1940 Yearbook

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Message froni Senior President The senior class wishes to express its sincere gratitude to the faculty members of the State College High School for preparing each individual to take his place in the world. The imprint he makes in society will reflect back to the faculty members who put forth their best efforts for the betterment of the class of 1940. HAROLD PoRTER,

President of the senior class


Because of his good nature and cheerful disposition, his sense of humor and good sportsmanship, his eager assistance and untiring patience, the class of 1940 dedicates its annual, the MAROON AND GRAY,

to Charles W. Stoddart,



FIRST ROW-Jean Hoy, Paul Heberling, Kenneth White, Janet Graham, Gilbert Olewine, Jean Stover, Robert Daugherty, Miss Geuther. SECOND ROW- Robert Kapp, Betty Long, Paul Bender, Betty Fletcher, Helen Meyer, Robert Burge, Jananne Morse, James Harter.

EDITORIAL STAFF Editor -------------------------------------------·---------------------------·---·--------------------Kenneth White Assistant Ed itor-------------------------------"---------------------------·--------------------Janan ne Morse Literary Editor _______________________________________________________________________________Paul Heberling Assistant Literary Editors__,--------------------------------------------· Jean. Hoy, James Harter Club Edi tor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·Robert Ka pp Boys' Sports Editor ____ ____________________________________________________________________________Robert Burge Girls' Sports · Editor__ _____________________________________________________________________________Betty Long Photography and Art Editor.._ _____________________ _________________________ Robert Daugherty Faculty Ad visor _____________________________________________________________________ ----------·--- Miss Geu ther BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager ·-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Janet Graham Circulation Manager-------------------------------·---------- ---·--·------------------------ Paul Bender Publicity Manager -------------------------------------------------·------------------------------Gil Olewine Sales Manager ____ :__________________________________________ . __________ ____________________ Wayne Bechdel Assist~nt Sales Managers ·-------·- Henry Keller, Anne Carruthers, Bud Turner, Myrtle Ellis, Jane Kimick, Gretchen Mertens, Clarence Warner, Bob Scheirer, Frances Harvey, Henry Thurston. Assistant Circulation Managers -----· ---------------·-- Betty Fletcher, Robert Weiser Assistant Pu bl ici ty Manager ______________ ·--------------------------------------------------1 ean Stover Typists _______________ Louis Johnson, Christine Shutt, Virginia Ross, George Decker Faculty Advisor---------------·----------- --- ------------·-------------------------------------·Mr. Morning


FIRST ROW-Mr. Haines , Mr. Stoddart, Mr . Serif, Miss Jones, Mr. Passmore , Mr. Hays, Miss Miles, Mr. Williams, Mr. Strong, Mr. Smith, Miss Smith, Mr . Adessa. SECOND ROW- Mr. Khanlian, Miss Morrow, Miss Burns. Miss Jordan, Miss Pipper, Miss Dunkleberger, Miss Wible, Mr. Morning , Mr . Green, Mr . McAfee, Mr. Corbett, Mr. Gackenbach, M rs. Ridenour. THIRD ROW- Mr. Kemmerer, Mrs. Peacock, Miss Cairns, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Jamison, Mr. Wright, Miss Cumming, Mrs. Johnson , Miss Royer, Miss Clauss, Miss G euther, Miss Heagney.

Message from JJrincipal I am happy to write a few sentences for the faculty. We think that the activities recorded in this volume are an important phase of the life of our school. They represent activities in which boys and girls are the active participants and we, the teachers, serve as guides. We believe that when this condition exists learning has its best chance to take place, and we crave the day when the entire school program will operate on this basis. It is our belief that our publications reached a "new high" in 1939-40. Congratulations to the Class of 1940 for this achievement.

Jo HAYS, Supervising


School Board W1LLIA1vr RAY M.




-- -- ---- -------- - ------- ---- - -- - -- - - ----- --路


WATKINS __ __ __ __ __ ________________ ______ ________ _ ___________ ____ ___ _ Secretary


(non-member) __________ .---------------------- -----路Treasurer






I .. I



I said to the shopkeeper at midnight, "Give me skill and grace and wisdom, that I may be well equipped for the new day." "Sir," the shopkeeper replied, "hast thou not received all for which thou hast paid?" "I have not paid at all," said I, "but I have here a bag of shining silver coins. I will pay what you ask." "Alas, my son," said he, "such things as thou desirest cannot be purchased with silver, and they must be paid for in advance. Fill well thine hours with honest, appropriate effort, and thou wilt have no need to make a last minute purchase for the new day." I like to preach, and I believe in my preaching; but I hope you will remember me not as a preacher or a teacher, but just as a friend. May the best of life be yours. LAURA A. JoNES,

Class Sponsor





"Winning is her smile and pleasant is her way" Class basketball 2, 3: H. R. basketball 2, 3; Hockey 2, 3; Junior Plays; Senior Play; Operetta 2, 3; Chorus 1, 2; A Cappella 3, 4; P1pe_r, Advertising Manager 4; Tn-H1-Y 3, 4; Thespians 4; Dance Club 1; Dramatics Club 2; Make-up Club 3.

"Beattie" "Conquer the world by kindness" 路 Junior Plav: Senior Play; Production Staff; Tri-Hi-Y 2. 3, 4; Thespians 4.



"Actions speak louder than words"

"The greate1路 the obstac~e, t!i,!; more glory in overcoming it Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; H. R. basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Junior Plays; Semor Play: Operetta 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3; A C'.1Ppella 3; Maroon ancj Gray 4; H1-y 2, 4; Treas. 3; Thesprnns 3; V President 4; Conservation Club 3.




"Bend um"

"I'l.l try anything once"

"Oh, this learning; what a thing it is"

Football 1, 2, 3, 4: Golf 3, 4; Class basketball 2, 3; H. R . basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Junior Plays; Senior Play; Chorus 2, 3; Athletic Club 2, 3.

Soccer 3, 4; Wrestlin,g 4; Golf 4; H . R. basketball 1, 2; Chorus 2, 3; A Cappella 3; Piper 4; Maroon and Gray 4.



"Much can be said on both sides"



"This bold, bad man" Transfei" from Tyrone H. S. 3. Football 4; Student Council, President 4.



"Lively and likable" Tri-Hi-Y 4; Home Ee. Club 3,. 4: Library Club 4: Noon Hour Club 4.


"Man about town"路 Wrestling 4; Track 2, 3; Cheerle.ader 3 , 4; Class basketball 1, 2: H. R. basketball 1, 2, 3; Class track 1; Junior Plays; Chorus 1, 2, 3; Athletic Club 2, 3.


"Sa11i" "There's more here than meets the eye" H . R. basketball 1. 2: Chorus 1 路 Piper 4; Art Club; V. President Athletic Club 2.




"Worthy of trust, worthy of knowing"




"Girls we love for what they are; young men Jor what they promise to be" Football 2. 4: Baseball 3, 4; Class basketball 2, 3, 4: Band 3; Athletic Club 2, 3.





"There is no genius like the -genius of energy and industry" Basketball 4; Class basketball 1, 2, 3, 4: H. R. basketwll 1, 2. 3, 4; Junior Plays: Chorus 2. 3; Home Ee Club 3: Camera Club 2.



"I like to have a good time" Football 2, 3, 4; Golf 2, 3, 4; Class basketball 2. 3, 4: H . R. basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Junior Plays 3, Stage Crew 2, 3, 4; Senior Play, Stage Crew 3, 4; Operetta 3, Stage Crew 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4; P. S. M. A. District Orchestra 4: Maroon and Gray 4; Thespians 3, President 4; Athletic Club 2, 3.


Junior Plays: Senior Play; Tri-HiY, President 3, 4; Junior Colleen: A. A. U. W. Award 3: Sophomore Class President: Junior and Senior Class Vice President.

Wresting 1, 2, 3, 4: Track 3; Golf 2, 3, 4: Class basketball 1. 2: Class track 1, 2; Junior Plays; Senior Play; Operetta 3; Chorus 3; Contest Play 3; Piper 3, Sports Editor 4; Thespians 3, 4: Camera Club, President 4; Athletic Club 2, 3.


"Sober, steadfast, .demure" Dance Club 1.


"For he's a jolly good fellow" Wrestling 4; Operetta 3, 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4.




"I've taken my fun where I've found it" Football 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 3; Baseball 3: Class basketball 1, 2, 3 : H. R. basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball 3.




"The leciders we choose are the ones who have proved the-ir faithfulness in service" Football 1, 2, 3, Co-captain 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, Captain 4; Track 2, 3; Class track 2; Volleyball 2; Operetta 2: Chorus 2, 3: Athletic Club 1. 2, 3; Sophomore Class Treasurer.





"We win who work hard" H . R. basketball 1, 2, 3; Junior Plays; Orchestra 3, 4: Hi-Y 2, 3, 4: Thespians 4; c~mera Club 4; Conservation Club 1. 2, 3.


"He conquers best who first conquers himself"




"The wind and the waves are on the side of the ablest navigators"





"I could have done better, but I was overworked" Transfer fr0111 Massanutten M.A. 4




"Less matter with 1nore art" H. R. basketball 2, 3; Piper 4; TriHi-Y 2, 3_, 4; Make-up Club 3; Art Club 1: Dramatics Club 2 .





"The true work of art is but a shadow of devine perfection"

"He's one of our best in sport and game, but on this rests not an his fame"

Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Golf 3: H. R. basketball 1, 2, 3; Operetta 3; Chorus 3: A Cappella 3, 4; Piper, Art Editor 3. 4; Maroon and Gray, Photo Editor 4; Hi-Y 3, 4: Conservation Club 2, 3: Photography Club 4; Nat . Scholastic Art Contesf, Honorable Mention 3.

Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; Junior Plays; Senior Play; Band 1; Student Council 3, President 4; Hi-Y 3, 4; Thespians 4; Conservation Club 2, 4, President 3.





"Conduct is the mouthpiece of character"

"A handsome woman is a jewel; a good woman is a treasure"

Transfer from Grand Valley H. S., Ontario, Canada 4; Tri-Hi-Y 4; Contest Play 4.

H. R. basketball 2; Volleyball 2; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; Dance Club 2.



"True valor meets an events alike" Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Class bask.etball 1, 2; H. R. basketball 1, 2; Chorus 2: Maroon and Gray 4; Athletic Club 2, 3.





"For work done right is work done weH" Junior Plays; Senior Play; Operetta 3, 4.; Thespians 4; Make-up Club 3.




"Helen ..'

"A true-born artist" H. R. basketball 1, 2, 3; Class hockey 4; Junior Plays; Piper, Art Editor 4: Thespians 4; Art Club 1: Penna. Poster Contest, Honorable Mention 2.



