Whether you're a first-year student or a seasoned Sun Devil, finding the right living space is a crucial part of your college experience. This guide is here to help you navigate the ins-and-outs of off-campus housing, making your transition as smooth as possible.
Explore Your Options at the Off-Campus Housing Fair
Every November and March, ASU Student Media’s
Off-Campus Housing Division hosts the Off-Campus Housing Fair, a free event on the Tempe campus designed to help you find the perfect place to live. It's a one-stop shop where you can explore various off-campus housing options and connect directly with representatives from local apartment communities.
Nov 19th & 20th 2024
March 25th & 26th 2025 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Memorial Union / Caddy Mall
Don't miss this opportunity to gather all the information you need before making the move off-campus. For more details and resources, visit offcampushousing.asu.edu. Welcome to your new home at ASU!
Here are some must-know tips for incoming off-campus residents. Keep these in mind while searching for your new place!
Before getting swayed by high-end amenities, consider your lifestyle. Will you use that state-of-the-art gym? How often will you swim in the pool? Decide if a fully furnished space is more practical than buying furniture yourself.
Different communities have different vibes. Some might not enforce quiet hours or cleanliness as much as others. Are there designated study rooms? Is the complex made up of multiple buildings, or is it a single structure where noise might be an issue?
Being eco-friendly means more than just recycling. Look for places with high-efficiency appliances, green fixtures (like LED lights and water-saving faucets), and features like electric vehicle charging stations.
Convenience is key. If you move farther from campus, will you be motivated to attend classes? Check the walkability of the area. Use the Walk Score (see pg. 44 for more details) to see how close you are to essential spots like stores and restaurants.
Good management can make or break your living experience. How responsive and friendly is the staff? Is there a process for roommate selection? Are they willing to help if you encounter issues? Don’t forget to ask about maintenance services and how they operate.
Pet-friendly communities are great, but make sure to ask about any pet restrictions and fees. Are there outdoor spaces for pets? Be mindful of noise and cleanliness to ensure a happy environment for everyone.
Budgeting is crucial. Can you afford the rent on your own, or will you need to split costs with roommates? Are utilities included in the rent, or will you be paying extra each month? Remember, utility bills can range from $30 to over $100 monthly.
Consider how much privacy you need. Do you want your own bathroom? Are you comfortable living with roommates or even strangers? Think about what living situation will suit you best.
Safety should be a top priority. Look for well-lit areas and consider how safe and comfortable you feel walking around the property. Visit the location both during the day and at night. Chat with potential neighbors to get their perspective on safety in the area.
Evaluate the accessibility of public transportation in your chosen area. If you don’t have a car or bike, how much will you spend on public transit? Even if you have a vehicle, these are important considerations for daily commuting.
Renters’ Scam
If you are planning to rent or sublease an apartment, be very careful about people or “companies” advertising to lease property that is not actually theirs. Fraudulent property listings have been posted pretending to have the authority to lease or sublease apartments around the ASU Tempe campus. In several cases, students have lost security deposits and/or advance payments to these scammers via Zelle. After collecting money, the scammers will then block students on all social media platf orms.
Red Flags to be on the lookout for!
They want payment for the security deposit and/or advance rent before your application is approved and a lease is offered.
They use odd wording in the ad, such as “I have the pleasure of offering.”
They use a high-pressure sales tactics by claiming that many other students/applicants are interested in the property so you must act fast.
They demand a rent price that is too low for the amenities and the type of unit listed.
The address of the listing does not match the apartment shown in the ad.
The photo in the ad does not match the property at the address of the listing.
They use the same photos and videos for completely different addresses.
DO NOT pay money without confirming that the person or “company” either is the property owner or a legitimate property management company with the authority to manage the property.
If you’re considering a sublease, ask the person for a copy of the master lease before you pay any money; then contact the property management company on the master lease to confirm that the sublessor is an actual tenant.
- Campus Housing
Creat ing a Li va bl e C o mm uni t y
By Shelby Epley
In a n eff o rt t o create t h e b es t
li va bl e c o mm uni t y, Ar izon a
S tate U ni vers i ty a nd t h e C it y
o f Tem p e f o rme d a p art n ers hi p
t o p rov id e ASU st ud en ts wi t h
p r og rams a nd serv i ces to
e nh a n ce t h e qu a li ty o f li fe .
K now You r Ne ighbo rs
W hen you ma ke t he decision t o live of f c ampus yo u have a responsibili ty t o be a c onsidera te neighbo r.
Int rodu ce y our s el f t o your neighbors and sa y hell o when you see t hem . Ex change phone numbers in ca se o f an emergenc y and ask y our neighbors t o wa t ch you r home when y ou are ou t o f t own .
P ark in g
P ark your car f acing t he corre ct dire ct ion on t he st ree t and in appropria t el y marked s paces Do no t k ee p c ar s t ha t do no t run in y our dri v eway and do no t par k in front of your neighbor's houses . If y our c ar need s repai r, do no t do main t enan ce on your c ar in y ou r driveway or in t he st ree t.
