Enviro-Energy Expo, hosted by the Riddells Creek Cool Changes group.
Cool Changes action group leader Vince Mulkerin said the expo aims to build community knowledge around climate change and then offer actionable solutions.
“We’ve got 25 different displays of what individual people have done to address their own household climate plans,” Mr Mulkerin said. “The whole theme of the expo last year and this year … is what’s good for the planet is good for your pocket as well,” he said.
There will be three panel discussions at the event – the first focusing on advocacy, the second about action in and out of the home, and the third a youth discussion with local students.
Melbourne University emeritus professor David Karoly will talk about news from the world of climate science research, and Green PlanetSportfounderAnnabelSidesandbronze medallist race walker Rhydian Cowley will discuss sustainability within sport.
MRSG president Lenka Thompson said that it is “really great” to partner with the council, andthatshehopestheChangemakersprogram continues into the future.

Sewer upgrade unveiled
Greater Western Water (GWW) completed a major upgrade to Lancefield’s sewer network, aiming to ensure reliable sewer services in the region.
With the completion announced on Thursday, January 30, The project involved replacing 6.5 kilometres of sewer pipes along Lancefield-Tooborac Road, Lancefield-Kilmore Road and RacecourseRoad,whichwascompleted in stages over several months.
GWW infrastructure and growth general manager Ian Burton said that the upgrade was necessary to improve network reliability and reduce the risk of sewage spills.
“The new sewer main provides a significant increase in capacity, ensuring our infrastructure is keeping up with future demand,“ Mr Burton said.
“We’d like to thank the Lancefield community for their support and understanding while we completed these essential works.
“Collaboration in our community is what we lovetosee,andthechangesthatwemaketoday, can have a profound impact on the generations to follow,” Ms Stockfeld said.
Council planning and environment director Rebecca Stockfeld said the festival “provides a wonderful opportunity for people from all walks of life to come together and learn a new life skill, and work towards making a real change“.
A free event, the Riddells Creek Enviro-Energy Expo will run from 10am–3pm on Saturday, March 15 at the Riddells Creek Leisure Centre.
Details: mrsc.vic.gov.au/Live-Work/ Environment/Climate-Change/How-you-cantake-climate-action
“Our consultation with local residents and businesses was especially important to help shape our planning and minimise construction impacts.“ Part of the upgrade was completed using trenchless technology, which replaces mains without major digging. This method aims to help reduce disruption for the community and minimise environmental impacts. Early investigation works for the project began in September 2023.

Macedon Ranges sustainability officer Justin Walsh, Riddells Creek Cool Changes action group leader Vince Mulkerin, and Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group president Lenka Thompson at the Riddells Creek Leisure Centre. (Supplied).

We’re building an alternative to the West Gate Bridge and there will be transport disruptions

As part of Victoria’s Big Build, we’re putting the finishing touches on the new West Gate Tunnel, an alternative to the West Gate Bridge. When the tunnel opens in 2025, you can enter on the West Gate Freeway near Williamstown Road, and take advantage of new exits to Footscray Road, Dynon Road or CityLink.
Train disruptions: Buses replace trains in both directions Sunbury Line 15to16FebNorthMelbournetoSunshine 8.30pmtolasttraineachnight, 17and18Feb
Road disruptions: Road, lanes and ramps closed West Gate Freeway, Spotswood
5am15Febto5am8Mar CityboundexitramptoWilliamstownRoad Williamstown Road, Spotswood
M80 Ring Road, Laverton North
Princes Freeway, Laverton North
AttimesuntillateMar Altona-boundfromWesternFreewaytoBoundaryRoad
AttimesuntillateMar WesternFreewaytoBoundaryRoad
Greensborough-boundramptoM80RingRoad Millers Road, Brooklyn 5am15Febto5am8Mar CityboundentryramptoWestGateFreeway
Grieve Parade, Brooklyn 5am15Febto5am8Mar CityboundentryramptoWestGateFreeway
Wheelchair donation a ‘godsend’
By Oscar Parry
An electric wheelchair owned by Sunbury stalwart and former Hume mayor Jack Ogilvie, who died in November last year, was donated by a friend to a Macedon Ranges family.
Autobarn Sunbury owner Adam Mizzi, who was a close friend of Mr Ogilvie’s, said he decided on Monday, February 3, that it was time to donate Mr Ogilvie’s wheelchair to a local community member.
“[We] had been talking about it for quite some time – about giving it to a home [where it’s]needed,andobviouslyIneededtodealwith theemotionalrollercoasterofJackpassing,and I’d left it in storage at AutoBarn in Sunbury,” Mr Mizzi said.
“I made a decision on Monday … it was time for me to find a new home for Jack’s chair.“
He said the electric wheelchair was initially funded by a gala dinner fundraiser hosted on behalf of Mr Ogilvie.
Mr Mizzi created a post on Facebook calling for expressions of interest from community members, where he received an email from MacedonRangesresidentKylieDalton–whose mother Verna Dalton recently had her foot amputatedduetoongoinghealthcomplications from a horse riding accident.
ThechairwasdonatedtothepaironTuesday, February 4.
Ms Dalton said receiving the electric wheelchair was an “absolute godsend.”
“It’s just endless at the moment, so for this
to happen … I forked out and got a push wheelchair but it still didn’t give her the freedom to go outside … because I’ve got osteoarthritis in my shoulders and spine,” Ms Dalton said.
“So it’ll give mum the freedom to get out and about, she can go and see the dogs and her horse when she wants to.
“She was quite happy. I wasn’t expecting a reply back because there’s people still worse off than us … it’s really good.”
Mr Mizzi said he knows “Jack would be smiling right now.”

Players perform a Wilde classic
The Mount Players is preparing to take the stage to perform its first production of the year this month, presenting Oscar Wilde classic The Importance of Being Earnest.
The farcical comedy follows characters Jack and Algy – close friends who lead double lives split between the city and countryside –where drama ensues when the pair becomes entangled in a love affair.
The Mount Players marketing team member Karen Hunt said the production committee “felt it was an excellent way to start the year, putting on a classic Oscar
Wilde play that is known and loved through the years.”
“The cast consists of first-time actors treading the boards at the Mountview Theatre for the first time and some stalwarts of the theatre … so it’s a good blend of ages and experience,” Ms Hunt said.
Ms Hunt said that the theatre company began rehearsing about two months ago, with director Vicki Smith previously working on the play at another community theatre in Melbourne.
“[She] is putting a lot of passion into the
details of the play both on the set, and with the characters in the play … there’s been a huge input from behind the scenes on the costumes and set,” she said.
The play will be performed across three weekends from Friday, February 21 to Sunday, March 9, with evening performances starting at 8pm and matinee performances at 4pm.
Tickets can be purchased on the company’s website. Details: themountplayers.com
Oscar Parry

