Dance Show rehearsals (from Nov) ‘Our House’ rehearsal
Club Duke of Edinburgh (U4 Bronze) CCF Corps of Drums U13/U12
Dance Show rehearsals (from Nov) ‘Our House’ rehearsal
Club Duke of Edinburgh (U4 Bronze) CCF Corps of Drums U13/U12
When See Chaplaincy noticeboard Morning break & lunchtime
Where Chaplaincy
Staff involved Mr McWilliams and Chaplaincy team
Age range All (chaplaincy reps in all divisions)
Description The Chaplaincy is a place where you are welcome to drop in and say hello. There are plenty of people to meet – pupils of all ages and walks of school life. It is here that discussion groups, prayer groups and philosophical and theological groups take place, as well as planning for music, altar servers and readers for Mass. Pupils also undertake projects to help the local and wider community. The Chaplaincy aims to place God and the way of St Benedict at the centre of activities. Come along and get involved!
When Tuesday Morning break
Where Chaplaincy
Staff involved Chaplaincy team
Age range All
Description Members of the SVP raise funds for deserving charities such as St Luke’s Hospice and the Catholic Children’s Society. Recent activities include a Christmas senior citizens’ party, a Christmas card sale, a candyfloss sale and a Charity Day talent show. Very rewarding and also great fun!
When tbc
Where Chaplaincy
Staff involved Chaplaincy team
Age range Middle School
Description The aim of the Catholic Social Teaching Group is to promote the principles of CST across the Senior School by heightening awareness and knowledge among the student body. The CST Group is open to all members of the Senior School and is led by Sixth Form students. Activities include the promotion of the key principles – dignity, solidarity, common good, option for the poor, peace, creation and the environment, equality and diversity – assembly presentations, discussions and debates, a CST newsletter and other projects.
When Tuesday 13:20–14:00
Where Chaplaincy
Staff involved Mr McWilliams
Age range Sixth Form and Upper School (also Middle School by request)
Description This club reads, discusses and debates fiction and non-fiction books and articles that have a religious dimension or connection. The list of literature is surprising and includes fantasy, dystopian, historical, scientific, science fiction and contemporary works. This club will challenge you to think and question. Come along and push the boundaries of your reading and thinking.
When Monday 13:20–14:00
Where Chaplaincy
Staff involved Mr McWilliams
Age range Sixth Form and Upper 5th
Description This society meets every week to consider, discuss and debate philosophical and theological topics: arguments that try to prove the existence of God; the problem that evil poses to the world; Do I really exist, or am I just a brain in a vat of fluid?; Are there films that cause us to think philosophically and theologically?
The society writes its own reflections on its discussions and publishes them in an annual magazine. This is a great platform for thinking about ‘A’ level philosophy and theology studies and is very beneficial for those progressing to university who may wish to study philosophy, theology, science, law etc.
When Friday 13:20–14:00
Where Chaplaincy
Staff involved Sixth Form girls
Age range All
Description This group offers an opportunity for girls across the school to get to know each other and give each other support.
When Lower 6th: Tuesday 13:20–14:00
Upper 6th: Thursday 13:20–14:00
Where Helikon Centre
Staff involved Mr Scicinski
Age range Sixth Form
Description This is an intellectual society for the Sixth Form, particularly those with Oxbridge ambitions. Lower 6th meetings are very varied and focus on thinking clearly and quickly and being able to discuss and articulate thoughts and opinions, particularly about intended areas of study. Some sessions are run by guest specialists, focusing for example on rapid and critical reading or the psychology behind a quality conversation. Some sessions will be in smaller groups by subject, focussing on a deeper dive into the subject.
The Upper 6th group is primarily a forum for talks by students themselves or guests they have invited.
When Monday 13:30–14:00
Where Geography ICT (tbc)
Staff involved tbc
Age range All
Description We are a pupil-led group seeking to lead on climate action and innovation in the school. Run by Upper 6th students, the committee brings together all year-groups to contribute to environmental awareness and campaigns in the school. We are currently planning for a school garden with a view to receiving an award from the Royal Horticultural Society.
