July 20 2015 vestry minutes

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Fr Jeff Hammond


Jim Spruiell, Sr. Warden


Johnny Gorden


Pris Williams


Vickie Luckenbach, Sec.


Margaret Hawn


Jack Oates Jr Warden, ex officio


Jimmy Davis


Jack Kendrick

Fred Grimes

David Spencer

Ric McCormick, Treas.









Call to Order

Jim Spruiell, Sr. Warden

Devotional/ Prayer Approval of Minutes

Jack Kendrick


Jack Kendrick


Electronic approval of June 15, 2015 vestry meeting minutes




Letter from Linda Wilson, read by Jim Spruiell, Sr. Warden (see Administration: New Business)


Vickie Luckenbach, Secretary Vestry

Sub Committee Reports Administration Old Business


June 2015 Financials Balance Sheet: There was a decrease of about $5K, but it was mostly due to MMO (-$3.5 explained below) and some other regular expenses. The big activity of the period was transferring the $38.5K from the general fund into other funds. The Vestry assigned the following amounts to the following funds: Building Fund $25K, Endowment Fund $5.5, Sabbatical Fund $5K, Dugat Scholarship Fund $2K, and the Benevolence Fund $1K. Significant activity from other funds were as follows; Copier Fund ($880). Monthly Operations: We are at the midpoint of the year and overall are on budget on a year-to-date basis (YTD).. Income

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is $4K over budget (YTD) and Expenses are $2K over budget (YTD). Income for the month was below budget by $4K but expenses were under budget by $7K so the net for the month was +$3K. There are no major comments to make about details for the month.  Pledge income was lower for the month but is on budget from a YTD basis.  Expenses were lower for the month but are also on budget from a YTD basis. There is now an overage of $5K on a YTD basis. MMO: MMO had a deficit for the month of $3.5K. This is because MMO collected most of the fees for June’s Camp Barnabas in May and paid out employee expenses for the whole month. Next month there will also be a deficit due to no income but expenses for the last week of Camp Barnabas. Overall MMO is running a $3K surplus so will be above break even after the results for July. Jimmy Davis has written up instructions, with pictures, for collecting money from Sunday morning services and Ric McCormick is expanding this.

New Business

Vickie Luckenbach, vestry member, will be responsible for collecting and depositing the Sunday services monies for the month of August. Sr. Warden, Jim Spruiell, read a letter from Linda Wilson requesting that the fee for the use of the Parish Hall be either waived or reduced. This request came on behalf of a PEO of which Linda is a member. Johnny Gorden made a motion to waive the fee and Jimmy Davis seconded the motion. A discussion followed that pointed out that the vestry had voted on a facilities use policy and the fees. Whenever any of the facilities are used, there is a cost to the church whether it be in setting up, taking down, staff time, and/or utilities. A vote was taken and the motion was voted down. The request for a waived or reduced fee would not be granted to the PEO.



Jimmy Davis/Ric McCormick


Vickie Luckenbach

August counter



The vestry also decided that it did not want to rent individual rooms as well.

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Ministry Old Business

Sr. Warden, Jim Spruiell, has received many positive comments regarding the Parish Picnic held July 12. Other vestry members had also heard many positive comments as well. Many comments related to having a meal at the church of this type more often. The vestry will discuss further how often to do this. Jim Spruiell, Sr. Warden, has communicated with the Endowment Committee and the committee wants to know what the vestry has decided to do regarding $4,000 from the Endowment Fund. (See Fr. Jeff discussion in Rector’s Report below)







Jimmy Davis still needs Greeters for Sunday morning services. Pris Williams reported on a Book of Remembrance. There is a Book of Remembrance in the library. The Library Guild wishes for this Book of Remembrance to remain in the library. The vestry gave Pris the “go ahead” to contact Cokesbury and Viva, as suggested by Johnny Gorden, and proceed with the purchase of a Book of Remembrance, stand, extra pages, and any other items for this project. Pris estimates that the approximate cost will be $100.


Jimmy Davis



Pris Williams


Pris has also checked into the cost of mugs and pens to be given to visitors. The cost of mugs would be $3 to $4 and the cost of 250 pens would be approximately $200. The pens would have the name of the church and the website printed on them. The vestry gave Pris the “go ahead” to order the pens. New Business

Property Old Business Junior Warden’s Report July 20, 2015 Expenses Property Maintenance: Repair classroom air conditioners $1,930.94 Property Improvement: Purchased benches & chairs 917.90