G at h er in g
Ha ve re s pe ct f or y our neighbor's right to peace an d quie t. Le t your neighbor s k now in ad v ance i f y ou pla n to ha ve a large gathering , and give t hem y our t elephon e number so t hey can con ta ct y ou in ca se y our par ty be c ome s t oo loud (F ive or more gues ts is de f ined as a gathering b y t he Ci ty of Tempe O rdinan ce 5-30 t hroug h 5-35) . A lway s c lean up y our t rash and be s ure t ha t everyone pre s en t i s 21 or older i f al c ohol i s s er v ed
“Tog et h er w e ca n create a n e ighbo r hood envir on me nt t h at i s
res p ectf ul o f every on e ” — C i ty o f Tem p e
P r op erty A pp eara n ce &
C l ea nlin es s
P roper ty owners and t enan ts are re s ponsible f or bringing proper ty in to c omplian ce . F ailure t o c ompl y or repea t ed v iola t ion s ma y resul t in legal recour se an d a f ine . (Tempe Nui s ance and P roper ty E nhan c emen t Code)
• Mow y our lawn on a regular ba sis
• K eep f urni t ure in s ide and no t on t he porc h
• Pu t awa y y our t ra sh c an a ft er garbage colle ct io n
• Do no t ov er f ill y our t ra sh c an
• Di s po se o f t ra sh properl y
• Remo ve v is ible ou t door st orag e
• E limina te gra ffiti
• Main t ain f en ces
• Remo ve inoperable vehi c le s
Cr i me P reve nt io n
F ollow t he se t ips t o k eep y ou and y our v ehi c le s afe:
• Ne v er lea ve k e ys in y our v ehicle
• A lwa ys lo ck y our c ar doors
• Ne v er lea ve v aluable it em s in y our c ar
• P ar k in well-li t area s
• P ar k in c lo se pro x imi ty t o y our des t ina t ion
N oi se
P roper ty owners and proper ty manager s will be no tif ied o f all noi se and al c ohol viola t ions occurring on t heir proper t ie s, and t here ma y be penal t ie s. S o don’ t leave barking dogs ou ts ide and moni t or noi se level s in c luding t he v olume o f y our st ereo and TV.
es f or Ar izon a a nd Tem p e
C i ty C od e v iol at ion s are a s
f ollow s:
Fi rst O ffe nse — $25 0+ S ec ond O ffe nse — $1 , 00 0+
Thi r d O ffe nse — $1 , 50 0+
No te : Underage drin k ing , weapon s, drugs and ot he r f elonie s will incur higher f ee s
G et In v ol ve d!
K now wha t v olun t eer oppor t uni t ie s are availabl e in y our c ommuni ty and t ake par t. Att end you r homeowner s as so c ia t ion mee t ings regularl y. A lso , a tt end Ci ty Coun c il mee t ings t o unders t and t he c ommuni ty y ou li ve in
Learning About Guarantors
A guarantor is a person who agrees to pay your rent for you if you fail to pay your rent on time. This guarantees the payments of rent to the landlord.
Who is eligible to be a guarantor?
A parent, relative, or local guardian qualifies as your guarantor. A guarantor should be able to provide proof of identity, address, income, and other supporting documents. Guarantors do not have the right to live in the unit and are not granted access to the unit.
Don’t have a guarantor?
Don’t worry! Designated companies can become your guarantor for a fee (there are no free guarantors). Check with the landlord to see if they utilize one of these services.
A Resource for First-Time Renters
A lease is a legally binding document that specifies the terms and conditions agreed upon by a tenant and landlord. Everybody who stays in a rental must have a lease. A landlord can be an individual, a housing community, or a property management company. Depending on the landlord, the lease can be on an apartment, home, or for a room within a home and can have more than one name on it. There are fees associated with signing a lease, so make sure you understand what you are obligated to provide financially when you sign or if you were to cancel or sell the lease agreement.
02 Renter’s Insurance:
It is important to always have active renter’s insurance. Check with the landlord to see what they require for renter’s insurance and if they provide insurance through the property management company.
Zip Code Use:
When tracking, ordering, and receiving packages, you must enter the correct zip code. Make sure to check with the landlord what the zip code is before you order any packages.
04 Groceries and Meals:
Adjusting to a new environment can be a struggle. Luckily, there are quite a few options around campus. There are food markets, shops, and restaurants that can help satisfy the need for a good meal within a few miles of each campus. ASU offers 5 different Commuter Meal Plans for students who live off-campus.
Make sure to check out sundevilhospitality.asu.edu/meal-plans to learn more!
Subleasing (Subletting) is a legal agreement in which a tenant rents out their rented property or room to someone else for a short amount of time while still being financially and legally responsible for the lease terms. This person is not on the lease agreement and the original tenant is ultimately responsible for the subtenant’s behaviors and actions. Re-letting happens when the original tenant transfers the legal and financial responsibility of the lease agreement to a new tenant. Subletting and Reletting do require the original landlord’s approval and acknowledgement and not all properties will allow it.
The City of Tempe is covered by a bus service called “Orbit”. It is a set of 6 blue buses named after planets that connect to all parts of the city. The Valley Metro takes residents out of Tempe, to the neighboring cities like Chandler, Peoria etc. These buses can be accessed via the various bus stops around Tempe by purchasing a ticket at the transit center. You can track all routes and timings of these buses via an app called “Transit”.
Budgeting Outline Budgeting
Fi rst ti me mov ing ou t ? Just go t a ne w job? Here are some t ip s for m on ey ma nag eme nt!
Public Transportation Costs:
The Valley Metro system offers a light rail system and buses that travel all around Tempe. The public transportation system is affordable with a one-day pass priced at $4 and a monthly ticket totaling $64. There is also free transportation offered by the Tempe street car, neighborhood circulators, and flash bus.
2 Car Insurance:
Average cost of U.S. car insurance is $137. This may be higher depending on age, claims, car type, and other factors.
Renters Insurance:
Renters insurance is a great way to protect your personal belongings in your rented apartment from unexpected events like theft, fire, or even unexpected water or pet damage. Plus, it can protect you from liability if someone gets hurt while visiting your place. There are plenty of options out there for renters insurance, including the possibility of bundling it with your auto insurance for extra savings! Ensure that you are doing your research when selecting renters insurance and reading customer reviews and feedback.
4 Maintenance:
Total Monthly Income - Total Monthly Expenses = Positive or Negative
If total income minus total expenses is not a negative number, you can move out! Bonus points if you have a bit left over to put in your savings.
This includes groceries and eating out. ASU estimates that an off campus student living in the Phoenix Metro Area will spend $3,333 a year on food.