The committee follows the Eco Schools Environmental Award Scheme to encourage everybody to take responsibility for the school environment. We look at topics that include waste, energy, biodiversity and healthy living. Having achieved the Silver Award, our target is to work towards Green Flag status. We particularly need pupils who are interested in global issues and can encourage and motivate others to get the whole school involved.
When Yellow Thursday 13:20–14:00
Where Scriptorium
Staff involved Dr McLaughlin and Mrs Norris
Age range Lower 5th–Upper 6th
Description A student-led society which hosts debates on a range of contemporary issues of philosophical, ethical, political, economic and social interest. Students make short speeches and then respond to floor contributions. Students also prepare for and take part in national competitions in the ‘British Parliamentary’ format.
When Tuesday 13:05–13:30
Where History 1 (tbc)
Staff involved Mr Watts/English Department
Age range Middle School
Description Have you got too much to say for yourself? Good. Here is a chance to put your views across in a forceful, persuasive way. You decide what you want to debate. We also take part in the ‘Youth Speaks’ competition in the Lent Term, where you have a chance to test your public speaking skills against pupils from other schools in Ealing.
When Friday 13:20–14:00
Where Conference Room
Staff involved Mr Joyce
Age range Lower 5th–Lower 6th
Description This is a society for those who are interested in politics, international relations and current affairs and want to develop their debating and research skills. The St Benedict’s MUN group attends school conferences where they are allocated a nation, then discuss and debate various issues from the point of view of that country and attempt to reach agreements to solve world problems. MUN is internationally recognised and looks great on university applications!
When Trinity Term Lunchtimes and after school
Where Helikon Centre
Staff involved Mr Scicinski
Age range Upper 4th
Description • Pupils compete for a shield
• One heat for each form, producing one finalist per form
• Specialist subject and general knowledge questions
When Friday 13:20–14:00
Where RE1
Staff involved Mr Wijnberg
Age range All
Description Do you enjoy playing board games or see yourself as the next Grandmaster? Or possibly chess is a game you have always dreamed of playing, but no one could teach you. In addition to the more formal Friday sessions chess sets and other board games are available in the Library at lunchtime every day. Everybody is encouraged to participate in a major whole school chess tournament which takes place in the Lent Term.
When Friday 13:05–13:45
Where Geography 1
Staff involved Ms Correia
Age range All
Description This is a great opportunity to socialise and destress at lunchtime whilst creating bracelets, necklaces, hairbands, earrings and other accessories for you or others. All materials are provided.
When Monday – main parade 16:20–18:00 Monday – Patrols Platoon 18:00–19:00 Tuesday – Advanced Training 16:20–18:00
Where CCF Building and Black Pitch
Staff involved Major Hullis (Contingent Commander), Capt. Cairney (School Staff Instructor), Lt. Elliott OP, Lt. Spivey, 2Lt MacGinty, SSgt.Instr. Allwright OP, SSgt.Instr. Fenlon, SSgt.Instr. Sadiq HAC OP, Sgt.Instr. Dovey OP, Sgt.Instr. Vaughan OP, Offr.Cdt. Ahmad OP, Mr Nonoo and Mr Cheng
Age range Upper 4th and above
Description The CCF conducts military-style training with the support of the Regular Army. Cadets commit to attend every Monday afternoon, as well as being able to attend regular training events each term and a week-long Summer Camp; there are many other voluntary camps and courses throughout the year. Cadets have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of activities including shooting, adventurous training and tactical exercises. Senior cadets are trained in leadership and instructional technique and given responsibility for the younger cadets. Cadets may also complete the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award at Bronze, Silver, or Gold level as part of their CCF training (run separately from the school programme). Whilst most pupils join in Upper 4th, we have special arrangements to accelerate training for those joining in Lower 5th or Lower 6th.
