Stay Healthy Magazine Summer issue 2019

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Stay Healthy

Magazine Summer 2019

Mind, Body & Fitness

Cholesterol Truths To Know Top Most Common

Mental Disorders Effects of alcohol

on the brain


To Boost Focus & Memory





Stay Healthy Magazine | Summer 2019

6 That May Be Bigger Than You Think



Alcohol & Your Brain

The Truth About Heart Vitamins & Supplement

11 23



By Jaye Kenzie

The 7 best free workout & fitness apps for tracking & planning



When you first login to the app – using Facebook or an email – you’ll see a screen that asks you to ‘unlock' the premium version. Don’t be fooled. You can still use the free option by simply clicking the exit button at the top of the screen.

Great for easing you into your new regime, so you can realistically work your way from a 15-minute route to a 5K run

3. MyTraining Workout Tracker Log

MyTraining packs a selection of helpful Effective workouts are well-planned, target- training videos, a routine log, and a handy ed, and efficient. But unless you happen to calendar feature, but that’s not all. Technology may have come a long way, but you be a certified personal trainer, creating just can’t beat support from world class routines and tracking your progress is no coaches. That’s exactly what this tracking easy feat. Luckily, with a little help from technology, you can train like a pro (minus app offers. the hefty price tag). Here are seven of the PERKS OF MYTRAINING best free workout apps for tracking and planning. Got a burning question about your workout? Simply open the chat feature and 1. Runtastic speak to a certified coach in minutes. Running, jogging, biking – it doesn’t matter how you train, keeping track of your workouts is essential. Runtastic allows you to set goals, uses a built-in GPS to record routes in real-time, and even lets you share your successes with your friends. PERKS OF RUNTASTIC

4. My Virtual Mission

Are you in need of some workout motivation? If your current exercise is less-thaninspiring, My Virtual Mission may be the app for you. Use it to create the virtual fitness route of your dreams – literally. If you can imagine a route, the app can create it.

By tracking your mileage, Runtastic guages what wear and tear your trainers are endur- PERKS OF MY VIRTUAL MISSION ing If you have a desired route in mind, the app will tell you how many miles that is and set The app syncs with Apple Music to offer high tempo playlists for true musical moti- a goal for you. vation When you’ve completed the route, you can even send a virtual postcard to your con2. Asana Rebel: Yoga and Fitness tacts to show off. You don’t have to be a full-blown ‘yogi’ to use Asana Rebel. This handy little fitness app offers the perfect introduction to the regime. Rather than bombarding you with annoying notifications, you get a green dot on the built-in calendar when you train. You also get two new workouts every day so you’ll never get stuck doing the same old routine.

5. Couch to 5K Runner

Each workout is guided by a voice over from the likes of Olympian Michael Johnson to BBC presenter Jo Whiley 6. Daily Workouts Fitness Trainer Ideally, staying fit and healthy means hitting the gym or track regularly. However, sometimes, you may not have the chance to get out nor the time to dedicate to it. The Daily Workouts Fitness Trainer app means you can exercise well in the comfort of your own home. PERKS OF DAILY WORKOUTS FITNESS TRAINER You can choose which area of your physique you’d like to target and the app offers a simple yet effective five to 30-minute workout that fits the bill The uniquely genius thing about this app is it’s simplicity. Download it, pick a discipline, and get working 7. Fitbod Weight Lifting Trainer Jaye Kenzie If the CrossFit phenomenon has inspired you, you’re not alone. More men and women are lifting weights than ever. When giving this regime a shot, Fitbod Weight Lifting Trainer is the ideal app. The step-by-step nature of the program makes planning an effective strength training workout effortless. PERKS OF FITBOD The more you use the app, the more it understands your abilities and the challenges you face

The hardest part of any run is taking that first step. Couch to 5K offers running novices all the advice, support, and help they You can tailor your workouts to suit your traincould possibly need. The NHS program ing style and the available equipment too claims to get people off the couch and running in just nine weeks. Join over a million active users and start lifting today. God Bless...


Stay Healthy Magazine Mind, Body & Fitness 888 737 4044 EDITOR-N-CHIEF Jaye Kenzie MANAGING EDITOR Elizabeth Glasser PRODUCTION MANAGER

Russ Ono INTERACTIVE CONTENT MANAGER Gus Ruelas STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Jamie Frey DSIGN & PRODUCTION GlassHouse CONTRIBUTORS Izabella Mckenzie E. Selhub M.D. Kimberly Brown Stacie Gainer Amy Lee M.D. Tracey Leeke Ashley Macha Girsh Kher

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Las Vegs Nevada 89102 Copyright 2019..All rights reserved. All or part of this publication cannot be duplicated or reprinted without the consent of the publisher.. All medical content is for informational purpose only. Please consult a medical professional before following through with any health & fitness advice, remedies, programs. SH Magazine is not responsible for any results that may or may not accrue.


Contributed by E Selhub MD

Think about it. Your brain is always “on.” It takes care of your thoughts and movements, your breathing and heartbeat, your senses — it works hard 24/7, even while you’re asleep. This means your brain requires a constant supply of fuel. That “fuel” comes from the foods you eat — and what’s in that fuel makes all the difference. Put simply, what you eat directly affects the structure and function of your brain and, ultimately, your mood. Like an expensive car, your brain functions best when it gets only premium fuel. Eating high-quality foods that contain lots of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants nourishes the brain and protects it from oxidative stress — the “waste” (free radicals) produced when the body uses oxygen, which can damage cells.