"Modesty is the citadel of bea1tty and virtue" Chorus 2, 3; Home Ee. Club 2, 3.



"Or dark or fair or short or taU she sets a trap to catch therr{, an" Dance Club 1.


"Junie. '

"The Modern Miss" H. R. 路basketball 2; Maroon and Gray 4; Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3, 4; Make-up Club 3.


"Genera.Uy speaking, weH, I'm generany speaking" Basketball 4: Class basketball 4: H. R. basketball 2, 3, 4; Operetta 2, 3: Chorus 3; Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3, 4: Makeup Club 3; Octette 4.



"Much wisdom often g6es wtth the fewest words"




"Needs none to defend he.r " Basketball 2, 3, 4; Class basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; H. R. basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Hockey 2, 3; Junior Plays; Senior Play; Operetta 4; Chorus 1, 2; Maroon and Gray 4; Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3 4; Thespians 3, 4; Dance Club 1; Makeup Club 3; G . A. C. 3, 4.

"Designed to wear weU" Wrestling 2, 3; Class basketball 2; H. R. basketball 2, 3; Chorus 3; Conservation Club 3.




"She's indeed a friend worth having"

"Who does not love wine, wom~ en and song, remains a fool his whole life long" Band 1. 2, 3, 4; Student Council 1, 2, .3; Thespians 2, 3, 4; Senior Class Treasurer.

Basketball 4.






"The uncertain glory of an ApriL day" . H. R. basketball 2; Junior Plays; Operetta 2, 3; Chorus 3; Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3, 4; Octette 4; Make-up Club 2; Dance Club 1; Art Club; G. A. C. 3.


"Good humor is one of the best articles of dress one can wear in society" Basketball 2, 4, Assist. Man;iger 3; Cheerleader 1, 2, 3, Head Cheerleader 4; Class basketball 路l, 2, 3, 4; H . R. basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Hockey 2; Junior Plays; Senior play; Operetta 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3; A Cappella 3, 4; Octette 3, 4; Piper 3, 4; Maroon and Gray, Business Manager 4; Tri-Hiy 4, Treas. 2, V. President 3; Art Club 1. 2; Make-up Club 3; G. A. C. 4. Treas. 2, V. President 3; Poster Contest l;_A. A. U. W. Award 3.



"A dash of Hfe, and a bit of fun, Makes her Hked by everyone"

"Handsome does"


H . R. basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Hockey 2; Chorus 1, 2, 3; Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3, 4; Make-up Club 3:

Football 2路 Wrestling 2; Class basketball 2, 3; Volleyball 2; Operetta 4; Chorus 2, 3, 4; Athletic Club .




"True merit, Hke a river, the deeper it flows, the less noise it makes"






"/oh nny" "It's a wise head that maketh a still tongue"' Wrestling 3, 4; Science Club 2; Aviation Club 3; Noon Hour Club

Home Ee Club 1, 2.

3, 4.



"A woman's heart, Hke the moon, is always changing, but there is always a man in it" Transfer from Williamsport H.S. 4.



"We sometimes meet an original gentleman, who, if manners had not existed, would have invented them" Transfer from Kearney H. S., Kearney, N. J. 3; Junior Plays; Senior Play; Contest Play 3, 4; Orchestra 3, 4; Band 3, 4; P . S. M. A. District Orchestra 3, 4; P. S. M. A. All-State Orchestra 3; P. S . M. A. District Band 4; Hi-Y 4.



"A quiet dignity possessed her" H . R. basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Hockey 2, 3, 4; Junior Plays; Operetta 2; Tri -Hi-Y 2, 3, 4; Make-up Club 3.


"Like all true sports, you hear little about him-from himself" Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Golf 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1: Athletic Club 2, 3.


"High aims form high characters, and great objects bring out great minds" Football 2. 3; Track 1: Baseball 4; Class basketball 1, 2, 3; H. R. basketball 1. 2, 3, 4; Class track 1, 4; Junior Plays 3, Production Staff 4; Senior Play ; Operetta 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4; P. S . M. A. District Orchestra 4: String Quartet 4; Piper 2, S1)orts Editor 3, Junior Editor 3, Co-Editor 4: Maroon and Gray, 'Literary Editor 4; Student Council 1. 2; Hi-Y 2, President 3, 4; National Forens ic League 2. 3, 4; Thespians 4; Camera Club 1; Junior Music Club 3; Conservation Club 2, Sec'y 3; A. A . U . W. Award 3; Winner, Extem ooraneous Sneaking Contest 3; Dis trict Forensic Contest 4; Contest Play 4 ; State Forensic Contest 4.


"H ennie" "That Southern personality" Transfer from Needhan Broughten H. S., Raleigh N . C. 2. Hockey 3; Junior Pla:vs; Operetta 3; Piper 3: TriHi -Y 2, 3, 4; Thespians 4: Make-up Club 3.





"Always merry, never glum; makes a bright and cherry chum" Basketball 2, 3, 4; Class basketball 2, 3, 4; H . R. basketball 2, 3, 4; Class Hockey 2, 3; Volleyball 3; Operetta 3; Chorus 2, 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3, 4: Make-up Club 2.

"J eanner''


"What would I do with size when I do so well without?" Cheerleader 1, 2, 3, Head Cheerleader 4; H . R. basketball 1, 2, 3; Hockey 2; Junior Plays; Operetta 1, 2, 3, 4; Senior Play; Chorus 1, 2, 3, President 4; A Cappella 2, 4 Sec'y 3; Octette 3, 4; Maroon and Gray, Assist. Literary Editor 4; Student Council 3; Tri - Hi-Y 2, 3, 4; Thesnians 4: Make-up Club 3; Art Club 1. 2. 3; Dance Club, President 1; G. A . C. 2: Winner. Poster Contest 1.



"When the brisk minor pants for twenty-one" H. R. basketball 1, 2, 3; Operetta 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 2, 3, 4; HiY 3. 4: Thespians 4.



"Gentle of speech and beneficient of mind" Band 3: Orchestra 3, 4; Dramatics Club 2.






"The mildest manner and the gentlest heart" H . R. basketba ll 2; Volleyball 3; Orchestra 2, 3; Make-up Club 3; Dance Club 2.

ELwooo HoMAN


"A good man possesses a kingdom" Radio Club 2; Aviation Club 3.



"Born in the country, bred on the farm; A little more study wouldn't do any harm" Band 3, 4; Science Club 2路 P. S . M. A . District Band 4.




"Dick" "y;ou can see further into a millstone than into him" Football 4; Sc ience Club 2.


. " L EATRICE JOHNSON "L eatrtce "A maid of quiet ways" Transfer from Tyrone H. S. 2; TriHi-Y 3. 4; Dance Club 2; Shuffleboard tournament 2.



"It's good to live and learn" Football 2, 3, 4; H . R. basketball 3.




"P hit"

"Oh, shame! Where is thy blush?" Chorus 1. 2, 3; Camera Club 4.



"All great men are dead, and I'm not feeling well" Soccer 2, 3, 4; H. R. basketball 2, 3; Junior Plays 3, Stage Crew 2, 3; Senior Play, Stae:e Crew 3, 4; Operetta. Stage Crew 2, 3; Band 1, 2, 3, 4: Chorus 3: Maroon and Gray, Club Editor 4: Student Council 3; Hi-Y 2, 3, 4; Thesp ians 3, 4.



"The cheerful man is a king" Soccer 3, 4: Golf 4; Class basketball 1, 2, 3; H. R. basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.




"May his heart never be as hard as his muscles" 路 Football 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4: Tennis 3: Volleyball 2; Junior Plays.



"Peace is rarely denied to the peaceful" Tri-Hi-Y 4.



"As you desire me" Basketball 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader 1: Class basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; H. R. basketball 1, 2, 3; Junior Plays; Senior Play; Operetta 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2; A Cappella 3, 4; Octette 4; Maroon and Gray 4; Tri-Hi-Y 2, Sec'y 3, V. President 4; Dramatics Club 1; Art Club 2; G. A . C. President 4; American Legion Aux. Poster Award 2.





"I'm a little f!UY, but I stcmd on 1ny record"

"I loved them all; I couldn't help it"

Soccer. Manager 3, 4 ; Wrestling 2, 3; Golf 3. 4; Class basketball 1, 2. 3, 4; H. R. basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Junior Plays; Senior Play; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Hi-Y 2, Sec'y 3, Treas. 4; Thespians 4.

Class basketball 1, 2, 3. 4; H. R. basketball 1, 2, 3; Hockey 2; Junior Plays 3, Stage Crew 2, 3 , 4; Operetta 2. 3: Band. Drum Major 2, 3, 4; Piper 4; Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3, 4; Thespians 4; G. A . . C. 1, 2, 3, 4; Make -up Club .


"S par ky,.

"Even virtue is more fair when it appecirs in a beautiful person" H. R. basketball 2: Junior Plays; Operetta 2: Chorus 3: Piper 4; Student Council 2; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; Thespians 4: Make-up Club 2; Dramatics Club 3.




"How could I study with love affairs on my brain?" Class basketball 1, 2; H. R. basket~ ball 1. 2. 3; Hockey 2; Junior Plays; Operetta 2, 3; Chorus 1, 2, 3; A Capoella 3, 4; Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3, 4; Thespians 4.


"Evie'' "Her voice was soft, gentle, and low, an excellent thing in woman" Hockey 3: Operetta 4: Chorus 2. 3, 4 ; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; Knitting Club 1.

"Fortune is on the side of the good-hearted" Operetta 4; Chorus 1, 3, 4; A Capoella 4: Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; Home Ee Club 1, 2.




"Bewcire the fury of the patient man"



"Quiet, sincere, and very much in earnest" Transfer from Bellefonte H. S. 3; Class basketball 4: H. R. basketball 4; Hockey 3, 4; Chorus 4; Tri-Hi -Y 3, 4; Make-up Club 3.






"My only books are women's looks" Soccer 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 4; H . R. basketball 1. 2; Class wrestling 2: Junior Plays; Senior Play; Operetta 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; A _Cappella 1, 2, 3, 4; Hi-Y 3, 4; Thespians 4 ; Conservation Club 2, 3, 4; P. S. M.A. District Chorus 4.



"Say it with music" Junior Plays; Senior Play; Operetta 3, 4 ; Chorus 3, 4; Maroon and Grav. Assist . Editor 4; Student Council. Treas. 2: Thespians 4; P. T. A. Award 2; A. A. U. W . Award 3; A Cappella 3, Sec'y 4.


"S unkist"



"It's great to be alive" Football 1, 2, 4; Golf 3, 4; Class basketball 1, 2, 3; H . R. basketball 2, 3: Chorus 1, 2; Hi -Y 2, 3, 4.