Club wins gate accolade
The Riddells Creek Lions Club received an award for its efforts in repairing the war memorial gate at the entrance to the Riddells Creek Recreation Reserve.
The club was honoured with a Lions Russel Eastwood Best Club Project Award for co-ordinating repairs to the wrought iron gate, its bluestone pillars, and the surrounding garden beds.
Club secretary Melanie Kinsey, who was instrumental in the project, said the origin of the historic gate is unknown.
“Romsey and Gisborne have got the same memorial gates to their recreation reserves. So, it must have been a bit of a thing in the 1950s to commemorate World War II and those who [had] fallen … all three towns have very similar gates,” Ms Kinsey said.
“I applied for the grant from the government … the grant from the government fixed the gates, and then I got another grant from Greater Western Water to fix the garden beds that were constructed around the gates.”
She said the gates were damaged about 25 years ago after a car accident, with an expert who assessed repairs at the time proposing that it could have been built in England and then donated to the reserve by a local resident.
The club received an embroidered patch as part of the award, which is now displayed on the club’s banner.
Golden recognition for the Ranges if heritage bid succeeds
The federal government has approved a bid for the Victorian Goldfields to seek World Heritage Listing, involving the Macedon Ranges region.
Macedon Ranges council said the bid and the inclusion of the goldfields on Australia’s World Heritage Tentative List follows 15 years of advocacy from Victorian councils, traditional owners, the state and federal governments, and local and international experts.
“Tentative Listing recognises the Victorian Goldfields’ potential outstanding global
heritage significance and seeks to celebrate and protect the region’s multi-layered history – from the First Peoples living on Country to the goldrush and subsequent waves of immigration,” the council said.
Secretary of the Kyneton Historical Society andMacedonRangesHeritageCouncilLarina Strauch said one of the towns involved in the region’shistoryisKyneton,whichisconsidered to be the “gateway to the Goldfields“.
“In March 1852, Kyneton was virtually just a little village – it had a population of about 300 people … most of those were employed on
squatting runs [and] there was very little in Kyneton at that time,” Ms Strauch said.
“Towardstheendofthatyear,thepopulation exploded to over 2000 people, which was coming hot off the back of the so-called gold rushes … because they realised they could make more money by selling their goods to the passing throng that were heading north to the Goldfields.“
Ms Strauch said Kyneton was renowned in the gold rush, including among miners who travelled from California, as a significant stopover point.
Ms Strauch said factors contributing to this reputation included the legalisation of liquor sales in town, the popularity of the former Kyneton Hotel on Piper Street, and its entertainment venues.
She said that these attractions and the sale of goods to miners passing through the town enabled a property boom, which is why buildings on Piper Street are marked with years like 1858 or 1862.
Details: goldfieldsworldheritage.com.au
Oscar Parry
Macedon Ranges resident Kylie Dalton and Autobarn Sunbury owner Adam Mizzi at the handover of the electric wheelchair. (Supplied)
The Mount Players actors Vishka Haydock as Gwendoline, Rodney Stobart as Merriman, Ron Kofler as Lane, and Ella Darroch as Cecily. (Supplied)

Call to end tanning trend
By Oscar Parry
This January marked the 10-year anniversary sincethebanningofcommercialsolariumbeds across Australia.
Despite this ban, Cancer Council Victoria reports that a large number of Australians are still taking part in dangerous tanning trends –with these trends affecting young Australians, including young women.
According to the Cancer Council, skin cancer has maintained its place as the state’s fifth most common cancer, with more than 3000 Victorians diagnosed with melanoma in 2023.
Cancer Council Victoria SunSmart program head Emma Glassenbury said the organisation is aware of harmful social media trends emerging recently, such as glamorising tan lines.
“We’re seeing harmful beauty norms glamorisingtanningandweknowthisimpacts women,” Ms Glassenbury said.
“We’re deeply concerned to see trends on social media emerging with young people showingofftanlinesandusingtheUVindexas a tanning tool rather than a warning … people should use the UV index to know when they should be using sun protection.
“These trends are really fuelling harmful attitudes towards sun tanning, particularly among young women, and increasing lifetime risk of skin cancer.”
MsGlassenburysaidmostyoungAustralians believe their risk of getting skin cancer is low and almost one in three young Australians believe that it’s safe to sun tan at their age.
“Young people are really susceptible to the social media messages, and it’s irresponsible for these platforms to be hosting misleading and dangerous content glamorising tanning – which is actually increasing skin

cancer risk,” she said.
Cancer Council Australia started a federal government-backed campaign to counteract harmful social media trends around sun tanning behaviours, titled End The Trend.
“This campaign is targeting young Australians and really promoting through social media platforms and … influencers to end tanning trends … highlighting that UV damage can occur just in 15 minutes to your skin,” Ms Glassenbury said.
Along with UV exposure increasing your risk of skin cancer, she said that it is also the cause of 80 per cent of premature ageing, causing wrinkles and sun spots.

Ms Glassenbury said a tan is the result of melanin production after skin is exposed to UV radiation, which is produced by the body as a way of protecting the skin, and is a sign of skin damage.
“We really want people to embrace their own natural skin tone … and to to use all five forms of sun protection whenever the [UV index rating] is three and above,” she said.
Ms Glassenbury said it is important to use all five forms of sun protection, which are wearing skin-protective clothing, using PF50+ broad-spectrum sunscreen, wearing a broad-brimmed hat, seeking shade, and wearing sunglasses.

New virtual health clinic for women
A free virtual health clinic will help to make women’s health more accessible for women across Victoria.
On Wednesday, February 5, Health Minister Mary-Anne Thomas announced that the service will roll out before the middle of the year.
The aim of the clinic is to prevent delay or absence of medical treatment for women’s health issues which can have damaging impacts on education, employment, and quality of life.
Inpartnershipwithcommunityhealth organisation EACH, the free service will be led by expert medical practitioners to break down financial and geographical barriers of access.
“We know the gender health gap is real, especially for women living in regional or remote areas of Victoria” Ms Thomas said.
The clinic will provide initial health assessments and medical advice for issues like sexual and reproductive health, pelvic and endometriosis pain, breast and menopause health, menstrual concerns, and abortion.
The service will also provide referrals for relevant health professionals and various community services for mental health, drug and alcohol or family violence support.
Clinical services like screenings, examinations, and referrals for medical abortions (MTOP) and contraception will also be available.
Kaija Du

Cancer Council Victoria is reminding people to use all five forms of sun protection when the UV index rating is three and above. (Supplied).

Tennis fans cashing in
Four players from Romsey Tennis Club have won the set in their game towards repairing theirtenniscourtsandareworkingonwinning a longer match towards reducing landfill in Victoria.
A recent competition as part of a partnership between Tennis Victoria and Victoria’s Container Deposit Scheme (CDS) was won by the club in January. The prize included tickets to take four players to the Australian Open Men’s Singles Final and receiving an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour.
The club raised over $1800 since the scheme was introduced in 2023, allowing it to update three older courts.
The club is working to continue fundraising
to replace its two courts.
Romsey Tennis Club treasurer Deborah Rees said the prize for the small club has beneficial beyond its fundraising achievements, building relationships with local businesses and the community.
“Victoria’s Container Deposit Scheme has provided a valuable, easy way to generate income for our club” she said.
VicReturn chief executive Jim Round said, “Romsey Tennis Club’s success story is a shining example that any club, big or small, can benefit from Victoria’s Container Deposit Scheme“.
Help with camps, sports
The state announced a new round of grants aimed at supporting school students to participate in camps, sport, and excursions. Under the program, families with healthcare cards will be able to access $154 for primary school children and $256 for secondary school students. This year, families who have multiple children at the same school will be able to pool their allocated funding to use on one child or for one specific activity. The state’s $400 School Saving Bonus can also go towards school activities such as camps or excursions, school uniforms and textbooks.
Walsh Road bushfire
A bushfire on Walsh Road in Bullengarook triggered a watch and act warning for Bullengarook and Gisborne residents. According to an update posted at 10.54am on Tuesday, February 4, five vehicles responded to the small bushfire. Further updates that afternoon advised residents that the bushfire threat level for the area was reduced and the fire wasn’t spreading. According to a Gisborne CFA, the brigade alongside Hesket Kerrie, Newham, Benloch, and Bullengarook CFA brigades worked at Hobbs Road in Gisborne on Wednesday, February 5 to ensure the fire was completely extinguished.
Web: starweekly.com.au
Sunbury & Macedon Ranges Star Weekly @starweeklynews @star_weekly

Kaija Du
Jack, Brett, Deborah and Mitchell Rees. (Supplied)
A huge year ahead for the Sunbury line
Sunbury locals already benefitting from Big Build road and rail upgrades have more to look forward to as crews prepare to open the MetroTunnelandtheSunburyLinebecomes level crossing free later this year.
Work is continuing to get rid of the level crossings at Calder Park Drive, and Holden Road, Calder Park, and Old Calder Highway and Watsons Road, in Diggers Rest.
Removingthesecrossingsbybuildingroad bridges over the rail line will allow more trains to run more often and help to prepare the area for future development. Once the road bridge opens at Calder Park Drive, the Holden Road level crossing will close. This will make local roads safer and journeys on the Sunbury Line faster.
Getting rid of these crossings helps pave the way for trainsto travelfromSunburytoPakenham via the Metro Tunnel without a single boom gate.
The Metro Tunnel will connect the Sunbury Line with the Cranbourne/Pakenhamlines,and travel through five new stations in the city – Arden, Parkville, State Library, Town Hall and Anzac.
AdirectservicetoParkvillewill transform the commute for staff, patients, students and visitors to the hospital and university precinct. The new Anzac Station will significantly improve access to the St Kilda Road precinct and key Melbourne landmarks.