It makes sense. If your brain is deprived of good-quality nutrition, or if free radicals or damaging inflammatory cells are circulating within the brain’s enclosed space, further contributing to brain tissue injury, consequences are to be expected. What’s interesting is that for many years, the medical field did not fully acknowledge the connection between mood and food.

perception of stress, and mental outlook improve, compared with people who did not take probiotics. Other studies have compared “traditional” diets, like the Mediterranean diet and the traditional Japanese diet, to a typical “Western” diet and have shown that the risk of depression is 25% to 35% lower in those who eat a traditional diet. Scientists account for this difference because these traditional diets tend to be high in vegetables, Today, fortunately, the burgeoning field fruits, unprocessed grains, and fish and of nutritional psychiatry is finding there seafood, and to contain only modest are many consequences and correlations amounts of lean meats and dairy. They between not only what you eat, how you are also void of processed and refined feel, and how you ultimately behave, but foods and sugars, which are staples of also the kinds of bacteria that live in your the “Western” dietary pattern. In addigut. tion, many of these unprocessed foods How the foods you eat affect how you are fermented, and therefore act as natufeel ral probiotics. Fermentation uses bacteria and yeast to convert sugar in food to carSerotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps regulate sleep and appetite, medi- bon dioxide, alcohol, and lactic acid. It is ate moods, and inhibit pain. Since about used to protect food from spoiling and can add a pleasant taste and texture. 95% of your serotonin is produced in your gastrointestinal tract, and your gas- This may sound implausible to you, but trointestinal tract is lined with a hundred the notion that good bacteria not only million nerve cells, or neurons, it makes influence what your gut digests and absense that the inner workings of your sorbs, but that they also affect the dedigestive system don’t just help you digree of inflammation throughout your gest food, but also guide your emotions. body, as well as your mood and energy What’s more, the function of these neu- level, is gaining traction among researchrons — and the production of neuroers. The results so far have been quite transmitters like serotonin — is highly amazing. influenced by the billions of “good” bacWhat does this mean for you? teria that make up your intestinal microStart paying attention to how eating different biome. These bacteria play an essential role in your health. They protect the lin- foods makes you feel — not just in the moment, but the next day. Try eating a “clean” ing of your intestines and ensure they diet for two to three weeks — that means provide a strong barrier against toxins cutting out all processed foods and sugar. Add and “bad” bacteria; they limit inflammafermented foods like kimchi, miso, sauerkraut, tion; they improve how well you absorb pickles, or kombucha. You also might want to nutrients from your food; and they actitry going dairy-free — and some people even vate neural pathways that travel directly feel that they feel better when their diets are between the gut and the brain. grain-free. See how you feel. Then slowly

Unfortunately, just like an expensive car, your brain can be damaged if you ingest anything other than premium fuel. If substances from “low-premium” fuel (such as what you get from processed or refined foods) get to the brain, it has little ability to get rid of them. Diets high in refined sugars, for example, are harmful to the brain. In addition to worsening your body’s regulation of insulin, they also promote inflammation and oxidative stress. Multiple studies have found a correlation between a diet high in refined sugars and impaired brain function Studies have shown that when people — and even a worsening of symptoms of take probiotics (supplements containing mood disorders, such as depression. the good bacteria), their anxiety levels,

introduce foods back into your diet, one by one, and see how you feel. When my patients “go clean,” they cannot

7 Brain foods are those that are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, or healthy fats. They nourish both the body and the mind and help boost energy levels without the need for caffeine or other stimulants. The best brain foods help produce hormones that increase alertness and attention span while helping the mind process new information. It's scientifically proven these foods increase focus, making them great snack options when studying for a big test or preparing for an important work meeting. 1. Beets Beets are high in both antioxidants and nitrates. Antioxidants are cancer-fighting and help detoxify the blood, while nitrates increase blood flow to the brain. Beets allow the brain to think clearly and increase attention span. Additionally, beets naturally increase energy levels and help boost athletic performance. This root vegetable can be eaten raw in salads or alone, and also make a great addition to a roasted vegetable medley. 2. Avocado

amount of food they need to consume to feel satisfied. Adding broccoli to stir-frys, stuffed chicken, or creamy casseroles is a great way to increase intake of this healthy vegetable.

8. Turmeric

Turmeric has strong healing and antiinflammatory properties, thanks to curcu4. Dark Chocolate min, the chemical compound it contains. Dark chocolate increases blood flow to People have been using turmeric for centhe brain, which improves all-around cog- turies to heal wounds and illness. Today, nitive function. It's high in flavonols, which we use turmeric to season foods, but even have great anti-inflammatory and antioxi- as a spice these powers prevail. The spice dant properties. To reap all the benefits of boosts overall immunity and oxygen indark chocolate, it's best to opt for choco- take in the brain, which increases alertlate that is at least 70% cocoa. Milk choco- ness and focus. late and white chocolate are too high in 9. Rosemary refined sugars and other highly processed Rosemary protects the brain from signs of ingredients to provide the same health aging, Alzheimer's, and neurodegenerabenefits as dark chocolate. tion. It contains carnosic acid, which 5. Salmon guards against chemical-free radicals that Salmon is very high in omega-3 fatty acids, contribute to aging and degenerative diswhich help reduce brain fog and increase ease. This savory herb can also protect memory and concentration. The fish can against stroke and decrease macular dereduce the risk of ADHD in children, and generation and other vision problems. certain cancers. When looking to take Rosemary has these benefits whether advantage of these benefits, the best consumed fresh, dried, or as an oil. salmon to consume is Alaskan wild-caught 10. Coconut Oil salmon. Coconut oil is a diverse superfood. It has 6. Walnuts powerful anti-inflammatory properties Walnuts are rich in minerals, vitamins, and and can boost memory and cognitive antioxidants. Snacking on almonds can function. Replacing the fat in any baking increase memory, alertness, and concen- or cooking recipe with coconut oil is a tration. Studies show including walnuts in simple way to incorporate it into one's one's diet on a regular basis may help to diet. Applying it topically can help dry decrease the risk of Alzheimer's disease. skin, stretch marks, and eczema. Walnuts make a delicious, healthy snack on their own. For a treat, they can be added to cookie recipes or used to top a bowl of ice cream.

Avocados are a superfood high in monounsaturated fats. These healthy fats keep blood sugar at a steady level and keep the skin, hair, and nails looking and feeling healthy. More importantly, avocados are rich in folate and vitamin K, which improve cognitive brain functions such as concentration and memory. They are a surprisingly diverse fruit. Adding avocado to smoothies increases the creamy texture, however, they are also great on their own, spread on a piece of toast, or as the main ingredient in spicy guacamole. 7. Blueberries 3. Broccoli

blueberries to a parfait or cobbler makes a delicious treat, as well.

