ANCIENT EGYPT THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD A Work of Reclamation and Restitution in Twelve Books VOL. II
1907 * Typed and edited by Juan Schoch. It was Vitvan’s wish to reprint the complete works of Gerald Massey (i.e. see The Problem of Good and Evil). Alvin Boyd Kuhn in The Lost Meaning of Death says of Massey that he was “the sole Egyptologist in the ranks of scholars who measurably understood what the sages of Egypt were talking about”, saying in passing, “that the renowned Egyptologists have missed the import of that body of sublime material utterly. Massey came nearer the inner sanctuary of understanding than any other.” This disclaimer is not to be removed. Any donations, support, comments are not only wanted but welcome. I can be contacted at I include this message in the case that it be your will to contribute something, i.e. for continuance of the work, i.e., for easier access to more information, seeking out and purchasing of books, donating of textual materials, etc. Thank you and much exuberance. Ref: Juan Schoch > > > Join gnosis284! - Send
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