SBTC Prospectus 2015/16

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St Barnabas Theological Centre provides missional training for the 21st Century in Yorkshire and beyond. Ordination Training

for Anglican ordinands and Baptist ministers in training, over 2-3 years, including BA and MA pathways.

Independent Leadership Track for leaders in various ministries, over 1-6 years, including Certificate, Diploma, BA and MA pathways.

Theology Modules

from Saturday short modules to a full Degree in Theology.

St Barnabas is about training people for the future, not the status quo. We believe the best training happens when we combine rigorous academic teaching with practical missional experience. Our students are practitioners in formation; learning while doing. Our prayer is that God will use them to grow, plant and revitalise churches in this region and beyond.

“This approach to training will enable us to make a real difference in the northern cities that have so many challenges, and in the vast rural areas that risk becoming dechurched.” John Sentamu, Archbishop of York

“As a church leader I am being stretched and richly blessed by working with an SBTC ordinand and would highly recommend it to other churches and leaders.” Joanna Pearson, Team Vicar, Wrangthorn

“SBTC brings a much needed contribution to leadership training for the north of England and will be instrumental in the formation of missional leaders and the renewal of local church life.” Graham Ensor, Yorkshire Baptist Association

“The church needs its next generation of leaders to have heads screwed on and hearts on fire. I am confident the team at SBTC will raise up such leaders and I warmly encourage you to explore training with them.” Mark Russell, CEO Church Army

Our Values These are exciting times to train for Christian ministry, and we believe the way that we train makes a crucial difference.

Practical Training and Academic Rigour We believe that Christian formation takes place on mission, for mission. All our students are involved in chuch-based mission, rooted in local relationships and serving their communities. Many are involved in positions of leadership and bring that experience to the training process. St Barnabas provides high quality teaching from a strong academic team, many of whom have significant experience in leadership and church planting. Our programme emphasises Biblical study, growing in the Christian tradition and developing missional leadership. All our students have protected study time each week. Anglican ordinands and Baptist ministers in training are expected to spend at least three days per week in interactive or personal study. Our students and faculty also develop a ‘rule of life’ which balances spiritual, intellectual, relational and missional development as a model for future ministry.

Generous Community In the book of Acts, St Barnabas was known for his generosity, risk-taking and commitment to work with others. SBTC is a unique regional partnership of growing churches and established theological institutions. We are a bridge-building community, bringing together a diverse student body from a range of backgrounds and traditions. The SBTC community is sustained by corporate worship, including informal praise and liturgical prayer. Our training has a team feel where students encourage one another and grow in their gifts. Working with national and regional leaders we are developing an innovative ‘huddle’ system for accountability and leadership coaching.

Growth, Planting and Revitalisation We are committed to the revitalisation of the church in the North of England. SBTC is based in the vibrant urban setting of Sheffield, an international centre for the development of Missional Communities. Our training offers access to a growing church planting network including St George’s Leeds, The Belfrey York and St Thomas Crookes. We work with a range of leading practitioners in urban engagement and church growth to give our students the best preparation to lead 21st century mission.

Ordination Training SBTC ordination training involves Missional context: 3 days a week Gathered training: 1 day a week, plus 2 days personal study Residential community through the year “I wanted to see real lives being changed by God while I was training, preferably in the local church with me still involved in ministry. St Barnabas provides a challenging and encouraging academic learning environment where you get to see how everything you’re learning translates into real life. I’m loving it!” Eve, Ordinand

“You get to see how everything you’re learning translates into real life. I’m loving it!”

Missional Context SBTC ordinands are formed in leadership as they serve in a missional context. This involves at least two days a week in practical ministry. This could include: Continuing an existing role as part of a larger staff team Beginning in a new church context Working in a fresh expression or other pioneering placement Working alongside a church in a financially deprived area Alongside their main context, SBTC Anglican ordinands will usually engage in 2-3 additional placements of various kinds giving a breadth of exposure to different forms of mission and ministry. Every ordinand has a local supervisor who oversees their work and contributes to their formation.

Gathered Training Every Monday during term time SBTC students gather at the St Thomas Crookes campus for worship and prayer, teaching and shared reflection on ministry. Ordinands also have a further two full days protected study time each week. SBTC Monday sessions deliver most of our academic teaching, (see Academic Pathways). They are also a vital environment for ordinands to reflect on their life, their calling, and the lessons being learnt in mission. The Monday programme includes: Support from a personal SBTC tutor Huddle time, led by a practitioner in missional leadership Communication training

Skills training in evangelism and growing missional communities, including reflection on practical assignments over the course of the year Opportunities to reflect with regional practitioners who are currently exercising leadership in a range of contexts: inner urban, church plants, rural, cathedral ministry and fresh expressions of church. Spouses of ordinands are welcome to access training sessions wherever possible.

