January 2016 Vestry Meeting Minutes

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Fr Jeff Hammond


Vickie Luckenbach, Sr. Warden


Fred Grimes


David Spencer


Johnny Gorden


Pris Williams

Julie Alvarez, Sec.


Frances Money


Jack Oates Jr Warden, ex officio

Jimmy Davis


John Sumners


Ric McCormick, Treas., ex officio


Guest: Fr. Bur Dobbins


Guest: Bud Parrish






Call to Order

9:00 a.m. by Vickie Luckenbach, Sr. Warden for Jan. Vestry Meeting and 2016 Vestry Retreat

Devotional/ Prayer

Fr. Jeff Hammond

Approval of Minutes

Electronic approval of December vestry minutes


Each vestry member

Complet ed

Introductio n

Vickie Luckenbach introduced Bud Parrish as the Chancellor for the parish and Fr. Bur Dobbins as the new assistant rector to begin full-time May 1, 2016

See Administra tion:New Business

Senior Warden

Complet ed

Sub Committee Reports Administrat ion Old Business

Vestry Minutes

*Note: All old business was incorporated into New Business which contains the minutes/discussions/ actions of the 2016 Vestry Retreat. The Vestry Retreat served as the regular vestry meeting for January 2016.


Sr. Warden/ Rector

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New Business

The meeting was called to order by Sr. Warden, Vickie Luckenbach at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, January 16, 2016. This meeting is to serve as the Vestry retreat, which is Vestry 101, as well as the regular January vestry meeting. Fr. Jeff offered a prayer for the vestry meeting and retreat. Introductions were made by Vickie who introduced those attending: Bud Parrish, Fr. Jeff, Jack Oates, Jr. Warden, Jimmy Davis, Pris Williams, Ric McCormick, Treasurer, David Spencer, and special guest Fr. Bur Dobbins, new assistant rector. New vestry members present included France Money and John Sumners. Those unable to attend were Fred Grimes and Julie Alvarez, new vestry member. Vickie began the Vestry 101 by giving out vestry notebooks to new members. A brief overview was then done on the 2014 Constitution and Canons of the Diocese. During this time Vickie encouraged all vestry members to attend a diocesan council meeting at some point in their vestry service, either as a delegate or as a visitor. Fr. Jeff encouraged everyone to be a part of the larger church community and wants St. Barnabas to become more active in diocesan activities. Such activities discussed were: a new camp in Colorado, the Diocesan Appointme Council Pre-Council Meeting in nt to be Comfort on January 21 at 6:00 p.m. made Also discussed that Bishop Lillibridge will retire sometime in 2017 and Bishop Reed is the Bishop Elect. Several questions were asked at this time such as what a vicar did and Fr. Jeff explained that a vicar was the priest of a mission church such as in Mason or Comfort. Vickie asked from p. 19 section 9.3 who at St. Barnabas was the mission representative. Fr. Jeff responded that we need to find one and appoint one. Then it was discussed that the diocese owns the property of each parish, all of the church belongings, etc. The hallmark of the Episcopal church is the cohesiveness amongst people with wide ranging views/lifestyles and that “Everyone Belongs� as stated by Fr. Jeff. The Episcopal Endowment Fund is Vestry Minutes 1/16/2016

Sr. Warden/ Fr. Jeff

Not complete

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Next the By-Laws of St. Barnabas were reviewed. The most recent copy that the vestry had was for 2007. We need to check to see if there is a more updated version.

Senior Warden/ Rector/ Parish Administra tor

Senior Warden/ Rector/ Parish Administrat or

A section needs to be added for an assistant rector.

Rector/ Asst. Rector/ Parish Administra tor

Rector/Asst. Incomple Rector/ te Parish Administrat or

Fr. Jeff/Fr. Bur/ Sr. Warden/ Chancellor / Vestry

Fr. Jeff/Fr. Bur/ Sr. Warden/ Chancellor/ Vestry

Incomple te

Articles VIII, Article IX, Article X, and Article XI need to be reviewed and changes made if necessary.

Sr. Warden/ Rector/ Vestry review

Sr. Warden/ Rector

Incomple te

The next part of Vestry 101 was a Budget Review to be done by Treas. Ric McCormick. Ric proposed to go over the budget information prior to the next vestry meeting for new vestry member and any others who wanted this review.

Budget review Prior to Feb Vestry meeting

Ric McCormick

Incomple te

Then in Article IV Vestry Section 4 Warden Duties and meetings, St. Barnabas vestry must meet at the minimum 9 times a year. Vickie noted the vestry meeting calendar and May and July will not have vestry meetings. May will be set aside for all committees of the church to meet if they have not already done so. July will be a summer vacation month. Section 6 of our by-laws re: absence of vestry members. Vestry members may not miss more than 3 meetings in a row. Section 9 lists the duties of the vestry. Fr. Jeff interjected here that many of our by-laws were changed in 2003 and the vestry will seriously look at these in 2016.

Incomple te

Section 10: By-laws concerns a quorum of 50. This needs to remain as is.

Vestry Minutes


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Ric also discussed there is a document, Parish Practices, which was used by the Finance Committee. This was worked on by the vestry 2 years ago. Ric will send this document to the senior warden to send to other vestry members.

Parish Ric Practices McCormick/ document Sr. Warden distributed

Ric also informed all present at the Motion and Ric Vestry Retreat/Meeting that we vote McCormick, needed to change the signature card Treasurer at the bank. A motion was made by Johnny Gorden to remove Jim Spruiell from the signature card and replace his signature with that of Vickie Luckenbach, the new Senior Warden. David Spencer seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. The motion carried. The other names on the signature card are Ric McCormick, Treasurer, Rachel Cole, Parish Administrator, and Steve Neal, Outreach Coordinator.