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Grounds maintenance: Mow grass 150.00 Assist Landscaping Committee 250.00 $ 3,248.84 Routine Work: The only routine repair work done recently was the repair of the kitchen air conditioning unit during the recent Parish picnic. The external coils were blocked with dirt and the unit was significantly low on Freon – we probably have a leaking “A” coil. Hill Country will be making a detailed inspection of all fourteen of our air conditioning/heating units to see if we have any other problems that need to be addressed. A trellis was built around the dumpster outside the Kitchen door and in front of the air conditioning units outside the CEB. The contracted work on the sound system in the Sanctuary has been completed. The only thing to be done on this system is to construct and install a cover/door over the equipment in the Sacristy. This door will be locked to prevent anyone from changes to the settings of the equipment. According to Bill Smallwood, there is no need to ever change any of the setting of this equipment – all changes should be made at the mixer console in the balcony. The kitchen lock is still working. Future Work: 1. The status of the balcony rail project needs to be discussed during the July Vestry meeting. The Engineer hired to review the existing rail recommended that it be replaced. An alternative would be to conduct a load test, but he does not expect the rail to pass this test. His recommendation is still to replace the rail. The Architect has estimated the test will cost about $1,500. He has been asked to come up with a rough estimate to replace the rail. 2. Three outdoor benches and four chairs were ordered from Overstock.com. They are to be delivered on Tuesday, July 21, 2015. A motion

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to cover this expenditure ($1,000.00) from the Building Fund is requested. 3. It is proposed to purchase an eight by twelve foot building to store our gardening equipment and get these items out of the mechanical and electrical rooms. The cost of this building, fabricated, delivered and set in place will be $1,995.00. The proposed location of the building is in the northwest corner of the playground area – this location is acceptable to MMO. A short portion of the fence will have to be removed and then connected to the building. The cost to remove the fence is $300.00 so the total cost of the building installed will be $2,295.00- plus the cost of a building permit. A building permit and, since we are in the “Historic District”, a “Certificate of Appropriateness” will be required with fees associated with that paperwork. A motion to spend up to $2,400.00 from the Building Fund is requested. New Business Jack Oates, Jr. Warden, discussed the balcony railing. The engineer he is consulting with think that if the railing were tested, it would fail. Jack’s recommendation is to rebuild the existing rail, getting at least 2 bids. *Note: See handout Balcony Rail Alternatives provided by Jack Oates, Jr. Warden Jack Kendrick made the motion to rebuild the existing rail. Johnny Gorden seconded the motion. The motion passed. Jack Oates will proceed with the project. Jack Oates, Jr. Warden, requested a motion from the vestry to pay out of the building fund for the benches and four chairs mentioned above in his report.

Motion Jr. Warden made/passed


Johnny Gorden made the motion and Pris Williams seconded the motion to pay for the benches and four chairs from the building fund. The motion passed.

Motion Vestry made/passed


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Jack Oates, Jr. Warden, also discussed the purchase of a wooden 8x12 storage building for outdoor equipment and estimated that $2,500 from the building fund would be needed for this project. The building is to be placed in a corner of the playground and the MMO director has stated that this will not interfere with the MMO program.


Jimmy Davis made the motion and Jack Kendrick seconded the motion to spend $2,500 from the building fund to purchase the 8x12 storage building. Jimmy Davis asked the Jr. Warden about damaged tables and chairs. Jack Oates, Jr. Warden, will check on this. Several vestry members brought forth the discussion regarding purchasing a security light for the parking lot. The parking lot is dark and there is no light in the parking lot. Consideration for neighbors would need to be taken into account regarding the placement and any timers placed on the light. Jack Oates, Jr. Warden, will check on this. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION/RECOMMENDATIONS

Motion Vestry/Jr. made/passed Warden



Jr. Warden



Jr. Warden




Fr. Jeff reported on the Everyone Belongs Classes. This is in progress and the classes will end in time for the Bishop’s Visit in the fall. Fr. Jeff provided a handout titled Existing Committees.


Fr. Jeff

In progress


Fr. Jeff

In progress


*Note: See handout Existing Committees Lorri Kendrick, Molly Martin, and Tom Carnes need to be added to the Audit committee. Fr. Jeff discussed that the Stewardship Committee worked on stewardship year round. He further informed the vestry that approximately 20 pledging units were no longer with St. Barnabas either through moves or deaths. He stated that this was the largest number he could ever recall in his tenure. Fr. Jeff also stated that the Stewardship Committee will focus on first-time pledging units and getting them involved in church activities so they can be more a part of the churchwide project of Everyone Belongs.

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Fr. Jeff wishes for every committee in the church to be very active. Fr. Jeff discussed the recent General Convention and the Supreme Court decision regarding same sex marriages. He stated that St. Barnabas will follow the guidance of the Diocese regarding this matter.



DISCUSSION/CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS ACTIONS Johnny Gorden asked about the coffee and what is the procedure for this. Johnny feels as though everyone is using everyone else’s coffee. Fr. Jeff suggested that Johnny and Rachael, Parish Administrator, talk about this.


Fr. Jeff

In progress

RESPONSIBLE PERSON Rachael Cole/Johnny Gorden



Respectfully submitted _______________________________ Vickie Luckenbach Secretary of the Vestry

St Barnabas Episcopal Church Vestry Minutes

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