Utilities are not always included in your monthly rent, make sure to ask your landlord or read your lease and fees are covered and which ones you are responsible for. Average utilities cost in Tempe, AZ is listed at $164.68 as of 2022. Average price of basic Wi-Fi is $68.24/mo (Source: costof.live).
Total Monthly Income - Total Monthly Expenses = Positive or Negative Budget
Consider your financial position and consider putting a recommended 20% of your monthly income in savings, or the amount left over every month. (Optional, but recommended)
Tuition costs at ASU vary. For undergraduates, Arizona residents pay $10,978, out-of-state students $29,952, and international students $32,760. Graduate students pay $12,014 for residents, $24,498 for non-residents, and $26,460 for international students. ASU estimates $1,000 annually for books and $300 for supplies.
Estimated at $600/yr, $50 recommended to set aside per month for emergencies.
Total Monthly Income Total Monthly Income
How much do you earn in one month? This is key for the end of the budget, so calculate it now!
Rent: How Much can you afford. Make sure this is about 30% of your income or less. Average apartment rent in Tempe, AZ, with no roommates as of July 2022:
Roommate Agreement
A formal contract to hold all roommates accountable when sharing a living space.
Us age o f t he f ollowing per s onal belonging s i s OK:
Televi s io n
F ood / drin k
Di s he s
Ren t Tot al : $____________
A moun t f or : $________
A moun t f or : $________
A moun t f or : $________
A moun t f or : $________
A moun t f or : $________
E le ct ri ci ty i s in ’ s name and we are :
S pli tt ing t he bill evenl y.
O ne is pa y ing in f ull :
Wat er i s in ’ s name and we are :
S pli tt ing t he bill evenl y.
O ne is pa y ing in f ull :
W i- Fi i s in ’ s name and we are :
S pli tt ing t he bill evenl y.
O ne is pa y ing in f ull :
T he c ommon s pa ce will be k ep t:
Clea n
Nea t
Pi ck ed-U p
Cleaning will happen :
Dail y
W ee kly
Mon t hl y
Ass igned da te /s:
W hen st ud y ing in t he s pa ce , we are oka y wi th:
Comple te quie t
Low mu si c/ headphone s
Tele v isio n
G ue sts s hould be c leared hour s/ da ys in ad v an ce.
G ame S y st em s
Clo t he s
P ersonal It em s
We agree t o relay me ss age s t o one ano t her :
Fac e- t o- face
Te xt/ no tes
P hone call s
P re f erred mean s o f c on ta ct wi th roomma t e( s) durin g conflict: c
Fac e- t o- face con v er sat io n
No te s or t ex t
We agree t ha t quie t hour s are st ar t ing a t .
If a c on f li ct ari se s, our plan o f a ct ion will be a s f ollow s:
A ddi t ional t hing s t o c on s ider :
An Inside Look at The Carmi n: Pr em i er O ff -Ca mpus Living
For s tu d e n ts s ee king a
What Sets The Carmin Apart
from the start
Favorite Amenit y
Among the many amenities The Car-
experience near Arizona State University, The Carmin stands out as a co mmu ni ty that n ot on l y p ro vid e s high-end amenities but also fosters a s en s e of belonging and co mfor t With insights from both the property manager and a current resident, this exposé provides an in-depth look into what makes The Carmin a unique and desirable choice for student housing
Insights from the Property Manager
The Carmin Culture
place to live—it provides a true sense o f communit y The p roperty ma nager emphasizes their commitment to conn e c t ing wi th e ach re sid e n t , p rospec t , or gua ra ntor, making every in teraction per s onali zed. “We tailor each resident’s experience to
fi r st -c l ass s er vic e to a ny on e wh o e n t er s o ur co mmu ni ty,” the m a nager notes. The aim is to create an environment of warm welcomes and genuine service that residents won’t
The Carmin prides itself on being a p remier stude n t living communit y that full y emb r ac e s the c ultu re , lo c a tion, a nd ev er y d ay need s o f s tu d e n t s to “L iv e T he High Lif e .” Its ro of t op pool and the r ece n tl y revamped resident sky lounge are ju s t a couple o f e x ample s o f th e
it’s not just the amenities that set The Carmin apart—its prime loc ation is
less than 0.5 miles f rom ASU, thi s high-ri s e community places res idents right in the heart of campus life while still providing the experience of
retailers, including the ASU classic El Paisano Restaurant, students are fully immer s ed in the c ampus an d local culture
Advice for New Students Choosing
The p r operty manager advi s e s students to choos e a place where
their own college experience, they suggest making a decision that will be wort hwhile and enj oyable over time. “You should love where you live and make it your home,” they recommend, stressing the importance of
lounge This versatile space provides the perfect balance of work, relaxation, and e nt ertainme nt “It is th e
space you need for a g roup stud y session, and the atmosphere to entertain or cozy up to catch up on your latest series,” they explain. The sky lounge also serves as the venue for some of The Carmin’s most unique and well - pl ann e d re sid e nt eve nt s, where all are welcome
1 Alcohol Impairment:
1 Alcohol Impairment:
Be extra careful if alcohol is involved. Impaired judgment can lead to reckless behavior that increases fire risks.
Be extra careful if alcohol is involved. Impaired judgment can lead to reckless behavior that increases fire risks.
No Fire Sprinklers:
Look for apartments with automatic sprinklers—this can make the difference between minor damage and a tragedy.
No Fire Sprinklers: Look for apartments with automatic sprinklers—this can make the difference between minor damage and a tragedy.
Disabled or Missing Smoke Alarms:
Always test smoke alarms before moving in, and make sure they are fully functional.
Disabled or Missing Smoke Alarms: Always test smoke alarms before moving in, and make sure they are fully functional.
Careless Smoking:
Be cautious when smoking and always dispose of materials properly. Smoldering cigarette butts are a common cause of fires.