The Victorian Infrastructure Delivery Authority (VIDA) is delivering the state’s transport and health infrastructure programs. This includes more than 200 projects such as the Metro Tunnel, North

the Metro Tunnel, making it easier to get to thecity,touniorthehospitalprecinct.Thank you so much for your patience while crews work on our local road and rail projects.”

East Link, West Gate Tunnel, removing 110 level crossings, building new hospitals and upgrades to ambulance stations, specialist health services and early parenting centres.
Devlin, Director General, Victorian Infrastructure Delivery Authority said “We’re making the Sunbury Line level crossing free, and we’ll connect the west to
A train in the Metro Tunnel, and inset, a beam is lifted into place on one of the new road bridges.
Sunbury Ladies Badminton Club
Sunbury Ladies Badminton Club invites women of all ages to join the group for social badminton, every Thursday morning from 9.30am–12pm at the Eric Boardman Stadium in Wilsons Lane, Sunbury. Your first visit is free and includes coaching and equipment.
LGBTIQ Social Club
The Sunbury and Surrounds LGBTIQ Social Club has an ongoing catch up every third Saturday at the Brown Cow Cafe in Rosenthal at 1pm. It can also be found on Facebook where it has chats, discussions and other events advertised.
Sunbury Woodworkers Club
Join the Sunbury Woodworkers Club to learn woodturning. No experience or tools required. The club is a welcoming environment open to men and women who wish to learn. Meetings for new guests are held on the third Wednesday of every month at 730pm. Circular drive, Jackson’s Hill, Sunbury. Facebook: Sunbury Woodworkers Club.
Anita, 0417 402 795
Sunbury-Macedon Ranges VIEW Club is a friendly women’s organisation and a valued part of The Smith Family. It meets on the third Friday of each month at 11am at Club Sunbury, Riddell Road, Sunbury. New members warmly welcome
Lee-anne, 0403 047 909
Sunbury Art Society
The Sunbury Art Society meets every Friday and Saturday, from 10am- 3pm, at the Boilerhouse, Jacksons Hill, to paint or draw over a cuppa with other like minded people. New members welcome.
Ken, 0407 062 568, or Yvonne, 0429 994 828
Yoga in Sunbury
Yoga classes at Sunbury Neighbourhood House focus on supporting participants to slow down and move well. Special attention is given to mindful awareness of movement that builds strength in a healthy and safe way, Monday mornings, Thursday evenings and Friday mornings
www.sunburyhouse.com.au or 9740 6978.
Art group
The Woodend Art Group holds classes and workshops in the studios in the Woodend railway station complex. It also has a social

Tuesday where members and interested people can come along in the morning, have a coffee and paint together in a social environment.
Colin Robinson, 0407 426 252
Shuttles and pickleballs
Macedon Ranges Badminton Club is inviting residents to come and play badminton, or pickleball, or both at Macedon Community Centre. Badminton is played on Tuesdays from 7.30pm and Thursdays at 9.30am. Pickleball is played on Mondays at 6.30pm, Wednesdays at 10.15am and on Tuesday from 10am at the Romsey Recreation Centre.
David, 0419 589 425, or macedonrangesbadminton@gmail.com
Scottish country dancing
The Macedon Ranges Scottish Country Dancing Group meets every Thursday,1-3pm, at Buffalo Stadium, Woodend. The dancing involves social country dancing, and no special clothes needed, just soft flat shoes.
Meg, 0409 166 783, or Linda, 0408 476 317
Rotary club
The Sunbury Rotary Club meets every Tuesday at the Ball Court Hotel, 60 Macedon Street, Sunbury, from 7pm.
Community. Connect. Create. If you are needing support or looking for a social group to join, you can visit Community. Connect. Create, which is
an online resource listing support and community groups in the Macedon Ranges. if you would like your group listed or would like to work to help this project grow please email: fiona@communityconnectcreate. com.au
Amateur radio club
The Macedon Ranges Amateur Radio Club meets on the third Saturday of the month at the Woodend RSL Hall, 32 Anslow Street, Woodend, at 10am. If you are interested in amateur radio or already have a call sign, this could be for you.
Take off weight naturally
Struggling to lose weight? Struggling to get motivated? Want to try and do it in a friendly and less stressful atmosphere? Come and join TOWN (Take Off Weight Naturally) every Thursday at 9am at the Sunbury Neighbourhood House, 531 Elizabeth Drive, Sunbury.
Rhonda, 0409 740 924
Kyneton Badminton Club
Kyneton Badminton Club is a welcoming, fun and social group that plays on Mondays, at 7pm at the Kyneton Toyota Sports and Aquatic Centre, Victoria Street. All skill levels are welcome.
Masonic Lodge
The Sunbury Macedon Ranges Masonic Lodge eets monthly on the second Wednesday of the month at 7pm, 73 Main
Street, Romsey. New members welcome.
Paul, 0479 127 476, or Rob, 0428 260 647
Ladies probus
The Woodlands Ladies Probus Club of Sunbury meets on the fourth Monday of each month at the Sunbury Bowling Club at 9.45am.
Leonie, 0401 764 182
Sunbury Ladies Probus Club
The Sunbury Ladies Probus Club meets at 9.30am on the fourth Wednesday of each month at the Sunbury Football Social Club rooms.
Pat, 0433 789 754, or Sylvia, 0417 170 142
Sunbury Combined Probus Club
The Sunbury Combined Probus Club meets every fourth Thursday of the month at the Sunbury Bowling Club at 10am.
Jo, 0410 834 272
Probus Club Of Sunbury
Join the Probus Club of Sunbury on the first Wednesday of the month at the Sunbury Bowling club at 9.30am. It’s a friendly men’s group open to visitors and new members, with a number of great events held each month.
Greg, 0417 593 035
Breast cancer support group
On the first and third Tuesday of the month breast cancer survivors are invited to head along to the Gisborne Golf Club at 10.30am to take part in a breast cancer support group.
Lesley, 0484 691 226
Village connect
Enjoy free coffee and cake while connecting with fellow Macedon Ranges residents 55 years old and older. Happening on Tuesdays and Thursday at cafes across the municipality.
https://bit.ly/3AMUrxm, or 5422 0262
Arts and games night
Get creative at the Sunbury Youth Centre each Wednesday, from 3.30-5.30pm. The free program is for people aged 12 to 18 years old, at 51-53 Evans Street, Sunbury.
HarmoniX Vocal Company
All-male singing group happening on Thursday, 7-9.30pm, in Sunbury, with a mixed choir, DynamiX Vocal Company, rehearsing Tuesday, 7-9.30pm. Rehearse at Dulap Wilim Hub, Leichardt Street, Sunbury. No auditions required.

This week’s photographer’s choice picture is of Karen Ingram, Zoe Jones and Matthew Phoenix ahead of the Louis Joel Arts and Community Centre’s Be Our Valentine event, which will put an artistic spin on the day of love. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 457889_01
Pilates: a path to wellness for rural communities
Pilates, a form of low-impact exercise, offers health benefits, making it an ideal choice for small regional communities seeking accessible ways to improve overall well-being.
With its focus on slow, controlled movements, core engagement, and breathing control, Pilates is a holistic exercise option that enhances strength, stability, and motor control while addressing a range of physical health issues.
One of the primary advantages of Pilates is its adaptability – anyone can participate, regardless of age, fitness level, or physical condition. For individuals in rural communities, where access to diverse fitness programs might be limited, Pilates provides a versatile solution. It supports those dealing with chronic pain or musculoskeletal injuries, offering a gentle yet effective way to manage discomfort and improve mobility. This makes Pilates particularly beneficial for those with conditions like fibromyalgia or persistent back and neck pain.
Pilates is also well-suited for older adults who may experience reduced mobility, muscle strength, or balance. By focusing on core strength and stability, Pilates helps improve these areas, reducing the risk of falls and enhancing overall quality of life. Additionally, for those recovering from injuries, Pilates serves as a safe, low-impact exercise method to regain strength and ease back into more strenuous activities.
Evenindividualswithoutpainorinjuriescan benefit from Pilates as a preventive measure, reducing the likelihood of future injuries and supporting daily activities and other forms of exercise.
For those interested in starting Pilates, it’s important to undergo an initial assessment. Macedon Ranges Health offers consultations to determine the best form of Pilates suited to your needs. For individuals with chronic

medical conditions, and for those who have had surgery within the past three months, a written clearance from a GP is required to
ensure safety in a class setting. Try Pilates and discover how it can help improve your health and well-being.

