Mossy Hill Redesign - Banners

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About Statkraft

 Europe’s largest generator of renewable energy

 Active in wind, solar, hydro, energy storage, grid stability, EV charging, green hydrogen and eFuels

 6,000 employees in 22 countries, all working towards our low carbon future

 Invested over £1.3 billion in the UK’s renewable energy infrastructure

 Operating in the UK since 2006

 Distributed over £4 million to UK communities near operating wind farms

 Scottish head office in Glasgow, with plans for local office in Shetland

 Own 3 consented wind projects in Shetland – Energy Isles and Beaw Field on Yell and Mossy Hill, near Lerwick

 Actively exploring development of green hydrogen and eFuels projects in Shetland

 Members of Shetland Net Zero Forum

Mossy Hill Wind Farm Project History

Mossy Hill Wind Farm was designed and developed by Peel Energy and consented by Shetland Islands Council (SIC) in 2019.

The consented project is for 12 turbines with a tip height of 145m and a total output of around 48MW.

Statkraft acquired the project in 2023. Whilst it could be developed under the existing consent, we are proposing to redesign the site, reduce the number of turbines to 8 and marginally increase the tip height on the remaining 8 turbines from 145m to 155m. As part of this redesign, we are also taking the opportunity to propose other enhancements on the site.

Our Proposed Redesign

The proposed redesign removes the 4 turbines adjacent to the main road between the Black Gaet junction and Brig o Fitch and increases the tip height of the remaining 8 turbines from 145m to 155m. This change would see a reduction in the installed capacity from around 48MW to 36MW.

These changes will require a new planning application to be submitted to SIC. As part of the new application the project team will be looking to make further improvements to amenity provision on and around the site, such as:

 Accessible single-story office building to be used as a base for Statkraft employees

 Improved public access for all

 Re-routing of the National Cycle Network Route 1 through the wind farm development to avoid the main A970 road

 Interpretative areas covering information on energy and the environment

 Parking on site with electric charging points

 Outdoor seating and a water refill station

 Public access to toilets during office hours


Environmental Impact Assessment

Statkraft has appointed a team of specialist environmental and technical consultants to undertake surveys and assessments of the site. The environmental assessment process aims to assist SIC in their determination of an application by identifying any environmental effects predicted.

An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report was prepared and submitted as part of the planning application for the consented scheme. The assessments and EIA produced for the consented development will be updated to assess the re-designed wind farm. Additional survey work will also be carried out where required. Consultation with SIC and statutory bodies is ongoing to determine the scope of the environmental assessments.

A new package of mitigation and enhancement measures will be included as part of the new application in line with the Scottish Government’s National Planning requirements.

The environmental topics to be updated or reassessed include:

 Landscape and Visual

 Cultural Heritage and Archaeology

 Ornithology

 Ecology and Biodiversity

 Carbon Balance

 Peat, Geology, Hydrology and Hydrogeology

 Noise

 Access Traffic and Transport

 Shadow Flicker

 Aviation Interests

 Socio-Economics, Tourism and Recreation

Local Benefits and Investment

We want our wind farms to bring benefits to Shetland. We welcome a conversation with you about how we can bring new investment to Shetland through Mossy Hill Wind Farm and our other projects.

Community Benefit Fund

We are committed to setting up a Community Benefit Fund for Mossy Hill Wind Farm of £5,000 per MW installed per year. We are keen to work with communities to deliver a fund that can meet local community needs and priorities on Shetland.

Shared Ownership

We will progress the opportunity, if there is interest for local groups to have a financial interest, in our project, with the support of organisations such as Local Energy Scotland. Options could include a Joint Venture, Shared Revenue or Split Ownership model.

Local Suppliers

Statkraft is committed to giving back to the local community through working with local suppliers. The relationships we forge with local suppliers help our projects to become successes and will provide valuable investment across Shetland.

Education & Enterprise

We have engaged with HIE to review the workforce requirements for the construction on Mossy Hill and other Shetland projects to stimulate and increase local skills and training and we welcome ideas on how our project can support local education.

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When the planning application is submitted to SIC interested parties and statutory consultees will have the opportunity to formally comment on the application. All of the information will be available on SIC’s and our project website at the time of submission.

2018 Peel Energy application submitted to SIC

2019 Peel Energy application approved by SIC planning committee

2023 Statkraft purchased Mossy Hill Wind Farm from Peel Energy


August Statkraft consult on Mossy Hill Redesign


Second round of public consultations (wind farm and substation)

December Redesigned plans submitted to SIC

2025 Spring Planning decision on the redesigned plans

Construction of wind farm underway

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