“I have really enjoyed the atmosphere in the classrooms at SBTC. There is a strong emphasis on being trained together for mission and the growth of God’s kingdom. I am grateful for the friendships I have developed at SBTC; these are people I respect, work with and learn from.” Jimmy, Ordinand

Residential Community SBTC Anglican ordinands are part of the Yorkshire Ministry Course community which gathers residentially for six weekends and one week each year. Residential time includes a rich variety of worship, shared teaching, personal retreat and group reflection. SBTC ordinands join YMC formation groups with ordinands from a wide variety of social backgrounds and Christian traditions. The Mirfield site, where YMC is based, is the home of the Community of the Resurrection which follows the Benedictine Rule. It has historic links with movements for social justice through the work of Trevor Huddleston in South Africa. The College of the Resurrection, also based on the site, is part of the Anglo-Catholic tradition and places a high value on liturgical worship and academic teaching. YMC’s calling is to be a meeting place of traditions from across the church where character is formed in a spirit of hospitality and prayer. All of this ensures that SBTC ordinands are prepared to serve wherever in the church God calls them.

“It has been an excellent course with knowledgeable and supportive tutors. YMC succeeds admirably in building a very strong sense of community. I feel that the course has given me a tremendous preparation for ordination.” Former YMC Student

Our Baptist ministers in training join with Northern Baptist College for Baptist formation and support in the tasks of ministry. The St Barnabas Monday programme includes input from associate faculty of NBC. Baptist ministers in training will also connect regularly with others from around the region who are training for Baptist ministry, as well as working with local Baptist placement supervisors.

NBC pioneered a thoroughly contextual approach to theology and ministerial formation over thirty years ago. With deep roots in the northern half of England it has a strong commitment to people from the north training in the north and serving God’s mission in the north.

“Having an SBTC ordinand is a joy and a privilege. They bring energy, enthusiasm and risk-taking to the table and are helping the church to grow. Spending time reflecting with our ordinand has convinced me how helpful studying within a contextual route can be. I am being stretched and richly blessed by working with an SBTC ordinand and would highly recommend it to others.” Joanna Pearson, Team Vicar

Independent Leadership Track SBTC independent leaders Access our full Monday programme, including Certificate, Diploma & BA courses. Study over 1-6 years, with flexible full day and half day options

“Signing up for the Independent Leadership Track has been a life-changing decision for me. I didn’t have any theology qualifications but I knew I wanted to know more. The lecturers are top quality and very supportive, and the assignments have shown me that I am capable of more than I realised. God has really blessed me with this course and is shaping me for something new.” Tracey, Independent Leader

“Signing up for the Independent Leadership Track has been a life-changing decision for me.�

Leadership Context SBTC independent leaders are involved in recognised leadership and ministry during the course. This could include: Leading a missional community Being part of a church staff team or playing a leadership role in a ministry project Involvement in teaching and preaching Holding responsibility as a children’s worker, youth worker, intern or evangelist Our independent leaders are a valued part of SBTC’s training community. As well as benefitting from full access to the Monday training programme, they contribute by bringing a wide range of experiences to the training conversation.

Gathered Training Every Monday during term time SBTC students gather at the St Thomas Crookes campus for worship and prayer, teaching and shared reflection on ministry. Full day ILT students need to be able to set aside a further 1-2 days per week for personal study. For half day ILT students personal study should be the equivalent of an additional day per week. A flexible, non-accredited route requiring less study time, is also available. Our Monday sessions deliver most of our academic teaching (see Academic Pathways). They also provide a vital environment for SBTC students to reflect on their life, their calling, and the lessons being learnt in mission. The programme includes: Support from the ILT programme leader Huddle time, led by a practitioner in missional leadership Skills training in evangelism and growing missional communities, including reflection on practical assignments over the course of the year Communication training Opportunities to reflect with regional practitioners, who are currently exercising leadership in a range of contexts: inner urban, church plants, rural, cathedral ministry and fresh expressions of church.

“I have found the course challenging but exciting and interesting.� Martin, Independent Leader

Theology Modules SBTC offers a full range of modules from introductory theology to higher level courses. Module students are invited to join our Monday teaching, or access our Saturday short module sessions.

“Lively, fun and very, very deep! Presented with flow and clarity even to someone with a very sparse prior knowledge. I found the module challenging and inspiring. It’s not just about learning something new; it’s about living something new.” Saturday Module Student Feedback

“It’s not just about learning something new; it’s about living something new.”