"Fume is what you've taken Character's what you give" Transfer 路 from Grossmont H. S., San Diego, Calif. 4; Football 4; Class basketball 4: H. R. basketball 4: Senior Play; Operetta 4; Hi-Y 4.



"Be gone, dull care! You cmd I shall never agree"

"She's got a virtual monopoly on pep"

Transfer from Cochran J. H . S ., Johnstown, Pa. 2. H. R. basketball 4; Junior Plays; Senior Play; Operetta 4; Trl-Hi-Y 3, 4; Thespians 4.

Basketball 4: Class basketba ll 2, 3, 4; H. R. basketball 2, 3, 4; Hockey 2, 3; Junior Plays; Dance Club 2; Ph:vs Science Club 3.



"Those move ecisiest who have learned to dance" Class basketball 1: H . R. basketball 1, 2; J u nior Plays; Senior Play ; Operetta 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3; A Cappella 3, 4; Octette 3, 4; Maroon and Grav 4; Student Council 3; Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3, 4 ; Art Club 1, 2; MakeUP Club 3: Thespians 4.


F. MussER,


"Johnny" "Little man, what now?" Band 2. 3. 4; Aviation Club 3; Noon Hour Club 3, President 4.




"Peg" " She harmonizes" Hockey, Manager 2; Operetta 3. 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3; A Cappella 3, 4.




"Man has his will, Biit woman has her way" Class basketball 4; H. R. basketball 4; Hockey 2; Junior Pla ys, Business Manager; Chorus 1, 4; Home Ee Club 1.



"If it's fun , he's back of it"

"Knowledge is power"

Soccer 2, 3, 4; Golf 4 ; Class bas ketba ll 1. 2, 3, 4: H . R. basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Class track 2, 3; Junior Plays; Senior Play: Opere tta 2, 3; Chorus 1. 2. 3: Hi-Y 2, 3, 4; Thespians 4; Phys Science Club 2; Dramatics Club 3; Peter Piper 4.

Junior Plays; Ope retta 1, 3, 4; Orchestra 1. 2, .3, 4; P. S. M . A. Dis trict Orchestra 4; Phys Science Club 3: Knitting . Club 1; P. T . A. Award 2: A. A .. U. W . Award 3.



"The spice of life" Football 4: Socce r 3: Wrestling 3. 4: Golf 4 : Class basketball 1, 2, 3: H . R. basketba ll 1, 2, 3, 4; Senior Play, Publicity Manager; Operetta 3: Chorus 3; Hi-Y 3, 4; Thespians 4; Piper 4.

"I'll argue with you, but you're wrong" 路 Junior Plays; S e nior Pla y ; Ope retta 2; Chorus l; A Cappella 2, 3, 4; Piper 3, Business Manager 4 ; National Forensic Lea gue 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Phys Science Club, V . President 3; Jr. Music Club 2, Sec' y 3, 4 ; P . T. A . Award 2; A . A . U . W . Award 3; Jr. Speaking Prize.



"To be natural is to be sweet" Basketball 4: Class basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1. 2, 3. 4: A Cappella 4.



"I shall not let my studies interfere with my education" Footba ll 2, 3, 4: Basketball 2, 3; Track 2. 3, .4: H. R. basketball 4; Class track 2: Junior Plays; Senior Play: Qpere tta 2, 3, 4; Chorus 3, 4; A Cappella 2, 3, 4; Maroon and Gray 4; Student Council 1, 3, 4; Hi-Y 2, 3, 4; Senior Class Secretary.




"Infinite riches in a little room" Class basketball 1. 2: H . R. basketball 1. 2. 3: Hockey 2; Junior Plays ; Operetta 2, 3: Chorus 1, 2, 3; Tri-Hiy 2. 3. 4: Thespians 4.




"First in peace, first {n love, first in the hearts of his fellowmen" Football 1, 2, 3, Co-captain 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3; Baseball 4; Class track 1, 2 ; Chorus 2, 3; Student Council 2, 3, 4; Athletic Club 1. 2, 3; Sophomore Class Vice President; Junior and Senior Class President.



"What I know I guessed, What I learned I f argot" H. R. basketball 2: Junior Plays: Senior Play; Opere tta 4; B a nd 4 : Orchestra 1. 2, 3, 4; Piper 4 : Hi-Y . 3, 4 ; Thespians 4; Came ra Club 4; Radio Club 2; Phys Science Club 3.



"Ready for anything" Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 3, 4 ; Wrestling 2; Track 1, 2, 3; Clas s basketball 1. 2: H . R. bas ketba ll 1, 2; Class track 1. 2: Junior Plays; Ope retta 2; Chorus 1, 2, 3.



''$b:~itua.tian'-s,-well=i1i=hcm.d'' Wrestling 2. 3, 4; H. R . basketball 2; Band 1, 2, 3.



"A. little nonsense now and then is relished by the best of the1n" Chorus 1. 2, 3.



"Some.t imes I sit and think, and sometimes I only sit" Soccer Manager 1, 2; Operetta 3, 4; Band 2, 3; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; A Cappella 4; Student Co_.imcil 2, 3, State Secretary 3 ; Hi-Y 2, 4, President 3.




"By the work one knows the workman" Basketball 4; Cheerleader 1: Class basketball 1. 2, 4; H. R. basketball 1. 2. 4; Hockey 1. 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 1, 2, 3; Dance Club 1, 2.

"There is a great deal of ability in knowing how to conceal one's ability" Football 2, 3, 4; Baseball 4; H. R. basketball 3. 4; Athletic Club 3.


"We can never have too much of a good thing"

"Some will always be above others" Class bas ketball 1, 2, 3, 4; H . R. basketball 1. 2, 3: Tennis 2 , 3, 4; Hi3, 4 ; Industrial Arts Club , President 1.





"A great mina is a-1mnd- that can grasp- the- whole of Science" 7

Band 1. 2, 3 , 4; Science Club 1;

Dramatics Club 2.

A. A. U. W. Award 3.









"T eenie''


"Happiness is the harvest of the 路 quiet eye"

"Short and sweet" Hockey 2; Operetta 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3; A Cappella 3, 4; Octette 3, 4 ; Maroon and Gray 4; Tri-Hi-Y 2, 3, 4.




"Smitty" PAUL RoYER

. E



"Sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes indifferent" Baseball 4; Band 2, 3, 4.

"Youth is the opportunity to do something and be somebody"' Class bas ketball 1; H. R. basketball 1. 2. 3 : Junior Plays; Senior Play; Operetta 4; Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1; Piper 1, 2, Make-up Editor 3; Hi-Y 2 , 3, 4; Conservation ~lub 2 . 3. 4; Camera Club 1; Debatmg 1. 2.




"Perfect simplicity is unconciously audacious" Chorus 1, 2: Dance Club 2.



"How goodness heightens beauty!" Class basketball 2, 3: H. R. basketball 2, 3: Volleyball 3; Dance Club 2.


Soc~ei: 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 3, Manager- 4; Track 4; Baseball 3; Class basketball 2, 3, 4; H . R. basketball 2, 3. 4: Chorus 3. 4: Hi-Y 3, 4; Radio Club 2; Athletic Club 3.


"No goal too great, no crest too high" Soccer 2, 3, 4; H. R. basketball 1, 2; Junior Pla~s 3; Operetta, Business Manager 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Hi-Y 2, 3. 4: Science Club 1, 2: Phys Science Club 3.



"A combination rare, but true, athlete, student, and good pal, too" Soccer 3, 4; Class basketball 1, 4: H. R. basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Senior Play; Operetta 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Hiy 3, Sec'y 4; Conservation Club 3, 4 : Science Club 2: Camera Club 1.



"AH God's chiHun got rhythm" Junior Plays: Senior Play: Operetta 2, 3: Band 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Hi-Y 3, 4; Thespians 4: Aviation Club 1; Phys Science Club 3.



"She has no trait more striking than her common sense" Chorus 1; Dance Club 1.



"I'm glad I have a littl.e car and can buy a little gas, to carry back and forth to school a winsome little lass" Piper 4; Camera Club, Treas. 1, 4.

"S mo ky"

"I hate nobody; I'm in charity with the world" Basketball 4: Class basketball 1. 2, 3, 4, H . R. basketball 1, 2, 3, 4: Hockey 2, 3, 4; Volleyball 3; Senior Play; Operetta 2, 3; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4: Maroon and Gray 4; Tri-Hi-Y 3. Treas. 4: Thespians 4: Home Ee Club 2. 3. President 4; Dance Club 1.




"No man can be wise on an empty stomach"




"Diligence increases the fruit of toil" H. R. basketh.all 2: Volleyball 2; Tri-Hi-Y 4: Dance Club 2.



"I am here; I shaU remain here" H. R. basketball 2: Tri-Hi-Y 4; Dance Club 2; Home Ee Club 2: Library Club 2.



"A closed mouth catcheth no flies" Noon Hour Club 3, 4.






"Thy modesty's a candle to thy spirit" Home Ee Club 3.





"Nothing so strong as gentieness; nothing so gentle as real strength" Football 1: Basketball, Manager 4; Soccer 2, 3, 4; Class basketball 1, 2, 3: H R. basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Class track 1, 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3 4; Maroon and Gray 4; Camera Cli!b 4.



"It's not what you know, it's what you get ciway with"

"Cares sit Lightiy on the shoulders of ability"

Soccer 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 3, 4; Class basketball 1, 2, 3; H. R. basketball 1. 2, 3, 4; Volleyball 3; Junior Plays; Senior Play; Operetta 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2. 3; Hi-Y .3, 4; Thespians 4; Conservation Club 3.

Basketball 4 ; Soccer 3, 4; Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4; Class basketball 1, 2, 3; H. R. basketball 1. 2, 3; Senior Play; Operetta 3: Chorus 1. 3; A Cappella 3: Piper 3, Sports Editor 4; Maroon and Gray, Editor 4; Hi-Y 4 ; A. A. U. W. Award 3.



"I Like work; it fascinates me. I coutd sit and Look at it for hours" Football 2, 3; Basketball 3; Track 2, 4; Class basketball 1, 2; H. R. basketball 1. 2, 4; Class track 2, 4; Junior Plays; Senior Play; Operetta 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1, 4; Student Council 3; Hi-Y 3, 4.



"In school he set out to make a name, and in basketbcill he won his fame" Basketball 1. 2, 3, 4; Soccer 2, 3, 4; Track l; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; A Cappella 4; Science Club 1.