When Tuesday 16:20–18:00
Where CCF Building
Staff involved SSgt.Instr. Sadiq HAC OP and Sgt.Instr. Dovey OP
Age range Lower 4th and above (3rd Form may join if 12+)
Description Open to anybody aged 12 or over in 3rd Form or Lower 4th, and to CCF cadets only from Upper 4th. No previous musical experience is required. The Corps learns to play some of the oldest and most distinguished military marches on the side drum, bass drum, tenor drum, flute, bugle, piccolo and cymbals. All members, no matter what their instrument, are known as Drummers, and will be involved in public performances and events at school, locally, and further afield. Drummers can attend two music camps a year.
When Monday (U4th Bronze) 16:20–17:15 Wednesday (L5th Silver) 16:25–17:15 Friday (L6th Gold) 13:15–14:00
Where Cloisters/Orchard Hall/Conference Room
Staff involved Ms Brown
Age range Upper 4th and above
Description The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme offers students the opportunity to undertake the Bronze Award in Upper 4th, the Silver Award in Lower 5th and the Gold Award in Lower 6th. It is a personal development programme that accredits co-curricular activities: volunteering in the community; physical – improving fitness; skills – taking on or extending a hobby or interest. The expedition is a team activity. Having completed a training programme, you and your team undertake an expedition around the countryside whilst being remotely supervised and camping overnight. Those joining the CCF can also undertake the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. Contact Ms Brown to sign up.
When Tuesday 16:20–17:00
Where RE1
Staff involved RE Department
Age range Sixth Form
Description Revision and essay planning.
When Thursday 16:20–17:00
Where RE1
Staff involved RE Department
Age range Upper 5th
Description Revision of topics already covered and exam preparation.
When Friday 13:35–14:05
Where Library
Staff involved Mr McWilliams
Age range Sixth Form
Description An extended reading group for all Sixth Form students who demonstrate a keen desire to extend their reading. The aim is to expose students to a wider range of literary genres and authors. The group has a set discussion format focused on analysis and comparison of books. Reviews are produced in order to promote reading among other Sixth Form students.
When Thursday 13:30–14:00
Where Library
Staff involved Mr McWilliams
Age range Upper 5th and Lower 5th
Description This club discusses fiction books – plots, characters, twists etc. Members are encouraged to read outside their natural area of choice and to engage with others. Reviews are produced in order to promote reading among other Upper 5th and Lower 5th pupils.
When Friday 13:05–13:35
Where Library
Staff involved Mr McWilliams and Ms Sanchez
Age range Upper 4th and Lower 4th
Description This club discusses fiction books – plots, characters, twists etc. Members are encouraged to read outside their natural area of choice and to engage with others. Reviews are produced in order to promote reading among other Upper 4th and Lower 4th pupils.
When Wednesday 13:10–13:40
Where Library
Staff involved Mr McWilliams and Ms Sanchez
Age range 3rd Form
Description This club discusses fiction books – plots, characters, twists etc. Members are encouraged to read outside their natural area of choice and to engage with others. Reviews are produced in order to promote reading among other 3rd Form pupils.
When Monday (6th Form) 13:20–14:00 Tuesday (Lower 4th & 3rd Form) 13:20–14:00
Where Geography 1 (tbc)
Staff involved Mr Spencer, author of Life Drawing (Kelsay Books, 2022), Contact Sheets (Kelsay Books, 2024)
Age range 6th Form, Lower 4th and 3rd Form
Description An activity offering students a toolbox and the opportunity to write contemporary poetry. If you are a person who wants to catch something or set it free, this might be the activity for you. Each week there will be a theme and selected poems to look at. There will also be set exercises to stimulate writing. Each session will involve opportunities for some listening, some thinking, some writing and some reading aloud. None of these elements are compulsory. The final week will be a live performance where poets will perform their work.
The pleasures of writing poetry are to be found in the process itself, as well as in sharing and in doing something new as well as one can. Poems are about communication and the way in which an idea, thought, feeling or experience is expressed. Poems have a style. They are sculptural – we mould them and chip away. Poems are portable. You do not need heavy or expensive equipment. You can write a poem on a bus or sitting in a café. Poems do not have to be technically demanding. They do not always do well with long words. There is no word count. Nobody will shout at you if you do not write a poem. There is no money in poetry.
