2 minute read


Association History of Art Trip to Paris

Fri 5 7.00pm Senior Summer Concert Auditorium

Sat 6 Coronation of King Charles III and the Queen Consort, Our Patron

Fri 26 7.30pm

Jazz & Rock Concert Auditorium

JUNE 2023

Fri 23 7.00pm Middle School Summer Concert Auditorium

Thur 29 7.00pm

Middle Cantores Concert Holy Trinity Bramley

JULY 2023

Sat 8 Senior Summer Concert

Thur 13 End of Term


Sun 24 2.00 - 5.00pm

Foundation Day 2023

A celebration of the founding of the School with Chapel service, guest speaker, afternoon tea, and the first test drive of the Westfield kit car - the culmination of a Sixth Form Engineering project.

Contact association@stcatherines.info for for more information on any of these events.

Since our last edition the winter has thrown everything at us from mild October to bitter January but the St Cat’s spirit remains undaunted and the achievements - both personal and for teams or groups - remarkable in every area from academic to extra-curricular. Please follow our social media channels, see it all for yourselves and help us spread the word (Instagram @stcatsbramley, Facebook @stcatherinesbramley and Twitter @stcatsbramley).

St Catherine’s Day was its traditional self once again in every element but nowadays with three lacrosse tournaments to enable even more girls to represent their Houses in U3/L4 (won by Musgrave), U4/L5 (won by Russell Baker) and U5-U6 (won by Stoner).

Lucy Johnstone (2006) Head of Entertainment and Partner Marketing at Sky, gave the End-ofTerm Lecture in December; the London Network resumed live events at Lloyd’s of London; Lord of the Flies was an outstanding Senior School Production in February and our Association Choir is in full rehearsal now for Carmina Burana in March.

In the Prep School the academic year is very much in full swing and girls were delighted to return to their full House Gym and Dance competition on St Catherine’s Day and are currently preparing songs on the theme of ‘friendship’ for our House Singing competition. Good luck Curie, Pankhurst and Teresa. Cookery has been introduced in the Prep School with a refurbishment of the Art and DT room to include a designated kitchen area. Girls are enjoying this addition to the timetable. We are also very proud to have been awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark in recognition of the impressive teaching and learning in this area. This award also recognises the partnership work that we have undertaken with local primary schools to promote science learning.

Alice Phillips and Naomi Bartholomew - Headmistresses


SENIOR SCHOOL 9.00am-12noon

Thursday 16th March 2023

Wednesday 10th May 2023

Friday 23rd June 2023

PREP SCHOOL 9.45-11.45am

Thursday 9th March 2023

Friday 12th May 2023

Friday 9th June 2023 geared to Reception entry

Non Nobis Domine!

Not unto us, O Lord, The praise or glory be... The opening of the school hymn


Senior Registrar – Clare Woodgates

01483 899609 admissions@stcatherines.info

Prep Registrar – Sarah Waller

01483 899665 prepadmissions@stcatherines.info

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