Sunbury main burst contained
Emergency services and organisations worked throughouttheweekendtorepairamajorwater main burst in Sunbury, which flooded homes and businesses and left thousands temporarily without water supply.
The water main ruptured on Friday, February 7, at the corner of Evans Street and Macedon Street in Sunbury, leading to floodwaters filling the surrounding area.
On Friday, a spokesperson for Sunbury SES said the flooding had “primarily affected the area bounded by Macedon Street and Evan
Street, extending towards the Sunbury Cobaw Community Health building”.
“Several homes in this block have experienced inundation, and silt and debris havebeendepositedalongroadsandfootpaths and some local businesses. However, thanks to co-ordinated efforts, floodwaters did not seem to penetrate business premises,” the spokesperson said.
“Further assessments are ongoing to determine the full extent of the damage.”
Greater Western Water provided updates
to Facebook during the incident, advising residents on Saturday, February 8 that water supply for Goonawarra residents would be interrupted between 8pm that night and 7am thefollowingmorningandrecommendingthat residents store drinking water in preparation.
At the peak of its response, the Sunbury SES deployed all of its available assets and about 25 volunteers to the incident.
In a Facebook update posted by the organisationat6.28pmonSunday,February9, it confirmed that repairs were completed and
water was restored.
“This incident affected our community in many ways – homes inundated with floodwaters, local businesses impacted, and thousands left without water supply. Traffic disruptionsaddedtothechallenges,testingthe patience of residents and commuters alike,” the organisation said.
“But through it all, our community showed resilience, and our emergency services came together to respond.”
Designing dry garden oases with Michael McCoy
Kyneton Horticultural Society’s next speaker night will present a talk from accomplished Macedon Ranges gardening expert Michael McCoy, covering the topic of dry gardens.
A garden designer, writer, broadcaster, international garden tour guide, and host of television series Dream Gardens, Mr McCoy is passionate about creating gardens that are sustainable and use little water.
He will present a 30-minute educational talk including dry garden design and planting tips.
Horticultural Society president Melva Ryan said that Mr McCoy is “very passionate about gardens and gardening” and has “lots of experience and advice, locally and internationally, in gardening“.
“The Kyneton Horticultural Society holds speaker nights, so we have an annual program of speakers and we like to invite speakers on a whole range of topics that are in relation to gardening and horticulture,” Ms Ryan said.
“It’s a very humble presentation, our members … friends and the community are invited to participate … [it is] a 30 minute

presentation from the people we choose on that particular topic and then we have a question and answer section at the end,” she said.
The speaker night will be hosted from 7pm
on Monday, February 17 at the Elm Room of Kyneton Racecourse, 44 Campaspe Place, Kyneton.
Ticketsarefreeforsocietymembersand$10 for non-members.

Located in picturesque Gisborne South, just 44km from Melbourne’s CBD, this stunning Victorian-stylefarmhouse,datingbacktocirca 1840, offers the rare opportunity to enjoy the best of rural living without compromising on convenience.
Set on a generous 4,429m² block (approx.), this home has been thoughtfully renovated and extended over time, seamlessly blending its historical charm with modern updates for today’s lifestyle.
Stepping inside, the home welcomes you with its grandeur, featuring soaring 11-foot ceilings, beautiful fireplaces, and original timber windows. The polished timber floors,
decorativeceilingroses,andhighskirtingsadd timeless sophistication to the spacious living areas, creating the perfect environment for both relaxed family life and formal gatherings.
The home offers four generously sized bedrooms, all with built-in robes, including a master suite with a private ensuite. A large fifthbedroom,idealasarumpusroomorguest retreat, plus a versatile study, ensures there’s room for every family member’s needs. The formal lounge and dining area, highlighted by back-to-back cast iron fireplaces, creates a cozy and inviting space, while the expansive open-plan kitchen, meals, and living area is perfect for modern living and entertaining.
Details: events.humanitix.com/michaelmccoy-design-and-planting-for-irrigationfree-gardens
Oscar Parry

The chef-inspired kitchen includes granite benchtops, an ILVE electric oven, Bosch dishwasher, and a walk-in pantry, while a wood heater and reverse cycle air conditioning ensure year-round comfort.
Outside, a wraparound timber-decked veranda enhances the home’s charm.
The large backyard is a haven for outdoor living with established fruit trees, a veggie garden, and a tree house for the kids. The fully fenceddogrun,alongwitha12mx7.6m*shed/ workshop with mezzanine storage, adds even more value. With a 40-foot shipping container andbothboreandtankwater,thispropertyhas everything you need.
Positioned in a tranquil yet accessible location, this home provides a perfect rural retreat, close to Gisborne’s amenities and excellent schools, making it an ideal choice for families and professionals seeking a “tree change”lifestylewitheasyaccesstoMelbourne and Tullamarine Airport.
To enquire about 10 Namnan Way, Gisborne South, contact Anthony Stevens Real Estate. Anthony Stevens – 0459 924 164 or anthony@anthony-stevens.com Julie Ryan – 0438 060 382 or julie@anthony-stevens.com
Macedon Ranges expert gardener and television presenter Michael McCoy with his dry garden. (Supplied).
Temple hosts a festival of colour
By Faith Macale
Get ready for a colourful day mixed with culture, music, and food at Sri Durga Temple’s HoliFestivalonSunday,March16inDeanside.
Sri Durga Temple vice president Gary Verma said this year’s celebration is a modern version, but with a religious touch.
“It’saneventfulloffun,fullofcolours,fullof food and festivities,” he said.
“Many community members from all walks of life are welcome.
“Thebiggest,andfunpartiswhereyouthrow colours (powder) on each other, and celebrate
with your friends and family.”
Known as the Festival of Colours, Holi is a celebration in the Indian calendar to celebrate the eternal love of deities Radha and Krishna, and also the celebration of triumph of good over evil.
The event will also observe Holika Dahan, a practice where a person burns his evil deeds and pledges to make a new beginning from the next day.
The temple is expecting about 7000 to 8000 visitors on the day to celebrate the festival.
“There is beauty in living in a multicultural city,” Mr Verma said.
“You get to enjoy other cultural festivals, and in turn, they celebrate your festivals.
“Each and every person from the greater Victorian community is welcome.”
Different activities like dance performances, culturalprograms,marketstalls,andprayersat the temple will also be available on the day.
“There will be a DJ for you to enjoy if you are a person of music,” Mr Verma said.
“There will be folk dances, and singing on stage. We are also arranging kids rides, as well.
“We will be having four to five different cuisines from different parts of India to celebrate.”

