Academic Year Program
The Learning Enrichment and Advising Program (LEAP) offers students a supportive academic learningadvising community that extends throughout the first year. Students whose application to St. Catherine University indicates that LEAP’s level of support and attention will enhance their success in meeting academic and career goals are invited to participate in the LEAP program.
During the academic year, students attend workshops with peers aimed at helping them manage their academic workload and study effectively. They also benefit from enrolling with other LEAP students in The Reflective Woman and College Writing courses taught by designated instructors. Students meet regularly with academic advisors to discuss their progress, and receive personalized guidance to stay on track as they navigate their first year in college.
LEAP Launch & Summer Experience
This program introduces students to LEAP expectations and support, and provides information designed for a student to successfully transition to college. Students get to know classmates prior to beginning their courses. Students will reflect on their academic readiness and will be provided tailored services and support. This combination of experiences allows them to feel more at ease, to become familiar with University resources, and to understand how to succeed in college.
•P articipate in a summer program that includes two days on campus, two virtual summer workshops, and completion of an online academic inventory. • Attend the LEAP Launch and New Student Orientation. •M eet regularly with academic advisor to discuss progress and plan course schedule. •P articipate fully in the LEAP community of learners by completing the Academic Strategies Workshops and taking the paired courses of The Reflective Woman (lab included) and College Writing. • Live on the Emerging Scholars floor if living on campus.
What Students are Saying
LEAP Program Highlights
“I received a lot of comfort and strength in community through the orientation process, and I believe it made me feel really secure in myself and my decision to come here.” — Samantha
• LEAP students attend a personalized orientation, LEAP Launch.
“I received a beautiful experience from the LEAP program. The staff was awesome and prepared me to be a successful student at St. Catherine.” — Cynthia
• Parents receive a special orientation to understand the LEAP program expectations. During the orientation, parents meet University staff and learn about financial aid and a number of student services.
“The LEAP experience was fantastic. I learned many things, such as how to prepare myself to become a successful student at St. Kate’s. Attending the orientation made me comfortable in an environment that I had never experienced before. It opened my eyes to a new world, a world that is willing to support me when I need that helping hand.” — Pache “I am happy that I was selected to be in the LEAP program. I got a lot out of the orientation program because I got a chance to meet other students like me who were experiencing the same feelings. I had a lot of fun and was really excited and ready to start college.” — Jessica
• LEAP offers students a summer overnight experience where they get to know other students before fall classes begin.
• LEAP students benefit from a structured academic support program based around an evidence-based learning strategies inventory.
Next Steps If you have questions, contact your admission counselor at 651-690-8850 or email admissions@stkate.edu.
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@St. Catherine University
The information in this document applies to students entering the College for Women. Provisions of this document are subject to change at any time. Consult the St. Catherine University Undergraduate Academic Catalog for official requirements.