DEDICATION To Howard F. Hair, who as an Adviser, has devoted hjmself to our interests, who has been a good sport and one whom we are glad to have as a friend, we, the 路 Class of 1930i dedicate this record of our school life.
1930 Page two
1930 Pag e three
JO HAYS, ED. l\'L Supervising Princ;pal History Harvard University Pennsylvan ia State College
LEWIS R. LENHART, B.S. Principal Algebra Susquehanna University Pennsylvania State College
1930 PClge five
HOWARD F. HAIR, A. B. Chemistry Pennsylvania State College
MORRO\,V, rvI. A.
English \,V ooster College University of \,Visconsin
, v路
Pennsylvania State Colleo路e
MARTIN F . .iVIILLER, A. B. French Dickinson College University of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania State College
1930 Page six
LACRA A. J ONES Co mm ercia l B an ks B usiness Co ll ege R och est er B usin ess In stitute Pen nsyl va n ia State Co ll eg e Co lumbi a U ni ve rsity
SHUMAN S. 1VILLI Ai\IS, A. B M ath ematic s Det ha ny Co ll ege Penn sy lva nia S tate Co ll ege
LILLI AN r\. MILES, A. B. Girl s' Co un se lor, E ng li s h Go ucher Coll ege Sy racuse Uni versity P enn sylva ni a State Co ll ege
~ 6 - . ..~ ~ 路路 ~~~~~~~~'==
I 930 Page seve.-i;
EVANGELINE L E GAL LE Y, A.B. Latin O hi o 路w es leya n U nive rsity of M ichi g an P enn sy lva nia State Co ll ege
FOR REST L. CROPP, A. B. Am eri can H istory, P. 0 . D. Clari o n T each ers Co ll eg:e P enn sy lvania Sta t e Coll eg e
R U T H V. STROlVI, A .B . E ng li sh No rth west ern U ni versity
1930 Pa.q e eight
P. G. ARi\I STRONG . P hys ica l Education . Pe nn sy lva nia State Coll ege
I l
TvlILDRED :M ULKI N, A. n. Biology, Scien ce O berlin Co ll ege Columbia U ni\路ersity Penn sy lY a nia State College
C. STEPHEN STINE, A. H. H istory, Civ ics Penn sy lv an ia State Coll ege
Pa,qe nine
v,rA LN
:Mathematics, Shop Pennsylvania Sta te Co ll ege
MARY ELIZABETH PIPPERT Voca l Instruction Indiana Teachers Co ll ege Pennsy lvania State Co ll ege
I-T. CLAIR SMITH In strum enta l Mus ic Pennsylvania State Co ll ege
1930 Page ten
.. '
:J i
Track 3. "Give me the glorious privileg~ of being independent."
Maroon and Gray Staff; All Hi Play 4; Library Club 4. "O shame!
Where is thy blush_!"
Cheer Leader 2, 3, 4; Varsity Basketball 3; Class and League Basketball 1, 3; , Junior f'.lay; Dramatic Club; Class Treasurer 2. "I II try anything once."
League Basketball 3; Piper Staff 4; Library Staff 3, 4; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 3; Literary Club 4; Class Baske tball 2路. "She is pretty to walk with, and witty to talk with. And pleasant, too, Lo think on."
1930 Pnge twelv e
' = = = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-
PEARLE BOWERSOX . "She knows her man."
ANNE BRODERICK Libra ry Staff 4; Piper 4; Junior Play ; Dramatic Club; Literary Club 4; Latin Club 4. .
"Let u s have peace."
DONALD CAMPBELL "Wrapped in the solitude of his own originality."
PHYLLIS CHUMARD "Quie t as a nun, breathless with adoration."
19 3 0 Pciye thirteen
Glee Club 2, 3, 4; Piper 4; League Basketball 3; Track 3; French Club 3; Library Staff 3, 4; Literary Club 4; Varsity Basketball 4; Latin Club 4. "On with the dance. confined."
Let joy be un~
MARY CORL "I am always in haste, but never in a hurry."
CHARLES DIPPERY Student Council 3, 4; Track 1, 2; Class Basketball 2. "Let me try with all my might To learn what I am taught."
Varsity Track. 3; Glee Club 2. "Fair and softly goes far."
1930 Pa,<Je fourteen
TERESTA DREIBELBIS Varsity Track 2, 3; League Basketball 3. "Gentle of speech, beneficient of mind.''
Varsity Basketball 4. "Solid men of Boston, banish long potations, Solid men of Boston, make no long 01-ations."
ELEANOR EBERT "What enough."
Gle~ Club 1, 2, 3; Football 3; Class Basketball 1, 2; Varsity Basketball 3, 4 ; Junior Play; Class Treasurer 3. "Begone, dull care! from me!"
I prithee, begone
1930 Page fifteen
HUGH FRY Track 3. "Each man reaps on his. own farm."
GLADYS GILL "Her wit was more than man."
BERTHA GILLIGAN Glee Club 3. "Little strokes fell great oaks."
ERNEST GILLILAND "Let not ambition mock thy useful 路toil."
1930 Pctge sixteen
GUY GLENN "'li1 ho
does not love wine, women and s ong Remains a fool his whole life long."
Maroon and Gray Staff. "These little things are great to little n1en."
Asst. Editor . Maroon and Gray; Band 1, 2; Football 21, 3, 4; Basketball 4; Class
Basketbal! 1, 2, 3; Track 1, 21, 3, 4. "A little nonsense now and then Is relished by the wisest men."
WEBSTER GRANT Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Treasurer 4; Tennis 1, 2, 3; Class Basketball 1, 2, 3; Varsity 4; Track 1, 2; Junior Play; Dramatic Club, Hi Y 4. "The very pink of perfection."
Pcig e seventeen
Glee Club 2; Junior Play; All Hi Play 4; Art Editor Maroon and Gray; Piper 4; League Basketball 3, 4; Varsity 4; Litei'ary Club 4. "They win that laugh."
BERTHA GREGORY Glee Club 1, French Club 3.
Club 4;
"She is a winsome wee thing, She is a bonny wee thing."
"I'll make thee g loriou s by my pen."
ISOBEL HARM Track 2. "Patience is the best remedy of every trouble."
1930 Page eighteen
Glee Club 1, 2. "Thou art unseen, but yet I hear thy shrill delight."
"My kingdom for a horse."
Glee Club 3; Football 3, 4; Class Basketball 3, 4. "And he is lean and lank and brown as is the ribbed sea-sand."
HELENE HETZEL Class Secretary 2, 4; Piper 2, 3; Piper Staff 4; Junior Play; Literary Editor Maroon and Gray; Class Basketball 2; Dramatic Club; Literary Club 4, VicePresident. 路 "A daughter of the gods, divinely tall, And most divinely fair."
1930 Paye nineteen
Glee Club 3; Tennis 1, 2, 3. "Ah!
They say it is never too late."
Junior Play; All Hi Play 4; Glee Club 3; Dramatic Club. "A mother's pride, a father's joy."
GLADYS JACOBS "Cares sit li ghtly on the shoulder s of ability."
Junior Declamatory Contest; Junior Play; All Hi Play 4; Debating 3; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 3, 4; Basketball Mgr. 3; Vice-Pres. Class 3; Dramatic Club; President Hi Y 4; Piper Staff 4; Asst. Business Mgr. Maroon and Gray. "Action is eloquence."
1930 Pcige twenty
"All I ask is to be let alone."
OGLE l{ELLERMAN Junior Play; All Hi Play 4; Dramatics Club; Hi Y 4; Glee Club 3, 4. "Actions speak louder than wo1:ds."
LUCILLE KEEFER Class Treasurer 1; Glee Club 1, 2; Class Basketball 1, 2; League Basketball 3; Varsity Basketball Manager 4. "I've lived and loved."
"\Vinnel' Junior Declamatory Contest; Junior Play; Piper 3, Literary Editor 4; Editor Maroon and Gray; Vice-President Class 4; Vice-Pres. Hi Y 4; All Hi Play 4; French Club 3, President; Dramatic Club; Literary Club 4; Treasurer Literary Club 4. "Few things are impossible to diligence and skill."
1930 Pcige twenty-one
Piper Staff 4. "Saying is one thing, Doing another."
Glee Club !_,_ 3, 4; Asst. Football Mgr . 3, 4; Football Mgr. 4; Junior Play; All Hi Play 4; Dramatics Club; Maroon -and Gray. "Life is a jest and all things show it."
"Be calm, sweet maid, and let who will be clever."
Class Pres. 3, 4; Vice-Pres. Class 2; Vice-Pres. A. A. 3; Junior Play; Football 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Tennis 3; Class Tennis 1, 2; Band 1, 2 ; Secretary Hi Y 4; Dramatic Club; Student Council 4. "Happy am I; from care I'm free! Why aren't they all content like me?"
1930 Pag e twenty-two
Debating 3, 4; League Basketball 3; Piper Staff 4; Maroon and Gray; Junior Play; Winner 路Junior Declamatory Contest; Winner Lincoln Essay Contest 3 Dramatic Club; President Literary Club Latin Club 4; A. A. U. W. Medal 3 P. T. A. Medal 4. "My mind is my kingdom."
Glee Club 1, 2; Class Basketball 1; Varsity Basketball 2, 3, 4; Varsity Basketball Captain 4; League Captain 3, 4; Cheerleader 2, 3, 4. "Hold the fort!
I am coming."
Class Basketball 1, 2; League 3; Asst. Basketball lVfanag路er 3. "Books, we know, are a substantial world."
Band 3, 4; Orchestra 3; All Hi Play; Football 4; French Club 3. "A lion among ladies is a most dreadful thing."
1930 Page twenty-th1路ee
Piper 2, 3; Editor Piper 4; Maroon and Gmy; Band 1, 2, 3; Debating 3, 4; Junior Declamatory Contest; Junior Piny; All Hi Play 4; Class Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 3; Dramatic Club; A. A. U. W . Medal 3; D. A. R. Amer. History Prize 3; P. T. A. Medal 4 . . "The price of wisdom is above rubies."