"P hid" "She possessed a peculiar talent of producing effect in whatever she said or did" Class hockey 2, 4; Junior Plays; Senior Play; Operetta 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1; Piper, Jr. High Editor 1, Literary Editor 2, 3, Jr. Editor 3, Co-Editor 4; National Forensic League 1, 2, 3; Thespians 4; Jr. Music Club 4; Phys Science Club 3; Home Ee Club 2; Art Club l; P. T. A. Award 2; A. A. U. W. Award 3; Jr. Speaking Prize 3.



"A quiet conscience makes one so serene" Class basketball 1, 2, Manager 3; H . R. basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Operetta 2; Chorus 1, 2, 3; Tri-Hi-Y 3, 4; Dance Club 1. 2; Home Ee Club 3.





"Men of few words are the best men"

"A merry heart make th cheerful contencmce"

Football 2: Baseball 4 : Chorus 1: Athletic Club 2, 3.




"His limbs were cast in manly mold, for hardy sports or contest bold"

Soccer l , 2, 3, Captain 4; Tennis l; 2, 3, 4; Class basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; H. R. basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 1, 2, 3; Hi-Y 2, V. President 3, 4; Conservation Club 3; Latin Club 2; H. R. officer 4; A. A . U. W. Award 3.

Wrestling 2, .3, 4; Class wrestling 2; Operetta 3, 4; Chorus 3, 4; A Cappella 3, 4; Conservation Club 2, 3, 4: Aviation Club 3: P. S . M . A. District Chorus 4; P. S. M. A. All-State Chorus 4.



"I 'a woke one morning and found myself fam_ous'1 F.o otball 2, 3: . Manager ..4; 路track 1: Shop Club 1, 2.






"!'cl rather be right than be

~ ' 1ineteen





SENIOR CLASS HISTORY We distinctly remember that upon entering this institution of higher learning in 1934 we were said to be the most boisterous and impolite class in high school. Our scholastic and athletic records help to prove that we are slightly past the hopeless stage. In our sophomore year, with the completion of the Hollow (remember our first night game ?) , we claimed two lettermen on the football team, Bud Porter and Casey Cummings. In soccer the lettermen were Wayne Bechdel, Bob Weiser, Henry Yeagley, Bud Warner, and Bill Reed (Manager). In basketball our outstanding. boys were again Porter and Cummings, plus Lawther and Bill Horner. Our class was represented in debating by Ruth Popp, Phyllis Watkins, Paul Heberling, and Raymond Smith, and in girls' basketball by Betty Fletcher, Janet Graham, and Betty Long. Our class officers were Anne Carruthers, Bud Porter, Ned Cummings, and Jim Stavely. While .we were in rnth grade, a high school dance band with great promise, the Nittany Nine, made its appearance. Last, but not least, we had our first experience with a class dance, the Soph Hop, which we all thought was pretty grand. Our junior year was a very eventful one for us. We had a great deal of fun and experience in the Junior Plays, in which about fifty members of the class took part. Our Junior Prom was done in Irish style, even to having a Junior Colleen, and was featured by the music of the Campus Owls. During this year of progress ( ?) we saw an important new organization enter our school, the Thespian Club, in which we had four charter members, Bob Burge, Bob Glenn, Betsy Edwards . and Bob Kapp. These people were invaluable in our stage productions. The A.A.U.W. Award was made to fourteen of our Juniors, Betty Pielemeier, Jananne Morse, Phyllis Watki~s. Ruth Popp, Robert Shigley, Ken White. Paul Heberling, Jim Lawther, Henry Yeagley, Janet Graham, Anne Carruthers, Robert Glenn, Henry Keller, and Edith Dengler. For class officers we elected Bud Porter, Anne Carruthers, Bill Reed, and Janet Graham.




Our lettermen in football, on our Bald Eagle Conference Championship team, were Cummings, Doty, Porter, Lawther, Arnold, Ralston, and Olewine. In basketball Cummings, Doty, and Porter came through. Laurence White, Stavely, John Struck, Weiser, Yeagley, Bechdel, Bender, Bob Kline, and Henry Keller (Manager), won letters in soccer. Trackmen were Porter, Olewine, Cummings, and Doty. Our outstanding tennis players were Yeagley, Bob Scheirer, Lawther, and Ken White. The letter winners in girls' basketball were B. Fletcher, Phyllis Hess, and B. Long. In golf we had four lettermen, Burge, Keller, Horner, and Max Merritt. In our final attempt at being seen and heard, we were far from unsuccessful. The Senior Alumni Dance, aided by the Nittany Nine, was a great financial success. Our Senior Play, Galahad Jones, also added a considerable amount to the treasury. The State High debating team won the Invitation Debate Tournament at Lock Haven. Highly responsible for this honor were seniors Ruth Popp and Jim Harter. Lettermen from the Senior class in football were Arnold, Barr, Burge, E. Cramer, Cummings (Co-captain), Porter (Co-captain), H. Ralston, C. Bloom, B. Muschlitz, Doty, L. Johnson, Lawther, and R. McNaul. In soccer we had twelve lettermen, Bechdel, Bender, Kapp, Spotts, Stavely, Keller, Struck, Warner, Weiser, K. White, L. White, and Yeagley (Captain) The 1940 edition of the Little Lion basketball team captured the Central State League basketball crown for the first time in the history of State High. Letter-winners were Cummings, L. White, Doty, Horner, Lawther, Porter, and Weiser (Manager). On the Girls' Honorary Basketball Varsity, our class claimed eight girb, who won emblems, Katherine Breon, Miriam Fortney, Fletcher, Graham, Hess, Long, Miriam Musser) and Helen Norris. We claimed outstanding instrumentalists, singers, artists, and journalists in our class'. These groups included Jim Harter, Charlie Zierdt, Jananne Morse, Edith Dengler, Bob Daugherty, Phyllis Watkins, Paul Heberling, and Ken White. Our class officers were Bud Porter, Anne Carruthers, Bob Glenn, and Gil Olewine. So, as we complete our last year in high school, we hope that our record may help to enlighten those who, in 1934, had a certain amount of doubt concerning our future.



JUNIOR CLASS FIRST R<?W-L. Hoy, F . Wolford, M. Gauger, R. Clyde, R. Davey, K. Metzger, F . Hess, E. Boyd, H. Griffith, F . Melhmsh, B. Ulmer, E. Marshall, V. Swatsworth, B. J. Smith, B. Dux, F. Fisher. SECONb ROW-J. Dale, M. Colpetzer, K. Tressler, C. Champlin, C. Weaver; S. Thompson, L. Hoy, N. J. Houtz. N. Poorman, A. M. Lowder, J. Swartz. M. Rewbridge, B. Abramson, E. Furst, J. Ash. J . Alexander. 'I'HIRJ? ROW--G. Cohen, H. Homan, E. Loesch, B. Harpster, M. Harpster, M. Sheeder, M. Sherry, H. Re1sh, B. Probst, L. Maelhorn, R. Armes, M. Shuey, D. Houtz, P. Rishel, P. Sunday, L . Burns. FOURTH ROW-A. Henry, J. Harper, N. Poorman, E. Breon, P. Cobb, M. Shibli, D. Shigley, J. Sigworth, M. J . Swope, B. Lang, V. Reed, R. Illingworth, W. Marshall, R. Saxion, S. Kline . FIFTH ROW-K. Rishel, D. Moyer, J. Beach, J . Hafer, D. Robinson, H. Steidle, R. Hassett, R. Korman, R. Weber, L. Harper, A . Kerstetter, H. Breon, G. Jones, R. Kerns, T . Gates .. SIXTH ROW-H. Neff , H. Miller, L. Winand, R. Smith, D. Hartman, T. Johnson, J . McNight, E. Wood , T . Hartswick, B. Day, E . Kaufman, B . Platt, F. Neidigh, L. Potter, L. Kreamer, J. Garner. SEVENTH ROW- R. Fra nkenburger, W. Peters, H. Musser; J. Kuhn, W . Smith, H. Kimmel, D. Meixner, R . Meyers, W. Green, C. Smith, V. Elder, L. Knutsen, E. Cromer, R. Sheehe. EIGHTH ROW-R. Ellenberger, E. Barto, R. Ho11tz, L . Corl, M . Johnson , R. Ralston, M. Whitmeyer, K. Mattern, H . Ross, E. Shearer, A. Wurfl , B. Sheehe, R. Henry, R. Brouse.

Junior Cfuss History . In this, our third year in high school, it is well to review our past achievements. In our freshmen year we had twelve lettermen in 路football. In our sophomore year we were not only well-represented in athletics by Harold Griffith, Harry Breon, Dean Hartman, John 3arner, and Thurman Gates, but also in debating by Ruth Clyde, Marcia Gauger, Myrrel Rewbridge, and Mona Shibli; in music by R. Clyde, J. Garner, and M. Gauger; in scholarship by George Cohen, the P.T.A. Scholarship winner, and the winners of honorable mention, Lenys Blews and Gail Twichell; and in social activities by the Soph Hop committees, who helped make our first dance a financial success. Looking back on our junior year, we see a lon~ list of accomplishments. Lettermen in football were Harry Breon, Clayton Smith, Bob Brouse, Bob Hassett, and Harold Griffith . Lettermen in other sports were: Soccer-Hartman, Garner, and Fisher. Basketball-Breon, Hassett, Hartman, and Fisher. Wrestling-Anselm Wurfl, Kryder Mattern. TennisFisher, Howard Steidle. Golf-Jack Hafer, Jack Harper. Track-Hartman, Breon, Bill Marshall, and Joe Beach . Musicians who .represented State High at the District Orchestra were R. Clyde, P. Cobb, J. Garner, and M. Gauger, while R. Clyde and J. Garner both attended the State Orchestra. Junior members of the Forensic League were R. Clyde, M. Rewbridge, and M. Shibli, while Carolyn Champlin, G. Cohen, arid M. Gau!!er were prominent in . journalism. Other activities in ,vhich the Junior class was represented were the Junior Prom committees, dramatics, both the Junior Plays and the Operetta, and the Thespians, by Kathryn Metzger. The class officers were Frank. Hess, President; Ednaray Boyd,' Vice-President; Kathryn Metzger, Secretary, nnd Harold Griffith, Treasurer.