Blueberries protect the brain from toxins, degeneration, and stress. They have the Broccoli is high in both choline and vitahighest antioxidant level of any food and min K. Both contribute to memory function and focus. Broccoli is also high in vita- can help ward off certain cancers, aging, min C and fiber. High levels of fiber help a and environmental toxins. Blueberries are also high in fiber and vitamin K. Adding person to feel full quickly, reducing the


9 show that activated GABA receptors lead to memory-impairing effects. Alcohol kills new brain cells

By Jaye Kenzie Stay Healthy Magazine

According to a study from the JAMA Psychiatry, people in the US are drinking more alcohol than ever. Researchers found that 73% of adults regularly drank alcohol while 13% of the population engaged in high-risk drinking. People love to have a drink or two after a long day at work, but it’s not uncommon for adults or teenagers to engage in heavy drinking sessions that bring many dangers. Brain shrinkage and alcohol Effects of alcohol on the brain aren’t a secret, and they are well-documented. For many years scientists have explored the way alcohol affects our brain and cognitive functions, but there is still a lot we need to learn. The brain is a complex organ, and further research is necessary to uncover all its mechanisms and how alcohol or other factors influence their activity. One way alcohol affects your brain and memory is by shrinking certain areas that play a huge role in cognitive skills. The BMJ published a study whose primary objective was to investigate whether even moderate consumption of alcohol has either a positive or negative impact on brain’s structure and function.

The brain is a truly complex and mysterious organ with many functions and mechanisms that are yet to be discovered. That’s why different factors, including alcohol, can affect the way brain works in many ways, and the purpose of new studies is to identify as many of In other words, the study has confirmed previthose mechanisms as possible. For example, ous research on this topic which theorized that we know alcohol is bad for the brain, and while alcohol is related to brain atrophy. Even modsome of its effects are well-known, we’ll defierate consumption of alcohol can induce strucnitely learn more in the future. A study pubtural changes and shrink hippocampus. It can lished in November 2017 identified a new way also reduce the ability to name as many words that alcohol affects the brain and, thus, reducbeginning with a specific letter as possible es its functions including memory. within one minute. The study was carried out by Dr. Ping Wu and a Alcohol activates GABA receptors team of researchers at the University of Texas Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is defined as Medical Branch at Galveston, and its main oba neurotransmitter (chemical messenger) jective was to discover how long-term, frewhich sends chemical messages to the brain quent alcohol intake affected brain cells. They and nervous system. GABA takes part in reguperformed a series of experiments involving lating communication between brain cells. mice and discovered that alcohol alters the differentiation of neural stem cells (NSCs) and This neurotransmitter has an inhibitory role, their survival. i.e. it inhibits or reduces the activity of nerve cells or neurons. GABA is an important factor in Results, published in the journal Stem Cell Reour cognition, behavior, and the way our body ports, also showed that the subventricular responds to stress. zone of the lateral ventricles is most affected by chronic exposure to alcohol. In this region, The neurotransmitter has its own receptors stem cells were more vulnerable to the effects which are found on nerve cells, and they reof alcohol. Scientists concluded that long-term ceive the chemical messages. Then, they beand frequent alcohol intake kills most NSCs. come activated and work to reduce or inhibit nerve impulses. Conclusion

Why is GABA important? Evidence reveals that alcohol has direct effects on GABA receptors. Scientists at the University of Oxford enrolled When activated, these receptors conduct CI527 men and women with mean age of 43, and (chloride) thus leading to neuronal hyperpolarinone of them was alcohol dependent. Subjects zation. The hyperpolarization is defined as a were followed for 30 years (1985-2015). Rechange in the value of the resting membrane sults showed that higher alcohol intake over 30 potential toward a more negative value. As a -year follow-up was strongly associated with result, the inside of the cell becomes negative enhanced odds of hippocampal atrophy in a on the outside. Hyperpolarization is inhibitory dose-dependent manner. Interestingly, even due to the fact that membrane potential those who drank alcohol moderately had three moves away from the neuron’s threshold at times the odds of right-sided hippocampal which an action potential can arise. atrophy compared to those who never drank The inhibitory action of hyperpolarization alcohol. In addition, higher alcohol intake was affects neurotransmission in the central nervlinked to differences in corpus callosum strucous system (CNS). Bearing in mind that GABA ture (the largest connective pathway in the receptors have an inhibitory role, their activabrain) and a faster decline in lexical fluency. tion slows down important functions. Studies

Alcohol intake is negatively associated with heart health, contributes to weight gain, and is a risk factor for many other conditions. Excessive consumption of alcohol can affect the brain too. The article covered the impact of alcoholic beverages on the brain. Excessive consumption of anything can lead to a lot of dangers especially alcohol.


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11 6. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Top 10 Most Common Mental Disorders By E. Glasser Stay Healthy Magazine

(believing false fixed beliefs, in spite of Good mental health increase considerably evidence that suggests the contrary). enhances and maintains the emotional 3. Substance Abuse wellbeing of any person irrespective of his Also referred to as drug abuse, substance age. It shows how an individual thinks, abuse is a patterned use of harmful drugs. feels and acts towards life, and how he Commonly used substances include canhandles stress and other associated probnabis, bath salts, TCP, LSD, cocaine, opilems life throws at him. um, and heroin. A mental health disorder/disease is an illness that causes mild to severe disturbances in thoughts and/or actions, resulting in an ability to deal with life’s ordinary routines and demands. There are over 200 classified types of mental disorders, some more common than the others. Here we will be looking at the 10 most common mental health disorders, and their symptoms. 1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Generalized anxiety disorder is a longterm condition that is characterized by exaggerated, excessive, blowing-out-ofproportion and suffering an anxiety attack going through daily life events. The constant state of anxiety eventually ends adversely affecting the individual’s relationships, his school or work life, etc. This mental disorder can cause both physical and mental symptoms including headaches, muscle tension, and irritability.

