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Public Access Center
Access to justice takes on different meanings. It can refer to one’s ability to arrive at a physical place where justice is served. It could also refer to the ability for a person to receive help navigating a complex court system and the availability of technology in a digital world.
As the use of technology increases, courts will need to ensure that access to justice is maintained for everyone. A Public Access Center inside the courthouse will become more and more important. Gone are long lines at clerk counters. Instead, Navigators will triage court customers and direct them to a computer kiosk, a Remote Access Room, a payment kiosk, and in some cases a clerk. Navigators may have the experience required to help customers complete an online form or direct them to information.
A Public Access Center should have various levels of help available. In the concept depicted here, the first stop would be in the DIY Zone where a customer could check in with a Navigator to confirm they are on the right track. They could choose from a variety of seating options where they can help themselves and amenities such as device charging stations could be made available.
For those customers who are relying on the court’s computer, but are also self reliant, the Navigator may simply direct them to an open kiosk, or for those who have a court proceeding that is scheduled to be conducted remotely, they could utilize a Remote Access Room for more privacy.
Customers who need the most help including those who do not know how to use technology would be referred a Navigator at the triage level 2 table in the Help Zone. In this area they may meet one on one with a clerk or volunteer. When it comes to helping the public, spaces that are planned to filter customers from self-reliant to needs help will be the most effective.
Customer stress levels and the overall customer experience can be greatly improved by reducing the number of people standing is line and waiting. Navigators play a critical role in helping the public conduct their business efficiently.
Space Concept Legend

1 Help Yourself and Recharge Your Devices 2 Forms Completion and Paperwork Area 3 Navigation Bar 4 Computer Stations 5 Remote Access Room 6 Meeting Room 7 Manager’s Office 8 In-Person Clerk 9 In-Person Payments 10 Children’s Area