Monday Programme Many of our Monday teaching sessions are open to students who want to develop their understanding of the Bible, Christian faith, worship and mission. Accredited work can contribute to a Certificate, Diploma or Degree award with Durham University. A full list of modules is available in our programme. SBTC Monday sessions are especially relevant to: Christians seeking a deeper and more informed discipleship Church staff and interns Leaders involved in ministry and mission

Saturday Short Modules SBTC run Saturday short modules which are open to all. Topics include Encountering the New Testament and Introduction to Christian Doctrine. Sessions are interactive and students can access the teaching in both accredited and non-accredited ways.

Schools of Theology SBTC tutors contribute to church-based theology around the region including Schools of Theology and Mission in Sheffield, Leeds and Harrogate and New Wine summer conferences.

“The short module really helped me to unpack the Bible and to think critically about my faith and how it plays out in the world around us.� Saturday Module Student Feedback

Academic Pathways SBTC pathways include: Certificate, Diploma or Degree award with Durham University via the Common Awards scheme University of Sheffield MA in Ministry and Theology, MA in Ministry and Biblical Studies or MA in Liturgy

BA pathway Yr 1:

Old Testament; New Testament; Elementary NT Greek (optional); Preaching (optional); Church History; Christian Doctrine; Mission & Evangelism; Ministry in Context.

Yr 2:

Bible in Context; Biblical Studies; Doctrine: Soteriology; Worship and Sacraments; Pastoral Care; Leadership; Mission Entrepreneurship.

Yr 3:

Issues in Biblical Theology; Dissertation; Ethics; Baptistic Principles / Anglicanism; Mission and Apologetics in Contemporary Culture.

Three year pathway with MA Yr 1 & 2: Options from BA pathway, above. Yr 3:

Full time MA course

The three year pathway with MA award is available in some cases where students have prior experience of theological learning. Access to this pathway is subject to university approval.

MA pathway The MA pathway is offered jointly with the Yorkshire Ministry Course, the College of the Resurrection and the University of Sheffield. The exact pathway will depend on each student’s previous study and academic interests. Typically the pathway will include: Yr 1:

Bible, Theology & Reflection; Ethics, Liturgy or Biblical Studies options; Doctrine; Mission & Evangelism.

Yr 2: Denominational Principles; Ethics, Liturgy or Biblical Studies options; Dissertation; Pastoral Care; Mission Entrepreneurship.

Application and Finances Ordinands and Ministers in Training SBTC is a challenging and rewarding pathway. We are looking for: Candidates with a passion for mission and the growth of God’s church Motivated learners who appreciate the opportunity to bring practical experience to their studies and apply theological wisdom to their training context Growing leaders who are seeking to balance leadership in ministry with personal development, making use of sustainable patterns of delegation and teamwork Anglican ordinands are welcome to attend an interview as soon as they are recommended for a Bishops’ Advisory Panel, or whenever recommended to do so by their DDO. During this process candidates are encouraged to consider potential training contexts in discussion with their DDO. The Director of SBTC is available to assist with these conversations. Following interview an offer of a place at SBTC may be made, conditional on confirming a placement. Anglican ordinands’ course fees are paid by the Central Fund for Ministerial Training. The local context should provide a salary to cover time spent in ministry, and also contribute to half the costs of housing. Students also receive grants and allowances from Ministry Division which are topped up by their sending diocese to nationally agreed levels. Financial arrangements will be agreed for each context, but in most cases the local context provides (or raises grants to cover) £10,000-£14,000 per year. Baptist ministers in training can interview with St Barnabas either before or after their selection process at NBC (contact enquiries@ Training with St Barnabas will be dependent on approval from NBC and the identification of a suitable recognised Baptist training context. Baptist ministers in training are responsible for arranging funding for training, in discussion with their local church and their regional association.

Independent Leadership Track Independent Leaders are welcome at St Barnabas Open Days to hear more, meet other students and interview with the Director. Offers will be made on the basis of interview and church leader recommendation. Fees for the ILT are set annually and payable either annually or termly. Fees include full Degree fees, breakfast and lunch on Mondays, all additional Monday training and access to Greek (optional). Bursaries towards fees may be available (please discuss with the Director).

Modular Students Students wishing to access Monday training or Saturday short modules should contact our team to book a place. Access to accredited components will be based on prior educational experience and suitability for further study.

Visit for details of the St Barnabas team and academic programme. Contact for an application form or to make an enquiry.

St Barnabas Theological Centre Missional Training for the 21st Century

St Barnabas Theological Centre St Thomas Crookes Campus Nairn Street, Sheffield S10 1UL Tel: +44(0)114 267 1090 +44(0)113 380 0832

Company limited by guarantee registered in England no.: 8550397

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