4. Impulse Control Disorders

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that limits a person’s ability to concentrate and control inappropriate behavior and promotes excess activity. 7. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) PTSD is a form of anxiety disorder that is usually the result of a traumatic life event. People with PTSD experience persisting and terrifying nightmares, memories and thoughts of the event, and tend to be emotionally numb. 8. Autism Autism is a life-long developmental disability that impacts a person’s perception of the world and their interaction with others. Common symptoms of autism include problems with social interaction and communication. 9. Mood disorders Also known as affective disorders, mood disorders are characterized by tenacious feelings of melancholy or sudden periods of excess happiness or fluctuations from extreme sadness to extreme happiness. Most common type of mood disorders includes bipolar disorder, cyclothymic disorder, and depression.

People with impulse control disorders are unable to resist temptation or urges, to indulge in acts that could be dangerous to 10. Eating disorders others or themselves. Compulsive gamPeople with eating disorders experience bling, kleptomania (stealing), and Pyromaextreme emotions, behaviors, and attinia (starting fires) are common examples. tudes regarding food, their shape, and weight. This can result in them making 5. Personality disorders real unhealthy choices about food with Individuals with personality disorders destructive consequences to their health. have inflexible and extreme personality Bulimia nervosa, binge eating, and anotraits that are upsetting to the person and rexia nervosa are the most prevalent 2. Psychotic disorders can significantly affects his/her personal types of eating disorders. life. Furthermore, this person thinks and Psychotic disorders involve distorted behaves so differently and their personalithinking and awareness. The two most ty is very rigid. Paranoia, Obsessivecommon symptoms of psychotic disorders compulsive disorder and antisocial perinclude hallucinations (experiencing unresonality disorder are all examples. al sounds and images) and delusions

12 supplement will protect the heart, he adds. Another risk is that what you see on the label isn’t always what you get. Investigations have shown that too often pills said to contain medicinal herbs are actually full of fillers like powdered rice or even dangerous substances. Some don’t even contain any of the herbs on the labels. “Supplement production is not regulated The Truth About Heart Vitamins and involving hundreds of thousands of subjects, in which some were given vitamins by the FDA nor does the industry need to Supplement If eating a heart-healthy diet is good for your heart, you might wonder if taking vitamins and other nutritional supplements that are touted as heart-healthy further protects you from cardiovascular disease.

and others a placebo. “We found no evidence of benefits to cardiovascular disease,” Miller says. “Supplements were ineffective and unnecessary.”

One possible exception is omega-3 or fish oil capsules. This type of fatty acid, found in fish and marine algae, helps the heart. “The bottom line is, we don’t recommend Two servings of fatty fish per week prosupplements to treat or to prevent cardi- vides enough for most people. For those ovascular disease,” says Johns Hopkins who don’t get enough omega-3 in their physician Edgar R. Miller III, M.D., Ph.D. , diet, supplements may be helpful, Miller whose research review on the topic has says. been published in the Annals of Internal Vitamins and supplements can be unMedicine. “The good news is, you don’t safe. have to spend any money on supplements.” While research has turned up no clear benefit to supplements, consuming too much of certain vitamins can be harmful. Too much calcium and vitamin D are asVitamins and supplements don't protect sociated with an increased risk of cardioyou from heart disease. vascular disease, Miller says. Though Johns Hopkins researchers (including Mil- studies are ongoing, there’s little evidence that any amount of a vitamin D ler) reviewed randomized clinical trials Here are three key findings about supplements and the heart.

prove health benefits, so they can use vague language like ‘good for heart health’—but they can’t say ‘will lower blood pressure,’ ” Miller says.

Food is the very best source of nutrients your heart needs. Your body needs a range of vitamins to function properly—but they need to come from food. Not only is there no proof of much benefit from supplements, they also often contain unnaturally high doses of limited types of nutrient compounds. There are more than 600 different types of carotenoids (a type of antioxidant), for example. You’re far more likely to get these antioxidants from a varied diet than a single pill. “Food offers a full complement of the antioxidants you need, not just selected ones in high doses,” Miller says. Contributed by Kimberly Brown Nutritionists


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14 your doctor about a recent time when you had trouble holding your urine or had to change your underwear. If you’re starting to limit activities in order to be near a bathroom, mention it to the doctor. Constipation

That May Be Bigger Than You Think

Symptoms: You pass hard, dry stool— usually less than three times a week. You also may strain or even occasionally notice blood in your stool.

problem is with low desire, pain or erectile problems during sexual relations—or all of these. Depression Symptoms: You may feel low energy, irritability and a lack of interest in activities you normally enjoy, as well as appetite and sleep problems. Why it’s a big deal: Depression makes daily living difficult. It also makes taking care of your health—eating a healthy diet, exercising, getting adequate sleep and taking medications as directed—much more challenging. It may also be a warning sign that your stress level is too high, that a medication you take is causing side effects or that you’re grieving the loss of a relative or friend.