And with all this comes freedom…
When Tuesday 16:20–17:50
Thursday 16:20–17:50
Friday 13:20–14:05
Some Sundays 10:00–16:00
Where Studio Theatre/Orchard Hall
Staff involved Mr Randall
Age range Lower 5th to Upper 6th
Description Performance of ‘Our House’ February 2025. Auditions will take place week beginning 9th September, and rehearsals will commence week beginning 23rd September.
When Monday 13:20–14:05
Wednesday 07:50–08:35 13:30–14:10
Thursday 07:50–08:35
Friday 13:20–14:05
Some Sundays 10:00–16:00
Where Studio Theatre/Drama Classroom
Staff involved Mr Randall
Age range 3rd Form to Lower 5th
Description Michaelmas Term Production of ‘The Red Shoes’. Auditions will take place week beginning 9th September, and rehearsals will commence week beginning 16th September.
When November to March
Monday 16:20–17:20
Tuesday 13:05–13:35 or 13:35–14:05
Thursday 13:05–13:35 or 13:35–14:05
Where Studio Theatre/Drama Classroom
Staff involved Mr Randall Age range Lower 4th to Upper 5th. Pupils will choose one of the sessions. 3rd Form will automatically be taking LAMDA as part of the curriculum.
Description Drama activities and scripted rehearsals in preparation for LAMDA exams
When Upper 5th & Lower 5th: Thursday 07:45–08:30
Upper 4th: Thursday 13:10–13:40
Lower 4th: Wednesday 13:10–13:40
3rd Form hip hop: Wednesday 07:45–08:30 (Jnr School Hall)
Grade 6 jazz: Tuesday 07:45–08:30
Grade 4 modern jazz: Wednesday 13:20–13:50
Grade 3 modern jazz: Wednesday 07:45–08:30
Dance Show rehearsals: Monday 13:10–13:40 Monday and Wednesday 16:20–17:30
Where Dance Studio
Staff involved Ms Kestenbaum and Mr Aguilar
Age range All
Description Dance training and activities leading to public performances, including the annual Dance Show.
When Tuesday 13:20–14:00
Where History 1
Staff involved Miss Noble and Mr MacGinty
Age range Middle School
Description Come and learn all about the history you would not learn about in class, from Vikings to 16th Century fashion, the American Revolution to Genghis Khan!
When Thursday 13:30–14:00
Where Geography ICT
Staff involved Geography Department
Age range Upper 5th (& Lower 5th by invitation)
Description Weekly support sessions for GCSE geographers who need extra help with revision, exam practice and case study knowledge.
When Tuesday 08:00–08:35
Where Scriptorium
Staff involved Mrs Norris
Age range Lower 5th–Upper 6th
Description This society encourages pupils (and staff!) to consider who and what law is for: its different fields; its limitations; its boundaries, and its purpose. We do this through a programme determined and led by pupils, incorporating guided discussion sessions, visiting speakers and a Trinity Term ‘moot’. Attendance is required for any 6th Formers considering applying to read Law/ Law related subjects at university.
When Yellow Monday 13:00–13:30
Where Sociology Room 1EF
Staff involved Ms Comyn
Age range All
Description This club looks at examples of sociological research and the methods employed. Pupils will be given the opportunity to do some of their own research.
When Red Tuesdays 13:30–14:00
Where MFL 3
Staff involved Mrs Brooks and Modern Languages Department
Age range Middle School
Description An introduction to a wide range of new languages. Food relating to the relevant language is always provided!
When Monday 13:30–14:00
Where Maths 5
Staff involved Mrs Jarvis and Ms Toraub
Age range 3rd Form and Lower 4th
Description A variety of fun puzzles and games to hone maths thinking skills
When Monday and Friday 13:05–13:35
Where Maths 4
Staff involved Maths Department staff and Sixth Form helpers
Age range All
Description Individual, informal help with maths, catching up with missed work and building confidence in maths.