CLAUDE MYERS "Thy genius calls thee not to seek for fame in literature, but in some other 1-ane."
"Jake" "Cow"
Track 2, 3, 4; Captain 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Varsity Basketball 3, 4; Class Basketball 1, 2; Band 1; Junior Play; Maroon and Gray; Hi Y 4. "But to see her w路as to love her, Love but her, and love forever."
JAMES O'BRYAN "His work his own reward shall be."
1930 Pnge twenty-! our
HACHEL PARSONS Maroon and Gray Staff. "Modesty's a candle to thy m erit."
Glee Club 1, 2, 3; Track 3; Band 2, 3, 4; Junior Play. "Let the world slide, the world go; A fig for care, and a fig for woe."
"And sweet girl g raduate with golden hair."
FLOREINZE PORTE "Fortune is on the side of the goodhearted."
1930 Page twenty-five
ROY REED "The soul of this man is his clothes."
Class Basketball 2, 3, 4; Football 4; Class Football 3. "The best of men have ever loved repose."
Varsity Basketball 3, 4; Junior Play; Maroon and Gray Staff. "Ah, why should life all Jabour be?"
MILDRED SCHILLING Glee Club 11 3. "Better late than never."
1930 Pcige twenty-six
MARJORY SNYDER Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4. "Sleep the sleep that knows not breaking, Morn of toil nor night of waking."
Hi Y 3路 Track 2 3 路 Glee Club 3, 4; Football 4. ' ' "For a light heart lives long."
Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 1, 2, 4; President 4; Dramatic Club; Class Basketball 2; League 3; Class Tennis 1; Library Staff 1, 2, 3, 4; Debating 3; Junior Declamatory Contest; Business Mgr. Piper 4; Business Mgr. Maroon -and Gray; Literary Club 4. "Honest labor bears a lovely face."
BOVARD TOMLINSON "Young fellows will be young fellows."
1930 Page twenty-seven
Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Debating 3; Junior Play; Junior Declamatory Contest; Maroon and Gray Staff; Track Manag路er 3; ,Class Basketball 1, 2; League 3; Library Staff, 1, 2, 3, 4; Piper -1, 2, 3; News Editor 4; Dramatics Club; Literary Club; All Hi Play 4. "Men may come, and men may go; But one stays on forever."
:: :;
Basketball 1, 3, 4路 Junior Play; ' Club; French Dramatic Club; Literary Club 3, Treasurer 3. "Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.'
"And feel that I am happier than I know.''
Glee Club 3; Senior Glee Club Accompanist 4. "So many, and so glee."
many, and such
1930 Page twenty-eight
Glee Club 1, 2; Varsity Bas ketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Lea gue 3, 4; Capt. League Team 3, 4; Trnck 1, 2; Class Tennis 1, 2; Student Council 1, 3; ,Class Secretary 1; Vice-Pres. Council 3; Maroon and Gray; All Hi Play; Literary Club. "Variety is the spice of life."
ROBERT WILLIAMS Class Basketball 4.
"He was not merely a chip off the old block, but the old block itself."
路 "Sally"
Class Basketball 1, 2; League 3, 4; Varsity 4; Glee Club 3. "Toil, says the proverb, is the sire of fame."
CHARLES ZIEGLER "Thinking is time."
but an
idle waste of
1930 Pctge twenty -nine
ELLA ZINK "The social smile, tear."
Track 3, 4; Football 4. "Every man m eets his Waterloo at. last."
1930 l'age thirty
It wa s a ho t day in A ugust . The s un s h on e brightly on the white canva s tents of the Homan and H a m C ircus. \ i\Tearil y, I picked m y wa y- through the crowd and too k m y place in the long line befo re th e ti cket office. ,--\s I recei\路ed m y ticket, I w as nearl y s tru ck dumb for there in fr ont o f m e, se lling .tickets, wa s none oth e r than E lean or E bert. - A t fir st I th ough { it wa s th e heat. Finall y , I managed to ga sp, " VVh a t e ver brought yo u here ?"- Th en fo ll ow ed a long s tory of hard lu ck and so rrow , of how s h e had sunk fr o m the heights of an opera career to h er present p os iti o n. \ \T he n s he had fini s h ed , I g ra s ped my ti ck et firml y in h a nd , and with tears in my eyes, cla s h ed on into th e Big Top. 1
Plunk! D own I fell Rat on m y fac e. G ro\\路ling. I pi ck ed myself up a nd look ed around to find th e ca use o f my s tumbling, and there, seated on th e ground , w er e thr ee clown s, m y o lcl friend s, D on Campb ell , " Skinny " :Mye rs, a nd H ugh Fry, bu s il y shooting di ce. T h ey greeted me hilari o us ly and offered to s h ow me around th e g round s. A mon g th e man y s id e s how s, I recogni zed Fl orienze P orte, the Vl orld 's Li ving S keleto n. Th en th e clo wn s w ere called fo r their act. Th ey skipp ed away, lea ving m e to inyself in fr ont of a curtained boo th whi ch I entered o ut o f c uri os ity. In th e dim li g ht sat an old hag wh o ba d e me s it down be-fore a crys tal ball. In her cackling vo ice s he as k ed me what I wanted to kn o w . It fla s h ed through m y mind to ask the where-abouts of m y old cla ss mates, a few of w ho m I had just seen-路 the res t-wh e re w ere they, and what w ere th ey doing ? Th e old w oman see m ed to di vine m y wi s h, fo r s h e cackled , ".My magic cr ys ta l will clearl y rev eal to m e th e lif e trades of all yo ur friend s. Li s te n carefull y and I will t ell you ever ytl~ing." S he b ent over th e c rystal and bega n, " ,--\h, I see Barri s Harvey pas ting up a s ig n and on it th e fa ce o f A nn e B roderick. Beneath in blazin g lett ers 'Smoke A Lu cky Fo r a Broken Heart It Sooths.' T h en in th e di stance a huge bulk of a city ri ses. The city draws n ear er. There is g reat co mm otion, for a wed -cling is in prog r ess. Gladys Bodle, a fte r r eceiving a fath e rl y ki ss fr om th e mini st er, Re v. John Parkin so n, s t eps gaily into th e limou s in e b es id e he r bearded brid egroom , Da n Herman . 'M icl a show er of ri ce and old shoes, th ey di sapp ear ed.
1930 Pag e thfrty-one
MAROON AND GRAY "T he scene s hift s. A bright s ig n bla zes, ' LEIT ZELL & CO.' He re Junior is carrying on hi s tracle ancl s till charging fi ve 'cents for fo ur ancl one half cent pencils. Directing traffic at Co-Op Corner is L y nn Glenn. 1-l e waves to \,\falter Dippery, concluctor on the Dreibelbis' :-\ir Transport. "Then Ne w Yo rk , where 'mid the g litte ring lights is a s ig n, 'STIFFLERS THEATER. ' The fea ture picture being 'GET YOL.iR l\lAN,' s tarring Harry Mitc hell a ncl N ellie Gra va tt . :\ s an adclecl attraction, there is a ch oru s clirectecl by Bob \ Villiam s which s tars l\Jary Co rl and Rebecca l-lartswick. The perso nnel o f the choru s is : Gladys Gill , Bertha Gilligan, :.\Iarge Snyder, V irg ini a \,\Tebber, :M ilclr ecl Sc hillin g, Pearle Bowersox, Rachel Pa rso n s, a nd I sobel Harm . T h ey are rated as the h ot test steppers in the city of big li g hts. 路'A co urt room scene n ext appears within the cry s tal ba ll. Jud ge i\Ia so n rea d s the case wherein J. Peabody Gov ier is s uin g i\I rs. Betty Thompson Ka ulfu ss fo r breach of promi se. The cl eie ncl a nt 's lawy er is Lo ui se \ Vetterau , the s hrewclest in New Yo rk. Ja ck Sauers is the prosernti ng attorney. The jury of eleven hones t citizens, tried a nd true. consists of: \ \T illiam Droege, heartbreaker; E rn est Gillil a nd , r etiree\ farm er ; H ug h Markle, bootlegger; ] am es O'B r ya n, \\' or iel 's Champi on Typist; C harles Ziegler , P. 0. D. teacher ; Carl :.\IcQuigg, s peed clriv e r ; Ken n et h Zo ng, bach elor; E ll a Zink. politician ; Ogle Kellerman, prize fighter ; Phyllis C hum a rcl , wealthy widow ; a ncl John Royer. s tocking ancl sock manu fact ure r. The cl ecis ion , 'NOT GL"ILTY,' is giYen a nd Betty ancl E rn'ie go happil y back t o their littl e love nes t, while Jack see ks solace at ' HAP.PY 1-JELL Y'S N IGHT C L UB.' where. He lene Hetzel is th e c harm in g h ostess . :.\Iary McFarland a ncl Peg Do rlancl are engagecl as spec ialty dan cer s and the act s ur e is a knockout. Peggy A un gst's 1-Jula] lula so lo is accompaniecl by W eb G rant and Bi s :.\ [ usica l Bricks. 11i11 Hoy. hi s piani st, ce rtainl y ca n tickle the ivo ri es. 1
''S ittin g at one table is Bee \ Vielancl s urround ed by so m e o f he r num ero us admirers . A m on g \\路hom are C laucle :.\Jyers, big Uutter ancl Egg l\Ian from along the lin e; Gu y Glenn. s till th e s lipp ery s hi ek of high sc hoo l clay s; Dick Ca ncly, \\路ho has taken J ack ie's place after he got oYer Ruth ; ancl also Herbert ' l\Janning, wh o writes uncler the nam e of ' Ne llie N es tl e.' ''At th e nex t table sat S u e and J ohn who 111acle 111illio11 s rai sin g ca lv es on their western ran ch." "Th in gs begin to mo ve m or e rapidly.