Why it’s a big deal: “Constipation can be uncomfortable and even painful,” Arbaje says. It can cause hemorrhoids and other complications, some of which can be very serious, such as confusion in older adults. It may also be a sign that you have irritable bowel syndrome or a problem with “Definitely talk with your health care pro- intestinal functioning—or a warning sign that your diet needs more fiber and fluids, vider,” says Johns Hopkins geriatrician Communicating with your health care or that you rely too much on laxatives. Alicia Arbaje, M.D., M.P.H. “Our bodies provider: Explain that you haven’t felt like are smart. They’ll warn us about big Communicating with your health care yourself lately. Describe what you or your health problems years in advance—with provider: Talk about how often you use loved ones have been noticing about your little concerns that, if caught early, can be the bathroom. Ask whether you should be mood. treated with your doctor’s help.” doing or taking anything special to help Memory Problems your bowels move. Urinary Incontinence Symptoms: Having trouble remembering Sexual Problems Symptoms: You may “leak” when you names, dates and other facts? Difficulty sneeze, laugh, lift something heavy or Symptoms: You may be experiencing finding the words you need when speakexercise. Or you may have “accidents” painful intercourse, problem achieving or ing or writing? Trouble concentrating or because the urge to urinate becomes so maintaining an erection, or low sexual even remembering what it is you need to overwhelming, so quickly, that you can’t desire. do next? get to a bathroom in time. Why it’s a big deal: “Sexual problems can Why it’s a big deal: Many people experiWhy it’s a big deal: “Urinary incontinence impact your closest relationship and, ence more memory slipups as they age, affects your quality of life,” Arbaje says. therefore, the quality of your own life most of which are normal. But lapses that “You may limit your social life, only go from day to day,” Arbaje says. “You’re affect your ability to take care of yourself places with a nearby bathroom or just never too old to enjoy a satisfying sex could impact your ability to live indestay at home.” Sometimes urinary inconti- life.” Sexual problems may also be a signal pendently or to drive a car. Memory nence is a sign of a health condition that that you need to be treated for depreschanges can also be a warning sign for needs treatment, such as a urinary tract sion, diabetes, circulation problems or low depression and sleep problems. infection, arthritis or a problem with pel- hormone levels, or that you are taking a Communicating with your health care vic floor muscles. It can also be a side medication that’s causing side effects. provider: Describe the kinds of problems effect of certain medications. Often, lifeCommunicating with your health care that you are having with your thinking and style changes and the right pelvic-floor provider: If you’re a particularly private memory. Ask if your doctor can do a simexercises will help. person, tell your doctor that you have ple test of your mental abilities right in Communicating with your health care something to discuss as privately as possi- the office. Contributed by Stacie Gainer MD provider: Take a deep breath, then tell ble. Describe specifically whether the Maybe you “leak” a little when you laugh. Don’t enjoy intimacy with your partner the way you used to? Or are you becoming more and more forgetful? Should you tell the doctor—or shrug it off as just aging?



Q. What causes high blood pressure?

Blood Pressure

A. My answer is going to start in your back yard; stay with me. You're holding a hose, you turn on the water, and it shoots through the hose and out the nozzle. The water is moving because it's under pressure. Similarly, when your heart beats it creates pressure that enables your blood to "water" your body with the nutrients that are in your blood.

Blood pressure has gotten a bad rap. Some pressure is essential for circulation. Without it, blood couldn't move from the heart to the brain and the toes and back again. The heart provides the driving force — each contraction of the left ventricle, the heart's main pumping chamber, creates a wave of pressure that passes through all the arteries in the body. Relaxed and flexible arteries offer a healthy amount of resistance to each pulse of blood.

Three things affect the amount of pressure that pushes blood through your body: how forcefully the heart pumps, how much blood there is, and how narrow the smallest blood vessels are. That last one may need some explanation. When you're watering plants, and you want the stream of water to go farther, what do you do? You make the nozzle smaller. Narrowing the opening through which the water flows increases the pressure, and the water then is able to reach the distant flowerbed.

But too much of a good thing is a bad thing. Arteries that are tensed, constricted, or rigid offer more resistance. This shows up as higher blood pressure, and it makes the heart work harder. This extra work can weaken the heart muscle over time. It can damage other organs, like the kidneys and the eyes. And the relentless pounding of blood against the walls of arteries causes them to become hard and

narrow, potentially setting the stage for a heart attack or stroke. Most people with high blood pressure (known medically as hypertension) don't know they have it. Hypertension has no symptoms or warning signs. Yet it can be so dangerous to your health and wellbeing that it has earned the nickname "the silent killer." When high blood pressure is accompanied by high cholesterol and blood sugar levels, the damage to the arteries, kidneys, and heart accelerates exponentially. High blood pressure is preventable. Daily exercise, following a healthy diet, limiting your intake of alcohol and salt, reducing stress, and not smoking are keys to keeping blood pressure under control. When it creeps into the unhealthy range, lifestyle changes and medications can bring it down. Contributed by Amy Lee MD

17 radicals, and excessive amounts can be damaging to our DNA and cells. Curcumin is the key component in turmeric offering its antioxidant powers. Studies have shown it’s extremely effective in both fighting free radicals and boosting the body’s antioxidant enzymes.

By Tracey Leeke SHM What can turmeric do you for you? A lot, apparently. The superfood – or superspice, rather – may help with diabetes, heart health, eczema and psoriasis, pain relief and so much more. This vibrant yellowish-orange root is a natural wonder. Used in Asia for thousands of years both as a dye and for medicinal purposes, turmeric has also been and still is a cooking staple (its hue makes curry and mustard, yellow). Originating from the same family as ginger, the most active element in turmeric is curcumin, and is where most of this golden spice gets its long list of healing properties. To get more details about the impressive health benefits of this spice, we turned to Joy McCarthy, certified holistic nutritionist and founder of Joyous Health to get the scoop. Fights Inflammation “Turmeric’s biggest claim to fame is that it’s super anti-inflammatory,” explains McCarthy. Chronic inflammation has been shown to cause diseases including cancer, arthritis, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and more. One study done on curcumin found it had significant anti-inflammatory properties, powerful enough to match the effectiveness of some anti-inflammatory drugs. Packed with Antioxidants Another big bonus of turmeric is its antioxidants. Antioxidants help us fight free