When Red Tuesday 16:20–17:15
Where Chemistry 2
Staff involved Dr Ragga
Age range Sixth Form
Description Pupils should attend Chemistry Clinic as soon as possible when they are experiencing difficulty understanding a challenging concept. They should bring along a prep or textbook.
When Friday 13:20–14:00
Where Chemistry 2
Staff involved Chemistry Department
Age range Upper School
Description Pupils should attend Chemistry Clinic as soon as possible when they are experiencing difficulty understanding a challenging concept. They should bring along a prep or textbook.
When Monday 16:20–17:00
Where Physics 1
Staff involved Physics Department
Age range Sixth Form
Description Bring any problems or prep questions for extra help.
When Thursday 13:05–13:30
Where Physics 1
Staff involved Physics Department
Age range Upper School and Upper 4th
Description Bring any problems or prep questions for extra help.
When Tuesday 13:05–13:35
Where Maths 3
Staff involved Dr Manieri, Ms Fitzgerald and U6th students
Age range All
Description This society is led by senior maths and physics students for younger pupils. The focus of the programme is on creation and design, and the aim is to enter one or more national competitions. Attendance is required for any pupils considering applying to read Engineering/ Engineering related subjects at university.
When Tuesday 16:20–17:00
Where ICT 1
Staff involved Dr Curtis
Age range Sixth Form, Upper 5th and Lower 5th
Description What skills do you need to work with robots? Which subjects should you study? How can you start your dream career in robotics?
Robots are the future, are already here and are everywhere! Many people are interested in pursuing a career in robotics. Robotics engineers are learners, masters of all trades and know a little bit about everything (at least everything important to robotics).
Robotics is a truly interdisciplinary career. If you want to work with robots you could study electronics, computer science, biotechnology, manufacturing, cognitive science…
Vex V5 and IQ kits are a good place to start computing with robotics, and our annual goal is to qualify for the UK Nationals.
When Wednesday 13:15–14:00
Where Helikon Centre
Staff involved Dr Curtis
Age range Lower 5th, Upper 4th and 3rd Form
Description This club is a drop-in, informal get-together for pupils of all ages to get help with the syllabus or go beyond it. Topics covered include Python programming, processing (algorithmic art), SonicPi (algorithmic music), AI and game design.
When Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 16:30–18:00
Where ADT Department
Staff involved ADT Department
Age range All
Description Monday:
• Middle School Design and Make Club (tbc)
• Photography Club (Ms Burns)
• Animé, Manga and Animation Club (Mr Sutcliffe)
• GCSE Fine Art & Design Club (Mr Pereira, Miss Linton and Mr Mendes)
When Monday 13:20–14:00
Where Studio Theatre
Staff involved Mr Eccles-Cannon
When Thursday 07:45–08:30
Where Monteverdi
Staff involved Mr Eastwood
Age range All
Description The main Senior School choir for boys, girls and staff. The choir went on tour to Barcelona in July 2024.
Age range All
Description This choir of boys and girls is by invitation only.
When Tuesday 08:00–08:35
Where Monteverdi
Staff involved Mr Eccles-Cannon
Age range All
Description This choir is for all Senior School girls who enjoy singing. The choir sings at various events such as school concerts and ‘Party in the Park’ and went on tour to Barcelona in July 2024.
When Wednesday 07:45–08:30
Some Fridays 16:20–17:15
Where Heritage Room
Staff involved Mr Thomas
Age range Sixth Form and Upper School
Description Small ‘close harmony’ singing group – repertoire varies from ‘barber’s shop’, Beatles, Beach Boys etc. to medieval music and madrigals.
When Friday 13:15–14:00
Where Monteverdi
Staff involved Mr MacManus
Age range All
Description The String Ensemble explores the string orchestra repertoire, a selection of which they prepare for performances in school concerts. All welcome.