1930 Pnge thirty-two
"Ginnie" Spr in ge r,
philanthropist and big business 'man,' is editing the Christian Science Monthly-Frankie Kern, Peg Miller, Mim :M eek, Gladys Jacobs, Bertha Gregory, 'Lenore Peters, and Ne llie Markle as dignified models in the Paris Saloon of 1vionsieur \Tard Tomlinson, a native Frenchman ( ?)-Sally \ ,Volfe and Dorothy \ ,Va rel waging a social war in \ ,V ashington for seat of honor at VicePresident ..-\ lbright' s fir st banqu et .-Roy and Lucille hav e recentl y parted after taking the cure at Reno ; but things look bright for a second ' hitch-up '-." The picture fad es . I have received more than my dime's worth of the old hag's magic and I am satisfied.
1930 Pnge thir ty-three
\ Ve, th e Cla ss o f O n e Th ousand N in e Hundr ed and Thirty, o f th e Sta te Co llege Hi g h Schoo l in th e City of S tate Coll ege, in the Co unty of Center, and th e S ta te of Penn sy lvania , d o make ancl publi s h thi s, our las t will ancl tes tament. F IRST, we gi ve, dev ise, and bequ eath , th e cl edi cation o f our annual to lVIr. H . F. H air . SECOND, w e g ive, d ev ise, ancl bequ eath, to our faculty, to-wit : T o l\fr. B ays, a co urse in d ra win g. To M r. L enhart, an a uto mati c machine t o regis ter all tardin ess ancl t o w r ite all ye ll ow s lips. T o M iss J ones, a hom e roo m o f a ll boys. T o M r . \ ,V illiams, a ho m e roo m o f g irl s . T o l\I iss M il es, a ri g ht to di s mi ss all her s tud y hall s. T o M rs. Le Gall ey, a much larger V irgil class. T o l\ifr. Cropp , a class that '' loves" to li s ten to lectures a nd to take no tes. T o :d iss Strom , a thrilling entry fo r her di a ry. T o M r. H air, a m ore orderl y hom e room. T o M iss M ulkin , a book of bi olog ical fair y ta les. T o M r. S tine, a co mmanding vo ice. T o M r . A rms trong, a s tadium . T o M iss Mo rrow , a chaperon e fo r her self. T o Mr. M ill er , a cha nce to prai se F ran ce to F r enchmen in F ra nce. T o lVIr. Smith, an or ches tra wh ose h eig ht \vas a ll th e sam e. T o M iss P ippert, a group of g lee " clubbers" wh o will neve r be absent , late, or tardy . T }-lIR D, a few p rog res sive Seni o rs g-1,路e, cl evi se, and bequ ea th the follow ing p erso na l prop erty in thi s m a nn er: Gla dys Do cile bequ eath s all her t emp er to R usse ll J ohn son . M ildred Schillin g bequ eath s her punctuality to J ean \ Voo d ruff. Charl es :M ye rs bequ ea th s hi s executi ve ability to Bob Baker.
1930 Pcig e thirty-four
MAROON AND GRAY T . A . F. B. Porte bequ eaths some of h er n ames to Rhett Harris. Donald Ca mpb ell bequeath s hi s meekn ess to E ll en Gilliland. 1-l elen Hetzel bequ eath s h er ''I t' ' to Betty F is he r. E rn est Ka ulfu ss bequeath s hi s路 knowl edge to l'vfa ud e 1\fea ver. 1\leb Gra nt bequeath s hi s blushes to Rex Gr ee n . Betty Thompson bequeath s her figure to A dele A un gst. Jack Go vier bequeath s hi s s uccess in reaching Lemont to other pro spec ts. Robert 1,V illiam s bequeaths hi s mathematical knowledge t o A lthea Butt. George l\Ia so n bequeath s hi s neatnes s to Bi ll De1,\Ta]t . N ellie Gra\路att bequeath s her s eriou s mind to Bibs Probst. Junior L e itze l! bequeath s hi s m o uth to Law rence '..\ladi so n. John No ll bequ eat hs hi s ambition tu Elmer. FOlJ RTH , we g i\路e, devi se, and bequeath o ur 1\lma :.\later into the keeri111g of the Cla ss of 1931 as a sacred tru s t. In 1V itness 1,V her eof, 1\fe, the officers o f the Class . have hereunto s ubsc rib ed out nam es and affixed <:~tr sea l, the 2nd da y o f June, in the year of o ur Lord. O ne Thou sand i\ in e I lunclred ancl T hirty. George '..\Iaso n. l-'res ident. 1--:L r\. Leitze l! , Jr ., Vice-Pres id ent . Helene 路11 e tze l, Sec retary. 1\' eb ~tcr C rant, Trea s urer .
1930 Pcige thirty-five
F our y ears hav e rolled around and graduati"on is at ha nd. accompli s hed much in thi s tim e.
'l'l e have
In our Fres hm an yea r w e el ected S herwood Thayer , pres id ent; Ruth Torrence, vice-president ; B lan che \ 1\T ielancl, secr eta ry, a nd Lu cill e Keefe r, trea s urer. Yf\Te jo in ed in man y acti viti es and bu s ied oursel ves in prep a ring fo r th e co min g thr ee y ears . :M ary M cFarland rec eived the A merica n Associati on of U ni ve rsity \ i\T om en .Me da l for schol a rs hip . As Soph o mores we elect ed Sherwo od Thayer, pres id ent ; George l\!I ason , vice-presid ent; He lene Het zel , secre tary; G ladys Docil e, treasurer, fo r class o ffi ce rs . Vi e join ed in activiti es t o a g reat er extent. \,\Tel ls L am o reux, Ralph Barn es, a nd \ ,V illi a m Os man repr ese nted th e class on t h e undefeated fo o tball t eam . \ ,Ve intro clucecl , for the fir st time, a Soph om or e H op. M ary M cFa rland ag ain r eceived class honors. Geo rge iVIaso n. pres ident ; Ern es t K aul fu ss, v ice-pr es id ent ; R uth To rr ence, secretary, a nd D a vie! F oster, trea sur er, w ere th e offic ers elected in o ur Juni or year. \ i\Te t ook a n acti ve part in athl etics and our Junior acti v iti es. Our pla y, " Th e \ V ile! \ i\Tescotts," w as ve ry s uccess ful. T he a nnual Lin co ln Essay Co ntes t w a s won by Ma ry .M cFarland . P earl e B owersox and H elene He tzel r eceived honorabl e m ention . Ma ry :McFarl a nd and }-I- arry L e itzell w on th e Junior Dec lamatory Contest . Th ose pa rti cipatin g w ere : Betty Th ompson, Ru t h T orrence, V irg inia Spring er, i'via ry Mc Fa rland , Ha rry L eitz ell , E rn est Ka ulfu ss, Charl es Myers, a nd M ilton M artin. Th e D . A. R. H is to ry P ri ze and th e A. r\. U. \ i\T. :\Jecl a l w er e awa rd ed to Ch arl es l\tiye rs. In thi s boo k is s how n th e r ecord of our Seni or year which beg an by elec ting George :M a son , presid ent ; H arry L eit zell , vice-pr es ident ; H elene Hetzel, sec retary, and \ Vebs ter Grant. treas urer.
I 1930 Page thirty-six
3 1
I 9 3 0 Page thfrty-eight
T O P RO \iV, left t o ri g ht- Elwoo d F ry, George R oy er, J ohn :M usse r, Robe rt Gl enn , \ iVilli a m Close, Robert S trubl e, \ i\T illi a m E verh a rt, Cla rence F rye, :Mord ecai Va n Zant, E dward S taff, H arold S mith, Rh ett H arris, T homa s Th omp son, R ichard T homp so n. SECOND R OW F R O:('vI TO P- R ichard Ma rkl e, P hilip Grant, Lee S tove r, E a rl e 'vV ild e, 111\T illi an~ Burke, Gretta Ho man , Helen M ill er, I ze lla Ke ll er, Ada Ko ch , Pearl e Bloo m, E lea nor Baiso r, A dele A un gs t , Paulin e Hartswi ck, V irgini a Leath ers, M ildred Ru pp, H enri etta :McDow ell, Ruth Lo n berger. T HI RD ROW FRO M TOP-J ean \ i\Too druff, 路M a rg aret K in sloe, Ruth E ,路e rett . Evely n Ko rm a n , H ild a L ong, Ruth Linn , H elen Hunter, An na Ke rstette r, Gla dys Va n Zant, V irg ini a P arks, R uth Ewin g , Lena Pettin g ill , Juli a \ i\Tri g ley, Minni e Sunday , He len Sunda y, A da Ha rp er, Helen Garm a n . . T HIR D R OW F RO M BOTT 0 11J-Hann a h Bloom, A nn e F aga n, Ma rth a N ew ell , Cath erin e B echl er, El ean o r Furgeso n, E lea no r \ ,\Tasson , Catherin e Longee, J osephin e S ha w, l'via rj o ri e Boyer, E thel Beav er, Ma ry \ ,\fa lters, Gla dys Corl . O li ve \ Va lk er, :M ary T hompson, Gra ce S tover, Lu cy Ga rma n , Eva E tters. SECOND RO\i\T F R OM BOTTOM-Elwood Pars,o ns. \ i\Tilli a m Ga rn er, iV[ r. M ill er, 1if iss S t rom, l\fr. Cropp, Anna St rong, Gretchen Ma rq.uarcl路t , Ma rga ret \ Vitm er. B et ty F ish@r, Maud e \ Vea ve r, E li zab eth P rob st , E li zabeth Ju dy . F IRST ROW-Roger Hetze l, \ ,V illiam De \ \T alt, J ohn E ng li sh , Ll oycl P arso ns, Loui se K uhn s, M ary F reem an, J oe N.oll , I-larold J ohn son, Ri chard \\' o lfe, 'N illi a m Fe ree, Ru sse ll J o hn so n, H a1' ry M usser. 1
ll ~ ---,
1930 P av e thirtwnin e .
Joe No ll -------- -------------- -------- --- ------- --- ------- ---- ---- ------ -- -- -- ------------Pres ident }f ary F reeman ---------路-------- ----- ------ ---------- ---- --- ----------------- Vice-President
Howard Johnson ---------------- --------------------- --- --------- ------ ------路------Secretary Loui se Kuhn ____ .... :................... ---- ---- ---- --- ----- -------------- ----------- -Treasurer
\ i\T ith rather a colorless start, the class of '31 s tepped into prominence its Junior year.