Careless Smoking: Be cautious when smoking and always dispose of materials properly. Smoldering cigarette butts are a common cause of fires.
Fire Safety Tips for Off-Campus Housing:
Be Cautious with Cigarettes:
Be Cautious with Cigarettes:
After a gathering, check seat cushions and dispose of cigarette butts properly.
After a gathering, check seat cushions and dispose of cigarette butts properly.
Avoid Overloading Extension Cords:
Avoid Overloading Extension Cords:
Overloaded cords can overheat and cause fires.
Overloaded cords can overheat and cause fires.
Test Smoke Detectors:
Test Smoke Detectors:
Never live in a building without a working smoke detector. Test them regularly and request an inspection before you move in.
Never live in a building without a working smoke detector. Test them regularly and request an inspection before you move
Always call 9-1-1. You'll be connected to Tempe police first, and then transferred to the appropriate department for fire emergencies.
Always call 9-1-1. You'll be connected to police first, and then transferred to the appropriate department for fire emergencies.
Know Two Exits:
Know Two Exits:
Whether it’s your apartment, a friend’s house, or a store, always identify two ways to exit in case of an emergency.
Whether it’s your apartment, a friend’s house, or a club, always identify two ways to exit in case of an emergency.
Keep a Fire Extinguisher Handy:
Keep a Fire Extinguisher Handy:
Make sure you have a working fire extinguisher in your apartment and familiarize yourself with how to use it.
Make sure you have a working fire extinguisher in your apartment and familiarize yourself with how to use it.
While there's no mandatory replacement schedule for personal fire extinguishers, it’s a good idea to check them annually for cracks, rust, or expired pressure levels. Replace them every 10 years for optimal safety.
While there's no mandatory replacement schedule for personal fire extinguishers, it’s a good idea to check them annually for cracks, rust, or expired pressure levels. Replace them every 10 years for optimal safety.
Spus housing is crucial.
Here are some essential tips from the Tempe -
nity Policing to help you protect yourself:
When Walking
Plan Your Route:
Choose well-lit, busy streets. Avoid shortcuts through vacant lots or alleys, even if it means taking a longer route.
Know Your Neighborhood: Identify stores, restaurants, and public safety stations that are open late.
Secure Your Belongings: Keep your purse close to your body and carry wallets in inside pockets.
Avoid Distractions:
Don’t overburden yourself with packages and keep your keys ready as you approach your vehicle or home.
If Followed:
If someone is following you on foot, cross the street and head to a populated area. If a car is following you, change direction and take note of the license plate.
At Home
Be Cautious with Strangers: Use a peephole to identify visitors before opening your door.
Lock Up:
Keep windows and doors locked, even when you’re home or asleep.
Draw Blinds or Curtains:
Prevent potential thieves from seeing valuables inside your home.
Avoid Isolation:
Don’t stay alone in common areas like laundry rooms, especially at night.
Additional Resources
Safety Escort Service:
For students on the Tempe campus, the Safety Escort Service offers evening shuttles to any campus building. Check their website for the schedule.
Learn self-defense techniques through programs like RAD Systems (rad-systems.com).
Report Suspicious Activity:
If you see a crime being committed, call 911 immediately. For non-emergencies, contact the Tempe police at (480) 350-8311. Keeping an eye out for each other makes the community safer for everyone!
A Hub for Creativity and New Off-Campus Living Opportunities
by Paulina Machado
ASU's new Media and Immersive eXperience (MIX) Center in Mesa is a game-changer for students in film, media arts, design, and emerging technology programs. Opened in fall 2022, this cutting-edge facility is where hundreds of students are pushing boundaries in filmmaking, virtual world design, video game development, and more.
Located within the ASU at Mesa City Center complex, the MIX Center is the result of a collaboration between ASU and the City of Mesa. It's nestled in a city known for its rich history, vibrant arts scene, and dynamic community. It's not just a facility but a part of the thriving Mesa Innovation District, providing students with hands-on experiences and connections to industry professionals.
In addition to the MIX Center, the ASU at Mesa City Center complex features The Studios at Mesa City Center—an inclusive community space open to students and local residents. It's supported by the J. Orin Edson Entrepreneurship + Innovation Institute at ASU, offering resources and programs for aspiring entrepreneurs. The complex also includes a three-acre plaza with a public park, event lawn, splash pad, and shaded areas, making it a welcoming space for study breaks and social gatherings.
This new development not only fosters a vibrant learning environment but also enhances the off-campus living experience with its blend of creativity, community, and convenience.
The MIX Center is surrounded by new housing options that cater to students' needs, providing a seamless transition from classroom to community. Plus, it's just a 15-minute walk to the light rail.
Life on the Light Rail
Metro Lig ht Rail run s through the heart of the Tempe a nd D o wn to wn Ph oenix c ampu s e s. It p ro vid e s qu ic k a nd -
effi c ie n t s erv i ce b et w ee n the t w o c ampu s es, as w ell as to s ev era l destinations in the greater Phoenix area , including a connection to Sky Harbor International Airport .
Tempe Campus Stops:
• University Drive and Rural Road
• Veterans Way and College Ave
• Mill Ave and Third Street
Downtown Phoenix Campus Stops:
• Van Buren and Central Ave
• Van Buren and 1st Ave
How to Ride:
Scan this QR Code to plan your trip using the online trip planner
Buy a transit pass at any light rail station, transit center, retail outlet, or online. For a list of retail locations, scan this
• Activate your pass before boarding. Keep your pass as proof of payment.
• Signs on the front and side of the train show the train’s final destination.
• Trains stop at every station. Upcoming stops are announced on the train.
What is the U-Pass?
