1 minute read

Where Can I Find...


JPG and PNG logos can be accessed in the Knowledge Center of MyCommerce/Salesforce (Navigate to “Marketing Resources”). Different logos include:

• Commerce Logo

• Open for Business Logo

• Maryland Logo (No Department)

If you have questions or you are working with a vendor that needs a different file format, please contact Saundra Jones or Scott Johnson and they can provide details. Scott and Saundra can also help you select the best logo for the scenario (Commerce / Open for Business / Maryland only). For more information on using our logo and other brand standards, access our brand guidelines here:

Data & Rankings

Data about Maryland can be found in the Data section of open.maryland.gov. Use the site to see select rankings and various data points provided by Zoomprospector

• An even more comprehensive rankings list can be found on Salesforce, along with other Data resources (Navigate to Knowledge Center / Data / Data Resources). The Research team has access to more data as needed


Letterhead can be found in the Knowledge Center of MyCommerce/Salesforce (Navigate to “Marketing Resources”).

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