Being deprived of our annual Junior Play, we s howed our dramatic ability . by successfully presenting three one act play s entitled, "S uppressed Desire, " "Gas, Air and Earl," and "Q" on :May 16.
\ i\Te were repres ented on The Piper by 路M argaret Kinsloe, Jean \i\Toodruf-f, 路Eleanor Furgeson , Mary Freeman , and Bill E verhart. The position of circulation manager wa s held by Rh e tt Harris. Athletics afforded u s a greater opportu1iity. Besides having four football lettermen and five basketball lettermen, we were the winners of the inter-class basketball tournament after defeating all comers including the faculty team.
\i\1e n o w gaze forward to a bright future
1930 Page forty
our Senior year.
., j
~ \-
'路,'l-路 r
'1 , .. J
;l 路I
Phge forty-two
I 9 3 0
T OP RO'v\l, left to right-Jo hn Cobl e. L ewi s Harvey , Carl Hasek. Finley Kessinge r. Randall Ke ller , \,\l illiam Hudnall , Samuel Shank. Dan Kyper, Dan Poorman. Ralph \ Veave r. I saac A bram so n. Bapti st Shank. Ross Lowder, Kenneth 13o hn . SECO ND ROW FROM TOP-Clarence Cox, Benjamin Saver coo l. \,\' oo clrow Myer. James Fourtney. Vance Packard, Lawren ce Snyder, Glenn Strouse, A li ce Pa rkin so n, Betty Brenneman, N elli e S tev ens, A lice. Tomlinso n, Ruth Glenn , Hazel i\Ic Co rmick , Thelma Ebert. Elwood S trou se.
THIRD R O \ ,V F R OM TOP-Richard Fye, Earl Corl. Brinto n Smith, Gordon Duncan , Albert Fost er, O rvi s Herman. Irene Brooks. Bella \,\Talters , Mabel Musser, Th elma Kline. Ka thry n B loom. l'vJa rjorie Sa uc erman , :M ary Co lpetzer. Be tty Linn , Lois Lowe. Deborah Fi s hburn , ;wary Dribelbi s. Richan! Hoy. TfrIRD R OW F R OM B OTTO iVf-J a m es R eed, Robert B urrage, Paul O s born e. Dorothy Brunner. Gladys E rb, Anna Co rl, Florence Bo wersox. Su san Hou ser. Gertrud e Gill, lVIarjorie H o man. l\Jary Kern , Louise Bai路l e tt. Carolin e Myer. J ean Abramson, Sara h Dusharn, V irginia McDowell. S EC O ND ROW FRO M BOTTOJW-W illiam Hoy, Franklin Miller, Robert Corl, \ ,V illiam Co rl , Ca rl Bechdel. Hel en Barn er. :M iss :\f o rrow, Mr. \ Villiam s, l\tfar y Strouse. Betty S prin ge r, \ Ve hnd el Sh off, Kenneth Turner, Kermit Hmwitz, Freel \,\lhitehill. FIRST R OW-Roy O'Bryan. Wesley Mohnkern, Ja ck Light. Gregg Th omp so n, Frances J\l is sley , l~Ielen Rountree. Rex Green , Lawrence Madison. l\lfiriam I-J eberling. E dna Tayl o r . Hilda Sa uers . Mad eline S hu ey, ?lfargaret ]-louck, Lois S hreck , V io la Strubl e.
1930 Pag e jol'ly-three
SOPHOMORE CLASS Rex Gr een ··-··················· ---- -- ··········· ···· ··· --···· --- -· -·· ········ ·····----- Pr esid ent He len R ountree .......... ...................... .. ...................... .... V ice-Pr es id ent F ran ces N issley ..................... :.... ............. ........................... ,...Secreta ry La wr en ce l\!Ia di son ----···-········------ ------------------------ ------ ----- -- ------Tr eas urer Th e Cla ss of '32-un eq uall ed and un excell ed ! O ur Soph omo re yea r s tarted as un eve ntfull y a s our fir st yea r. O ur onl y foo tba ll lett erw inn er wa s Rex Gr een . "\ 1\T e shone 111 the inte rclass basketball t ourn a m ent, ta kin g second pla ce. N ext year we hope to be champi ons . In February , the Soph omo r es g ave a dan ce fo r th e H ig h S chool.
Vl e hope the r em aining years ,~,ill co ntain many athleti c a nd sch olastic achi eve ments for us .
.... 1930 Page fo r ty -f our
TOP RO'N, left to ri g ht-H a ro ld \ Valk er, O n 路is ] 'oo rman , E el l\I ar tz , Roy Fog lema n, Ha ro ld Ga tes . \ \T ray I lo ma n, E rn est J-fess, Sta nl ey Myer s, G uy Ko rm a n, \ \fal te r D ill en, Geo rge } lo man , Stoy Sund ay, Baroid Ho ma n , Ray mo nd Ne idi g h, Fra nk 'v\T hitrn o re, J ac k 'vV hite, J ose ph De nni s. SECOND RO \ V r.RO :\[ TOP-E lwoo d Evey, Ke nn et h \ Valk er, \ ,V illi a m Ho ug hton, :M icha el Zo rell a, Geo rge Gea rhart . Pa ul Benn er, Do na ld Detwil er , Rog er B roo me, P aul \ V ri g ley, Ro bert Tress ler , Cly d e Und er woo d, Di ck E is enm a n, "\Vood row J:-Iosterrnan , F loy d Giffo rd , G lenn Ross, \ V illi a rn \iVels h . THIR D RO\ i\T FROJ\[ TOP-Dav id Cowe ll , :\firi a m Jud y, B erni ce Fl emin g, E el i th Fio rn er . E lea no r Sto,路e r. R u th \ V.ea ve r, :\ la rtha Strong, ~Ja ry \ i\'ea ve r, l\fa ry Reed, Vio let Ne idi g h, Dorothy :M ye rs, :\Ja ry D iet ri ch. Ma ry H a r vey, J oyce ',J-Ie nn a n, Freel a K lin e, F ranc es Goss, J a ne Ho lm es, Glad ys A lbri g ht, V io let J ohn sto n. T J-1 f R D ROW r.RO M HOTT O :.\f- Ralph K uhn , B lan che Gearh a rt , H elen S la gel, T resa S mith . :\Iargaret M annin g , Josephin e P latt, E lea no r Stua rt, M arga ret :\[itch. l\Ja ry Kelly, J-Ielene :\Jeikrantz, Ad ela id e G ree n , F ra nces Bezcl ek, Bet ty . Res id es, A lth ea B utt, E ll en Gillil a nd , Ma ry L. F rea r, E mma J. l'oste r, :\fa ry ,D una way, :Mab el J. M a rtin , A nn a l\I usse r. SECO ND R O W F R Ol\J BOT TOM-V/ illi a m Va n t in e, R u t h ~\fill er , L oui se S mith , l\I ary W est, J ea n Ziegler , r\ lic e N-ix ion , :\Ji ss l\l ile s, l\I iss l\I ul kin , Mr. S tin e, Sa ra h Henn , Grace Ca r ver, :\lari on Jo nes, r\ li ce Porter, N an cy Ru dy, lVIae Gates, A nn a Eye r . F I RST RO \ V-Roy B ress ler, J ohn F urgeso n, A mos Fogelm a n, H aro ld D eter, R alph Reis h, Lea r \ Vetterau , Cha rl es Bell , R obe rt N iss ley, Jam es Babcoc k, Bil l B reon, Charl otte Koc h , Gwend oly n A lb ee, Va leri e Ha ll , H elen Gross, Sa ra h \ Va t erbury, Be rni ce :\lcFacl cl en, Lo ui se \ ,Valt z, Bet ty }icFa rla nd .
1930 Pcig e fo 路rty- seven
J a m es B abcock ____ _______ __ _____ ___ _______ ____ ___ _-__ ___ ________ ___ __ _____ __ ___ ______ Presid ent B i 11 B r eon ------ -- ------- ----- -- -------- ---- -.---- ---- -------- ------ ----- --- ---- -\T ice-Pr es id ent Ro ber t 'N iss ley __ ____ __ __ __ _____ __ _!___ ____ __ __ ________ __ _____ ____ _____ ___ ______ ___ _S ec retar y Charl o t te Koc h ----- --- -------- -- -- 路--- ----- ---- -- ---- ---- ------ ---- ------- --- ------- Tr easure r T h e Cl ass of '33 enter ed the hig h sch oo l in 1929. T h e h ig h sc hoo l ha s ta ug ht th e F r es hma n man y thin gs an d inter es ted th e m in a thl eti cs, va ri o u s club s, a nd oth er ac ti viti es . Thi s y ea r a F res hman G lee Club was o rga ni ze d w hich s uccessfull y presented a n op eretta , "Penn y Duns a nd R oses," in th e H ig h School A udito rium . \ i\T e w ere rep rese nted o n s tud ent council by J ean Z iegl er, lVIa ry L. F r ear , a nd J oe D enni s . J eai1 Ziegle r w as secretary fo r bo th sem es t ers .
S occer, a newl y o rg an iz ed s por t fo r F r es hm en a nd Juni or H ig h b oys, fo und o ur cl ass wi t h thr ee letter w inn er s, Char!es Be ll , D ick Ei senman , a nd \ i\Tood ro w Hos t erm a n. \ i\Te had o ne foo tb a ll letterm a n- E d :M artz.
1930 P age forty- eight
路c T
v I
Pctye fifty
l 93 0
FOOTBALL TEAM TOP RO\i\T, left to rig-ht___:___A rm stro ng路 (coach), Packard, Harvey, S mith , Green , lVIason , Osman ,_ Ka ulfu ss, No ll. lVIarkl e (manager). FIRST RO \ i\ T-A nth ony, Hetzel, Ma rtz, 路 La moreux (ca ptain ), H e rman, \i\' olfe, Bai so r, Zong. Dippery. Not in picture- Fortney, Droege.