The U-Pass is a transit pass offered by Valley Metro and Parking and Transit Services at ASU. It is an alternative to paying for a parking pass and dealing with tight parking spaces, and valid on any public transportation offered by Valley metro, including the light rail and bus systems, link, rapid, and express bus systems. The U-Pass can be up to half the cost of a traditional parking pass and offer a greener mode of transportation, saving money on gas and parking.
The Phoenix light rail provides access to numerous attractions, including downtown sports venues, ASU facilities, and Sky Harbor Airport.
The Phoenix Zoo and Botanical Gardens are also easily accessible by light rail and bus connections. Valley Metro continues to expand, with projects like the Tempe Streetcar enhancing connectivity from Terrace and Apache Blvd to Marina Heights, improving access to the southern and eastern parts of the ASU campus.
The Phoenix light rail provides access to numerous attractions, including downtown sports venues, ASU
New extensions reach the Mesa Arts Center, Phoenix Marquis Theatre, Mill Avenue, and more.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.
•Travel with a group of friends at night
Valley Metro Rail and Oribit Systems
Downtown Tempe N
Valley Metro Rail and Oribit Systems
Downtown Phoenix
Valley Metro Rail Stations
16 McDowell/Central Ave
17 Roosevelt/Central Ave
18 EB: Van Buren/1st Ave
WB: Van Buren/Central Ave
19 EB: Jefferson/1st Ave
WB: Washington/Central Ave
20 EB: 3rd St/Jefferson
WB: 3rd St/Washington
Fast and frequent peak hour service
Servicio rápido y frecuente durante las horas pico I-17 RAPID
Boarding Locations around Central Station Transit Center
para viajes cotidianos
Circulator Circulador
Connecting neighborhoods to local destinations and regional transit services
Conectando a los vecindarios con destinos
Walk Score F.A .Q .
Wh at i s Walk S co re ?
Wal k S core provides in f orma t ion on t he walkabili ty o f a loca t ion and gi ve s t he loca t ion an ov erall grade base d on its walkabili ty per f orman ce Walk Sc ore looks f or t he di st ance and t ime t o ge t t o pla ce s f rom a loca t ion
Wal k S core al so looks f or t he ameni t ies around a loca t ion t ha t are walk-able Wal k Sc ore includes a bik e and t ran si t s core as well
Wh at in fo rmat ion do es Walk
Sco re no t in c lud e?
• How many st ree ts t o cro ss
• S idewalk s
• W ea t he r
• Di ff eren t ia t ing cer t ain ameni t ie s
S ee WalkSco re .com for tra nsit a nd bi ke sc o res !
90-10 0
Nav ig at in g
wal ka bili ty sc o res i n a city
Wal ke r ’s P ara di se Daily errand s do no t require a c ar
70-8 9
50-6 9
Very Wal ka bl e Mos t errand s can be ac c ompli s hed on f oo t
So me wh at Wal ka bl e S ome errand s c an be ac c ompli s hed on f oo t
25-4 9
0-2 4
Car-Re li ant A lmos t all errand s require a c ar
Car-De pe nd ent Mos t errands requir e a car t o c omple te
Dat a
To ass i st y ou in f indin g the lo cat ion th at will mee t y ou r safety n ee ds , y ou ca n researc h areas a nd their cr i me d ata b y sca nning h ere :
-Ca mpus Livin g
Lea ses 10 1
• Formal contrac t that i s l ega lly bi nd ing
• R ev i ew a nd unders ta nd th e contract
• R ese arch t h e commu ni t y a nd area
• Creat e a roommat e a gr ee ment
A SU L eg al Cl inic
602-258-343 4
A SU O -Ca mpu s
Hous in g Web si te
A SU O -Ca mpu s
Hous in g G uide
Hous in g Renter
Educat io n
Com mu nit y B ui lding
O -Campus
S tu de n t C on ne ctions
A ll O -Ca mp us R eso urces
Hous in g S ea rch
Chec klist
Un de rs tanding
Rent er Insur an ce
Un de rs tanding
Guaranto r &
Co- Si g ne r
O -Camp us Liv in g
Bu d ge t
Sam ple R oo mm ate
iO S
Intiativ e a nd Cour ag e
Bu il di ng C ul tu ral
C ap it al and S ee king
Ne w O pp ortunties
Ever y Friday 5-6p m
o n Zoom A nd roid
O ce of the Dean of Students
We are glad you are a part of the Sun Devil Family
The O ce of the Dean of Students is dedicated to being a resource to students through support, advocacy, involvement, and accountability. With a goal of nurturing student success for all Sun Devils, we strive to foster a welcoming, inclusive, and safe environment for learning and achievement in and out of the classroom while setting the standard of excellence in the delivery services for students facing challenges to their success. We are honored to support you in your e orts. Go Devils!