T wenty-ttvo




FIRST ROW- J. Korman, C. Morse, P . Struble, M. Aikens, J. Heverly, J. Armstrong, B. Anderson, R . Barner, J. Smith, D. Carruthers, M. Hussey, T. McKe'en, M. Hartswick, M. Glenn, M. Gauger, M. Tanner, Mr. Williams. SECOND ROW- B. Knox, B. Fleming, B. Evey, P . Markle, M . Riley, R. Shibli, R. Beam, B. Hoy, B . Crum, S. Dague, L . Gilliland, R. Pielemeier, J. Nageotte, R . Twichell. THIRD ROW-B. Struble, R. Aurand, F . Witmer, E. Wolford, G . Lutz , R. Smeltzer, R. Gates, C. Seibert, R. Harvey, R. Kline, R. Horner, D. Corl, N . Guiser, J. Meyers, R. Smith, D. Zange, P. Norris. H . Schonwetter, S. Kepler, 0 . Wurfl . FOURTH ROW-H. Comly, E. Smith, B. Shepherd, L. Baughman, K. Hosterman, H. Zange, M. Lambert, J. Bechtel, R. Lovett, F . Miller, H. Johnson, W. Weber, A. Musser, E. Harpster , J . Swarm, J. Strouse,. R. Williams, B. Merkle, V. Minshall, E. Shank, A. Parkinson , M. Elder. FIFTH ROW-J. English, A. Kerstetter, J. Donahoe, 0. Ridenour, G. Arnold, G. Gearhart, C. Zundel, B . McNaul, S. Duffy, E. Zins, A . Grazier, C. Gearhart, E. Casselberry, M . Miller, E. Durfee, A. Saxion , G. Harpster, B. Spicer, G . Sunday, M. Ulmer, R. Hutchinson, A . Swatsworth. SIXTH ROW- R. Rice, R. Stover, K. Irvin, E. Strayer, R. Overholts, B . Rider, D. MorreJI, N . Stover, P. Daugherty, L. Bathgate, M. Irvin, J . Hartsock, M. Parks, D . Dale, J . Knandel, M. Renzi, A . Moyer, P . Rife, R. Rudy, L . Rinehart. SEVENTH ROW-E. Lockhart, P . Struble, D. Hess, J. Moffitt, C. Martin, L. Womer, R. Young , G. Leiby, A . Burns, J . Springer , I. Craig, L. Gibson , V. Cherry, V. Reish. EIGHTH ROW-J. Haley, C. Harpster, R. Parsons, E . Barto, B .. Harman, J. Ammerman, G. Watkins, P . Colepetzer, R. Bickle, B. Bailey, M. Cole, B . Harris, _B. Fisher. 路

' Sophomore Class History The sophomore class started its social year when it elected the following officers路: President, Margaret Hussey; Vice-President, Mary Jane Doerner; Secretar y, Elizabeth Yeagley; Treasurer, Donald Carruthers. 路 . . . . - ~ Boys who won awards in football were Chester Seibert an~ Alber~ Daugherty, while Donald Carruthers played on the varsity basketball team, and D1Ck Smith represented the wrestling squad in the 85-pound class. The social highlight of the Sophomore year was the Soph Hop, which is always looked. forward to by everybody in State High. The Sophomore class .sponsor was Mr. Stoddart.




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FIRST ROW-E. Stover, E. Moore, W. Spearly, P. Johnstonbaugh, W. Tussey, C. Kunes, D. Koon, . P . Harter, D. Ruhl, B. Adams, J . Merritt, R . McDonald, P. Grove, M. White, J. Storch, D. Kapp, D. Pease. SECOND ROW-E. Johnston, E. Kaufman, R. Hoy, V. Spannuth, E. Eder, M . Ream, J. Watson, C . .Friese, W. Graffius, R. Edinger, E. West, R. Miller, R. Zeller, J . Meek, Mr. Morning. THIRD ROW-E. Hoy, M. Houtz, L. Knepp, B. Witmer, B. Gearhart, E. Armstrong, N. !shier, J. Riegal, E. Sheehe, B . Whitacre, M . Humphreys, H. Stitzer, Miss Smith. FOURTH ROW-R. Ross, A. Tressler, B . Bohn E. VanTine, J. Miller, W. Neyhart, L. Shirk, E . Trainer, D . Tate, P. Williams, V. Fike, P. Rockey, S. McCauley, B. Barrows, L. Rishel. FIFTH ROW-M. Brouse, E . Sheppard, L. Krebs, L. Maine, M. Archer, V. Shoemaker, M. Davey, P . Lang, A. Zierdt, P. Deal, M . Triebold, V. Parkinson, B . Struck, F. Broskley, R. McCord. SIXTH ROW-B. Jackson, L. Gill, F. Lockhart, D. Campbell, E. Moore, W. Hickey , R. Kistler, P. Margolf, C. Noel, D . Doan, T. Egolf, H. Tarpley, K. Peters, W. White, D . Houser, W. Whitacre. SEVENTH ROW--'C. Swartz, J. Johnston, R. Hann, F. Lehman, F. Metzger, H. Worthley, H . Sellers, T. Crow. F , Abramson, f>.. Fero.

Freshman Class History As freshmen preparing to enter regular high school activities and athletics next year, we have compiled an enviable record. Sixteen of our members were instrumental in leading the Junior High football team through another season . These boys were J. Riegal, C. Noel, J. Merritt, B: Parker, E. Hoover, E. West, B. Hickey, R. Kistler, J. Storch, C. Kunes, B. Adams, D. Koon, F. Metzger, H. Green, and B. Grafli.us (Manager). Freshmen on the Cub basketball roster were B. Adams, J. Merritt, M. White, C. Noel, C. Kunes, J. Storch, R. Kistler, B. Graffius, B. Parker, and C. Friese (Manager). Many other 9th-graders participated in clubs, Student Council, and the Junior High wrestling tournament.



EIGHTH GRADE FIRST ROW-Mr . Stoddart, Mr. Gackenbach , M. Deitrich, A. Gregory, R. Yeagley, R. Nicholas , W. Kellerman , A. Duna~•ay, A . Smith, V. Keeler, M . Whitmore, J. Banks , M. Fullmer, G . Tharp , W. Fullmer. SECOND ROW-D. Benner, D . Mitchell, E. Casselberry , W. Zang , D. Mead , S . Etters, N . Laird , M. Probst, P . Hamilton , R. Adamitz, V. Vlahos, J . Snyder, M. Green, M. Bubb, E. Tiedgen, Miss Royer. THIRD ROW- D. Meyer, J. Myers , W. Corman, J . Doerner, C . Currier, E. Thompson, M . Anderson, F. Case, J . Bissey, W. Showers, A. Williams, G. Tharp, G. Meserole, M. Krebs. FOURTH ROW- H. Johnson, R. Hosterman, J . Brown, J . Dux, R. Ross, L. Hartswick, E. Facer , M. Armes, H. Beerman, P . Hoffman, J. Reed, M. Daily, B. Rudy, M . Breon, B. Betts, D. Daily. FIFTH ROW- G. Green , W. Sherry, W. Lambert, J . Neff , W. Gurdack, E. Selsam, M. Frost, G. Snyder , G. Howland, C. Robinson, S. Caveny, A . Jones, A. Friese , M. Lawther, C. Lyle. SIXTH ROW-G. Dengler, H . Green, P. Shacklett, J. Keim, C. Smith, G. Van Sant. C. Marker , J. Olewine, S. Frost, C. Olmstead, M. McClintic, R. Irion, E. Decker. SEVENTH ROW-S. Sprout, J. Wharton, I. Myers, D. Pearce, M . Bechdel, P. Hook , W. Stark, R. Simonds, M . Sunday, S. Hoy.

Eighth Grade History The 8th grade has been very well represented in Junior High activities. Last year, upon our introduction to high school, we were represented by Gerald Green, Joel Crouch, Dicls_ Simonds, Charles Margo!£, R. Ross, B. Billett, D. Benner, and B. Corman in football, and by Jack Olewine, Jack Dux, Dick Pearce, and Dave Mitchell in basketball. Our members in Student Council were Charles Smith, Jack Olewine, Claire Robinson, Joe Doerner, Mary Anderson, and Dave Gearhart. Many of our class took part in the work of the Junior High Conservation Club. In this, our 8th grade year, we contributed J. \Vharton , B. Billett, D . Mitchell, J. Crouch, J. Dux, D . Simonds, B. Corman, and G. Green to the football team and J. Dux, R. Hosterman, B. Billett, J. Olewine, D . Mitchell, and D. Pearce in Junior High basketball. Collins Marker, Charles Smith , Melvin Dietrich, Richard Yeagley, Paul Hook, Mike Bechdel, Ralph Hosterman , Gerald Green, Jack Dux, Bob Billett, and Ivan i\!Iyers showed promise in the Junior High wrestling tournament.

T went y-fi ve



SEVENTH GRADE FIRST ROW- Mr. Jamison, E. Swift, W. Horner, C. Holland, W . Kerstetter, J. Donahey, T. Korman, G. Hook, W. Ripka, M. Shutt, A. Kennedy, D. Ferguson, C. Burns, E. Hartman. J. Tyson, H. Showers, M. Smith, Mr. Adessa. SECOND ROW-J. Reid, D. Lambert, R. Edinger, W . Jones, E. Maelhorn, L. Nixon , R. Hoy, R. Hafer, G . Reed. C . Markle, M. K. Merritt, J. Rudy, J. Albright, B . Rudy, E. Facer, V . Kuhn, L. Kerstetter, J. Lindsey. THIRD ROW- S . Hoy, F. Hartswick, H. Black, M . Gibson, B. Hoy, J. Porter, B. L. Stover, P. Mitchell, . M . Keller, J. Zong, L. Benn, P. Burns, J. Hetrick, M. Thompson, J. Crandall, E. Boal, M . O'Connell. FOURTH ROW-W. Zellers, W. Rogers, R. Day, H. Dickerson, J. Pepper, J. Thomas, E. Harper, B. Williams, A . Yougel, J. Sparks, M . Sherry, E. Rife, E. Holmes, S. Smith, M . Hile, M. Shrack. FIFTH ROW-R. Hoensteine, J. Griffith, T. Baker, W . Garrison, D. Watkins, C. Werner, R. Zang, S. Bissey, V. Higgins, J. Holben, V. Van Velzer, J. Livingston, S. Betts, C. Doan, P. Johnston.

Seventh Grade History Although we have not had as much opportunity to make history as the other classes our members have given a good account of -themselves. Clyde Corman, Byron Hoy, Joe Porter, Don Watkins, Milton Gibson, John Griffith, Paul Boeger, and Richard Hoy were on the Junior High football squad, and Bill Jones, Joe Porter, John Griffith, Bill Garrison, Reagan Rice, and Bud Hoy played on the basketball team. Our members of Student Council ( second semester) were John Griffith, Joanne Holben, and Donald Watkins.