When Tuesday 16:20–17:15
Where Cloisters/Monteverdi
Staff involved Mr Eastwood
Age range All
Description The School Orchestra focuses on romantic and 20th Century orchestral repertoire. Recent performances include Sibelius’ ‘Finlandia’, Ravel’s ‘Bolero’ and Shostakovich’s ‘Tahiti Trot’. Regular rehearsals for the full orchestra and sectionals ensure that all our players develop their ensemble and performance skills. Pupils should be approaching Grade 5 or above. For more details please contact the Music Department.
When Friday 08:00–08:35
Where Monteverdi
Staff involved Mr Field
Age range All
Description The Big Band features vocal soloists when required, and its repertoire ranges from Glenn Miller classics such as ‘In the Mood’ to contemporary film, TV and pop music.
When Wednesday 08:00–08:30
Where Monteverdi
Staff involved Mr Eccles-Cannon
Age range All
Description An ensemble for all wind and brass players in the school. Weekly rehearsals lead towards various concerts, both large and small.
When Monday 16:20–17:00
Where Monteverdi
Staff involved Mr Michael Age range Sixth Form
Description A small ensemble which rehearses and performs jazz pieces and improvisation.
When Monday 08:00–08:35
Where Monteverdi
Staff involved Mr Michael
Age range Upper 5th
Description Where musicianship becomes teamwork, the Intermediate Jazz Ensemble learns to improvise, interact and function as a slick unit, playing jazz, funk, Latin and arrangements of pop and rock songs.
When Wednesday 13:15–14:00
Where Monteverdi
Staff involved Mr Butterworth
Age range 3rd Form–Lower 5th
Description An ensemble for our progressing percussionists.
When Thursday 13:15–14:00
Where Monteverdi
Staff involved Mr Butterworth
Age range Upper School
Description An ensemble for our senior percussionists.
When Monday 13:15–14:00
Where Heritage Room
Staff involved Mr Scheuerer
Age range All
Description This group has the opportunity to perform at school concerts.
When Monday 16:45–18:00 (Senior) Tuesday 16:45–18:00 (U13/U12) Wednesday 16:45–18:00 (U15/U14) Thursday 07:45–08:30 (Girls) 16:45–18:00 (Academy)
Where Sports Hall/Ealing Trailfinders
Staff involved Mr Henri and other coaches
Age range All
Description Each age-group will be assigned a weekly session in the Lent Term.
When Wednesday 16:30–18:00 (Lower 4th and 3rd Form) Thursday 16:30–18:00 (Upper 4th–Upper 6th) Saturday 09:00–11:00 (Lower 4th and 3rd Form) 11:00–13:00 (Upper 4th–Upper 6th)
Where Sports Hall
Staff involved Mr Sadiq, Mr Sloman, Mr Hamika, Mr Bela and Mr Conyard
Age range All
Description From squad members to absolute beginners all pupils are welcome. Pupils must have long white socks, fencing breeches, a glove and a mask.
When Monday (second half of Lent Term and Trinity Term) 16:45–18:00
Where Perivale Athletics Track
Staff involved PE Department staff
Age range All
Description The club allows pupils to experience the sport and try out all event areas on our programme. Those who are members of the athletics squads and regularly represent the school will get extra training on their specific events with specialist coaching. Those who are looking to try out athletics or develop their athletic potential are always welcome.
When Thursday 13:05–13:35 Friday 16:20–18:00
Where Sports Hall
Staff involved Mr Mushiso
Age range Upper 4th–Upper 6th (Thursday), all (Friday)
Description Volleyball practice and fixtures – beginners welcome.
When Tuesday 13:05–13:35
Where Sports Hall
Staff involved Mr Jukes and Mr Coles
Age range 6th Form and Upper 5th, L4th and 3rd Form (hall shared between two groups)
Description Basketball practice for boys and girls – beginners welcome.
When Wednesday (Red Week) 13:15–13:45
Where Sports Hall
Staff involved Mr Mushiso
Age range Lower 5th and Middle School
Description Badminton practice for boys and girls – beginners welcome.
When Monday (M/mas Term, boys) 16:45–18:15 (tbc) Friday (girls) 13:10–13:40
Where Perivale/Sports Hall
Staff involved Mr Matsuzaka
Age range All
Description Football training/house tournaments for all year groups.