O ff-Cam pu s
H ou s in g Di rect ory
A n exte nsi ve arc hi ve for li v ing arra ng eme nts th at ca n b e f ound n ea r a ll 4 ASU Cam pu ses . Tem p e
D own t ow n W es t Pol ytec hni c
909 West 909 W Grove Parkway ,Tempe, AZ, 85283 (480) 865-2330
1718 S Jentilly Lane, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (844) 643-9221
Alight Tempe 1900 E Apache Blvd, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 966-3300
Apollo Tempe
1100 E Apache Blvd, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 504-5300
Aqua Apartments
1532 S Price Rd, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 966-6465
Asteria Apartment Homes
1975 University Dr, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (623) 526-2107
Atmosphere Tempe
707 S Forest Ave, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (855) 383-5906
Cam pu s C onn ectio n Pa rt ne r
Avana Tempe
30 W Carter Dr, Tempe, AZ, 85282 (480) 561-2826
Brix Apartments
1424 S Jentilly Ln, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (833) 997-2779
Butterfield Park Apartments
1215 S Dorsey Ln, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 255-2179
1028 E Orange St, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (602) 903-7042
Off- Cam pu s C onn ectio n Pa rt ne r
910 S Gary Dr, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 968-5238
Desert Palm Village
1215 E Vista Del Cerro Dr, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 568-6342
Emerson Mill Apartments
101 W 5th St, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 725-6738
Emerson Square
1701 E 8th St, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 966-4655
1250 W Grove Pkwy, Tempe, AZ, 85283 (833) 729-6726
Galleria Palms
1600 La Jolla Dr, Tempe, AZ, 85282 (480) 418-2540
Garden Grove
900 W Grove Pkwy, Tempe, AZ, 85283 (833) 387-8165
Gateway at Tempe
1655 E University Dr, Tempe, AZ, 85288 (602) 960-4559
Granada Lakes 5701 S Rural Rd, Tempe, AZ, 85283 (480) 838-4528
1330 W Broadway Rd, Tempe, 85282 (623) 343-9757
Hidden Glen
818 W 3rd St #113, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 968-8183
Highland Park
5038 S Hardy Dr, Tempe, AZ, 85282 (480) 897-0641
Hudson on Farmer
707 S Farmer Ave, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 933-0381
Lakeside Drive
500 W 1st St,Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 573-6337
Metro 101
2157 E Apache Apartments, 623-526-6331
Mission Springs 1311 W Baseline Rd, Tempe, AZ, 85283 (480) 780-1867
Murietta at ASU 1717 S Dorsey Ln, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 966-5184
1221 E Apache Blvd, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 530-6759
Nine20 Tempe
920 S Terrace Rd, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (928) 247-6600
Off -C a mpus C on ne c ti o n Par tn er
Nollie Tempe
2125 E Apache Blvd, Tempe, AZ 85281
711 W Broadway Rd, Tempe, 85282
888-786-0754 855-684-1975
Oliv Tempe
704 S Myrtle Ave, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 210-1690
Omnia Baseline
1145 W Baseline Rd, Tempe, AZ, 85283 (480) 839-4877
Omnia on McClintock
1715 E Don Carlos Ave, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 967-7357
1500 E Broadway Rd, Tempe, AZ, 85282 (480) 637-5643
Ovation at Tempe
4505 S Hardy Dr, Tempe, AZ, 85282 (480) 820-1634
Park Place Tempe
1317 S Terrace Rd, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 900-5956
Parkside Apartments
1801 S Cutler Dr, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (623) 323-1738
Parq on 5th
805 W Brown St, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 428-3732
Paseo on University
1255 E University Dr, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 968-8118
Roosevelt Point empe
Redpoint T
708 S Lindon Lane, 888 N 4th St, Phoenix, AZ 85004 (866) 963-9577 Tempe, AZ, 85281 (602) 783-1100
Sakara Villas at Tempe 910 E Lemon St, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 967-9367
San Marbeya
1720 E Broadway Rd, Tempe, AZ, 85282 (602) 842-6234
San Marino
600 W Grove Parkway, Tempe, AZ, 85283 (623) 263-7810
San Palmilla
750 W Baseline Rd, Tempe, AZ, 85283 (480) 447-2369
Scottsdale Gateway
2100 N Scottsdale Rd, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 945-8423
Skye at McClintock 1831 E Apache Blvd, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 306-7622
Skywater at Townlake
601 W Rio Salado Pkway, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 725-2183
1949 E University D
Smith and Rio
1979 E Rio Salado Pkwy, Tempe AZ 85281 602-806-7865 r, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 542-7378
Tempe Station 2323 E Apache Blvd, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 690-3150
The Access 1811 E Apache Blvd, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (520) 987-8429
The Bradford 1037 S Farmer Ave, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (602) 618-0836
The Cameron 2062 E Cameron Way, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (833) 214-7953
The Carmin 1000 E Apache Blvd, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (866) 526-9018
The District on Apache 977 E Apache Blvd, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 719-4010