SUMMARY The seaso n ope ned with Sta te playing an Alumni team, and at th e encl of th e game the sco re stood 6-6. State next trav eled to Phillips burg and , playing a hard game, was clefea t ed 18-0. Cooper Township handed State th e next defeat to th e tun e of 12--0. In this ga me State cl ea rly outplay ed th e v is itors in the fii路 st half, but were in turn o utplaye d in the se_co nd half. A weak State t ea m was entirely o utcl assed and outplayed by Tyrone, who won by 20 points. Sta te s howe d so me real fight against \ i\f illiamsburg, but slumped before M t . U nion ; \ i\Tilliamsburg hung up 12 points, while M t. U nion sco red 20. Again s t Clea rfi eld , State played a hard ga m e, but was outclassed and o utpl ayed t o the ext ent of 35-0. This score was th e largest rolled up against the lVIaroon a nd Gray thi s season. Bell efonte r ece ived the s urpri se of their li ves upon being defea t ed by Sta te, 3-0. This exc iting ga me will always be a memorabl e event in S. C.H . S. athletics. The game was the fir st conference v ictory for S tate, rai sin g them from last to thirtee nth place. State los t their annual Th a nksgiving game to Lewiston, 7-0. was hard fought, both si des bei ng evenly matched .
The game
I 9 3 0 Page fifty-one
Pet ersb urg .............................. ............ Alumni ............ ~-- -········ ······· ··········· ·· ······ H untin gdo n .......................... ...... .. ...... Tyrone .. ............................. ................... Mt. Un ion ......... ............. ... .................. . Ho utzda le ................... ...... ................... Ho utzda le ............ ..... .... ...... ......... ....... A ltoona ......... ........... ........ ...,................ Mt. U ni on .......... :........... ... ... ... .. ... ........ Lew is town ................ ....... ................... Hollidaysburg ............ ........ ........ ..... ... Lew istown .... .............. .... .................... Bell efo nte .. ......... ... .... .... .... .. ............... P hilip s burg .................................... ...... Huntingdon .......... ....... ......... .... .......... Tyro ne ....... .................... ....................... Bel lefo nte ......................... ................... Ho lliday s burg .................................... P hilip sburg ..........................................
20 18 22 19 18 14 16 51 49 73 21 42 15 20 31 24 24 35 28
Total · ........ ....... ... ... .... ...... .... .. .......... 54 0
State State State State State State State Sta te State Sta t e S tate Sta te State Sta te State Sta t e State Stat e State
24 20 18 13 16 18 20 12 20 15 18 9 35 24 25 25 20 16 47
Tota l ..... ... ... .... .............. ... ... ...........385
1930 Page fifty-two
Co ll ege ... ..... ........ .. .................. Co ll ege .................................... Co ll ege ..... ... ....... ..................... . Co ll ege ...... ............ .................. Co ll ege ........................... .. ...... Co ll ege ........ ............................ College ................ ... ... ................. Co ll ege .................. ....... ........... Co ll ege ... ....................... .......... Co ll ege ......... ........................... Co ll ege .................................... Co ll ege..... .................. .......... ... Co ll ege ............. .. ......... .. .......... Co ll ege .................................... Co ll ege ..... .. ...... ........ ...... ........ . Co ll ege ................................. ... Co ll ege .......... .... ........... ........... College ................... ................. College ....................................
BASKETBALL L. Parsons ( manager), Fortney, \,Volfe, Foster, Stoddart, John so n, Mason. Sauers, E . Parsons, Armstrong (co ach ). From nearl y thirty cancliclates Coach A rm strong dev eloped a team that, in it s first year in th e ·M ountain League. placed fifth . The team deserves credit for its work on the first long sc hedule for ba sketball.
TRACK About thirty fellows res pond ed to Coach Morrill's call the last of :M arch. At prese nt they are working y in the holl"ow for another spring season of m cets. The team s ucceed ed in placing fifth in the Penn State Intcrschola s tics and also took part in the District Finals at Altoona and the Center County 111eet.
Trad< Coach i\!Iorrill
1930 Pct_qe fifty-thrne
T O P R O \ i\T, left to ri g ht- Serff (coach ) , lVI itchell , Schilling, P a rkin son, Os man , No ll , Cri ssman , Broome, D ye, *\ i\T ild e ( manager) . M ID DLE R O \ i\r-,:'Fo rbes, *Krumrin e. FIR ST R O \i\T-*Be ll , *Ei sem a n, *i\Ioore, *G ates, *Stearn s {capta in ) , *Parson s, ,:,Ga rn er, *Kling er, *:Merritt, *Hosterman . *Indicates letter w inners. Socce r m ade its first appe a ran ce in S. C. H. S. thi s y ear. Comp eting w ith high sch oo l tea ms from JVIilheirn , Po rt Ma tilda, Spring :Mill s, R h ebers burg, Boal s burg and Center Hall , our tea m, co mposed of Junior Hi g h a nd F r es hmen boys und er lVIr. Se rff's directi on , succeeded we ll aga in st th e large s ized team s it opposed . Next y ear will brin g better result s.
I 9 3 0 Page fift y -fo wl"
~--路--路-~- ..
TOP RO'vV, left ,:,Thompson, P latt.
Sp rin ger,
Borland ,
"M IDDLE RO\,V-q(eefer (manage r), ,:,Cla rk, ,:, 路M eek (cap tain ), *\ ,V ielancl, Coach Morrow. FIRST RO \ i\T- *\ ,Vo lfe, ,:, Foster, *Rupp, ,:,Bodl e, *\ Va rel. *Indicates lette r winners. A bout fifty g irl s turned out for basketball und er Coach Nlorrow. From this qu ota th e above vars ity t ea m was selected, which played four ga m es. Altoo na ......... .. ..................... ............ ..
State Co ll ege ..................................
Huntingdon .................................... ..
State Co ll ege ............... ...................
A ltoona ............... .............. ................ .
State Col lege ...... ........ .............. ......
Huntingdon , ....... ................ .
State Co ll ege ....
------- --- ------ -- -
Total .............. .......................... ..
Total .............. ............................... 126
I 9 3 0 Pcige fifty-five'
TOP ROvV, left to right-John son , Stoddart, l\tlason, Kaulfuss, Fisher, English. M IDDLE RO'N-Noll , Everett, Green, Bloom , Osborne. FIRST RO"W-Mr . Lenhart, Sprin ger, Frear, Ziegler, Thompso n , Dennis. This year's council, with :M r. Lenhart a s advi se r, drew up a s chedule for chapel programs, arranged inter-class athletic contests and continued to aid the new pupils in acquainting them se lve s with their new s urroundings. The officers were : First Semester Second Semester V. Springer V . Spring路er__ ________________ , ____ _______________ ... Pres ident R. Everett
R. Stoddart.. .................. ............ V ice Presi dent
J. Ziegler.. ... ......... ........ ... .................... Secretary
R. Green
R. Green .......................... ........ .............. Treasurer
1930 Page fifty-six
Instead of the annual Junior Cla ss Play , an A ll Hi Play, with div ided cla ss representation, was presented this yea r under the direction of Miss Morrow, assisted by M ill er. The play, a n English comedy entitl ed, "Green Stockings," was s uccessfu ll y enact ed on De cember 13 and 14. CAST OF CHARACTEil~S Ivirs. Rockingham ......... ............................ _.. ____ ____ '. ___ Blanche \ Vie lan d Lady Trenchard .... .. ... .. ................................ ........... ... ....... B etty Fisher A unt Ida ...... ........ ............... .......... ...................................N el lie Gravatt :M artin ...... ........ ................. .. ...................................... ... ...... \ 1\Tilliam Hoy Phyllis Fa rad ay .......... .. ................ .................... .... .. .. Elizabeth Probst Robert Ta r ver ......... ........................................................... Carl Bechdel Jim Raleigh ... .. ................ ........................ ........... ....... .. ..... Harry Musser fl/Ir. Faraday ... ................ ............. .................................... Roger Hetzel Admiral Grice ........... ................................ _.... ____ ............ Charles Niyers Henry Steele ........ .. ......... .. .... ................. :....................... \'!\Ti]liam Close Ce! ia Faraday ........... .......... ........ ........... ....... ........ ......... Peggy Aungst Colonel Smith ... .. ................... .................................... .. Harry Mitchell
19 3 0 Page
fif t11-seven
This year the debating team prepared the question: "Resolved, Tha-c the County Should Be the Unit of Support and Administration for t he School s of Pennsylvania." Those taking the affirmative s ide under 1\fr. Cropp were Mary McFarland, Charles Myers and Mary Freeman. Those on the negative, under Mr. Stine, were Gretchen Marquardt, Margaret Kin sloe and Catherine Bechler. The negative team lost to Philips burg and Bellefonte and t h e affirmative to Bellefonte, thus giving Bellefonte three and one-half legs to two and one-half for State and giving them permanent possess ion of the cup offered by the Parent-Teacher Association of State College. 'Non
Lost 0
State College .. _____ ______ _____ _ 3
2 1
.333 .167
·· ··---- ···- ------· --- --
Philips burg --· ·····- ---- ---- --Tyrone ---- ---- ------- · · ···- ----· ····
1930 Page fifty-eight
HI - Y
TOP R.0-'v\T, left to right-Sauers, John Noll, Kellerman, Dippery, Smith, Joe No ll, 'Nolfe. FIRST RO\iV-Grant, Leitzel!, :M ason, Stoddard, Kaulfuss. Six Seniors, Ernest Kaulfoss, Harry Leitzel!, George :M ason, Jack Sauers, \ iVa lter Dippery and John Noll. reorganized the State College Hi-Y Club and soon increased the organization to the above members, which was doubled in April. The purpose: To create, maintain and extend throughout t he com. munity and high school, standards of Christian character and living. The officers are as follows: Ernest Ka u lfu ss .......................... . .................................. ....... President Harry Leitzell... ............................................. ... .. ........ ... Vice President George Mason ...................................... .................................... Secretary Robert Stoddard .... ....... .................. .