We’ve already told you that turmeric is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, so it’s no surprise it may help to reduce joint pain. A study published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine had 107 subjects with knee osteoarthritis take either curcumin or ibuprofen for their pain. The researchers Regulates Mood found that curcumin is comparable to the There’s definitely hope that turmeric can drug for dealing with pain relief and imhelp to regulate mood, including the treat- proved function. ment of depressive disorders. A 2014 Detoxifies the Body study tested the efficacy of curcumin with a common antidepressant, fluoxetine, The body naturally gets rid of waste, shares McCarthy. Individuals were either mostly with the help of the liver. But some given 1,000 milligrams of curcumin and 20 experts feel you can help the process. milligrams of fluoxetine individually or “Turmeric helps support our organ’s natucombined, and found 1,000 milligrams of ral detoxification systems,” explains curcumin can be used to treat patients McCarthy. “It does this by thinning the exclusively suffering with major depresbile. This allows the bile to flow more sive disorder. freely through the intestines and eliminate it from the body.” Improves Your Complexion Boosts the Immune System The health benefits of turmeric extend beyond internal health. The antiA strong immunity can help your body inflammatory properties of turmeric can better fight off germs and viruses. Turmeralso boost the complexion when applied ic has been shown to increase the immuntopically, boosting radiance and controlity-boosting proteins in the body. Consider ling oily skin. Unfortunately the answer whipping up a batch of curry soup and be isn’t slathering it directly onto your face, sure to top with some black pepper, which as it can stain skin yellow, instead look for has been shown to help the body’s aba product that incorporates it, like Tursorption of curcumin. meric & Cranberry Seed Energizing RadiLowers Cortisol Levels ance Masque, $47, available at Kiehl’s Cortisol is known as the “stress hormone.” stores at And chronically elevated cortisol levels Balances Blood Sugar have been linked to a wide range of men“The blood sugar balancing effects of tur- tal and physical conditions — from demeric make it a great option for those pression to obesity. A study published in with type-1 or type-2 diabetes,” says The Journal of Affective Disorders suggests McCarthy. “It helps to lower blood-sugar that curcumin may lower cortisol and elelevels and fight insulin resistance.” One vate positive neurotransmitters (think: tasty way to incorporate it into your day is serotonin). on food and drinks. McCarthy’s favourite Protects Against Cancer is her Turmeric Ginger Tea recipe. Look for fresh and ideally certified organic turmer- Some studies are showing promising results for turmeric and cancer. In one cliniic. cal trial, 25 patients with precancerous Reduces Joint Pain

18 cells in various organs were treated with curcumin, and found that . The researchers suggest that it may stop the precancerous cells from growing into cancer. Another small study from 2008 suggests that curcumin, when taken at high levels, may help fight against pancreatic cancer cells. More research is needed on whether turmeric can treat or prevent cancer.

slowed age-related degeneration of the heart. Calms the Digestive System

Turmeric is widely used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine to help with various bodily issues, including digestion and gas. And, it appears there is some science to back it up. A double-blind, placebocontrolled study found that turmeric reHelps Lower Cholesterol duced bloating and gas symptoms in subSince the early ’90s researchers have been jects suffering from indigestion. Be studying the effects of turmeric on lower- warned, though, as there is some eviing LDL cholesterol levels (a.k.a. “bad” dence it may increase stomach acid. cholesterol). There are published studies Sharpens Memory that suggest curcumin may help increase It’s still early for research to say for sure, the amount of LDL cholesterol the liver but there some evidence suggests turmerrids from the body, and may prevent the ic may help reduce the inflammation of intestines from absorbing LDL. nerves in the brain linked to Alzheimer’s Reduces Body Fat Disease. That same study also found that For now, eating healthy and exercise are curcumin may help to protect the brain the two best ways to maintain healthy against oxidative stress. Further, largebody fat levels. But Korean researchers scale, human studies are required, but it suggest that turmeric might be another looks promising. option. Their 2015 study suggests that To help you keep your mind sharp, we’ve curcumin may alter the composition of fat introduced our own games section! Visit cells in our bodies. They also noted for free and fun min’s anti-obesity effects could be related interactive games like Sudoku, Golf Chalto its inflammation-reducing properties. lenge and Tumble Tiles Improves Cardiovascular Health Helps You Get a Better Sleep Another impressive turmeric bit is the Logging seven to eight hours of shut-eye is suggestion that it may improve cardiovascrucial for good health, as sleep deprivacular health. One study published in the tion can wreck havoc on everything from Nutrition Research journal in 2012 found your hormones to your appetite. One anicurcumin may be as effective in improving mal-based study found curcumin helped vascular function in post-menopausal protect 72-hour sleep deprived mice from women as a moderate exercise routine. the symptoms of sleep deprivation. Another study found combining exercise and curcumin into a program significantly Works as an Antiseptic

Multiple studies done on the health benefits of turmeric have found that it has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, making it useful to disinfect cuts and burns. A 2001 study found it may also speed up the healing of wounds. For very minor scrapes and cuts, creating a paste with the powder with water can be a quick at-home remedy. Natural Headache Remedy Migraines tend to be caused by inflammation of blood vessels in the brain, and curcumin might just help to relieve the pressure. That’s thanks to its antiinflammatory properties. Calms Eczema Eczema is linked to chronic inflammation, and those with eczema know the frustration of suffering with dry and itchy skin. To date, there have been a handful of clinical trials looking at the effectiveness of curcumin on both eczema and psoriasis, with positive results with ingested curcumin. Other studies suggests that when curcumin is used topically it may benefit skin health.

