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In 2020 we adapted to the world of school online. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, 2021 has seen a continuation and refinement of this practice. However, despite these challenging circumstances St Catherine’s continued to evolve our teaching and learning approaches. This year saw the introduction of Masterclass and Independent Learning Tutorials (ILTs) for Years 10 and 11 students. Building on the advantages identified by students and teachers from online learning in 2020, St Catherine’s introduced a teaching method facilitating increased independence for students to access their learning in an asynchronous manner. The students no longer need to access a class only as it is being taught. Teachers now create Masterclass Tutorials, often in the form of a recorded video alongside other digital resources, which students access at a time of their choosing. Students can access the class multiple times and replay critical learning aspects as many times as they wish. While face to face teaching is the dominant structure at School, now, there is an alternative for students to take more control of how they receive their class learning – providing greater independence and autonomy for students. Alongside this innovation is our work with the University of Queensland and our Teaching for Thinking focus. These professional networks have led to a significant shift in teacher practice and the way teachers undertake their professional review. This shift examines what happens in the classroom and allows teachers to develop individual and team research projects examining aspects of what takes place in their classroom. Even with the enduring series of lockdowns in 2021, St Catherine’s has been busy developing and improving our teaching and learning program to ensure our students thrive and experience the best learning environment possible.
Mr Robert Marshall
Deputy Principal and Director for Teaching and Learning