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Faced with another challenging year, the girls have continued to show gratitude to their teachers, other students and for the learning opportunities at Barbreck. The ‘sisterhood’ that underlies the daily life in and outside of the classroom is always evident. The students’ kindness has been expressed often through letters, thoughtful gestures, emails, presentations and initiatives. As leaders, they certainly have modelled the values of consideration, compassion and thankfulness to their peers. Two activities the girls helped organise and run, were the Easter Bonnet Parade and the Chinese New Year ‘red envelopes’. The Junior School students thoroughly enjoyed these activities, and it was a wonderful opportunity to gather the community together and display and celebrate their creativity. Remote learning has been a unique experience and the manner in which the girls engaged in all subjects and the motivation to persevere with learning challenges has been outstanding. In Sport, there is always a culture of ‘train hard and work hard’ to improve their sporting skills and an enthusiasm to represent St Catherine’s at a higher level. The students’ perseverance and willingness to ask questions, contribute to discussions, display initiative, solve problems and seek support when required is a credit to their mature approach to learning. A growth mindset is a quality that will follow them into the Senior School and continue to develop.

Ms Sandra Ching and Mrs Jodie Bacon
Year 6 Teachers
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