19 professor of Kinesiology at Michigan State ence. You're less likely to hit snooze or University and author of numerous fithead home for the night if you know ness studies. you're leaving your workout partner in the lurch. Make your workout routine a habit with these six science- and expert-backed “We do know that just to get out there ways to get (and stay) motivated for the and to exercise, having other people or long haul. being part of a group can help get you off the couch,” says Feltz. 1: Your Hard-and-Fast Rules Were Made to Be Broken It can also get you excited about your Get your workout mojo back One big hurdle to jump over is to not give fitness journey again. with these proven methods yourself hard or set rules, like “I have to “Having other people around me with start my workout program on a Monday those same goals is always exciting,” says of motivation: or else I can’t do it.” Diana Mitrea, an ACE-certified personal The American Heart Association recom- “Doing this makes it easy to talk yourself trainer in New York City and co-founder of Stronger With Time. “We’re all talking mends at least 150 minutes of physical out of something,” says Feltz. And if you about the right things and pushing each activity each week. How much are you just set yourself up even just for someother and we celebrate their victories as getting? thing very small, like just getting in a walk well as mine.” (even if it’s not Monday), you’re more By Ashley Macha likely to say ‘This feels good, I think I can Even having a supportive partner, family Your 5:00 am alarm sounds, and instead spare more time.’” member or friend can be motivating. If of popping up for that morning sweat you announce you’ll be participating in an 2. A Little Friendly Competition Can Light sesh, something else takes over your upcoming race, you’ll be less likely to a Fire body and mind. You're entering the slack off training if you know they’ll be workout spin zone — those 60 seconds Whether you’re looking to take home there to cheer you on. where you side-eye your gym bag and first place or just want to go faster than 4. Stop Making Exercise About How You then start to justify why you absolutely the person next to you on the treadmill, Look don't need to get your butt to the gym friendly competition has some major today. Where did all of your motivation boosting power. "The moment I stopped working out for go from the night before? my physical appearance I became more Even if you're not a competitive person motivated," Mitrea says. "When exercise It’s currently recommended that Ameriby nature, Feltz suggests finding an indiis all about the way you look, and you fall cans get in at least 150 minutes of physi- vidual or group that is slightly better or short of your expectations a few times, cal activity each week (that's about 20 faster than you. “It can be helpful in you end up just giving up." minutes a day), but in reality, about half terms of either a little bit of competition of American adults are falling short of this or just in terms of what we call a conjunc- Instead of focusing on bigger, more elugoal. Could it be that some internal, detive task,” she says. “It’s a team effort, sive goals (hey, six-pack abs), try setting motivating dialogue has killed our fitness but the performance depends on whoev- micro goals that'll help you celebrate mojo? er is quitting first.” In other words, nosmaller victories along the way, like losing body likes a quitter, even you. 5% of your body weight, nailing a push-up Inspirational quotes are a good place to for the first time or running one mile rekindle our fitness commitment, and 3. Find a Friend Who Won't Let You Off without stopping. music can be a melodic path to getting the Hook into a fitness groove. Keep them both in “You should feel amazing about these Some people prefer solo workouts (more your back pocket when you need a manaccomplishments and you should tell power to them!), but for those that need tra or song to get you through those last someone — an instructor or friend — and a little push in the motivation departreps. But there are other proven methods be proud and loud,” says Mitrea. ment, scheduling regular workouts with a to help get you fired up in the first place, buddy or group can make all the differ5. Double Tap or Tag Your Friends on says Deborah Feltz, PhD, a distinguished

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Social to Boost Your Fitness Game

countable and help you stay on track and support one another,” says Mitrea. “The main thing is to be thoughtful about goals and who you have as guiding force and motivation — your friends should be excited about same things as you are.”

Fitness accountability apps, like PACT and Diet Bet, allow participants to set a goal, Social media can be extremely overand if it doesn’t get met, the participant whelming at times (hello, unicorn everyhas to part with cold hard cash. And bething), but it’s a good lever to get some cause the payout is attached to your bank fitness motivation and some social account, the idea of backing out is a lot platforms can even help you lose weight! less tempting. On the flip side, if you do 6. Make a Bet on Exercise and You'll Win Healthy social competition and support meet your goal, you'll win it all back and Twice on social media platforms motivates peothen some! And it's not just a clever gimple to get out and workout more, accord- Okay, so the health benefits of exercise mick — a study in the medical journal ing to a 2015 report from the University aren't enough to rouse you out of bed at JAMA found that dieters with a financial of Pennsylvania Annenberg School for the crack of dawn, but if part of your incentive were more likely to eat right, Communication. paycheck is on the line, there’s no way exercise and lose weight. you’re going to miss that workout, right? “Use social media to hold yourself acSee you tomorrow, 5:00 am?


4. Milk is a pretty obvious one as it helps with good bone growth, it’s full of calciCheyenne High School Student um, and vitamin D. Babies shouldn’t drink 1. Nuts are very cows milk until they’re past the age of healthy for you, beone. Milk is full of phosphorus, vitamin ing that they are B12, and potassium. If your child dislikes packed to the punch whole milk you can find other alternatives with vitamins and such as soy or almond milk. minerals, which in5. Fruit is not only healthy and nutritious, cludes magnesium and vitamin E. The magnesium is good for it’s delicious. Oranges for example are bone and heart health, anxiety relief, and high in vitamin C, strawberries are rich in headaches. The vitamin E in nuts can sup- antioxidants, etc. By Izabella Mckenzie

port immune function, promotes eye health and lowering the risk of cancer. 2. Rice provides a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. The high doses of fiber in rice helps lower inflammation and boost metabolism. Rice has over fifteen different vitamins and minerals. It’s, for the most part, safe for people with food sensitivities since it’s gluten free, is not as allergenic compared to other grains and GMO free.

6. Vegetables are fantastic for your health; for example, kale and spinach is high in vitamin K, vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli have cancerfighting compounds. They aid in digestion, are naturally low in fat and can help maintain healthy blood pressure.

7. One large egg has 6 grams of protein and delivers vitamin D, vitamin B12 and iron. Some eggs are also fortified with omega-3 fatty acids, which aid in 3. Avocados are high in monounsaturated kids' brain development. Don't worry about the cholesterol—saturated and fats to decrease inflammation keep chotrans fats have a bigger impact on raising lesterol levels in check. It keeps kids full for longer periods of time and it’s relative- bad cholesterol than eggs. At breakfast, skip the pastries, fried foods and proly versatile; youcan mash it up, eat it on cessed meats and scramble some eggs for toast, make a smoothie with it, it’s just a your kids instead. If your kids aren't fans good first food for the evil vermin that of scrambled, try different presentations walk the Earth, babies.

like egg salad or egg casseroles. Eggs also make a great starter food for babies. Doctors used to recommend not giving eggs until babies were 12 months old, but research now shows that introducing allergenic foods between 6 and 12 months might help prevent food allergies. 8. Fish, whether you like it or not, has many benefits. It has a lot of high-quality protein, iron, and minerals. Some types of fish (ex. salmon, sardines, etc.) have omega-3 fatty acids which does wonders for heart health and developing brains. 9. Beans are very good because they are affordable on average and provide you lots of nutrients. For instance, they’re high in amino acid, antioxidants, decreases your chances of dying of a heart attack or a stroke. Beans can act as antiinflammatories and antioxidants, both of which help prevent cancer. The fiber and healthy starches in beans can prevent food cravings. Not only that but beans taste good. 10. Yogurt can aid a child in their bone health and aiding digestion. It contains riboflavin, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and vitamins B6 and B12. The levels of all these things can vary on the yogurt brand and other ingredients for the yogurt.