The Enclave 3255 S Dorsey Ln, Tempe, AZ, 85282 (480) 690-9597
The Frederick Tempe 1275 E University Dr, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 967-2110
The Harper
4690 S Lakeshore Dr, Tempe, AZ, 85283 (480) 618-7534
The Heights on Lemon 1224 E Lemon St, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 534-7267
The Lennox at Tempe 1655 E Southern Ave, Tempe, AZ, 85282 (520) 523-2461
Thrive 1137 E Orange St, Tempe, AZ 85281 (480) 966- 9531
The Local
750 S Ash Ave, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 573-6360
The Newport
1106 E Weber Dr, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (805) 636-9805
The Regency
1100 E Lemon St, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (855) 646-0201
The Rev
3409 S Rural Rd, Tempe, AZ, 85282 (520) 412-2325
The Rise at Retreat
1025 E Orange St, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 967-8203
The Rockford
1207 E 8th St, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 966-2170
The Warhol
1415 E Apache Blvd, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 758-4499
Tides at Parkview
1235 W Baseline Rd, Tempe, AZ, 85283 (480) 820-2724
Tides on East Broadway
1865 E Broadway Rd, Tempe, AZ, 85282 (480) 968-8697
Tides on South Mill
3730 S Mill Ave, Tempe, AZ, 85282 (480) 590-1867
Townhomes at Kyrene
647 W Baseline Rd, Tempe, AZ, 85283 (480) 588-8121
Union Tempe
712 S Forest Ave, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 561-2823
University House
323 E Veterans Way, Tempe, AZ, 8528 (480) 664-8097
University Park
1015 E University Dr, Tempe, AZ, 85288 (480) 966-2393
University Pointe
919 E Lemon St, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 757-8264
University Valley
1115 E Lemon St, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 968-2555
Urbana at Broadway 2026 S Hammond Dr, Tempe, AZ, 85282 (480) 966-3368
V on Broadway
1890 S Country Club Way, Tempe, AZ 85281 (833) 658-1128
Vela at Tempe Townlake 555 N College Ave, Tempe, AZ, 85288 (888) 254-2160
Vertex Apartments
1050 S Terrace Rd, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 867-6595
Cam pu s Co nn ect io n Part ner
651 E 6th St, Tempe, AZ 85281 480-943-1190
Villagio Apartment Homes
1133 W Baseline Rd, Tempe, AZ, 85283 (480) 831-2012
Volta on Broadway 1221 E Broadway Road, Tempe, AZ, 85282 (520) 666-9750
6th 115 W 6th St, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 565-4729
Westmount At Downtown Tempe
615 S Hardy Dr, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (833) 691-5175
Willow Creek 2020 E Broadway Rd, Tempe, AZ, 85282 (480) 968-4924
Yugo Tempe
1111 E Apache Blvd, Tempe, AZ, 85281 (480) 867-6553
44 Monroe
44 W Monroe St, Phoenix, AZ, 85003 (602) 761-4533
5th Ave PHX
630 N 5th Ave, Phoenix, AZ, 85003 N/A
601 PAX
601 W Fillmore St, Phoenix, AZ, 85003 (833) 276-7103
222 E Jefferson St, Phoenix, AZ, 85004 (602) 962-7681
330 E Pierce St, Phoenix, AZ, 85004 (602) 715-2888
Arts District
222 E McDowell Rd, Phoenix, AZ, 85004 (480) 452-1016
Aspire Fillmore
601 N 3rd Ave, Phoenix, AZ, 85003 N/A
Aspire Park Central
100 W Catalina Dr, Phoenix, AZ, 85013 (480) 530-3533
Ave PHX Terra
555 N 5th Ave, Phoenix, AZ, 85003 (602) 836-4680
Broadstone Portland
320 E Portland St, Phoenix, AZ, 85004 (480) 485-2823
100 W Indian School Rd, Phoenix, AZ, 85012 (520) 274-1989
Camden Copper Square
901 E Van Buren St, Phoenix, AZ, 85006 (602) 671-3131
Carol Mary
501 E Willetta St, Phoenix, AZ, 85004 (833) 266-4933
Circa Central Ave 1505 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ, 85004 (833) 412-0956
Cityscape Residences
11 S Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ, 85004 (602) 932-1421
Continental Apartments
1030 N 3rd St, Phoenix, AZ, 85004 (833) 471-3770
800 N 2nd St, Phoenix, AZ, 85004 (602) 910-3467
Eco Phx
301 W Roosevelt St, Phoenix, AZ, 85003 N/A
El Cortez
3130 N 7th Ave, Phoenix, AZ, 85013 (623) 624-8464
Elevation on Central
4650 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ, 85012 (833) 788-8712
Escape Apartments
4700 N 16th St, Phoenix, AZ, 85016 (602) 635-1439
Fountains in the Green
3019 N 14th St, Phoenix, AZ, 85014 N/A
31 E Thomas Rd, Phoenix, AZ, 85012 (602) 584-5757
290 E Roosevelt St, Phoenix, AZ, 85004 (602) 595-6993
InHabit on Seventh 5615 N 7th St, Phoenix, AZ, 85014 (602) 795-0362
Jay on 4th
700 N 4th St, Phoenix, AZ, 85004 (480) 867-6537
Kenect Phoenix
355 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ, 85004 (602) 842-6475
Cam pu s Co nn ect io n Part ner
Linear 295
295 E Roosevelt St, Phoenix, AZ, 85004 (480) 361-0448
Lofts on 7th
2722 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ, 85006 (602) 881-6282
1314 N 3rd St, Phoenix, AZ, 85004 (602) 584-7458
Mason Oliver
11 S 12th St, Phoenix, AZ, 85034 (480) 618-7766
Midtown Flats
825 W Osborn Rd, Phoenix, AZ, 85013 (602) 778-0123
Monte Vista
302 E Monte Vista Rd, Phoenix, AZ, 85004 (602) 254-3257
Mozaic at Steele Park
411 E Indian School Rd, Phoenix, AZ, 85012 (623) 239-0787
1616 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ, 85004 (623) 257-6316
Omnia on Thomas 1645 E Thomas Rd, Phoenix, AZ, 85016 (602) 362-7146