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SENIOR HIGH FOOTBALL FIRST ROW-Coach Kemmerer, Gil Olewine, Duane Doty, Charles Bloom, Bud Porter, (CoCapt.), Ned Cummings (Co-Capt.), Bill Muschlitz, Hugh Ralston, Jim Lawther, Ed Cramer, Dave Barr, Louis Johnson, Dave Arnold, Sindall Zonge (Manager). SECOND ROW- Joe Adessa (Asst. Coach), Charlie Stoddart (Asst. Coach), Harold Griffith, Robert Brouse, Richard McNaul, Robert Burge, Chet Seibert, Al Daugherty, Harry Breon, Robert Hassett, Harrison Zange, Clayton Smith, Robert Boal (Asst . Mgr .), Richard Harvey (Asst. Mgr.) THIRD ROW-Robert Horner, George Warner, Max Merritt, Charles Martin, Jim Donahoe, Clarence Harpster, Clarence Irvin, Ralph Struble, Richard Ralston, Melvin Johns ton, Wendell Green, Ro yal Kline, Albert Henry, Richard Kerns, Richard Aurand.

History of Season The Little Lion football team had a disappointing season, winning three games, losing fOlir, and tying one. The first game of the season, with \,Villiamsburg, was called off at halftime, clue to Aooded field conditions.

The Scores: State High- 7 Williamsburg- 6 (game cancelled at encl of the first half) State High- 0 Lewistown-13 State High-26 Roaring Springs- 13 State High-24 Jersey Shore- 7 State High- 7 Philipsburg- 6 State High- 0 Tyrone- 7 State High- 0 Morrisdale- 0 Clearfield- 33 State High- 0 Stat~ High- 7 Bellefonte-16






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FIRST ROW-Coach Serif, Jim Stavely, Dick Miller, Ken White, Robert Kapp, Paul Bender. Henry Yeagley (Capt.), John Struck, Laurence White , Wayne Bechdel, Dean Hartman, Clarence Warner, John Garner, Henry Keller (Manager). SEi:;OND ROW-Charles Swartz, (Asst. Mgr.), Knox Irvin, John Moffitt, Robert Overholts. Ken Hosterman, Robert Kline, Richard McCord, Howard Steidle, Harold Spotts, Thurman Gates, John Albright, John Ferguson, Dave Meixner.

History of Season The State High soccer team won three games, lost three, and tied one. In the opening game of the season, on the Community Athletic Field, the soccerites vanquished a plucky Rebersburg eleven, 2-1, in a slow game. Traveling to Centre Hall on Sept. 29, the Serffmen played to an overtime tie, 0-0. The Little Lions played their best game of the season in defeating Boalsburg by a count of 4-0, but couldn 't get going against Millheim, the league champions, the next week, and lost, 3-0. The whole squad saw action against Logantown, in a contest which saw S.C.H.S. romp to its easiest victory in years, 7-0. The Little Lions hit a streak of hard luck in the final two tilts, losing to both Spring Mills and Hublersburg in extra periods, after leading throughout most of each game. Both games were lost by the score of 2-1.

The Scores: State State State State State State State


2 0 4 0 7 1 1

RebersburgCentre Hall- 0 Boalsburg- 0 Millheim- 3 Logantown- 0 Spring Mills- 2 Hublersburg- 2



• Thirty

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SENIOR HIGH BASKETBALL FIRST ROW-Frank Fis h er, Laurence White, Ned Cummings, D ean Hartman, Jim Lawther. SECOND ROW-Don Carruthers, Bob Hassett, Harold Porter, Duane Doty, Bill Horner, Harry Breon, Coach Armstrong. THIRD ROW-Robert Weiser (Manager), Harlan Worthley (Asst. Mgr .)

History of' Season The 1939 basketball team completed its most successful season in many years, winning 11 out of 17 games, capturing the Central State League crown, and being runner-up for the District Title. The Little Lions ave raged 34.2 points per contest and permitted opponents only 20.4 points a game in league tilts. State College High placed three players on the Centre Daily Times All-Scholastic team. Ned Cummings, Jim Lawther, and Frank Fisher were named to the first team, while Dean Hartman was placed on the second team and "Stretch" White was given honorable mention.

The Scores: State State State State State State State State State

Th irty-011e

High-23 High-27 High-36 High-34 High-20 High-38 High-20 High-38 Higi:i-28

Philipsburg-24 Lewistown-29 S. Williamsport-23 Renovo-24 Philipsburg-2 1 Lock Haven- 24 Altoona-35 Jersey Shore- 28 Williamsburg-25

State State State State State State State State

High-34 High-14 High-27 High-34 High- 48 High- 19 High- 34 High-18 (District

S. Williamsport-20 Altoona-32 Bellefonte- 26 Renovo-15 Jersey Shore- 11 Lock Haven- 7 Bellefonte-25 Huntingdon- 21 play-offs)




Junior Varsity Basket~all FIRST ROW-Harold Griffith, Dick Morrell, Paul Daugherty, Hugh Ralston, John Moffitt. Eugene Wood, Ken White, Howard Steictle, Clay Zundel, John McNight (Manager), Coach Adessa.

Wrestling FIRST ROW-Richard McNaul, Robert Reed, Robert Coleman, Charles Zierdt, Paul Bender, George Decker, Richard Smith, Anselm Wurfl. SECOND ROW-Richard Weber (Asst. Mgr.), Harold Spotts (Manager), Hubert Corl. Edward Cramer, Clarence Warner, Kryder Mattern, Coach Jamison.



Junior High Football FIRST ROW-Jim Wharton, Charles Noel, Joe Merritt, Bill Parker, Ed. Hoover, Charles Kunes, Bill Adams, Bob Billett, Dale Koon, Fred Metzger, Harold Green, Malcolm White (Asst. Mgr.) SECOND ROW-John Brown (Asst. Mgr.), Bill Graffius (Manager) , John Griffith. Joel Crouch , Bill Hickey, Joe Porter, Jack Dux, Ronald Hann, Jack Riegle, Robert Kistler, Eddie West, Paul Grove (Asst . Mgr.) THIRD ROW- Clyde Corman, Byron Hoy, Dave Mitchell, Paul Boeger, Don Watkins. Milton Gibson, Jack Meek, Richard Hoy, Coach Armstrong .




Junior High Basketball FIRST ROW-Bill Adams, Joe Merritt, Malcolm White, Chuck Noel, Charles Kunes, Jack Storch, Fred Metzger, Robert Kistler. SECOND ROW-John Brown (Asst. Mgr.), Clark Friese (Manager), Bill Graffius, Ralph Hosterman. Jack Dux, Bob Billett, Jack Olewine, Bill Parker. Coach Stoddart. THIRD ROW-Dick Pearce, Bill Jones, Bill Garrison, Joe Porter, John Griffith, Reagen Rice, Bud Hoy.



Honorary Girls' Basketball Varsity FIRST ROW-Betty Fletcher, Betty Long, Virginia Ross, Janet Graham, Ortrud Wurfl. Miriam Musser , Ahna Saxion, Jean Stover, Margaret Hussey, Miriam Fortney, Louise Hoy, Velma Elder . SECOND ROW-Phyllis Hess, Katherine Breon, Ruth Saxion, Betty Jane Houtz , L.o is Harper, Jean Donaldson, Elizabeth Furst, Gail Twichell, Betty Jane Smith, Helen Norris, Miss Cairns.

G. A. C. Board of Control FIRST ROW-Kathryn Metzger, Mardy Humphreys, Lois Harper, Betty Long, Margaret Hussey, Charlotte Taylor, Mary Ann Higgins. SECOND ROW-Miss Cairns, Elizabeth Furst, Gail Twichell, Dorothy Long, Betty Fletcher , Janet Graham, Anna Parkinson,



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Golf FIRST ROW-Max Merritt, Bob Burge, Henry Keller, Jack Hafer, Jack Harper, Bill Horner. SECOND ROW-Joe Merritt, Ted Sunday, Paul Fogelman, Freel Miller, Coach Armstrong.

Tennis FIRST ROW-Don Davis, Harlan Worthley, Howard Steidle, Bob Scheirer, Henry Yeagley, Frank Fisher, Jim Lawther. Coach Kemmerer.





Student Council FIRST ROW- John Griffith, Richard Smith, Raymond Shibli, John English, George Van Sant , Jack Olewine, Donald Ruhl. SECOND 路ROW-Lois Kreamer, Gilbert Olewine, Duane Doty, David Hess, Margaret Hussey, Frank Hess, Jack Nesbitt. THIRD ROW-Joanne Holben; Sally Etters, Clayton Smith , Bill Graffius, Robert Beam, Harold Porter, Davi<!.R-ease, Dav id Mitchell, Donald Watkins . FOURTH ROW-Mitzi Archer, Winnie Neyhart, Elizabet h Yeagley, Mary Jane Doerner, David Kapp, Paul Margolf, Lois Harper, Ginger Higgins , Mr. Passmore.

Activities Student Council officers for the first semester were Duane Doty, President; Gilbert Olewine, Vice-President; Frank Hess, Secretary; Margaret Hussey, Treasurer. Second semester elections placed in office the following: David Barr, President; Duane Doty, Vice-President; Clayton Smith, Secretary; David Hess, Treasurer. State College was well represented at the Sixth Annual Conference of the Pennsylvania Association of Student Participation in School Go vernment held at Lancaster, Pennsylvania. State High was chosen to act as first vice-president at the convention next year. During the year, Student Council sponsored the Safety Council and Hall Patrol, arranged special assemblies and social functions, approved all clubs and athletic awards, and sponsored four parties.




The PIPER FIRST ROW- Miss Geuther, George Cohen, Ruth Popp, Paul Heberling, Phyllis Watkins, Paul Bender, Jane Watson, Robert Daugherty, Malcolm White, Jean Alexander. ~ECOND ROW-Gail Twichell, Carolyn Champlin, Mary Ann Higgins, Janet Graham. Kenneth Whfte, Claire Weaver, Marcia Gauger, Edith Dengler, Barbara Struck, Robert Coleman.