When Trinity Term
Monday 07:45–08:30
Friday (up to half-term) 13:10–13:40
Where Sports Hall/Black Pitch
Staff involved Mr Thomas
Age range Lower 4th who are going to Molveno holiday and are selected for the squad
Description Training in preparation for the annual match against the local Italian team
When Tuesday 16:45–18:00 (1st XV, 2nd XV and U16)
Wednesday 16:45–18:00 (U13 and U12) Thursday 16:45–18:00 (U15 and U14)
Where Perivale
Staff involved Rugby staff
Age range All
Description After school training sessions for pupils in addition to their games lessons. Pupils who are hoping to play ‘A’ or ‘B’ team rugby are expected to attend these sessions.
When Tuesday 16:45–18:00 (1st XI & 2nd XI)
Wednesday (Michaelmas Term) 16:45–18:00 (U13 and U12)
Thursday 16:45–18:00 (U15 and U14)
Where Perivale
Staff involved Hockey staff
Age range All
Description After school training sessions for pupils in addition to their games lessons. Pupils who are hoping to play ‘A’ or ‘B’ team hockey are expected to attend these sessions.
When Tuesday 16:45–18:00 (1st VII, 2nd VII and U16)
Wednesday (Lent Term) 16:45–18:00 (U13 and U12)
Thursday 16:45–18:00 (U15 and U14)
Where Perivale (U12–U15) and Sports Hall (1st VII, 2nd VII and U16 only)
Staff involved Netball staff
Age range All
Description After school training sessions for pupils in addition to their games lessons. Pupils who are hoping to play ‘A’ or ‘B’ team netball are expected to attend these sessions.
When Tuesday 07:45–08:30
Where Sports Hall
Staff involved Miss Rhodes
Age range All
Description Morning training sessions for players looking to fine-tune their skills in either defence or attack.
When Tuesday 16:45–18:00 (1st XI & 2nd XI) Wednesday 16:45–18:00 (U13 and U12 boys and girls) Thursday (Trinity Term) 16:45–18:00 (U15 and U14)
Where Perivale
Staff involved Cricket staff
Age range All
Description After school training sessions for pupils in addition to their games lessons. Pupils who are hoping to play ‘A’ or ‘B’ team cricket are expected to attend these sessions.
When Tuesday 16:45–18:00 (Seniors) Wednesday 16:45–18:00 (U13 and U12) Thursday (Trinity Term) 16:45–18:00 (U15 and U14)
Where Perivale
Staff involved Tennis staff
Age range All
Description After school training sessions for pupils in addition to their games lessons. Pupils who are hoping to play tennis for the school are expected to attend these sessions.
When Social Thinking: (3rd Form 08:35–09:00 Monday, Lower 4th Tuesday) Lexia Club (3rd Form, Thursday and Friday)
Where TLS Department
Staff involved TLS Department staff
Age range All, with an emphasis on Middle School
Description Assorted pupil support activities – all clubs by invitation only.
Where Details
Teacher(s) in Charge
Germany Annual exchange with Benedictine school in Meschede – Mr Thomas, Miss Davis away leg in September, home leg in March and Dom Thomas
Annual history trip to Berlin during Activities Week in July History Department
France Annual Lourdes pilgrimage during Easter holidays Mr McKeown
Italy Annual L4th trip to Molveno in the Dolomites during Mr Thomas Trinity half-term. The trip includes a visit to Venice and, the highlight of the week, a football match against the local team.
Wales Annual 3rd Form activity and sustainability trip to St David’s Ms Fitzgerald and Mr Foley during Activities Week
USA L6th and L5th politics trip to New York and Washington DC October 2024
Abbey Choir tour October 2024
Norway Ski trip April 2025
Mr Parker
South Africa Senior rugby tour July/August 2025 Rugby coaches
Sri Lanka U14/U13 cricket tour March/April 2026
Mr Henri and Mr Thomas
Costa Rica Maths and biodiversity trip July 2026 (tbc) Ms Fitzgerald
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