Parc Midtown
3993 3rd Ave, Phoenix, AZ, 85041 (602) 584-8619
Portola Biltmore
2323 E Flower St, Phoenix, AZ, 85016 (602) 957-0100
Portrait at Hance Park 1313 N 2nd St, Phoenix, AZ, 85004 (602) 755-6726
Proxy 333
333 E McKinley St, Phoenix, AZ, 85004 (623) 239-0639
Pure Midtown
425 W Osborn Rd, Phoenix, AZ, 85013 (833) 573-0800
Roosevelt Row
330 E Roosevelt St, Phoenix, AZ, 85004 (480) 867-6566
Roosevelt Square
121 W Portland St, Phoenix, AZ, 85003 (844) 817-7303
Sky Phoenix
601 N 3rd Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85003 602-560-4759
600 N 4th St, Phoenix, AZ, 85004 (623) 738-1753
622 N 9th Ave, Phoenix, AZ, 85007 (623) 930-7700
The Battery
411 S 3rd St, Phoenix, AZ, 85004 (833) 441-1468
The Grayson on the Rail
5300 E Washington St, Phoenix, AZ, 85034 (480) 999-0739
The Heritage
1100 E Osborn Rd, Phoenix, AZ, 85014 (602) 932-6482
The McKinley
280 W McKinley St, Phoenix, AZ, 85003 (480) 750-4290
The Met at 3rd and Fillmore
200 E Fillmore St, Phoenix, AZ, 85004 (844) 972-4314
The Rey
400 N 2nd Ave, Phoenix, AZ, 85003 (602) 635-3182
The Station on Central 4140 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ, 85012 (855) 327-8956
The Stewart
800 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ, 85004 (623) 400-5268
The Trend at 51 1615 E Georgia Ave, Phoenix, AZ, 85016 (520) 208-6415
Tides on Osborn 1502 E Osborn Rd, Phoenix, AZ, 85014 (602) 297-2233
Union @ Roosevelt
888 N 1st Ave, Phoenix, AZ, 85003 (833) 615-1157
VB on 12th Street
220 N 12th St, Phoenix, AZ, 85034 (602) 932-7527
Off- Cam pu s C onn ectio n Pa rt ner
X Phoenix, AZ
200 W Monroe St, Phoenix, AZ, 85003 (602) 887-1131
Acoma Thunderbird
5615 W Acoma Dr, Glendale, AZ, 85306 (602) 843-0558
Aspire Thunderbird
5150 W Eugie Ave, Glendale, AZ, 85304 (877) 563-7322
5959 W Greenway Rd, Glendale, AZ, 85306 (623) 244-6216
Citra Apartments
16804 N 42nd Ave, Phoenix, AZ, 85053 (833) 565-1054
Country Gables
15010 N 59th Ave, Glendale, AZ, 85306 (602) 932-2920
Cuvee Apartments
7200 N 91st Ave, Glendale, AZ, 85305 (602) 807-4878
Desert Lakes
8245 N 27th Ave, Phoenix, AZ, 85051 (623) 552-3074
13610 N 51st Ave, Glendale AZ, 85304 (602) 843-2222
Indigo Creek
14221 N 51st Ave, Glendale, AZ, 85306 (602) 833-7166
Jerome Apartments
6451 W Bell Rd, Glendale, AZ, 85308 (520) 502-7962
Northern Edge
2339 W Northern Ave, Phoenix, AZ, 85021 (602) 368-4824
Paseo Park
5205 West Thunderbird Rd, Glendale, AZ, 85306 (602) 786-9180
Portola North Phoenix, AZ 2700 W Sahuaro Drive, Phoenix AZ, 85029 (602) 866-8623
Renaissance Apartments 13421 N 43rd Ave, Phoenix, AZ, 85029 (602) 529-6762
12021 N 43rd Ave, Phoenix, AZ, 85029 (602) 978-1828
Rosewood Court Apartments
5104 N 16th Ave, Phoenix, AZ, 85015 (602) 237-6857
Sagewood Apartments
15082 N 59th Ave, Glendale AZ, 85306 (888) 594-5291
Sanctuary on 22nd
8530 N 22nd Ave, Phoenix, AZ, 85021 (602) 371-0021
Sierra Canyon 17500 N 67th Ave, Glendale, AZ, 85308 (623) 292-7443
Sierra Pines
9410 N 31st Ave, Phoenix, AZ, 85035 (602) 932-2916
Sun Creek
15050 N 59th Ave, Glendale, AZ, 85306 (602) 978-3589
2902 W Streetwater Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85029 602- 298- 1100
5020 W Thunderbird Rd, Glendale, AZ, 85306 (602) 978-0025
The Galleria 10654 N 60th Ave, Glendale, AZ, 85304 (623) 486-3165
Tides on Dunlap
3333 W Dunlap Ave, Phoenix, AZ, 85051 (602) 973-0672
Villa Vita
8175 W Ludlow Dr, Peoria, AZ 85381 (623) 777-8777
Villas on Bell
4045 W Bell Rd, Phoenix, AZ, 85053 (602) 298-1230
VLux at Peoria Heights
9190 N 83rd Ave, Peoria, AZ, 85345 (844) 564-2867
Acero Hawes Crossing
3646 S 79th St, Mesa, AZ 85212 (480) 863-8444
Azul at Spectrum
3134 S Market St, Gilbert, AZ, 85295 (602) 892-1086
Borrego at Spectrum
3004 S Market St, Gilbert, AZ, 85295 (480) 455-6438
Elevation SanTan
2045 E Boston St, Gilbert, AZ, 85295 (480) 247-6550
Liv Northgate
455 S Recker Rd, Gilbert, AZ, 85296 (480) 750-7445
Painted Trails
4255 E Pecos Rd, Gilbert, AZ, 85295 (833) 407-5403
Red Stone at San Tan
1925 S Coronado Rd, Gilbert, AZ, 85295 (866) 929-1763
San Clemente
7640 S Power Rd, Gilbert, AZ, 85297 (480) 988-6959
San Privada
1480 E Pecos Rd, Gilbert, AZ, 85295 (602) 903-2381
SanTan by Barron
2910 S Greenfield Rd, Gilbert, AZ, 85295 (480) 656-4950
Springs at Alta Mesa 1865 N Higley Rd, Mesa, AZ, 85205 (480) 630-9567
Springs at Cooley Station
4210 E Williams Field Rd, Gilbert, AZ, 85295 (623) 323-5041
Springs at Red Mountain
2639 N Power Rd, Mesa, AZ, 85215 (480) 526-4419
The Crossing at Cooley Station
3700 E Williams Field Rd, Gilbert, AZ, 85295 (602) 842-0057
The Flats at San Tan
2550 S San Tan Village Pkwy, Gilbert, AZ, 85295 (480) 719-3777
The Highlands of Spectrum 1456 E Pecos Rd, Gilbert, AZ, 85295 (866) 458-3512
The Maxwell at Cooley Station 6151 S Power Rd, Mesa, AZ, 85212 (480) 805-9300
Trails at San Tan
2505 E Williams Field Rd, Gilbert, AZ, 85296 (833) 201-1248
Vistara at San Tan Village 1725 S Coronado Rd, Gilbert, AZ, 85295 (480) 470-6645
Vivace at Gateway Place 4500 E Ray Rd, Gilbert, AZ 85296 (480) 590-0287
Williams Gateway
5850 S Power Rd, Gilbert, AZ, 85295 (833) 416-0882
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