March 2015 Financials Balance Sheet: There was a decrease of about $3K. The largest decrease for the month($4K) was the general fund which is the monthly operating results(next item). There were also two large increases for MMO($2.5K) and the Hill Beatification fund($2.5). Significant activity from other funds were as follows; Copier Fund ($880), Columbarium Fund (-$486), Endowment Fund (-$190), Building Fund (-$670). Monthly Operations: There was a $4K negative result this month. The significant expense overages were in payroll, Outreach, and Inreach. • Payroll was over budget due to a 3 payroll month. This occurs every 3 months or so. • Made our quarterly contributions to other organizations ($1,300) and a reverend discretionary expense of $1,040. • Diocesan Annual meeting expenses of $1,834 and Lenten meals and other Easter items of $705. The pledge income was over budget by 2K There is now a underage of $1K on a YTD basis. Which means things are on track through March MMO: MMO had a surplus of $2.5K. There is a YTD surplus of $3.3K. Enrollment is still running at a high level. Enrollment is at the maximum level (39 children on Mondays and 37 on Wednesdays). If the higher enrollment remains for the whole year the expectation will be for a surplus at the end of the year. St Barnabas Financials as of March 31, 2015 Mar 15 Monthly $ +/Budget Budget Income 38,251 36,063 2,188 Expenses: Staff 24,955 20,675 4,280 Operating 5,436 6,319 -883 Ministry 6,697 3,385 3,312 Apportionment 5,292 5,292 0 Total Expenses 42,380 35,671 6,709 Net Income -4,129 392 -4,521
YTD $ +/Budget Budget 116,714 108,189 8,525
Annual Budget 432,750
69,390 20,811 11,651 15,876 117,728 -1,014
248,105 75,825 40,600 63,504 428,034 4,716
62,025 18,957 10,155 15,876 107,013 1,176
7,365 1,854 1,496 0 10,715 -2,190