Incomple te *Note: Complet ed in email sent to all vestry members 1/17/201 6 Complet e

*Note: The Junior Warden’s Report was the next item. See Property below for Junior Warden’s Report. The new vestry was next informed about the 2014 Audit Report and Response which is in each vestry member’s notebook. The audit report and the response will be discussed more in depth after all vestry members receive a copy of the Parish Practices developed two years ago.

Review to be done

Senior Warden, Vestry, Rector

Job Descriptions were the next items to be discussed. A job description was distributed for the “Office Assistant” position. Other job descriptions that need to either be updated or developed include: the rector, the new assistant rector, the housekeeper, and the parish administrator.

Job Rector, description persons s to be listed written and updated

Next a discussion was held regarding Forthcomin Fr. Jeff and the need for a Vestry Person in Charge g discussion Fr. Bur on Sundays. Fr. Jeff and Fr. Burr will discuss this and bring it to the vestry if necessary.

Vestry Minutes


Incomple te

Incomple te

Incomple te until Fr. Bur comes full time

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Vestry Minutes

MMO was the next item discussed. Information Vestry The MMO director has provided continuity for this program. There has been a steady enrollment of 36 for two years. The program operated in the black this past year.


The Facilities Use Manual was pointed out to new vestry members in their notebooks and other vestry members received an updated copy that was revised in 2014. Jack Oates gave keyless entry codes to all and wifi code to all present.

Information Vestry


The next item on the agenda was Committees of St. Barnabas. (*Note: See handout ) Each vestry member was given a handout which Fr. Jeff discussed. Fr. Jeff wants the Outreach Committee, the Endowment Committee, and the Stewardship Committee to have a vestry member on the committee. This will be an action taken at another vestry meeting. The above committees must go through the vestry to spend any funds. Fr.Jeff also commented that we need committees to address Spiritual Formation which would include Adult Spiritual Formation (to include Fr. Jeff’s Sabbatical Committee); Youth Spiritual Formation (to include confirmation, first communion, VBS, etc.)

Action to Sr. Warden/ be taken at Rector/ another Vestry vestry meeting

Incomple te

Next on the agenda was Outreach Visioning and a committee has been formed. This committee should propose a vision for future projects that are “hands on”, not just money but can involve raising funds. All projects are to serve the community. One vision is to have a “big” project every 2 years that provides a substantial amount of money for a community need.



Rector/ Developme Vestry nt of Spiritual Formation Committee s

Outreach Visioning Committee

Incomple te

Incomple te

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Role of the Assistant Priest was next on the agenda. Fr. Bur will be coming full time on May 1, 2016. Bringing on an assistant priest can expand our opportunities. Pastoral care and worship can be shared by the two priests. The new assistant priest will be able to incorporate new members into the parish and get them “connected” to activities of the church. The new priest can “extend” the Everyone Belongs (Ministry) program, not just for new members but for all members. The final agenda item was Vestry Goals for 2016. The Administrative Goal for 2016 is to get our by-laws and practices in sync with the Constitution and Canons of the Diocese. The Ministry Goal is to strengthen belonging and connection with the church through Everyone Belongs. Jimmy Davis and Fr. Bur will discuss this further after May 1, 2016. The Building and Grounds Goal has several parts, some of which have already been addressed or in the process of being accomplished: 1. New office facilities to accommodate the new priest 2. New railing for the balcony 3. Expansion of the Columbarium, which is in the planning stages of building an inner lining of the existing Columbarium wall.

To be revisited after May 1, 2016

Rector/ Assistant Rector

Incomple te


Senior warden/ rector/ chancellor/ vestry

Incomple te

Jimmy Davis/Fr. Bur

Incomple te

Columbariu m Committee/ Junior Warden/ Vestry

Incomple te


In process

Ministry Old Business

*Note: Immediate section above


Vestry Minutes


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Old Business

Junior Warden’s Report January 15, 2016 Expenses: General Maintenance: breaker $ 39.65



Lumber and brackets for water line reroute 56.27 $ 107.17 Work Not Yet Invoiced: Itz Electric – Investigate electrical failures Itz Electric – Install outside flood lights Itz Electric – Re-lamped Sanctuary lights Hill Country Refrigeration – Fire ants in kitchen A/C Hill Country Refrigeration – Reset refrigerator seals Reehs Plumbing – Re-routed water line in kitchen Routine Work: Replaced GFIC breaker for the arbor lights. Had Reeh Plumbing re-route the water lines to the island sink in the kitchen due to a leaking copper line under the slab. An exposed chase for the new water lines was fabricated and installed. Future Work: Itz Electric is to install another floodlight at the east end of the Parish Hall, over the kitchen door.

Vestry Minutes

Dartez Brothers Contractors removed a board from the underside of the balcony in the Sanctuary to permit inspection of the existing connection of the railing above to the floor joists. The joints were inspected, measured and photographed and the board was replaced 1/16/2016

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New Business

As per the Junior Warden’s request, Motion and Junior a motion was made by Johnny Vote Warden/ Gorden to allow the installation of a Vestry door into the east wall of the current conference room not to exceed $3,000. David Spencer seconded the motion. The motion carried.



Complet e *Note: Construc tion may begin on installati on of door





Rector Report *Note: See minutes from Administration

ANY OTHER DISCUSSION/CONCLUSIONS/ BUSINESS RECOMMENDATIONS David Spencer will count money from Sunday services in February.

Closing Prayer

Fr. Bur Dobbins


Retreat/meeting adjourned by Sr. Warden, Vickie Luckenbach


February 22, 2016

David Spencer, vestry member

Respectfully submitted _______________________________ Vickie Luckenbach, Sr. Warden

Vestry Minutes

______________________________ Julie Alvarez Secretary of the Vestry


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