EDITORIAL STAFF Editors-in-chief·-------------------------------------------------- Paul Heberling, Phyllis Watkins News Edi tor ·-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·Marcia Gauger Make-Up Edi tor __________________:____________________________________________________________ Clai re Weaver Literary Editors .. ------------------------·--------------------· George Cohen, Carolyn Champlin Boys' Sports Editors __________________________________________ Kenneth White, Robert Coleman Girls' Sports Editors _______________________ :'. ____________________ Gail Twichell, Janet Graham Art Editors ------------------------------------------------------· Edith Dengler, Robert Daugherty Faculty Adviser ____________________________________________________________________________________ !vfiss Geuther BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager ___________________________________________________________________________________ Ruth Popp Ad verti sing Manager _·--------------------------------------------------~-------------------Jean Alexander Circulation Manager ____________________________________________ ____________________ Mar'y Ann Higgins Exchange Manager _____________________________ __________________________________________________ Lois Harper Faculty Adviser----------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------·Mr. Williams

JUNIOR HIGH PIPER Editors --------------------------------------- Malcolm White, Jane Watson, Barbara Struck



Hi-Y FIRST ROW-Robert Hassett , William Muschlitz, Harold Griffith, 'Harry Breon, Anselm Wurfl, Richard Morrell, Raymond Shibli, Frank Fisher, Thurman Gates, Robert Henry, David Robinson , Donald Carruthers, Albert Daugherty, Richard Smith. 2nd-Henry Yeagley, Howard Steidle, Henry Keller, Paul Heberling, John Struck, Frank Hess, John Garner, Gilbert Olewine, Warren Currier, Robert Daugherty, Robert Scheirer, Richard NcNaul. 3rd-Mr. Stoddart, Richard Miller, Charles Zierdt, Miles Pugh, Richard Humphreys, Wayne Bechdel, William Smith, James Stavely, Robert Sheehe, Kenneth White, John Ferguson, Robert Beam, Kryder Mattern, William Marshall , Mr. Jamison. 4th-Raymond Smith , Duane Doty, Robert Kapp, Clarence Warner, Richard McCord, V\Tilliam Reed, Robert Myers , Henry Thurston, George Warner, John McNight.

Tri-Hi-Y FIRST ROW- J . Stover, P . Hess, B. Long, A. Carruthers, G . Twichell, E. Furst, B. Heverly , Miss Miles. 2nd-L. Gibson, E. Zins, L. Kreamer, J. Lowden, J. Armstrong, E . Boyd, J. Alexander, C. Shutt, M. Benzie, J. Knandel, D. Dale, M. Parks, B. Markle , E. Melhuish . 3rd- H . Meyer, J. Graham, .r. Poorman, M . Sheeder, P. Rife, B. McNaul, P. Cobb, M. Shibli, S. Thompson, R. Davey, M. Rewbridge, A. Decker, E. Yeagley. 4th-R. Williams, S. Dague, S . Duffy, J. Heverly, E. Shank, V . Minshall, J. Ulmer, M. Aikens, M. Doerner , C. Taylor, M. Higgins, R. Twichell, M . Elder, R. Hutchinson, B. Crum, B. Smith. 5th-B. Struble, E. Loesch, E. Lowder, S. Meyer, M . Musser, J . Swarm, H. Johnson , A . Moyer, L. Harper, D. Shoemaker, N . Lucas, S. Kline, B. Platt, B. Ulmer. 6th-J. Harpster, L . Burns, V. Barto, P. Sunday, V. Elder, L . Knutsen, M. Hussey, A . Parkinson, R. Barner, B. Anderson, A Grazier, C. Gearhart, M . Irvin, J . Springer. 7th- E. Lockhart, R. Stover, M. Miller, I. Craig, K. Weaver, L. Johnson, C. Day, J . Donaldson, G. Mertens, J. Hoy, D . Long, M. Beattie, P. Dailey, P. Garrison, J. Ellis, S. Parks. 8th--E. Breon, M. Swope, B. Lang, R . Saxion , B . Harpster, D. Shigley, M . Tanner, E. Smith, F. Harvey, B. Fletcher, K . Metzger , E. Cromer, J. Alexander, M. Wolford, T. Wolford, J. Dale. 9th- M. Sherry, H. Reish, L. Maelhorn, B. Probst, E. Durfee, E . Casselberry, R. Pielemeier, B . Ulmer , P. Edmonds, J. Henninger, J. Kirnick, D. Houtz, L . Hoy.




Conservation Club FIRST ROW-Mr. Stoddart, J. Saxon, T. Crow, P. Grove, C. Noel, F. Metzger, R. Edinger, D. Kapp, N. !shier, J. Watson, V. Shoemaker, P. Lang, C. Currier. SECOND ROW-D. Ruhl, D. Mitchell, W. Hickey, H. Sellers, C . Swartz. E. Eder, P. Harter, E. Hoy, V. Spannuth, E . Armstrong, B. Gearhart, W. Neyhart, J. Miller, A . Zierdt. THIRD ROW-W. Tussey, D. Doan,-R. Ross, B. Corman, R. Kistler, J. Storch; J. Merritt, F. Lehman, P. Meek, M. Humphreys, M. Ream. E. VanTine. 1 FOURTH ROW-M . Hartswick, K. Irvin, R. Smith, D . Doty, D. Miller, C. Zierdt, J . Strnck, P. Margolf, W. Whitacre, R. Zeller, T. Egolf. FIFTH ROW-J. Korman, A.路 Daugherty, J. Donahoe, R. Beam, B. Overholtz, H. Knepp, E. Shear-路 er, G. Jones.

Activities The Conservation Club sponsored fly-tying classes and the sale of wild-life stamps. The money collected will be used for conservation of forests, streams, and wild life. The clubs appointed committees to help build up fence rows, feed game, stock fish, and to take care of the different phases of conservation. A gun club was organized to instruct the members in the proper use of firearms. The Conservation Club plans to have a field day at Hecla Park at the end of the school year.



Band Drum Majors-(from left to right)-P. Harter, V. Elder, D. Long, B. Fleming. FIRST ROW-Mr. Smith, F. Hess, D. Robinson , R. Rice, R. Glenn, R. Kistler, R. Kapp. SECOND ROW-R. Clyde, D. Long, L . Potter, B. Graffius, B. Crumb, C. Friese. THIRD ROW-J. Stavely, D . Hess, J. Musser, R. Shigle y, J : Meyer, D. Humphries. FOURTH ROW- J. Storch. R. Sheehe, E. Barto, B . Trainer, G. Cohen. FIFTH ROW-R. Korman, L . Knutsen, R. Smith, H. Thurston, H. Corl, J. Struck. SIXTH ROW- R. Gardner, J. Harter, R. Edinger, H. Keller, M . Gauger, D . Kapp . SEVENTH ROW-J. Garner, H . IllingJtworth, P. Royer, R. Beam, M. Pugh, R. Reed .

Orchestra FIRST ROW-David Kapp, Ray Smith, Ruth Clyde, Paul Heberling, Pruella Edmonds, Betty Walker . SECOND ROW-Miles Pugh, Mabel Parks, Betty Pielemeier, Pauline .Sunday, Rachael Albright. THIRD ROW-Owen Ridenour, Carolyn Champlin, Marcia Gauger, .M. Vlahos, Priscilla Cobb, Betty Rider. FOURTH ROW-Ella Illingworth, Warren Currier, L. Potter, A. Swatsworth, Randy Rice, James Harter. Robert Sheehe, Joe Beach, Jean Poorman, David Hess, George Cohen . FIFTH ROW-Robert Burg_e, John Garner, Phyllis Watkins, Claytori Smith, Mr. Smith.



Boys' and Girls' Glee Clubs FIRST ROW-Mr. Serif, S. Maccaule y, D. Shoemaker, J. Hoy, W. Reed , G. Warne r , C. Zunde l , T. Johnson, E. Furst, M. Rewbrid ge, B . Merkle, A. Decke r, P . Hess , M. Shibli. H. Norris, Miss Pippert. SECOND ROW-B . Traine r, L. Rinehart, M . Brouse , S. Broskley, R. McCord , R. Miller, H . Spotts, R. Weiser, J. Sigworth, C. Wea ver, B. Fleming, R. Twichell, C. Morse , M. Sheeter, J . Swartz. THIRD ROW-E. Wolford, V. Fike, E. Sheppard, R. B a rne r, B. Anderson, B . Ulmer. B. Mille r, J .

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A Cappella Choir FIRST ROW-Richard Miller, Robert Daugherty, Charles Zierdt, Jean Hoy, Mary Jane Doerner, Ruth Davey, Jean Poorman , Myrrel Rewbridge , Lois H a rper, Jean Alexande r. Anna De cker. Sarah Meyer, Charlotte Taylor, Gil Olewine, Tom Johnson. SECOND ROW-Miss Pippert, Laurence White , Bill Reed, Maxine Sheeder, Elizabeth Ye agley, Helen Norris, Jananne Morse, Jo Ann Lowden. Joyce Ash , Helen Meyer, Betty Long, Ruth Popp, Mona Shibli, Sarah Thompson, Marga ret MacKenzie, Janet Graham , Christine Shutt, Jack Nesbitt, Frank Fisher, Mr. Serif,



Debate Club FIRST ROW-William Whitacre, Ruth Clyde, James Harter, Mary Jane Doerner, Mona Shibli. SECOND ROW-Miss Burns, Myrrel Rewbridge, Ruth Popp, Mr. McAfee.

Verse Speaking Choir FIRST ROW-Priscilla Cobb, Myrrel Rewbridge, Maxine Sheeder, Jean Poorman, Claire Weaver, Sara Thompson. SECOND ROW-Miss Burns, Elizabeth Furst, Ednaray Boyd, Joyce Ash, Betty Dux, Robert Henry.



National Thespians FIRST -ROW-Betsy Edwards, Richard Miller, Jananne Morse, Robert Kapp, Robert Glenn, Robert Burge, Wayne Bechdel, Helen Meyer, Miss Burns. SECOND ROW---,-Duane Doty. Edith Dengler, Mary M. Beattie, Betty Fletcher, Robert Coleman, Miles Pugh, Paul Heberling', James Harter, Phyllis Watkins, Warren Currier . THIRD ROW- Clarence Warner , Jane Kimick , Henry Keller, Richard McCord, Jean Hoy , Dorothy Long, Jo Ann Lowden, Sara Jean Parks, Janet Henninger, Jean Alexander.

Activities Chapter 175 or the National High School Thespians Honor Society celebrated its first _ birthday with an open meet-ing on Febru-ary 8, 1940. The organization has grown in size this year and the Thespians were well represented in the Senior Play, Junior Plays, and the Operetta. 路 The Thespians sponsored and produced several one-act plays for their own entertainment, as well as the three-act summer show, " More Power To You," directed by \Villiarn Dunkle .



Senior Plav - Galahad Jones ,I

FIRST ROW- David Arnold, James Harter, John Struck, Duane Doty, Kenneth White, Henry Thurston, George Warner. SECOND ROW- Miss Burns, Jean Stover, Richard Miller, Jean Hoy, Paul Heberling. Ruth Popp, Henry Keller, Betty Fletcher, Wayne Bechdel. THIRD ROW-Gilbert Olewine, Jean Alexander, Betsy Edwards, Phyllis Watkins, Helen Meyer, Gretchen Mertens, Marion Zang, Jananne Morse, Bett.y Long, Janet Graham. FOURTH ROW- Miles Pugh, Richard McNaul, Richard McCord, Robert Glenn, Robert Burge, Robert Kapp, Raymond Smith, Anne Carruthers .