................................ Treasurer
I 9 3 0 Page fifty-nine
l left to ri g ht-Davey , E \路e rett, \i\Too druff, Ki nsloe, :M. Thompson , Pettingill , Gr ego ry, E tters. THIRD RO\i\T-Longee, Hart swick. Bo rland. Clark, McDowell , V. Springer, B. T ho mpso n, Snyder. SECO ND RO\i\ T-S lrn ey, Barn er. Low e , L inn , F is hburn , S hr eck, Strubl e, Brooks. FIRST RO\i\T-Myers, Barlett, Parks, A bramson, B. Sprin ger , Miss Pippert, Taylor, T-f eberling, Strouse, vVe tterau. Directed by ]V[iss P ipp ert, thi s orga ni zation ha s afforded ent e rtai11111 e nt in chapel and at num erou s m eetin gs held in th e hi g h school auditorium. rl'Ii ss Pippert is to be comp lim ented on her deve lop m ent of this group.
1930 Pctge sixty
TOP RO\\', left to right-C. l路nden,路ood, Broome, Eisenman, Platt, Miekrantz, Green, Bezdek, N ixon, :M itch , 'vVes t, McFarland. SECOND RO\V FRO:.l TOP-Knhn , Benner. Myers, Dietrich, A. Underwood, Feig, Taylor, Fisher, H. Cnclenrnocl, i\lartin. l\IIDDLE RO\V- ,\nclerson , Davey, \\'hitmore, Benn, i\1. \Veaver, Reed, Can路er, J ones, Overholts, Robinson, Govier. SECOND ROW FROi\l BOTTOM-R. \ Veave r, Stuart, Horner, Sto,.-er, JVIcFadden, Frear, Gravatt, Burrage. Heater, Rountree. 1
FIRST RO\V-J-lan路ey, Herman , L. Smith. T. Smith, Dutt, Miss Pippert, Gilliland, McCormick, Kelly, \Vaterbury, Ebert, Kirby. "Cncler the directi on of :M iss Pippert, thi s newly organized club, among its many entertainments, successfully presented, "Pen ny Buns and Roses," a musical fanta sy, on February twentieth in the High Sc hool Auditorium.
1930 Page sixty-one
TOP RO\i\T, left to right-I-I. Breon, Butt, Neff, Bechdel, Hasek, VV. Grant, Porter. SECOND ROV/-B. Breon, Dye, P . Grant, Duncan, \i\Thite, Fagan, Furgeson. FIRST RO\i\T-Mr. Smith, Kirby, Linninger, Taylor, P. Lovve, Strong, Gravatt, B. Lowe, Gentzel. \i\Tith a new instructor, Ivir. Smith, the orchestra has progressed wonderfully, through his efforts and supervision. The orchestra is composed of twenty-two pieces, most of which are violins, which give it a sof t, pleasing sound. The orchestra was well remembered for its playing at the All Hi Play and the short plays by the Parent-Teachers Associaton. The orchestra journeyed to Philadelphia on :May 10 and won second prize in Class B in the contest sponsored by the Pennsylvania State Forensic League. In the same con test t11e band also won second prize.
I 9 3 0 Page sixty-two
can ,
T OP R O \ V, left to ri g ht-Bechcl el, \ V. Grant, \ V. Ga rner, Neff , DunJ. P arkin so n, F urge so n .
T HIRD R O \ V-Breo n, W ilcle, B ab coc k, P ackarcl , H. Mitch ell , H asek, B ut t, S lag le. SECOND RO V/ -P . Gra nt, P arso ns, B . Co rl , Sa rso n, L . Sn y cl er , Z iegler, Res id es, M usse r , :M ill er. F IRST RO \ V- Mr. S mith , Bla nchet, B . P ,ukin so n, H . Sny cl e r, B. i\J itchell , K lin ger, B. Ga rn er, \ V. Co rl , S t eele, Gentzel. T he Dand orga ni zed fo r its fo urth year in th e fall of 1929. It progr ess ed rapidl y , clu e to th e effort s of M r. S mith , anc\ furni shecl mu sic for th e foo tball g am es durin g th e fall. I t has fr equei1tly enli venec\ th e chap el p rogra m s a nd entertainm ents in the hi g h sc hoo l. Thro ugh th e efforts of a number o ( m en, new unifo rm s w ere sec ured fo r t he band thi s year . T hi s ma kes our Schoo l Band more effecti Ye a nd the pupil s a re g rat eful to th ese bu sin ess m en.
I 9 3 0 Pay e six ty -three
TOP RO\\'. left to right-Grego ry, Broderick, Kern, Springer, Clark, Borland , Aungst , Thompscn, GraYatt. )lIDDLE RO\\' -\ 路V asson, Kuhns . Linn , Freeman, Bechler, Furgeson, Kinsloe, John so n. FIRST RO\iV-Miss Strom. \ ,V ielancl, Leitzel], Hetzel , Fagan , iVIcFarland, Marquardt, \,\Too druff, i\Iyers . U nder Miss Strom's leadership, a High Sc hool Literary Club wa s organized for Juniors and Seniors receiving a grade of A or B for two consecutive six weeks' periods. The name, Lambda I ota Tau, representing the authors, Lamb, Irving, and Thackery, and also the abbreviation of Literature, was chosen after much deliberation. The officers are : Mary McFarland ........................................................ ............ President Helene I-Ietzel ........ .............. .. ........................ ......... .... . Vice-Pr esident Anne Fagan ..... ...................... ... ........ ........................ ............. Secretary Harry Leitzel! .... ........ ................................... ..... ................ ... Treasurer
1930 Page sixty-four
Tl-IE PIPER STATE COLLEGE HIGH Published Monthly by The Students of the State College (Pa.) High School
ED I TO RI AL STAFF E ditor ____ ____ _·-·-- ·-····--·----······· ··-··----- ·--·-·- -·--· -·--- ··----··--· ···-- -··------- ·-- - ___ __ __ __ Charles lV[yers · Literary E dito r ---- -----------······ ··· ··· ·····-·- -·-- ·· --- ------- -- -- -· --- --·- ·--·-····-···- ·-·-----1-I arry Le it zel! L it erary Ass istan t ·---···----·--· ·-· ·-·-----·---·-- ··-·· ·-·-·--------·.-··-: _____ ___ __ __ ____ _l\far y Mc Fa r Ia n cl News E ditor ------· ·--- ----·---··--------···-----···--·-· -··- ·----·--·-· ·-··-·------·· --· ·-·--- --- Betty T hom pson Assista nt New s Ed i tor ·---·-- --------·-··----- --·---------· -·---------··-·· -' --------···--- --·H elen e He tzel F ea tu res and Hum or -------··---·-------- -·--· ··- ·-·--- ------ ---- ·-· ------- -·----· -·---------- -- N el Iie Gr ava tt F ea tmes and Hum 01~ Ass' ts ·-------·-··-·--·-···-·---------Betty Clark, J-:Te rbert Ma nnin g Excha nge ·---··· -·-------·- ·--·---····-- -·-· ----·--·· --- ---- -· ···--A nn e B roderi ck, Ma rga ret Bo rl a nd A th Ieti cs __ __ -- -- -----------··-·- ·-- -·--···---··-··--··--· -----·····- ·--- -- -------·--··--- ---·-------E rnest Ka ti Ifuss T ypi sts --- --- -- --·- ··--·-·- --····- ···--···----- --- ----- -----····---- ---·-----Leno re Pe t ers, Jam es O'B rya n l' acu l ty A d viser ______ __ ____ ·-·-----·-··--·--· -·-· ·· --·- -·--· ··--------· ---- --·-·-· -·----·----- -----·--M iss S tro m BUS I NESS ST AFF B usin ess Manager -·-· ···----· --·---------· ___ _--------- -----····--··-- -·---··-- ---- -----\T irg in ia S prin ge r Circu la ti o n :Man age r ··-··- ·-···--···-··· ----·-·- ·--------- -- - --· ···------····----··-··-------- --· Rh ett }-Iarri s Ci r cul a ti o n Assista nt --·····--·-·-········--·· ·:__ _____ _, ___ _________ __ ___ ______ _______________ __ a.Philip G rant Ad verti sing Ass t. -· ···· ·----········------ ·-·-····-·-·-·--·- ··---··--·····-·-----·····- ·-···-·- ··--··-- --B ill F isher Fac ulty Ad viser ----···-··· -···· --····----- --·-·----- -··--- -·----- ·- ·---·-····-···-·····- ·--------'·-·l\fr. "\1\T i 11 ia m s AD S OLI CIT ORS E ll en D ay ey, Ruth E \-e rett Helen Miller, A lice P arkin so n R E PORT ERS Carl Bec hd el, V irg inia McDmYell i'vJa rga r et K ins loe, E lea no r F urgeson OTHER CO N TR IBUTORS Dill Everhar t, J ea n VVoo clruff, Ma ry F reem an
I 9 3 0 Pag e sixty-five " ·
MAROON AND GRAY STAFF Edi tor -------------- ------------------ ---- ----- --------------- ---- ------------------ -- -- --- ---------Harry Leitzel I, Jr. Associate Edi tor ------------- ~---------------------------------------·- -- ----- ---- ------- --- -- --- ----- --Jack Govier Literary Editor ----- ----------- --- ------- --- ·------- -------------------------- --- -- ------------ ------He lene Hetzel Asst . Literary Edito r -------·- -----------------·-------- -- ------- --- ---·----·--------------Betty Thompson Asst. Literary E ditor ____ _____ _____ ___________ __ ___ __ _______ _________ ____ ___ ___ ____ ________ Donald Ca mpb ell Asst. Literary Ed itor _______ ___ ____ ________________ -___ ______________ ___ ___ ___ _____ __ ___ ___ j \iiary McFarland Asst. Literary Ed i tor __ ____________ ____________ ___ ___________________________ ___ _______________ Char !es l\!I yers Art Edi tor --- ------------------ ----- --- --- -------------- ------- -------------- ·---- -- ---- ----- -------- -- -Nellie Gravatt Art Eel i tor ___ _____________________ ------------ ___ ___ ___ __:__ ______ ___ _______ ____ __ ________ __ ___ ___ B Ian ch e \t,.Tieland Hu mor Edi tor -- ---------------- ------ --·-----------------'- -- --- ---------- --- ---- ---- ---- -- ---------- ----1 ack Sauers B usiness :Manager -------------·--------------------- -- -- --··--------------- --- -- -- --- ------Virgin ia Springer Asst. Business Manager ____ _________ ___ _____ _____ ____ _______ ___ ___ ____ ____ _______________ Ernest Ka ulfu ss Circulation :M anager ---- ---- -- ----- ------------- -- --- -------- --- --- --- ----- -·---- ------ --- -- --------Lyn n G Jenn Asst. Circul ation :Manager ,--- ----------- ---------------- --- -- ---- ------····------ --- -- -----I-I ug h Iviark le Advertising Manager -------- -- --- --------------- -- ----------- · --------- --- -- ---- --- -------------- --- --1 ohn N oil Ass t. Advertising Manager ___________ ___ ______ ___ ____ ___________ ___ _____ ___ _________ __ __ Rachel Parso ns Ass t. Ad verti sing lVIanager ----- -------- --------- -- ----- --- -------- ______ ________ __________ Peggy A ungst
I 9 3 0
-路 路 -:_:,
I 9 3 0 Page sixty-seven
MAROON AND GRAY !.11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111 11111111111111111111 11 11111111111 1 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Electrograved Visiting Cards