Cholesterol Truths You Should Know Written by GIRISH KHERA Cholesterol remains one of the most incomprehensible health topics in the 21st century. Myths surrounding cholesterol exist since the early 1900s when Rudolf Virchow theorized that excessive lipids in the blood, a condition known as Hyperlipidemia, can trigger heart problems. Pharma giants capitalized this and rolled out a range of cholesterol-controlling drugs. However, health advisors now say that reducing fatty foods and burning calories serves the purpose better than medications do. This baffles patients as they’re led to question why if they’re taking meds, it’s not sufficient? The truth, unfortunately, took as long as the last decade to unfold, but helped to figure out the most effective ways to manage cholesterol. The liver and gut cells work together to regulate cellular cholesterol levels. The liver usually converts cholesterol to bile and when there’s an excess, the colon produces bile acid from it. Storage of cholesterol happens in the gut cells which can be reabsorbed again and recirculates between the liver and gut cells as needed. The body needs cholesterol Hormones, vitamins, bile juices, nerve

sheaths, and cell membrane, all contain cholesterol in high quantities. In fact, every cell makes cholesterol to form cell membranes, which is known as cellular cholesterol.

Cholesterol’s links with heart disease were recently put to rest when a study concluded that 92% of people with higher cholesterol levels led longer lives. Experts even question now whether lipid-plaques in the bloodstream cause heart attacks.

Cellular cholesterol doesn’t equal blood cholesterol. Cellular cholesterol resides in Total cholesterol numbers don’t matter all cells of humans as cellular compoThe following fats make up blood cholesnents. Whereas, blood cholesterol is choterol:

Lipids - heavy molecules that don’t mix in water; cholesterol is also a lipid. Triglycerides - special fats that move along with lipids in a cholesterollipoprotein complex. Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) - lipids in which the protein content is low and is large enough to obstruct blood flow.

lesterol bound with lipoproteins and triglycerides moving through the bloodstream as cholesterol-lipoprotein complexes. The liver produces 75% of the cholesterol. When a person does not eat cholesterol-containing foods, more and more cholesterol production occurs internally (>85%). Reducing cholesterol doesn’t reduce CVD risks

High-density lipoproteins (HDL) - lipids with more protein content and of small sizes (5-15 nm). HDL and LDL concentrations cumulate to Total Cholesterol. This parameter, although, highlighted in the cholesterol test reports, doesn’t indicate anything. LDL particle size and frequency, along with ratio between Total Cholesterol and HDL cholesterol drive the cardiovascular health of a person. Physicians note that small, heavy LDL particles

24 tend to stick to the arterial borders. If they stay in the bloodstream for longer periods, they can form plaques. Statins act on liver’s cholesterol production By and large, statins target lowering LDL cholesterol. Statins do so by interfering with liver’s metabolic pathways. These drugs inhibit production of useful enzymes and antioxidants. This eventually affects brain function as cranial nerves contain thicker sheaths. In addition, sideeffects of statins’ have been implicated in increasing heart disease.

tion. Our bodies can’t produce them. The only source is food.

hough krill-oil based omega-3 fats work the best.

Omega-6 mostly comes as linoleic acid from plant oils such as corn oil, soybean oil, and sunflower oil, as well as from nuts and seeds. The American Heart Association recommends that at least 5% to 10% of food calories come from omega-6 fatty acids.

Omega-6 fats play important roles in brain cell functions, bone health and stimulate skin and hair growth. Eggs and canola, corn and sunflower oils contain omega-6 fats. The trick here is to keep the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio as 1:1 because if this ratio increases, it disrupts omega-3 absorption.

Omega-3s come primarily from fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna, as well as from walnuts and flaxseed in lesser amounts. a) PUFAs Produce Useful Cholesterol

Diet and Exercise Influence Blood CholesThe most effective step is to consume terol unsaturated fats (mono- and polyunsatuFat-burning exercises help in controlling rated fats) as they can be easily broken cholesterol numbers better than statins down to derive cholesterol without sidedo.3, 8 Burning excess fats lowers the fat chains. Omega-3 and omega-6 fats fall in load on the liver and gut cells; this category. this benefits the pancreas too. A good mix Omega-3 fats boost heart health by reof fibre, proteins and antioxidant-rich ducing the chances of developing clots, foods lets the liver break fats down easipreventing slowing down of heartbeats, ly. Fibre prevents triglyceride buildup. Antioxidants enhance cholesterol utiliza- and promoting the growth of new blood vessels. tion rates and moves cholesterol to the cranial nerves faster. Proteins play a role in forming fat-reducing enzymes like HMG -CoA reductase, pancreatic lipases and intestinal esterase's.

Secondly, omega-3s reduce triglyceride and low-density lipoprotein production in the liver. In fact, they do it better than statins.

Having said that, it’s important to realize that not all cholesterol is good.

Thirdly, omega-3 fats readily break down to form cell-membrane components.

Nutritionists call omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids “essential” fats for good reason. The human body needs them for many functions, from building healthy cells to maintaining brain and nerve func-

They’re present in high quantities in fish, fish oil, krill oil, and few plant sources like flaxseed oil, canola, walnuts, soya bean and tofu. 5, 7 Both plant-based and animal-based omega-3s can be taken, alt-

b) Cholesterol from fatty foods differs from the one produced internally Depending on the source, cholesterol has 2 forms -- one with a side chain and one without. Contrary to popular belief, cholesterol from creamy, lip-smacking foods contains bulky side-chains. Gut cells and the pancreas cleave off these side chains for metabolic processes. 1, 2 25% of the cholesterol in the body comes through this method. On the other hand, the body readily utilizes the other form produced by the liver that doesn’t contain bulky side -chains.

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