CAST Tommy Jones ___________________________________________________________Henry Keller, Paul Heberling Joy Jones ____________________________________________________________________ Janet Graham, Jean Alexander Alice Jones ------------------------------------------------------- Jananne Morse, Anne Carruthers Mrs. Jones --------------------------------------------------------- -------------Jean Stover, Betty Fletcher Mr. Jones ------------------. ---------- ------------------------------------ Dick Miller, Wayne Bechdel Bob --------------------------------------------------------------------路 _____ Henry Thurston, John Struck Bess --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marian Zang, Betsy Edwards Gus _______________________________________________________________________________ David Arnold, James Harter Lou --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Betty Long, Helen Meyer Lena -------------------------------------------------------------- Phyilis Vvatk ins, Gretchen Mertens Olaf ----------------------------------------------------------------------路 ....Duane Doty, Richard McCord Miriam ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ruth Popp, Jean Hoy George Merton ___________________________________ ______________ Kenneth White, Robert Coleman Mr. Andrews _: ________________________________________________________ Gil Olewine, George Warner PRODUCTION STAFF Miles Pugh, Robert Glenn, Robert Burge, Robert Kapp, Raymond Smith, Richard McNaul



JUNIOR · PLAYS Perchance to Drea1n The Conductor ___________________________________________________ _____ , ______________________Vv en dell ·Green The The The The

Bride----------·---·---------------·------------·--·--------------- Kathryn .Metz~_er, Jean _S wartz Groom ----------------------·-----------·----·-------·-----------·Dave Robinson, Jack Ferguson Journalism Student ------------------·-------·----------------------------------·-----R~bert Henry Medical Student.. __________ ________________________ _______________________________ ,:__ Clayton Smith

The Engineering Student --------------·--------·----------------------------------------H arry Breon The Little Old Lady -·--·------- --·-------------------- Betty Donaldson, Jean Poorman The Music Master·------------------ ---------------·-·-------------------------------------· George Cohen The Salesman ------·-------· -----------------~---------·-------·------· Howard Steidle, John Garner Tommy _______ ________________ . _______________________________________________________________________ Anselm \\T urfl The Schoolteacher ____________________________________________________ Gail Twichell, Claire W eaver Mildred --------------- ---------------------------------··-----------------·-·------------Josephine Alexander Mrs. Jones ·-··---------------------------------·---------------·-------·----------------------------Priscilla Cobb The Steelman -------------------------------------·-----·----------------·---·______________ Melvin John son The Concrete Man ---------------------·------------------------------------------------·-------·Bob Meyers Sasha -------·-----------------·---------------------------------------------------·Lenys Ble,vs, Mona Shibli

Master of Solitaire Ballard ·---------------- -------------------------·---------·-·----------- Mel vin Johnson, George Cohen Lazetto __________________________________ --------·--·---·-------·--- Howard Steidle, Dave Robinson Henry ____________ . ·-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jack Al bright

Girls in White Chanin ------------------·-------·--------------------------------------- Jcan Sigworth, Marcia Gauger Margaret .__________________________________________________________________ Maxine Sheeder, Ruth Davey Wilkins ·--·-------·-----------------------------------------·-----------------·Letty Knutsen, Mona Shibli Hancock .. __________________________________________ ___ Dorothy Shoemaker, Carolyn Cham pl in Ellen ____________ ----------------------------------------------------------- Betty Jane Smith, Ellen Cromer Martha ______________-------------------·---·-------·------------------------Sarah Thompson, Joyce Ash

Make Way for Rodney Katie____________________________________________________________________E<lnaray Boyd, Frances Melhuish Rodney-·------·-----------------·------------------------------------------- Frank Hess, Leroy Winand Mrs. Lodge ____________________________________________________________Ruth Clyde, Myrrel Rewbridge Phyllis ________________________________________ ____________________________________ Eliza beth Furst, Betty Dux Lyman ---·--·---·-------.----------------·----------------'-------------------------- Bill Smith, Bill Mars hall Bill _______________________________________________________________ __________ _H arry Kimmel, Dave Meixner Mr. Lodge ___________________________________________ _______________ _______ Robert Day, Harold Griffith Josephine ----------------------·----------·· -------·--------------·--------·Lois Kreamer, Velma Elder



Operetta - Riding Down the Sky FIRST ROW-Mr. Smith, C. Zierdt, J. Hoy, R. Miller, J. Nesbitt, K. Hosterman, W. Reed, J . Harter, A. Decker, M. MacKenzie, M. Shibli, J. Morse. · SECOND ROW-E. Yeagley, J. Knandel, E. Shank, R. Pielemeier, V. Elder, S. Thompson, C. Weaver, M. Rewbridge, L. Harper, J . Poorman, M. Sheeder, J. Swartz, E. Lowder . THIRD ROW- R. Coleman, T. Johnson, C. Zundel, G. Olewine, J. Graham, C. Taylor, G . Twichell, E. Furst. B. Edwards, R. Twichell, D. Long, F. Fisher. FOURTH ROW-R. Burge, W. Currier, 0. Ridenour, M. Pugh, R. Myers, G . Warner, R. McNaul, M. Hartswick, F. Miller, R. Smith, M. Aikens, B. Long.

CAST Pepita ·····---------------------------------------------------------------- Mary Jane Doerner, Jean Hoy Fernando ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ·-----Vvayne Bechdel Don Pedro de Garvanza _______________________________________________________ _________ Ken Hosterman Rosa --------------------------------------------------- Anna Louise Decker, Margaret MacKenzie Carmelita ------------------------------------------------------------------ Jananne Morse, Ruth Davey ~;~eJ~:~ Riley _--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jo li~l( \~~~~ Ben Baker ------,------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jim Harter George MacDonald ________________________________________________________ ________ Jack Nesbitt Joshua Scroggins ____ :_______________________________________ ____ Charles Zierdt, Dick Humphries Francisco Bandino ----------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------Dick Miller Maria -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ortrude W urA, Mona Shibli ___________ _


CHORUS Sarah Thompson, Charlotte Taylor, Janet Graham, Sarah Meyer, Barbara -Lang, Maxine Sheeder; Myrrel Rewbridge, Ruth Pielemeier, Jean Swartz, Jean Poorman, Claire Weaver, Joyce Ash, Kathryn Metzger, Evelyn Lowder, Emily Shank, Fred Miller, Gilbert Olewine, Clay Zundel, Jean Knandel, Ednaray Boyd, George Grazier, Max Hartswick, George \Varner, Bob i\1[eyers, Tom John son, Christine Shutt, Elizabeth Yeagley, Frank Fisher. DANCING CHORUS

Jean Sigworth, Lois Harper, Elizabeth Furst, Velma Elder, Betty Fletcher.



Home Ee. Club FIRST ROW-Leda Rhinehart, Jean Stover, Ruth Saxion, Pauline Rife , Miss Heagney . SECOND ROW-Anna Saxion, Pauline Struble, Joy Hartsock, Mary Louise Ulmer. Vivian Barto. THIRD ROW-Betty Struble, Eunice 路 Wolford, Betty Walker, Rachael Albright, Betty Rider.

Camera Club FIRST ROW-Mr. Wright,' Byron Turner, Robert Coleman, Robert Daugherty, Warren Currier. SECOND ROW-Gayle Gearhart, George Arnold, Philip Jones, Miles Pugh, Owen Ridenour.

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THE NITTANY NINE FIRST ROW-Olin Butt (Director) SECOND ROW-Charles Lauck, Frank Hess, Bob Kapp, David Robinson, Bob Burge. THIRD ROW-David Kapp, Robert Gardner, Jack Storch, Bill Smith, Henry Thurston. Ken White. N_o t in picture- Betty Platt (Vocalist).

History of' The Nittany Nine The Nittany Nine was organized in the fall of 1938 by a group of six "hep-cats" who played (?) a ~ew stock arrangements. A few months later they persuaded Olin Butt to become their leader and to write special arrangements of swing classics for them. Since that time the "ork" has rapidly increased in size and prominence. When the group was named the "Nittany Nine," the 路members were Phil White, Bob Kapp, Dick Humphreys, Charles Lauck, Martin Knutsen, Bob Gardner, Duane Doty, Anne Carruthers, and Bob Burge. How~ver, the only member cif the original "hep-cat" group who is still playing with the Nittany Nine is Bob Kapp. The average age of the boys in the orchestra is a little under 16. From the original six or eight arrangements, the "ork" has built up a library of over 100 tunes, of which they now p_lay over 40. In slightly over a year, the Nittany Nine has earned roughly $1000. The band has played engagements for the Centre Hills Country Club, the Nittany Country Club, the University Club, the Elks Club in Renovo, the Fallon Hotel in Lock Haven, Highland Hall (Hollidaysburg), Spring Mills High School, The Coliseum, the V.F.W., the American Legion, Sigma Delta Sorority, Tau Phi Delta, Autoport, and State College High School.

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PATHONS LIST Allen crest Balfurd's Bottorf's Shoe Store . Campus Restaurant .. . ... . . ... . .. . . . ........ . Children's Shop College Cut Rate Drug Store Cook's Market ........... Corner Room ... ...... . ........ Eatland .. . . Egolf's .... Electric Bakery First National Bank .. Fred's Fromm's Glennland Pool Hann Watch Shop Jack Harper . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . Hoy Drug Store .... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . Keeler's Book Store .. .. . . . ... . .. . . . ... ... . . . . W. H. Marshall . . . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . Martin and Kreamer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . McKee's Market ....... . . . ....... .. . ... .. ...... ... . .. . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . Metzger's Paul Mitten's Moore's Dress Shop ............. Morrell's Nut Shop . ........ Nittany Meadows Market People's Furniture Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rea & Derick's Drug Store . Sauers ................ Schlow's Dress Shop . . .. Smith's Powder Puff State College Book Store. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . State College Floral Shoppe Storch's Garage . . Wolfe's Floral Shop

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105 W. Beaver Ave. State College Hotel 202 South Allen Street 142 E. College Ave. 138 E. College Ave. 106 W. College Ave. 115 Frazier Street Allen and College South Allen Street 126 E. College Ave. 243 South Allen Street 122 W. College Ave. South Allen Street 114 E. College Ave. South Pugh Street Hoy Drug Store 114 W. College Ave. 120 E. College Ave. Cathaum Theater Building Glennland Building E. College Ave. 117 W. Beaver Ave. 111 Allen Street 146 Allen Street 124 E. College Ave. Pugh Street 104 W. Beaver Ave. 230 E. College Ave. 121 S. Allen Street 109 Allen Street 110 E. College Ave. 107 Allen Street West Beaver Ave. 127 W. Beaver Ave. 224 E. College Ave. Glennland Building



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