February 23. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 454392_05
Vintage vehicles to roll into Altona
Altona’s Apex Park will be home of horse-power on Sunday, February 23, when the Hobsons Bay Men’s Shed hold its annual car show there.
Supported by Hobsons Bay council, the car show is the men’s shed’s largest fundraising eventwithallproceedsgoingtolocalcharities.
“This has been going now for 14 years,” Hobsons Bay Men’s Shed president David Berner of the event.
“We normally get up to 300 vehicles there.”
As for what type of vehicles, Mr Berner said it was more a matter of what cars wouldn’t be
there, with being aged 25 years or older and paying a $15 entry fee, the only requirements.
“Everything from vintage, hot rods and all classics. Old Australia, old European, old American, it’s open to all types of vehicles,” he said.
Those that do enter a vehicle will out themselves in the running for a number of prizes across a wide range of categories, with all winners chosen by public vote.
They go by years,” said Mr Berner of the different categories.
“Best vintage, best original, things like that.
There’s a wide range.”
There will also be food vendors, music performances as well as a showcase of other men’s shed activities such as making model trains, planes and, of course, cars.
Patrons can enter by gold coin donation with proceedings kicking off at 9am.
Asforhowmanypeoplehewasexpectingto come through the gates, Mr Berner wouldn’t choose a number.
“As many as we can,” he said.
“It’s a big area Apex Park.”
Details: https://www.hobsonsnet.com/
Go birdwatching at Jacksons Hill open day
Sunbury’s BoilOver Performance Ensemble will present the magic of physical theatre at the Sunbury Arts and Cultural Precinct opening day this weekend.
As part of the open day at Jacksons Hill on Saturday, February 15, the inclusive theatre group supported by Sunbury and Cobaw Community Health will perform The Birds – a roaming physical theatre performance involving audience interaction, public space activation, and advanced audio performance equipment.
A collaboration with 5AngryMen Theatre Company, audiences will be able to roam the precinct grounds and follow the actors as they appear and reappear before guiding viewers to an exciting finale.

means to be free … from some of the social perceptions. This is particularly relevant for people with a disability because of the social cages or boxes or perceptions that can be limiting,” Ms Maddison said.
“Another dimension to the work is that we’ve had the opportunity to work with a not-for-profit sound company called Sonicrats, and we are wearing interactive sound devices that enable us to trigger bird callsandsoundscapesthroughourmovement.
“The work is really innovative in that it explores AI and this public space exploration … we’ve got mics, we’ve got speakers … and these amazing vintage costumes .. it’s kind of like AI meets steampunk.”

Cafe returns to Bridge Hotel
Cafe Philosophique is returning to the Bridge Hotel in Werribee as a monthly fixturestartingWednesday,February12.
Drawing roots from a Parisienne intellectual tradition, philosophy cafes provide grassroot forums for people to discuss ideas.
Each night will include a feature poet and musician, alongside three open mic spots for those wanting to share a poem, story or song relevant to the nightly theme.
Jessica Fairfax, who will produce the event with the Little Theatre Company, started the series in 2017 at the Alex Theatre in St Kilda.
She said inspiration can come from anywhere.
“For this first iteration our nightly themes were inspired by “philosophical“ quotes we found on public toilet walls.”
“In subsequent series we have since looked into death and dying, relationships, love and empowerment.”
A way to venture into philosophical parts unknown, the first session will be centred around the notion of purpose.
Gracing the mic will feature poet Sean M Whelan and a Pasifika songstress will augment the auditory experience.
While learning and self-discovery is integral to a philosophy cafe, the exchange between other thinkers is not to be underestimated.
“We hope to foster understanding between each other through respectful conversation and through discovering the different and similar ways we experience things,” Ms Fairfax said.
“Finally, we hope the event brings some awe into the lives of our attendees through stimulating ah-ha moments, and curating great stories and beautiful music.”
Each night’s theme will be announced a month in advance, so artists and attendees will have plenty of time to prepare.

Ensemble creative producer and artistic director Carmen Maddison said the performance explores themes around social perceptions.
“The Birds is an exploration of the ideas of what it means to be caged … [and] what it
The performance will begin at 11.10am on February 15 at Building 22 at Jacksons Hill, Sunbury.
Oscar Parry
Jaidyn Kennedy
Jess Fairfax and Kaarin Fairfax are relaunching Cafe Philosophique.
(Attie Mohebali)
Hobsons Bay Men’s Shed president David Berner, Ray Mancer and motoring group secretary Joe Said with some of the cars that will be on display at their annual car show on
Sri Durga Temple vice president Gary Verma and priest Sikandar Sharma invites everyone to their Holi Festival. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 457543_01
5AngryMen Theatre Company member Rodrigo Calderón, and BoilOver Performance Ensemble members Andrew Nicolaides and Jaymie-Lee MacMahon. (Matt Gleeson – 3 Chord Images)

1. How many deliveries did Mitch Owen face during his 108-run innings in the 2024–25 Big Bash League final?
2. Which baseball team did Canberra Cavalry defeat to win the 2024–25 ABL Championship?
3. An NHL team from which US state asked fans to choose its name
4. Australian cricketer Steve Smith scored his 10,000th Test run while playing against which national team?
5. Which ladies’ singles medal did US figure skater Nancy Kerrigan win at the 1994 Winter Olympics?
6. Which national team defeated Australia in the semifinals of the 2025 Under-19 Women’s T20 World Cup?

Who recently became the first women’s cricketer to score centuries in all three formats of the game for Australia?
Slovenian-born basketballer Luka
Doncic was recently traded to which NBA team?
What year is Australia set to host the Men’s Rugby World Cup?
Who is the Melbourne-based creator selling merchandise for his non-existent Queensland Football Club?
11. What substance do gymnasts use to help their grip?
12. What is the nickname for the Australian national swim team?
13. Cricket bats are usually made from what kind of wood?
14. What is a perfect score in a surfing heat?
15. What recent feat did Sri Lankan cricketer Maheesh Theekshana achieve?
16. Name the 2025 Netflix sports comedy series starring Kate Hudson.
17. Which NBA team is called the Thunder?
18. The Big Bash saw a record-setting 2024–25 season for Foxtel, with viewership jumping by what percentage?
19. Disruptive fans at which recent sporting event were described as ‘yobbo’ by a former player?
20. Which Australian golfer scored seven-under par in the opening round of the Pebble Beach Pro-Am?

21. Which WWE wrestler made history when she became the first ever Women’s United States Champion?
22. And which country is she from?
23. How many players with the last name Pettersson play hockey for the Vancouver Canucks?
24. The WBSC governs which sports?
25. Gina Rodriguez stars as a sportswriter in which 2024 Netflix romcom?
26. In a traditional set of pool balls, what colour is the number 4?
27. The playing time of a standard handball match is how long?
28. The Pelicans play which sport out of New Orleans?
29. Nat Fyfe has won how many Brownlow medals?
30. Which Australian cricketer took her first five-wicket haul in a recent Test?

Gina Rodriguez Gina
Luka Doncic
To solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in: each of the nine vertical columns, each of the nine horizontal rows and each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes. Remember, no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box.
1 Liquid part of blood (6)
4 Roma is its capital (6)
10 Part of flower’s calyx (5)
11 Banishment (9)
12 Fine ceramic material (9)
13 Designer, Calvin – (5)
14 Give up (6)
15 Immediate (4)
19 Mode of travel (4)
20 Reduce to very low temperature (6)
24 Handling (5)
25 Books of memoranda (9)
27 Area of England, historically the ‘Middle Saxons’ (9)
28 Perch (5)
29 Teutonic (6)
30 Essay on a theme (6)
1 Document for travel (8)
2 Seeming (8)
3 People of Malta (7)
5 Detective (7)
6 Wait around idly (6)
7 Intending (6)
8 Scottish island (4)
9 Filmmaker, – Kubrick (7)
16 Testimony (7)
17 Poisonous (8)
18 Internet pages (7)
19 Insignia of royalty (7)
21 Comeback (7)
22 A spice (6)
23 Auction participant (6)
26 Written words (4)

1 What colour is the five-pointed star and the crescent of the Algerian flag?
2 Kristin Chenoweth (pictured) played Annabeth Schott in the final two seasons of which US TV series?
3 The 2022 film Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris is an adaptation of which author's work?
4 In which country would you find the Trevi Fountain?
5 Which artist wrote and performed the songs You OughtaKnow and Ironic?
6 How many countries are the Alps in?
7 In what year did the Summer of Love occur?
8 The Russian Imperial State Duma was introduced by who? 9 Sofia is the capital of which European country?
10 Raven-Symoné's first TV acting role was on which
No. 256
No. 224
D-Max is at home among winners