50-$1.35 100-$2.00
Graduation Gifts Wells-"Outline of History" formerly $5.00 now $1.00
All Student Supplies
_1930 Page sixty,e-ight
MAROON AND GRAY 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111\
Dress Specialty
Freig路ht Motor Carriei
823 West Beaver Avenue STATE COLLEGE, PA.
124 East College Ave.
State College to Altoona Daily
Phone 152-J
Phone Calls State College 202-W Tyrone 252 Altoona Dial 2-1980
Our Motto-"Ser~ice"
Beautiful House Dresses
Ship by Motor Tell Us Your Wants We Do the Shopping
Hosiery and Smocks
Extra Trips Upon Call
Munsingwear Underwear -
. 1111111111111i 1 111111111111111111 111111111111 1111111111 1111 11111111 1111111111111 1111 1111
11 111 11111, 1111111111111111111111 111111111 11111111111111 1 1111111111111111111111111 111111
There was a flapper from Peru 'vVith a feller who worked at the Zoo, One night it was dark, They stayed at the park, And the monkeys necked her, too.
Jack S.-Give me four pork sandwiches to take out. At Din er-Dress up four grunts to go walking.
,i\T est
Co llege Ave.
Ruth E.-Do you carry a sleeping bag wh_en you go hiking ? J ea n 'N .-No, just a knap sack. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
I 9 3 0 Pcige sixty-1l'ine
MAROON AND GRAY 1111 1 1111111 111111 11111111 1111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 11111
11111 1 1111111111111111111111111111111 1 11111111111111111111111111· 111111111111111111111
Stark Bros. & Harper
For Clean Billiards 10 Tables
Cathaum T heatre Building
An establishment catering to young men and men who wish to stay young
Hats Cleaned and Blocked
2nd Floor
In The University Manner
Opposite Pos t Office
r·1111,,,.,1,11,,11,,,1111,11111111,11,,,,11,11,,, ... 11,,,1,11, ....... , •• ,11 ,11111111,~
How True Fishes do not perspire. \,\! orms hav e no expression whatever. · Yo u can' t take a bath with a sponge cake . A nd you can ' t bounce a s nowba ll. · Ne ith er can yo u dri ve a nail with a sponge no m atter how yo u so ak it.
A Good Place To Eat
Ivir. Cropp- \ V hat kind s of farmin g are there ?· C. Myers-Ex tensive, and pretensiYe.
intensiv e,
Al len Street
Just Ask The Town Folks -
"Can you trust your wife alone?" "Yes, a lon e."
,-11,11111111111111111111111111 1111111 1 111111111111111111111111 11 1111111 11 1111111111111, f
I 9 3 0 Page seventy
D u Pont T ontine \i\ e
S hades
Cut-Rate Store
Por ch S ha des a nd A wni ngs Powe Trellises Lin o leum
Age nt fo r
Helena Rubenstein Elizabeth Arden Patent Medicines Toilet Articles Cigarettes
R oofin g
P aints
The New Frigidaire with Cold Control and Hydrator
O n Easy Paym ent P lan
l(eefer Hardware P hon e 333
Co rn er of A ll en an d Beaver
i~11111111111111111111111111111111 1 11111111111111111111111111111 1 1111 1 11111111111111111
A ll en Street
111111111111111111111111111111 1 1!1111111111111111111111111111111111 n 11111111111111111 ~11111 1 111111111 1 1111111111111111111111111111,1111111111111111111111 ~ 1111 11 11 1 1 11 1 1 1, 1 1~
Ja ck G.-A train just passed . Dry Goods
Geo rg e iVI.- How do you know ? J ac k track s.
G. -'N hy ,
ar e
Not ions
th e
Onyx and Belding Hosiery Gloves Silk Underwear " H ow mu ch gas have w e, H elene?" " E gad , Be tty, it points t o on ehalf, but wh ether th e thing m ean s half full or ha lf em pty, I do n' t know ."
Ne llie- W ill you call m e a tax i, pl ease. Herb-A ll ri g ht. Yo u' re a t axi.
EGOLF'S Eas t Co lleg e Ave nu e
â&#x20AC;˘111111111111111 1 1 111 11 1 1 11 1 1 111111111111 11 1111 11 11 ; 11111111111111111111111111111111111,i
I 9 3 0 Page seventy-one
MAROON AND GRAY 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~
Harvey Blue Ribbon Ice Cream
='1111111111,111111111111111,111111111111111111111 .. 11,11,1111,1,,1111111111111111111111r
CANDIES 70c lb.
Dessert is never more welcome than when it consists of Blue Rib- · bon Ice Cream, smooth, pm;e, cold, and delicious in flavor. Sold in brick, bulk, or fancy forms. A combination of 6-8 flavors on hand at all tim es.
"O ld Fas hi oned Hom e :M ade" Agency by Appo int ment
CalJ 211 for any amoµnt and it wilJ be delivered to your door.,
A lso punch for your dance
Robert J. Miller
Harvy Brothers 220 East College Avenue
, 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ; 111:1111111111111111,
1......................................................................................, Hear th e artists as they wish you to h ea r th em over the
11111111111111 1 111111 111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111 11111111,
Sanely S.-I'cl like to see som e of yo ur new ca rs. S alesm a n-Six or eight ? S anely-O h, one will do very i1icely, for the pre~ent.
Lady-Are you a doctor ? Bill F. (be hind soda fountain)N o, madam , I'm a fizzican.
W. R. Gentzel
·=· Home of Better B uilt
"\i\Th o the deuce do you think you are?" "I'm just a littl e dandruff try ing to get ahead."
F urniture
1111111111111111111111111 11 111111,11111111111111111 1 111111111111111111111111111111111111
I 9 3 0 Pa.y e seventy-two
MAROON AND GRAY ;;;;;;-~~~,aaa~~ ~11111 1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~1
Have It Made To Measure-It Pays
Values fro111 $25.00 to $60.00
Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Neatly Done 1i111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111;
A gentleman was walking clown th e street with a littl e boy at his sid e when th e boy ~;路 iecl out , "Oh pa! there goes an editor ."
The Children's Shop
"H us h, hu s h," sa id the father. "Don' t make s port of the poo r man . Goel only kno \\路 s what you may come to yo urse lf, so meday."
Chi ck-The girls wear desk hos iery.
The Store that is devoted exclusively to Children's needs
Cow- \ \!hat-clya m ea n, des k hosiery? 1
- .. ,,, 11111 1 111111111111111,11111,,11111111111111111111 1 11111111111111!11111111111111111,i'
1930 Pag e seventy-th ree
TOPCOATS For the High School Boys Suits with Long Trousers and Knickers $24.50 to $29.50 Topcoats $20.00 to $25.00
WHITEY JVIUSSER Meet Your Friends at Whitey's
"Mo th er," a sked li ttle J ack, " is it correct t o say that you 'wat er a hor se' w hen he is thirsty?" ''Yes. cl ear," repli ed hi s mot her. " \ i\Te ll , th en," sa id Jack, pickin g up a sa ucer, " I ' m goin g to milk t he ca t ."
Good Eats Freshly and Correctly Served
S he- Do n' t yo u eve r spea k of love? Cha rl es :rvI.-Yes, love ly weath er we' re hav ing, is n' t it ?
Jack-Co uld yo u lea rn t o lov e me? Be tty-\ Ve ll , I learn ed t o jump ro pe.
i , 11 11111111111111111111 1 1111111 11 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 11111111~
Pctge sev enty-/ our
l 930
MAROON ANO GRAY 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 11111111111111
Miss Louise A. Lambert
Frank Sciortino &
Ladies Exclusive Beauty Parlor
Skin and Hair Treated Professionally Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Foreign and Domestic Fruits and Produce Italian Olive Oil All Kinds of Macaroni
Shampooing Marcel 'Naving Permanent \11/ aving j
, l
Second Floor, Leitzell Bldg.
College A venue Entrance
Phone 210
Phone 240-J
105 East Beaver Ave.
j 1111 111 111111111111111111 11111 111111111111111111111111111 f 111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111J
Buel-Say, Jack, did it give you a heaclache when you learned to ride horseback? Jack S .-No. Just the opposite.
"Oh, please help me find my husband. I've lost him in the crowd." "How will I knovv him ?" "He has a mermaid tattooed on his stomach."
Hoy Brothers CLOTHIERS
Miss Strom-An anonymous person is one who does not wish to be known-who's that laughing 111 class? Nellie G.-An anonymous person, teacher. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111117
Page seventy-five
/ MAROON AND GRAY 1111111111 1 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 1111111111 1 1111 111 1111 11 1111111111 11 111 1111 11 u 1 11 1111111 11 1111 1 111 11 111111111111111111111 11 11111111111 11 111111111 11 1111111111~
CHICKEN AND WAFFLES Wednesday and Sunday Evenings
Real Home Cooked Meals
FENWAY TEA ROOM East Coll ege Ave.
