February 2015 Financials Balance Sheet: There was a decrease of about $9K. The decrease was because of lock change expenditures of 2K, and operating deficits of 3K from the general fund and 2K from MMO. Significant activity from other funds were as follows; Copier Fund (-$880), Columbarium Fund (+$2911), Endowment Fund (+$2277), Building Fund (-$2,093), MMO Fund (-$2,174). Monthly Operations: There was a $3K negative result this month. The significant expenses that were over budget were all in the Operating Expenses area. • Over budget by 2.4K for copy expenses. This is a payment for the last 6 months of color copies. • An Insurance payment of 2.6K was made this month. • Utilities were $600 over budget due to a high gas bill (heating) The pledge income was also under budget by 2K There is still a surplus of 3.3K on a YTD basis. MMO: MMO had a deficit this month of $2K. There is a YTD surplus of $800. Enrollment is still running at a high level. Enrollment is at the maximum level (39 children on Mondays and 37 on Wednesdays). If the higher enrollment remains for the whole year the expectation will be for a surplus at the end of the year.
St Barnabas Financials as of February 28, 2015 Feb 15 Monthly $ +/- Jan-Feb Budget Budget Income 34,257 36,063 -1,806 78,672 Expenses: Staff 18,374 20,675 -2,301 44,435 Operating 11,001 6,319 4,682 15,375 Ministry 2,309 3,385 -1,076 4,954 Apportionment 5,292 5,292 0 10,584 Total Expenses 36,976 35,671 1,305 75,348 Net Income -2,719 392 -3,111 3,324
YTD $ +/Budget Budget 72,126 6,546
Annual Budget 432,750
41,350 12,638 6,770 10,584 71,342 784
248,105 75,825 40,600 63,504 428,034 4,716
3,085 2,737 -1,816 0 4,006 2,540