By Derek Ogden, Marque Motoring
With utes accounting for more than one fifth of the 1.2 million vehicles sold in Australia last year, Isuzu has jumped on the Ford Ranger/ Toyota HiLux bandwagon with a seriously upgraded D-Max pick-up truck.
Thepick-upfinishedasthefourthbest-selling vehicle overall, as well as scoring third in the dominant one-tonne ute LCV segment With major updates to technology, safety, interior and exterior design, 25 models cater for owners across the board from families to tradies and the odd tourist, the 2024 D-Max offers a choice of body styles, tray configurations and power trains.
The Japanese manufacturer says pricing remains competitive, with the D-Max SX single cab chassis 4×2 1.9 litre turbo-diesel manual at $32,990 drive away rising to the D-Max X-Terrain 3 litre turbo 4×4 at $67,990. Inbetweenisaselectionofvariantsincluding cab chassis/ute, manual or auto 4×2 or 4×4. Newly added is an X-Rider crew cab ute 3 litre auto 4×4 for $59,400. On test was the flagship 3 litre 4×4 auto at $67,990.
AllarecoveredbyIsuzu’ssix-year/150,000km warranty and up to seven years roadside assistance. A revised five-year/75,000km flat price servicing warranty has been introduced in response to customer and media feedback.
The D-Max X-Terrain weighs with a mix of muscle and contemporary design. Up front, theprofilehastakenonnewbi-LEDheadlights and sharp body lines evolved from Isuzu’s signature horizontal bar grille.
Tying in with this redesigned grille, are a set ofnewtail-lights,whichwithhorizontalcreases expand the width of the tailgate. The grey metallic aero sports bar has been redesigned, there are dark grey metallic sidesteps, mirrors, door and tailgate handles, roof rails, plus front and rear underbody spoilers and fender flares.
The X-Terrain is topped off with a matte black roller tonneau cover and the whole unit rolls on 18-inch alloy wheels in matte grey shod with 265/60R18 Bridgestone 68411 HT tyres.
Aerodynamics are taken up by a pair of air curtains within the fog lamps, channelling airflow round the front wheels, together with deflectors, sleek bodylines and reworked tailgate spoiler.
Forget the rough stuff, the crew cabin design, we are told, has more than a touch of the aestheticsoftheJapaneseartofMiuraOrigami paperfoldingintheperforatedleather-accented upholstery while melding creature comforts with occupant ergonomics and wireless connectivity.
The flagship X-Terrain adds signature red stitching throughout the cabin with dark grey and piano black appointments. Spokes of the steering wheel are trimmed in either matte silver, satin chrome or piano black, depending on grade.
The dual cab X-Terrain offers adequate leg-, head-, shoulder- and toe room for rear seat occupants. There are centre console-mounted air vents and USB-C ports, as well as a fold-down centre armrest with cupholders.
Addressing customer demands, a new 9-inch information touchscreen is the basis of new technologyintheX-TerrainsupportingUSB-C connectivity, voice recognition, DAB+ digital radio, and wired and wireless Apple CarPlay and Android Auto.
Also on hand in a new 7-inch muti-information display are more info on sat nav, ADAS setting controls and an additional 3AmP USB-C connection as well as tyre pressure and temperature figures.
Off-road enthusiasts can make use of an inclinometer and Terrain Command 4×4 modes now integrated in the system enabling the driver to access essential systems at a simple tap and swipe of the screen.
There are two turbo-diesel engines, 4 2 and part-time 4 4, as well as six-speed manual and automatic transmission options. On test was the flagship 3 litre turbo-diesel 4×4 six-speed automatic.

D-MAX is already in possession of a five-star ANCAP safety rating under 2022 testing, the pick-up is waiting in the wings for a latest upgrade, which Isuzu is confident of passing with its extensive additions to driver assistance.
These include a new Gen4 stereo camera, plus upgrades to intelligent adaptive cruise control, lane keep assist, rear cross-traffic braking, welcome headlight and welcome light functions which improve visibility and safety around the vehicle at night.
Eight airbags include dual front, dual rear seat side, dual full length curtain, front knee and centre (far side).
Not a fan of sidesteps for their tendency to damage in hard going off road. However, together with sturdy grab handles, they do make climbing into a big off-roader more acceptable, especially if the D-Max owner
is met with an exalted view from the driver’s seat.
Settling in some of the most comfortable seats in its class, D-Max passengers can have little to complain about. Font-seat padding is supportive and the X-Terrain’s eight-way power adjustment is easy to operate.
Whenthe3.0-litrefour-cylinderturbo-diesel of the test vehicle fired up there was more than a distant sound of the past from under the bonnet – for what the term ‘agricultural’ was coined.
Tap the accelerator and the D-Max has a particularly perky take-off – it’s easy to startle onlookers with a tyre squeal or two. The six-speed automatic transmission handled shifts smoothly, giving the driver an added layer of confidence. This is not the same for the lane-keeping, with systems varying in response. The system can be switched off manually.
Isuzuputsthecombinedurban/highwayfuel consumption at eight litres per 100 kilometres. The test X-Terrain recorded 10.4 litres per 100 kilometres in town and 6.4 litres per 100 kilometresontheopenroad.Towingislimited to 2800kg to 3500kg.
An optional suspension tuning unique to Australian roads, would not go a miss with those craving classy comfort, while off road is just the beginning for the D-Max X-Terrain, with impressive ground clearance of 240mm, and wading depth of up to 800mm, plus vital underbody protection.
Selectable dual-range 4WD, a rear differential lock and generous approach and departure angles make the D-Max one of the most capable units on the market.
Then, for the more adventurous, there are new improvements to Isuzu’s Rough Terrain Mode, an electronic off-road traction control aid that maximises torque transfer and driveability in slippery or rugged conditions.
The Isuzu D-Max X-Terrain Crew Cab, helped byacornerfullofthelatesttechnicalandsafety know-how, continues to duke it out with some of the best in the heavyweight ute division.
The Isuzu D-Max X-Terrain Crew Cab continues to duke it out with some of the best.
(Pictures: Supplied)
Finals spots are on the line as several women’s cricket competitions near the end of the season. Star Weekly’s Ljubica Vrankovic was out shooting some of the action on Sunday.
Cricket season is heating up

Bacchus Marsh celebrates some runs. 457629_11
Bacchus Marsh’s Ashley Gillard. 457629_07
Caroline Springs claimed victory. 457633_10
Caroline Springs’ Shelley Carton. 457633_04
Darley’s Tameeka Morrissey. 457629_01Gisborne’s Zoe Kays. 457630_02
Macedon cheers on its team. 457630_28
Macedon’s Eliza Patterson Lade. 457630_11
Melton’s Candace Hulett. 458108_06
Point Cook Centrals cheer a boundary. 458110_04
Point Cook Centrals’ Illeana Crowe. 458110_01
Werribee’s April Chaudhary. 458108_01
Sunbury United bats fire as they chase the finals
Sunbury United showed on Saturday it can’t be discounted from the Gisborne and District Cricket Association McIntyre Cup top four race with a strong batting performance.
While the top three teams are fighting for top two and home finals, the race for fourth spot is still alive
Entering Saturday’s game, fourth placed Rupertswood is 6.2 points ahead of Sunbury United.
In the hardest of their three matches remaining, the Bees are in a good spot after day one against third placed Romsey. Romsey beat top two side Gisborne the round before.
After winning the toss, the Bees made 8-361 from their overs.
Skipper Damien Edwards top scored with 110 at the top of the order. It is Edwards second 100 of the season, with the first also coming against Romsey.
Upul Fernando and Ryan Billinghurst also both scored half centuries.
Taylor Stevenson and Chris Marienfeld took three wickets each for Romsey.
It will be a tough chase for Romsey, but it will take confidence in having chased down 286 against Gisborne in the previous round.
Gisborne also had a day out with the bat, piling on the runs against Macedon.
Again without injured captain-coach Jarryd Vernon, the Dragons were bowled out for 343 in the 78th over.
Riley Vernon top scored with 70 as seven players scored at least 20. Jarrod Catania, who came in at number nine, made a handy 39.
Alex Browne took three wickets for the Cats, bowling nearly 30 overs.
Woodend was closing in on victory against the Sunbury Kangaroos late on day one of their clash.
The Kangaroos were bowled out for just 129 after being sent in by Woodend.
Jason King top scored for the Kangaroos with 51, while Mace Green made 25.
Woodend opening bowler Harrison Sheahan took 5-31.
Woodend made some quick runs late on day one and will resume at 2-71. Marcus Stewartwillresumeon23notoutandHamish McDonald on nine.
Rupertswood is also in a strong position against Broadford in its match at Salesian College.
Broadford sent Rupertswood in on its home deck.
Rupo was bowled out for 257 in the 78th over.
Ned Crotty top scored with 73, while Kevin Barker scored a half century at the top of the order.
Broadford has only scored more than 200 twice this season, including earlier in the season against Rupertswood which chased it down.
Tara Murray