Across fr om F ro nt Campu s
11111111111111111111111111111 1 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 11111 1 111111 11 1111 11 111111111 1 11111111111 1111 1 111 111 11 1111111 1 1111 1 11 11 11 1 11111111 1 1111111111111111111111111i ~1111111111111111111111 1 11111111 1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 111 1 111~1
Guid e- T hat is a skyscra pe r.
Clothes and Accessories
i\[ ary Corl-O h, m y! I 'd love t o see it w or k.
That Are Different at He len- I' m pos iti ve th at was a hum a n bein g w e ra n ov er. \ i\Tebs ter ( in thi ck fog)-Goo d . T hen w e' r e still on th e road all ri g ht.
N ow a days-t he onl y midni g ht o il a young m an w ill burn is gaso lin e.
Quality Shop -
"Three m or e in st a llm ents," s a id t he hero of the seri a l story, " and th e g irl is min e."
i ,, 1 ,,1111111111111111111111111 1 1 1 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 111111111111 11
Page seventy-six
.. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ..
1.1 111111111111111111111111111 11 1111 1 111111111111111111111 11 1111 1 1111 11 1111111111111 11 11!1
:- ~ ~
Edison Radios
Rea & Derrick Inc.
"The Store of Service"
General Electric P ark er P ens and Des k Se t s
R are P erfum es Q uali ty Sta t io nery Doro th y Gray T o il etri es \ Vhi tman Ca ndi es V isit our Fo unta in
Electric Supply Co.
The Home
of P eo pl es B ank B uilding
Home Made Ice Cream
! f111111111111111111111111111111111 1 1 11 1111111111111111111111 111 1 1 11111111111 11 11111111~1
, ,1 1 1 1111111111111111 1 11111111 1 11 1 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i
'l'''''' " '"" '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"'''''''''"'''"''''''"''''"'''''''l
H e- rviay I hold your Palm oli ve ? S he-Not on your L ife B uoy. H e- Then I ' m out of L ux . S he-Yes, I vo ry fo rm ed.
Frost and Doty All kinds of
J ucl ge-Yo u
ar e acc use d of st eal in g a chi cken . A nything t o say? R obert- I t ook it fo r a lark. "No rese mbl a nce w hatever. Ten cl ays." Real Esta te Bill F.-\ i\That kind of fl owers a r e they? M iss M ulkin- P oppi es . Bill- I , m ean th e na me, not th e sex.
P reston Fros t
Notary P ubli c John R. D o ty
. = ,;,, , 11111 1 111111 1 111111111111 1 11111 1 111111 11 111111 1 11111111 1 111111 11 1111111111111111111~
1930 Page seventy- seven
PH O NE 272-R
Ruswin Builders Hardware Rogers Lacquer
Acme Quality Paints
Red Steer Brand Fertilizer
Lawn and Garden Seeds
Lawn Mowers
Atlantic Gas and Oil
U. S. Tires and Tubes -
1~111111111 1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 1111111 11 111111111111111 1 111111111111111 11 11111111 1 111; 11111111111111111111111111111111 11 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 11111 1
~ E rn es t -\ i\Tha t becom es of yo ur lap wh en yo u s ta nd up ? Ro bert- I t pops up in ba ck nnd er a n ass um ed nam e.
Simpl y P hone 264
The Hiland Shop Dry Cleaning Repairing Pressing
:Mill er-Go yo ur fas t est, m y m a n! I am in a des perate ru sh . T axi D ri ve r (a fter sp eedin g a long fo r thir ty minu tes) - S ay, you fo rg ot t o t ell m e w her e we are go in g !
Complete Laundry Service
We Clean and Block Hats
We call fo路r and deliver ~ I 111 11 111 11 1111111I1111111111 1 1 ll II I I I
I 111 I 111111111IIII1111111 1 111 11 1111111111111 I 11
ii :
Lady Gl oww orm- I n ever w a nt to se e you again . Mal e Glowworm-A 1 1 r i g h t , dea rie . You gl ow your way a1id I'll gl o,v min e.
1930 Page seven ty- eight
•.. , .. ,.,,,11,,,, ..•.. , ..•..•.. , ..•..•. , ........... ,.11,,, ...... , .. , .. , .. , •. 1,,, ..•..
r···~···············,·······,., .... ,.......... ,. ,.................. ,11,,, 11 ,,,,,,,,,.11,,,~
The Home of
Nerhood's Garage
All Government In s pected
Sales ·and Service
Fishburn Meat Market
\ i\Test Co llege Ave.
Phone 357
Phone 405
Some kiss hot, Some kiss co ld , So me don't kis s U ntil they're told . Some kiss fa st, Some ki ss slow; Those that don't kiss I don 't kn ow.
Watch and Jewelry Repairing
Bee-I heard som e one yell 'fowl'; where are th e feather s? . Jack- Oh, thi s gam e is between two picked t eams.
Hann & O'Neal JEWELERS Oppos ite Front Campus
" lVIy, how fast your hea rt is beat!11g. It sound s like a drum." "Yes, that' s th e ca ll to arn1 s ."
, i1111111111111111111111, , ,111 11 111111111111111111,,1,1111111111111111111111i,1111111<11,=
I 9 3 0 Pag e seventy-nine
MAROON AND GRAY 1111111111111111111 11 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 1111111111 1111 111111 1 11111111111 1 111111111111••! 1 111111111111111111 11 11~·
HIGHLAND GROCERY "The Stores That Deliver The Goods" O ur Combined purchas ing power enab les ns to give yon delivery service and credit term s at consistent ly low prices. T hese stores are owned and operated by your ow n fellow townsmen , w ho give th eir service for the up-buildin g of a better comm unity . Keep your money ,vorking right here at home.
Watch Our Weekly Specials Prices
Full Weights
l'''"'''''''''''''""'""''"'''''""''''""'''''''''"''''''"'''''''"'"''''''l ~
Grahan1 & Sons
The Old Reliable
S ue- HaYe yo u read m y new play ) Anne-Yes , but there are o nly two sheets to it. Sue- That's all it needs- it's a bedroom farce.
Esta bli shed 1896 Louise- 'v\That book ha s influenced yo u mos t ? :Margaret-Fat her's check book.
We Appreciate Your "That will be enoug h out of you,' ' said the doctor as h e stitched up the patient.
Business And Invite Criticism At All Times
Said \ i\Te b after finishing numb er on sax; " \ \That was that we just played ?"
1930 Pcige eig hty
MAROON AND GRAY 11111111111111111 1 11111111111111 1 11111111111111111 1 111111111111111 11 111111 11 1111 1 1111 1
~11111111111111111111 1 111111 11 11111111111111111 11 1111111111111111111 1 11111 1 11111111 1 11 1i
Other Floral Accessories
All Wool Suits Made To Measure
State College
:Money's wo rth a nd t hen some
Floral Shoppe
A llen S tr eet -
\1111 1 1111111111 11 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 111111111111111111111111
?,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 111
l'' ''' '''' '' '''''"''''''''''' '''''"''''"''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"''''' '''''' ''i
Cha rles- V.,T oncler w her e I g ot t hose cl og ha irs o n my coat ? Rhett-P uppy love, perhaps . .
Ice and Cold Storage
" I'v e a t err ibl e wa rnm g of approaching death ." " N o, re all y?" " Y es, .I b roke m y lifetim e fountain pen."
Anthracite and Bituminous Coal
" H elp your w ife ." says a dom es tic exp ert. "\~Then s he n1ops up th e fl oor, mop up th e fl oo r w ith her. "
Lloy d-Yo u never t elI m e anythin g . Yo ur life is a closed b ook t o me. Pe arl e-vVe lI, you'r e no loose leaf ledger.
Hillside Ice Co.
Fire-place Wood P hone 136-J r :;
North Patterson St reet
1i1 11111 111 11111 1 1111111111 11 1111 1 1111111 11 1111111111111111111111111111111111,,1,,,,,.,.;
1930 Pcige eig hty-one
MAROON AND GRAY ~111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 '1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 1111111111111111111111111!.1
Anthracite and Bitu111inous Coal Quality and Service rl
-, Phone 114-M
,i,,,,,,,,,,,11,,,,,,1,11,,,,11,,,,11,,,11,,,,11,,,,,11,,,,,,,1,,,,11,,,,,,, .. ,11,11,,1,,,,,,,,,11,,,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11,,,,,,,11,,11, ,,,11 ,,,,,,,111111,,,,,,11,,,, ,1,,,,, ,,,11T 1111111111111111 111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111 1111111111111111
Temperance Lecturer-- !ÂŁ I lead a donkey up to a pail of water a nd a pail of beer, which wi ll he choose to drink ? Voice-The water. Lecturer-And why? Voice-Because he is an ass.
ALL OCCASIONS Judge-Have you appeared as a witness in a suit before ? R oy-Yes. Judge-\ iV ha t s uit was it? Roy-My blue serge.
The Electric Bakerv., STATE COLLEGE, PA.
Funny people. \Ale fear planes because of wrecks and keep right on try ing matrimony.
i,111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 1111111111 111 1111111111111111111 111111 1 1111 11
1930 Page eighty-two
lllllllllllllllllllll l lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
HOY DRUG COMP~ANY The N yal Service Drug Store Allen Street
The Chocolate Milk Specialists
,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 11
Guy-'Nhat have shape of auto tires ?
Reliable Quality
vVadclle Storekeeper- vVe've got fun eral wreath s, invalid cushions, and life preservers.
Footwear vVhen you want Sty 1ish. Good \i\Tearing
Ex-hobo says college graduates should start at the bottom and wake up.
S hoes at a moderate price
Visit the
College Boot Shop M im-There's Gladys. I unders tand she bought that dress on installments. Ne llie G.-I guess that's the fir st in stallm ent s he has on.
125 A llen St. - . , 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 l
1930 Page e路i ghty-th'i 路ee
f. . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , "Photographs Live Forever"
Official Photographers for
The Maroon and Gray
1930 Paye eighty-four
-; I
., ,,
I Pnidin.g짜