Dragons ‘excited by mix’
By Tara Murray
Gisborne is heading in the right direction with its female cricket program in the Gisborne and District Cricket Association women’s league.
After reforming a team last season and playing in the GDCA competition for the first time, the Dragons have continued to go from strength to strength.
TeammanagerandplayerRachelCarmichael said it was pretty exciting to see where they had come from.
“Last year we weren’t sure what it was going to look like,” she said. “We didn’t know how many players we would have and if we could have enough for a team.
“There was more and more interest and more wanted to get involved in the GDCA. We decided to get the team up and running and it has helped the junior program as well.”
Carmichael said the GDCA had a strong women’s competition and it flowed through into their junior programs as well.
She said seeing the competition have representativewomen’scricketforthefirsttime also showed that you could play at a high level
locally. The Dragons team this season is a real mixture of players.
“We’ve got some players who have played over 100 games,” Carmichael said. “We’ve got others who may be in their second season of cricket.
“We’re excited by the mix.”
Carmichael said the junior side had picked up since Christmas. The club has two under-13 girls teams this season.
Star player Brianna Woodburn has taken on the coaching role for the Dragons. Woodburn, used to play for the side, before it folded and returned to the club last season.
Carmichael said she was doing a really good job.
“She’s really put a big focus on the team,” she said. “She has so much experience and talent and it’s nice to have her there for the younger girls.
“Theylookuptoherandseethatlocalcricket is a place they can play.”
Carmichael said they’d had good support from the rest of the club, with the men’s sides regularly at matches and helping them at training.

Sunbury Jets’ rising stars
The Sunbury Jets rising stars have again shown they are among the best in state, with the association among the best represented in Victoria’s under-18 teams announced this week.
Sunbury trio Alex Grey, Samuel Haslett and Sonny Maxwell have named the Vic Country under-18 team for the national championships in April.
Fellow Jets Christian Beecroft and Finn McGinty have been emergencies, meaning five of the top 17 players all come from the one club and one team. All five have come from the Macedon Ranges Basketball Association.
Jets senior men’s coach Nathan Heywood, who is also the Jets under-18 boys coach, said it was pretty exciting for theclubandtheboys.“It’sreallygoodfor themandit’sreallypleasingseeingallthe hard work and determination,” he said.
“It’s really special. It’s not common to get one in the team but to get three in multiples with three in the team and two reserves is really good.” The success of this group of boys is not a one off. Maxwell and Haslett were in the under-18 team last year that won bronze, while Gray was named as an emergency.
McGinty was in the under-16 Victoria Country team in 2023, along with Grey and Maxwell. All five are part of the Jets under-18.1teamthathasalreadyqualified for the Victoria Junior Basketball League VC division this year.
The Dragons faced Macedon on Sunday in a battle between third and fourth.
It was the Cats that got the job done.
The Cats made 5-201 from their overs, with the Dragons finishing 3-168. Woodburn made 71 before having to retire.
Carmichael said before the match that it was an important one..
“If we win, we will be reasonably safe and make it into finals,” she said. “If we lose, we could still play finals but it will be more challenging.
“It’s exciting and it’s a good place to be.”
The Dragons sit in fourth spot with two rounds remaining.
Carmichael said they were keen to continue to build their women’s program up
“First, it’ll be good to have the players continue on and come back,” she said. “We would like to have a second team as we have such a broad range of abilities.
“We have some young and talented players and others new to the sport. We want to make sure that everyone gets a go.
“That is the goal, if not next year the next after.”
Heywood said they had unfinished business with many of them playing in this age group for the last time.
“They are a great bunch,” he said. “We’ve already qualified for the VC making us in the top 20 teams.
“We are aiming to nudge back into the top five and qualify for the classic and finish in the top three to qualify for the nationals in September.
Heywood said they would look to manage their workloads in the next few weeks ahead of the season. They’ll play a few practice matches ahead of the competition rounds getting underway.
The group is also starting to progress through into the senior ranks.
Maxwellwaspartofthechampionship side last season and is again part of the team. Haslett and Grey are development players this year.
“It’ll be a great step onto the court for them,” he said. “Their confidence will grow and they will get more development.”
Tara Murray
Damien Edwards. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 435783_05
Gisborne’s Macy Geisler. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 457630_09
Thunder women are keen to take the next step
East Sunbury is hoping to build on its first season in the Essendon District Football League women’s division 2 competition.
The Thunder didn’t win a match in season one but was able to set the platform and culture for the program they wanted to put in place for the future of the club.
Coach Lisa Borg said they were excited about what they could do in their second season on the field.
“We had some really strong leadership,” she said. “We had nothing to show on the scoreboard, but there’s more to show than that.
“We’ve got a culture which is positive and people want to come and play and feel like they belong as part of a team.”
Borg said one of the big things was the support they felt like they had from everyone in the club to try and excel on field.
Borg said they already had about 23 to 25 players signed on for this season.
She said they were in a lot better position than last season, when they struggled for numbers at times including having to forfeit

a game.
“That is a positive,” she said. “We’re still looking for a few more people and we hope a few more will come with training starting again.
“There’s a lot of new ones. A lot have played and are coming out of the woodwork. The new ones have a strong fitness base behind them.
“We did some training before Christmas

The Cats claim a big win
By Tara Murray
Macedon is sticking with the pacesetters in the Gisborne and District Cricket Association women’s league.
After winning their second premiership in a row in 2023, the Cats have faced some tougher opposition the past couple of years. They sit in the top four this season, heading into the final two rounds of matches.
Team manager and player Kim Riley said it has been a fairly good season so far.
“I think the standard of the competition has lifted especially with Gisborne, Bacchus Marsh and Darley,” she said.
“I think we are working to improve our cricket. The top teams are level and we’ve done a good job with that.”
Riley said it had been slightly tough without a coach this season.
Captain Emily Wilkinson, Amy Miles and Riley have stepped up to take on the leadership off the field.
“It’s a bit of a challenge but we’ve been going a good job,” Riley said. “We have a
couple of first year players that have never played before.
“We’ve managed to get some more interest.”
Among those who have joined the club are Caitlin Shaw and Matilda Berns, who have both been involved in premier cricket.
Riley said getting players with that experience was invaluable to some of the less experienced players and helps out the leaders in the side.
“We have a bit of a mix of talent,” she said.
“We’ve really enjoyed our season so far.
“It is fantastic to have Caity and Matilda at a club like Macedon. It’s a lot more competitive at premier clubs.
“We’re more relaxed and a bit more social with our games. That’s what they like about it.
“They bring an energy to the team and they really lift the team.”
Having had a number of talented juniors come into the senior side and be part of the premiership teams, the Cats have another cohort coming through.
and it showed.”
Key re-signings have included captain Sophia Iosifidis, Chantell Theuma, Jennifer Stevenson, Sarah Hunt, Paris Latimer, and Dani and Chantelle Harding.
Borg said they’d had one player move on to another team and few players that weren’t coming back due to other commitments, but most were staying.
The Thunder are set to resume training this week on Monday and Wednesday nights.
After struggling to be competitive in several games last season, Borg said their focus this year was on closing the gap.
Getting a win on the board was something they were aiming for as well.
“They want to improve and the end goal is to try and win a premiership,” she said. “We want to be more competitive, 100 per cent.
“We want to get a win on the board and we can’t wait for that to happen.”
Anyone interested in joining the Thunder’s women’s team can contact Borg on, 0401 881 002.
Tigers and Bombers on top
Lancefield and Riddell had big wins in the race for top two spots in the Gisborne and District Cricket Association Jensen Shield is almost settled.
The Tigers made 5-266 from their overs against Sunbury United with Jack Crosland making 92. The Bees finished 6-115 in reply.
The Bombers bowled Wallan out for just 65 with Thomas Wadden taking three wickets.
The Bombers needed just eight overs, finishing 0-71. Matt Darby made 42 not out off 24 balls.
Lancefield sits atop the table, just percentage ahead of the Bombers.
Both teams are 12 points clear of third placed Harkness, meaning they need just one win in the final two matches to lock in a top two spot. If Harkness losses a match, the teams will finish in the top two no matter what.
Harkness kept its hopes alive with a big win against Melton South.
Harkness made 9-200 before bowling the Royals out for 149.
Rupertswood, which sits in fourth, beat Gisborne in the other match.
In the Jensen Shield seconds, the top four is locked in with two rounds remaining.
Riley said they strong under-15 side with many of those girls to get involved in the senior side next season.
They are also set to have an under-13s girls team and two under-15s girls teams next season.
“We’re doing a great job for the future of the region,” she said. “We want to try and create and provide a pathway and keep that going.
“Äs they get older the junior girls are skilled up and coaching as well. They can teach the next cohort and try to provide a positive culture.”
The Cats on Sunday faced Gisborne in a battle between third and fourth.
Rileysaidtherewasabitofarivalrybetween the two teams with Gisborne winning last time they played.
This time round it was the Cats getting the win. The Cats made 5-201 from their 30 overs with Shaw making 71 before having to retire.
The Dragons, who had a number of fill ins, finished 3-168 in reply. The win moves the Cats to just percentage behind second placed Darley.
HangingRocksealeditsspotinthetop four with a win against Rupertswood.
The Heelers made 6-192 with Jesse Smith top scoring with 85 at the top of the order.
Rupo finished 9-157 in reply.
Malmsbury remains in third spot despite a loss to Lancefield. The Tigers hit the winning runs in the second last over.
Malmsbury made 8-139 with Mark Pruden top scoring with 44. Despite a coupleoflatewickets,theTigersfinished 7-141.
It means Malmsbury and Hanging Rock sit 21 points clear of Trentham in fifth with two rounds remaining.
Trentham had a win against Macedon in its match.
The Cats made 7-165 which Trentham reached five wickets down, finishing 5-166 in the 32nd over.
Romsey beat Blackwood in a forfeit in the other match.
Tara Murray
East Sunbury’s women’s team is keen for this season. (Supplied)
Macedon’s Amelia Harrison. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 457630_13
Roar falls agonisingly short of an upset win
It was a missed opportunity for Sunbury as it felljustshortofupsettingMaribyrnongParkSt Mary’s in Victorian Turf Cricket Association Steve McNamara Shield on Saturday.
The Roar was on top after day one of the clash but it would be one that would go down to the wire on day two as the Roar batting line up collapsed.
The Roar resumed at 0-10 in reply to the Lions 136.
Sunbury had a solid start to the day and at 1-44 had eaten into the total.
The wickets started falling from there and put the pressure back on the Roar.
Jason McGann played a lone hand in the middle and lower order, as his teammates fell around him.
The Roar had five batters fall for ducks and McGann was the only batter outside of the top three to reach double figures.
It would prove costly in the end as the Roar was bowled out for 128.
The Roar’s Marty Kelders said they can look at the result in two different ways.
“It was a very tight match and our boys saw itasalastopportunity,”hesaid.“Maribyrnong has only lost one game of the year.
“I would like to think it was a really good performance. We had a great bowling performance last week.
“We just fell in a hole in the middle part of our innings. We nearly got over the line.”
Sumedha Gamage made 59 at the top of the order for the Roar, with Kelders saying it was his best performance of the season and they wouldn’t have gone close without him.
McGann finished 36 not out as he tried to get his side home. He had hit a six the over before the innings as he tried to get his side closer to the win.
“We lost five for not many, that was the difficult part,” Kelders said. “There’s a lot of positives to come out of the game.
“They are a very good team, we’ll take a lot out of it.”
Kelders said the pain of the players after the game showed that they cared about what they were doing and the club.
Sunbury now sits in seventh spot, nine points outside the top four.
The tough tasks continue as it faces second placed West Coburg St Andrews in a two-dayer in the next round.
Kelders said the Redbacks had set the standard this season.
“We will look to put in a positive performance,” he said. “We are a very good bowling team and we’ll see how we go.”

Club Sunbury seals spot
By Tara Murray
Club Sunbury locked in a top two spot with a round remaining in the Bowls Victorian weekend pennant division 1, section 1 competition.
After a loss in the previous round, Sunbury was keen to bounce back and ensure a double chance come finals time on Saturday.
It was able to do that in a comprehensive way, beating Aberfeldie CBC, 94 (17)-65 (1).
Sunbury’s David Glennon said it was a really good win.
“We picked up 17 points and it means we’ll finish in the top two and face Glenroy in the first week of finals,” he said.
“There were a couple of close rinks but overall it was a really good win.”
Lauchlin Davies rink was the big winner for Sunbury,winning29-9.Davieswasamongthe standouts for Sunbury across the board.
Marc Bullows’rink won 21-13 and Mark Cowan’s rink won 21-20. Lee Wesley’s rink
had a 23-all draw.
Cowan and Emilee Davies, who was in Bullows’rink,wereamongtheotherstandouts.
The result means that Sunbury will all but finish second no matter the results in the final round. It can’t fall below second.
Sunbury sits 18 points behind Glenroy with Glenroy needing to lose 18-0 and Sunbury to win 18-0 for Sunbury to have any chance of finishing top.
Kingsbury secured its finals spot with victory on Saturday. Deer Park 2, Brunswick and Yarraville Footscray 2 are all still in contention for the last finals spot.
Sunbury faces Kingsbury in the final round.
Glennon said they might look to try some things with their finals spot locked in.
ItwasatoughdayforSunburywithonlytwo out of its six sides having wins. The second side is already guaranteed a home final.
Glenroy currently sits in second spot, so it couldbeSunburyagainstGlenroyforboththe top sides in the first week of finals.

Ballarat FL
The Sunbury Lions have announced the signing of Myles Gollant for the Ballarat Football League season. Gollant, who is the brother of A-grade netball premiership player Eliza Gollant, joins the Lions from Avondale Heights in the Essendon District Football League. “Myles is a multifaceted talent, with the ability to play multiple positions across the ground,” the Lions said. “With a wicked talent for reading the play, Myles is an impactful intercept defender.” The Lions on Thursday night played a practice match against Essendon’s Victorian Football League side.
The Sunbury Kangaroos are set to lose leading goalkicker Nat Dunne for the 2025 Essendon District Football League women’s division 2 season. Dunne has put in a clearance to join Coburg in the Victorian Amateur Football Association. Dunne kicked 21 goals last season, finishing second in the league goalkicking. She also finished in the league best and fairest top five in her break out season for the club.
5, sits in third spot and will also play finals.
Meanwhile in the Ballarat Highlands Bowls Region’s Highlands division 1 competition the top four is almost set with two rounds remaining.
On Saturday, Romsey had a massive 87 (16)-41 (0) win. Nathan Lynch had a 28-8 win, while Matt Brundell’s rink had a 32-12 win.
Kyneton also had a strong performance, beating Lancefield, 72 (14)-42 (2) win.
A 34-13 rink win for John O’Donnell was the big difference in the match up.
Kyneton Golf also had a dominant display against Trentham, winning 79 (16)-42 (0).
Anthony Barker and Peter Linehan both had rink wins of more than 15.
Gisborne kept its small finals hopes alive with victory against Kilmore, winning 62 (14)-50 (2).
Alan Higgins 24-12 rink win was the key for Gisborne.
Gisborne sits in fifth spot 32 points outside the top four, with Diggers Rest, which had a bye, is a point further back.
Brandon Lister has joined Diggers Rest in the Riddell District Football League. Lister joins the Burras from Yarraville Seddon where he was a former Western Football League division 1 team of the year member. He played consistent football in the middle and off half back. The Burras have also announced a number of re-signings with Chris Lawton, Austin Cicero, Kye Sheedy and Marcus Calvaresi the most recent announced.
Diggers Rest Bulla is in trouble against Eastern Hill in the Gisborne and District Cricket Association Johnstone Shield. The Burras were bowled out for just 91 on Saturday with Jake Reid top scoring with 28 as just three players reached double figures. Eastern Hill ended day one at 1-20. In the other matches, Aintree made 262 against Wallan while Eynesbury is 3-14 in reply to Kilmore’s 152. East Sunbury has the bye.
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Tara Murray It was disappointment for Sunbury. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 445372_09
Mark Cowan. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 445373_01

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